
Eroticism and blood, strong content of brutality and exciting situations

The genre Pulp collects those erotic stories offering strong content, abundant of violent crimes, atrocities and macabre situations. Stories of eroticism and blood. Tales for adults who contemplate physical suffering, mutilation and / or even death. The combination of sex and death often results in the mystery, in this category you will find rather explicit erotic stories, which leave much less room for imagination.

10 erotic stories of the genre pulp which were read 51.7K times.

AniversaryANNIVERSARY I met you on a dating site, shy virgin alone, exciting mix for a man like me. We started dating and from the first meeting our libido was blocked by your "stakes", by your feeling of mastery of your choices and your "NO". It has held us together the great love we have for each other. Today is a year that we are a couple and I decided to celebrate our anniversary by surprise. Weekend in a well-known exclusive ...reading time 8 minwritten on
Running for my life My neighbors are super weird in my opinion, they have a daughter they try to dress like some 18th century Dutch maid. She looks to be what, 15 to 30, I don't know but they treat her like she's some sort of slave. I mean the never let her out of the house without them until yesterday, I found her in the hallway kneeling by her door looking totally distressed. All she had on was a towel and panties so I asked ...reading time 13 minwritten on
The Group 2
My first nightI had just turned 18 and my marriage was fixed to a 25 years old man who worked at a very influential govt post. Tall handsome and well built at 6’2” thick black hair while I was half his frame and just 48 kgs at 5’3”. He had agreed to marry me the day he visited my house with his parents, He saw me while was jumping up and down the stairs to pass my time. He smiled at me when I looked at him. ...reading time 21 minwritten on
YlgrTorbjorn Olavson had returned home after so many years. Where by home we mean a semicircle of longhouses arranged around the tip of one of the many fjords opening onto the Baltic Sea. At that time people traveled a lot, the living were always around for some reason, and he didn't even have parents anymore, so he doubted someone would recognize him. But it didn't matter, he was an armed man, an Ulfberht sword hung by his side and on ...reading time 8 minwritten on
Hermann Morr
Diary of a sperm donorBeing a single man in my mid-thirties was never easy. But it was the life I was used to. Since my poorly paid job entailed me working pretty much most days and weekends I never got around to meeting to many ladies. So, sex was always just me getting myself off every second day. Nothing wrong with it, me having a good wank. Certainly, helped keep me sane. Since this was the norm for me, I always felt what a ...reading time 16 minwritten on
The red moon manorThe Red Moon Manor was always an interesting Victorian Mansion that has always been surrounded by urban legends. Out here in the English countryside, the people have always been quite curious as to what really happens there if anything at all. The Red Moon Manor is a three story home that covers many meters on a huge property covered by large gardens on all sides. The previous owner was a reclusive old man that hardly left his property. Most of ...reading time 11 minwritten on
Night terrors will win in the endI bet those night terrors haunt you every night. They creep up on you while you sleep dreaming of those vampires digging those fangs night terrors right into your soft neck. Do you feel that pinch? Now stop and feel that warm blood oozing down your neck, my sensual tongue goes and licks it up. In those night terrors you become one if us the undead. You wake up feeling panicked with your blood still trickling down your neck. I ...reading time 2 minwritten on
Two twin cats competing for his "Walter, I am going to take the limo tonight." stated Jarret. "Take the rest of night off." "Thank you Sir, shall I keep the light on?" "No need to Walter." Jarret grab the keys and headed for the garage. He had first seen the Twins two weeks ago. Their images were haunting him even now, forever plastered into his mind... Francine had entered the nightclub first. Her red hair up in a bun, wearing a black skin tight sweater over ...reading time 9 minwritten on
The pussy powerThe warm Cabo sun felt wonderful on my skin, so warm so relaxing, I could feel the stress of today melting away. The sound of the surf crashing on the beach below our villa balcony, so private I love laying there naked. As I sip a glass of chilled wine I try to go backward and recall the recent events. My husband Trent and I arrived last night on our jet from Carmel, we always loved spending time at our ...reading time 7 minwritten on
L Lady
Asteria in controlAsteria rode her motorcycle down the center of the old I-15 in southern Idaho. Catching the eyes of stray foxes, feral cats, and wolves as she plowed through the night, she wondered how many of them served as the eyes and ears of her enemies. Not that it mattered to her. She was a vampire hunter and she was tough. She was going to win no matter how much the vampires hedged their bets. She pulled to a stop on ...reading time 10 minwritten on
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