Charlie... Part 2
Charlie 2
It seems as though it is now her turn to stare and for a moment there was a sense of lag to the movement of the hourglass. Maybe you have experienced it? Perhaps not, but either way it was a stutter that could have lasted longer than it felt or maybe not but whatever you call it in a flash she turned and mumbling an apology she left my room, closing the door firmly behind her.
As I mentioned before, this was Monday evening. Originally I was supposed to be out on my bike for almost another week. It really never occurred to me that I should call my sitter and let her know I was coming back early. I wasn’t even sure if I would stay home or maybe take a short solo trip to the beach so I thought I would likely let her keep checking in on my pup and my place for the term of our agreement, so really nothing should have changed, until this happened. Now, well something has certainly changed!
I take one of the fastest showers ever and slip on my shorts and a T-shirt. I find Charlie in the kitchen, tidying up a couple of things. As our eyes meet, we both say, “Sorry” then instantly look away. Though I think I caught a slight grin or something as she turned. I notice again that she is wearing a long T-shirt or night shirt now. It is white and a little worn so not new.
My eyes follow her as she bends to place a couple of rinsed dishes into the washer. Having been interrupted earlier the familiar stirring is back. God don’t let me get hard now!
“Hungry?” I ask. Thinking that I could use a snack, definitely a drink, as riding bikes is thirsty work.
“Nah, I ate already, thanks. But I could make you something maybe? Though you probably know better than me what you have or what you want.” She offers shyly.
With this she turns to me, hands on hips and for some reason my pulse quickens. There is a look in her eyes, is it a question? It might be an offer, but what is she offering exactly? My kitchen is not large. As I go to shuffle by her to look in the fridge she turns her back to me. My front rubs her ass, slightly. Did she bend slightly as I slid by? My libido certainly thinks so, as I seem to need to bend slightly myself as I examine the contents of my less than full fridge. I do have beer though, and I offer her one as I browse. I know she is only 19 but I am also aware that she has drunk a couple at least in the time I have been gone. I really don’t mind and she knew this before I left. I am surprised to see that there may even be more now than there were. Also something fruity, that I don’t recognize.
“I already have something, thanks” she replies.
As I gather the fixings and assemble my sandwich Charlie shimmies around me this time and I feel her lightly brush against my back with her chest as she works over to retrieve some chips and dip. I have no idea if I am supposed to react to these little touches or not. Our age difference is really messing with my head. Well to be honest, both heads are currently affected but for different reasons I think.
As I turn to sit at the table Charlie is looking me over. There is a glint in her eye that tells me she suspects I am struggling and an instant later she flashes me a brilliant full smile and says, “Welcome home! Sorry about earlier but I wasn’t expecting, well you know…” she trails off looking away blushing slightly but still grinning.
“Thanks,” I reply, “I’m the one who should apologize. I could have called, should have, I just didn’t think…” and now it’s my turn to look away.
I eat my sandwich, we share the chips, and it’s nice but quiet for a bit. I mention that she is welcome to still stay or come back and forth through the weekend as agreed. Explaining that my plans have changed unexpectedly as my friends had to come home early but I might still be away a bit unless she would feel better not doing so after…
“Look,” she says, “about that, its ok. I mean, nobody planned on spying on anybody right? You look pretty good by the way, for an old guy! And I know you liked what you saw, so no harm done really, right?”
“Right,” I say, slightly miffed. “Old guy huh? Geez!” I try to sound as if I am teasing her and she seems to take it that way. As she gathers the things I took out and puts them away I can’t help but watch and appreciate the shape and tone of her legs. She notices of course and flashes me a little extra skin. It looks as if she is determined to test me by flirting and I am certainly willing to enjoy the attention. She leans over my shoulder and my back, placing a full beer on the table and this time I feel every inch of her full breasts press into me. “Figure you need another one by now, to cool off?”
I’m thinking I might head to the shower again soon if she keeps this up. Done with putting things away, she stretches out in the chair next to me. I say it that way because she has sort of draped herself across the chair. The chairs at my table are all arm chairs and they swivel. Maybe sprawled out is a better description as she has one leg across the arm nearest me as she lies across the other arm. I can’t help but wonder if she is playing with me, daring me to sneak a peek?
“Sorry your trip got cut short. It sounded like it was going to be fun! Princess and I have been getting along great! I took her to the park for a walk and she is so good!” Charlie says, as we chat about her week and I try not to imagine her without the shirt!
I don’t normally fixate on undressing women in my head but this particular vision has already been implanted, however briefly, and it seems to be fighting for dominance in my brain. It likely doesn’t help that the object of my lust is casually sitting and chatting politely, half dressed, only a few feet away.
We chat about my trip and her classes, Princess of course, as she has also insisted on enthusiastically welcoming me home while being ever alert and hopeful for any tidbits from the table. For the most part Charlie has remained in her relaxed position and I have not been unduly stressed by her apparent lack of pants. Her shirt is long enough to be used as almost a short dress. Her seating position certainly has the potential to become revealing but I have almost become unaware of this until she goes to sit up and the briefest flash of shiny fabric catches my eye as she swings her leg back down from the arm of the chair to stand up.
Immediately my mind focuses on trying to piece together what little input it just received and come up with a guess as to the style of underwear she is wearing. Pale blue, that much is known. I must have missed something in the conversation, as Charlie is now looking at me slightly askance.
“Everything alright?” She asks, as she looks at me.
“Oh, uh-mm… I was just thinking about, well, did you need any help getting the bed made up in the office? Or well, I guess if you want there’s always the couch.” I manage to stammer.
“Oh, yeah, I guess I will need to think about that huh! Princess and I have kind of bounced back and forth from the couch to the bedroom with you gone. She can be quite insistent on where she sleeps and how much space she requires!” She laughs. “I wonder where she will end up tonight.”
Thinking I’d rather share my bed with her I say, “You’re welcome to her! I haven’t had a bed to myself in this apartment since I moved in!”
We set up the spare bed which I am not surprised to see has gone unused in my absence. I am cool with this as Charlie knew from our early negotiations before she started sitting. My bed is far larger and as long as she was here alone with Princess it only made sense for her to be comfortable. Part of me wants to offer her the room and crash on the couch, like a “gentleman”. But honestly I want to sleep in my own bed! Hotels have never been a thing I enjoy, so being home early is great in that I am looking forward to a good night’s sleep.
I mentioned the office daybed before, which has fresh linens on a twin mattress and a trundle beneath. Charlie is petite and insists she will be fine on the single twin but I help her and we set up the trundle as well in case Princess decides she must accompany her tonight. There is a bit of minor contact between us as we work to get things set up, I may have even had a glimpse of thigh or some cleavage as Charlie stooped or bent to make the bed.
No sooner than we began and we were done. Just as well too, as my brain has started up again and I am at risk of getting aroused if I don’t get out of here soon.
I say goodnight, and before I turn to go I find Charlie in my arms. For a moment I am stunned then she says, “Thanks for the help” She gives me a brief hug and a peck on the cheek then she bounces onto the freshly made bed. Messing it up thoroughly and calls out, “Princess?”
I watch as my dog jumps into the bed and looks back at me as if to ask if I am staying or not! It seems that I am to have a night to myself which is ok by me, sort of. Neither of us has to be up early so as I go to my room I wonder what the morning will bring.
It seems as though it is now her turn to stare and for a moment there was a sense of lag to the movement of the hourglass. Maybe you have experienced it? Perhaps not, but either way it was a stutter that could have lasted longer than it felt or maybe not but whatever you call it in a flash she turned and mumbling an apology she left my room, closing the door firmly behind her.
As I mentioned before, this was Monday evening. Originally I was supposed to be out on my bike for almost another week. It really never occurred to me that I should call my sitter and let her know I was coming back early. I wasn’t even sure if I would stay home or maybe take a short solo trip to the beach so I thought I would likely let her keep checking in on my pup and my place for the term of our agreement, so really nothing should have changed, until this happened. Now, well something has certainly changed!
I take one of the fastest showers ever and slip on my shorts and a T-shirt. I find Charlie in the kitchen, tidying up a couple of things. As our eyes meet, we both say, “Sorry” then instantly look away. Though I think I caught a slight grin or something as she turned. I notice again that she is wearing a long T-shirt or night shirt now. It is white and a little worn so not new.
My eyes follow her as she bends to place a couple of rinsed dishes into the washer. Having been interrupted earlier the familiar stirring is back. God don’t let me get hard now!
“Hungry?” I ask. Thinking that I could use a snack, definitely a drink, as riding bikes is thirsty work.
“Nah, I ate already, thanks. But I could make you something maybe? Though you probably know better than me what you have or what you want.” She offers shyly.
With this she turns to me, hands on hips and for some reason my pulse quickens. There is a look in her eyes, is it a question? It might be an offer, but what is she offering exactly? My kitchen is not large. As I go to shuffle by her to look in the fridge she turns her back to me. My front rubs her ass, slightly. Did she bend slightly as I slid by? My libido certainly thinks so, as I seem to need to bend slightly myself as I examine the contents of my less than full fridge. I do have beer though, and I offer her one as I browse. I know she is only 19 but I am also aware that she has drunk a couple at least in the time I have been gone. I really don’t mind and she knew this before I left. I am surprised to see that there may even be more now than there were. Also something fruity, that I don’t recognize.
“I already have something, thanks” she replies.
As I gather the fixings and assemble my sandwich Charlie shimmies around me this time and I feel her lightly brush against my back with her chest as she works over to retrieve some chips and dip. I have no idea if I am supposed to react to these little touches or not. Our age difference is really messing with my head. Well to be honest, both heads are currently affected but for different reasons I think.
As I turn to sit at the table Charlie is looking me over. There is a glint in her eye that tells me she suspects I am struggling and an instant later she flashes me a brilliant full smile and says, “Welcome home! Sorry about earlier but I wasn’t expecting, well you know…” she trails off looking away blushing slightly but still grinning.
“Thanks,” I reply, “I’m the one who should apologize. I could have called, should have, I just didn’t think…” and now it’s my turn to look away.
I eat my sandwich, we share the chips, and it’s nice but quiet for a bit. I mention that she is welcome to still stay or come back and forth through the weekend as agreed. Explaining that my plans have changed unexpectedly as my friends had to come home early but I might still be away a bit unless she would feel better not doing so after…
“Look,” she says, “about that, its ok. I mean, nobody planned on spying on anybody right? You look pretty good by the way, for an old guy! And I know you liked what you saw, so no harm done really, right?”
“Right,” I say, slightly miffed. “Old guy huh? Geez!” I try to sound as if I am teasing her and she seems to take it that way. As she gathers the things I took out and puts them away I can’t help but watch and appreciate the shape and tone of her legs. She notices of course and flashes me a little extra skin. It looks as if she is determined to test me by flirting and I am certainly willing to enjoy the attention. She leans over my shoulder and my back, placing a full beer on the table and this time I feel every inch of her full breasts press into me. “Figure you need another one by now, to cool off?”
I’m thinking I might head to the shower again soon if she keeps this up. Done with putting things away, she stretches out in the chair next to me. I say it that way because she has sort of draped herself across the chair. The chairs at my table are all arm chairs and they swivel. Maybe sprawled out is a better description as she has one leg across the arm nearest me as she lies across the other arm. I can’t help but wonder if she is playing with me, daring me to sneak a peek?
“Sorry your trip got cut short. It sounded like it was going to be fun! Princess and I have been getting along great! I took her to the park for a walk and she is so good!” Charlie says, as we chat about her week and I try not to imagine her without the shirt!
I don’t normally fixate on undressing women in my head but this particular vision has already been implanted, however briefly, and it seems to be fighting for dominance in my brain. It likely doesn’t help that the object of my lust is casually sitting and chatting politely, half dressed, only a few feet away.
We chat about my trip and her classes, Princess of course, as she has also insisted on enthusiastically welcoming me home while being ever alert and hopeful for any tidbits from the table. For the most part Charlie has remained in her relaxed position and I have not been unduly stressed by her apparent lack of pants. Her shirt is long enough to be used as almost a short dress. Her seating position certainly has the potential to become revealing but I have almost become unaware of this until she goes to sit up and the briefest flash of shiny fabric catches my eye as she swings her leg back down from the arm of the chair to stand up.
Immediately my mind focuses on trying to piece together what little input it just received and come up with a guess as to the style of underwear she is wearing. Pale blue, that much is known. I must have missed something in the conversation, as Charlie is now looking at me slightly askance.
“Everything alright?” She asks, as she looks at me.
“Oh, uh-mm… I was just thinking about, well, did you need any help getting the bed made up in the office? Or well, I guess if you want there’s always the couch.” I manage to stammer.
“Oh, yeah, I guess I will need to think about that huh! Princess and I have kind of bounced back and forth from the couch to the bedroom with you gone. She can be quite insistent on where she sleeps and how much space she requires!” She laughs. “I wonder where she will end up tonight.”
Thinking I’d rather share my bed with her I say, “You’re welcome to her! I haven’t had a bed to myself in this apartment since I moved in!”
We set up the spare bed which I am not surprised to see has gone unused in my absence. I am cool with this as Charlie knew from our early negotiations before she started sitting. My bed is far larger and as long as she was here alone with Princess it only made sense for her to be comfortable. Part of me wants to offer her the room and crash on the couch, like a “gentleman”. But honestly I want to sleep in my own bed! Hotels have never been a thing I enjoy, so being home early is great in that I am looking forward to a good night’s sleep.
I mentioned the office daybed before, which has fresh linens on a twin mattress and a trundle beneath. Charlie is petite and insists she will be fine on the single twin but I help her and we set up the trundle as well in case Princess decides she must accompany her tonight. There is a bit of minor contact between us as we work to get things set up, I may have even had a glimpse of thigh or some cleavage as Charlie stooped or bent to make the bed.
No sooner than we began and we were done. Just as well too, as my brain has started up again and I am at risk of getting aroused if I don’t get out of here soon.
I say goodnight, and before I turn to go I find Charlie in my arms. For a moment I am stunned then she says, “Thanks for the help” She gives me a brief hug and a peck on the cheek then she bounces onto the freshly made bed. Messing it up thoroughly and calls out, “Princess?”
I watch as my dog jumps into the bed and looks back at me as if to ask if I am staying or not! It seems that I am to have a night to myself which is ok by me, sort of. Neither of us has to be up early so as I go to my room I wonder what the morning will bring.
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Charlie... Part 3
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