Susan... Part 8
This is a continuation of: Susan… Part 7
Once I got into the house, I quickly found that our folks had not come back home yet. I guess they are staying out again this weekend. They used to leave us with a sitter sometimes when Tim and I were younger but that cost money and wasn’t often. I guess now that Tim is almost 17 and I am older too they figure we can take care of ourselves.
Still hungry and having only had an ice cream since breakfast I was not feeling too picky about food. I figured that Toby would eat with his friends at their house since Tim, Joe and I had been in town so long. He usually does when he is over there in the evenings.
I am rummaging through the fridge when Tim comes in. He seems happy with cold cuts and I know we have a few canned goods I like so even though I am hungry I decide to make for the bathroom first before I eat and while I consider my options.
The new white thong underwear I have on feel scratchy, I slip them off and pull the dress over my head as I make my way down the hall. Passing by my room, these both get tossed in the general direction of my dresser as I go by the door. What I failed to notice is that my brother Tim is also making for the bathroom and had quietly enjoyed the strip show from a few feet behind me. That is until he rattles the shopping bag to get my attention.
“Hey sis, did you want this outfit now or should I toss it in your room?” He asks me. “You left this on the table in the kitchen. I don’t know what the folks might say if they came home and found it.”
This is actually a good point even though it is sort of unlikely we see them tonight, I get a little flustered as my mind tries to play that conversation out in my head. I manage to say “Yeah, um OK,” which isn’t really an answer so Tim kind of stands there for a minute as we just look at each other. Maybe he is playing that scene out in his head too? Or perhaps he is just enjoying my standing here nearly naked for him to check out?
After a moment I realize Tim is holding the bag out to me so I take it and turn for the bathroom. I still have the sheer white top on but nothing else. After I sit on the toilet I look into the bag. This outfit is easily as sheer as the white top but it is two pieces so it technically covers a little more, sort of. I wonder who wears these kinds of things. For a moment I try to imagine wearing something like these all day, at school or on a job. Do women actually wear them under their clothes to work and to the grocery or just at night? Maybe these garments are just for teasing your guy when you get together, you know like in those scenes in some movies?
I decide that I want to try this blue outfit on again so I pull off the white top as I stand up. It occurs to me that Joe might not have intended for me to keep these clothes. Did he ask about a return policy or was that just something that the clerk suggested to get us out of the store sooner? I think she kind of enjoyed us being in there whatever she might have said as we were leaving.
I fold the white top and being unsure if I should wash it, I put it back in the bag. I am standing naked in front of the mirror debating if I should get a quick shower when Tim opens the door.
“Hey Suzie,” he says, “Joe wanted to know if I thought we’d like to go to a movie some time if he can get the car.”
“We?” I ask him. “As in who, all of us? I mean, sure, yeah I’d love to get out to a movie but I think Toby would be really mad if we take off to a movie and he doesn’t get to go, don’t you? Also, I have no money so are you paying or is Joe offering?” And if Joe is offering what am I going to have to do for my ticket I wonder but don’t say aloud.
“I don’t know, I’m not sure his folks would let him take their car off for fun like that but if so maybe we could all go. The matinee shows are not that expensive, so we could figure it out and even if Toby and the twins come there’s room in the car for all of us, 3 up front 3 in back.” Tim offers.
I can tell he likes the idea and frankly I do too. It has been a while since I have been to a movie theater and though the ride might be crowded it would be worth it. I realize that if this is actually something that might happen one day I need to find a way to make a few dollars. After all who wants to go to a movie without snacks and or at least a drink?
I am thinking on this and trying to remember what movies were showing at the theater as I get a quick shower. It is so rare that we go into town that I cannot seem to remember the last movie I even saw. I do know that it was awesome. Sitting in the cool theater eating the best buttered popcorn ever, with a huge soda was great but the giant screen and the sound system that made everything seem so real just pulls you in till you forget where you are. For a minute, maybe longer, you think the movie is reality and you are just looking on or even living the story on the screen if it’s a really good one! I sort of get caught up in this for a bit until once again Tim barges into the bathroom.
The curtain is pulled back by him as he asks, “Are you planning on using all the hot water yourself or are you gonna leave some for the rest of us?”
To this I reply, “If I get to choose I think I’ll use it all thanks!”
Which leads him to reach in and turn off the hot water and before I know it I am nearly frozen by a sudden icy spray before I manage to stop the water completely.
“I’ll get you, Jerk!” I scream at him as he jumps back into the hallway laughing hysterically before I can grab him.
Since I was actually just enjoying the water and had already rinsed I jumped out of the shower still wet and gave chase down the hall aiming to tackle him and shake my cold wet hair all over him at least. This sort of back fired in a way as upon entering the den, in walks Toby accompanied by the twins, Nick and Nate, Joe’s younger brothers.
A chorus of “Whoa and what is going on in here?” fill the den as we plow through and I am surrounded by guys once again, completely naked and still dripping wet. They of course find this amusing and in moments my path out of the den is blocked.
Tim is trying to catch his breath, still laughing. “Suzie was taking too long in the shower so I gave her a reason to get out!” He explained to our now somewhat crowded den.
“This jerk tried to give me pneumonia!” I exclaim as I scramble towards Tim, hoping to jump on his back to share the cold and wet that I am now dripping all over. The coward is actively dodging me around the den furniture as I try to catch him.
“Toby, run grab a towel or two so she can clean up this mess. Geez, girl you’re crazy, you know that?” Tim chuckles.
“I can get my own towel, thank you, but don’t think for a minute that I am going to forget this Timothy!” I warn him as I attempt to make my way down the hall between the twins, who for their part are in no hurry to move in spite of my still being pretty wet. “Excuse me, do you mind?” I say but before I can get by them Toby is back with a towel and he has found the bag with the blue outfit and the white top from the lingerie store in the mall.
“What’s this stuff? Is this why you guys were gone so long?” He asks as he tosses me the towel. “You guys went to the mall huh! I didn’t know you had money Suzie, did you get me anything?”
His friends having noticed the name on the outside of the bag and apparently recognized it for what it was tell him “They wouldn’t have much in that store that you’d want Toby, though we’d all probably like to see what Suzie here got!”
Having by now briskly rubbed by hair and wrapped up in the single towel, I am covered and no longer totally exposed as I was before. This is evidently something that they are intent on fixing.
“Why don’t you model what’s in the bag for us Suzie?” Nate suggests.
Tim has pulled out the blue outfit and holding it up. I can see that it truly is largely transparent. He looks a little confused as he holds it up in the den light and asks me “Why would you want this outfit? It’s so thin I can see right through it. You couldn’t wear it anywhere. Is this supposed to be pajamas?”
I am thinking how best to answer my little brothers questions when Tim suggests, “Why don’t you try that on again for the boys, Suzie? Nick and Nate obviously want to see how it looks on you.” With this, helpful as always, my older brother grabs my towel and tugs it away rapidly, leaving me once again on display.
“Really, we don’t mind if you’d like to stay comfortable and go without.” Nick admits, grinning at his brother. “But if you want to slip it on and then back off again that’d be OK too!
So it’s not like I am totally embarrassed or anything, but having been cold and wet recently my nipples are poking out and hard which is a big part of why I had wrapped up in the towel. Tim dashed back away with my wet towel and had it all twisted up preparing to pop me with it I think so I made for Toby and the new outfit.
Stepping into the bottoms first and then sliding the sheer top over my head I felt better. That is until I looked around the room into the eyes of my audience.
Tim was not as affected but the twins were a little dazed. Looking at Toby, he seemed curious or perplexed I guess. Nick and Nate’s glances seemed more intense somehow. I didn’t get it exactly. I had been totally naked, these boys have all seen me naked many times, very recently even.
“What?” I asked the twins, as I glanced down at myself, turning a bit too look and inspecting the garments. Had I ripped them or something? They are pretty thin and not knowing for sure if I was keeping or having to return them I didn’t want to damage this outfit.
“Turn around for us, Suzie” Tim suggested.
I do and notice the twins licking their lips and almost panting they are breathing so fast. This reaction is so unexpected that I almost laugh. “OK, so what do you think?” I ask them.
“Must be summer PJ’s.” Toby concludes, “Those don’t look warm at all. I bet the folks are gonna freak out if you ever wear them outside of your room when they are home!”
Once again Tim offers, “You could always wear a bath robe or a nightgown over that out here when they’re around but we don’t mind, do we fellas?”
Nick and Nate quickly weigh in, in total agreement. Apparently having resurfaced from wherever they had gone briefly with a chorus of, “No” and “Not at all” and a “Whatever makes you comfortable, Suzie!”
Shaking my head at them I make for the kitchen and food. Tim exchanges a few words with the boys and in a bit he joins me. Toby has already eaten, so he is happy to stay in the den. The twins I think would like to follow us but they too have had something to eat at home before walking over with Toby so aside from just gawking at my appearance in this get up they have no reason to come into the kitchen.
As I am moving about I notice frequent glances and want to tell them both that they should maybe take a picture or something but I think better of it, thankfully before it escapes my mouth! Tim looks on sort of, well, I don’t know maybe appreciatively is the word. He isn’t staring at least and he seems to like the outfit.
“So,” I ask him quietly, “do you really like this outfit?”
To which he replies, “Sure, but I think maybe Joe is gonna want to return it so don’t mess it up.”
This doesn’t surprise me but I won’t say I’m not a little disappointed. I sort of liked the way it was messing with the twins. My wearing this had those boys a bit off balance suddenly, even more so than when I was totally naked and I wanted to figure out why.
He continues, “I don’t know this for sure or anything Suze, it’s just that those things were not cheap and I am not thinking he was planning to spend so much until the sales clerk got snotty and suggested we leave. Then when she volunteered the info on the return policy! I mean, there’s a lot of things in that place that might be fun to have you model for us if you wanted to.”
I am thinking about this as I eat and hardly notice as the twins say there goodbye’s and head back home a short time later. I wonder for a bit as well if maybe Joe sent them home with Toby just so he could find out if I was still wearing one of these outfits. Perhaps he just wanted them to see me in one of them too?
Having grown up around these boys I had gotten so used to them being around and also being used to being pretty casual about nudity it generally was not a big deal on the weekends when there were no adults around. A part of me certainly wanted to experiment with the idea of lingerie and to see how it affected the boys. If today was any indication, I might be up to trying out a lot of different things to trip them up! The twins for sure were acting odd after seeing me in this and even Joe and Tim looked at me differently. Toby was, well, Toby but he is the youngest of our little club.
Toby comes back in from outdoors having walked the twins to the road and seen them off. I catch his eyes lingering for a moment, I think, and then he heads for his room.
Tim suggests he grab a shower in the hall bath and claims the master bath. He also reminds Toby to be quick if he wants a hot shower instead of a cold one, which reminds me that I need to arrange a little payback for my big brother!
Having been warned about possibly needing to return the new outfits, I make for my room to change. I decide to slip on a long night shirt which is typically a favorite during the week even when the folks are around.
Frankly it has been a while since they have been home much on the weekends and I wonder what this means sometimes. My brothers and I get along well, mostly. It might be weird to some that we so rarely fuss or fight but I think it is more because our folks are gone so much and we tend to cling to each other.
The rest of the night was largely uneventful though I was tempted to try to sneak into the folks shower and return the favor of giving Tim a cold shower but I figured he would be ready for that tonight so, another time big brother!
The following morning when we got up our Mom was home, which was unexpected! Dad was not, which was really odd. He apparently had gotten in an argument which led to a scuffle and was “sleeping it off” in town. Later I learned that our folks were not as happy as we thought and they had been going to some clubs where “Swingers” hung out. On this night in particular there was more alcohol than usual maybe, which led to some jealousy, loud and brash language, then a fight! Leave it to our Dad to be one of those in the thick of it and so he and a few others got a free trip downtown to visit the Sherriff’s Department.
Mom didn’t exactly share this with us that morning. It was weeks later that these events came up or so I recall. I know this was when the folks started to argue and things changed around the house. As only a few months later, by the time school started back, our folks were separated!
Looking back, I know there were times that Dad or Mom might sleep on the couch. There may have even been a few times when we went to see family, like Mom’s parents and Dad didn’t come along. It wasn’t exactly a total surprise I guess but it was not at all expected when we found ourselves having to pack and move from the rural place we had always called home to a place in town.
The trip to return the lingerie was a week or so later and ended up with me taking home something I could keep. We did get together with Joe, Tim and I for that. I don’t recall who picked it out but I basically ended up with some bras and panties that were red, pink and black. These were quite different from any I had owned before but the boys liked them a lot and since at the time they were buying…
By around mid-summer, Joe was able to use the car some weekends at night or during the day occasionally and he even taught Tim to drive some. Toby and the twins came along sometimes, we saw a movie or two together but often the six of us would split up as the younger boys liked different shows from the older.
I always went with the older boys. I think I had decided I liked Joe in a bit more of a heart crush/puppy love sort of way by then. I know I had thought at some point I might let him take my cherry. My god, I wonder how that would have turned out now?
The theater was the first place I ever got naked or even nearly naked where I was really worried about being seen or caught by a bunch of complete strangers. I only did it a couple of times and it was fun, very exciting. I was nervous, I didn’t want to strip there but once the idea was suggested, it became sort of a dare or challenge and I had to go for it.
A part of me loves to see the shock or disbelief maybe in the faces of the boys around me that I will take them up on such things. I certainly get a rush out of it. They do too, let me tell you.
When I was sitting between Joe and Tim in one of the back rows of the movie with the lights down, my button down top open and bare chested, as I had worn no bra into the theater having already discarded it in the car; I couldn’t help but notice that Joe kept having to adjust himself and even my brother Tim looked to have a tent in his jeans.
Accompanying the shirt was a mid-thigh skirt and I had worn a matching panty to the discarded bra. This particular skirt had a long zipper and a slit up the side so it was not difficult to slide into or out of. I can’t honestly say that I hadn’t known that the boys were going to put me on the spot at some point during our romp into town as this was generally a part of our mutual adventures by now. So you might even say that I had dressed for the occasion. Looking back I recall thinking it would have been better if I had worn a wraparound dress but I don’t think I had one at the time.
My hair was just barely long enough to drape in front and almost cover the tops of my small breasts but only due to the sitting position of the movie chairs. That was partly because I was also ducking down as much as possible for just that purpose. My puffy nipples would still be visible should the lights come up to full for some reason and this knowledge was making me quake slightly.
Our little country theater was only 4 screens. This 1st trip together to a movie was not to a very well attended movie fortunately, though I am sure this was part of the plan now. After all I question if it was the film or if it was I whom the boys were there to see. Either way we were not alone in the auditorium. Seated just a few rows away were one adult couple and a group of three other teen or maybe college age boys, dim lighting makes it hard to gauge. There were a few others of various ages totaling about 20-25 folks so only 15-20% of the seats were taken.
This is maybe a good thing but it didn’t give me anyone to hide behind as all of the seats in front of us were empty for several rows. My Brother Tim was in the next to the last seat in our row which was the second from the last row of seats. There was no one sitting behind us on the final row, so in effect we were alone in the back of the theater.
This gave me the confidence to unbutton my shirt and allow it to drape open, having basically been dared to do so but I was not very confident beyond this point. After all, as long as I still had the shirt on I could lean forward, gather it together and button one or two buttons and no problem, right?
The strobe like effect of the lights from the movie kept making me think I might be spotted thus I have no idea what the movie we attended was about really as my focus was trained fully on the backs of the heads of all those in attendance and planning how to react should anyone move to enter or exit the area once the move started. People do go out for snacks and restroom breaks sometimes.
I was startled out of my diligent focus when I felt Joe, seated immediately on my right, reach his hand towards my waist and tug down slightly on my skirt. This brought yet another sort of thrill as he had previously never acted to assist me in removing my clothing. Sure he had made many suggestions over the years but his taking an active role in undressing me was new. His gesture was almost immediately accompanied by his leaning over and in a whisper saying, “Care to show us what you have on under here?”
This made me flush, as I felt the heat rise in my face. My heartbeat jumped a notch and I had to take a quick deep breath. This was it. If I continued I knew there was a possibility I would be naked or very nearly so in moments. Mentally I was debating the risks as seemingly on its own my left hand went to grasp my zipper on the side of the skirt. Really, I didn’t even notice that I had already acted to comply until the zipper started to go down as if on its own. At this point I had even shifted up in my seat an inch or so while my brain was considering voting to pass on this particular adventure my body had apparently said yes to everything or to see where this went at least.
Removing a skirt while seated in a movie chair in a theater is not easy. Doing so while shaking like a leaf and trying not to bump or otherwise draw attention, even in a darkened theater is a bit nerve wracking. Stealth comes with practice and I was as I pointed out earlier, a complete novice when it comes to stripping in a theater. I may be somewhat more accomplished today but that is a tale for yet another day.
Realizing what I was up to and evidently having no major objections as well as seeing that I was having a bit of a struggle, Tim and Joe were each quite distracted and at one point even tried to help me though I managed to slip the skirt below my butt and down around my thighs revealing my panties. I thought to sit like this for a moment then to pull it back up, maybe two or three minutes?
Once again, Joe’s hand found its way over and the waist band of my skirt eased its way lower until it fell below my knees. Thinking how filthy the floor of a theater must be I caught it by raising my feet and it was quickly retrieved by Joe, then folded and then tossed to my brother who placed it out of my reach in the empty seat to his left. Had they discussed this in advance or were they somehow communicating silently?
Sitting now in nothing but red panties and having my top completely unbuttoned down the front, I find that the theater is cooler than it was at first. My exposed nipples, already quite puffy and firm, get hard as the combination of chill and excitement hit me. I reach to place my hands in my lap to cover myself, though still seated and no one can see, as I feel completely on display.
Shaking, really, I’m surprised people are not looking around. Can’t they hear my teeth rattling? I feel a hand on my right forearm, it is Joe. It slides down my arm, to the inside of my wrist. If I don’t move my hand away from my panties he will be touching me there, well touching them at least. As I raise my hand away from my crotch an inch or so, I wonder will he try to feel me there but he instead takes my hand and eases it over onto the arm rest and away from my lap entirely.
Did I want him to actually feel me up? Not with my brother seated there and watching. Some other time, perhaps?
Encouraged and calmed slightly by the hand of Joe which now rests lightly atop my own on the right arm rest, I move my left hand to the other arm rest and look around the movie theater. Most everyone else is engrossed in the movie. Joe and I are as far as I can tell barely even aware of the plot. I look to Tim, my older brother, and he seems to be a little bit more into the movie but I think he is actually very much aware of what I am doing and maybe watching the crowd as well.
As I look at him he meets my eye briefly and gives me a little nervous grin. Then he takes his right hand, places it on my left like Joe and gives it a little squeeze of encouragement. As if to say, “We’ve got you.”
I sit back, aware of my exposure but also knowing that being so dark no one can really see. There are a few bright flashes and a number of lighter scenes when I worry, but time passes and I am almost able to catch on to the events on screen before I feel Joe’s arm behind my back. Had he put his arm around my seat?
For a second I think he is trying to scratch or rub my back. Then he again leans in and challenges me to take off the shirt completely, rather it seems he is offering to take it off my shoulders and from behind my back himself. My pulse had settled but once again it spikes.
Adrenaline is coursing through my veins. This does not constitute a major change in my immediate exposure but losing my shirt completely greatly reduces my ability to cover quickly and appear dressed from across the theater at a distance. If I let him take my shirt, my only option is to duck out of sight and hope no one comes to investigate before I can attempt to dress.
For some reason I recall that somewhere in this building, there are three more boys who came with us. Thankfully they were watching a different movie. Had they been in this same show they would likely have been sitting nearer the front and center, still the risk that one or more of them might show up here was not zero.
Gently, yet somewhat insistently my shirt was pulled away from me. I held on to the last but reluctantly I allowed myself to give it up.
Knowing now that I was at the mercy of the film, to both hold the attention of the patrons as well as to not blast the room with light such that I would be easily seen I crouched low in my seat. My hands were guided once again away from my body and I sat exposed.
I found it impossible to follow the movie. I could only barely see the others in the seats, sitting so low myself thus eventually I relaxed some and a level of confidence returned. People cannot see through seat backs and there were seats between myself and everyone besides my companions who had after all been the cause of me being dressed or rather undressed as I was in the theater this afternoon.
I was busily processing this and other scenarios such as anticipating being asked to surrender my panties as it occurred to me that this was a really long movie! How long had we been here? I had not followed enough of the story to be certain but it seemed that the end must be close.
The boys seemed to have gotten a little more out of the show, well they actually had seen a double feature I suppose. Asking Tim, he indicated that there was as I had thought minimal time remaining.
I gestured for him to give me my clothes and expected that this adventure was at its conclusion. Reaching across him, I thought to get them myself.
“Not so fast Suzie,” he said, into my ear, as he caught me leaning across his lap. His arms wrapped around me, the left under my abdomen and his right across my back, around my waist. “I think you need to surrender those panties first. Psst, Joe?”
I looked into his eyes, as he held me. Not tight, but firmly. I glanced back over my shoulder as he too looked to his right. Grinning widely, Joe eased himself around and with both hands he slowly removed my underwear, leaving me completely naked and basically lying across three seats. My backside being nearly above the height of the armrests and fully in view should anyone care to look at the moment.
As I felt my panties fall around my ankles I slid off onto the dirty floor on my knees. Not caring at the time about filth as much as worrying about getting caught. What is the penalty for being naked in a public theater?
I attempt to scramble back into my seat and to pull up my panties at the same time. All while trying to not draw attention. I have almost managed to get my panties back on when Tim informs me that I can have my shirt in exchange for the panties.
Did I hear that right? My brother is actually blackmailing me out of my panties? Is he planning to make me go without them? Well, it’s not like I have to have them, as long as I get the shirt and the skirt. My bra is still out in the car after all.
Not without some trepidation I remove my panties and hand them over. Tim however decides he doesn’t want them and tells me to fold them and hand them to Joe. For his part he accepts them graciously and nods his thanks.
Tim then passes me my shirt which I rush to don and button up. Joe apparently has yet another thought as I reach for Tim to pass me the skirt.
“Suzie,” Joe suggests. “Unbutton the shirt and just knot it in the front like a halter top.”
I pause, taken aback by this request. It is not the first time one of the boys has made suggestions about how I might dress. This is certainly one way that girls wear this type of shirt but having little in the way of cleavage and not really much boobs I never have.
No big deal really and with the movie ending anytime it is no time to debate upon style preferences. This done I once again reach expecting my skirt to be proffered.
“Now stand up,” Tim says, “and turn around slowly.”
I am wearing a thin white cotton, button down blouse tied like a bikini top and nothing else. My midriff is bare, actually I am completely bare. If I stand up, when I stand up, I will be flashing the entire theater should they glance this way. The afore mentioned seat backs between myself and the other theater goers are low enough as to offer no real deterrent to prevent a full view of me.
I look at Joe, then look into Tim’s eyes. He is staring deeply into my eyes as he says simply, “Do it.”
As I stand the seat of my chair flips up and gives me a bit more space. I stand facing the screen, naked and exposed, mostly. Thought I feel completely on display. I turn toward Tim and he gestures for me to make a revolution. I turn toward Joe who is eyeing me up and down. The movie forgotten in both their faces, I am the show. I continue to turn to my left making a complete circuit back to face my brother.
He is now holding out my skirt, open for me to step into. It is backwards of course, what does he know about such things but this is easily remedied. I spin it, zip it and collapse into my seat. Nearly hyperventilating as I do so. My heart is practically jumping out of my chest and I wonder that everyone cannot hear it. Maybe it is due to the final minutes of the movie and the loudness of the accompanying sound track.
As the credits are rolling we just sit there and the few people in the theater leave. We barely speak until we are in the car and one of our brothers, not sure which, asks “How was your show?”
For half a moment I flash back to me standing as I pirouette sans clothing, then I recall that we just left a movie which is undoubtedly what he is asking about. Tim and Joe each chime in with both a “Not bad at all” and a “Pretty good” so I am relieved form having to respond.
Later when we were dropped off at home, entering my room I recalled that Joe had my bra and panties. Well in fairness, he bought them so I guessed he would get them back to me if and when he wanted to. I can’t recall now if he ever did give them back. Perhaps he stained them too much that evening and decided to keep them.
Very shortly after this we ended up moving closer to town into the suburbs. There was a while after the move when we still saw Joe, Nick and Nate. Being in different schools, my brothers got friendly with other boys. Girls too eventually, hah!
I kind of became a bit of a loner as I had never really had many friends of my own. Then I met Kylie James and her dad. That adventure is told elsewhere; well actually I guess that’s where we started, Huh! ;-)
Once I got into the house, I quickly found that our folks had not come back home yet. I guess they are staying out again this weekend. They used to leave us with a sitter sometimes when Tim and I were younger but that cost money and wasn’t often. I guess now that Tim is almost 17 and I am older too they figure we can take care of ourselves.
Still hungry and having only had an ice cream since breakfast I was not feeling too picky about food. I figured that Toby would eat with his friends at their house since Tim, Joe and I had been in town so long. He usually does when he is over there in the evenings.
I am rummaging through the fridge when Tim comes in. He seems happy with cold cuts and I know we have a few canned goods I like so even though I am hungry I decide to make for the bathroom first before I eat and while I consider my options.
The new white thong underwear I have on feel scratchy, I slip them off and pull the dress over my head as I make my way down the hall. Passing by my room, these both get tossed in the general direction of my dresser as I go by the door. What I failed to notice is that my brother Tim is also making for the bathroom and had quietly enjoyed the strip show from a few feet behind me. That is until he rattles the shopping bag to get my attention.
“Hey sis, did you want this outfit now or should I toss it in your room?” He asks me. “You left this on the table in the kitchen. I don’t know what the folks might say if they came home and found it.”
This is actually a good point even though it is sort of unlikely we see them tonight, I get a little flustered as my mind tries to play that conversation out in my head. I manage to say “Yeah, um OK,” which isn’t really an answer so Tim kind of stands there for a minute as we just look at each other. Maybe he is playing that scene out in his head too? Or perhaps he is just enjoying my standing here nearly naked for him to check out?
After a moment I realize Tim is holding the bag out to me so I take it and turn for the bathroom. I still have the sheer white top on but nothing else. After I sit on the toilet I look into the bag. This outfit is easily as sheer as the white top but it is two pieces so it technically covers a little more, sort of. I wonder who wears these kinds of things. For a moment I try to imagine wearing something like these all day, at school or on a job. Do women actually wear them under their clothes to work and to the grocery or just at night? Maybe these garments are just for teasing your guy when you get together, you know like in those scenes in some movies?
I decide that I want to try this blue outfit on again so I pull off the white top as I stand up. It occurs to me that Joe might not have intended for me to keep these clothes. Did he ask about a return policy or was that just something that the clerk suggested to get us out of the store sooner? I think she kind of enjoyed us being in there whatever she might have said as we were leaving.
I fold the white top and being unsure if I should wash it, I put it back in the bag. I am standing naked in front of the mirror debating if I should get a quick shower when Tim opens the door.
“Hey Suzie,” he says, “Joe wanted to know if I thought we’d like to go to a movie some time if he can get the car.”
“We?” I ask him. “As in who, all of us? I mean, sure, yeah I’d love to get out to a movie but I think Toby would be really mad if we take off to a movie and he doesn’t get to go, don’t you? Also, I have no money so are you paying or is Joe offering?” And if Joe is offering what am I going to have to do for my ticket I wonder but don’t say aloud.
“I don’t know, I’m not sure his folks would let him take their car off for fun like that but if so maybe we could all go. The matinee shows are not that expensive, so we could figure it out and even if Toby and the twins come there’s room in the car for all of us, 3 up front 3 in back.” Tim offers.
I can tell he likes the idea and frankly I do too. It has been a while since I have been to a movie theater and though the ride might be crowded it would be worth it. I realize that if this is actually something that might happen one day I need to find a way to make a few dollars. After all who wants to go to a movie without snacks and or at least a drink?
I am thinking on this and trying to remember what movies were showing at the theater as I get a quick shower. It is so rare that we go into town that I cannot seem to remember the last movie I even saw. I do know that it was awesome. Sitting in the cool theater eating the best buttered popcorn ever, with a huge soda was great but the giant screen and the sound system that made everything seem so real just pulls you in till you forget where you are. For a minute, maybe longer, you think the movie is reality and you are just looking on or even living the story on the screen if it’s a really good one! I sort of get caught up in this for a bit until once again Tim barges into the bathroom.
The curtain is pulled back by him as he asks, “Are you planning on using all the hot water yourself or are you gonna leave some for the rest of us?”
To this I reply, “If I get to choose I think I’ll use it all thanks!”
Which leads him to reach in and turn off the hot water and before I know it I am nearly frozen by a sudden icy spray before I manage to stop the water completely.
“I’ll get you, Jerk!” I scream at him as he jumps back into the hallway laughing hysterically before I can grab him.
Since I was actually just enjoying the water and had already rinsed I jumped out of the shower still wet and gave chase down the hall aiming to tackle him and shake my cold wet hair all over him at least. This sort of back fired in a way as upon entering the den, in walks Toby accompanied by the twins, Nick and Nate, Joe’s younger brothers.
A chorus of “Whoa and what is going on in here?” fill the den as we plow through and I am surrounded by guys once again, completely naked and still dripping wet. They of course find this amusing and in moments my path out of the den is blocked.
Tim is trying to catch his breath, still laughing. “Suzie was taking too long in the shower so I gave her a reason to get out!” He explained to our now somewhat crowded den.
“This jerk tried to give me pneumonia!” I exclaim as I scramble towards Tim, hoping to jump on his back to share the cold and wet that I am now dripping all over. The coward is actively dodging me around the den furniture as I try to catch him.
“Toby, run grab a towel or two so she can clean up this mess. Geez, girl you’re crazy, you know that?” Tim chuckles.
“I can get my own towel, thank you, but don’t think for a minute that I am going to forget this Timothy!” I warn him as I attempt to make my way down the hall between the twins, who for their part are in no hurry to move in spite of my still being pretty wet. “Excuse me, do you mind?” I say but before I can get by them Toby is back with a towel and he has found the bag with the blue outfit and the white top from the lingerie store in the mall.
“What’s this stuff? Is this why you guys were gone so long?” He asks as he tosses me the towel. “You guys went to the mall huh! I didn’t know you had money Suzie, did you get me anything?”
His friends having noticed the name on the outside of the bag and apparently recognized it for what it was tell him “They wouldn’t have much in that store that you’d want Toby, though we’d all probably like to see what Suzie here got!”
Having by now briskly rubbed by hair and wrapped up in the single towel, I am covered and no longer totally exposed as I was before. This is evidently something that they are intent on fixing.
“Why don’t you model what’s in the bag for us Suzie?” Nate suggests.
Tim has pulled out the blue outfit and holding it up. I can see that it truly is largely transparent. He looks a little confused as he holds it up in the den light and asks me “Why would you want this outfit? It’s so thin I can see right through it. You couldn’t wear it anywhere. Is this supposed to be pajamas?”
I am thinking how best to answer my little brothers questions when Tim suggests, “Why don’t you try that on again for the boys, Suzie? Nick and Nate obviously want to see how it looks on you.” With this, helpful as always, my older brother grabs my towel and tugs it away rapidly, leaving me once again on display.
“Really, we don’t mind if you’d like to stay comfortable and go without.” Nick admits, grinning at his brother. “But if you want to slip it on and then back off again that’d be OK too!
So it’s not like I am totally embarrassed or anything, but having been cold and wet recently my nipples are poking out and hard which is a big part of why I had wrapped up in the towel. Tim dashed back away with my wet towel and had it all twisted up preparing to pop me with it I think so I made for Toby and the new outfit.
Stepping into the bottoms first and then sliding the sheer top over my head I felt better. That is until I looked around the room into the eyes of my audience.
Tim was not as affected but the twins were a little dazed. Looking at Toby, he seemed curious or perplexed I guess. Nick and Nate’s glances seemed more intense somehow. I didn’t get it exactly. I had been totally naked, these boys have all seen me naked many times, very recently even.
“What?” I asked the twins, as I glanced down at myself, turning a bit too look and inspecting the garments. Had I ripped them or something? They are pretty thin and not knowing for sure if I was keeping or having to return them I didn’t want to damage this outfit.
“Turn around for us, Suzie” Tim suggested.
I do and notice the twins licking their lips and almost panting they are breathing so fast. This reaction is so unexpected that I almost laugh. “OK, so what do you think?” I ask them.
“Must be summer PJ’s.” Toby concludes, “Those don’t look warm at all. I bet the folks are gonna freak out if you ever wear them outside of your room when they are home!”
Once again Tim offers, “You could always wear a bath robe or a nightgown over that out here when they’re around but we don’t mind, do we fellas?”
Nick and Nate quickly weigh in, in total agreement. Apparently having resurfaced from wherever they had gone briefly with a chorus of, “No” and “Not at all” and a “Whatever makes you comfortable, Suzie!”
Shaking my head at them I make for the kitchen and food. Tim exchanges a few words with the boys and in a bit he joins me. Toby has already eaten, so he is happy to stay in the den. The twins I think would like to follow us but they too have had something to eat at home before walking over with Toby so aside from just gawking at my appearance in this get up they have no reason to come into the kitchen.
As I am moving about I notice frequent glances and want to tell them both that they should maybe take a picture or something but I think better of it, thankfully before it escapes my mouth! Tim looks on sort of, well, I don’t know maybe appreciatively is the word. He isn’t staring at least and he seems to like the outfit.
“So,” I ask him quietly, “do you really like this outfit?”
To which he replies, “Sure, but I think maybe Joe is gonna want to return it so don’t mess it up.”
This doesn’t surprise me but I won’t say I’m not a little disappointed. I sort of liked the way it was messing with the twins. My wearing this had those boys a bit off balance suddenly, even more so than when I was totally naked and I wanted to figure out why.
He continues, “I don’t know this for sure or anything Suze, it’s just that those things were not cheap and I am not thinking he was planning to spend so much until the sales clerk got snotty and suggested we leave. Then when she volunteered the info on the return policy! I mean, there’s a lot of things in that place that might be fun to have you model for us if you wanted to.”
I am thinking about this as I eat and hardly notice as the twins say there goodbye’s and head back home a short time later. I wonder for a bit as well if maybe Joe sent them home with Toby just so he could find out if I was still wearing one of these outfits. Perhaps he just wanted them to see me in one of them too?
Having grown up around these boys I had gotten so used to them being around and also being used to being pretty casual about nudity it generally was not a big deal on the weekends when there were no adults around. A part of me certainly wanted to experiment with the idea of lingerie and to see how it affected the boys. If today was any indication, I might be up to trying out a lot of different things to trip them up! The twins for sure were acting odd after seeing me in this and even Joe and Tim looked at me differently. Toby was, well, Toby but he is the youngest of our little club.
Toby comes back in from outdoors having walked the twins to the road and seen them off. I catch his eyes lingering for a moment, I think, and then he heads for his room.
Tim suggests he grab a shower in the hall bath and claims the master bath. He also reminds Toby to be quick if he wants a hot shower instead of a cold one, which reminds me that I need to arrange a little payback for my big brother!
Having been warned about possibly needing to return the new outfits, I make for my room to change. I decide to slip on a long night shirt which is typically a favorite during the week even when the folks are around.
Frankly it has been a while since they have been home much on the weekends and I wonder what this means sometimes. My brothers and I get along well, mostly. It might be weird to some that we so rarely fuss or fight but I think it is more because our folks are gone so much and we tend to cling to each other.
The rest of the night was largely uneventful though I was tempted to try to sneak into the folks shower and return the favor of giving Tim a cold shower but I figured he would be ready for that tonight so, another time big brother!
The following morning when we got up our Mom was home, which was unexpected! Dad was not, which was really odd. He apparently had gotten in an argument which led to a scuffle and was “sleeping it off” in town. Later I learned that our folks were not as happy as we thought and they had been going to some clubs where “Swingers” hung out. On this night in particular there was more alcohol than usual maybe, which led to some jealousy, loud and brash language, then a fight! Leave it to our Dad to be one of those in the thick of it and so he and a few others got a free trip downtown to visit the Sherriff’s Department.
Mom didn’t exactly share this with us that morning. It was weeks later that these events came up or so I recall. I know this was when the folks started to argue and things changed around the house. As only a few months later, by the time school started back, our folks were separated!
Looking back, I know there were times that Dad or Mom might sleep on the couch. There may have even been a few times when we went to see family, like Mom’s parents and Dad didn’t come along. It wasn’t exactly a total surprise I guess but it was not at all expected when we found ourselves having to pack and move from the rural place we had always called home to a place in town.
The trip to return the lingerie was a week or so later and ended up with me taking home something I could keep. We did get together with Joe, Tim and I for that. I don’t recall who picked it out but I basically ended up with some bras and panties that were red, pink and black. These were quite different from any I had owned before but the boys liked them a lot and since at the time they were buying…
By around mid-summer, Joe was able to use the car some weekends at night or during the day occasionally and he even taught Tim to drive some. Toby and the twins came along sometimes, we saw a movie or two together but often the six of us would split up as the younger boys liked different shows from the older.
I always went with the older boys. I think I had decided I liked Joe in a bit more of a heart crush/puppy love sort of way by then. I know I had thought at some point I might let him take my cherry. My god, I wonder how that would have turned out now?
The theater was the first place I ever got naked or even nearly naked where I was really worried about being seen or caught by a bunch of complete strangers. I only did it a couple of times and it was fun, very exciting. I was nervous, I didn’t want to strip there but once the idea was suggested, it became sort of a dare or challenge and I had to go for it.
A part of me loves to see the shock or disbelief maybe in the faces of the boys around me that I will take them up on such things. I certainly get a rush out of it. They do too, let me tell you.
When I was sitting between Joe and Tim in one of the back rows of the movie with the lights down, my button down top open and bare chested, as I had worn no bra into the theater having already discarded it in the car; I couldn’t help but notice that Joe kept having to adjust himself and even my brother Tim looked to have a tent in his jeans.
Accompanying the shirt was a mid-thigh skirt and I had worn a matching panty to the discarded bra. This particular skirt had a long zipper and a slit up the side so it was not difficult to slide into or out of. I can’t honestly say that I hadn’t known that the boys were going to put me on the spot at some point during our romp into town as this was generally a part of our mutual adventures by now. So you might even say that I had dressed for the occasion. Looking back I recall thinking it would have been better if I had worn a wraparound dress but I don’t think I had one at the time.
My hair was just barely long enough to drape in front and almost cover the tops of my small breasts but only due to the sitting position of the movie chairs. That was partly because I was also ducking down as much as possible for just that purpose. My puffy nipples would still be visible should the lights come up to full for some reason and this knowledge was making me quake slightly.
Our little country theater was only 4 screens. This 1st trip together to a movie was not to a very well attended movie fortunately, though I am sure this was part of the plan now. After all I question if it was the film or if it was I whom the boys were there to see. Either way we were not alone in the auditorium. Seated just a few rows away were one adult couple and a group of three other teen or maybe college age boys, dim lighting makes it hard to gauge. There were a few others of various ages totaling about 20-25 folks so only 15-20% of the seats were taken.
This is maybe a good thing but it didn’t give me anyone to hide behind as all of the seats in front of us were empty for several rows. My Brother Tim was in the next to the last seat in our row which was the second from the last row of seats. There was no one sitting behind us on the final row, so in effect we were alone in the back of the theater.
This gave me the confidence to unbutton my shirt and allow it to drape open, having basically been dared to do so but I was not very confident beyond this point. After all, as long as I still had the shirt on I could lean forward, gather it together and button one or two buttons and no problem, right?
The strobe like effect of the lights from the movie kept making me think I might be spotted thus I have no idea what the movie we attended was about really as my focus was trained fully on the backs of the heads of all those in attendance and planning how to react should anyone move to enter or exit the area once the move started. People do go out for snacks and restroom breaks sometimes.
I was startled out of my diligent focus when I felt Joe, seated immediately on my right, reach his hand towards my waist and tug down slightly on my skirt. This brought yet another sort of thrill as he had previously never acted to assist me in removing my clothing. Sure he had made many suggestions over the years but his taking an active role in undressing me was new. His gesture was almost immediately accompanied by his leaning over and in a whisper saying, “Care to show us what you have on under here?”
This made me flush, as I felt the heat rise in my face. My heartbeat jumped a notch and I had to take a quick deep breath. This was it. If I continued I knew there was a possibility I would be naked or very nearly so in moments. Mentally I was debating the risks as seemingly on its own my left hand went to grasp my zipper on the side of the skirt. Really, I didn’t even notice that I had already acted to comply until the zipper started to go down as if on its own. At this point I had even shifted up in my seat an inch or so while my brain was considering voting to pass on this particular adventure my body had apparently said yes to everything or to see where this went at least.
Removing a skirt while seated in a movie chair in a theater is not easy. Doing so while shaking like a leaf and trying not to bump or otherwise draw attention, even in a darkened theater is a bit nerve wracking. Stealth comes with practice and I was as I pointed out earlier, a complete novice when it comes to stripping in a theater. I may be somewhat more accomplished today but that is a tale for yet another day.
Realizing what I was up to and evidently having no major objections as well as seeing that I was having a bit of a struggle, Tim and Joe were each quite distracted and at one point even tried to help me though I managed to slip the skirt below my butt and down around my thighs revealing my panties. I thought to sit like this for a moment then to pull it back up, maybe two or three minutes?
Once again, Joe’s hand found its way over and the waist band of my skirt eased its way lower until it fell below my knees. Thinking how filthy the floor of a theater must be I caught it by raising my feet and it was quickly retrieved by Joe, then folded and then tossed to my brother who placed it out of my reach in the empty seat to his left. Had they discussed this in advance or were they somehow communicating silently?
Sitting now in nothing but red panties and having my top completely unbuttoned down the front, I find that the theater is cooler than it was at first. My exposed nipples, already quite puffy and firm, get hard as the combination of chill and excitement hit me. I reach to place my hands in my lap to cover myself, though still seated and no one can see, as I feel completely on display.
Shaking, really, I’m surprised people are not looking around. Can’t they hear my teeth rattling? I feel a hand on my right forearm, it is Joe. It slides down my arm, to the inside of my wrist. If I don’t move my hand away from my panties he will be touching me there, well touching them at least. As I raise my hand away from my crotch an inch or so, I wonder will he try to feel me there but he instead takes my hand and eases it over onto the arm rest and away from my lap entirely.
Did I want him to actually feel me up? Not with my brother seated there and watching. Some other time, perhaps?
Encouraged and calmed slightly by the hand of Joe which now rests lightly atop my own on the right arm rest, I move my left hand to the other arm rest and look around the movie theater. Most everyone else is engrossed in the movie. Joe and I are as far as I can tell barely even aware of the plot. I look to Tim, my older brother, and he seems to be a little bit more into the movie but I think he is actually very much aware of what I am doing and maybe watching the crowd as well.
As I look at him he meets my eye briefly and gives me a little nervous grin. Then he takes his right hand, places it on my left like Joe and gives it a little squeeze of encouragement. As if to say, “We’ve got you.”
I sit back, aware of my exposure but also knowing that being so dark no one can really see. There are a few bright flashes and a number of lighter scenes when I worry, but time passes and I am almost able to catch on to the events on screen before I feel Joe’s arm behind my back. Had he put his arm around my seat?
For a second I think he is trying to scratch or rub my back. Then he again leans in and challenges me to take off the shirt completely, rather it seems he is offering to take it off my shoulders and from behind my back himself. My pulse had settled but once again it spikes.
Adrenaline is coursing through my veins. This does not constitute a major change in my immediate exposure but losing my shirt completely greatly reduces my ability to cover quickly and appear dressed from across the theater at a distance. If I let him take my shirt, my only option is to duck out of sight and hope no one comes to investigate before I can attempt to dress.
For some reason I recall that somewhere in this building, there are three more boys who came with us. Thankfully they were watching a different movie. Had they been in this same show they would likely have been sitting nearer the front and center, still the risk that one or more of them might show up here was not zero.
Gently, yet somewhat insistently my shirt was pulled away from me. I held on to the last but reluctantly I allowed myself to give it up.
Knowing now that I was at the mercy of the film, to both hold the attention of the patrons as well as to not blast the room with light such that I would be easily seen I crouched low in my seat. My hands were guided once again away from my body and I sat exposed.
I found it impossible to follow the movie. I could only barely see the others in the seats, sitting so low myself thus eventually I relaxed some and a level of confidence returned. People cannot see through seat backs and there were seats between myself and everyone besides my companions who had after all been the cause of me being dressed or rather undressed as I was in the theater this afternoon.
I was busily processing this and other scenarios such as anticipating being asked to surrender my panties as it occurred to me that this was a really long movie! How long had we been here? I had not followed enough of the story to be certain but it seemed that the end must be close.
The boys seemed to have gotten a little more out of the show, well they actually had seen a double feature I suppose. Asking Tim, he indicated that there was as I had thought minimal time remaining.
I gestured for him to give me my clothes and expected that this adventure was at its conclusion. Reaching across him, I thought to get them myself.
“Not so fast Suzie,” he said, into my ear, as he caught me leaning across his lap. His arms wrapped around me, the left under my abdomen and his right across my back, around my waist. “I think you need to surrender those panties first. Psst, Joe?”
I looked into his eyes, as he held me. Not tight, but firmly. I glanced back over my shoulder as he too looked to his right. Grinning widely, Joe eased himself around and with both hands he slowly removed my underwear, leaving me completely naked and basically lying across three seats. My backside being nearly above the height of the armrests and fully in view should anyone care to look at the moment.
As I felt my panties fall around my ankles I slid off onto the dirty floor on my knees. Not caring at the time about filth as much as worrying about getting caught. What is the penalty for being naked in a public theater?
I attempt to scramble back into my seat and to pull up my panties at the same time. All while trying to not draw attention. I have almost managed to get my panties back on when Tim informs me that I can have my shirt in exchange for the panties.
Did I hear that right? My brother is actually blackmailing me out of my panties? Is he planning to make me go without them? Well, it’s not like I have to have them, as long as I get the shirt and the skirt. My bra is still out in the car after all.
Not without some trepidation I remove my panties and hand them over. Tim however decides he doesn’t want them and tells me to fold them and hand them to Joe. For his part he accepts them graciously and nods his thanks.
Tim then passes me my shirt which I rush to don and button up. Joe apparently has yet another thought as I reach for Tim to pass me the skirt.
“Suzie,” Joe suggests. “Unbutton the shirt and just knot it in the front like a halter top.”
I pause, taken aback by this request. It is not the first time one of the boys has made suggestions about how I might dress. This is certainly one way that girls wear this type of shirt but having little in the way of cleavage and not really much boobs I never have.
No big deal really and with the movie ending anytime it is no time to debate upon style preferences. This done I once again reach expecting my skirt to be proffered.
“Now stand up,” Tim says, “and turn around slowly.”
I am wearing a thin white cotton, button down blouse tied like a bikini top and nothing else. My midriff is bare, actually I am completely bare. If I stand up, when I stand up, I will be flashing the entire theater should they glance this way. The afore mentioned seat backs between myself and the other theater goers are low enough as to offer no real deterrent to prevent a full view of me.
I look at Joe, then look into Tim’s eyes. He is staring deeply into my eyes as he says simply, “Do it.”
As I stand the seat of my chair flips up and gives me a bit more space. I stand facing the screen, naked and exposed, mostly. Thought I feel completely on display. I turn toward Tim and he gestures for me to make a revolution. I turn toward Joe who is eyeing me up and down. The movie forgotten in both their faces, I am the show. I continue to turn to my left making a complete circuit back to face my brother.
He is now holding out my skirt, open for me to step into. It is backwards of course, what does he know about such things but this is easily remedied. I spin it, zip it and collapse into my seat. Nearly hyperventilating as I do so. My heart is practically jumping out of my chest and I wonder that everyone cannot hear it. Maybe it is due to the final minutes of the movie and the loudness of the accompanying sound track.
As the credits are rolling we just sit there and the few people in the theater leave. We barely speak until we are in the car and one of our brothers, not sure which, asks “How was your show?”
For half a moment I flash back to me standing as I pirouette sans clothing, then I recall that we just left a movie which is undoubtedly what he is asking about. Tim and Joe each chime in with both a “Not bad at all” and a “Pretty good” so I am relieved form having to respond.
Later when we were dropped off at home, entering my room I recalled that Joe had my bra and panties. Well in fairness, he bought them so I guessed he would get them back to me if and when he wanted to. I can’t recall now if he ever did give them back. Perhaps he stained them too much that evening and decided to keep them.
Very shortly after this we ended up moving closer to town into the suburbs. There was a while after the move when we still saw Joe, Nick and Nate. Being in different schools, my brothers got friendly with other boys. Girls too eventually, hah!
I kind of became a bit of a loner as I had never really had many friends of my own. Then I met Kylie James and her dad. That adventure is told elsewhere; well actually I guess that’s where we started, Huh! ;-)
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