Susan... Part 7
Tim had just ejaculated all over me. I had helped, But to be fair I hadn’t done all that much. In a way I was confused and maybe even a little disappointed, though this wouldn’t occur to me until later, as I had hoped that this experience might teach me some new skills. Instead all I had really done is barely touch my big brothers cock, maybe stroke it a few times and bam, orgasm!
OK, taking into account that he is my older brother, he was at the time 16.5, though he loved to say “Almost 17”, thus he was full of teenaged hormones and as far as I know he had not had a great deal of opportunities or experience himself, I suppose it was to be expected that our little tryst would be short lived.
For his part he was ready to retreat but I wanted more. I had no Idea what that even meant at the time. Today they call it after care, or cuddling, or simple reassurance. He simply wanted to escape and clean up.
When our eyes met, I saw this and could only say. “OK, go.” At which point he fled to the bathroom while I sat there dripping.
My towel from our earlier shower was close by on the foot of the bed. Had that really been just moments before? I gathered it to me and cleaned myself, face first, as best I could. I wondered if Tim was going to get back into the shower. Did I need to shower again? I felt a little sticky and parts of me that had nothing to do with Tim’s ejaculate felt pretty wet and sticky as well. I wanted to follow him, to join him maybe? Yet something told me this might not be the best idea at the moment.
My brother Tim had always been very sensitive to my needs and now it was my turn to try to sense what he might need. Part of me figured he would come back. He did not, that night at least.
I awoke to a strange feeling. Well, more than one really. I had a strange sensation as if during the night something had changed. My body felt hyper sensitive and I discovered that not only was my younger brother in the bed with me, it felt as if we were both naked. He was behind me, spooning me and one hand was cupped around one of my breasts! If this was not enough, he seemed to be almost firmly rigid, up against my back side. I can’t really say it was an unpleasant sensation! I lay there for only a moment processing, was he asleep or awake? Was he feeling me up intentionally or what?
What the hell is wrong with me right? Toby is barely over 12. I am newly 14 and apparently everyone in our household is full up with hormones. It took a moment to fully awaken and I quickly extricate myself from the bed. I am standing there looking down at him as he turns over. Fully prepared to launch into him, wondering what the devil is going on. He has not come into my bed in years, though he used to, years before. Before I accost him verbally, I remember those earlier days. Still a bit upset and in my head thinking he had tried to molest me or something, I jerk the covers off my bed to expose his nakedness and awaken him!
Toby comes awake somewhat rudely. He is not exactly happy. It looks as if he is even a little disoriented and to my surprise he is wearing briefs so not naked exactly though his penis seems to have worked its way out a bit and is protruding through the hole in the front. This is what I felt that made me think he was completely naked. I had recently started sleeping naked which he had discovered so it seemed likely he may have tried it too. He catches me looking and covers himself as he grabs for the sheets. This strikes me as funny as we had showered together recently and seen each other naked for years.
“What the freak?” Toby exclaims, as he jerkily takes in his surroundings, realizes he is in my bed, in my room. I see his eyes settle back onto my still naked body and then recall the events from the night before.
“That’s what I thought.” I inform him, as I once again tug lightly on the covers of my bed. “Just what the freak are you doing in my bed, little brother?”
“Um, well, I just…” He stuttered. “I woke up in the night, and I just wanted to be close to you again, like the old days. After last night, I thought.”
Tim chose this moment to come down the hall, upon hearing both of us in my room and finding my door only partly closed, pokes his head in. “You all are up early.” He says, in way of greeting.
This effectively ends the chance of any real discussion between Toby and I but I guess there isn’t any real need to get into it till later. I will need to let him know that he needs to stay in his bed and in his room but no real harm done right?
I turn away from the door, grab a night shirt from atop my dresser and say, “Would you two excuse me but I need to visit the ladies.” Making my way into the hall past Tim I notice that he has on shorts and a shirt instead of just his boxers this morning.
When I return from the bathroom Toby has left my room. Tim is in the kitchen. I don’t quite know what to make of his being dressed but I make no comment. Choosing to follow his lead I too dress before I go to get breakfast. Wearing a yellow summer dress, no bra as usual and white cotton panties, I step into the kitchen to face Tim.
A part of me wants to talk to him about last night. Not just the stuff in my room either. Before this can happen though, Toby comes in and proclaims that he is starving and wants to know what if anything we are cooking.
We had not begun to think about cooking of course but it seems this gives us both a chance to gather our thoughts or distract ourselves from whatever we were about to get into so we jump on this opportunity and Tim suggests cheese eggs and grits while I offer waffles or French toast and either bacon or sausage as long as one of them helps.
Breakfast is nice and things settle into a familiar rhythm. Whatever had seemed as if it might have been about to get awkward between us faded and we kind of mutually let it slide.
Some few hours later, hearing a noise outside, I told Toby to look and see what was going on. Living on a rural route with little traffic, it was unusual to hear many vehicles and I thought I had heard a car.
Our folks were likely to be in town, at the minimum for a few more hours, sleeping off their Friday night binge and quite possibly until Sunday afternoon. This being fairly early on a Saturday afternoon, it struck me as odd to hear a car outside our home.
Toby slowly got up to look out of a window but before he could inform us as to what he discovered there came a knock on our back door and then Joe waltzed in as if he lived there. Out in the country we seldom locked doors, though I thought we should at least at night when our folks were gone. Toby had reached the window; he heard Joe as he glanced outside and turned back with a stunned look on his face.
“What are you doing with your folks’ car?” He asked the boy, as he stood grinning proudly in our doorway.
“I passed my exam!” Joe replied. “Got my license and Pa said I could go into town to pick up a couple of things for him. Ya’ wanna come Tim?”
“Hell yeah!” Tim responded immediately, then he looked to me, “But the folk’s aren’t here and I might better not.”
I wanted to ride too, but I knew our folks and they might not want us all in the car with Joe. He had driven up and down our road for months in his folks’ car. Sometimes we got a ride to or from the bridge, but this was different, he was going into town! Tim was old enough to go for sure and they might let me go if they were here and saw Joe’s license.
Toby was the baby though and Mom was funny about letting him do some things still. All of us going along, even with permission, would have been chancy at best. Going without permission was asking for trouble even if the folks were not here to grant it.
Tim and I looked at each other, as siblings do, we knew the deal. Tim likewise knew that our parents would not cotton to him taking off alone with Joe on a ride into town and leaving us here alone.
“What if we drop Toby off to hang with your brothers first and then we go into town.” I suggest to Joe. Giving him one of my best smiles and hoping to get invited along. Joe hadn’t invited me but I really didn’t think Tim would deny me coming after last night, would he?
“We?” Joe asks, though he looks inquiringly at Tim. “I don’t know, how are we supposed to check out the chicks and look cool if we have a girl tagging along?” He says, turning to me though I can tell he is considering the idea.
I look to Tim and he reads the intent in my eyes. With a slight nod of acknowledgement but perhaps reluctantly he turns to Joe. “I’m OK with her going if you are,” He says, “But Mom would never let us all ride so if your brothers are home?”
Toby doesn’t seem all that bothered at having to be left out of this adventure as long as he gets to go hang with Nick and Nate. It occurs to me briefly that I ought to take him aside and point out to him, that I’d prefer he not share anything about our family shower last night but do not get the chance.
Joe’s parents are pretty easy going but they seem less than exactly pleased that he invited Tim along for the trip into town. They are fine with Toby visiting and they even seem to think I should stay as well at first but when they realize that I want to ride along Joe’s mother seems to feel better about the boys going un-chaperoned.
We are in the car; I am excited and sitting in the middle of the back seat. The two older boys are up front. Joe is about to start it up and pull out when he glances at me in the rear mirror and says, “If you are going to come along then you gotta do what we say, Susan.”
“OK,” I say, “Whatever, anything you want, let’s go!” I am so thrilled. Joe is the first boy that I knew to get access to a car and we are about to go into town! Briefly I wonder if our folk’s might see us but then I put them out of my head.
Joe fires up the motor and eases out of his drive. Joe has been working some lately, mostly helping on other small plots when he has time. Tim does this some too but he isn’t as handy and rarely gets paid much to help out. We go to the hardware/feed store, auto parts house and even drive by the movie theater near the mall to check out what’s playing. Joe has a few dollars saved but the two of us have very little cash between us so we aren’t thinking of taking in a show even if we had the time. Still it’s fun to ride by and see what’s playing.
I cannot help myself. “Can we go in the mall for a bit and look around? Maybe get an ice cream?” I beg Joe and Tim. I love to look at the clothes in the mall and we rarely get a chance to visit, mom hates to go into the mall because everything costs more there.
Immediately Tim protests, “We are not going in there so you can try on a bunch of crap that we can’t buy. I doubt Joe would want to watch you shop for clothes any more than I do,” glaring at me for even suggesting it.
Joe, however, tilts his head slightly and catching my eye in the mirror once more he nods and winks at me. “Well, OK, maybe for a bit but if you want to do this then you gotta let us pick out some of the things you to try on and you have to model them for us. Who knows, I might get you something if I see something I like.”
“I don’t know,” I say, a little worried now at how easily he agreed. “Maybe we should just head home.”
“And I’ll get us all an ice cream cone on the way home at McDonald’s,” Joe promised, “The one’s in the mall are too expensive but both are cold and McDonald’s is on the way home.”
Tim obviously wasn’t really onboard at first but the ice cream sealed the deal and we exited the car in the parking lot. Saturday afternoons were busy times at this old mall back then. It was a two story structure and we entered on the side that placed us on the upper level near one of my favorite stores called Hot Topic.
This store had all the latest printed T’s from music popular artists, posters, jewelry, cool ball caps for the guys, you name it. Tim and Joe even saw stuff they liked. I tried to convince them to get me a shirt from some girl band I liked but Joe informed me he wouldn’t buy anything he hadn’t seen me try on and I was in a dress so if I took it off to try on a shirt, I’d be bare bottomed except for my undies.
I explained this to him as Tim was over looking at the hats. He just looked down and casually lifted up my dress and glanced at my cotton panties and said, “They cover more than enough of you. As you know, I have seen you in a lot less.”
Pulling quickly away I glance around and am fairly certain that no one else in the store saw me. Still embarrassed, I hiss at him, “Don’t do that!” as I blush at the thought of having been seen in public flashing my panties, even though he actually had been the one to lift up my dress.
Joe then hands me a package which I see contains a few pairs of tiny panties with words on them. Things like “Juicy”, “Tasty”, “Sassy” and “Sexy”. These are thongs and not only do I not own anything like them, I have never even tried them on. Suddenly it occurs to me that he might actually want me to try them on for him.
I look at them then meet his eyes. “Now these,” he says, “Might suit you one day. Too bad they don’t let you try them on in here.”
I just glare at him incredulous.
“You could hold a pair up close and show us, maybe we can help you find your size. What do you think Tim?” Joe asks, glancing over my shoulder as Tim approaches and notices what I am holding in my hands.
I look at Tim as he realizes what I am holding. He blushes, and I feel like I should protest. “I don’t want.” I begin but Joe interrupts.
“Nonsense, this store won’t let you try on anything like this but I know one that will, let’s go.” Joe says, suddenly inspired, as he grabs my hand and leads me out of the store.
I manage to drop the unwanted underwear onto a nearby table and Tim follows a few yards behind as we depart. As we turn out of the store a group of teens enter and Joe and I become separated from Tim. By the time we enter the lingerie shop, I am uncertain if he will even be brave enough to come in here. For my part I am both thrilled and terrified to be in such a store. What if someone we know sees me in here? I am not exactly full figured and I doubt there is anything in this place that would fit me.
Tim somehow manages to acquire a tiny lacy pair of underwear that he insists I should try on immediately. I cannot believe that they allow this but indeed there are dressing rooms and no one seems to care that I enter with nothing to try but a pair of underwear. Resignedly I step out of my sandals, not wanting to soil the new underwear and not imagining that we would be purchasing them, I slip them over my cotton panties, pull them up and try to lift my dress out of the way to see how they might fit.
They are tiny; I can tell that I would have to shave nearly bald in order to wear something like them if I had a full bush. I can hear Joe talking to someone and recognize Tim’s voice. My brother was actually in an adult lingerie store! Not only that but he was looking for me in here as well.
“How do they look, sweetie?” Joe asks, and not nearly softly enough to suit me. “Come out and give us a peek.”
“Are you crazy? I’m not showing you these out there.” I answer him as quietly as I can, as I realize that he wanted me to pull off the cotton panties and step out with only these on, and then apparently let him see them!
“Come out, I think we have a couple of things here you need to try on.” Joe informs me.
Cautiously I look out and there is a young female clerk lurking nearby. Not too close but she appears interested in the fact that I am using the dressing rooms. I guess that she has to watch pretty closely to insure people don’t steal these tiny garments. I step towards the boys and hiding myself behind a rack of clothes briefly lift my skirt enough to show the slightest glimpse of the panties, still over my cotton underwear.
“That won’t do.” Joe insists, and he promptly kneels down and in one swift motion takes down my underwear completely to my ankles. “Step,” he says and numbly I do as instructed, as he tosses my tangled panties to Tim who somehow catches them deftly. Joe then stands up and hands me a new garment and says, “Next” as he nods back towards the dressing room to which I gladly retreat.
I close the curtain behind me and attempt to catch my breath. OK, so the clerk probably just saw that. Did anyone else? I don’t think so. Are there any other customers in the store? Probably, but I can’t be sure and at least none nearby just now. I might best play along and not draw attention if I want to get out of here soon, not to mention unnoticed.
Turning to investigate the garment in hand I immediately notice that it is much more substantial. At least there is more cloth to it. It looks to be a sort of lace or sheer one piece garment like a swimsuit. I have seen these in magazines. They are called “Teddy’s or Baby dolls” I think. This one is short and cropped at the bottom, open like a slip or night shirt.
In order to put this on I must remove my sun dress entirely. I reluctantly do this and with only minor difficulty step into the lace garment. The straps need adjusting as I am small chested but when I finish it looks to be sized about right. Who knew they carried such petite sizes? I guess I have grown a bit recently as I am nearly as tall as Tim. I reach to slip back into my dress but imagine this is just going to frustrate Joe and I don’t relish having it taken off of me in the store so instead I place my hand on the curtain and in one smooth but quiet motion pull it back. Eyes forward I attempt to step out bravely into the back of the store, looking for Joe and Tim.
The boys have moved. They are no longer waiting just outside of the dressing area but are much closer to the front of the store. Tim glances my way first as he appears to have been anticipating my approach. Joe also hastens my way and is grinning widely when he sees that I have elected to leave the dress behind this time.
Too late I realize that indeed they are not the only ones in the store. There is an older lady, perhaps even a few years older than our mother in the rear of the store, off to one side. Her companion is a man who at first looks my way and smiles but quickly looks away. Likely wishing to not get caught eyeing me wearing such an outfit by his wife, as I think he was old enough to be my father.
This garment is really more of a tight dress or shirt; it comes just below my hips. Being lacey or mesh, well kid of sheer anyway, it allows tiny glimpses of my flesh to be seen through it and I feel almost naked. It is quite short and though looking in the mirror I think I am covered I have no panties on beneath it. This sensation is driving me into a slight frenzy and the boys just hover for a moment as if sensing this.
“Well?” I ask expectantly. For some reason I want their opinion though I can plainly see that they approve. I have never considered that I might even own anything like this garment, but now… well, someday.
Joe smiles and nods, “Close.” He states. “Why don’t you slip that off and try this next” as he hands me something light blue on a hanger.
I turn and stalk into the dressing room. I am getting frustrated and am fed up with this game. Had I really just stepped into a store nearly naked and been seen by some old dude, a complete stranger, who seemed to appreciate the view more than the boy, or boys if you include my brother, that I had done it for? I determine that I am done with playing dress up for these perverts today. Tim has hardly even said ten words to me all day and now he is letting Joe boss me around and doesn’t seem to care at all. I just want to go home.
I am out of the thin white garment and have the blue things off their hanger. I am about to try them on then I consider refusing. I could just put on my clothes and walk out. I have my dress. One of the boys has my panties though. I would like those back, preferably before we walk to the car. I look at the two garments, sheer baby or powder blue. These are a tank top with thin spaghetti shoulder straps and low rider hot pants of the same material.
I place my hand inside them and can plainly see through them when looking straight on but at a slight angle they appear to glisten slightly, like shimmery silk. I am uncertain how revealing these might be but clearly very much so if seen from the right angle.
I consider my next move. It couldn’t hurt to try them on. I’m here, I have them and I may never get to do this again for years! I don’t have to do anything more than look in the mirror for my own benefit if I don’t want to.
“Everything OK in there?” Tim asks.
This startles me out of my thoughts as I think I detect a little nervousness in his voice. Did Tim pick this outfit? Is he hoping I will step out there wearing this? Having slipped into the outfit now, these are my thoughts as I turn to see my reflection in the floor length mirror.
“Yeah, just a sec,” I reply. I am a bit stunned. This set is like a sexy version of a normal summer outfit that I might wear on a hot day anywhere. Only it teases the eye with shocking glimpses of skin, blue skin, kind of. There is no doubt that these are not intended to be worn in public unless one wishes to cause a major traffic jam. I am a little surprised to find that I like them, I want them even. I can’t wait to see the boys’ faces when they see me in them. But for that to happen I have to…
Without further thought I throw open the curtain and step out. Stunned faces greet me as I make my appearance. Joe is slack jawed, Tim speechless, the guy who was in the far corner catches me out of the corner of his eye as they are leaving the store and nearly knocks over a small display. His wife looks back to see what he is gawking at just as I find myself being rather firmly guided back into the dressing rooms by the clerk who apparently was much closer by than I had realized and decided that it was a good time to end this particular fashion show.
“Is everything OK, Dear?” She asked me. “Is there anything else I can help you find? We don’t usually have our clients walk through the store our garments. Typically that is reserved for a more private setting.”
Now blushing furiously and stammering as my heart pounded nearly out of my chest and seemed caught in my throat at the same time, I stuttered, “I, I, I’m fi- fine, th, thank you, “ as I sat briefly and took in the moment and tried to breathe.
I don’t know if it was her almost tackling me or the rush of seeing the boys so stunned that hit me harder but I was tingling all over and it occurred to me that if I didn’t get these shorts off soon I might have to buy them or at least wash them before anyone else would be able to try them on!
I was not in my original dressing room. The clerk had pushed me a bit further into the back area and this appeared to be a larger sized room. I noticed this after dropping the shorts and as I was pulling the top over my head. She had turned to retrieve my dress and was entering as I straightened, naked, holding out the rumpled blue garments. Without a word she took them in exchange for my dress.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” She inquired, evident concern in her voice, perhaps she thought I was a bit slow or somehow impaired? She may have even imagined that I was under duress, which in a way was at least partially accurate.
“I’m fine, really. Thank you for your help.” I managed this time to get out in one smooth statement, which seemed to appease her somewhat. I slipped into my dress and stepped into my shoes. I noticed her eyes dart down and realized she had noticed that I lacked panties.
Her eyebrows rose slightly but she said nothing on that subject. Instead she suggested, “Perhaps you should join your friends outside now.” This seemed a rather timely suggestion as I suddenly felt both tired and a little hungry at once.
The clerk sort of escorted me back towards the front of the store and we joined Joe and Tim. “We have a simple return policy here and as long as garments have not been worn but only tried on, perhaps it would be better to take advantage of that option” She informed us. “I can assist you in finding similar sized items, if you like.”
Smiling boldly, Joe stepped forward and thanked her, and then he actually reached for the white top or dress thing and the blue set she was still holding. He held them up and looked at them then over at me as if imagining me still in them. I could not help but blush again at this reminder of having been standing out here wearing such flimsy clothing upon seeing them displayed now.
“Thank you for that kind offer,” Joe says, and I can see that he is planning something. “I think we have what we need for this trip anyway.”
Then turning to me, holding the two options up where not only I, but anyone else in the store can view them, asks me, “Which do you like best Susan?”
Briefly I wonder, is he trying to taunt me with these or does he really want to know? I can’t imagine that he would buy something like this for me. When would I even wear it? Brushing these thoughts aside I just say, “I like them both fine I guess, but I don’t think…”
At which point he glances at the time on his watch and says, “I suppose we will take them both then!” as he steps to the counter where the register is located.
Stunned and confused, I stand aside as this boy who I have known for years, one who has teased me and even touched me a little, buys lingerie from this fancy store for me. I come out of my daze when he then turns and presents me with the package containing the garments. This is a printed bag with handles much like any bag from a store in the mall. Boldly on the side is a store logo. No one can of course tell what is in the bag but for some reason, walking through the mall and back to the car, I feel like everyone I pass is looking at me and seeing me in those garments.
Tim waits until we are in the lot walking towards the car to ask Joe, “Dude, why did you actually buy those things? That was crazy. That’s like almost forty bucks!”
Joe just smiles and replies, ”The lady said we can return them, and that might give Susan here a chance to go back and give us another show! Besides, are you gonna tell me you don’t want to see her in them one more time at least?”
Having thought he had bought them for me to have, to keep, I am upset to hear that he really just wants to have a reason to make me go back in there and do that again. I am not happy with either of them by the time I climb into the back seat. Something feels different as I slide across the upholstery and I recall that I still don’t have my cotton underwear.
“One of you two needs to give me my panties, now please.” I say firmly.
Looking at Tim, I can see from my brothers’ face what goes through his mind. Tim looks a little confused then shaken as he realizes and then recalls the scene playing out where I lost my panties. His hand reaches into his pocket and he pulls a wad of still tangled white cloth out into his lap.
Lying there is both my cotton panties and the thong for which we did not pay! Joe also notices the thong and he snorts, “No way Tim! Did you actually swipe those things?”
This embarrasses my brother who attempts to protest that he had stolen nothing, well not intentionally anyway. He begs Joe to turn back and that we must return them immediately.
“Buddy, that’s not gonna happen. Not today anyway. If you want to return those I think you’re crazy but it’ll have to wait. I’ve got my license now and we can go back in a few days maybe. Right now we gotta get home if I ever want to use this car again” Joe suggests.
“What about the Ice Cream?” I protest. “I am hungry and I did like you said. I didn’t really even get to look at hardly anything I wanted to see though you both sure saw plenty!” I am pretty certain this mall trip was more fun for them than it was for me at the time and it had been my idea to stop.
“First I think you should try these on properly” Joe says, tossing me just the thong and adjusting the mirror so he can watch me better. My cotton panties are now tossed onto the front dash where anyone can see them. “Better hurry though because we’re getting close to McDonald’s.”
I look and can just see the arches. With no time to argue I squirm into them and find that is not too difficult in the car; it is the first time I have ever had to put on clothes in a car that I can recall. Admittedly a thong isn’t much clothing.
Tim kind of watches me and Joe tries to see as well but apparently is dissatisfied with the results. He tells me to pull my dress up and show him how they look, which I do reluctantly. This feels dirty to be doing this in a car, in town. Can anyone else see me? There are few other vehicles around us but what if someone did?
“I want my cotton panties back now. OK?” I tell them both. “Someone is gonna see them on the dashboard and ask questions.”
“I guess you better keep doing as you are told then,” Joe says. “Look in the bag and try on that thin white top again. I want to see that in the car with those panties.”
That would mean I’d have to take off the dress completely! “I can’t do that, someone will see me naked in this car and you will get pulled over.” I protest once again. Plus, no time, we’re here.”
We are at the light and McDonald’s is just ahead. Tim suggests, “Circle the block, Joe.” Then he turns to me and says, “Go ahead Suzie, I dare you to strip like he said!”
For as long as I can remember, my brother Tim has dared me to take off my clothes and I have almost always, eventually given in. This time I find is no exception as I sigh and the car rolls past McDonald’s. I hear the turn signal engage and as the car begins to circle the block I once again today pull the sundress over my head. I hold it to my chest, naked against the car seat except for the tiny thong. Tim tugs lightly at the dress and I let him take it from me.
Joe is wide eyed in the mirror and tries to look back over the seat but I fuss at him to watch his driving. “We can’t have you wrecking your folks’ car.” Thinking that this is should be sufficient now that I am practically naked, I ask, “Can’t I get my underwear now?” To my surprise Tim reaches up and retrieves them from the dash.
Joe answers with, “Try on the top again, come on, you said you liked it.”
Tim who now holds all of my clothes, smiles at me and says, “He has a point, and he did pay for them. If you put it on you will be dressed again, mostly.”
Feeling the car turn once more I realize we are almost around the block and back to McDonald’s again. If Joe turns in before I get dressed there is no doubt I will be seen. We all might get into trouble but me being a girl, naked and alone with two boys, well, I reach for the bag and have pull the white top out as I realize we are very nearly at the drive for the restaurant.
I am shivering or trembling slightly as I try to determine the front from the back and shake it out to put it on. Still naked I jump as I hear, “Welcome to McDonald’s…” from the speaker and I squeal as he finishes the greeting. Did the people inside hear that? I scramble into the sheer white top. The back windows on this car are shaded and for this I am grateful.
I sit there tingling all over, nearly naked in the back seat of a car, clothed only in sheer lingerie. I am more nervous and excited than I have ever been. I am not happy. I want to kill my brother and especially Joe. Am I really doing this just for an ice cream cone? Apparently so, because that’s all that is ordered, though Joe orders them in cups with spoons, perhaps it’s a car rule in his family.
Joe pulls to the pay window, as the cars up front clear the way he eases forward. When our car stops at the service window, the rear glass lowers and Joe tells me, “How about get those for me Suzie. I’ve got my hands full up here with driving.”
I madly scramble over, trying to raise the window but the button does not respond. I am in full view, the guy working the window is leaning out to pass two cups of soft serve topped with a cone. He gets an eyeful of me, my outfit and he grins widely. I am frozen like a deer in the headlights. He looks familiar, like maybe he goes to my school but I know he is older than I am.
Tim reaches back to take something from my hands and I realize that the boy has other things yet to give me. The car hasn’t moved and until we get our stuff I am gonna be stuck here letting this boy check me out. I slide over so Tim can reach then back to get the last ice cream and bag with utensils and napkins before I notice the boys glance lower. My top, already sheer and showing parts of my nipples and breasts, has been pushed up to where it now shows most of the tiny thong that it is now obvious I wear beneath it. No pants, this boy knows that I am out riding around wearing no pants.
When our eyes meet one last time he says thank you and for some reason I think I might have thanked him. Was I thanking him for the ice cream or for looking? He had the biggest grin as Joe drove off.
We are almost home before anyone can stop laughing, catch our breath and much less eat any of the ice cream. I have nearly hyperventilated and we are probably lucky Joe hasn’t wrecked the car. Joe stops at our house and still dressed in the white outfit I sit there for a minute in the car. He turns in his seat and admires the view as he eats his and I get a little self-conscious.
When I ask for my dress and panties this time they are returned. I debate changing, obviously if I do so it will have to be in full sight of Joe and my brother. I am not sure what is worse though both have seen me naked so many times I am confused why it matters. I do not want to give either the satisfaction of seeing me walk into our house half-dressed nor do I want to strip for them once again. Slyly I decide to slip my dress over the lingerie and go inside. I put my panties with the outfit still in the bag.
As I exit the car, feeling a little more normal now that I am not so exposed, I tell Joe, “Next time you are going to have to buy me more than just an ice cream.”
To which he grins and says, “I can’t wait, this was fun, huh?” Turning to Tim he says, “I’ll send Toby home when I get back, unless he and the boys have other plans. They might walk back with him.” Once more directed at me he says, “I bet Nick and Nate would like it if you show them that new outfit!”
I catch myself before I ask which one, knowing either or both. Of course they wouldn’t mind watching me change either. Instead I manage to go indoors without answering him and as I close the door I see his eyes have followed me all the way.
OK, taking into account that he is my older brother, he was at the time 16.5, though he loved to say “Almost 17”, thus he was full of teenaged hormones and as far as I know he had not had a great deal of opportunities or experience himself, I suppose it was to be expected that our little tryst would be short lived.
For his part he was ready to retreat but I wanted more. I had no Idea what that even meant at the time. Today they call it after care, or cuddling, or simple reassurance. He simply wanted to escape and clean up.
When our eyes met, I saw this and could only say. “OK, go.” At which point he fled to the bathroom while I sat there dripping.
My towel from our earlier shower was close by on the foot of the bed. Had that really been just moments before? I gathered it to me and cleaned myself, face first, as best I could. I wondered if Tim was going to get back into the shower. Did I need to shower again? I felt a little sticky and parts of me that had nothing to do with Tim’s ejaculate felt pretty wet and sticky as well. I wanted to follow him, to join him maybe? Yet something told me this might not be the best idea at the moment.
My brother Tim had always been very sensitive to my needs and now it was my turn to try to sense what he might need. Part of me figured he would come back. He did not, that night at least.
I awoke to a strange feeling. Well, more than one really. I had a strange sensation as if during the night something had changed. My body felt hyper sensitive and I discovered that not only was my younger brother in the bed with me, it felt as if we were both naked. He was behind me, spooning me and one hand was cupped around one of my breasts! If this was not enough, he seemed to be almost firmly rigid, up against my back side. I can’t really say it was an unpleasant sensation! I lay there for only a moment processing, was he asleep or awake? Was he feeling me up intentionally or what?
What the hell is wrong with me right? Toby is barely over 12. I am newly 14 and apparently everyone in our household is full up with hormones. It took a moment to fully awaken and I quickly extricate myself from the bed. I am standing there looking down at him as he turns over. Fully prepared to launch into him, wondering what the devil is going on. He has not come into my bed in years, though he used to, years before. Before I accost him verbally, I remember those earlier days. Still a bit upset and in my head thinking he had tried to molest me or something, I jerk the covers off my bed to expose his nakedness and awaken him!
Toby comes awake somewhat rudely. He is not exactly happy. It looks as if he is even a little disoriented and to my surprise he is wearing briefs so not naked exactly though his penis seems to have worked its way out a bit and is protruding through the hole in the front. This is what I felt that made me think he was completely naked. I had recently started sleeping naked which he had discovered so it seemed likely he may have tried it too. He catches me looking and covers himself as he grabs for the sheets. This strikes me as funny as we had showered together recently and seen each other naked for years.
“What the freak?” Toby exclaims, as he jerkily takes in his surroundings, realizes he is in my bed, in my room. I see his eyes settle back onto my still naked body and then recall the events from the night before.
“That’s what I thought.” I inform him, as I once again tug lightly on the covers of my bed. “Just what the freak are you doing in my bed, little brother?”
“Um, well, I just…” He stuttered. “I woke up in the night, and I just wanted to be close to you again, like the old days. After last night, I thought.”
Tim chose this moment to come down the hall, upon hearing both of us in my room and finding my door only partly closed, pokes his head in. “You all are up early.” He says, in way of greeting.
This effectively ends the chance of any real discussion between Toby and I but I guess there isn’t any real need to get into it till later. I will need to let him know that he needs to stay in his bed and in his room but no real harm done right?
I turn away from the door, grab a night shirt from atop my dresser and say, “Would you two excuse me but I need to visit the ladies.” Making my way into the hall past Tim I notice that he has on shorts and a shirt instead of just his boxers this morning.
When I return from the bathroom Toby has left my room. Tim is in the kitchen. I don’t quite know what to make of his being dressed but I make no comment. Choosing to follow his lead I too dress before I go to get breakfast. Wearing a yellow summer dress, no bra as usual and white cotton panties, I step into the kitchen to face Tim.
A part of me wants to talk to him about last night. Not just the stuff in my room either. Before this can happen though, Toby comes in and proclaims that he is starving and wants to know what if anything we are cooking.
We had not begun to think about cooking of course but it seems this gives us both a chance to gather our thoughts or distract ourselves from whatever we were about to get into so we jump on this opportunity and Tim suggests cheese eggs and grits while I offer waffles or French toast and either bacon or sausage as long as one of them helps.
Breakfast is nice and things settle into a familiar rhythm. Whatever had seemed as if it might have been about to get awkward between us faded and we kind of mutually let it slide.
Some few hours later, hearing a noise outside, I told Toby to look and see what was going on. Living on a rural route with little traffic, it was unusual to hear many vehicles and I thought I had heard a car.
Our folks were likely to be in town, at the minimum for a few more hours, sleeping off their Friday night binge and quite possibly until Sunday afternoon. This being fairly early on a Saturday afternoon, it struck me as odd to hear a car outside our home.
Toby slowly got up to look out of a window but before he could inform us as to what he discovered there came a knock on our back door and then Joe waltzed in as if he lived there. Out in the country we seldom locked doors, though I thought we should at least at night when our folks were gone. Toby had reached the window; he heard Joe as he glanced outside and turned back with a stunned look on his face.
“What are you doing with your folks’ car?” He asked the boy, as he stood grinning proudly in our doorway.
“I passed my exam!” Joe replied. “Got my license and Pa said I could go into town to pick up a couple of things for him. Ya’ wanna come Tim?”
“Hell yeah!” Tim responded immediately, then he looked to me, “But the folk’s aren’t here and I might better not.”
I wanted to ride too, but I knew our folks and they might not want us all in the car with Joe. He had driven up and down our road for months in his folks’ car. Sometimes we got a ride to or from the bridge, but this was different, he was going into town! Tim was old enough to go for sure and they might let me go if they were here and saw Joe’s license.
Toby was the baby though and Mom was funny about letting him do some things still. All of us going along, even with permission, would have been chancy at best. Going without permission was asking for trouble even if the folks were not here to grant it.
Tim and I looked at each other, as siblings do, we knew the deal. Tim likewise knew that our parents would not cotton to him taking off alone with Joe on a ride into town and leaving us here alone.
“What if we drop Toby off to hang with your brothers first and then we go into town.” I suggest to Joe. Giving him one of my best smiles and hoping to get invited along. Joe hadn’t invited me but I really didn’t think Tim would deny me coming after last night, would he?
“We?” Joe asks, though he looks inquiringly at Tim. “I don’t know, how are we supposed to check out the chicks and look cool if we have a girl tagging along?” He says, turning to me though I can tell he is considering the idea.
I look to Tim and he reads the intent in my eyes. With a slight nod of acknowledgement but perhaps reluctantly he turns to Joe. “I’m OK with her going if you are,” He says, “But Mom would never let us all ride so if your brothers are home?”
Toby doesn’t seem all that bothered at having to be left out of this adventure as long as he gets to go hang with Nick and Nate. It occurs to me briefly that I ought to take him aside and point out to him, that I’d prefer he not share anything about our family shower last night but do not get the chance.
Joe’s parents are pretty easy going but they seem less than exactly pleased that he invited Tim along for the trip into town. They are fine with Toby visiting and they even seem to think I should stay as well at first but when they realize that I want to ride along Joe’s mother seems to feel better about the boys going un-chaperoned.
We are in the car; I am excited and sitting in the middle of the back seat. The two older boys are up front. Joe is about to start it up and pull out when he glances at me in the rear mirror and says, “If you are going to come along then you gotta do what we say, Susan.”
“OK,” I say, “Whatever, anything you want, let’s go!” I am so thrilled. Joe is the first boy that I knew to get access to a car and we are about to go into town! Briefly I wonder if our folk’s might see us but then I put them out of my head.
Joe fires up the motor and eases out of his drive. Joe has been working some lately, mostly helping on other small plots when he has time. Tim does this some too but he isn’t as handy and rarely gets paid much to help out. We go to the hardware/feed store, auto parts house and even drive by the movie theater near the mall to check out what’s playing. Joe has a few dollars saved but the two of us have very little cash between us so we aren’t thinking of taking in a show even if we had the time. Still it’s fun to ride by and see what’s playing.
I cannot help myself. “Can we go in the mall for a bit and look around? Maybe get an ice cream?” I beg Joe and Tim. I love to look at the clothes in the mall and we rarely get a chance to visit, mom hates to go into the mall because everything costs more there.
Immediately Tim protests, “We are not going in there so you can try on a bunch of crap that we can’t buy. I doubt Joe would want to watch you shop for clothes any more than I do,” glaring at me for even suggesting it.
Joe, however, tilts his head slightly and catching my eye in the mirror once more he nods and winks at me. “Well, OK, maybe for a bit but if you want to do this then you gotta let us pick out some of the things you to try on and you have to model them for us. Who knows, I might get you something if I see something I like.”
“I don’t know,” I say, a little worried now at how easily he agreed. “Maybe we should just head home.”
“And I’ll get us all an ice cream cone on the way home at McDonald’s,” Joe promised, “The one’s in the mall are too expensive but both are cold and McDonald’s is on the way home.”
Tim obviously wasn’t really onboard at first but the ice cream sealed the deal and we exited the car in the parking lot. Saturday afternoons were busy times at this old mall back then. It was a two story structure and we entered on the side that placed us on the upper level near one of my favorite stores called Hot Topic.
This store had all the latest printed T’s from music popular artists, posters, jewelry, cool ball caps for the guys, you name it. Tim and Joe even saw stuff they liked. I tried to convince them to get me a shirt from some girl band I liked but Joe informed me he wouldn’t buy anything he hadn’t seen me try on and I was in a dress so if I took it off to try on a shirt, I’d be bare bottomed except for my undies.
I explained this to him as Tim was over looking at the hats. He just looked down and casually lifted up my dress and glanced at my cotton panties and said, “They cover more than enough of you. As you know, I have seen you in a lot less.”
Pulling quickly away I glance around and am fairly certain that no one else in the store saw me. Still embarrassed, I hiss at him, “Don’t do that!” as I blush at the thought of having been seen in public flashing my panties, even though he actually had been the one to lift up my dress.
Joe then hands me a package which I see contains a few pairs of tiny panties with words on them. Things like “Juicy”, “Tasty”, “Sassy” and “Sexy”. These are thongs and not only do I not own anything like them, I have never even tried them on. Suddenly it occurs to me that he might actually want me to try them on for him.
I look at them then meet his eyes. “Now these,” he says, “Might suit you one day. Too bad they don’t let you try them on in here.”
I just glare at him incredulous.
“You could hold a pair up close and show us, maybe we can help you find your size. What do you think Tim?” Joe asks, glancing over my shoulder as Tim approaches and notices what I am holding in my hands.
I look at Tim as he realizes what I am holding. He blushes, and I feel like I should protest. “I don’t want.” I begin but Joe interrupts.
“Nonsense, this store won’t let you try on anything like this but I know one that will, let’s go.” Joe says, suddenly inspired, as he grabs my hand and leads me out of the store.
I manage to drop the unwanted underwear onto a nearby table and Tim follows a few yards behind as we depart. As we turn out of the store a group of teens enter and Joe and I become separated from Tim. By the time we enter the lingerie shop, I am uncertain if he will even be brave enough to come in here. For my part I am both thrilled and terrified to be in such a store. What if someone we know sees me in here? I am not exactly full figured and I doubt there is anything in this place that would fit me.
Tim somehow manages to acquire a tiny lacy pair of underwear that he insists I should try on immediately. I cannot believe that they allow this but indeed there are dressing rooms and no one seems to care that I enter with nothing to try but a pair of underwear. Resignedly I step out of my sandals, not wanting to soil the new underwear and not imagining that we would be purchasing them, I slip them over my cotton panties, pull them up and try to lift my dress out of the way to see how they might fit.
They are tiny; I can tell that I would have to shave nearly bald in order to wear something like them if I had a full bush. I can hear Joe talking to someone and recognize Tim’s voice. My brother was actually in an adult lingerie store! Not only that but he was looking for me in here as well.
“How do they look, sweetie?” Joe asks, and not nearly softly enough to suit me. “Come out and give us a peek.”
“Are you crazy? I’m not showing you these out there.” I answer him as quietly as I can, as I realize that he wanted me to pull off the cotton panties and step out with only these on, and then apparently let him see them!
“Come out, I think we have a couple of things here you need to try on.” Joe informs me.
Cautiously I look out and there is a young female clerk lurking nearby. Not too close but she appears interested in the fact that I am using the dressing rooms. I guess that she has to watch pretty closely to insure people don’t steal these tiny garments. I step towards the boys and hiding myself behind a rack of clothes briefly lift my skirt enough to show the slightest glimpse of the panties, still over my cotton underwear.
“That won’t do.” Joe insists, and he promptly kneels down and in one swift motion takes down my underwear completely to my ankles. “Step,” he says and numbly I do as instructed, as he tosses my tangled panties to Tim who somehow catches them deftly. Joe then stands up and hands me a new garment and says, “Next” as he nods back towards the dressing room to which I gladly retreat.
I close the curtain behind me and attempt to catch my breath. OK, so the clerk probably just saw that. Did anyone else? I don’t think so. Are there any other customers in the store? Probably, but I can’t be sure and at least none nearby just now. I might best play along and not draw attention if I want to get out of here soon, not to mention unnoticed.
Turning to investigate the garment in hand I immediately notice that it is much more substantial. At least there is more cloth to it. It looks to be a sort of lace or sheer one piece garment like a swimsuit. I have seen these in magazines. They are called “Teddy’s or Baby dolls” I think. This one is short and cropped at the bottom, open like a slip or night shirt.
In order to put this on I must remove my sun dress entirely. I reluctantly do this and with only minor difficulty step into the lace garment. The straps need adjusting as I am small chested but when I finish it looks to be sized about right. Who knew they carried such petite sizes? I guess I have grown a bit recently as I am nearly as tall as Tim. I reach to slip back into my dress but imagine this is just going to frustrate Joe and I don’t relish having it taken off of me in the store so instead I place my hand on the curtain and in one smooth but quiet motion pull it back. Eyes forward I attempt to step out bravely into the back of the store, looking for Joe and Tim.
The boys have moved. They are no longer waiting just outside of the dressing area but are much closer to the front of the store. Tim glances my way first as he appears to have been anticipating my approach. Joe also hastens my way and is grinning widely when he sees that I have elected to leave the dress behind this time.
Too late I realize that indeed they are not the only ones in the store. There is an older lady, perhaps even a few years older than our mother in the rear of the store, off to one side. Her companion is a man who at first looks my way and smiles but quickly looks away. Likely wishing to not get caught eyeing me wearing such an outfit by his wife, as I think he was old enough to be my father.
This garment is really more of a tight dress or shirt; it comes just below my hips. Being lacey or mesh, well kid of sheer anyway, it allows tiny glimpses of my flesh to be seen through it and I feel almost naked. It is quite short and though looking in the mirror I think I am covered I have no panties on beneath it. This sensation is driving me into a slight frenzy and the boys just hover for a moment as if sensing this.
“Well?” I ask expectantly. For some reason I want their opinion though I can plainly see that they approve. I have never considered that I might even own anything like this garment, but now… well, someday.
Joe smiles and nods, “Close.” He states. “Why don’t you slip that off and try this next” as he hands me something light blue on a hanger.
I turn and stalk into the dressing room. I am getting frustrated and am fed up with this game. Had I really just stepped into a store nearly naked and been seen by some old dude, a complete stranger, who seemed to appreciate the view more than the boy, or boys if you include my brother, that I had done it for? I determine that I am done with playing dress up for these perverts today. Tim has hardly even said ten words to me all day and now he is letting Joe boss me around and doesn’t seem to care at all. I just want to go home.
I am out of the thin white garment and have the blue things off their hanger. I am about to try them on then I consider refusing. I could just put on my clothes and walk out. I have my dress. One of the boys has my panties though. I would like those back, preferably before we walk to the car. I look at the two garments, sheer baby or powder blue. These are a tank top with thin spaghetti shoulder straps and low rider hot pants of the same material.
I place my hand inside them and can plainly see through them when looking straight on but at a slight angle they appear to glisten slightly, like shimmery silk. I am uncertain how revealing these might be but clearly very much so if seen from the right angle.
I consider my next move. It couldn’t hurt to try them on. I’m here, I have them and I may never get to do this again for years! I don’t have to do anything more than look in the mirror for my own benefit if I don’t want to.
“Everything OK in there?” Tim asks.
This startles me out of my thoughts as I think I detect a little nervousness in his voice. Did Tim pick this outfit? Is he hoping I will step out there wearing this? Having slipped into the outfit now, these are my thoughts as I turn to see my reflection in the floor length mirror.
“Yeah, just a sec,” I reply. I am a bit stunned. This set is like a sexy version of a normal summer outfit that I might wear on a hot day anywhere. Only it teases the eye with shocking glimpses of skin, blue skin, kind of. There is no doubt that these are not intended to be worn in public unless one wishes to cause a major traffic jam. I am a little surprised to find that I like them, I want them even. I can’t wait to see the boys’ faces when they see me in them. But for that to happen I have to…
Without further thought I throw open the curtain and step out. Stunned faces greet me as I make my appearance. Joe is slack jawed, Tim speechless, the guy who was in the far corner catches me out of the corner of his eye as they are leaving the store and nearly knocks over a small display. His wife looks back to see what he is gawking at just as I find myself being rather firmly guided back into the dressing rooms by the clerk who apparently was much closer by than I had realized and decided that it was a good time to end this particular fashion show.
“Is everything OK, Dear?” She asked me. “Is there anything else I can help you find? We don’t usually have our clients walk through the store our garments. Typically that is reserved for a more private setting.”
Now blushing furiously and stammering as my heart pounded nearly out of my chest and seemed caught in my throat at the same time, I stuttered, “I, I, I’m fi- fine, th, thank you, “ as I sat briefly and took in the moment and tried to breathe.
I don’t know if it was her almost tackling me or the rush of seeing the boys so stunned that hit me harder but I was tingling all over and it occurred to me that if I didn’t get these shorts off soon I might have to buy them or at least wash them before anyone else would be able to try them on!
I was not in my original dressing room. The clerk had pushed me a bit further into the back area and this appeared to be a larger sized room. I noticed this after dropping the shorts and as I was pulling the top over my head. She had turned to retrieve my dress and was entering as I straightened, naked, holding out the rumpled blue garments. Without a word she took them in exchange for my dress.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” She inquired, evident concern in her voice, perhaps she thought I was a bit slow or somehow impaired? She may have even imagined that I was under duress, which in a way was at least partially accurate.
“I’m fine, really. Thank you for your help.” I managed this time to get out in one smooth statement, which seemed to appease her somewhat. I slipped into my dress and stepped into my shoes. I noticed her eyes dart down and realized she had noticed that I lacked panties.
Her eyebrows rose slightly but she said nothing on that subject. Instead she suggested, “Perhaps you should join your friends outside now.” This seemed a rather timely suggestion as I suddenly felt both tired and a little hungry at once.
The clerk sort of escorted me back towards the front of the store and we joined Joe and Tim. “We have a simple return policy here and as long as garments have not been worn but only tried on, perhaps it would be better to take advantage of that option” She informed us. “I can assist you in finding similar sized items, if you like.”
Smiling boldly, Joe stepped forward and thanked her, and then he actually reached for the white top or dress thing and the blue set she was still holding. He held them up and looked at them then over at me as if imagining me still in them. I could not help but blush again at this reminder of having been standing out here wearing such flimsy clothing upon seeing them displayed now.
“Thank you for that kind offer,” Joe says, and I can see that he is planning something. “I think we have what we need for this trip anyway.”
Then turning to me, holding the two options up where not only I, but anyone else in the store can view them, asks me, “Which do you like best Susan?”
Briefly I wonder, is he trying to taunt me with these or does he really want to know? I can’t imagine that he would buy something like this for me. When would I even wear it? Brushing these thoughts aside I just say, “I like them both fine I guess, but I don’t think…”
At which point he glances at the time on his watch and says, “I suppose we will take them both then!” as he steps to the counter where the register is located.
Stunned and confused, I stand aside as this boy who I have known for years, one who has teased me and even touched me a little, buys lingerie from this fancy store for me. I come out of my daze when he then turns and presents me with the package containing the garments. This is a printed bag with handles much like any bag from a store in the mall. Boldly on the side is a store logo. No one can of course tell what is in the bag but for some reason, walking through the mall and back to the car, I feel like everyone I pass is looking at me and seeing me in those garments.
Tim waits until we are in the lot walking towards the car to ask Joe, “Dude, why did you actually buy those things? That was crazy. That’s like almost forty bucks!”
Joe just smiles and replies, ”The lady said we can return them, and that might give Susan here a chance to go back and give us another show! Besides, are you gonna tell me you don’t want to see her in them one more time at least?”
Having thought he had bought them for me to have, to keep, I am upset to hear that he really just wants to have a reason to make me go back in there and do that again. I am not happy with either of them by the time I climb into the back seat. Something feels different as I slide across the upholstery and I recall that I still don’t have my cotton underwear.
“One of you two needs to give me my panties, now please.” I say firmly.
Looking at Tim, I can see from my brothers’ face what goes through his mind. Tim looks a little confused then shaken as he realizes and then recalls the scene playing out where I lost my panties. His hand reaches into his pocket and he pulls a wad of still tangled white cloth out into his lap.
Lying there is both my cotton panties and the thong for which we did not pay! Joe also notices the thong and he snorts, “No way Tim! Did you actually swipe those things?”
This embarrasses my brother who attempts to protest that he had stolen nothing, well not intentionally anyway. He begs Joe to turn back and that we must return them immediately.
“Buddy, that’s not gonna happen. Not today anyway. If you want to return those I think you’re crazy but it’ll have to wait. I’ve got my license now and we can go back in a few days maybe. Right now we gotta get home if I ever want to use this car again” Joe suggests.
“What about the Ice Cream?” I protest. “I am hungry and I did like you said. I didn’t really even get to look at hardly anything I wanted to see though you both sure saw plenty!” I am pretty certain this mall trip was more fun for them than it was for me at the time and it had been my idea to stop.
“First I think you should try these on properly” Joe says, tossing me just the thong and adjusting the mirror so he can watch me better. My cotton panties are now tossed onto the front dash where anyone can see them. “Better hurry though because we’re getting close to McDonald’s.”
I look and can just see the arches. With no time to argue I squirm into them and find that is not too difficult in the car; it is the first time I have ever had to put on clothes in a car that I can recall. Admittedly a thong isn’t much clothing.
Tim kind of watches me and Joe tries to see as well but apparently is dissatisfied with the results. He tells me to pull my dress up and show him how they look, which I do reluctantly. This feels dirty to be doing this in a car, in town. Can anyone else see me? There are few other vehicles around us but what if someone did?
“I want my cotton panties back now. OK?” I tell them both. “Someone is gonna see them on the dashboard and ask questions.”
“I guess you better keep doing as you are told then,” Joe says. “Look in the bag and try on that thin white top again. I want to see that in the car with those panties.”
That would mean I’d have to take off the dress completely! “I can’t do that, someone will see me naked in this car and you will get pulled over.” I protest once again. Plus, no time, we’re here.”
We are at the light and McDonald’s is just ahead. Tim suggests, “Circle the block, Joe.” Then he turns to me and says, “Go ahead Suzie, I dare you to strip like he said!”
For as long as I can remember, my brother Tim has dared me to take off my clothes and I have almost always, eventually given in. This time I find is no exception as I sigh and the car rolls past McDonald’s. I hear the turn signal engage and as the car begins to circle the block I once again today pull the sundress over my head. I hold it to my chest, naked against the car seat except for the tiny thong. Tim tugs lightly at the dress and I let him take it from me.
Joe is wide eyed in the mirror and tries to look back over the seat but I fuss at him to watch his driving. “We can’t have you wrecking your folks’ car.” Thinking that this is should be sufficient now that I am practically naked, I ask, “Can’t I get my underwear now?” To my surprise Tim reaches up and retrieves them from the dash.
Joe answers with, “Try on the top again, come on, you said you liked it.”
Tim who now holds all of my clothes, smiles at me and says, “He has a point, and he did pay for them. If you put it on you will be dressed again, mostly.”
Feeling the car turn once more I realize we are almost around the block and back to McDonald’s again. If Joe turns in before I get dressed there is no doubt I will be seen. We all might get into trouble but me being a girl, naked and alone with two boys, well, I reach for the bag and have pull the white top out as I realize we are very nearly at the drive for the restaurant.
I am shivering or trembling slightly as I try to determine the front from the back and shake it out to put it on. Still naked I jump as I hear, “Welcome to McDonald’s…” from the speaker and I squeal as he finishes the greeting. Did the people inside hear that? I scramble into the sheer white top. The back windows on this car are shaded and for this I am grateful.
I sit there tingling all over, nearly naked in the back seat of a car, clothed only in sheer lingerie. I am more nervous and excited than I have ever been. I am not happy. I want to kill my brother and especially Joe. Am I really doing this just for an ice cream cone? Apparently so, because that’s all that is ordered, though Joe orders them in cups with spoons, perhaps it’s a car rule in his family.
Joe pulls to the pay window, as the cars up front clear the way he eases forward. When our car stops at the service window, the rear glass lowers and Joe tells me, “How about get those for me Suzie. I’ve got my hands full up here with driving.”
I madly scramble over, trying to raise the window but the button does not respond. I am in full view, the guy working the window is leaning out to pass two cups of soft serve topped with a cone. He gets an eyeful of me, my outfit and he grins widely. I am frozen like a deer in the headlights. He looks familiar, like maybe he goes to my school but I know he is older than I am.
Tim reaches back to take something from my hands and I realize that the boy has other things yet to give me. The car hasn’t moved and until we get our stuff I am gonna be stuck here letting this boy check me out. I slide over so Tim can reach then back to get the last ice cream and bag with utensils and napkins before I notice the boys glance lower. My top, already sheer and showing parts of my nipples and breasts, has been pushed up to where it now shows most of the tiny thong that it is now obvious I wear beneath it. No pants, this boy knows that I am out riding around wearing no pants.
When our eyes meet one last time he says thank you and for some reason I think I might have thanked him. Was I thanking him for the ice cream or for looking? He had the biggest grin as Joe drove off.
We are almost home before anyone can stop laughing, catch our breath and much less eat any of the ice cream. I have nearly hyperventilated and we are probably lucky Joe hasn’t wrecked the car. Joe stops at our house and still dressed in the white outfit I sit there for a minute in the car. He turns in his seat and admires the view as he eats his and I get a little self-conscious.
When I ask for my dress and panties this time they are returned. I debate changing, obviously if I do so it will have to be in full sight of Joe and my brother. I am not sure what is worse though both have seen me naked so many times I am confused why it matters. I do not want to give either the satisfaction of seeing me walk into our house half-dressed nor do I want to strip for them once again. Slyly I decide to slip my dress over the lingerie and go inside. I put my panties with the outfit still in the bag.
As I exit the car, feeling a little more normal now that I am not so exposed, I tell Joe, “Next time you are going to have to buy me more than just an ice cream.”
To which he grins and says, “I can’t wait, this was fun, huh?” Turning to Tim he says, “I’ll send Toby home when I get back, unless he and the boys have other plans. They might walk back with him.” Once more directed at me he says, “I bet Nick and Nate would like it if you show them that new outfit!”
I catch myself before I ask which one, knowing either or both. Of course they wouldn’t mind watching me change either. Instead I manage to go indoors without answering him and as I close the door I see his eyes have followed me all the way.
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