Charlie... Part 4
Charlie 4
Alone in my apartment, I find that I am becoming increasingly uncertain as the minutes pass. I am nude under my robe still. Charlie is dressed though I feel certain she will want to shower when she returns from walking Princess.
Should I make for a quick shower and allow her the privacy of a lone shower upon her return? Might it be more appropriate for me to wait and let her decide if she wants me to join her, as I am sure I would prefer.
Wait, hadn’t she mentioned classes today? Had our endeavors this morning caused her to disrupt her schedule or has she still time to make her class?
Checking the time I realize it is slightly after noon. If Charlie has a late class it is likely she can still make it as most are still an hour or more from their start time.
With this realization I feel it might be best if I get a quick shower and dress. As much as I would love to continue to explore this, whatever this is? I know that she does not need me to distract her form her studies, if indeed that is even a possibility.
I am running the water, preparing to step in when a draft hits me and I am joined by Charlie. I watch her as she steps out of her clothes and smile as this dream girl comes to join me in the shower. Hesitantly I reach to wash her back as she luxuriates in the steam, her back to me, face up into the spray. Feeling my touch she arches her back then leans back into me, before turning and I find myself embracing her wet body.
There is an undeniable sensuality to a man and a woman in the shower together.
Charlie is smaller in height than I am by about six inches. She is very svelte and though not cut like a runner, an athlete or dancer, her body is perhaps like that of a gymnast. I am more of an average build, even a bit muscular if not exactly semi buff. Imagine formerly buff but not quite gone to seed? Kind of like a 2nd string footballer or wrestler?
We enjoy the water and the suds, emerge cleansed and not a little aroused. We both sigh and then chuckle as we realize that we likely just shared a moment of regret that the day holds plans the we would rather change. Not wishing to corrupt her entirely I step to towel myself off and she proceeds to do likewise. I cannot resist swiping my towel down her back once however.
“You missed a spot!” I explain as she squirms to step away and turns to eye me.
I have only just managed to cover myself and she is all but fully exposed to me, beautifully naked. Glaring at me but eyeing me closely.
“It looks to me, like someone is still feeling a bit frisky.” She states while she pointedly looks down at my groin, in spite of the towel. “Don’t go getting all wound up again or you’ll be frustrated all afternoon, so hands to yourself! And I don’t mean you should take matters into your own hands either. I’m not thinking I am done with you yet.”
“Oh really,” I reply, with a grin. “I had thought I might ride to the beach or somewhere overnight since you have everything here so well in hand.”
Charlie dropped her towel, stepped up to me and gripped me through my towel and said, “Well apparently my having taken things in hand left a bit to be desired. If you enjoy riding that bike so much by all means knock yourself out but I was thinking of going for a ride myself this evening after class.”
With that she sauntered out of the bathroom, out my door and made for the other room where her clothes were, never looking back. I’m guessing that she figured I watched her every step and she would not be wrong.
When we each emerged a short time later clothed for the day’s events, nothing else was said about what may or may not occur later. We both knew that time was short and we knew why. We made quick cold cut sandwiches; I realized that I needed to make a run to the grocers. We talked about what things we each liked and I put together a short list.
Charlie’s departure was quick and entailed a friendly, “Gotta go!” and a peck on the cheek.
I wanted to grab her and not let go, fearing she might not ever return, or that I might alternately awaken to find it had been a very realistic dream. If dream it was I would happily never awaken.
My afternoon encompassed running a few errands, the grocery being the last of these. I arrived home to be greeted by Princess as usual and as you will know if you have a dog, she acted as if she had not seen me or anyone in several days or longer! This told me that it was indeed unlikely that I would be seeing a naked woman greet me and indeed it was not to be. I took Princess for a walk as she was due since we had sort of messed her schedule up this morning among all the various distractions. Frankly I felt pretty lucky to have not discovered any little gifts from my four legged companion. Bully’s can be jealous and possessive. Evidently Princess has taken to her new sitter nearly as much as I have!
Having cared for my dog, as well as having previously put away the cold goods, I still had a few dry goods to put away and as I did so I began to consider dinner preparations vs. takeout options. I may have even spent an undisclosed amount of time fantasizing what about might be fun to play with should Charlie return half as frisky as I hoped she might be. Maybe I should have picked up some strawberries, cool whip or chocolate syrup? These thoughts and their accompanying memories from the past 24 hrs occupied my afternoon and I soon found the evening encroaching.
Charlie knocked on the door before entering. This was so unexpected that I was actually a little abrupt in how I answered it! To be honest, hearing the knock at my door, my mind immediately assumed that I had some nosey neighbor or something coming over to chat and all I could think of was how could I get rid of them as quickly as possible.
I grabbed the door and yanked it open hard, “Yes?” I said, evidently, sort of loudly and certainly not in any sort of welcoming tone.
Charlie was standing there with a small bag, and some things that were evidently school related. I didn’t really understand why she hadn’t just used her key. For that matter the door had not been locked so she could have just come in. My abruptness apparently startled her as she stepped back and looked at me as to inquire if I wanted her to leave.
“Oh, Sorry! Please let me get something?” I recovered.
“Were you expecting someone else?” She asked looking back to see if someone else might be approaching.
“Not at all, sorry I’ve been busy and a little distracted.” I replied, a bit sheepishly.
She looked at me slightly askew but entered. It was, I noticed nearly 5:30pm and I was still undecided about dinner. My appetite was mixed at the moment. Food certainly sounded good but I was pretty sure I could wait till after the main course if anything else were in the offering. I found myself waiting for some indication as to how she might want to proceed.
It has been my experience with women of a similar age as me that they tend to want talk about things; to establish a few ground rules as it were, when it comes to relationships. Would you call this a relationship? Would I call it that? Was this only casual sex, as it occurred to me that this was far more likely in our case due to the age difference?
I certainly wasn’t exactly sugar daddy material, financially speaking. Charlie didn’t strike me as the type to be cat fishing exactly but one can never tell these days. It occurred to me that I had actually not been very careful earlier in our intercourse and that I needed to check myself until I could be certain that we were both avoiding unnecessary risks. Neither of us needed or god help us wanted a pregnancy, and as far as I know I am still virile enough to produce viable sperm.
Hell, maybe it was I who needed us to have a talk!
I certainly had a head full of questions as I reached for her bag, wondering what it might contain. Was she bringing more clothes? Probably so, as she didn’t appear to have much here really, I hadn’t even noticed much in the way of foreign toiletries in the hall bathroom or the master for that matter. I suppose that up until last night she may not have showered here that often and only carried what she intended to use for the day.
Charlie eased herself into a sort of squatting position that only girls find comfortable. You know how they sit on top of their legs and feet? Maybe it makes them feel bigger or something? Perhaps when I was in my early teens I could have pulled that off but I don’t think I ever did it comfortably.
I put her bag on the floor by the hall entry not sure if she would want it in the middle room, the bath, or had she intended to bring it to my room? More questions.
“How was class?” I asked, figuring to start with the mundane.
“I guess it was pretty standard as lectures go.” She replied, “Actually, it’s a lucky thing for me that I have a habit of recording them for later review.”
“Oh?” I inquire. “I guess that would be smart! Easier to get better notes too I bet if you can review it a few times.”
“Exactly,” Charlie answers, “but today I seem to have been a little distracted myself.” With this admission she looks away from me, and I detect a hint of rosiness to her cheeks. Might she be blushing?
I cannot reconcile the girl before me with the confident woman of this morning. I almost feel guilty as if I had taken advantage of her. And yet she had in large part been the aggressor, right? Fear gripped me as I realized she could claim otherwise and I would have little defense. My mind in turmoil, not knowing what to expect and still having to know, I ask her, “Is everything ok? I mean are you ok?”
She looks at me, directly, I see the hesitation, and then perhaps seeing my genuine concern she brightens, “It’s certainly better now.”
“Care to tell me about it?” I ask. Once again hopeful but cautious, was she or was she not having second thoughts about our morning. It certainly looked like she had been thinking about it.
“Well,” Blushing, definitely blushing now, “I hadn’t been all that experienced with guys until… um, recently.” She nearly chokes on the last word. “I mean I’m not a virgin or anything but, well I guess you know that! OMG, what I mean is, that I guess I spent a big part of my day thinking about what we did, how it compared to what I have done before and I kept wondering what more you and I might could try or maybe you could teach me and not listening in class. At one point I guess maybe the Proff thought I had a question and I had no clue he had called on me. I just excused myself and stepped out for a few minutes.” Charlie blurted out in a stream. “That’s never happened to me! Not even in High school when I was crazy over some boy!”
I was awash in emotions. Relief, apparently she was not contemplating denial of consent or accusing me of impropriety! Intrigue, she was evidently contemplating a sort of sexual tutelage with me as her tutor! As this knowledge resounded I felt a familiar stirring in my lower regions and I thought again as to whether food might best come now or later? It occurred to me that if we didn’t eat something soon then indeed our options for takeout would be severely limited in a few hours. Given our earlier performance and the direction that things looked to be moving it could be a few hours indeed should we not get some sustenance soon.
“Have you eaten yet?” I ask her, taking her a bit off guard and realizing it could seem as though I was changing the subject. “I mean, I’m a little hungry but if you’d rather grab a bite later, or after? I think there was some mention this morning about you wanting to go for a ride?”
This comment brought a further glow to her face as Charlie began to rise and reached a hand toward me.
I, of course, took her hand as she stood. “I have a change of clothes in my bag” She gestured, “Let me go change ok? I’ll only be a minute.”
I honestly had no clue where this was heading but I was absolutely not ready to bail on this “Ride” where ever it was going, “By all means!” I exclaimed.
I sat in my den, waiting. It seemed an eternity as I envisioned Charlie emerging from the other end of the apartment dressed in a sheer negligee, leather and lace, perhaps a school girl or nurse’s costume. My imagination was running full tilt.
What she actually came back wearing was perhaps not as revealing and was even puzzling at first but once it clicked it thrilled me in a new way.
Charlie came out dressed in long jeans, sleeves, boots and a jacket, her hair was pinned back in a ponytail and she even had a helmet! It was the helmet that was my 1st clue. Be honest, yours too right?
Part of me almost felt some disappointment but never let a biker tell you he doesn’t thrill at the thought of getting a sexy maiden on the back of his bike! This was indeed a 1st for me as I had never had such a trophy on the back of my machine and if she wanted a ride, by all means, a ride she was gonna get!
Charlie gave me a look as if to offer me a challenge and all I could say was “Hell Yes!” I grabbed my keys; my gear is always on the bike so in no time we were making for the bike. Charlie excitedly telling me how she had been on a few short rides with her uncle and once with her Grandfather. She wouldn’t ride with boys her age as she felt they would take too many risks trying to show off, but she was not totally inexperienced. Before pulling out we decided on an eatery and agreed to take a less than direct path there which was fine by me!
I felt like every eye was on me, jealously watching as we rode by en route to dinner as well as back home. The restaurant was not that busy but a few eyes seemed to linger on us there as well. Perhaps they were curious as to our relationship, we certainly could have been father and daughter but we never tried to act the part. In fact, as we ate and as we rode I think the age difference shrank away and disappeared at least to the two of us.
Riding my bike has always made me feel ageless. There is a magical quality to it akin to flying, or at least what I imagine being able to fly would feel like. Charlie loved it. I loved the feel of her body clinging to mine. By the time we got back we were both vibrating as we walked up the stairs to my apartment.
Not for the 1st time that day I found myself struggling to make time to care for my poor Princess! Oh the joys of dog ownership! We both took the beast for her walk and she actually obliged us by not straggling to do her necessaries and let us know she was ready to go indoors. Seriously, if you get a dog, I recommend females as I find they do their business more efficiently, and they are generally easier to train. As a bonus, bullies love it indoors, especially in summer.
I can’t say for certain why but we all three were very excited to get back to the apartment. Perhaps it had something to do with the anticipation for the snack that awaited us upon arrival?
Alone in my apartment, I find that I am becoming increasingly uncertain as the minutes pass. I am nude under my robe still. Charlie is dressed though I feel certain she will want to shower when she returns from walking Princess.
Should I make for a quick shower and allow her the privacy of a lone shower upon her return? Might it be more appropriate for me to wait and let her decide if she wants me to join her, as I am sure I would prefer.
Wait, hadn’t she mentioned classes today? Had our endeavors this morning caused her to disrupt her schedule or has she still time to make her class?
Checking the time I realize it is slightly after noon. If Charlie has a late class it is likely she can still make it as most are still an hour or more from their start time.
With this realization I feel it might be best if I get a quick shower and dress. As much as I would love to continue to explore this, whatever this is? I know that she does not need me to distract her form her studies, if indeed that is even a possibility.
I am running the water, preparing to step in when a draft hits me and I am joined by Charlie. I watch her as she steps out of her clothes and smile as this dream girl comes to join me in the shower. Hesitantly I reach to wash her back as she luxuriates in the steam, her back to me, face up into the spray. Feeling my touch she arches her back then leans back into me, before turning and I find myself embracing her wet body.
There is an undeniable sensuality to a man and a woman in the shower together.
Charlie is smaller in height than I am by about six inches. She is very svelte and though not cut like a runner, an athlete or dancer, her body is perhaps like that of a gymnast. I am more of an average build, even a bit muscular if not exactly semi buff. Imagine formerly buff but not quite gone to seed? Kind of like a 2nd string footballer or wrestler?
We enjoy the water and the suds, emerge cleansed and not a little aroused. We both sigh and then chuckle as we realize that we likely just shared a moment of regret that the day holds plans the we would rather change. Not wishing to corrupt her entirely I step to towel myself off and she proceeds to do likewise. I cannot resist swiping my towel down her back once however.
“You missed a spot!” I explain as she squirms to step away and turns to eye me.
I have only just managed to cover myself and she is all but fully exposed to me, beautifully naked. Glaring at me but eyeing me closely.
“It looks to me, like someone is still feeling a bit frisky.” She states while she pointedly looks down at my groin, in spite of the towel. “Don’t go getting all wound up again or you’ll be frustrated all afternoon, so hands to yourself! And I don’t mean you should take matters into your own hands either. I’m not thinking I am done with you yet.”
“Oh really,” I reply, with a grin. “I had thought I might ride to the beach or somewhere overnight since you have everything here so well in hand.”
Charlie dropped her towel, stepped up to me and gripped me through my towel and said, “Well apparently my having taken things in hand left a bit to be desired. If you enjoy riding that bike so much by all means knock yourself out but I was thinking of going for a ride myself this evening after class.”
With that she sauntered out of the bathroom, out my door and made for the other room where her clothes were, never looking back. I’m guessing that she figured I watched her every step and she would not be wrong.
When we each emerged a short time later clothed for the day’s events, nothing else was said about what may or may not occur later. We both knew that time was short and we knew why. We made quick cold cut sandwiches; I realized that I needed to make a run to the grocers. We talked about what things we each liked and I put together a short list.
Charlie’s departure was quick and entailed a friendly, “Gotta go!” and a peck on the cheek.
I wanted to grab her and not let go, fearing she might not ever return, or that I might alternately awaken to find it had been a very realistic dream. If dream it was I would happily never awaken.
My afternoon encompassed running a few errands, the grocery being the last of these. I arrived home to be greeted by Princess as usual and as you will know if you have a dog, she acted as if she had not seen me or anyone in several days or longer! This told me that it was indeed unlikely that I would be seeing a naked woman greet me and indeed it was not to be. I took Princess for a walk as she was due since we had sort of messed her schedule up this morning among all the various distractions. Frankly I felt pretty lucky to have not discovered any little gifts from my four legged companion. Bully’s can be jealous and possessive. Evidently Princess has taken to her new sitter nearly as much as I have!
Having cared for my dog, as well as having previously put away the cold goods, I still had a few dry goods to put away and as I did so I began to consider dinner preparations vs. takeout options. I may have even spent an undisclosed amount of time fantasizing what about might be fun to play with should Charlie return half as frisky as I hoped she might be. Maybe I should have picked up some strawberries, cool whip or chocolate syrup? These thoughts and their accompanying memories from the past 24 hrs occupied my afternoon and I soon found the evening encroaching.
Charlie knocked on the door before entering. This was so unexpected that I was actually a little abrupt in how I answered it! To be honest, hearing the knock at my door, my mind immediately assumed that I had some nosey neighbor or something coming over to chat and all I could think of was how could I get rid of them as quickly as possible.
I grabbed the door and yanked it open hard, “Yes?” I said, evidently, sort of loudly and certainly not in any sort of welcoming tone.
Charlie was standing there with a small bag, and some things that were evidently school related. I didn’t really understand why she hadn’t just used her key. For that matter the door had not been locked so she could have just come in. My abruptness apparently startled her as she stepped back and looked at me as to inquire if I wanted her to leave.
“Oh, Sorry! Please let me get something?” I recovered.
“Were you expecting someone else?” She asked looking back to see if someone else might be approaching.
“Not at all, sorry I’ve been busy and a little distracted.” I replied, a bit sheepishly.
She looked at me slightly askew but entered. It was, I noticed nearly 5:30pm and I was still undecided about dinner. My appetite was mixed at the moment. Food certainly sounded good but I was pretty sure I could wait till after the main course if anything else were in the offering. I found myself waiting for some indication as to how she might want to proceed.
It has been my experience with women of a similar age as me that they tend to want talk about things; to establish a few ground rules as it were, when it comes to relationships. Would you call this a relationship? Would I call it that? Was this only casual sex, as it occurred to me that this was far more likely in our case due to the age difference?
I certainly wasn’t exactly sugar daddy material, financially speaking. Charlie didn’t strike me as the type to be cat fishing exactly but one can never tell these days. It occurred to me that I had actually not been very careful earlier in our intercourse and that I needed to check myself until I could be certain that we were both avoiding unnecessary risks. Neither of us needed or god help us wanted a pregnancy, and as far as I know I am still virile enough to produce viable sperm.
Hell, maybe it was I who needed us to have a talk!
I certainly had a head full of questions as I reached for her bag, wondering what it might contain. Was she bringing more clothes? Probably so, as she didn’t appear to have much here really, I hadn’t even noticed much in the way of foreign toiletries in the hall bathroom or the master for that matter. I suppose that up until last night she may not have showered here that often and only carried what she intended to use for the day.
Charlie eased herself into a sort of squatting position that only girls find comfortable. You know how they sit on top of their legs and feet? Maybe it makes them feel bigger or something? Perhaps when I was in my early teens I could have pulled that off but I don’t think I ever did it comfortably.
I put her bag on the floor by the hall entry not sure if she would want it in the middle room, the bath, or had she intended to bring it to my room? More questions.
“How was class?” I asked, figuring to start with the mundane.
“I guess it was pretty standard as lectures go.” She replied, “Actually, it’s a lucky thing for me that I have a habit of recording them for later review.”
“Oh?” I inquire. “I guess that would be smart! Easier to get better notes too I bet if you can review it a few times.”
“Exactly,” Charlie answers, “but today I seem to have been a little distracted myself.” With this admission she looks away from me, and I detect a hint of rosiness to her cheeks. Might she be blushing?
I cannot reconcile the girl before me with the confident woman of this morning. I almost feel guilty as if I had taken advantage of her. And yet she had in large part been the aggressor, right? Fear gripped me as I realized she could claim otherwise and I would have little defense. My mind in turmoil, not knowing what to expect and still having to know, I ask her, “Is everything ok? I mean are you ok?”
She looks at me, directly, I see the hesitation, and then perhaps seeing my genuine concern she brightens, “It’s certainly better now.”
“Care to tell me about it?” I ask. Once again hopeful but cautious, was she or was she not having second thoughts about our morning. It certainly looked like she had been thinking about it.
“Well,” Blushing, definitely blushing now, “I hadn’t been all that experienced with guys until… um, recently.” She nearly chokes on the last word. “I mean I’m not a virgin or anything but, well I guess you know that! OMG, what I mean is, that I guess I spent a big part of my day thinking about what we did, how it compared to what I have done before and I kept wondering what more you and I might could try or maybe you could teach me and not listening in class. At one point I guess maybe the Proff thought I had a question and I had no clue he had called on me. I just excused myself and stepped out for a few minutes.” Charlie blurted out in a stream. “That’s never happened to me! Not even in High school when I was crazy over some boy!”
I was awash in emotions. Relief, apparently she was not contemplating denial of consent or accusing me of impropriety! Intrigue, she was evidently contemplating a sort of sexual tutelage with me as her tutor! As this knowledge resounded I felt a familiar stirring in my lower regions and I thought again as to whether food might best come now or later? It occurred to me that if we didn’t eat something soon then indeed our options for takeout would be severely limited in a few hours. Given our earlier performance and the direction that things looked to be moving it could be a few hours indeed should we not get some sustenance soon.
“Have you eaten yet?” I ask her, taking her a bit off guard and realizing it could seem as though I was changing the subject. “I mean, I’m a little hungry but if you’d rather grab a bite later, or after? I think there was some mention this morning about you wanting to go for a ride?”
This comment brought a further glow to her face as Charlie began to rise and reached a hand toward me.
I, of course, took her hand as she stood. “I have a change of clothes in my bag” She gestured, “Let me go change ok? I’ll only be a minute.”
I honestly had no clue where this was heading but I was absolutely not ready to bail on this “Ride” where ever it was going, “By all means!” I exclaimed.
I sat in my den, waiting. It seemed an eternity as I envisioned Charlie emerging from the other end of the apartment dressed in a sheer negligee, leather and lace, perhaps a school girl or nurse’s costume. My imagination was running full tilt.
What she actually came back wearing was perhaps not as revealing and was even puzzling at first but once it clicked it thrilled me in a new way.
Charlie came out dressed in long jeans, sleeves, boots and a jacket, her hair was pinned back in a ponytail and she even had a helmet! It was the helmet that was my 1st clue. Be honest, yours too right?
Part of me almost felt some disappointment but never let a biker tell you he doesn’t thrill at the thought of getting a sexy maiden on the back of his bike! This was indeed a 1st for me as I had never had such a trophy on the back of my machine and if she wanted a ride, by all means, a ride she was gonna get!
Charlie gave me a look as if to offer me a challenge and all I could say was “Hell Yes!” I grabbed my keys; my gear is always on the bike so in no time we were making for the bike. Charlie excitedly telling me how she had been on a few short rides with her uncle and once with her Grandfather. She wouldn’t ride with boys her age as she felt they would take too many risks trying to show off, but she was not totally inexperienced. Before pulling out we decided on an eatery and agreed to take a less than direct path there which was fine by me!
I felt like every eye was on me, jealously watching as we rode by en route to dinner as well as back home. The restaurant was not that busy but a few eyes seemed to linger on us there as well. Perhaps they were curious as to our relationship, we certainly could have been father and daughter but we never tried to act the part. In fact, as we ate and as we rode I think the age difference shrank away and disappeared at least to the two of us.
Riding my bike has always made me feel ageless. There is a magical quality to it akin to flying, or at least what I imagine being able to fly would feel like. Charlie loved it. I loved the feel of her body clinging to mine. By the time we got back we were both vibrating as we walked up the stairs to my apartment.
Not for the 1st time that day I found myself struggling to make time to care for my poor Princess! Oh the joys of dog ownership! We both took the beast for her walk and she actually obliged us by not straggling to do her necessaries and let us know she was ready to go indoors. Seriously, if you get a dog, I recommend females as I find they do their business more efficiently, and they are generally easier to train. As a bonus, bullies love it indoors, especially in summer.
I can’t say for certain why but we all three were very excited to get back to the apartment. Perhaps it had something to do with the anticipation for the snack that awaited us upon arrival?
Continue to read from the same author
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Susan... Part 12
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