Home Alone 17
Home Alone 17
Teen boys are commonly known to be horny. Having once been a teenage boy I can confirm this was often the case for me as well as my peers. I will even go so far as to say that as I near middle age I have only just begun to find that my desires sexually have begun to slacken a bit.
However, having also become a father to two teenage girls, and having been married to an attractive healthy woman for nearly two decades now I have learned much that I did not previously know about girls and women in my youth. Girls and women are likewise also sexual creatures; they just tend to manage their interests and urges much differently than men and boys do.
Teenage girls are sexually charged and love to tease. They love to test their ability to stress boys sexually. They especially relish the opportunity to test their womanly wiles on older males and this can possibly explain why for example so many young high school girls date college or even post graduate aged men.
I live in a home with two teen girls who are my daughters. We have a rather casual home as to dress code and have always been comfortable as far as our morning and evening routines. If someone for example is using the bathroom on one end of the house; then there is no problem should her sister need to come through the master bedroom to access our bathroom.
Sleepwear in our home or at least typical dress for post shower time in the evenings for myself or my daughters generally consists of boxers or panties/briefs and a shirt (for them anyway LOL). It has happened that someone might exit the shower down the hall and streak across into their room to dress and there are times where one of my daughters have caught me or my wife in a state of undress, in passing.
Likewise we have each, my wife and I, occasionally seen one of the girls in transit to and from one room or another wearing just underwear or less though these have been brief and infrequent, girls tend to borrow each other’s clothes.
I say all this so as to point out that we are not prudish. My daughters have had every opportunity to know and experience what the adult form looks like and we believe this leads to less curiosity or awkwardness around their peers and the opposite sex especially.
I cannot begin to speculate if this has contributed in any way to my daughters being more or less sexually inquisitive. My wife believes that the girls are quite chaste in spite of our knowing that many of their friends are sexually active.
After all it is public knowledge that there have been several pregnancies among the teen population and our having maintained good communication with our girls over the years regarding sexual concerns seems to have kept them out of trouble. Our two girls have yet to outwardly or publicly date or show increased interest in boys, or girls for that matter.
I happen to know that our daughters are a bit more sexual than my wife might suspect. They just happen to take it out on me and focus much of their teasing, flashing and experimentation in my direction. Perhaps this is due to the safety they feel in our own relationship? I certainly have a vested interest in not pressing them towards copulation, unlike the majority of the boys their age for example! I am, largely due to the facts of my position as their father and the obvious age difference, a little uncomfortable in fact with the level of sexuality the girls have suddenly started directing towards me and the changes that have come into our relationship as a result.
Susan, my older daughter’s classmate, is largely responsible for the latter part of this problem. I say problem as it is truly on the verge of becoming a problem for me as I feel myself sliding down a slippery slope that seems to be heading to where I may not have any control at all and even less influence on my girls and their behavior.
Tuesday was much like Monday, in that I enjoyed a relatively peaceful day. Being self-employed I usually have times where I have little to do followed by times where I get slammed with work. Slower times give me a chance for family time, honey do’s, me time, paperwork and of course scheduling more work!
Wednesday being mid-week and the infamous “Hump Day” my phone tends to get busier. Either there are folks with some sort of emergency they need help with before or over the weekend; alternately this is when things start to pick up with calls for job quotes for the following week. Self-employed people tend to put in far more hours than it looks like we do if you add up the many hours of telephone calls and paperwork, etc. that go into a week.
I actually have two jobs, rather I own two businesses. Both of which I operate sort of part time and seasonally. First, I own and operate a transportation company (only my one truck). Second, I do some yard maintenance work (in peak season).
The trucking is much more profitable of course but it takes me away from the family too much so I started trying to be home more and only take select loads in the truck. I tend to choose loads that are round trips or take me to areas that I know I can turn back towards home and not be gone more than a few days. My kids are growing up after all and I missed too much when they were smaller.
The lawn service consists mostly of mowing and minor trimming or clean-up occasionally. I think I’d like to expand this and maybe do more in the future. If you want to buy a big truck let me know!
In the summer time my girls are sometimes reluctantly drafted into service to help with bigger yard jobs. When they were smaller they sometimes went on trips with me, one at a time of course, in the big rig.
Working together and spending time one on one on road trips have made us very close. On the road, close quarters were rarely a problem. As I have said before, our family has never been prudish about our bodies and in a truck there is little space to worry over such things. Whether just changing clothes or showering in a truck stop, we just did what needed to be done and gave it no thought really at the time.
Now that my girls are maturing though it seems like I find myself surrounded by not only my own two budding hormonally charged offspring but very often there are other young teens about.
My girls are apparently becoming popular among their classmates. Miley, our youngest, is nearly 16 and is in the process of trying out for her schools freshman cheering squad. This means that my home is by necessity now subject to invasion at any moment by a small horde of nubile young girls that frankly have only one goal in mind. Which is to titillate and distract every male they can and I must admit that being a male myself I am not immune.
The fact that these girls are coming to my house to teach these things to my younger daughter is bad enough but for some reason my older daughter has also become intrigued with this process and is often included in these sessions. Kylie is 17 and in her junior year in school. Both she and her sister will have birthdays before long.
The fact that my girls have managed to get through high school so far without emotional entanglement has been a blessing but I fear this new path may lead to far more attention and interest from the boys than I or they are ready to admit. To be honest though, on second thought my girls seem to like the idea more than I do! What father is ever ready for his little girl to start getting interested in boys?
Who am I fooling really? There has always been interest I guess but up until very recently I have let myself think it was completely innocent curiosity and never thought of them as sexual creatures. Again, recent events have corrected that error in my thinking and now I find myself wondering where our future paths may lead us.
I would like to say that I have the will or desire to refrain from being drawn into close interaction with these teenage temptresses but it would be a lie. I haven’t lurked or spied but I have been called out to bring drinks or snacks out to them in the yard during a practice or two.
Initially I excused myself readily and escaped their focus. At some point I must have slipped and got caught noticing or appreciating the semi exposed young flesh on display and in no time I found myself on the receiving end of amped up flirtation. This led to my being drafted into judging some various sub routines as the girls were working out new moves and choreography.
Cheering outfits are designed to allow a full range of motion without exposure. Well there is a little cloth covering the bits that need covering anyway.
Miley has a new leotard which is similar in design if not as opaque as her prospective team mates wear but her older sister is just in shorts as they try to do the moves the other girls show them. I wonder if Kylie is now trying out as well or is she just having fun?
The bouncing around doing splits, lifts, flips, etc. are exhausting of course and the girls eventually end up sprawled out on lawn chairs by the pool talking. Now that they are relaxing I once again get called in to bring refreshments. I can’t help but point out to them that they are capable of getting their own drinks and chips.
To which my oldest, Kylie responds, “Aw Dad, you know you like coming out here seeing us girls out by the pool. You might even get to play lifeguard if we decide to jump in and cool off.”
To this, a couple of girls protest not having brought suits but of course my girls have several so that is easily resolved. Miley and Kylie tease that they could all just go skinny dipping but that I would have to stay indoors and promise not to peek.
I was a bit shocked by this suggestion coming from my girls but I think they were just teasing me. Their friends were likewise shocked and I believe they were a little embarrassed by the suggestion. They certainly blushed nicely in front of me as I looked to see their reaction to this.
Ok, so I’ll admit it, being a guy I was kind of imagining them naked as I was looking to gauge their responses. I might have even been hopeful they would go along but knew they wouldn’t actually. After all we all knew I couldn’t resist peeking if I knew what was going on, right? My girls certainly knew this, I think. Or perhaps they trusted me enough to think I would honor their request to not spy on their friends?
Seriously, things have changed so much lately and so very quickly that I am more than a little unbalanced by all of the sexual tension.
One of the girls declines a suit as she excuses herself to head home. Her family has plans and has messaged her that they are coming to get her. I am immediately afraid I won’t be getting to see these girls in swimwear today as it looks like maybe they will disperse. I mean cheerleader outfits are nice but bikinis always win my vote. Am I right?
Having nearly gotten distracted by the mental images going through my head I am quickly approaching a state where I may have to excuse myself as I am in danger of developing a semi boner. Wearing only my usual house attire when we have guests, this consists of loose boxers and shorts and this time an old concert T-shirt, it could be embarrassing as well as impossible to hide if I should go full hard!
As the girls shift and rise to say their goodbyes or find a suit as it seems a couple may stay to take a swim, Kylie manages to back into me and I feel her arm rub against my groin briefly, intentionally!
She makes brief eye contact and winks up at me, “Sorry Dad; can’t say I didn’t try!” She whispers with a wink! Then she turns and follows her sister and their new friends into the house.
Wait, was she trying to get these girls to strip for me? Was she just teasing me again? Where did this suddenly sexual minx come from and can I get my innocent daughter back before she gets me in trouble, please? I mean, I have been blaming Susan but the girl isn’t here and hasn’t been for a few days. Come to think of it she hasn’t been here the last couple of times things got really intense with my daughters.
Standing here out on our back porch by the pool I realize
that I now have a ¾ boner and I can’t even go inside without risk of it being noticed by one or more of the now scantily clad girls who are beginning to come from my girl’s rooms. My only option is to take a seat and watch the show as they come back out to join me by the pool.
No sooner do they all come out, with Kylie bringing up the rear as she was last to change, then one of the girls quips, “What’s with the suit Kylie, thought you were going skinny dipping?” To which they all laugh and giggle nervously.
Not to be out done, Kylie offers, “I will if you will!”
Once again eyes turn to me, as I hear the reply, “Maybe if you’re Dad wasn’t home!”
To which they all laugh uproariously until Miley offers, “I bet he wouldn’t mind so much.”
At which time I and my boner weigh in to dissuade the notion, “Not appropriate, girls! And probably not a good idea in any case as I’m betting most of your parents would strongly object!”
Though this seems to work for the most part I believe I heard at least one girl say her mom wouldn’t object or might not care; another said her mom might even join in; while a couple simply stated that parents don’t have to know everything.
I have managed to calm myself to a point where I can stand once more finally. The girls have much to my relief moved on from the previous topic and are chatting about kids they know from school, mostly boys from what I can tell as I extract myself from the situation.
In my room, I replay a few images in my head from my earlier imaginings as well as the recent swimsuit competition. I am nearly as worked up as before and contemplating a need for release when I am interrupted my Miley, dripping wet in spite of having a towel, entering my bedroom.
“Daddy,” She calls as she enters, without knocking of course. “We were wondering if you might grill up some hotdogs or…”
She stopped, staring at my groin as it is obvious I have a full erection. I am not naked mind you, though she has seen it all before. I am even dressed just as I have been all afternoon. I’m not real sure why she is staring as she has definitely seen me hard. I still am unsure about the other night if I had dreamed or if we had done something.
“Daddy,” She says once more, and I look into my little girls eyes… “Can I see it?” as she tentatively steps closer.
“I hardly think this is the time or place sweetheart.” I tell her. “Your friends are outback and could come in looking for you.”
“I closed the back door and I can hear if it opens, I just want to see, just you and me. It looks really hard! Don’t you want to let it out?”
Did my daughter really just ask me that? “Um, no it’s fine really; I’ll be right out and fire up the grill. No problem.” I tell her as I watch her step forward again.
My back is to the vanity in our bathroom now and I have nowhere else to retreat unless I turn towards the shower.
Miley lets her towel fall to the floor and my cock involuntarily twitches. “Ooh, was that for me?” She asks innocently.
She noticed that? Her eyes apparently have not left the bulge in my shorts. I can’t recall if my bedroom door is closed or open. Did she close it behind her?
As if in response to my thoughts she pulls the bathroom door behind her as she continues to close the distance.
“Maybe you could help me retie this suit? It seems to be a bit off.” She says as she pulls it to the side exposing her small firm chest.
Once again a tremor runs through me as my cock twitches.
“That was for me!” my daughter exclaims triumphantly.
Does she think this is a game? To her it may be I suppose. Young people rarely see the consequences of their actions before they act.
In one motion she drops down and tugs at my shorts as she looks up into my eyes saying, “Show me!”
I realize that I had been determined to resist but somehow that melted away as I stood there looking into her eyes.
Fathers have a real hard time saying no to a little girl they love. Men and boys have even harder times saying no to a girl they find attractive. Call me a pervert or even a monster if you have to but I stood there and let my daughter lower my shorts and boxers as my raging hard on bounced and twitched before her eyes.
I swear I never once planned or even tried to do anything like this with one of my girls but they seem determined to use me as their own sexual exploration apparatus.
“Um this seems like it would be really uncomfortable to walk around with.” She observed, as she reached to touch me. “Ooh and it’s really warm, or hot really!”
“OK, that’s enough, really shouldn’t you go join your friends?” I protest, pulling away. Not that I wanted to but, come on, It’s my barely 16 yr old daughter and even if she has one hand firmly wrapped around my penis, it is my job to discourage this behavior as her dad right?
At this point she tugs me forward and suggests, “You could always join us like this! They might even recognize you.”
She giggles, I guess recalling the weekend trip to the ball park.
This comment and the flash of recent memory combined with the hand tugging on my member causes another twitch and I feel as though I am getting close.
“No, really Miles, I really think that’s a bad idea and you should let me go before…” I beg. Am I really reduced to begging now? Every man is at the mercy of any female that has his cock in her hand though, right?
“OK then we gotta make this fast huh!” She says as she pulls me by my cock to stand in the shower stall.
Not knowing what is about to transpire but mostly resigned now to endure and or enjoy it I find myself in the shower with my youngest which induces yet another flashback of a similar occasion with her older sister and Susan. Then too they were wearing bikinis and I was fully naked.
As if she once more could read my mind, “You might want to take off the shirt if we’re gonna turn on the water.” Miley says as she steps in with me, lifting my shirt with one hand yet refusing to let go of my raging cock with the other.
“It keeps twitching, are you making it do that or can you, I mean… Can you move it or him, like that? Or is it, he just dancing with excitement on his own?”
“Miley” I say.
“Hey, Dad?” Kylie calls as she too now enters the outer bedroom.
Naked and trapped I don’t know what to do so I answer. “Yes?”
The bathroom door opens and my nearly 18 yr old daughter enters, thankfully alone. There is one other doorway that regretfully is not closed but it wouldn’t matter at this point as Miley interjects at this point, “We’ll be right out sis, Daddy just needed help handling something real fast.”
“Oh, geez, I’ll just bet! Whatever, hurry up your friends and I are starving.” With that she turned and went back out closing doors as she went.
Mortified, I nearly began deflating until Miley removed her top and rubbed her chest against my midriff then slowly lowered to the point where she tried to wrap her tits around the shaft of my penis. She proved to be a bit small for that but it was pretty erotic anyway and my manhood responded accordingly.
“I want to do it for you daddy.” She said as she took me in her hand again. “Tell me what to do, please? I’m gonna need to know how eventually right?”
I didn’t exactly want in this moment to think about why my daughter might need to know how to get a man off but this also made me question my dream… more distraction.
“Lotion? Body Wash? Water on or off? How do you normally do it? Do you do it a lot? Should I take off the bottoms too? Will it get on my suit? Or maybe I better keep them or for protection?”
Geez where did all the questions come from? No one told me there was gonna be a quiz! To be fair no one said anything about any of this!
“It kind of depends I guess but, Vaseline or KY jelly is best, but lotion or even soap and water works. You don’t have to use anything if your gentle but saliva is a favorite too.” I find myself saying. Gods, why did I say saliva?
“Saliva? Daddy are you asking me to spit on your penis? Or, you don’t mean…” Miley inquires, as her grip tightens on my cock. “Can I, I mean I guess I could try if you want me to.
Would you let me put it in my…”
She lowers herself and her lips open as she first licks the head and then kisses the tip of my dick. Keeping her lips puckered she takes only the head slowly into her mouth.
Having no idea where this is going but being very aware of how conspicuous I feel knowing my older daughter is wondering what all is happening in here, I suggest, “Miley, that’s not, um.”
“Did I do it wrong?” she asks, looking up at me from her knees, bare chested in my shower.
“No really, it feels amazing it’s just that we don’t have a lot of time for…” I cut off as she proceeds to go for it!
“Oh, ri… Mmm…”
My shaft is almost immediately swallowed and completely forgot what I was about to say before. Though her technique is a little rougher than in my dream and frankly I still don’t know if that was due to the haste or if the other night actually happened! You might wonder why I don’t just ask her. Well think about how that conversation goes in your head and you tell me.
Regardless, my daughter took me nearly to completion then finished me with her hand and thankfully only got my semen on her feet as she was stepping out of the shower. This was kind of kinky to me for some reason and I think now I might like to try that one day, maybe cumming all over her feet?
Or hers and Kylies! Wait, am I really having fantasies about doing sexual stuff with my own daughters now? Guess so, I mean, don’t dreams have at least some basis in reality and I either dreamed or had a very sexy interlude with now both of my daughters several times so fantasies can’t be far off.
I have no idea we were actually off to ourselves but no one commented besides being excited to see us exit the house with a couple of packs of weenies and buns, chips and soda.
Kylie was actually wearing a suit I didn’t recognize and when she exited the pool I found it to be very nearly sheer when wet. Thankfully it dried quickly and though still revealing as it was obviously unlined. I think the other girls may have been a little surprised about her suit as they looked at me a little odd a time or two and cut their eyes at her suit. Perhaps they thought I should have said or done something to make her cover up but honestly it never occurred to me.
My wife Laura might have suggested a cover up but maybe not, unless boys were around, lol. Then she would have insisted on a costume change! As I have said before we are pretty free here at home so there is little need for modesty.
Laura actually came in just as we were about to eat and even gathered a couple cans of chili that I didn’t know we had as well as a tub of slaw and a jar of sour kraut to add to the options. We don’t usually do diced onions at home but Laura likes them and I think one of the girls does as well. All that was missing was some queso or dip for the chips but we had enough to at least satisfy everyone.
Later that night after everyone settled in Laura asked me, “That is quite the suit Kylie was sporting today, did she buy it?”
Thinking this might be my chance to nudge Susan away as a bad influence, I reply as if I was appalled, “Her new friend Susan apparently gave it to her. Evidently she has several such suits and offered to give a few to both our girls!”
“Maybe I should ask her where she gets them? You wouldn’t mind if I wore something like that would you?” She asked me, quite to my surprise.
“Of course not, I mean, just around here right? Would you wear that to the beach or lake? It’s pretty sheer, I mean it’s even more sheer wet. You didn’t see…” I cut off as she looks at me.
“Well, I might like to have a few special suits for certain special occasions or vacations. It might be fun to flaunt it a little if you were so inclined… I mean the whole shaving thing got me thinking, you know. What’s the point of shaving unless you want to show it off and a suit like that, well that would certainly show it off.” My wife says.
“Did you notice? I think Kylie is shaved, down there. Looked pretty smooth to me and I’m sure you got a better view as you say in her wet suit! You dog… and your own daughter too!” She teases.
“I wasn’t…” I tried to deny.
“Don’t even try it. You’re a man after all and I for one like that about you. Just control yourself and don’t over think things, these young girls today will give you a heart attack if you aren’t careful. They certainly are much bolder than we were in my day. If they don’t care but to flaunt it, then you can’t help but to see it, right?” She asks me.
Is this a test? Does she suspect something? I mean I never set out to cheat on my wife and technically I haven’t had actual sex with anyone but her but many wives would sue for divorce over the things that have happened in the past few days or weeks in and around our house or neighborhood.
What does she know or suspect? Is she herself feeling a little adventurous? I certainly like the idea of seeing her in a more revealing outfit and readily agree to buying her any suit she thinks she might venture to wear. I may have taken things a bit too far when I suggested taking her to a nude beach or resort so she could flaunt all she wanted, no suit required!
To this she just said “We’ll see,” which frankly left me a little speechless. This conversation led to some pretty hot sex before bed and I slept like a log until late the next morning.
Teen boys are commonly known to be horny. Having once been a teenage boy I can confirm this was often the case for me as well as my peers. I will even go so far as to say that as I near middle age I have only just begun to find that my desires sexually have begun to slacken a bit.
However, having also become a father to two teenage girls, and having been married to an attractive healthy woman for nearly two decades now I have learned much that I did not previously know about girls and women in my youth. Girls and women are likewise also sexual creatures; they just tend to manage their interests and urges much differently than men and boys do.
Teenage girls are sexually charged and love to tease. They love to test their ability to stress boys sexually. They especially relish the opportunity to test their womanly wiles on older males and this can possibly explain why for example so many young high school girls date college or even post graduate aged men.
I live in a home with two teen girls who are my daughters. We have a rather casual home as to dress code and have always been comfortable as far as our morning and evening routines. If someone for example is using the bathroom on one end of the house; then there is no problem should her sister need to come through the master bedroom to access our bathroom.
Sleepwear in our home or at least typical dress for post shower time in the evenings for myself or my daughters generally consists of boxers or panties/briefs and a shirt (for them anyway LOL). It has happened that someone might exit the shower down the hall and streak across into their room to dress and there are times where one of my daughters have caught me or my wife in a state of undress, in passing.
Likewise we have each, my wife and I, occasionally seen one of the girls in transit to and from one room or another wearing just underwear or less though these have been brief and infrequent, girls tend to borrow each other’s clothes.
I say all this so as to point out that we are not prudish. My daughters have had every opportunity to know and experience what the adult form looks like and we believe this leads to less curiosity or awkwardness around their peers and the opposite sex especially.
I cannot begin to speculate if this has contributed in any way to my daughters being more or less sexually inquisitive. My wife believes that the girls are quite chaste in spite of our knowing that many of their friends are sexually active.
After all it is public knowledge that there have been several pregnancies among the teen population and our having maintained good communication with our girls over the years regarding sexual concerns seems to have kept them out of trouble. Our two girls have yet to outwardly or publicly date or show increased interest in boys, or girls for that matter.
I happen to know that our daughters are a bit more sexual than my wife might suspect. They just happen to take it out on me and focus much of their teasing, flashing and experimentation in my direction. Perhaps this is due to the safety they feel in our own relationship? I certainly have a vested interest in not pressing them towards copulation, unlike the majority of the boys their age for example! I am, largely due to the facts of my position as their father and the obvious age difference, a little uncomfortable in fact with the level of sexuality the girls have suddenly started directing towards me and the changes that have come into our relationship as a result.
Susan, my older daughter’s classmate, is largely responsible for the latter part of this problem. I say problem as it is truly on the verge of becoming a problem for me as I feel myself sliding down a slippery slope that seems to be heading to where I may not have any control at all and even less influence on my girls and their behavior.
Tuesday was much like Monday, in that I enjoyed a relatively peaceful day. Being self-employed I usually have times where I have little to do followed by times where I get slammed with work. Slower times give me a chance for family time, honey do’s, me time, paperwork and of course scheduling more work!
Wednesday being mid-week and the infamous “Hump Day” my phone tends to get busier. Either there are folks with some sort of emergency they need help with before or over the weekend; alternately this is when things start to pick up with calls for job quotes for the following week. Self-employed people tend to put in far more hours than it looks like we do if you add up the many hours of telephone calls and paperwork, etc. that go into a week.
I actually have two jobs, rather I own two businesses. Both of which I operate sort of part time and seasonally. First, I own and operate a transportation company (only my one truck). Second, I do some yard maintenance work (in peak season).
The trucking is much more profitable of course but it takes me away from the family too much so I started trying to be home more and only take select loads in the truck. I tend to choose loads that are round trips or take me to areas that I know I can turn back towards home and not be gone more than a few days. My kids are growing up after all and I missed too much when they were smaller.
The lawn service consists mostly of mowing and minor trimming or clean-up occasionally. I think I’d like to expand this and maybe do more in the future. If you want to buy a big truck let me know!
In the summer time my girls are sometimes reluctantly drafted into service to help with bigger yard jobs. When they were smaller they sometimes went on trips with me, one at a time of course, in the big rig.
Working together and spending time one on one on road trips have made us very close. On the road, close quarters were rarely a problem. As I have said before, our family has never been prudish about our bodies and in a truck there is little space to worry over such things. Whether just changing clothes or showering in a truck stop, we just did what needed to be done and gave it no thought really at the time.
Now that my girls are maturing though it seems like I find myself surrounded by not only my own two budding hormonally charged offspring but very often there are other young teens about.
My girls are apparently becoming popular among their classmates. Miley, our youngest, is nearly 16 and is in the process of trying out for her schools freshman cheering squad. This means that my home is by necessity now subject to invasion at any moment by a small horde of nubile young girls that frankly have only one goal in mind. Which is to titillate and distract every male they can and I must admit that being a male myself I am not immune.
The fact that these girls are coming to my house to teach these things to my younger daughter is bad enough but for some reason my older daughter has also become intrigued with this process and is often included in these sessions. Kylie is 17 and in her junior year in school. Both she and her sister will have birthdays before long.
The fact that my girls have managed to get through high school so far without emotional entanglement has been a blessing but I fear this new path may lead to far more attention and interest from the boys than I or they are ready to admit. To be honest though, on second thought my girls seem to like the idea more than I do! What father is ever ready for his little girl to start getting interested in boys?
Who am I fooling really? There has always been interest I guess but up until very recently I have let myself think it was completely innocent curiosity and never thought of them as sexual creatures. Again, recent events have corrected that error in my thinking and now I find myself wondering where our future paths may lead us.
I would like to say that I have the will or desire to refrain from being drawn into close interaction with these teenage temptresses but it would be a lie. I haven’t lurked or spied but I have been called out to bring drinks or snacks out to them in the yard during a practice or two.
Initially I excused myself readily and escaped their focus. At some point I must have slipped and got caught noticing or appreciating the semi exposed young flesh on display and in no time I found myself on the receiving end of amped up flirtation. This led to my being drafted into judging some various sub routines as the girls were working out new moves and choreography.
Cheering outfits are designed to allow a full range of motion without exposure. Well there is a little cloth covering the bits that need covering anyway.
Miley has a new leotard which is similar in design if not as opaque as her prospective team mates wear but her older sister is just in shorts as they try to do the moves the other girls show them. I wonder if Kylie is now trying out as well or is she just having fun?
The bouncing around doing splits, lifts, flips, etc. are exhausting of course and the girls eventually end up sprawled out on lawn chairs by the pool talking. Now that they are relaxing I once again get called in to bring refreshments. I can’t help but point out to them that they are capable of getting their own drinks and chips.
To which my oldest, Kylie responds, “Aw Dad, you know you like coming out here seeing us girls out by the pool. You might even get to play lifeguard if we decide to jump in and cool off.”
To this, a couple of girls protest not having brought suits but of course my girls have several so that is easily resolved. Miley and Kylie tease that they could all just go skinny dipping but that I would have to stay indoors and promise not to peek.
I was a bit shocked by this suggestion coming from my girls but I think they were just teasing me. Their friends were likewise shocked and I believe they were a little embarrassed by the suggestion. They certainly blushed nicely in front of me as I looked to see their reaction to this.
Ok, so I’ll admit it, being a guy I was kind of imagining them naked as I was looking to gauge their responses. I might have even been hopeful they would go along but knew they wouldn’t actually. After all we all knew I couldn’t resist peeking if I knew what was going on, right? My girls certainly knew this, I think. Or perhaps they trusted me enough to think I would honor their request to not spy on their friends?
Seriously, things have changed so much lately and so very quickly that I am more than a little unbalanced by all of the sexual tension.
One of the girls declines a suit as she excuses herself to head home. Her family has plans and has messaged her that they are coming to get her. I am immediately afraid I won’t be getting to see these girls in swimwear today as it looks like maybe they will disperse. I mean cheerleader outfits are nice but bikinis always win my vote. Am I right?
Having nearly gotten distracted by the mental images going through my head I am quickly approaching a state where I may have to excuse myself as I am in danger of developing a semi boner. Wearing only my usual house attire when we have guests, this consists of loose boxers and shorts and this time an old concert T-shirt, it could be embarrassing as well as impossible to hide if I should go full hard!
As the girls shift and rise to say their goodbyes or find a suit as it seems a couple may stay to take a swim, Kylie manages to back into me and I feel her arm rub against my groin briefly, intentionally!
She makes brief eye contact and winks up at me, “Sorry Dad; can’t say I didn’t try!” She whispers with a wink! Then she turns and follows her sister and their new friends into the house.
Wait, was she trying to get these girls to strip for me? Was she just teasing me again? Where did this suddenly sexual minx come from and can I get my innocent daughter back before she gets me in trouble, please? I mean, I have been blaming Susan but the girl isn’t here and hasn’t been for a few days. Come to think of it she hasn’t been here the last couple of times things got really intense with my daughters.
Standing here out on our back porch by the pool I realize
that I now have a ¾ boner and I can’t even go inside without risk of it being noticed by one or more of the now scantily clad girls who are beginning to come from my girl’s rooms. My only option is to take a seat and watch the show as they come back out to join me by the pool.
No sooner do they all come out, with Kylie bringing up the rear as she was last to change, then one of the girls quips, “What’s with the suit Kylie, thought you were going skinny dipping?” To which they all laugh and giggle nervously.
Not to be out done, Kylie offers, “I will if you will!”
Once again eyes turn to me, as I hear the reply, “Maybe if you’re Dad wasn’t home!”
To which they all laugh uproariously until Miley offers, “I bet he wouldn’t mind so much.”
At which time I and my boner weigh in to dissuade the notion, “Not appropriate, girls! And probably not a good idea in any case as I’m betting most of your parents would strongly object!”
Though this seems to work for the most part I believe I heard at least one girl say her mom wouldn’t object or might not care; another said her mom might even join in; while a couple simply stated that parents don’t have to know everything.
I have managed to calm myself to a point where I can stand once more finally. The girls have much to my relief moved on from the previous topic and are chatting about kids they know from school, mostly boys from what I can tell as I extract myself from the situation.
In my room, I replay a few images in my head from my earlier imaginings as well as the recent swimsuit competition. I am nearly as worked up as before and contemplating a need for release when I am interrupted my Miley, dripping wet in spite of having a towel, entering my bedroom.
“Daddy,” She calls as she enters, without knocking of course. “We were wondering if you might grill up some hotdogs or…”
She stopped, staring at my groin as it is obvious I have a full erection. I am not naked mind you, though she has seen it all before. I am even dressed just as I have been all afternoon. I’m not real sure why she is staring as she has definitely seen me hard. I still am unsure about the other night if I had dreamed or if we had done something.
“Daddy,” She says once more, and I look into my little girls eyes… “Can I see it?” as she tentatively steps closer.
“I hardly think this is the time or place sweetheart.” I tell her. “Your friends are outback and could come in looking for you.”
“I closed the back door and I can hear if it opens, I just want to see, just you and me. It looks really hard! Don’t you want to let it out?”
Did my daughter really just ask me that? “Um, no it’s fine really; I’ll be right out and fire up the grill. No problem.” I tell her as I watch her step forward again.
My back is to the vanity in our bathroom now and I have nowhere else to retreat unless I turn towards the shower.
Miley lets her towel fall to the floor and my cock involuntarily twitches. “Ooh, was that for me?” She asks innocently.
She noticed that? Her eyes apparently have not left the bulge in my shorts. I can’t recall if my bedroom door is closed or open. Did she close it behind her?
As if in response to my thoughts she pulls the bathroom door behind her as she continues to close the distance.
“Maybe you could help me retie this suit? It seems to be a bit off.” She says as she pulls it to the side exposing her small firm chest.
Once again a tremor runs through me as my cock twitches.
“That was for me!” my daughter exclaims triumphantly.
Does she think this is a game? To her it may be I suppose. Young people rarely see the consequences of their actions before they act.
In one motion she drops down and tugs at my shorts as she looks up into my eyes saying, “Show me!”
I realize that I had been determined to resist but somehow that melted away as I stood there looking into her eyes.
Fathers have a real hard time saying no to a little girl they love. Men and boys have even harder times saying no to a girl they find attractive. Call me a pervert or even a monster if you have to but I stood there and let my daughter lower my shorts and boxers as my raging hard on bounced and twitched before her eyes.
I swear I never once planned or even tried to do anything like this with one of my girls but they seem determined to use me as their own sexual exploration apparatus.
“Um this seems like it would be really uncomfortable to walk around with.” She observed, as she reached to touch me. “Ooh and it’s really warm, or hot really!”
“OK, that’s enough, really shouldn’t you go join your friends?” I protest, pulling away. Not that I wanted to but, come on, It’s my barely 16 yr old daughter and even if she has one hand firmly wrapped around my penis, it is my job to discourage this behavior as her dad right?
At this point she tugs me forward and suggests, “You could always join us like this! They might even recognize you.”
She giggles, I guess recalling the weekend trip to the ball park.
This comment and the flash of recent memory combined with the hand tugging on my member causes another twitch and I feel as though I am getting close.
“No, really Miles, I really think that’s a bad idea and you should let me go before…” I beg. Am I really reduced to begging now? Every man is at the mercy of any female that has his cock in her hand though, right?
“OK then we gotta make this fast huh!” She says as she pulls me by my cock to stand in the shower stall.
Not knowing what is about to transpire but mostly resigned now to endure and or enjoy it I find myself in the shower with my youngest which induces yet another flashback of a similar occasion with her older sister and Susan. Then too they were wearing bikinis and I was fully naked.
As if she once more could read my mind, “You might want to take off the shirt if we’re gonna turn on the water.” Miley says as she steps in with me, lifting my shirt with one hand yet refusing to let go of my raging cock with the other.
“It keeps twitching, are you making it do that or can you, I mean… Can you move it or him, like that? Or is it, he just dancing with excitement on his own?”
“Miley” I say.
“Hey, Dad?” Kylie calls as she too now enters the outer bedroom.
Naked and trapped I don’t know what to do so I answer. “Yes?”
The bathroom door opens and my nearly 18 yr old daughter enters, thankfully alone. There is one other doorway that regretfully is not closed but it wouldn’t matter at this point as Miley interjects at this point, “We’ll be right out sis, Daddy just needed help handling something real fast.”
“Oh, geez, I’ll just bet! Whatever, hurry up your friends and I are starving.” With that she turned and went back out closing doors as she went.
Mortified, I nearly began deflating until Miley removed her top and rubbed her chest against my midriff then slowly lowered to the point where she tried to wrap her tits around the shaft of my penis. She proved to be a bit small for that but it was pretty erotic anyway and my manhood responded accordingly.
“I want to do it for you daddy.” She said as she took me in her hand again. “Tell me what to do, please? I’m gonna need to know how eventually right?”
I didn’t exactly want in this moment to think about why my daughter might need to know how to get a man off but this also made me question my dream… more distraction.
“Lotion? Body Wash? Water on or off? How do you normally do it? Do you do it a lot? Should I take off the bottoms too? Will it get on my suit? Or maybe I better keep them or for protection?”
Geez where did all the questions come from? No one told me there was gonna be a quiz! To be fair no one said anything about any of this!
“It kind of depends I guess but, Vaseline or KY jelly is best, but lotion or even soap and water works. You don’t have to use anything if your gentle but saliva is a favorite too.” I find myself saying. Gods, why did I say saliva?
“Saliva? Daddy are you asking me to spit on your penis? Or, you don’t mean…” Miley inquires, as her grip tightens on my cock. “Can I, I mean I guess I could try if you want me to.
Would you let me put it in my…”
She lowers herself and her lips open as she first licks the head and then kisses the tip of my dick. Keeping her lips puckered she takes only the head slowly into her mouth.
Having no idea where this is going but being very aware of how conspicuous I feel knowing my older daughter is wondering what all is happening in here, I suggest, “Miley, that’s not, um.”
“Did I do it wrong?” she asks, looking up at me from her knees, bare chested in my shower.
“No really, it feels amazing it’s just that we don’t have a lot of time for…” I cut off as she proceeds to go for it!
“Oh, ri… Mmm…”
My shaft is almost immediately swallowed and completely forgot what I was about to say before. Though her technique is a little rougher than in my dream and frankly I still don’t know if that was due to the haste or if the other night actually happened! You might wonder why I don’t just ask her. Well think about how that conversation goes in your head and you tell me.
Regardless, my daughter took me nearly to completion then finished me with her hand and thankfully only got my semen on her feet as she was stepping out of the shower. This was kind of kinky to me for some reason and I think now I might like to try that one day, maybe cumming all over her feet?
Or hers and Kylies! Wait, am I really having fantasies about doing sexual stuff with my own daughters now? Guess so, I mean, don’t dreams have at least some basis in reality and I either dreamed or had a very sexy interlude with now both of my daughters several times so fantasies can’t be far off.
I have no idea we were actually off to ourselves but no one commented besides being excited to see us exit the house with a couple of packs of weenies and buns, chips and soda.
Kylie was actually wearing a suit I didn’t recognize and when she exited the pool I found it to be very nearly sheer when wet. Thankfully it dried quickly and though still revealing as it was obviously unlined. I think the other girls may have been a little surprised about her suit as they looked at me a little odd a time or two and cut their eyes at her suit. Perhaps they thought I should have said or done something to make her cover up but honestly it never occurred to me.
My wife Laura might have suggested a cover up but maybe not, unless boys were around, lol. Then she would have insisted on a costume change! As I have said before we are pretty free here at home so there is little need for modesty.
Laura actually came in just as we were about to eat and even gathered a couple cans of chili that I didn’t know we had as well as a tub of slaw and a jar of sour kraut to add to the options. We don’t usually do diced onions at home but Laura likes them and I think one of the girls does as well. All that was missing was some queso or dip for the chips but we had enough to at least satisfy everyone.
Later that night after everyone settled in Laura asked me, “That is quite the suit Kylie was sporting today, did she buy it?”
Thinking this might be my chance to nudge Susan away as a bad influence, I reply as if I was appalled, “Her new friend Susan apparently gave it to her. Evidently she has several such suits and offered to give a few to both our girls!”
“Maybe I should ask her where she gets them? You wouldn’t mind if I wore something like that would you?” She asked me, quite to my surprise.
“Of course not, I mean, just around here right? Would you wear that to the beach or lake? It’s pretty sheer, I mean it’s even more sheer wet. You didn’t see…” I cut off as she looks at me.
“Well, I might like to have a few special suits for certain special occasions or vacations. It might be fun to flaunt it a little if you were so inclined… I mean the whole shaving thing got me thinking, you know. What’s the point of shaving unless you want to show it off and a suit like that, well that would certainly show it off.” My wife says.
“Did you notice? I think Kylie is shaved, down there. Looked pretty smooth to me and I’m sure you got a better view as you say in her wet suit! You dog… and your own daughter too!” She teases.
“I wasn’t…” I tried to deny.
“Don’t even try it. You’re a man after all and I for one like that about you. Just control yourself and don’t over think things, these young girls today will give you a heart attack if you aren’t careful. They certainly are much bolder than we were in my day. If they don’t care but to flaunt it, then you can’t help but to see it, right?” She asks me.
Is this a test? Does she suspect something? I mean I never set out to cheat on my wife and technically I haven’t had actual sex with anyone but her but many wives would sue for divorce over the things that have happened in the past few days or weeks in and around our house or neighborhood.
What does she know or suspect? Is she herself feeling a little adventurous? I certainly like the idea of seeing her in a more revealing outfit and readily agree to buying her any suit she thinks she might venture to wear. I may have taken things a bit too far when I suggested taking her to a nude beach or resort so she could flaunt all she wanted, no suit required!
To this she just said “We’ll see,” which frankly left me a little speechless. This conversation led to some pretty hot sex before bed and I slept like a log until late the next morning.
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The Pranksters: 1st Chapter
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