Home Alone 16
Home Alone 16 …The story continues…
I am up, well, awake anyway… Honestly, I give a few moments of thought about rolling back over and catching a few more minutes of sleep but the wife enters the bedroom after having taken a shower and she makes a beeline towards the kitchen. Do I smell Coffee? God, I hope so because I definitely need it today. I sit up and try to clear the cobwebs in my head, as I do this, I recall the weekend.
Between Saturday and Sunday I barely caught my breath. I think I need another day to rest up before this week starts! If only that were an option, right?
The time passed in a string of events that now seem surreal. I am spent in ways that I have never before experienced and having a little trouble differentiating between fantasy and reality. Part of me hopes that at least some of it was fantasy.
The interlude with the wife, the dream about catching Miley masturbating to porn and then, well was it a dream? I make my way to the toilet and urinate, I am now bald down there and my wife obviously knows it. Between the thoughts about the weekend and the extra-curricular activities that went on or were dreamt about going on I hadn’t prepared an explanation for why I am suddenly sporting a completely bald package! Well she has known for at least a day by now but hasn’t commented on it so maybe it’s no big deal.
I am at the sink when she comes into the bathroom with two cups of coffee. Handing me one she glances down and raising an eyebrow at me as she inquires “New look, huh? That was a bit of a surprise, but I think I like it. Is this a permanent thing or just a trial run?”
I really don’t know how to respond but I manage to answer, “I thought you might appreciate it if I trimmed it up a bit but I kind of got carried away. You really like it?” I’m feeling a bit of a stir as the subject matter is focusing on my nether regions and at least it seems she approves.
“Well,” she says, “I suppose we’ll have to see how long it lasts. Maybe I’ll trim up a bit too and we can play around with it some. There’s nothing wrong with a bit of a change after all.”
Now my wife has always been groomed for swimwear but she keeps a small bush down there so I’m curious how far she is thinking of taking her so called trim! “Let me know if you need help with the trim up?” I offer, knowing that it is unlikely she will ask for my aide but definitely hoping to be around just in case, I refrain from pursuing the topic further. I won’t pretend that I didn’t also have a brief shot of guilt as well as a little spike of adrenaline as my thoughts turned to a mental replay of Sunday afternoon.
In response she pushes me back towards the shower with a gentle shove. “You wish!” she teases, “Like I’d let you shave me bald as a baby’s bottom? I thought you liked the natural look?”
Images flash by again as I struggle to focus on our current conversation, thinking fast, “I’m sure I love you either way dear” I manage to reply.
“Good answer.” I hear, from the other room as I start my shower and she gets started on her hair and makeup. By the time I get done she has stepped into the other end of the house and the girls are beginning their morning routines. I had heard an alarm earlier from that end of the house but it usually takes a few snooze cycles to get my kids going.
This particular morning it apparently takes a bit of prodding from their mom as well. Laura is generally the 1st to leave in the mornings so I am left to see that everyone gets out on time.
I am in the kitchen, pouring a second cup of coffee when it occurs to me that the shower is not running in the back of the house and I have not seen either of my girls this AM.
Calling out as I start down the hall, “Girls, You up? The bus will be coming around before you know it!” Rounding the doorway of my oldest’ room I am greeted by the sight of a beautiful 17 year old brunette in her underwear, standing before a mirror primping. She looks to have either already showered or she is skipping it this morning, perhaps she has gym class early or she showered last night before bed, honestly I can’t recall.
I don’t linger, though a part of me wants to, as I don’t need to start anything. I proceed to Miley’s room where I find she is still in bed, naked. Self-consciously I look around for a pair of my boxers, as these would clear up any doubts or hopes I might have had about a certain dream.
Miley stirs and innocently looks up at me, “Dad?”
“You had better get a move on girl” I say, ignoring the obvious fact of her nudity. “Your mom just left, your sister appears to be mostly done and the bathroom is all yours. No time to waste, babe, hop to it!” I say turning to leave, and praying not to get hard before I can get back to my room. Damn it is rough on a guy in a house full of women.
I am almost out of danger when I nearly run headlong into my still scantily clad older daughter coming out of the kitchen bearing a coffee cup and looking a bit like an underwear model. The latent stirring I had felt earlier combined with the recent views trigger a response and it becomes evident to both of us simultaneously that I now have a case of morning wood as she looks down and grins.
I look down too as I feel a slight breeze on the tip of my now protruding cock as the fly of my boxers is pushed open.
I turn away from her to adjust myself and Miley, still naked, is exiting her room towards the shower. She pauses in the hall just long enough to take me in, her eyes twinkle with delight or mischief as she slowly eyes me up and down.
“Well now!” she says, turning to get a shower.
I have no idea what that means, but she proceeds and I hear laughter as she closes the bathroom door.
As I turn back, Kylie is still standing there. She doesn’t appear to be in any hurry to clear the hallway, or to get dressed come to think of it. “Hey, um, sorry but, well let’s get going ok?” I say as I start back towards her. I am passing by on her right and she brushes my crotch with her right hand as we pass. I turn to glance back and she has gone on to her room not looking back. Was that accidental or did she actually just feel me up?
For the remainder of the brief time we have to spend together this morning I am determined to stay on my end of the house. These girls have suddenly become quite sexually aggressive and I am feeling a bit out of sorts. On the one hand I am a normal male and I have the natural response to sexual stimulation both visual and physical. The stress factor is as huge as the attraction is for a number of reasons.
First, I love my wife. I have rarely felt any desire to cheat on her. Sure porn is a form of stress relief when our sex life is a bit slow but that’s different… right?
Second, I love my girls. I want the very best for them. I would do anything to protect them and I am very conflicted by the turn of recent events.
It has not been intentional on my part and I did not initiate any part of the current situation, yet on the other hand I am currently sexually primed in a way that I have never before imagined. Is this due to sexual taboo? Is it the risk factors? Am I just a freak? These are just a few of the questions I have reeling through my thoughts as I go to start getting ready for my day.
I am actually find myself debating whether I have time to rub one off or if I need a cold shower while I enjoy the last few sips of my coffee. Deciding that I need coffee more than either of those I am crossing out of our bedroom toward the kitchen when my youngest daughter, now freshly showered, proceeds out of her bathroom wrapped in a towel.
Seeing me she pauses and gives me a very brief almost contemplative look before she asks “Could you make some eggs this morning, Daddy?”
This sounds good to me but I don’t think she has that kind of time before the bus will be here. Generally what time she does have is used up primping. However rather than press her on her near tardiness I answer, “I’ll make some but if you plan to eat them yours might need to be in a sandwich to go!” Then a bit louder I ask, “Kylie, do you want an egg sandwich this morning?”
Making a beeline for the coffee pot which I find almost empty, then pouring the last into my cup I prep a second pot. When did we become a two pot family? Perhaps Laura needed an extra cup this morning to make the drive into town. Our old Mr. Coffee only makes what it calls ten cups, which is more like three and a half or four at the most. I
suppose it was inevitable that we would need to make a second pot or get a larger coffee maker as the kids start to drink it as well.
I have the coffee going, it smells good, the eggs are frying and I am opening the bread to make sandwiches when Kylie, my 17 year old daughter, comes in for a refill, “Morning sweetheart, hitting the caffeine hard this morning, huh?”
“Guess so” she says a bit sluggishly. She has never exactly been a morning person, much like me actually.
“Fresh pot, so, help yourself there’s plenty.” I offer.
“Are you taking us to school this morning?” she asks, eyeing the eggs I am preparing as though she hasn’t heard me mention that the school bus should be coming soon.
It is a rare thing for me to get up and make breakfast before they leave. It is even rarer that I might take them into town unless I have an early errand to go and do.
Seeing as I am still in my boxers, which is all I had put on after my shower, I would think it obvious that I have no plans to head into town early.
“Can’t say as I had planned to” I reply.
Then as Miley enters the kitchen, having apparently overheard a bit of our conversation, she chimes in with, “That’s a great idea Daddy! You wouldn’t even really have to get dressed to drop us off at the corner store. We could walk from there.” Then turning to her sister she says, “Maybe you could text Susan and see if she needs a ride?”
I’m curious as to why Susan has come up in this morning’s conversation but I have no intention of driving the girls anywhere near the school undressed. This thought or image has me distracted somewhat and I almost burn the eggs before I notice. Quickly setting them aside I point to the sandwiches and simply say “Grab one and eat or better yet, get it and go! Are you both ready? What time does that bus come; shouldn’t you be outside already?” Which is about when I hear a horn out by the road!
Our house sets back off the street a pace so the girls have been known to stand just indoors on rainy days while waiting. Knowing this the school bus driver will toot his horn if he doesn’t see them but he doesn’t sit long. Before the girls can gather their bags and food I hear his acceleration and he is gone. As one my daughters turn to me and smile as they return to the kitchen counter to eat their breakfasts.
With a sigh I join them as I contemplate having to get dressed and take the brief ride into town. Miley is adding cream and sugar to a cup of coffee or more like adding coffee to a cup of sweetener and the girls seem to think they have all morning now. I suppose the bus does come very early and as I said before I don’t often do this with my girls so…
“What did Susan say?” Miley asks her sister.
“She hasn’t yet” Kylie replies.
“Wait,” I protest, “I never said I would give her a ride. I thought you both were gonna catch the bus up until a moment ago!”
“Well we certainly know you are going to now, don’t we?” Kylie points out.
“And she already asked her now if she needs a ride Daddy. It would be rude not to once the offer has been given.”
Miley says helpfully, though she seems to be elsewhere in her thoughts. “You don’t want to be rude to Susan now, do you?”
I can’t help but wonder briefly what Susan has to do with anything that happened this weekend. Then it hits me, it was only a day ago, Saturday actually that Susan and my two daughters had me basically stripped and tortured at the ball field by some of the high school cheerleaders. At least some of which happened on camera and possibly even on video if I know Susan. Hell, my own daughters likely took video as well.
Before I can protest further I recall that it is likely that by this time both of my daughters have video of me and my daughter Miley in the tub together naked in several very risqué positions. I wish I could say there was any sort of chance that it has not as well been shared with Susan.
Briefly I wonder if I should check my phone. I’d kind of like to see what it shows myself but for the life of me I cannot bring myself to ask for a copy of the footage!
Susan somehow is late in responding and I am spared having to take her to school in addition to my two personal nymphs.
They tease me a little about my having as they put it, “tried to spy on them” and “hoped to catch them naked” along with comments about how they would like to stay home today and play, whatever that meant. It was a good thing it was not all that far to drop them off as there was a very real chance one of them might catch me getting a stiffy had we been delayed.
Something tells me Susan would have insisted on some form of debauchery to start the day if she had ended up in the truck. My brief experience with that one tells me that she has extensive knowledge beyond that of most of her peers.. Certainly beyond that of my girls up until very recently at least.
We are saying our farewells and I am almost away when our new friend makes an appearance. Apparently she arrived a few minutes earlier and waited just to torture me. Well, she said she was waiting to see Kylie but she made a point of sticking her head in the passenger side window and checking me over with a bit of apparent disapproval as to my choice of attire as she asked me for a quick flash, saying, “Wanna show me how happy you are to see me this morning?” With this she first looked me in the eyes then locked in on my crotch as if she expected me to drop them for her right then and there!
Valiantly ignoring her for the moment I called to my girls to have a good day and pulled away as peels of laughter rang in my ears. God I hope no one else was nearby. But she hadn’t really said anything dangerous had she?
It seems that I am truly undone by that girl and once again I consider stopping by the school office to intervene in their joint assignment. How badly might that cost me should it become known that I did so? What legitimate cause might I offer school staff? It appears that my fate is set for now.
Leaving the school property I glance what I believe to be the girl from the local Asian restaurant drive-thru walking across the grass near the drive. She and I briefly make eye contact and look away simultaneously. Did she blush? Lord, I had hoped she wouldn’t remember me or at least that she might not have been embarrassed by our brief encounter at her family’s place of business. I suppose Wonton, Eggrolls and Fried Rice is off the menu for a bit.
I run a few errands and find myself heading home in time for a late lunch. Thinking it might be a while before I have the nerve to risk stopping again as well as being close by and feeling assured that the drive-thru girl from last Friday is in school, I suddenly have a craving for egg rolls.
It is after the rush so the line is short and in no time my order is placed and I am pulling up to the window. Imagine my surprise when the pretty girl from a few days ago and also this morning is facing me in the window. Bag of eggrolls and this time a soda. We both are a bit embarrassed and she definitely looked to see if I was once again wearing only boxers. Nothing was spilled this time fortunately and as I drove off I recalled hearing at some point that she was a senior, guess she has a short schedule some days!
I only grabbed enough for a snack as I was hoping to enjoy a nice dinner later so the drive home made short work of that. Arriving home I decided I would chill a bit and if I was lucky get a quick nap while the house was quiet. I guessed that I had around an hour and a half to kill. After the day I had and mostly the prior weekend I could use it!
I awoke to the rumble of the school bus, still dressed in my sweats and t-shirt that I had slipped into this morning having not changed or stripped them off as I often do before laying across the bed. Not sure why but perhaps it was due to my budding shyness at being exposed in my own home!
Hearing female voices I found my nerves and my heart rate increasing. Wait; was there someone with my daughters at the door? Please let it not be Susan, I thought, but then I had the slightest twinge of excess blood flow through my nether regions.
It turns out that this afternoon our guest is none other than the Miss Crissy Stiles herself. Head cheerleader and senior at the high school, blonde bombshell and brick shithouse are terms we might have used to describe girls built like Crissy in my day. Evidently, the vacancy in the squad is a matter of some urgency and it was decided today to give our Miley a shot to try out. This meant it was time for a fitting and a cram session of a few of the more commonly used cheers and their moves or gestures. This resulted in yet another scantily clad young lady prancing and jumping around in our back yard for some time before dinner.
Kylie was actually staying close around the other girls for part of the time during Crissy’s visit. Maybe she has an interest in cheerleading as well but I would have never guessed it to be the case before. Likely it was the shared experience this weekend. I managed to busy myself doing paperwork and attempting to line up work for the following week and staying as remote as I could as the last thing I wanted was for this girl to recognize me from Saturday at the field. I think I was largely successful in this and around 6:30pm her mother called her home. It turned out that she had driven over and had only arrived slightly behind the school bus.
Laura was coming in from work as Crissy was leaving and we all had a moment to meet out in front of the house. Ever the hostess Laura invited Crissy back anytime and before I could intervene she suggested a sleepover or a pool party might be in the offerings. If she had any idea how fast these young girls are today she’d ban them all from even speaking to our girls!
It appears that my wife is enamored with the idea of our Miley becoming a cheerleader. Having been ravaged by several of the current squad members myself I found I was conflicted about the issue. I certainly hoped that was a bit of a one off, not something that they did regularly as a team. I also hoped to maintain my anonymity and so was nervous about having to spend time around any girl on the team who had been in attendance last game.
My identity should not be suspect though after all who would ever guess my girls had offered up their own father as a sacrifice to the abuses of half a dozen depraved teen girls! I was there and I still can’t believe it had happened; thankfully I don’t have any tattoos or birthmarks that might give away my identity!
Dinner was simple yet awesome, and as usual for a Monday consisted of some of my favorites. This is a bit of a tradition for us either on Sundays or Mondays as I find that I am more often home on these days. Laura managed to slip off to get a shower while I tidied up the kitchen.
The girls busied themselves chatting about cheerleading and football players they knew. Suddenly they were evidently excited about going to ball games, which was foreign to us until now. I enjoyed the lack of focus on me to be honest and though I was worried somewhat I still believed my girls would be careful and I felt I should trust them, mostly.
It turned out that we all decided to call it a night early and Laura and I had a rather intimate evening. She trimmed a bit more than she had before down below and you might say everything was clean but the door mat or landing strip as I have heard it called only a bit more of a triangle.
This made for a very different sensation during coitus and I think she appreciated that I was a bit more enthusiastic during oral. We haven’t talked about it but I think it may become the new norm for us both, as she too was far less reluctant to perform orally. Who knows she may even work up to going totally smooth down there like me. That would for sure make for a different feeling for us both during sex!
I’m a little sad we hadn’t talked about this and discovered it on our own, LOL. Sleep eventually found us and in no time Tuesday came calling.
I am up, well, awake anyway… Honestly, I give a few moments of thought about rolling back over and catching a few more minutes of sleep but the wife enters the bedroom after having taken a shower and she makes a beeline towards the kitchen. Do I smell Coffee? God, I hope so because I definitely need it today. I sit up and try to clear the cobwebs in my head, as I do this, I recall the weekend.
Between Saturday and Sunday I barely caught my breath. I think I need another day to rest up before this week starts! If only that were an option, right?
The time passed in a string of events that now seem surreal. I am spent in ways that I have never before experienced and having a little trouble differentiating between fantasy and reality. Part of me hopes that at least some of it was fantasy.
The interlude with the wife, the dream about catching Miley masturbating to porn and then, well was it a dream? I make my way to the toilet and urinate, I am now bald down there and my wife obviously knows it. Between the thoughts about the weekend and the extra-curricular activities that went on or were dreamt about going on I hadn’t prepared an explanation for why I am suddenly sporting a completely bald package! Well she has known for at least a day by now but hasn’t commented on it so maybe it’s no big deal.
I am at the sink when she comes into the bathroom with two cups of coffee. Handing me one she glances down and raising an eyebrow at me as she inquires “New look, huh? That was a bit of a surprise, but I think I like it. Is this a permanent thing or just a trial run?”
I really don’t know how to respond but I manage to answer, “I thought you might appreciate it if I trimmed it up a bit but I kind of got carried away. You really like it?” I’m feeling a bit of a stir as the subject matter is focusing on my nether regions and at least it seems she approves.
“Well,” she says, “I suppose we’ll have to see how long it lasts. Maybe I’ll trim up a bit too and we can play around with it some. There’s nothing wrong with a bit of a change after all.”
Now my wife has always been groomed for swimwear but she keeps a small bush down there so I’m curious how far she is thinking of taking her so called trim! “Let me know if you need help with the trim up?” I offer, knowing that it is unlikely she will ask for my aide but definitely hoping to be around just in case, I refrain from pursuing the topic further. I won’t pretend that I didn’t also have a brief shot of guilt as well as a little spike of adrenaline as my thoughts turned to a mental replay of Sunday afternoon.
In response she pushes me back towards the shower with a gentle shove. “You wish!” she teases, “Like I’d let you shave me bald as a baby’s bottom? I thought you liked the natural look?”
Images flash by again as I struggle to focus on our current conversation, thinking fast, “I’m sure I love you either way dear” I manage to reply.
“Good answer.” I hear, from the other room as I start my shower and she gets started on her hair and makeup. By the time I get done she has stepped into the other end of the house and the girls are beginning their morning routines. I had heard an alarm earlier from that end of the house but it usually takes a few snooze cycles to get my kids going.
This particular morning it apparently takes a bit of prodding from their mom as well. Laura is generally the 1st to leave in the mornings so I am left to see that everyone gets out on time.
I am in the kitchen, pouring a second cup of coffee when it occurs to me that the shower is not running in the back of the house and I have not seen either of my girls this AM.
Calling out as I start down the hall, “Girls, You up? The bus will be coming around before you know it!” Rounding the doorway of my oldest’ room I am greeted by the sight of a beautiful 17 year old brunette in her underwear, standing before a mirror primping. She looks to have either already showered or she is skipping it this morning, perhaps she has gym class early or she showered last night before bed, honestly I can’t recall.
I don’t linger, though a part of me wants to, as I don’t need to start anything. I proceed to Miley’s room where I find she is still in bed, naked. Self-consciously I look around for a pair of my boxers, as these would clear up any doubts or hopes I might have had about a certain dream.
Miley stirs and innocently looks up at me, “Dad?”
“You had better get a move on girl” I say, ignoring the obvious fact of her nudity. “Your mom just left, your sister appears to be mostly done and the bathroom is all yours. No time to waste, babe, hop to it!” I say turning to leave, and praying not to get hard before I can get back to my room. Damn it is rough on a guy in a house full of women.
I am almost out of danger when I nearly run headlong into my still scantily clad older daughter coming out of the kitchen bearing a coffee cup and looking a bit like an underwear model. The latent stirring I had felt earlier combined with the recent views trigger a response and it becomes evident to both of us simultaneously that I now have a case of morning wood as she looks down and grins.
I look down too as I feel a slight breeze on the tip of my now protruding cock as the fly of my boxers is pushed open.
I turn away from her to adjust myself and Miley, still naked, is exiting her room towards the shower. She pauses in the hall just long enough to take me in, her eyes twinkle with delight or mischief as she slowly eyes me up and down.
“Well now!” she says, turning to get a shower.
I have no idea what that means, but she proceeds and I hear laughter as she closes the bathroom door.
As I turn back, Kylie is still standing there. She doesn’t appear to be in any hurry to clear the hallway, or to get dressed come to think of it. “Hey, um, sorry but, well let’s get going ok?” I say as I start back towards her. I am passing by on her right and she brushes my crotch with her right hand as we pass. I turn to glance back and she has gone on to her room not looking back. Was that accidental or did she actually just feel me up?
For the remainder of the brief time we have to spend together this morning I am determined to stay on my end of the house. These girls have suddenly become quite sexually aggressive and I am feeling a bit out of sorts. On the one hand I am a normal male and I have the natural response to sexual stimulation both visual and physical. The stress factor is as huge as the attraction is for a number of reasons.
First, I love my wife. I have rarely felt any desire to cheat on her. Sure porn is a form of stress relief when our sex life is a bit slow but that’s different… right?
Second, I love my girls. I want the very best for them. I would do anything to protect them and I am very conflicted by the turn of recent events.
It has not been intentional on my part and I did not initiate any part of the current situation, yet on the other hand I am currently sexually primed in a way that I have never before imagined. Is this due to sexual taboo? Is it the risk factors? Am I just a freak? These are just a few of the questions I have reeling through my thoughts as I go to start getting ready for my day.
I am actually find myself debating whether I have time to rub one off or if I need a cold shower while I enjoy the last few sips of my coffee. Deciding that I need coffee more than either of those I am crossing out of our bedroom toward the kitchen when my youngest daughter, now freshly showered, proceeds out of her bathroom wrapped in a towel.
Seeing me she pauses and gives me a very brief almost contemplative look before she asks “Could you make some eggs this morning, Daddy?”
This sounds good to me but I don’t think she has that kind of time before the bus will be here. Generally what time she does have is used up primping. However rather than press her on her near tardiness I answer, “I’ll make some but if you plan to eat them yours might need to be in a sandwich to go!” Then a bit louder I ask, “Kylie, do you want an egg sandwich this morning?”
Making a beeline for the coffee pot which I find almost empty, then pouring the last into my cup I prep a second pot. When did we become a two pot family? Perhaps Laura needed an extra cup this morning to make the drive into town. Our old Mr. Coffee only makes what it calls ten cups, which is more like three and a half or four at the most. I
suppose it was inevitable that we would need to make a second pot or get a larger coffee maker as the kids start to drink it as well.
I have the coffee going, it smells good, the eggs are frying and I am opening the bread to make sandwiches when Kylie, my 17 year old daughter, comes in for a refill, “Morning sweetheart, hitting the caffeine hard this morning, huh?”
“Guess so” she says a bit sluggishly. She has never exactly been a morning person, much like me actually.
“Fresh pot, so, help yourself there’s plenty.” I offer.
“Are you taking us to school this morning?” she asks, eyeing the eggs I am preparing as though she hasn’t heard me mention that the school bus should be coming soon.
It is a rare thing for me to get up and make breakfast before they leave. It is even rarer that I might take them into town unless I have an early errand to go and do.
Seeing as I am still in my boxers, which is all I had put on after my shower, I would think it obvious that I have no plans to head into town early.
“Can’t say as I had planned to” I reply.
Then as Miley enters the kitchen, having apparently overheard a bit of our conversation, she chimes in with, “That’s a great idea Daddy! You wouldn’t even really have to get dressed to drop us off at the corner store. We could walk from there.” Then turning to her sister she says, “Maybe you could text Susan and see if she needs a ride?”
I’m curious as to why Susan has come up in this morning’s conversation but I have no intention of driving the girls anywhere near the school undressed. This thought or image has me distracted somewhat and I almost burn the eggs before I notice. Quickly setting them aside I point to the sandwiches and simply say “Grab one and eat or better yet, get it and go! Are you both ready? What time does that bus come; shouldn’t you be outside already?” Which is about when I hear a horn out by the road!
Our house sets back off the street a pace so the girls have been known to stand just indoors on rainy days while waiting. Knowing this the school bus driver will toot his horn if he doesn’t see them but he doesn’t sit long. Before the girls can gather their bags and food I hear his acceleration and he is gone. As one my daughters turn to me and smile as they return to the kitchen counter to eat their breakfasts.
With a sigh I join them as I contemplate having to get dressed and take the brief ride into town. Miley is adding cream and sugar to a cup of coffee or more like adding coffee to a cup of sweetener and the girls seem to think they have all morning now. I suppose the bus does come very early and as I said before I don’t often do this with my girls so…
“What did Susan say?” Miley asks her sister.
“She hasn’t yet” Kylie replies.
“Wait,” I protest, “I never said I would give her a ride. I thought you both were gonna catch the bus up until a moment ago!”
“Well we certainly know you are going to now, don’t we?” Kylie points out.
“And she already asked her now if she needs a ride Daddy. It would be rude not to once the offer has been given.”
Miley says helpfully, though she seems to be elsewhere in her thoughts. “You don’t want to be rude to Susan now, do you?”
I can’t help but wonder briefly what Susan has to do with anything that happened this weekend. Then it hits me, it was only a day ago, Saturday actually that Susan and my two daughters had me basically stripped and tortured at the ball field by some of the high school cheerleaders. At least some of which happened on camera and possibly even on video if I know Susan. Hell, my own daughters likely took video as well.
Before I can protest further I recall that it is likely that by this time both of my daughters have video of me and my daughter Miley in the tub together naked in several very risqué positions. I wish I could say there was any sort of chance that it has not as well been shared with Susan.
Briefly I wonder if I should check my phone. I’d kind of like to see what it shows myself but for the life of me I cannot bring myself to ask for a copy of the footage!
Susan somehow is late in responding and I am spared having to take her to school in addition to my two personal nymphs.
They tease me a little about my having as they put it, “tried to spy on them” and “hoped to catch them naked” along with comments about how they would like to stay home today and play, whatever that meant. It was a good thing it was not all that far to drop them off as there was a very real chance one of them might catch me getting a stiffy had we been delayed.
Something tells me Susan would have insisted on some form of debauchery to start the day if she had ended up in the truck. My brief experience with that one tells me that she has extensive knowledge beyond that of most of her peers.. Certainly beyond that of my girls up until very recently at least.
We are saying our farewells and I am almost away when our new friend makes an appearance. Apparently she arrived a few minutes earlier and waited just to torture me. Well, she said she was waiting to see Kylie but she made a point of sticking her head in the passenger side window and checking me over with a bit of apparent disapproval as to my choice of attire as she asked me for a quick flash, saying, “Wanna show me how happy you are to see me this morning?” With this she first looked me in the eyes then locked in on my crotch as if she expected me to drop them for her right then and there!
Valiantly ignoring her for the moment I called to my girls to have a good day and pulled away as peels of laughter rang in my ears. God I hope no one else was nearby. But she hadn’t really said anything dangerous had she?
It seems that I am truly undone by that girl and once again I consider stopping by the school office to intervene in their joint assignment. How badly might that cost me should it become known that I did so? What legitimate cause might I offer school staff? It appears that my fate is set for now.
Leaving the school property I glance what I believe to be the girl from the local Asian restaurant drive-thru walking across the grass near the drive. She and I briefly make eye contact and look away simultaneously. Did she blush? Lord, I had hoped she wouldn’t remember me or at least that she might not have been embarrassed by our brief encounter at her family’s place of business. I suppose Wonton, Eggrolls and Fried Rice is off the menu for a bit.
I run a few errands and find myself heading home in time for a late lunch. Thinking it might be a while before I have the nerve to risk stopping again as well as being close by and feeling assured that the drive-thru girl from last Friday is in school, I suddenly have a craving for egg rolls.
It is after the rush so the line is short and in no time my order is placed and I am pulling up to the window. Imagine my surprise when the pretty girl from a few days ago and also this morning is facing me in the window. Bag of eggrolls and this time a soda. We both are a bit embarrassed and she definitely looked to see if I was once again wearing only boxers. Nothing was spilled this time fortunately and as I drove off I recalled hearing at some point that she was a senior, guess she has a short schedule some days!
I only grabbed enough for a snack as I was hoping to enjoy a nice dinner later so the drive home made short work of that. Arriving home I decided I would chill a bit and if I was lucky get a quick nap while the house was quiet. I guessed that I had around an hour and a half to kill. After the day I had and mostly the prior weekend I could use it!
I awoke to the rumble of the school bus, still dressed in my sweats and t-shirt that I had slipped into this morning having not changed or stripped them off as I often do before laying across the bed. Not sure why but perhaps it was due to my budding shyness at being exposed in my own home!
Hearing female voices I found my nerves and my heart rate increasing. Wait; was there someone with my daughters at the door? Please let it not be Susan, I thought, but then I had the slightest twinge of excess blood flow through my nether regions.
It turns out that this afternoon our guest is none other than the Miss Crissy Stiles herself. Head cheerleader and senior at the high school, blonde bombshell and brick shithouse are terms we might have used to describe girls built like Crissy in my day. Evidently, the vacancy in the squad is a matter of some urgency and it was decided today to give our Miley a shot to try out. This meant it was time for a fitting and a cram session of a few of the more commonly used cheers and their moves or gestures. This resulted in yet another scantily clad young lady prancing and jumping around in our back yard for some time before dinner.
Kylie was actually staying close around the other girls for part of the time during Crissy’s visit. Maybe she has an interest in cheerleading as well but I would have never guessed it to be the case before. Likely it was the shared experience this weekend. I managed to busy myself doing paperwork and attempting to line up work for the following week and staying as remote as I could as the last thing I wanted was for this girl to recognize me from Saturday at the field. I think I was largely successful in this and around 6:30pm her mother called her home. It turned out that she had driven over and had only arrived slightly behind the school bus.
Laura was coming in from work as Crissy was leaving and we all had a moment to meet out in front of the house. Ever the hostess Laura invited Crissy back anytime and before I could intervene she suggested a sleepover or a pool party might be in the offerings. If she had any idea how fast these young girls are today she’d ban them all from even speaking to our girls!
It appears that my wife is enamored with the idea of our Miley becoming a cheerleader. Having been ravaged by several of the current squad members myself I found I was conflicted about the issue. I certainly hoped that was a bit of a one off, not something that they did regularly as a team. I also hoped to maintain my anonymity and so was nervous about having to spend time around any girl on the team who had been in attendance last game.
My identity should not be suspect though after all who would ever guess my girls had offered up their own father as a sacrifice to the abuses of half a dozen depraved teen girls! I was there and I still can’t believe it had happened; thankfully I don’t have any tattoos or birthmarks that might give away my identity!
Dinner was simple yet awesome, and as usual for a Monday consisted of some of my favorites. This is a bit of a tradition for us either on Sundays or Mondays as I find that I am more often home on these days. Laura managed to slip off to get a shower while I tidied up the kitchen.
The girls busied themselves chatting about cheerleading and football players they knew. Suddenly they were evidently excited about going to ball games, which was foreign to us until now. I enjoyed the lack of focus on me to be honest and though I was worried somewhat I still believed my girls would be careful and I felt I should trust them, mostly.
It turned out that we all decided to call it a night early and Laura and I had a rather intimate evening. She trimmed a bit more than she had before down below and you might say everything was clean but the door mat or landing strip as I have heard it called only a bit more of a triangle.
This made for a very different sensation during coitus and I think she appreciated that I was a bit more enthusiastic during oral. We haven’t talked about it but I think it may become the new norm for us both, as she too was far less reluctant to perform orally. Who knows she may even work up to going totally smooth down there like me. That would for sure make for a different feeling for us both during sex!
I’m a little sad we hadn’t talked about this and discovered it on our own, LOL. Sleep eventually found us and in no time Tuesday came calling.
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