Charlie... Part 3


Charlie 3

Heading down the short hall I consider what I want more, a cold beer or a cold shower? I might need both! I swing by the fridge en route to my room, then leaving the door slightly ajar as I retire thinking Princess may join me in the night and wishing for Charlie to.

It has been a long time for me since I have had a very active or realistic dream about a woman but I awake later in the wee hours needing to urinate really badly with a raging hard-on. I am not so old that I never awaken with a boner but this one is a bit different in its degree of stiffness and I find it difficult to piss. It is bad enough that I briefly consider stripping and climbing in the shower but I really just want to pee and get back to whatever dream got me wound up if I can! Also I don’t want to awaken my house guest if I can help it.

It turns out that Princess apparently heard my stirring and came to investigate. As I exit the en-suite bathroom she greets me at my bed. Again it occurs to me to wish it was Charlie instead, and I have to question this sudden lust toward her. I had not, consciously at least, felt so inclined before seeing her naked but perhaps this is just normal considering the recent course of events? I find myself wondering if Charlie too is awake. Had Princess leaving her bed disturbed her sleep? Was there any chance the young attractive woman down the hall might likewise be lying in bed thinking about the previous evening as I found myself doing?

My penis had gone down to an almost flaccid state after relieving myself but I knew that if I didn’t manage my thoughts I could find myself back in a state of arousal. No sooner had I thought this, my mind wondered if she too was awake. Would she likewise be aroused? She certainly had seemed to have been flirting a bit last night, unless I was misreading the signals completely. Perhaps she is just as she seems and was only trying to adjust to the awkward circumstances from having both seen me naked and been seen by me.
As good as she looked standing in front of the mirror naked, fresh from the shower, seeing Charlie in my kitchen in a T-shirt and panties was haunting me.
I suppose she hadn’t really packed for overnight with the idea that I might also be here. My plans having changed evidently placed us both in an unexpected position and perhaps my being so much older made her feel safe from sexual tension in her state of relative undress after our mutual embarrassment before?

I somehow managed to drift off and return to dream world. I cannot however recall having had further dreams of a sexual nature and to be honest do not recall anything aside from having had the afore mentioned boner in the night.

Disappointing right?

I awoke to the smell of fresh coffee and the sizzle of frying sausage. Princess was no longer in my room as she tends to go where the food is. My bedroom door was open and it only took a moment for my confusion to clear as to who was in my kitchen.

Awaking to the sounds of someone else in my house is very rare for me and was a bit disorienting at first but it quickly motivated me to arise and go see what was in the works. I would be lying if I said I was not also curious and hopeful to see if I might be in for another view of Charlie’s bedtime attire.

I certainly would not complain.

Do I seem a lecherous old man? I swear, I had no intentions upon the young lady at any time. Neither upon our first meeting, our chatting about her prospectively house sitting for me, nor at any point thus far. Even after having seen her naked and she likewise walking in on me with my cock in my hand, I had no intentions of making a move on her.

She, however, was a temptation, as I rounded the corner to find her once again bending to look into my fridge to retrieve juice, butter and jelly. Placing these on the table where I found she had assembled a good looking breakfast for two. The fare was nothing fancy, but very nice and more than I would have ever guessed or expected, more even than I would generally make for myself as a rule. I am a simple guy when I am home. I love a full breakfast though and we enjoyed a nice meal and casual conversation, taking time to adjust and awake.

It seems Charlie had a late schedule this day and was taking advantage of the extra time and my having come back early to try her hand at domesticity. She explained that she had not had many chances to make breakfast for a guy before and since she mostly knew her way around my kitchen, was up early and had time…

I assured her that it was quite the treat for me and might have even commented that I could get used to this sort of thing. There is nothing like awaking to find a gorgeous half dressed woman making breakfast for you to get the blood and oxygen flowing in the morning. I actually managed to mostly ignore the fact that she was in fact scantily clad up until we began to clear the table.

I had put on a robe, after my morning ablutions, in hopes not to be over dressed should I find her likewise still in her sleepwear of the night before. My brief glimpse of her derriere and the accompanying blue shimmer of cloth that peeked out at me on occasion; both initially upon my entry into the kitchen this morning and as she lazed about while she ate, had nearly driven me to distraction however by the end of the meal.

I found that as I stood to help clear, I once again had a semi rigid member and became aware that it would not take much more to put me in a position where it would be unavoidable that Charlie notice it, robe or no robe.
Chastising myself, I attempted to keep our backs together, the table between us, or face a counter at all times, or at least until I calmed down. For her part, Charlie was even less self-conscious than she had been the previous night and seemed to be unaware of the increasing number of times her underwear flashed me.

Having used only a few dishes, Charlie simply hand washed the dishes at the sink instead of using the dish washer. This impressed me as I had expected she might even load them unrinsed. Instead she diligently washed them as I dried and put them away. As we were finishing up I couldn’t help but notice a few damp spots on the front of her already thin t-shirt. These were all but transparent having gotten wet from the spray at the sink. My eyes locked onto her chest as I noticed the nipple on her left breast seemingly exposed, the right breast only slightly less so.

A throat clears, and I am startled out of my stupor. Not knowing how long I had stared but knowing for certain that I had been caught I reluctantly look up into the face of a now blushing Charlie. The sexual tension in the room has suddenly increased by several exponents and I find that my erection is growing as I look into her eyes. I begin to break away from our eye to eye contact and as I do I notice she is tracing her eyes down my frame. Now in profile I worry that my near full erection might be noticed so I turn more quickly.

“Is it my imagination, or were you just checking me out?” She asks me before I take two steps.

“I, um,” I try to respond. Not wanting to admit but knowing I cannot deny it.

“It’s ok really,” Charlie says, “It isn’t exactly like either of us has much to hide at this point. Right?”

This is nearly too much for me as I am suddenly inundated with a collage of mental images. Charlie as she stands now, scantily clad and appearing as a potential wet t-shirt contestant in my own kitchen, not the least among them. Charlie standing oblivious to my presence, naked in the bathroom just down the hall. This same young and scorching hot lady bent over flashing her rear at me in front of my refrigerator last night and this morning. Charlie stretched out over the arms of my kitchen chairs, bent over my kitchen table and stretched out across the bed in my room…

Wait, a couple of those never happened! My mind must have jumped into overdrive and gotten ahead of itself! What had she just said? Something about…?

“Jeff?” She inquires, “are you ok? I mean, with me being here?”

She sounds a little worried and I worry that I have made her feel uncomfortable. “Sure,” I try to reassure her, “You are right; I mean no, you’re wrong about you and being here, I mean, I really like you being here.”

I am desperate to not come off as a complete pervert if indeed that ship has not already sailed. However, I really don’t want her to notice my now quite firm erection, so standing slightly hunched I make my way out of the kitchen and toward my room. I can hear Princess following me as I enter my room.
What I fail to notice as I disrobe, thinking to grab a quick cool shower and get dressed, is my house guest Charlie apparently followed me as well. Turning to close my door, having dropped my robe, I face a sheepish looking Charlie who is staring at the now very evident tent in my boxers.

“Oh, my!” She exclaims, nearly running into me were it not for our separation due to Princess having also been in tow. The dog politely chose this moment to step from between us and lunge for the bed. Perhaps she was vying for a better vantage point to watch from? This was certainly shaping up to be quite a show.

“Sorry!” We each say nearly at the same instant, then neither can help but laugh.

“I didn’t know…” Charlie starts.

“I didn’t expect…” I begin.

Then we both stop. She is looking me over as I am likewise looking her over. Neither is embarrassed nor are we hesitant. We are simply taking each other in. It’s the first time for both of us, looking at each other so openly and frankly I think we both seem to like what we see.

I know I do and somehow I say “You are beautiful.” Simple, I know. Not at all smooth, just stating a fact.

“Thank you!” Charlie smiles, “You are quite nice as well, I mean…”

Now it seems she is stammering, is it my imagination or is she really fixated on my boxers?

“You look pretty strong.” She says looking into my eyes for the first time in what feels like several minutes. Not that I am complaining mind you as I have only very recently pulled my own eyes back to peer at her lovely features. “Where do you work out?” She asks me.

“I used to,” I reply, “but haven’t in years. Thanks for the compliment, but, hey, sorry I seem to have a bit of trouble controlling myself around you dressed as you are, and after last night.” I blurt out! Not sure why but I guess it’s better to address the elephant in the room, as my erection is still out there and all but trying to tear its way out of my pants.

At this, Charlie does the completely unexpected and returns her gaze directly at my shaft. It seems as though I am naked before her once again only this time she does not turn away. Instead she steps forward, takes me in her left hand and says, “Do you need help with this?”

Gasping, it is all I can do not to scream “Hell Yes!” Instead I warn her, “Careful, are you sure you want to go there?” Like some kind of chivalrous idiot, right? I mean, my instincts obviously were dead on at hell yes! I probably should have gone with that.

No sooner did I realize what I said, I instantly regretted it. I just knew she would retreat and be so mortified as to leave and never return. Her grip did lessen, momentarily, but it renewed almost as quickly as she actually squeezed me down there.

“So you’re saying you wouldn’t like my help? ‘Cause, he sure seems interested! I guess if you don’t want to play, you don’t have to but it would be a shame to disappoint him after he has gotten his hopes up and all!” She says all this as she tugs lightly at my manhood which has of course obliged her by reaching its maximum length and stiffness.

This accounts for my lack of resistance in this moment, as I find myself reaching to embrace her, exhaling my apparently held breath in a “Yes” or a hiss or something similar.

The age difference between her and me becomes a non-issue as me melt onto the bed. I only notice how tiny she is as we alternate positions. Being petite she is not only light and can be easily lifted by me but she is also very small, or tight down there so things must progress more slowly than either of us seem to prefer at the moment. I do not want to hurt her and she is cautious as well so it almost becomes agonizing before we manage to reach a point where we are sated enough to take stock of where we are and what we are doing.

Realization emerges as I recall our love making, sex, just sex really but in the moment it seemed far more to me, almost worshipful in a way? This young woman is so far from my reality that it seems a dream, even as I hold her in my arms. As I lay there, I remember each of us removing the others limited clothing. She had performed oral on me, not expertly, I am doubtful she has had many partners but she was enthusiastic and not unskilled. I somehow managed to stop her from bringing me to climax and had lifted her up to her feet and then up around my waist.

Perhaps at this point she had thought I would have taken her. My desire was to do just that truth be told. Instead I eased her to the bed and explored her as I stripped her minimal coverings. Again, Charlie has a magnificent figure. No part of her frame is large, yet there is nothing lacking. She might wear a small C cup but I would guess a fuller B if I were pressed. I cannot say that I have ever noticed her wearing a bra. Her breasts are very perky and well formed, symmetrical and tipped by nickel sized areola with firm pencil eraser sized nipples, at least when aroused.

My oral skills are a bit more attuned and I took some time to demonstrate them as I wished to impress the lady. I believe that I may have managed to bring her to completion in this way nearly to a point of exhaustion, had I wished it. Alas, she insisted that I give her time to catch up and gestured for me to join her on the bed. Thinking she wanted to cuddle and perhaps she was spent, I joined her.

Still fully erect, Charlie took me in hand briefly as we lay there, she was panting between kissing my chest and face, occasionally nipping at me. I am not generally into being bitten but I declined to protest.

Finding Charlie climbing upon me, straddling me, I was once again doubtful as to whether we should proceed and thought to again offer caution. I am after all likely older than this girl’s father, she being only 19 years old. Having reached my own 5th decade where she has yet to crest her 2nd. Perhaps you think me a fool to consider it? Not to worry, I find that I am less chivalrous than I had supposed. I could no more stop the momentum of our joining at that point than stop a freight train.

Charlie began slowly, with a gentle front to back motion, and then switched side to side. I did nothing to guide or assist. I wanted to mind you! Once it became clear that she fully intended to mount me, I fought hard to not grab her by the hips and ram myself into her. Instead I moved only slightly, trying to match her rhythms.

Eventually I let her take control and as everything became aligned, without even touching me with her hands, one moment I was not and then we each felt the change. A sharp inhalation and from us both and my manhood became partially sheathed in her.

I say partially, and that is as it was. Charlie was sitting up at the time, her chest proudly and prettily in full view. I was enjoying the feel of her tits with my hands as glanced down as she lifted slightly just after initial penetration. Less than half my cock was inside her, though it felt amazing, tighter than I could have imagined and honestly I feared she might stop at this point, Charlie looked into my eyes and sitting up a bit more, lifted and spread her knees as she dropped her weight upon me fully.

My earlier efforts orally, combined with her grinding on me for what seemed hours now had achieved sufficient lubrication as to allow for full penetration.

I believe we were both similarly shocked at the result as well as the finality of having reached this point. Charlie practically fell atop me. Her chest was against my own, her face at my neck. I could feel her breathing, and she seemed to shiver or tremble. I wanted to but was afraid to move as she adjusted to the presence of my manhood within her.

I did not think her a virgin. I had not deigned to ask. I had noticed no blood thus far and it would have mattered little at this point I suppose.
Charlie started to move. Slowly at first, very small motions, these increased in range and tempo until I feared climax. We used no condom and I had no indication that she used birth control. Needing to and not wanting to ask, she must have sensed me holding back.

“Don’t worry, Jeff.” Charlie breathlessly whispered to me as she now pumped her pelvis against my own. I took this to mean she was protected and a part of me unclenched. She likewise felt the change as she became far less controlled in her motions and I joined her in thrusting to meet her.

Our climax was not perfectly simultaneous but it was nearly so as to not matter. We lay together sweating and panting for a time, still conjoined. Until the inevitable relaxation separated our bodies, at least the most intimate portions. Still we lay there, not speaking, just processing.

At some point I recalled that Princess needed to go out. I found that I had a need to urinate and in spite of not wanting to move it soon became obvious that we had to. We; that was an awkward thought. Charlie and I were not a we, exactly. Certainly not a couple, in spite of having copulated. This train of thought had managed to distract me from the fact that I was at that very moment enjoying the touch of, indeed the full presence of a gorgeous college girl in bed with me.

Was she having similar thoughts and questions? Was she regretting having allowed this morning’s activities? I glanced down at her and she seemed to be sleeping peacefully, content even.

Princess, apparently having decided the time was right for an interruption and perhaps not for the first time, perched her front paws onto my side of the bed and nudged my arm. She has a sort of combination snort and whine that she reserves for occasions when I have slept in and it tends to convey urgency.
In spite of my reticence, I must arise.

I ease out of bed as gently as possible. Living in an apartment, I cannot do as I wish at this moment and turn her out to handle her business. It is more of a complex really and I do have a few neighbors. Perhaps I could beg a favor? I glance toward the young woman whom I have been paying to care for my place and my dog and find she is blinking sleep from her eyes.

“Hey,” I say, once again self-conscious of my nudity if front of her in spite of all that has occurred.

“What up?” She inquires then noticing Princess by the door, giving us both a look of consternation. “Oh! You poor thing, let me.” She exclaims as she jumps from the bed and rushes to slip down the hall to the room where she has her clothes.

It occurs to me that she seems quite comfortable naked and it is a shame she has to do this! I offer to handle it yet she insists, so I find myself wrapped in my robe and nothing else, watching her step into shorts and a shirt, slipping on sandals and leading Princess out for her walk.
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