Susan... Part 6


So that summer I had a few times where I got stripped or my top or bottoms taken away and I ended up for the most part not caring too awful much who saw as long as they kept their mouths shut and didn’t get too handsy. Nick and Nate thought they could get a little freer and more access after that time in the shower. Though I enjoyed that one time, I didn’t really choose that set up and I guess I wanted to punish them for kind of forcing me?
I mean, don’t get me wrong, I easily could have screamed and Tim and probably even Joe might have kicked their butts. I know that now, but then I felt, well kind of trapped and a little scared. I realize I said that I kind of like that feeling but I want to be more in control of it than I think I was that one time.
So I flashed them, teased them and sometimes let the boys touch me places they wanted to touch. Only briefly and never as much as they wanted. I think Nick or Nate, which ever brother hadn’t got a chance to go down on me that time, felt like I owed him a turn. Actually I was kind of intrigued to see if the other twin could do as well or might he be even better but the opportunity was not easy to plan for as they were rarely separate and I figured it might be best to not be alone with more than one horny boy at a time if I could avoid it.
As a matter of fact I think by this time I resolved to only be alone with one of my brothers unless I was completely dressed and basically made it a rule that I had Tim or Joe around any time I complied with any of their hornier requests and then only if a couple of other guys were there too.
Does this sound odd to you? It kind of does to me too, now, looking back on those days. But it proved to have been smart I guess because I am now nearly 25 and no kids, no abortions, no diseases and no public disgrace… so far! LOL
That time in the shower kind of haunted me for a couple of reasons I guess. Yeah I told you I was uncomfortable in a way but also I really liked feeling the stiffness of those two hard cocks in my hands and an as yet undiscovered part of me knew I wanted to do things with those two cocks. I didn’t know what, but things.
Penetration scared me. We had had a class in Health or Phys. Ed. at some point and kids talk. Our folks even tried to educate us in their way about sex stuff and penetration was in my mind the path to instant pregnancy. In those days anal was not really the thing it is now and if anyone did that it wasn’t known or talked about with us at least. Definitely wasn’t about to be suggested as an alternative to vaginal sex! Hah!
Knowing what I know now I’d bet a few girls I knew in High School, even the first couple of years, had experienced anal either as a compromise with their BF or as a slip up during the heat of the moment. I know a few girls walked a little stiffly after prom night, homecoming and a few random date nights come the morning after. Now they might have claimed to have had a hot date night, but most girls don’t still act like the boys thing is broke off in them the next day if all they had was plain vanilla sex.
Anyway, I was saying how I liked touching boys, right. I like looking too but it rarely does anything to excite me; touching and being touched though, oh yeah, that’s different.
A week or two after the day I had to walk home from the bridge, I was at home with by brothers, parents not home so probably a weekend. I never got to go anywhere when we lived in the country. Didn’t know anyone or have anywhere to go. Tim and Toby were vegging out on TV and I was bored with what they chose to watch.
I had complained a couple of times about their wanting to watch old reruns and stuff and I guess Tim was getting frustrated with me. We snapped at each other a few times and I may have suggested the boys should just go jerk off and relieve some stress and then maybe I could find something fun to watch.
Toby blushed beet red immediately. How could he not know, that I knew he did that? His room is beside mine and bathrooms echo noises. In that house it was mostly tile so, yeah, I knew they did that.
I had even seen Tim doing it a couple times. Not like I was sitting there watching while he did it, no. I mean like accidentally walking in and Bam! Oops! Sorry bro! LMAO!
I guess upon that suggestion coming from my mouth, Tim got a little embarrassed too because he came back with, “If you want something fun to watch, maybe we should and you could watch that! I think you’d like that, huh Suze? Is that what you’ve been doing? Walking in trying to catch me?”
Toby hearing this, suggests, “We could use the folks big shower, like we talked about that time a few months back Suzie. It’s been a while since that bath and you said you wanted to do it again. It was fun, remember?”
Shocked and embarrassed I am caught speechless. Tim looks at my face then at Toby and he comes to some conclusion. Whatever he thinks happened is probably not what happened but when he looks back at me he seems different. I am sort of hurt but I try not to get defensive cause I know and Tim knows that noting really happened and in actuality we had simply had a bath, together.
It takes several questions and Tim is slow to clear his mind of where ever it went for a moment but eventually he is satisfied that all is copasetic and then out of the blue he goes, “OK, Sure, why not! You first Suze, do you want to strip out here or in the bathroom?”
Um, what? Is my almost 17 year old brother (16.5?) suggesting he wants to take a shower with me like we did as kids? I turned 14 a few weeks back. No big deal I’m sure, to him. He sees me all the time naked or nearly so but we don’t like, touch each other. Does he want to bathe me? Is he still thinking about me suggesting he go beat off? Is he planning to do that while he and I are in the shower?
What about Toby? As I look to where he was sitting he has already stood. He is excitedly waiting to follow us, or join? Maybe he just wants to watch but I doubt it.
I try to shake my head at him, signal him no and hope to derail this idea but he drops his briefs and steps out of them. “That shower is pretty big so it could be like a new tradition. Maybe we could do this every weekend?” With this he reaches over and lifts the tail of my sleep shirt. “Need help?” He asks me.
I step away before he lifts it completely, though I am certain my panties have flashed Tim. Not a big deal but having recently started my cycles I am not sure I want to strip here and now. Instead I make excuses and cut a beeline for the hall bathroom.
How did this happen? Toby certainly isn’t helping the situation. He’s 12 now. Can he really be so innocent or is he playing me? Does he just want to get me naked so he can touch me again? I know he has started playing with himself but surely he isn’t thinking about me when he’s doing that. Not all the time anyway!
I can hear Tim go to his room. Someone is starting the water in the big shower so Toby is already in there. I have done what I need to do to be sure I am good as far as girl stuff goes and I am at least not on my cycle right now.
Tim and I meet in the hall outside the folk’s room. I am still dressed as I was. Just a sleep shirt and panties, again I have small firm breasts and rarely wear a bra at home.
“After you,” he says as he gestures. I step forward and his hands, which feel large and strong slip up my sides as I hear, “I’ll help you, I guess. Toby appears to already be in the shower and we don’t want to get this all wet.”
It isn’t like I need help but I let him slip my shirt over my head. I turn to look at him and the look he gives me is more manly than brotherly. Maybe hungrier than protective, it occurs to me I might be glad Toby is in here if he keeps looking at me like that.
Tim blinks and the hunger or whatever it was passes, I think. Was it really there? I look over his body as he looks in at Toby and shakes his head. Looking back at me he catches me looking and he grins as he shoves down his boxers. He lifts his right eyebrow at me, just the one, and again says, “After you.”
I slip out of my panties. Naked, I bend to retrieve them, fold them with my shirt and place both on the counter by the sink. I don’t actually sleep in these things often now but I don’t think he knows that for sure. I cannot see any point in letting them get wet and with three of us in here the floor is not going to be dry long. Hesitantly I find myself stepping into a shower once again with two naked boys. This time though they are my brothers, which is exciting and weird in a very different way.
“Pick a side Junior” Tim tells Toby as he slips around me and I find myself in a very different ‘Manwich’. (Think boy sandwich, thus ‘Manwich’, LOL.) This seems less sexual but in the back of my mind I still recall the talk about masturbation. So I can’t help but look down and am surprised to see Tim is not exactly flaccid. Not entirely anyway. I have seen him erect and flaccid both, something is happening down there and curiosity makes me look long enough to get caught once again by him.
Quickly looking away I tell Toby, “Switch! No hogging all the hot water. This was your crazy idea after all so you better be ready to share.”
It never occurred to me to insist they not pee in the shower that night. I don’t recall it happening so it must not have for some reason. I think I would remember, as I learned later this is pretty important with boys to point out if it is a problem for you because, well, if you don’t, they usually will!
I enjoyed a hot rinse and stepped away for Tim to step up. If this must happen let’s get it done right? As I stepped back I bumped into Toby who was already mostly all soaped up. His cooler soapy and slippery skin felt odd against mine. I was hotter having just come from beneath the spray.
Toby was busy lathering up a cloth and turned to me with a grin as he applied the wash cloth to my front side as if I couldn’t reach my own chest! He was practically feeling me up and he was enjoying it, I thought. I turned to put my back towards him, which is the one thing that he could actually be useful for.
I find Tim with a bar of soap in one hand, back to the spray and my eyes once again drift down as he slides the soap down to his sudsy groin and back up, across his chest and under his arm. He then rinses the soap, rubs it vigorously between both and drops it in the tray.
Toby wants to switch now, and before the soap dries on him we all manage to slip around each other. I have no idea how much contact those two made in the shower but I am pretty sure some parts of me were touched that were not entirely necessary.
We managed to get rinsed pretty well and step from the shower before the hot water ran out completely. My breasts were pretty sensitive as I dried myself off and I didn’t really want to put on the shirt as this tends to agitate or rather to stimulate them further.
Toby dried off and made for his room pretty quickly, probably going to follow through on my suggestion from earlier. He was pretty nearly erect himself before the shower ended and he may have even been close to making a mess in there which may have gotten him killed if he had blown his wad on Tim! LOL
Tim noticed too, I think, because his eyes traced Toby for a sec as he left, then checked me to see if I was seeing it too. My big brothers eyes kind of sparkled with mirth, or mischief. Something anyway, as he glanced over me, standing there. I was towel dry, naked still and air drying. My shirt and panties in hand, he reached for them.
“You don’t really need to put those on do you?” He asked me.
He was right of course; did he know that I typically slept naked now? Even if I didn’t need them I was a little reluctant to let go. Our hands held them, together but separately, for a moment. As I released them he smiled sweetly at me. I think it was really only a second but it was a very interesting and intimate moment.
I walked naked from our folk’s room. He must have followed after a couple of minutes. I went into my room, thinking about what we had just done. Nothing had really happened right? How did I feel about that? Was I happy? Was I sad? What happened was nice but it was a little strange too. Why? What did I want to have happen? Did I want to do it again? Did I want to do more? Did I want to try something with my brothers? Maybe we shouldn’t do that again, at least for a while anyway.
Tim came in to bring me my clothes and seemed to be totally nonplussed by me still being naked, shortly after these questions passed through my head. (He sometimes felt the need to check on me, I guess, even back then! I think he still worries even though he’s nearly thirty and I’m grown now as well.)
Placing my shirt and panties on my dresser, he said, “I’ll put these over here OK?” as he glanced at my reflection in the mirror. Wearing only blue boxers and fresh from the shower I could still kind of see his nakedness in my head and it gave me a strange feeling.
Being alone with him and naked had never done this before. My previous thoughts started to stir again. I had to ask myself, did I want to do something sexual with my brother? He was nearly 16.5 and I had recently turned 14. We were too young right? Although I had heard some kids our age talking about having sex, and doing oral stuff.
“Thanks,” I said, though I didn’t move to get them or to cover myself.
He turned to look at me. Not staring or looking like other boys did but just seeing me. You see; Tim never looked at me, well almost never, like most boys did when they saw me naked. Perhaps this is because I am his little sister?
“You know, what you said earlier… I have never tried to spy on you in the bathroom” I told him.
“Hmm, OK.” He said, as though he either wasn’t really hearing me or wasn’t processing what I was saying. Like his mind was somewhere else as he was turning to leave.
Testing him, I think, partly to see if he was even listening and partly curious I said, “But if you want to put on that show you mentioned I might like to watch.”
His mind may have been elsewhere for the moment but he stopped mid step at my door. Turning back he asked, “What show?” As if he didn’t know what I was talking about but he had definitely heard me and now I had his attention.
“Nothing, forget it.” I tried to deflect him but he was suddenly focused and I noticed that his boxers seemed to be poking out in the front a bit differently.
“Susie, are you asking me to show you how a boy masturbates? Or rather how I do it anyway.” Tim asks me. At which point he appeared to be nearly fully erect as part of his penis began to escape his boxers.
“No, but, well you did say earlier that you and Toby could do it and let me watch. It kind of looks to me like the idea excites you a little?” I point out, nodding as I glance toward his groin then back at his face.
Tim blushed! He turned from me for a moment and adjusted himself in his pants. This struck me as funny as I had seen boys get erect before and it didn’t bother me. Tim never really got fully erect in front of me before this though that I can recall. I almost laughed but for some reason I didn’t. If I had things would have maybe been different.
“Go ahead,” I said to him, “Show me Tim.”
When he turned back his hand was grasping his cock and it looked bigger and as hard as a stick. His boxers were still on; he was still by my door and close to my dresser. Tim stroked himself a few times then he kind of stopped and looked up at me.
“I don’t think this is a good idea.” He said.
To this, I replied by sitting up and moving to the edge of my bed. I had been kind of propped up on my pillows and the wall beside my bed, relaxed, sort of lying down. I did not want him to stop, I was so curious and discovered that I really wanted to see.
Again I was only 14 but he was nearly 17 (really 16.5) and to me he now looked huge. If he was closer I might have reached out and touched it, stroked it for him. I wanted to, I realized.
I had literally only held a hard cock a couple of times now I think and had never seen or felt one have an orgasm. In this moment, I wanted Tim to be my first and though he was hesitant to do so, I somehow knew I could get him to do it for me.
I touched my breasts, which were small and pert. Very firm with small areolas, my nipples were unusually hard. I did not know why at the time but this made me shiver and Tim noticed.
As I had moved closer towards him he kind of stepped forward a bit and I asked him to come closer. When he did, as his hand brushed over my dresser his fingers must have felt my panties and he grabbed them.
I saw Tim take my underwear and wrap them around his cock and begin once more to stroke himself. This was fascinating and a little disturbing at the same time. Was he going to mess up my good underwear? I wanted to reach out and take them but I also wanted to see what would happen next.
I knew that boys stroked themselves when they masturbated of course. But I had only seen it a couple of times and very briefly then. I had done some small amount of stroking myself a few weeks or months before with the twins from down the road in our shower and found it to be pretty hot. I wanted to see this. Really, that may sound weird but at the time I didn’t care if it was one of my brothers. My curiosity and probably my libido had me so stoked up that I just wanted to follow this where ever it took me.
Again, I was completely naked and I think this and the fact that we had just taken a shower together among other things in the past few hours had us both so horny that we couldn’t have stopped now if we had to.
As Tim came within reach of my bedside, my hand reached out and touched his hand. I think I was at the time intent on taking my panties. I didn’t really want them soiled, you see, but instead of retrieving them my hand touched my brother’s hand. I know you thought I was going to touch his cock or just grab it right? Geez, he was still my big brother and although I wanted to watch if he was willing, I don’t think I had any intention of helping!
Well, apparently he thought otherwise, or he thought I wanted to help because I found my hand was immediately grasped and wrapped not only around his cock but I was now stroking my brothers dick with the panties that I had thought to save! This was quite short lived however as he soon ejaculated. This was a huge shock to me and nearly as big of a shock to him I think.
I recall his eyes got a faraway look and kind of twitched. I wasn’t looking at his dick but I think I felt it twitch too. I do know that something wet and sticky, white and goopy struck my chest, my cheek and arm as I tried to point it away from my face. It was on my legs, stomach, nearly everywhere I think.
Tim pulled away and he may have used my panties at that point to collect the rest, if there was anything left that wasn’t all over me and my bed, of what I had heard called spunk by some kids at school. This was of course, his semen. It had a pungent odor that was not unpleasant but was almost entirely foreign and yet I thought later that it might have been a little bit familiar. Likely I had smelled it in our shared bathroom or one of my brother’s rooms at some point previously. LOL
“Geez, Tim!” I exclaimed. Nearly a second after his having, um… I guess this is about when it occurred to me that he had actually had an orgasm, in my hand!
“Sorry!” Tim said turning to leave the room.
“Wait!” I told him, as I tried to gather myself and catch my breath. You see I found I was nearly hyperventilating and my brother looked as if he was about to flee from my room. “Don’t go.”
Tim hesitated and turned back to me, sideways, not full on but askance. He seemed to be almost shy about the fact that we had done this. My heart was still racing and it was to be a time before it would settle back down.
“It’s OK, Tim.” I told him and to me it was. “That was amazing!” I said, and it kind of was. I mean, the first time a girl realizes that she can make a boy do that is a bit of a rush.
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