
Adoration of the partners, feet, hands and other body parts

The Fetish in ethnology is defined as a form of religiosity that involves the worship of fetishes believed to possess magical powers or even sacred. In the field of sexual fetishism is worship, with the same intensity, the partner or a part of it. Often fetishism regard the feet or hands, but every part of the body is potentially a subject possible for a fetishist.

223 erotic stories of the genre fetish which were read 1.4M times.

Bathed and Diapered by a Girl Babysitter w Younger Than MeMy Mom did not allow me to go to sleepovers because I had nocturnal enuresis and had to be put into diapers at bedtime. I wore diapers until I was 15 years old and finally stopped wetting my bed. I was disappointed but I understood. Mommy was loving and protected me and one day she told me her friend Jeanette had a Girl Scout troop and that I had been invited to a sleepover! I was a 13 year old boy but ...reading time 5 minwritten on
Lil Boy Petey
Being An African Slave I had arrived in Africa, to visit with a friend I had met at school. He was a native of Ghana, and had taken over the operations, of his uncles gold mine. The mine is located in a remote area, far from the central government. So these areas have their own local governments, and institute laws to handle c When I arrived, I was met by friend of my friend, who was also one of the servants. We had to ...reading time 4 minwritten on
Buddy Adams
Andy Loses A Bet (Cuckold)Tabatha and Andy were high school sweethearts and married for 6 years. Tabatha loved Andy very much, but it felt like lately they were drifting apart. He was coming home later every night, usually smelling of alcohol, and would often get very defensive when she asked where he'd been. To top it off, they hadn't had sex for months. At first, she thought he was cheating on her, but as she began to investigate she realized he was at the casino ...reading time 30 minwritten on
Mad Stories
On My Knees On My Knees It’s one of my all time favourite places to be, on my knees with a lovely cock in front of me just waiting to be sucked. That’s the moment when I get to look forward to everything that’s coming. Don’t get me wrong; I’m thrilled that the guys enjoy it. But right then, when I’m licking my lips and running my palms up and down his thighs, I’m probably just ...reading time 6 minwritten on
Ol McBonzi's farm.Bonzi VS Kiwifarms. --------------------- Once upon a time there was a nasty little website called Kiwi Farms and there were several members that were the most annoying including ‘Goat Sneed’ (who had the stupidest username ever because sneed is not even a real word), Overcooked Bacon (who had the second stupidest username), Debt Collector (who wasn’t even a real debt collector), Pukeyboy (who sounded like a rejected superhero sidekick) among others. They spent a little too much time berating ...reading time 9 minwritten on
Anal wife part threeIt was now several weeks since I’d first become aware of my wife’s sexual needs, and we’d both I can honestly say were taking full advantage. Kerry’s ass cheeks seemed to have a constant glow from her many spankings while her actual arsehole was now enjoying being stretched by her many anal toys. We’d started with the smallest butt plug now not only was she wearing the largest butt plug around the house, but she ...reading time 6 minwritten on
Were-Aykroyd From Planet Dum Dum.Were-Aykroyd From Planet Dum Dum. ---------------------------------------------- Nathan Forester had a peculiar problem, you see he was a Were-aykroyd and he kept having masters who either weren’t exactly trustworthy or just got taken over by their own Were-Aykroyd sides, and one evening he was dealing with a problem that was brought on by transformative cookies. A dum dum were-aykroyd invasion was taking place in the town of Oakendale and he thought he could make peace with the dum dums when ...reading time 13 minwritten on
Anal wife part twoAnal wife part two Less the ten minutes after my wife had completed her first anal orgasms and she had me in the same armchair, her hands spreading my naked arse cheeks I could sense her eyes on the prize. Then I felt her wet tongue circling round my ring piece slowly getting ever closer, I felt tense waiting my cock could never have been harder and then Kerry slid her tongue across my anal passage once twice three times, ...reading time 6 minwritten on
The Party Collette Fitzpatrick read the poster " Crossdress Party" and smiled to herself, she'd love to see her husband "dressed up" , so decided to suggest and maybe encourage him to go. She went to the living room, Neil, darling, how about we go on a night out " with a different". She handled him the poster, Neil looked at her and she smiled at him, "you want me to wear a dress and go to a party with you". Collette played with her ...reading time 2 minwritten on
Claire Byrne
Anal wifeKerry come through here I called to my wife, who at the time was clearing up after lunch. She came through an enquiring smile on her face, stand there I asked her pointing to a spot a metre in front of where I sat on the sofa. She did as asked wondering where I was heading, turn round, yes now lift your skirt up round your waist. Kerry looked at the large picture window that overlooked the front garden and ...reading time 6 minwritten on
Hairplay of female friend Hairplay with a female friend, this is a real-life story. So, one of my friends has very long and thick hair. We met during our 1st year of college and had some chat, but then didn’t get any chance to talk around as I was shy. But I used to see her hair and different hairstyles. I like her big bun, which is half the size of her head, so after graduating from college, we met a few times ...reading time 6 minwritten on
Debut of the Dum Dum Queen.The Debut of The Female Dum Dum ------------------------------------------- There are many different types of were-aykroyds throughout the different universes, ones that Nathan Forester found himself turning into each and every night. One extremely strange case though was the dum dums, a race of incredibly goofy Homer Simpson-esque were-aykroyds that love to grow and eat a lot of food, ever since he had that nightmare brought on by one of his previous masters of turning into one, he would always turn ...reading time 9 minwritten on
Caught 2So let’s face it Susan thinks that she is in control and at this time she probably is however I’m not about to sit back and take it, she let me know that she was off to the movies again with her friend so while she was in the shower I hid a tiny gps tracker in the lining of her bag. So your off then I said yes she replied not sure what time I’ll be ...reading time 5 minwritten on
Caught 1As a boy I always had a thing for mommy’s panties the look the feel and I would quite often go through the laundry hamper while no one else was home, at first it was just the to look at them the different colours different materials I did really like the shiny ones. Every time I found some I would just look at them for ages holding them up and turning them around. However after time I found myself ...reading time 10 minwritten on
I love your feet Auntie!Hi everyone! After a cold afternoon of running errands, my aunt and I returned home tired and cold. We sorted out the things we had just bought and drank a nice hot coffee while exchanging a few chats. A: "Damn, it's cold, I'm going to take a hot bath, let's see if it goes better", I nodded, going to sit on the sofa where I started watching television. Auntie went upstairs and I heard her turn on the water in ...reading time 6 minwritten on
Ass in thongs loverHello. Since I’ve discovered handjob at around 11 years old I liked masturbating looking at asses in thongs. At around 13 years old I was spending a lot of time at one of my cousins. Their parents were a freaky couple since they had all sort of toys and kinky stuff. My uncle was often away with work and on one Saturday night when he wasn’t home, my cousin was sleeping and my aunt was in her room. I was ...reading time 4 minwritten on
Sarah's RaincoatSARAH’S RAINCOAT By Jennifer Wilson Sarah, a woman in her mid twenties loved to keep fit, partly for maintaining good health but mostly to maintain her trim figure. Any opportunity to exercise was not missed and her lunchtimes from work almost always involved a brisk walk around the local shopping centre. She wouldn’t loiter at the shop windows so as not to break her walking rhythm; however there was just one shop window where she would occasionally pause ...reading time 26 minwritten on
Jennifer Wilson
The Room-mate!Hi, I like to "try" to write erotic stories. Everything you read is the result of imagination. Almost a year ago I started working away from home and found accommodation in a house, not far from work, to share with a roommate who had already been there for a few years. The roommate is called Angela, 30 years old (8 older than me), she also works in the area, a great piece of pussy: really busty breasts, a fifth, a really remarkable ...reading time 4 minwritten on
The Cursed BeautyThe Cursed Beauty Episode -1 The Enchanted Hut "Roopsi is an Apsara - a Demigoddess, she possesses supernatural magical powers and had been residing in Swarg. However, she was cursed by Indra, resulting in her expulsion from Swarg for three years. During this time on Earth, Roopsi lost her special powers due to the Curse. Eventually, after pleading for mercy, Indra restored half of her powers. Within the realm of Swarg, Roopsi had a unique sisterly connection with Avantika, another ...reading time 56 minwritten on
The postman's needStory girls, adult Fetish Postman's desperate encounter. Janis was due to meet her mate later that summers day. She had not seen her for 6 weeks and was eager to find out about Sally's new friend Tom. She said very little about him, every time she phoned Sally was busy or out. Awaiting Sally to arrive for a girls night. It was warm and she was coming to her house for wine and to stay the night. At 5 pm on the ...reading time 42 minwritten on
The Mail ManA few days ago, Aug 25th, while the mail man was delivering a package, i had to sign for he said he has to piss, so i invited him in. i knew what was in the package and said to wait for a minute while i open this so he can use it. i pull out a rubber piss mask to piss in my mouth. and strap it on. i get on my knees in front of him. he looks ...reading time 2 minwritten on
My confessionI'm a slut. Even at forty-eight, I'm still a slut. I still love fucking guys eighteen to twenty-five. I see a cute one and I flirt and let him know that I am available. I'm not really. I am married and a grandmother. But, if he wants to fuck. I am available. I'm a whore about it also. I'll let them fuck me in any way they want to. I'll look them in the eye as I suck them off ...reading time 3 minwritten on
Aunty,friends and feet!Hi everyone! Summer evenings begin and Aunty often has her friends at home. One evening I went to my aunt's house not knowing there were 3 of her closest friends. I rang the intercom and my aunt opened it for me. A: "Hello, I didn't know you were passing. There are my friends, come.”I went in and my aunt continued "Stay here, they'll be leaving soon". We went into the living room and I said hello to her friends. I ...reading time 8 minwritten on
Roped InShe discovered the usefulness of her pretentious demeanor ever since an early age. Maybe it was the way she was destined to be or maybe it just was the simple way that the world works. Those who request often get what they want, while those who keep silent often miss such opportunities. Stephanie knew that pushing people was all it took for many to give in. In a world as complex as ours, we often mistake being used with being ...reading time 25 minwritten on
Mercy Belle
The Descent"Would you like to eat my ass?" she asked nonchalantly, while biting down on a piece of carrot she brought to her mouth. It was the clear late evening of a sunny August day. They were having dinner in the living room, while the distant city lights would peer through the giant window installed as one of the walls for the kitchen. "What?" he asked dumbfounded, with his mouth half open, forgetting to chew. "You know, I was wondering if ...reading time 26 minwritten on
Mercy Belle
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