
Homosexual relations between men and other men

The genre Gay collects erotic stories that deal with homosexual relations between men, the sexual adventures of men whose sexual tastes lead them to be attracted to other men, whether within the relationship are active, passive, or both. Stories for adults where the attraction to the same sex is strong, often inresistibile.

199 erotic stories of the genre gay which were read 1.7M times.

Straight Best Friend And I Take A Motorcycle Trip - Part 3My Straight Best Friend And I Take A Motorcycle Trip - 3 I hate falling asleep upset but yet I did. Between the alcohol, the Devil's lettuce, and being in a strange bed - I was having some crazy dreams. I really don't remember what they were about, but I remembered that they were disconcerting. I remember hearing the buzz of the air conditioning/heater unit that was in the window. It was in the background as I slept. I was ...reading time 11 minwritten on
Straight Best Friend And I Take A Motorcycle Trip - Part 2Rob and I are cruising down the road heading towards the university to visit our friend John. A million thoughts are rushing through my mind as I steer the motorcycle with Rob sitting directly behind me. I can’t believe what just happened. I knew it wasn’t my imagination as I could still taste him in my mouth along with the fact that Rob’s hands were wrapped around me and cupping my crotch as we moved along. Rob ...reading time 10 minwritten on
Jasper's the Real Monster Once upon a time in the land of Deviantart there was an annoying little jerk named Jasper, Jasper loved to fap to overweight characters and liked commissioning art of his OC who totally wasn't his self insert being turned into weird or unsimpable characters and he had a vitriolic hatred of Nathan. You see, it all began with one simple breakup between friends but then it had become one mini-war against the other and as far was Nathan was concerned, ...reading time 11 minwritten on
Big men fuck hippy surfer San diego 88' I accepted a ride from a big man driving in his Van going to the next town cause he offered me candy(rock cocaine) and he took me to a view spot pulled in fast and yanked me in back I was 73 lbs 39" tall he was behind me no bench seats in back just new carpet with thick padding "relax lay down on your side let me rub that sweet ass of yours boy you get this ...reading time 10 minwritten on
Curtis Sloan
Runaway boy goes up and down the coast on the cock express 1990 early morning I made my way into Santa Monica pier and walked out their were people up moving around I was in my yoga pants which are very cheeky semi spandex my small pack and small bed roll I said hello to a tall bald black man who was friendly and knew I was a runaway he he asked if I dropped a dollar then rubbed my ass "need to make some money or get candy for play follow me ...reading time 17 minwritten on
Curtis Sloan
Long Motorcycle Trip With My Straight Best Friend Rob (True Story) I was 22 years old, hanging out with my three friends who were all in great shape and good looking. We often met up at the park on sunny days to chill, smoke some grass, and catch a buzz. Among us, I was the tallest at 6 feet, six inches with brown hair. Rob, the shortest at 5 feet, 8 inches and 22 years old, caught my eye the most. Despite our great friendship, none of my friends knew I was gay, and I didn't ...reading time 17 minwritten on
Mike, My Bully Mike, My Bully  corrected Mike was my bully in 7th grade, and this is a true story. We met during football practice before the school year began. I was impressed by his well-defined muscles and skill in the sport. After practice, we would shower in the locker room where Mike had no shame in showing off his naked body.  I was amazed by his advanced development, with a full bush and hair in his armpits. He also had a beautiful ...reading time 8 minwritten on
THe New Beginning to MY LifeThere was a fund raiser at my sons school. It was called Fathers Follies . It was to be a play where all of the actors were fathers ,even if they played female roles. Which meant that some of us had to wear womens clothes. I tried not to get one of those roles. But as I soon found out there were more female roles then male roles . When my wife found out that I was to be a super hot ...reading time 3 minwritten on
a friendly cock sucker
Closing the Beach HouseA follow-up to 'The Beach House' In early November, I took the bus to Redrock Harbor and arrived almost two hours before the ferry was to leave. I had arranged to help Rick close down his beach house. I would be gone for a total of four nights. Four nights alone with Rick. I walked around town and ran out of things to do and went to the dock. I spotted Rick’s sports car. A few minutes later he ...reading time 56 minwritten on
A Drunken EncounterAfter I broke up with Silvi, I was in a depressed state. I had spent all my time with her for the last six months and now I was isolated socially. Work was difficult because I saw her there, and everyone gossiped about us because of the rumors she had spread about me. I started going bowling with some of the guys from the plant on Fridays. Most days I drank alone, but at least on that day it was ...reading time 11 minwritten on
Geneva’s Guidance I went most of my life fantasizing about sucking a man’s cock. This was not due to a porn addiction as I would agree is a contributing factor today. I grew up before computers and the internet. Porn was extremely limited for me. I can honestly say my desire to experience sucking a man’s penis came before I had any exposure to porn of any time including magazines. For me, it started with sexual conversations and innuendos about ...reading time 22 minwritten on
The Beach HouseMy Aunt was a beautiful woman, younger than my mother. She had a new boyfriend and they invited us to their beach house. My mother and I didn’t have much money. Dad had a new family and stopped supporting us when I turned 18. We couldn’t afford to go on vacation, so my aunt invited us to spend a week with her at her beach house in early August. We rode the ferry to Pike Island. It was five ...reading time 47 minwritten on
Sissy BlissMy name is Mai,and this is my story of how I became a happy sissy. As a young boy I was tiny,part Asian part Sri Lankan with American roots and I was very girly looking.Picked on continuously I had a very sad childhood. At the age of 11 My father passed away and My Auntie took me in as my mother could not cope and my Auntie realised I was not being seen for who I really was. ...reading time 4 minwritten on
Something funny happened in the shower. Part VII. Final.We met again a few days later. This time I brought a towel to place under us so that the cold grass didn’t press up against us as we fooled around on the hill. Each time we met we moved over to the hill except for one time, the grass was wet from a recent rain, so we moved into the woods and stood against a tree. Like so many times before we sucked each other from a kneeling ...reading time 10 minwritten on
Forced sex with an older homeless It's 3 am. I'm taking the last subway after visiting a good friend of mine. I need to go through the whole city so the travel will be an hour. Tired, I get my skinny, pale frame in one of the wagons. I sit down in front of an older, maybe homeless man. He has greasy gray hair and a long bear, a thick jacket over a sweater. He's sleeping, some bottles and cans of beer at his feet. I don't ...reading time 6 minwritten on
Something funny happened in the shower.First Posted in First Time Tales. When I was in grade school there was this kid in my class named Massimo. That is what we called him. His real name was different, and we couldn’t pronounce it. He was from Eastern Europe and he had different traditions than most other kids at my school. He was also different in other ways. He wasn’t small, but he wasn’t muscular or athletic. I guess you would call him effeminate. ...reading time 14 minwritten on
Stuck overnight in Paris I met a man and we went gay all night longI got stranded in Paris, a strike and then the weather. I checked into an airport hotel overnight. I went down to the lobby for a drink and got into a conversation with an older man, also stuck for the evening. We say people being turned down, the hotel was full. We had another drink and kept on talking. He asked me a lot about myself, student, going home to Chicago after a week in Paris with a friend, he ...reading time 2 minwritten on
Reunion with Nick Part 1I hadn’t seen Nick in a few years when I was scrolling through my LinkedIn page one day and saw that he had been let go from his start-up job. He had started his career at my former New York PR firm, where we had worked together for just a year before he moved on. Despite that brief time working together, Nick occupied at outsized place in my mind. First, he was one of the brightest young people I’...reading time 9 minwritten on
Matt C.
Policeman Encounter Every Friday my job would take me to the middle of nowhere for an early morning site. I was alone all day. I got to know a cop who patrolled this isolated area well. His name was Greg. We would chat and I could tell he was either gay or bi, like me. One morning when it was still dark he invited me into his patrol car as he wanted to show me some pictures of animals he has seen ...reading time 5 minwritten on
Just a New Kid in Town.See ‘Letters’ and ‘Keeping it Short and Neat’ for the first four letters. Letter 5 - Just a New Kid in Town. I moved twice growing up. The first time I left behind my best friend. He was someone I felt totally comfortable with, someone I could share a couch with or wrestle and giggle with. A few years later I realized he was my first crush, but at the time I didn’t understand the concept. I was just sad ...reading time 12 minwritten on
Edgings oneEdgings This Is a story about a gay couple who live in Rehoboth Beach and struggle with issues of fidelity. JAKE “You know you’re the sexiest thing on this beach.” The compliment sent another charge to my cock where I sat on my Lifeguard tower seat. Lieutenant Michael Scott sat beside me. He always made a point of visiting each of his lifeguards on any given day. About five years older than me, approaching his mid-thirties, he was all ...reading time 10 minwritten on
Draven Moorcock
Keeping it Short and NeatMore Letters – See ‘Letters’ for the first three. Letter 4. Keeping it short and neat. I grew up shy. I didn’t tell anyone about how I felt when I looked at other boys. There was a boy next door, cute and older. He didn’t pay me no mind. Then he went away for college and when he came back for summer break he knew. Somehow, he knew. He showed me everything over the next two summers. He taught me ...reading time 10 minwritten on
LettersGrowing up I read letters to Playboy, Penthouse Forum and others. Not from the types of magazines I would buy, but from the magazines I had access to. Most of the stories were girls and guys, a surprisingly high number were about girls and girls, and very few were just about guys. The ones about guys I read over and over. Here are a few letters inspired by those old ones. Letter 1 Cutting Lawns A year before I could drive, ...reading time 20 minwritten on
Hypnosis session leads to passionate sexIt's 5 pm on friday. I leave the office and walk to a nearby building. I wanted to stop smoking and my boss recommended a hypnosis therapy. I ring the bell and a bearded, fat man in his late 50s in a business suite opens up. "Hello. You must be Benedict. Last client for today. Come in young man." i follow him through the tight hall and in a room where 4 cameras are standing on a stative, pointed at the middle ...reading time 7 minwritten on
Something funny happened in the shower. Part VIPart VI A day later he called and quickly told me not to call him or try to see him. He said he would call in a few days and when he did, he said he couldn’t see me again. He sounded a little upset on the phone, and I just mumbled ‘Ok’. That was that. Weeks went by and soon it seemed like what I had done with Massimo was a strange dream. I hung out with my ...reading time 8 minwritten on
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