The Pranksters: 1st Chapter


The Pranksters: Chapter 1

My name is Sheri. I am 16 but I’ll be 17 in a few months. I live with my Dad and Step-mom. My mom left several years ago when they divorced and I don’t see her much.

I come from a sort of big family on my Dad’s side and have a good many cousins. Being one of the oldest I often get asked to babysit the others when we visit where Dad grew up so he, my step-mom and the aunts and uncles can go out. Dad’s folks don’t go out much but they also don’t usually let all the kids get dumped on them so we have to stay at one of my cousins’ houses when the adults go out.

My only older cousins are boys and for some reason they never seem to have to babysit now that I am old enough to watch after the younger cousins. I don’t mind so much as sometimes if the folks stay out late they give me a few dollars for sitting and a girl has needs so a few dollars here and there comes in handy ya know! Besides, my older cousins are not who you want in charge of other kids if you know them like I do.

My older cousins are Rick who is only 5 months older than me so he’s already 17 and thinks it is such a big deal because I am still 16. He is so immature I am glad he is never in charge of me. He did some mean things to me in the past but not any more since now I am in charge even when he is around. Mostly he just goes down the street to hang out with some of his neighbor friends, even if we end up at his house which is fine with me since he can be a jerk. What is it with boys his age anyway?

Oh, sorry… the oldest is Tom who is nearly 18 and acts like he is grown already and can’t be bothered by us kids most of the time. He used to get left in charge a couple years ago. He isn’t always mean now but he goes along with Rick too much.

Rick and Tom are not brothers but their Dads were twins and still live in the old home town, actually on the back side of our grandparents’ property so everyone is neighbors sort of. These two are terrible pranksters. They used to tease me mercilessly when we were small but lately they seem to have moved on to focusing their pranks on the next generation of cousins, their younger siblings and maybe neighbor kids I guess. It isn’t like I am around a lot and as long as they leave me alone I am happy!

We live a couple of hours away in the city. I go to a nice school and am actually sort of popular. I think I might even get to try out for varsity cheer-leading next year as I am friends with a few girls on the squad and they have shown me a few of the moves to practice. Being petite but still having a bit of a figure, blonde and perky I fit right in, or so I’m told!

I don’t really know about the perky part as I am less outgoing and a little shy but I try hard, at least around the other girls on the squad. At home a couple of my friends invite me to hang out and to sleepovers at their houses and a few of the cheerleaders are always there. One thing I have learned from them is that sometimes you have to act like you are feeling it even if you don’t if you want to be liked. Let me tell you that is not always easy.

My younger cousins are boys and girls but mostly boys. Bobby is a full year younger than me, Cindy, Tom’s little sister, is close to Bobby’s age but a few months younger, so I guess he’s 15 or soon will be 16 and she’s 14. Then there’s Rick’s little brother Ron who never wants to be left with us but wants to go where ever Rick is; he’s 13 but might soon be 14 if I remember right. He is actually pretty close to Bobby and Cindy; he just resents me being in charge when I visit for some reason. I mean, I am the oldest girl and so the most mature right? I should be in charge!

Sometimes there is another cousin or two who are even younger but my dad’s sisters live further away and when they come over they sometimes share a sitter or often their kids are with friends. These are all boys unfortunately. Why do there have to be so many boys in my family?

Anyway, as I was saying before, we came to the country to see dad’s family as it is the Memorial Day weekend so school will soon let out for the summer. This particular weekend the two older boys, Tom and Rick are actually at home and for some reason at the same house as me and the other cousins, but thankfully they are in another room playing on the Xbox and I probably won’t have to deal with them at all.

When the parents leave we are all told that I am in charge as usual and that everyone should listen or else… Not that this is much of a threat as I have never seen one of my cousins spanked or punished really. Frankly we all get along except for the two oldest who are generally sly enough to get away with their pranks and even they rarely get in trouble.

So this once we are all in the same house and I am trying to think what to do to entertain everyone as I am putting a few things in Cindy’s room. This is where I usually sleep when we visit and tonight we will be staying over.

Food is taken care of as we already have a casserole that my aunt prepared warming in the oven and a salad in the fridge. Ice cream sandwiches for desert and that’s all set.

Maybe we can all pick a couple of movies to stream, as long as the older boys stay busy I think we can agree on a comedy or animation and maybe some action flick for the boys, No way I get to watch a rom-com tonight though there are a couple I haven’t seen yet now streaming on HULU!

Having put all my things away, I return to the family room to find my cousins all naked. The two older boys are totally nude and just sitting on the couch. Cindy is on the floor with her back to me playing a game with Bobby and Ron on either side of the coffee table. My eyes refuse to believe what I am seeing.

Rick and Tom are spread legged and appear to have huge erections which unfortunately I cannot miss seeing. They are also grinning from ear to ear.

“What the heck do you all think you are doing?” I ask them.
“Cindy where are your clothes? Get dressed right now!” This simply will not do.

“Are you all crazy? You can’t be sitting around naked like this!” I holler at them. Nearly hyperventilating I am so upset.

Rick and Tom get up and walk toward me, their things waggling in the air as they walk. It is a disturbing sight but I have a hard time looking away. “Calm down cuz,” Tom croons in what I guess he thinks of as a soothing voice; to me it just sounds slimy.

I pull away before he can put a hand on me as I turn my back on them both and their nakedness. “Why are you all naked?” I demand once more. “Cindy, Ron, Bobby are these boys making you do this? Tell me now and I will call our parents.” They literally just left after all so how far away can they be?
For that matter our grandparents are just across the way all I have to do is make it outside!

It’s Ronny who stuns me, “Nah, we’re all nudists now. It’s fun you should try it too.”

Bobby and Cindy chime in with something about clothes being hot and uncomfortable as they continue their game without even looking up.

“Aw, I bet she’s too chicken” Rick goads me, “We’d prolly have to make her strip to get her naked.”

Tom on the other hand suggests, “Give her a few minutes to adjust guys. I bet she just wasn’t expecting this, after all her parents don’t know yet but I’m betting they will all be onboard before tonight is over.”

Trying to process all this I wonder, will my dad and step-mom go along with nudity here in the country? Is this just indoors or on the farm? Do all the cousins and even the adults go naked all the time? What about grandma and grandpa, no way do I want to be seen or see either of them naked!

I try to think about joining them as I am and it just seems wrong to be sitting there fully clothed when they are naked. Yet I cannot imagine taking off my clothes in front of them.

“You want some help? Rick asks me.

I realize that I have reached up to a button on my shirt and nearly unfastened it. At this I retreat down the hall to Cindy’s room.

“You ok?” Tom asks, and even sounds convincingly concerned.
“Cindy maybe you better go with her?”

Yes! “Cindy? Will you come in here?” I call as I go back to her room. Still not believing that I have just seen 4 naked boys, 2 younger and 2 older but also my younger female cousin! Completely naked, just sitting around as if it was no big deal. OK, so the older two were pretty excited I guess, so not exactly like it was no big deal.

Did the younger boys have erections too? I couldn’t really say. I didn’t get a good enough look. Did I want a better look? I see my 1st hard-on and it has to be my cousins Tom and Rick?

I certainly got a pretty good look. Did I want to see more? It seemed I had to get naked too I guess if I did. I couldn’t exactly stay in the room all night if I was “in charge”. Dinner was yet to be set out and we had several hours before bedtime.

Cindy followed after a minute or two, still naked and blushing.

Really, I am no prude. I have seen plenty of naked girls in the gym showers after class. I have spent the night here many times and Cindy and I have changed clothes in front of each other dozens of times. I guessed she was shy about being naked around all the boys in front of me maybe?

“Cindy, when did you all become nudists? Is this something you want to do?” Not that I have any idea what to do if she says no but this is just so weird!

“It’s fun, come join us, you’ll see.” She says as she sits on her bed.

“But,” I say, then run out of words. She is looking at me hopefully, expectantly, “Do you really want me to take off my clothes and join you out there?” I ask her.

“Oh Yes!” she says excitedly.

So, slowly at first I remove my shirt then my shorts. I remove my under things more quickly wanting to get it over with. Naked I stand before Cindy who is now grinning happily. I actually grin myself, maybe it’s contagious?

“After you,” she says as she rushes past me to open her bedroom door.

I can’t believe the turn this night has taken. My cousins are all naked and waiting for me just down stairs. I am actually walking down the hall fully nude and exposed in my uncle’s house with my teenage and preteen male cousins waiting to see me just below.

I find I have to pee. Nerves maybe? I make a pit stop near the top of the stairs. I can hear the others chatting quietly. I feel a little pride that Tim thinks I will have nerve to join them but Rick still thinks I am chicken. Well I’ll just show him won’t I?

I hear Cindy call out as she goes by the bathroom and she tells them that I’ll be right down.

I will be, really, I will. OK, so here goes!

I leave the bathroom, no towel, no clothes, just me. I am scarlet, burning up as if I had a fever. But I am doing this, if Cindy and the boys can be comfortable naked then why can’t I?

As I come down the stairs the den is vacant. Everyone sounds like they are in the kitchen. Well I am hungry too, especially after all the excitement and food might be a nice distraction right?

As I round the corner it hits me, other voices? I step into the kitchen to find everyone dressed, even Cindy! How? Why?
Grandma and Grandpa are sitting at the table. A split second before they see me I turn to escape and Rick snaps a pic on his phone, the jerk was behind me all along.

Grinning he grabs my arm and drags me in to see the family. “Wow,” grandpa says as I enter, “Guess it’s true then.”

“Of course it is dear, and you just keep your eyes in your head you old goat.” Grandma scolds him. “These city kids today aren’t all so different than we were back in our youth.”

“Grandma,” Cindy squeals, “did you go through a nudist phase like Sheri here?”

“No dear, we weren’t quite so bold but we did have a festival or two where some of us let our hair done for a bit you might say. Perhaps one day I‘ll show you a picture or two when you’re a bit older.”

At this Grandpa and Grandma both chuckle and maybe even blush a bit.

“Well, we see everything here is in hand; mind you all listen to Sheri. And you boys respect her privacy, no pictures unless she says its ok and even then you had better keep it in the family. The laws now are pretty strict about under age nudity.” Grandpa warns, as they get up to leave.

I am so stunned still that I can barely function as they leave. I am still standing naked in the edge of the kitchen/den area when the back door closes.

“What are you all doing? Why are you dressed and what exactly was that all about?” I am so mad I can hardly put my thoughts into sentences, much less process that I just pranced into a room full of not only my cousins but also my grandparents fully naked and apparently they were OK with it!

“Don’t worry cuz. We explained to the Gramps that you wanted to try being a nudist this summer and thought it would be fun to start this weekend while the folks were out!” Rick informed me.

“They insisted on seeing for themselves, so we let them know when to come over. Thanks for cooperating! That was awesome!” Tom added.

“Yeah,” Bobby piped up, “you look awesome, way better than Cindy anyway.”

“Hey, you seemed pretty excited to get me naked when it was my turn!” Cindy quipped as she took a swing at Bobby.

“Sure, but Sheri has tits and fuzz where you have some growing to do yet. Don’t worry you’ll get there and when you do you can show us all!” Bobby teased as he dodged yet another swipe.

“Hey you two knock it off, no hitting!” I find myself saying as I desperately want to pummel Rick and Tom. I know this is a scheme they cooked up. Instead I decide the mature path is to go upstairs and get dressed immediately, and then kill them later. Maybe I can poison their food! As I turn to go, Rick still has his phone, either taking pictures or video I don’t know which.

“Put that away, now! You do not have my permission to look at me much less take pictures.” I scold him, as if this will do any good.

“Too late to be shy now, cuz, after all don’t you want to say hi to my buddies? They are all certainly glad to see you again, well glad to see so much of you anyway.” Grinning evilly he adds, “Say hello to your neighborhood fan club, this might be live on snap right now!”

It can’t be, can it? Would he do that to me? Probably, well ok, yes he would, unless he got what he wanted from me instead.

“But Grand Daddy said!” I protest.

“Too late, sorry this is entirely too good.” Rick replied, lowering his phone for a minute. “I am under age and there is nothing anyone will do to me. You are going to be naked all summer, every time you come over, day and night. You are going to beg your folks to let you stay for a long visit and you will tell our folks that you want to become a nudist!”

“I won’t do it!” I scream, as I run up stairs to Cindy’s room only to find that her door is locked. Did she lock it on the way out? Did one of the boys lock it? They were obviously all in on it.

“Why are you all doing this to me?” I cry out to my cousins but I know why. I have been gone away for most of the school year, back home while they have been through it here with the dastardly duo. It is simply my turn and in exchange for some relief; they had to go along to give the older boys a new toy to torture.

“When you’re ready how about let’s get a nice video of your grand entrance this time?” Bobby suggests from downstairs. “I hate I missed that the 1st time but I’m sure you can smile and wave for the camera. Just pretend you’re Miss America getting off a plane in Europe or something.”

I cannot believe this boy. Where does he get this stuff and why am I getting excited at the thought of having to do it for him?

“This will be great,” Bobby tells Ron, “remember when Cindy did that?”

So Cindy had been on the receiving end of similar treatment? Well if she can live through it I guess I will as well.

“You two pipe down or we’ll make you strip again and escort her, though you’d probably like that!” Tom directed the younger boys.

“It’s not so bad Sheri,” Cindy offered encouragingly, “You look awesome and you can do this!”

“Shush, Cindy unless you want to join her.” Rick warned her.
“OK enough stalling, get down here, smiling like a proud peacock and let’s eat already. The night is still young and we have a few things yet to explain… aannnd action.”

And so as gracefully as I could manage, I strolled down the stairs of my uncle’s home naked once more, this time before the eyes and camera of my cousins smiling for all I was worth as if it was totally my idea and I was loving every minute of it. This would later come back on me, as somehow I knew it would but what was I to do in the moment?

Step by step, trying to act as if I wasn’t nervous, knees shaking, it was so much worse the second time. The 1st time I thought I was joining a group and now I knew I was the only one but I still had to do it.

Did Rick and Tom really think they could make me go naked here all summer? Just wait till my Dad gets back; I bet he puts a stop to this nasty prank. I have tried to tell him before how bad these boys can be but he’ll have to believe me now.

I found myself serving the others as if I was their naked waitress, eating last. I even posed for a couple pictures serving Rick, Ron and Bobby. Tom and Cindy didn’t insist on pics with me but Rick snapped one of Cindy and I fake smiling anyway.

I was beginning to wonder what my cousin was planning to do with all the pictures. Well he didn’t take long in explaining his plan when Rick said, “These should work for convincing your Dad that you want this and that it was your idea, Thanks!”

OMG! I thought, what pics did he get? Could this really look like I was enjoying this? “No way is my Father gonna buy that crap no matter what sort of story you tell him. If you don’t let me get dressed by the time he gets back you might finally get the whooping you deserve for this!”

“Maybe so,” Tim admits, “but looking at the evidence here is pretty convincing.” He is scrolling back through the pick on Rick’s phone.

“Let me see.” I ask them, thinking of curse that they can’t be right and that if I could get my hands on the phone I could delete them.

“Sure you can look but no point trying to delete them cause there are already lots of copies on my laptop, phone and a couple of internet email sites.” Tim informs me. “So relax, you aren’t gonna need any clothes any time soon, see, don’t you look so happy and excited to be finally getting to show us all the real you in this one here?”

He actually hands me the phone. I am almost afraid to look at it. I mean what if it’s true? I don’t want to be naked. I don’t want everyone to see me without clothes, though that ship has sort of sailed, but especially not my aunts and uncles, my dad and step-mom, who else has already seen these pictures?

I hesitantly look through them, convinced now that there really is no point in trying to delete them. After all if they were sent to another phone or email then these evil boys will just transfer them back in minutes and then what.

“I sent your grand entrance video to the Gramps and told them you wanted to properly share your big moment with them. See, you already have one like!” Rick says as he opens instagram on his phone. “So here on the farm at least you are gonna have to try to make it convincing, otherwise why else would you have made such an entrance earlier and then made a video?”

I realize he might be right. How else would I explain this? No one would ever believe the truth, that all of my cousins got naked just to pull a prank on me? Even if that were believed it doesn’t 100% explain why I got naked? I could have just refused to go along! Oh, god! Why did I go along?

“Do you see it yet?” Tim asks me.

“See what?” I ask him.

Bobby chimes in, “They think you wanted to show us!”
“But were too shy, or wanted to show them anyway.” Ron adds.

“No,” I protest adamantly. “I do not!” I really don’t want to!

“I didn’t either, but you kinda forget about it after a while, you’ll see” Cindy offers.

Poor girl, she has to live with these monsters. I guess I can’t blame her for going along if only to have another girl to talk to about it and not be the only one.

Dinner was done and dishes loaded in the washer. I still couldn’t see myself just sitting around watching a movie while all the boys were checking me out but once we sat down and someone flipped through to the guide, that’s what sort of happened, except the boys mostly watched the movie. Oh there were glances, I even caught Cindy looking at me but told myself she was just checking if I was OK.

Somehow I relaxed. Really, it happened gradually, Cindy wasn’t wrong I sort of forgot I was naked and only remembered when I caught a particularly odd stare from one of the boys. Then it would all come crashing back.

A couple of hours later I told them all, “Folks might be in soon so we better be getting ready to call it a night. Everyone go get changed for bed then we can have ice cream before we all brush our teeth.”

Looking to Tim as he’s the oldest so I hoped he might give in… “Maybe I should get dressed for bed too?”

“Looks like to me you could be ready for someone’s bed already, heh,” Rick quipped lecherously. “Really cuz, you got nothing to be so shy about. I know lots of guys who would love to bed you.”

“Gross, Tim help me out here, before I have to kill this pervert.” I call on his sense of whatever it is he should be but has yet to feel towards protecting me instead of using me for entertainment.

“Cool it Rick, No one’s bedding anyone. As for getting ready for bed, nudist sleep nude, I’d guess. So tadah, you’re ready!” Tim tells me with a sly grin. “Oh and don’t worry about the folks, we already set the stage a little. See, our folks know you have a surprise to share with us this summer and that you might even bring it this weekend, or at least that’s what we told them. Apparently it has something to do with a friend from the city, not sure who but maybe we can invite someone to visit this summer and who knows.”

This diabolical boy has apparently arranged things, or so he seems convinced. I refuse to go along, there has to be some sort of catch where I can slip this trap!

“When they get back, I’m sure it will be a bit of a shock for them but you are gonna be naked. That is not negotiable. Your dad won’t totally freak because everyone will see you at the same time, we will have obviously already seen you and though I bet he won’t be happy about it you are after all nearly an adult and we’re all family. Your dad is pretty chill so if you want to become a nudist here around the farm I bet he will adjust, after all he is also a guy and guys like seeing naked girls, right?”

“Old dudes look at young naked teens on the internet all the time” Rick throws in, his inner pervert on display. “I bet he even likes the idea!”

“No way, that’s just gross, Ricky, why do you have to be such a perv?” I ask him but in my head I wonder, does dad look at young girls on the computer? He has never looked at me like these boys are looking at me. At least I have never seen him look at me like he wanted to eat me.

My cousins are looking at me like they haven’t eaten in a while, well mostly my pervy cousin Rick. Cindy has evidently been naked like this a few times but she has no chest really and though I am not huge my full B cup breasts are about all Rick has or is ever like to see when it comes to a naked girl. I bet he looks at porn on the web nonstop, whacking off like a monkey. This thought makes me smile and I actually chuckle which of course they assume means I am enjoying this.

“I’m just a normal red blooded country boy and you’re enjoying this even if you don’t want to admit it. I can’t wait till some of my friends come over this summer to get a load of the big city girl in all her glory. This is gonna be fun!” He exclaims as if it is a foregone conclusion.

His friends? He thinks I am gonna be on parade for all his friends from the area like this. Do I have a choice? Something tells me I have to figure this out quick or it just might happen.

Bobby, Cindy and Ronny have returned and are ready for ice cream. Frankly I need a little something to distract me and cool me down too.

“When is she gonna sit on the table and show us Tim?” Bobby asks.

“What? Who me?” I ask incredulously. “I’m not sitting on any tables naked, that’s unsanitary and I’m not showing, wait, showing what?” Did these boys make Cindy do more than get naked?

“Well,” Bobby answers timidly “Cindy let us all look at her up close like, you know, down there. You got hair covering you sort of so Ron and I, even Cindy wants to see.” Looking to Rick and Tim the older boys, he adds, “You guys want to see too I bet huh?”

“All in good time, kids,” Rick tells the younger cousins. “How about we save a little something for tomorrow, OK. We might even wait till we can arrange a proper reception for the big reveal. Though if Sheri wants to give a little flash here and there I’m sure no one would object.”

I cannot believe I am hearing this. This conversation is beyond strange. My cousins, young and old are discussing me as if I weren’t standing here while I stand here naked like I am awaiting their decision. A part of me realizes that I am relieved that I am not being told to climb up on the table and spread my legs; as apparently that is something that Bobby, Ron and even Cindy think is in my future, a bigger part of me refuses to think I would ever do that.

As we are finishing up in the kitchen and migrating back to the family room, in walk the adults. The older boys are ahead of me so I am not immediately noticed but as I am followed up by my younger cousins and everyone spreads out it is immediately obvious that I have the rooms full attention.

“Sheri!” One of my aunts squeals.

“What the hell?” My uncle, maybe Tim’s dad, asks, having obviously got a shock and an eyeful all at the same time. Is he grinning?

I hear my dad’s voice as he comes through the door, “What’s up?” Then he sees me…

“Hey guys, welcome home.” Tim offers, “Sheri has a surprise for us!”

“Where are your clothes?” My dad or one of my uncles asks.

“Sheri is a nudist! That means she doesn’t wear clothes.” Bobby barks before anyone else can comment.
At this point, his mom, my aunt says, “You kids need to be getting to bed, I think. Off you go! I’m quite sure you’ve all seen quite enough of Sheri by now.”

She doesn’t even know the half of it. If these kids had they’re way I’d already be spread eagle on the kitchen table.

“Sheri, my dear, why don’t you go put something on for a bit so we can talk about all of this,” my step mom Tabby suggests as she gestures at my obvious display. “I think that perhaps this might not be the best way or place to make such an announcement.”

Which I for one think is a great idea, until Rick Kicks in with a sly wink at me, “She can’t do that because she asked us to put her clothes out in the barn where she wouldn’t be tempted to cover up.”

“Yeah, she asked us to help her stick to it. It’s something she’s been thinking about a while I guess!” Tim adds.

A chorus of yep, and that’s right and uh huh’s emanate from the gathered cousins. How can they all be such traitors? I want to kill them but it seems in the moment that I have no choice but to go along. Unless I want to call them all liars which they definitely are but who will the parents believe.

“She even had us video her big reveal and shared it with Grandma and Grandpa.” Ricky throws in, “They came over earlier and talked with us and checked to see if things were OK.”

“My dad and you grandmother saw you like this?” My dad asked? “Seriously, you shouldn’t be making any videos naked. Let me see that phone.” He insisted reaching for the device Rick was offering him. I hope he deletes it until I remember there are supposedly copies.

I stand there, everyone staring first at me then at the small screen as the adults crowd around to see the clip of my supposed reveal. I guess that’s nearly as good a name for it as anything.

“You sent this to Grandma and Grandpa?” Dad asks me. “And they came over here?”

“No sir,” I reply, “I mean yes, sir. I mean I didn’t send it, the boys did. It’s on their phone right? And yes sir, they did come over for a bit before we all ate.”

“And you’ve been undressed since we all left?” My other aunt and uncle, Rick’s mom and dad want to know.

“Well not the whole time.” I start but get interrupted.

“First she went up to Cindy’s room and stripped off in there, then she sent Cindy down to tell us to start the video. See you can see all the kids sitting watching upstairs for her to come down.” Rick says, sealing the deal it seems. “We had no idea what she was up to but said we had to record it for her to show you all.”

Lies, all lies! Are they serious? Are the adults actually buying this?

“We were as surprised as you when she came out naked.” Tim added.

I just bet he was. I still can’t believe I did that myself. All I had to do was refuse to go along and I wouldn’t be here now. I am such a fool. I just want to die right now. My knees are shaking and I want nothing more than to crawl into a hole and die.

My father, stepmom, two uncles and their wives, six adults as well as five cousins are all sitting or standing around talking about the fact that I am walking around naked and evidently I am going to be like this for a while. I mean it is certainly looking like no one is insisting that this doesn’t happen, at least here at their house, indoors.
Surely they won’t let me go outside like this or let anyone else see me?

But what was that bit about my clothes being put in the barn? That didn’t happen, right? My clothes are upstairs in Cindy’s room, I think.

Is it possible they could have snuck them out somehow. I guess so. Does that mean I literally have nothing to wear? That could pose a problem!

“Can I be excused for a minute?” I ask. I have to get upstairs and check on something.

“Sure, you all have had enough excitement for one night and tomorrow we are going to get up early. Sheri, you might not want to put on a suit but unless I miss my guess the lake will be too crowded for this display to go unnoticed so one of the boys will have to go get you a swimsuit for that at least.” Dad says.

Is he really going along with me being naked here? It certainly seem like he isn’t going to refuse it. OMG, I cannot wrap my head around this. My cousin’s crazy scheme is apparently working.

I head upstairs to find my suitcase. On Cindy’s dresser I see my makeup case and toiletry bag. Thank you, I pray, at least I have this as it contains the female necessities every girl keeps on hand. My actual overnight case is not to be seen though.

Cindy follows me in slowly, reluctantly, her head bowed. She looks scared, like she thinks I might hurt her? “I’m sorry!” she whispers, “I didn’t want to help them but they made me, you don’t know how they can be.”

“Really Cindy, Don’t I though?” I snap at her. I’m harsher than I intended to be. And she pulls back afraid, “Where are my things?”

“They’re in the barn, I guess. I was just told to get you naked if I could and then get back downstairs. They sort of did the same thing to me but just in front of the other boys and a couple boys from down the road. No parents and only once outside. Really, it was embarrassing but once it was over it was kind of exciting and fun. I mean I don’t want to do it again or anything but if I had to it might not kill me.” She blurted out in a rush. “I thought sure your dad would put a stop to it!”

“Yeah, me too.” I offer her, “Listen, I get it. It’s tough being the only girl around these boys. Remember, before you came along I was the only girl.” I look at her and for a moment we sort of click. I guess I can’t stay mad at her.

“Can you find my stuff and get me some things? Maybe you can be the one to get my swimsuit?”

“I’ll try,” she says, “But I don’t want trouble with the guys you know. “When you’re not here Rick or Tim is always in charge.”

Enough said, they could make the poor kids life hell I’m sure. “Good enough.” I huff. As I resign myself to suffer through the weekend, no way am I coming here this summer though. That’s not happening!
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