After School
After school
As a youth I loved to explore the woods near our home. I lived near a piece of undeveloped land that comprised a total of several hundred acres, mostly wild and occasionally dense growth of trees, and vines. The property had some rolling hills and no pasture at all so anywhere you might go was quite secluded. I suppose it was possible that you might run up on another person exploring the woods as well, but the only other person I ever saw in those woods was a friend that went with me sometimes and helped me cut some trails through the denser areas in marshes near some natural springs.
It was at the time my practice to carry my air rifle, a machete, and a canteen with me when on such a hike as I would often stay most of the afternoon on a Saturday or when school was out for a break. My friend was rarely able to go with me on such expeditions on a school day as he often had other duties and could not get away much.
It is on these days that I might find myself experimenting with my interest in naturism. I don’t know what initiated it but at some point I decided to disrobe and take brief walks without any clothes while alone in these woods.
I would walk into the woods fully clothed of course, then when I determined that I was deep enough that no one could possibly see me from the perimeter I’d take off my shirt, pants and underwear. I kept my shoes and socks on as there were entirely too many hazards to risk going barefoot.
Stashing my clothes just off to one side of the path I would then proceed to walk further into the woods. Each time I did this I generally started in one or two places and each time I would go a bit farther into the trails and warrens that my friend and I had forged.
The woods had areas that were very dense and some of our paths were so dense that it would be nearly impossible to see beyond the immediate area when the leaves were on the trees and vines. In cooler climates the foliage would thin some and visibility was much different through the woods.
The feeling of walking naked through nature has never left me even now nearly forty years later. When you know it is not something you want to get caught doing but the idea of risking it heightens every sense and instinct. The wonder of what might happen if you were seen or caught and if so by who is nearly intoxicating. I know now of course that the rush was adrenaline and it is quite a natural and also addictive high.
These thoughts and emotions coursing through my hormonally charged system would sometimes lead me to masturbate, shocking I know! Oddly or perhaps naturally I suppose, almost immediately afterwards I would make for my clothes and leave the woods. I suppose that my having been raised in a conservative Christian household led me to feel guilt about these extracurricular activities?
I never got caught but think I secretly wanted to be, maybe by a neighbor girl or two? Would they tell on me or would they have exacted some other form of hold over me to keep the secret of my past time? Would they tell other kids or keep it totally secret between us? Would they join me in trying out a naturist hike? Doubtful, on that last one, I know!
The fantasies I have had and dreams this has fed for me over the years are numerous. I wish I had someone I could talk to and share this with today in real life. Perhaps someday I will? Until then I have you!
As a youth I loved to explore the woods near our home. I lived near a piece of undeveloped land that comprised a total of several hundred acres, mostly wild and occasionally dense growth of trees, and vines. The property had some rolling hills and no pasture at all so anywhere you might go was quite secluded. I suppose it was possible that you might run up on another person exploring the woods as well, but the only other person I ever saw in those woods was a friend that went with me sometimes and helped me cut some trails through the denser areas in marshes near some natural springs.
It was at the time my practice to carry my air rifle, a machete, and a canteen with me when on such a hike as I would often stay most of the afternoon on a Saturday or when school was out for a break. My friend was rarely able to go with me on such expeditions on a school day as he often had other duties and could not get away much.
It is on these days that I might find myself experimenting with my interest in naturism. I don’t know what initiated it but at some point I decided to disrobe and take brief walks without any clothes while alone in these woods.
I would walk into the woods fully clothed of course, then when I determined that I was deep enough that no one could possibly see me from the perimeter I’d take off my shirt, pants and underwear. I kept my shoes and socks on as there were entirely too many hazards to risk going barefoot.
Stashing my clothes just off to one side of the path I would then proceed to walk further into the woods. Each time I did this I generally started in one or two places and each time I would go a bit farther into the trails and warrens that my friend and I had forged.
The woods had areas that were very dense and some of our paths were so dense that it would be nearly impossible to see beyond the immediate area when the leaves were on the trees and vines. In cooler climates the foliage would thin some and visibility was much different through the woods.
The feeling of walking naked through nature has never left me even now nearly forty years later. When you know it is not something you want to get caught doing but the idea of risking it heightens every sense and instinct. The wonder of what might happen if you were seen or caught and if so by who is nearly intoxicating. I know now of course that the rush was adrenaline and it is quite a natural and also addictive high.
These thoughts and emotions coursing through my hormonally charged system would sometimes lead me to masturbate, shocking I know! Oddly or perhaps naturally I suppose, almost immediately afterwards I would make for my clothes and leave the woods. I suppose that my having been raised in a conservative Christian household led me to feel guilt about these extracurricular activities?
I never got caught but think I secretly wanted to be, maybe by a neighbor girl or two? Would they tell on me or would they have exacted some other form of hold over me to keep the secret of my past time? Would they tell other kids or keep it totally secret between us? Would they join me in trying out a naturist hike? Doubtful, on that last one, I know!
The fantasies I have had and dreams this has fed for me over the years are numerous. I wish I had someone I could talk to and share this with today in real life. Perhaps someday I will? Until then I have you!
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