Susan... Part 15
Susan… Part 15
Friday afternoon my brother Toby and I got picked up from school and were home early or before the bus dropped off at our stop anyway. There’s something about beating everyone else home that I really enjoy and when I can I sometimes greet the bus riders just to rub it in a little even though I am usually one of them. Angie and her brother ride the same but usually get dropped closer to their house instead of getting off at our stop.
As the bus passed she called out and waved, motioning for me to call her. Curious, I proceeded inside and after allowing time for them to reach home I gave her a ring on the phone.
Angie wanted to know if I might like to come over for a swim and to lay out this afternoon but also wanted me to meet her dad as he was interested in having someone a little older come over to chaperone or sit when he is away. This caused me a bit of hesitation at first after the incident with Benji the other day but having not found any other opportunities to make money I figured it couldn’t hurt to at least meet their father.
Evidently Angie had cleared it with her dad for me to come over for a while after school today though she claimed to have forgotten to mention Toby to him and we decided it might be best to not assume he would not mind. Though disappointed, Toby only sulked a little and made me promise to get clearance for him during my interview or whatever you want to call this.
Expecting that I would need to look nice and thinking it might also help if I looked a bit older, I opted to fix myself up a bit before heading out for the short walk to their house which was a few blocks away.
I often wear dresses or skirts unlike many girls my age so I have a good selection of things to choose from.
Additionally, my older brother’s best friend Joe who I have mentioned before likes to buy me things sometimes. They always come with a bit of a catch as I have to model them for him and often he likes for me to change in his car or somewhere he can be pretty sure someone might get a peek at his naked or nearly naked passenger.
This is sort of an extension of one of many childhood games we played and we all find the risk exhilarating so it continues, plus I get something nice or often something sexy to wear! There’s nothing like wearing sexy or sheer lingerie to make one feel mature, and I figured it couldn’t hurt to look more mature when I meet Benji and Angie’s dad.
So a sundress, just above the knee of course; casual shoes and a matching headband, a touch of makeup and hairbrush later and I am en route to what may be my 1st job!
Arriving I discover that Angie is once again in a bathing suit. I am sensing a pattern here. Benji is actually not in evidence and upon inquiring I learn that he has stepped out for a bit. This is fine with me as I was still a bit uncomfortable about how things played out the last time I was here between he and myself.
Angie is surprised at my dress or I guess not the dress exactly but having seen me in a different outfit just after school she is a little surprised that I changed clothes to come over here today. Explaining my thinking she gets it but she insists that we have a few hours to kill and for her part it seems imperative that we go out and take advantage of the pool.
I guess maybe she is like us in that she really enjoys her pool having not always been so fortunate. This thought reminds me to ask her more about her family and the whole adoption thing if I get a chance.
Just now however she has proceeded to head out to the pool and in spite of my obvious lack of suitable attire to join her she suggests we go for a swim.
“It’s just us girls, Suzie. You can slip out of that dress and enjoy the shallow end at least. It’s not like you have any need to be shy.” Angie suggested.
“Well, I hadn’t planned on getting wet actually.” I stated in an attempt to dissuade her. I sort of thought this was pointing out the obvious but I really wanted to look my best so as to make a good impression with her dad whenever he came home.
I recalled at this point that I was if fact wearing a very sheer yellow thong and as per my usual practice when I bothered to wear one at all, a matching bra. These were quite sexy and gave me the confidence boost I hoped for when I donned them but at the moment I was wishing for something far more sedate.
“Come on Suzie,” Angie cajoled me, having stepped into the water. “Join me.”
“I can’t swim in what I’m wearing under this dress, Angie. It would be the same as being naked again and I’m not thinking that’s a good idea even if Benji isn’t here.” I explain.
“Really?” She questions me incredulously, “As I recall, you were completely naked here in this very pool just the other day in front of my brother. You were also naked in front of your brother and us girls at your house as well as all but naked in front of Betty’s brother and a couple other boys a few weeks ago. Just lay your things aside where they’ll stay dry and jump in already!” With that she dove out into the water and swam to the far end of the pool.
Watching her as she slid through the water I found myself considering. She could just lend me a suit. I have let friends use suits on many an occasion. From what I’ve seen every suit she had would be far more conservative than anything I even owned. Alternately, I didn’t exactly mind skinny dipping and if I did so perhaps she might join me...
although I was not desirous to be caught naked by her brother whenever he came home it might be worth it to see her reaction should she too be found naked upon his return!
As to my having been already seen naked, she was of course not wrong. I didn’t think Betty’s brother and the other boys had actually seen so much as she seemed to believe but this was something to consider later perhaps.
Hearing her approach, I look up to see Angie now emerging from the pool and fast upon me as she suggests, “I’ll help you with the back of the dress, it has a zipper right? Come on girl off with it, the water is nice today and it’s too hot to sit around all dressed up.” With this additional prompting I relent and in no time I am somewhat reluctantly stepping out of my summer dress.
Suddenly I find that I am a bit self-conscious about the lingerie I am wearing. Oddly I find myself wishing once more to have chosen something less revealing and even consider it might have been better had I gone commando than were this particular selection. For her part, oblivious to my feelings, Angie is very intrigued by this lingerie.
“Damn girl, you weren’t kidding, huh? Turn around and let me see that outfit! You got a date tonight? Who’s the lucky guy?’ She peppered me with questions as she spun me around.
“Wait, you didn’t put this on for Benji did you?
“Whoa, hold up!” I protest as she pries my hands to the side to get a better look at my nearly naked chest and all but exposed pubis. “Definitely not; I did not dress this way to show anyone, especially not Benji. Or you actually, but you seem to think I need to once again get naked.” Thinking to distract her and perhaps finding the right moment I reach for the strings on her suit.
“Well you certainly have… Angie begins.
“Maybe you should join me?” I suggest having missed my grab as she stepped back to get a better look at my ensemble. By now I am ready to just strip down so I can get in the pool and have the cover of the water at least to shield me.
“Did you just try to grab my suit?” Angie accuses me. “You did huh? That does it!” With that she dashes towards the far end of the pool with my dress in hand.
“Angie!” I scream, “What are you doing?”
“Everything off and you jump in the pool, or you can jump in the pool to retrieve your dress… I guess if you like you could do that in the underwear, if you call that underwear.”
She threatens. “Come to think of it I bet that sheer yellow practically disappears in water, might as well just give in now!”
I don’t know if I should be mad or what exactly. How did we get here? Again, it’s not like it’s even that big a deal exactly so I simply strip and jump in the water. It is after all the easiest solution.
As I emerge I find Angie has replaced my dress upon the lounger on the dry end of the pool near my bra and panties. She is looking at them and seems to be considering something further but she turns toward me and looks to be getting back in the pool.
“Your turn,” I suggest. “Off with the suit girly.”
“Why would I need to get naked? I’m not over dressed like someone else was.” She smirks.
“I think you are quite overdressed at the moment since you insist on hosting a skinny dipping party, you should likewise be naked after all as you yourself pointed out, it’s just us girls here now, so no need to be shy.” Proud of my rather infallible logic I think perhaps she may consider joining me.
Angie is quite conservative. Her swimwear and other clothes tend towards minimal exposure. She did however appear to be overly interested in the sheer lingerie. Momentarily I wonder if she had pictured herself wearing it. Was there someone she imagined modeling it for? Might that have been my little brother? I for one know he would love to see her in a similar outfit. For that matter every boy would like to see pretty much any girl in such an outfit, LOL.
“I have no intention of skinny dipping, thank you. I just need to get in a few laps and then I figured we could lay out in the sun a bit. Maybe a dip later to cool off and then we’ll need to find out what we need to do about dinner. Do you cook at all?” Angie informed me.
I supposed the cooking might be something I could be expected to do occasionally as a “babysitter” but these kids were capable without my aid.
“I cook for my brothers and me at times, or we all do to be honest.” I tell her as I paddle about. The water does feel nice and I have always preferred swimming naked, again being honest. (Full disclosure: cooking back then consisted of boxed helper meals and frozen entrees mostly, It’s not like I had been taught much about culinary arts and we all mostly were happy to just fill a hole.) “But I’m not much of a cook to be honest,” I added.
“I’m sure we’ll come up with something,” Angie replied. “If you like you might even be able to stay over the night unless you have to get home to look in on Toby.”
This reminded me, “He wanted to tag along but you didn’t say he could join in so I promised him I’d see if he was welcome. Do you think your folks would mind his being here too if they are away?”
“Well,” Angie hedged, looking at me askance, “I suppose it might be up to you at some point, what with you being in charge.” Here she used air quotes which reminded me that in fact at the moment she seemed to think she was the one in charge.
I suppose that she really had been sort of in control and had sort of dominated the scene on my last visit and again his afternoon. This realization gave me a fluttery feeling in my body that sort of ran through me but settled in my abdomen or perhaps groin…
Was I getting turned on by being naked and sort of bossed around by a girl? I mean I had certainly gotten a charge out of similar situations with boys, well Joe mostly but also my brothers and the twins, even a few random strangers but always it was guys around not girls.
My friend Kylie and her sister Miley were a little different as we mostly teased and even dominated their dad, Eddie. I suppose in that scenario I am sort of the one in charge, unless maybe Kylie presses her position. After all Ed is sort of in Dutch with her and it’s doubtful he would ever want her sharing with her mom just how intimate her knowledge of his perversions have become. We have pushed him to some extent and I look forward to my next visit.
So, I discovered that I have a tendency toward not only exposure or exhibitionism, but I also like being dominated by a guy or a girl, in addition to dominating men and boys; after all I have tried for a while to get Toby in a position to do my bidding, or maybe that part is just being an older sister.
Personal enlightenment aside, I emerged from the pool and was looking about for a towel to dry myself. Having a pool ourselves it was standard practice for us to have a stack of towels ready to hand.
It was at this moment that Benji arrived. He came in through a side access gate and as my back was towards him I was unaware of the fact that he was accompanied by Kevin , Kris and even Teddy, Betty’s older brother. It wasn’t until they emerged from around me onto the veranda that I realized I was surrounded. And it was a bare fraction of a second later that I recalled that I was nude.
“Whoa! Damn guys where did you, um, oh shit!” I squawked. Too late I realized, not only were there no towels close by but nothing at all with which to cover myself. Later I suspected this to have somehow been arranged but in the moment I was like a deer in headlights; stunned into inaction, wanting to flee but knowing it to be useless.
“Damn is right!” one of the boys exclaimed.
“Whoa, looking good Suzie!” Benji quipped grinning widely.
“Nice suit” Teddy said appreciatively. He was, I noticed, strategically between me and the lounge where I had left my clothes.
“We are just in time!” I hear as I turn to dash back into the water.
“What are you boys all doing here?” Angie asked them as I plunge into the water.
I am mortified; yes thrilled too, in a strange way but embarrassed beyond description. My head long dive into the pool prevented me from hearing whatever reply or excuse they gave for having showed up at the perfect time to catch me fully on display but I guess it really mattered less now than the fact that I was literally about as vulnerable as I could ever be and for once didn’t even have a brother to watch my back.
Hugging the wall of the pool I pleaded with Angie to get me a large towel immediately so that I could cover myself.
“Oh come on out, Suzie.” Kevin implored. “What exactly is there left to hide at this point?”
“I for one think you look great just like you are,” Kris offered. “If you stay in there I might just have to join you though.”
Angie pounced on this, “Oh really, Kris? Are you gonna join her in stripping down to go for a little skinny dip as she calls it?”
“Skinny-dip, huh?” Teddy chimed in. “I’ve heard of that. Looks like fun. Maybe we will join in if you are going to as well Ange.”
“I think it best at least one girl is present and not naked with so many horn dogs nipping after poor Suzie here. I imagine she can handle herself having had two brothers and lots boys around but it would not be prudent for us both to be at the mercy of you lot.” Angie demurred.
Piling phones and wallets on a table the boys appeared to be prepared to pursue me. None actually stripped, though I think Benji considered it and may have if not for the other boys’ presence. For her part, Angie wisely scooped the boys’ phones and secreted them to the side while they were intent upon getting a better look at me. Thankfully none of them had apparently thought to capture evidence of my plight on their devices yet.
Seeing that I was likely to be caught up in a game of cat and mouse I made for deep water. Not sure why exactly as it soon proved useless. There were after all four of them and only one of me. I was very quickly corralled and had little choice but to surrender.
Angie had no qualms about snapping a few pics as I was to learn afterwards, both of my attempts to evade the boys’ attentions and of my eventual surrender. It was actually in the midst of said surrender that I noticed the camera and though I was trapped I once again wanted to turn and run.
You might expect that as I have said it so often; it should not have been a big deal to be seen naked and it was eventually so, however, in the moment it was shocking and unexpected so I suppose it triggered my natural fight or flight response.
“Angie!” I challenged, upon seeing the camera and immediately knowing yet dreading her answer. “Tell me you are not taking pictures of me out here like this with all these boys.”
“No way am I missing this! Say cheese!” She quipped in response.
“Hey,” said Kris or maybe it was Kevin, “I want a picture too; where’s my phone?” Both boys frantically made for their discarded belongings.
“No pictures! You guys take pictures of me and they will be all over the school in a week. No pictures, I mean it.” I shouted. This apparently gave them pause before they realized their phones were not where they had left them.
“What the hell?” Kris complained. Whether about my proclamation or the fact that his device was gone I don’t know but I suspect both.
Teddy having been a bit slower to break away from my side then inquired, “Just where are our phones anyway, Angie?”
“I put them away until our guest here gets dressed. I suggest you all enjoy the show as I’m guessing she may be about ready to call a stop to this and send you all packing. Unless any of you care to strip down and pose with her for the camera?” The brazen hussy suggested, as if I was amenable to such an act.
Thankfully protests of “No way that’s happening” resounded, mostly. Though I think I heard one of the boys suggest that he might be willing but worried that like I had said of them and their having a picture of me he wouldn’t want a picture of him naked getting around school.
Angie apparently caught this remark as well as she stated.
“Don’t worry guys, there aren’t that many girls who would want to see a picture of you naked. Not like you perverts who would absolutely show every boy in school the pictures I have if you could. Oh well, no takers?” She asked once more. ”Strip now or forever hold your pieces, as it were! Hah!”
“I never said I would pose for any such pictures.” I pointed out as I looked about for my clothes which it seems may have also been secured to the side. This both maddened me as well as giving me a little mixed charge. It seemed that I was not to be allowed to just slip into my dress immediately and in fact there didn’t seem to be towels handy either. Though a bit disconcerting I realized that I was for the moment at Angie’s disposal. I may even be in her debt as well as it could have been awkward to have the boys see the sheer sexy lingerie I had worn under my dress and I had no intention of putting that on for their inspection. Better to stay naked, somehow, though that sounds counter intuitive.
I think pure nudity is less sexual or less sensual anyway, than sheer lingerie which is intended to elicit a certain reaction either from the wearer or their partner if not both. Nudity in contrast is simply natural as we are all basically naked all the time we just choose to cover ourselves, I mean under our clothes we are still naked right? Never mind that, it made more sense in my head.
So I am naked, at Benji and Angie’s house and it occurs to me this was neatly orchestrated. “So would you like to tell me where my clothes are Angie?” I ask, as calmly as I can manage, feeling a bit put upon. “Was this all a ruse to get me over here and somehow trick me into letting the guys get an eyeful or is your dad really interested in meeting me?”
My emotions are welling up at this point and I am torn between jumping on her to kick her but and just collapsing into a heap. The rollercoaster of emotions for the past hour or so have left me nearly exhausted.
Looking around Angie told the guys to go inside and dry off. “Give us a minute ok? No, Susie, its legit he will be home in a couple hours and looks forward to meeting you he told me, I can show you the text if you like.” Angie assured me.
“Then if that’s the case it might be best if I get dressed before he gets home as I doubt he would expect that sort of greeting from a prospective high school sitter. Besides didn’t you mention needing to do some meal prep?” I reminded her.
“Yeah that’s right, I suppose we should but first can I ask you a personal question?” She hesitated as if I might say no.
What could I do really, besides acquiesce? “Sure, ask away.” I tried to sound interested and willing. As I met her eyes I noticed she was looking me over very intently.
“You obviously shave yourself everywhere,” she began “and I have a picture or two of you from a distance but would you let me get a close up or two. Just for me. I would never let Benji or anyone see them.”
About to protest vehemently, she interrupts me by continuing abruptly…
“I’m curious how it feels, to be smooth down there and well, is it hard to do? Is it a lot of work to maintain? Maybe you could show me how you do it?”
All this came out in a broken spurt of sentences. Angie is no longer looking me in the face or even looking at my body. She seems embarrassed to have asked. I am considering my reply when she again interrupts me.
“Forget it, sorry I asked. Um, that was too much huh? I just…” she trailed off as I took her hand.
“Look at me, Angie.” I said to her. “If you like I might let you take a picture sometime. OK, not now though as the boys don’t need to be around and maybe see that. I’d kind of like to get dressed actually. As for the other, yeah sure anytime! I’d be happy to help you learn about how to trim or maintain down there, as you say, but that means you are gonna have to also get naked at some point.” I felt I should point this out as I wasn’t sure it had occurred to her.
Standing, I pull her onto her feet as we had both collapsed onto a lounger to talk. “So where pray tell are my clothes?” I ask her.
She glances toward the back door and I cringe slightly as I assume this means once more facing the boys in my present state rather than dressing out here first. Not my preference exactly but alas it is what it is as they say. It occurs to me that their phones may be with my clothes!
“Please tell me they won’t be armed with their phones and cameras as soon as we enter the house.” I plead with her.
“It’s doubtful, really” she assures me. “Your clothes are just inside on the counter but their phones are in a cabinet with the pots and pans. Boys never look for stuff to cook with. They probably found your clothes right off though.
Great, it seems the afternoon’s entertainment would continue yet a while. As long as they wanted their phones back I had a little leverage at least. Taking a deep breath or three and following Angie along as I pressed her to shield me as best she could just in case. We made for the interior of the house.
Entering through the slider off the veranda into an informal eating area at the rear of the home we found all the boys gathered and patiently awaiting my emergence. It became evident that they had indeed found my clothes as Angie and I both glanced frantically about. My clothes were not as she had explained simply sitting on the counter or on the table.
Angie made for a cabinet to get me a towel but I held her fast in front of me, not willing yet to be once more fully exposed for the ready eyes of the resident perverts. Yes I know they are boys and just being themselves but seriously I was exhausted and didn’t feel like being ogled at the moment.
“There aren’t any more dry towels down here at the moment, sorry. You may need to head upstairs to find one, Susie. Unless you’d rather Angie run along and fetch you one while you wait here with us?” Benji snidely informed us.
Images of Benji bouncing me naked on his lap while Teddy, Kris and Kevin cheered him on sprang to mind, causing a shiver of near fear to run through me; this being a flashback of sorts from last week.
“No worries girls,” Kris added “We are happy to let you pass through inside, one at a time of course. You two decide who goes first, we’ll wait.”
“You may have noticed Ange, that we found her clothes.” Benji nodded to where they had apparently once been placed.
“We found someone’s clothes anyway.” Kevin put in, “I’m having a hard time picturing Susie in that myself. Maybe she’d like to model it for us?”
OMG, they had found my lingerie and what’s worse I was gonna have to put it on for them. I wanted to scream. At his point I just wanted to go home and forget about any so called babysitting. Seriously, these folks needed a much older chaperone than me for this bunch. I could not imagine a scenario at the moment that didn’t end up with me prancing around in one of my more sensual sets of underwear for the enjoyment of Benji and his friends. A part of me suspected Angie herself would enjoy it as well.
Reluctantly but resigned I asked, “Where are my things, guys?”
“Come on Susie, don’t be sullen.” Teddy placated, “No one is gonna put a hand on you that you don’t want to. That I guarantee; right guys?”
“We were actually thinking you could do us a little reverse strip tease dance maybe,” Benji suggested. “Since you are already naked, see?”
“Do what exactly?” Angie asked before I had a chance.
A second later it clicked for me. They somehow came up with the idea that I should have to dance naked for them until they tossed me a piece of clothing which I could then out on and dance for another, and so on. Sounded like torture to me at the moment, tired as I was.
“No way, I’d sooner blow you for my clothes.” I said without thinking. Then I heard what I said. Did I really just say that, um, aloud? I look about and the looks of shock and even interest are apparent. Yep, I had actually let that slip out aloud.
“Hey!” Teddy stepped up, being closest. “If you insist.”
He postured as if he would unzip his pants and tired as I was I just looked down waiting. Of course he stopped short, I wasn’t exactly in position to do such an act and it must have occurred to him that I would never actually do such a thing.
“Well boys? What do you say?” Angie took up the act. “Line up and whip’em out! Let’s see what you’ve got to offer.”
“No way.” They said.
“We can go in the other room to do it.” Benji exclaimed, trying to salvage the moment. “One guy at a time with Susie, what about that?”
Feeling the advantage shift, I said. “Nope, all or nothing boys. You got me at a disadvantage here so you four drop trousers here and now or just give me my stuff and we’re done for today.” I held back the reminder of their phones still being in hock.
Benji actually undid his pants, as did Kevin but Kris was not going for it and Teddy wasn’t willing, though he might have been ready to try the one on one thing. Thankfully it petered out at this point if you’ll pardon the pun.
My under wear was located and it was clear the boys wanted me to don this alone for their assessment. By now I didn’t care anymore. I was simply glad to have something to wear, even if it might make me look more on display, it also made me feel more dressed and for a bit I felt less exposed. My dress was not immediately on offer.
This feeling didn’t last as I soon found the boys were adjusting themselves and had developed tents in their pants! This led to my getting aroused once more and my nipples pointing up and out to the delight of everyone present except myself.
Somewhere in the house a clock chimed and bonged which interrupted the spell which had fallen over the room. The pheromones were palpable as we came out of the light fog that had enveloped us.
“Wow Susie,” one of the boys said.
“Yeah, you’re pretty stunning in that get up.” Another commented
“Thanks!” I replied, shyly but happily.
“I need to check my phone; dad should be messaging soon about dinner.” Angie stated.
This reminded everyone of their own lack of devices. “Where are our phones Angie?”
“Nice try guys but as long as Susie is not dressed, no phones for you. Not letting you tempt yourselves to snap a picture that could get her in trouble.” She told them. “It would only take one such and we could all get in trouble. It would definitely be the end of any future chances for us to get together again.”
I appreciated this very much but I didn’t think it likely I would be participating in any further such adventures, not solo or voluntarily at least. Thought let’s face it, these things do tend to happen around me.
It isn’t even as if I have the best figure or anything being a little smaller than a lot of girls my age in the chest. But I am pretty slim and I guess sort of athletically built so I don’t have a belly but I also don’t have a big butt or the hips or whatever that some guys seem to like in more shapely girls. I know my limitations and I’ll never be a beauty queen but boys still go gaga over seeing a naked girl, I suspect nearly any naked girl!
“I guess we can wait a while to check our messages, right guys?” The now grinning Kevin suggested to his fellows. “As long as Susie is sticking around.”
I wanted nothing more than to go home or at least to get dressed though I imagine as long as I am here even had I now worn my dress these boys would be picturing me either naked or dressed as I now was, in this sheer yellow lingerie which hid nothing at all and might even draw the eye to certain parts. In spite of thinking this I said, “One of you finds my dress and I could get your phones for you.” Not hopeful exactly but it was worth a try.
Benji was quick to reply, “I don’t know, I for one sort of like this look on you. Though I’m sure the dress will be nice for later, maybe dad would like to be the one to return it to you.”
Was he threatening to keep me dressed like this to meet their dad? Angie would never let that happen, surely. I could just go borrow something of hers to wear. That’s actually a great idea. Hopeful I say, “I guess I’ll just have to go find something more appropriate to wear upstairs, you’ll help me won’t you Angie?”
“Well,” she hedged, “The boys have given you something for now and they really won’t be here that long. I think they’ll agree to give you your dress soon enough. After all if you were wearing my clothes when dad comes home that might be hard to explain. He might even ask where your own clothes got off to.”
That hadn’t occurred to me. Would he notice or recognize if I was wearing an outfit that belonged to his daughter? I guess he might at that. He wouldn’t actually ask about it though, would he?
“He might,” Benji agreed “Why don’t you two trade outfits now and we’ll see if he notices when he gets home?”
Hah, nice try but I knew Angie would never trade her conservative swimsuit for my sheer lingerie much less wear something like this in sight of her dad, brother or likely anyone unless maybe she had a boyfriend I didn’t know about.
“I suppose I could trade something with her for what she’s wearing but it would be one of your T-shirts and maybe some shorts if I get to pick it.” Angie shot back.
Somehow my sparse clothing is now being auctioned off before me as Teddy joins in. “I’ll give her my T-shirt right now if she gives me her outfit to keep in trade.”
This is tempting at the moment. Would he let me go in the bathroom to take them off though? It’s doubtful, he’s a boy and he’d insist I strip out here in front of everyone. Even having seen all of me earlier and still being able to see most of me, the male libido is never sated.
“Cute Ted, but I doubt Susie wants to send her lingerie off be part of your personal spank bank.” Kris sniped.
Geez, it hadn’t occurred to me that these boys would all now be thinking of me as they next pleasured themselves.
Obviously they were all thinking the same as their reactions were nearly unanimous to this last quip. A mix of guffaws, snorts and patent denials which gave it away of course.
This was a little flattering as well as embarrassing yet it gave me a flushed feeling too. I barely had time to recognize this before Angie, my traitorous friend, pointed it out to everyone.
“Now boys, don’t go talking about such things or you’ll get our pretty guest here all flustered, those nipples are about to poke straight through the material on that bra as it is! Are you sure you guys wouldn’t like to whip ‘em out and demonstrate your techniques? Maybe Suzie would bless the best contestant with a souvenir!”
Just where in the hell did that come from? I would do no such thing! Watching these boys all jerk off might be interesting but not if I am the subject of their lust at the time and dressed as I was I could almost picture how such an event might turn out. Having surprised my brothers a few times and also had an experience with a couple of boys in a shower once I knew just how messy a boy’s ejaculation could be. Images of me covered in sticky goo as Angie’s dad walks in the door flashed through my mind and I nearly fainted.
With some difficulty I manage to sprawl onto a chaise in the den as we had slowly migrated out of the kitchen area. There was no way I could have escaped upstairs as the boys had conveniently positioned themselves to block my escape. Flushed as I now felt I doubt I could have made it up the entire flight anyway.
This evidently inspired Angie to once again snap a pic or two and my posture was at this point not foremost in my head. Sometime later when she shared the pics with me I would find that she and everyone present had a full on view of my more private places than I would have guessed in the moment. I suppose that I was not that concerned or even embarrassed any longer as truly at this point what was left to privacy.
This was around the time when thankfully their father happened to message her and she informed the boys that the party was to be ended “for today”. He was on his way home as and was thinking of calling in a couple of pizzas to be delivered.
Of course the boys all thought it a fine idea that I be the one to answer the delivery driver when he showed up at the door; in my bra and panties or Benji suggested maybe without them. Apparently this is a thing on the internet; girls doing some sort of “Pizza dare” either naked, or with a towel which they then accidentally drop. Some girls just do it in their underwear if they aren’t up to the full monty so to speak.
“Move along boys,” Angie directed them, amid protests. “If Susan was to do something like that you won’t be here tonight to see.”
“Ange has a point,” Benji agreed “You all don’t need to be here when dad pulls in, and he could be close behind the pizza guy if I had to guess. He usually times it pretty good.”
“Finally,” I say, perking up as I think this means I will get my dress back now. “Give me my dress, you get your phones, and then we’ll see you all later.” Much later I hope, frankly I’m not sure I want to see any of them for a few days.
Benji now intervenes, “Or Angie could give you all your phones outside and maybe Susie can stay like she is for the pizza guy!”
“You should totally do it Susan,” Teddy voted enthusiastically.
“Oh yeah!”
“Hell yeah!”
“Angie could film it on her phone and we could all watch it
later!” The boys all spouted excitedly, as if I should be all for this.
“I vote no.” I told them. “But if Angie wants to volunteer she can borrow my lingerie.”
Why I said this is still a mystery. I knew it was a mistake almost immediately.
The boys looked at me then focused on Angie. It was as if they took a mental picture of me and then when they looked at Angie their expressions changed. The perverts were literally undressing her with their eyes and seeing her in my outfit, in their heads anyway.
Angie saw it too and she did not like the attention. She played it off for the moment though saying only, “Sure thing Susie, though you’ll have to take it off again. Maybe the boys wouldn’t mind helping you strip out of those flimsy things this time? After all I know they all want one more look before heading home to relieve themselves.”
At this seeming invitation Benji being very near, reached out and tugged down my panties. Sitting up to attempt recapturing them, left my back open and hands slipped in to likewise undo then simply lift up and off my bra. I was forcibly stripped before anyone knew how or what happened.
Shocked, we all just sort of froze in place; everyone looking at me, then to one another.
In the moment I wasn’t even mad. I think I even hoped for a minute to see Angie now strip down and put on my things. I waited; she made no move in that direction of course.
Instead, she started pushing the boys toward the door. “Whoa, OK, everyone who wants a phone back tonight meet me on the porch in one minute, or go home empty handed. Benji help your friends to the door.”
Now the boys, emerging from the adrenaline fog and either feeling guilty or embarrassed for having stripped me actually went to the door willingly. Now fully nude once more I stood facing them and meekly waved goodbye.
Angie took them their phones then returned with Benji in tow, the two of them looking at me a bit sheepishly. “Sorry about that.” Angie said.
“Yeah um, sorry.” Said Benji.
“For what?” I asked, still a bit frazzled. Not knowing exactly why they apologized.
“I could get you your dress” Benji offered.
It had escaped me that I was naked. Can you believe that is even possible? It happened.
“I’m fine, I guess.” I replied numbly. “What does it matter now? I think I need to excuse myself for a minute though,” As I walked weakly towards the half bath by the entryway.
The girl in the mirror was a little pale. She looked familiar but also different. I think this may have been a turning point for me in that I had felt so many emotions in such a short time that I was nearly overloaded. I may have known even then that I would need to feel this again or try to replicate it at least.
I took some time in the bathroom. When I exited I didn’t even think to wrap in a towel. This was evidently unexpected as both Benji and Angie were visibly shaken by my reappearance.
This confused me as I looked down at myself thinking I had left tissue dangling somewhere or something. “What?” I asked sincerely concerned I had somehow messed up.
“Nothing,” Angie said smiling. “You hungry?”
I realized suddenly that I was starving! I hadn’t eaten anything since lunch and I normally would have had something after school but I had changed and… “Any idea where my underwear ended up?” I questioned. Not that I needed them or anything but it might be best if they weren’t on the couch or something for her dad to find.
“Oh, um… It seems the boys managed to take that with them when they left.” Benji supplied.
“I’m sure we can get them back but, yeah… I’m not sure you’ll want those back actually.” Angie offered. “I promise I’ll buy you more. I feel responsible for… well. Again I’m sorry Susie.”
“Don’t worry about it.” I state simply, “I have plenty, though I kind of liked that set.”
“Me too!” Benji agreed.
This for some reason made me flush. I’m standing in their den talking to them as normal as you like, naked. OK, not for the first time, granted, and after the prior events of the afternoon I guess this is somewhat anticlimactic.
There is a short awkward silence in which I am relatively certain we are all imagining me dressed in that sheer yellow lingerie, until it passes. And then the doorbell rings and we all jump a foot in the air. Not literally but you know…
Being the closest to the door I turn to open it naturally.
A pair of voices shouted warnings in unison as my hand pulled open the door. My shock is only a fraction of what the poor guy delivering the pizza must have felt as I greeted him. He hands me two large pizzas, thanks me and nearly falls as he stumbles away in reverse, thanking me.
No money changed hands so I have to assume the delivery was prepaid by their dad. The driver either assumed I was his tip or had already been tipped sufficiently as well as he managed to leave rather quickly once he put his eyes back in his head.
I can’t swear to it but he may have looked familiar. I hope he doesn’t go to my school. Perhaps he used to? If he knows my older brother this may get awkward but it’s done now.
Turning, closing the door with prizes in hand I smile and say, “Let’s eat!” Angie of course hits me with a flash as
she snaps a picture.
“Maybe you should get your dress?” Benji suggests.
Yep, you read that right, Benji suggested I put clothes on!
“Why bother now?” I tease him “I wouldn’t want to risk staining my dress with pizza sauce would I?”
“She has a point, Benji.” Angie agrees. “Maybe you should join her and strip too? You know how messy you can be.”
“Geez, Ange, Dad could be here any minute.” He opines. “I for one don’t think our guest wants to meet him in her birthday suit.”
“Oh well, sadly I guess it is time for her to once again cover her beautiful tan. I must say that I like the no lines look. Where is the elusive dress in question anyway?” Angie says in between bites as we were already into the pizza.
Thankfully we were not waiting for their dad before eating. The smell of hot pizza would have been worse torture than anything else I could imagine at the moment if not able to dig in. Maybe even worse than meeting their father in the buff!
I had after all by this time been naked around a couple of friends’ fathers if you count Joe and Kylie. Joe was my older brother’s friend first but we were pretty close. If his dad hadn’t caught us we might have been much closer in fact.
Having eaten most of my first piece I was once more interested in locating my dress so my ears perked right up.
“I’ll get it.” He offered, seeing us scarfing the pizza.
“Just tell her and she can go put it on in private. I’m sure she’s played enough dress up for today.” Angie told him.
“I tossed it in dad’s office.” Benji bragged. “No way would you all have thought to look there.”
“Ooh, devious!” Angie agreed, “I guess that’s right but it won’t work twice! Go ahead, Susie, Dad’s office is just off the den through the side door to the right.”
Debating another slice first, or taking one with me, I succumb to my need to dress and pull myself from the pizza. Saying only, “Don’t eat all the meat lovers!”
I sort of sprint through the adjacent room to the “office” which it turns out is an actual office. Complete with big desk, small couch a couple of chairs, shelves, lots of books, files, and framed pictures. Much more actually, but in spite of all the distractions I easily located my dress, lying across one of the side chairs. I did glance at a few photos and certificates before putting it on and rejoining my friends for pizza.
Jonathan, for that is Angie and Benji’s father’s name, was very nice and after insisting I call him John we chatted amiably. He was happy to know there might be an older girl nearby apparently who might be available to chaperone his two “Wayward youth” as he termed them.
If only he knew! These two needed a much older chaperone than me, I thought. But who was I to tell him his business? I figured I could maybe hang out a bit and make a little fast cash. No more naked shenanigans though. I hoped, or told myself at the time.
Having excused the “Kids” to chat with me alone in his office he actually confided in me his having adopted the siblings who were, he explained not actually siblings. He further pointed out that this was no family secret. The kids of course knew and were happy he thought to be in a family now, both having had a slightly difficult youth.
Additionally he hedged that they were a bit old for a babysitter but we would just call it a chaperone as teenagers they might best be looked after a little with his wife away for the next few months at least.
I had initially worn my sheer ensemble to help me feel more adult and in charge; the dress, to make me feel a bit more formal and “dressed to impress”. Sitting in his office now, all but naked with only the dress, and having just vacated this very space not a half hour before having been in here naked; it was surreal talking with him and I struggled a little to concentrate.
I may have even fantasized for a moment about slipping the
dress over my head once more to resume browsing around his collection of memorabilia naked while we talked!
I did not of course do this. We talked and agreed on a fee for a half day, full day and for overnight. Evidently this is something that is a concern and a need at times. He anticipated a couple trips in the next month or two and we even agreed that Toby might come on occasion but not for a week or two until we found how things worked. My assurance that Toby and I had been managing between us for nearly a year and more before moving here seemed to help so we left it to a future decision as to that. John was reassured I think as he learned of my folks having always had very busy schedules and my siblings and I had always been very self-reliant.
It was now getting later than I might usually stay out so I excused myself to head home. John offered to give me a ride or call a car for me as my mom was not yet home and my big brother was still working or staying at dad’s for the night.
In the end he had his kids walk me most of the way home then return together. Stating simply that there’s safety in numbers and that even in nicer neighborhoods one shouldn’t be out late alone.
I liked him and hoped the feeling was mutual. No clue where the idea about stripping for him came from but alas I do seem to have problems keeping my clothes on now don’t I?
Friday afternoon my brother Toby and I got picked up from school and were home early or before the bus dropped off at our stop anyway. There’s something about beating everyone else home that I really enjoy and when I can I sometimes greet the bus riders just to rub it in a little even though I am usually one of them. Angie and her brother ride the same but usually get dropped closer to their house instead of getting off at our stop.
As the bus passed she called out and waved, motioning for me to call her. Curious, I proceeded inside and after allowing time for them to reach home I gave her a ring on the phone.
Angie wanted to know if I might like to come over for a swim and to lay out this afternoon but also wanted me to meet her dad as he was interested in having someone a little older come over to chaperone or sit when he is away. This caused me a bit of hesitation at first after the incident with Benji the other day but having not found any other opportunities to make money I figured it couldn’t hurt to at least meet their father.
Evidently Angie had cleared it with her dad for me to come over for a while after school today though she claimed to have forgotten to mention Toby to him and we decided it might be best to not assume he would not mind. Though disappointed, Toby only sulked a little and made me promise to get clearance for him during my interview or whatever you want to call this.
Expecting that I would need to look nice and thinking it might also help if I looked a bit older, I opted to fix myself up a bit before heading out for the short walk to their house which was a few blocks away.
I often wear dresses or skirts unlike many girls my age so I have a good selection of things to choose from.
Additionally, my older brother’s best friend Joe who I have mentioned before likes to buy me things sometimes. They always come with a bit of a catch as I have to model them for him and often he likes for me to change in his car or somewhere he can be pretty sure someone might get a peek at his naked or nearly naked passenger.
This is sort of an extension of one of many childhood games we played and we all find the risk exhilarating so it continues, plus I get something nice or often something sexy to wear! There’s nothing like wearing sexy or sheer lingerie to make one feel mature, and I figured it couldn’t hurt to look more mature when I meet Benji and Angie’s dad.
So a sundress, just above the knee of course; casual shoes and a matching headband, a touch of makeup and hairbrush later and I am en route to what may be my 1st job!
Arriving I discover that Angie is once again in a bathing suit. I am sensing a pattern here. Benji is actually not in evidence and upon inquiring I learn that he has stepped out for a bit. This is fine with me as I was still a bit uncomfortable about how things played out the last time I was here between he and myself.
Angie is surprised at my dress or I guess not the dress exactly but having seen me in a different outfit just after school she is a little surprised that I changed clothes to come over here today. Explaining my thinking she gets it but she insists that we have a few hours to kill and for her part it seems imperative that we go out and take advantage of the pool.
I guess maybe she is like us in that she really enjoys her pool having not always been so fortunate. This thought reminds me to ask her more about her family and the whole adoption thing if I get a chance.
Just now however she has proceeded to head out to the pool and in spite of my obvious lack of suitable attire to join her she suggests we go for a swim.
“It’s just us girls, Suzie. You can slip out of that dress and enjoy the shallow end at least. It’s not like you have any need to be shy.” Angie suggested.
“Well, I hadn’t planned on getting wet actually.” I stated in an attempt to dissuade her. I sort of thought this was pointing out the obvious but I really wanted to look my best so as to make a good impression with her dad whenever he came home.
I recalled at this point that I was if fact wearing a very sheer yellow thong and as per my usual practice when I bothered to wear one at all, a matching bra. These were quite sexy and gave me the confidence boost I hoped for when I donned them but at the moment I was wishing for something far more sedate.
“Come on Suzie,” Angie cajoled me, having stepped into the water. “Join me.”
“I can’t swim in what I’m wearing under this dress, Angie. It would be the same as being naked again and I’m not thinking that’s a good idea even if Benji isn’t here.” I explain.
“Really?” She questions me incredulously, “As I recall, you were completely naked here in this very pool just the other day in front of my brother. You were also naked in front of your brother and us girls at your house as well as all but naked in front of Betty’s brother and a couple other boys a few weeks ago. Just lay your things aside where they’ll stay dry and jump in already!” With that she dove out into the water and swam to the far end of the pool.
Watching her as she slid through the water I found myself considering. She could just lend me a suit. I have let friends use suits on many an occasion. From what I’ve seen every suit she had would be far more conservative than anything I even owned. Alternately, I didn’t exactly mind skinny dipping and if I did so perhaps she might join me...
although I was not desirous to be caught naked by her brother whenever he came home it might be worth it to see her reaction should she too be found naked upon his return!
As to my having been already seen naked, she was of course not wrong. I didn’t think Betty’s brother and the other boys had actually seen so much as she seemed to believe but this was something to consider later perhaps.
Hearing her approach, I look up to see Angie now emerging from the pool and fast upon me as she suggests, “I’ll help you with the back of the dress, it has a zipper right? Come on girl off with it, the water is nice today and it’s too hot to sit around all dressed up.” With this additional prompting I relent and in no time I am somewhat reluctantly stepping out of my summer dress.
Suddenly I find that I am a bit self-conscious about the lingerie I am wearing. Oddly I find myself wishing once more to have chosen something less revealing and even consider it might have been better had I gone commando than were this particular selection. For her part, oblivious to my feelings, Angie is very intrigued by this lingerie.
“Damn girl, you weren’t kidding, huh? Turn around and let me see that outfit! You got a date tonight? Who’s the lucky guy?’ She peppered me with questions as she spun me around.
“Wait, you didn’t put this on for Benji did you?
“Whoa, hold up!” I protest as she pries my hands to the side to get a better look at my nearly naked chest and all but exposed pubis. “Definitely not; I did not dress this way to show anyone, especially not Benji. Or you actually, but you seem to think I need to once again get naked.” Thinking to distract her and perhaps finding the right moment I reach for the strings on her suit.
“Well you certainly have… Angie begins.
“Maybe you should join me?” I suggest having missed my grab as she stepped back to get a better look at my ensemble. By now I am ready to just strip down so I can get in the pool and have the cover of the water at least to shield me.
“Did you just try to grab my suit?” Angie accuses me. “You did huh? That does it!” With that she dashes towards the far end of the pool with my dress in hand.
“Angie!” I scream, “What are you doing?”
“Everything off and you jump in the pool, or you can jump in the pool to retrieve your dress… I guess if you like you could do that in the underwear, if you call that underwear.”
She threatens. “Come to think of it I bet that sheer yellow practically disappears in water, might as well just give in now!”
I don’t know if I should be mad or what exactly. How did we get here? Again, it’s not like it’s even that big a deal exactly so I simply strip and jump in the water. It is after all the easiest solution.
As I emerge I find Angie has replaced my dress upon the lounger on the dry end of the pool near my bra and panties. She is looking at them and seems to be considering something further but she turns toward me and looks to be getting back in the pool.
“Your turn,” I suggest. “Off with the suit girly.”
“Why would I need to get naked? I’m not over dressed like someone else was.” She smirks.
“I think you are quite overdressed at the moment since you insist on hosting a skinny dipping party, you should likewise be naked after all as you yourself pointed out, it’s just us girls here now, so no need to be shy.” Proud of my rather infallible logic I think perhaps she may consider joining me.
Angie is quite conservative. Her swimwear and other clothes tend towards minimal exposure. She did however appear to be overly interested in the sheer lingerie. Momentarily I wonder if she had pictured herself wearing it. Was there someone she imagined modeling it for? Might that have been my little brother? I for one know he would love to see her in a similar outfit. For that matter every boy would like to see pretty much any girl in such an outfit, LOL.
“I have no intention of skinny dipping, thank you. I just need to get in a few laps and then I figured we could lay out in the sun a bit. Maybe a dip later to cool off and then we’ll need to find out what we need to do about dinner. Do you cook at all?” Angie informed me.
I supposed the cooking might be something I could be expected to do occasionally as a “babysitter” but these kids were capable without my aid.
“I cook for my brothers and me at times, or we all do to be honest.” I tell her as I paddle about. The water does feel nice and I have always preferred swimming naked, again being honest. (Full disclosure: cooking back then consisted of boxed helper meals and frozen entrees mostly, It’s not like I had been taught much about culinary arts and we all mostly were happy to just fill a hole.) “But I’m not much of a cook to be honest,” I added.
“I’m sure we’ll come up with something,” Angie replied. “If you like you might even be able to stay over the night unless you have to get home to look in on Toby.”
This reminded me, “He wanted to tag along but you didn’t say he could join in so I promised him I’d see if he was welcome. Do you think your folks would mind his being here too if they are away?”
“Well,” Angie hedged, looking at me askance, “I suppose it might be up to you at some point, what with you being in charge.” Here she used air quotes which reminded me that in fact at the moment she seemed to think she was the one in charge.
I suppose that she really had been sort of in control and had sort of dominated the scene on my last visit and again his afternoon. This realization gave me a fluttery feeling in my body that sort of ran through me but settled in my abdomen or perhaps groin…
Was I getting turned on by being naked and sort of bossed around by a girl? I mean I had certainly gotten a charge out of similar situations with boys, well Joe mostly but also my brothers and the twins, even a few random strangers but always it was guys around not girls.
My friend Kylie and her sister Miley were a little different as we mostly teased and even dominated their dad, Eddie. I suppose in that scenario I am sort of the one in charge, unless maybe Kylie presses her position. After all Ed is sort of in Dutch with her and it’s doubtful he would ever want her sharing with her mom just how intimate her knowledge of his perversions have become. We have pushed him to some extent and I look forward to my next visit.
So, I discovered that I have a tendency toward not only exposure or exhibitionism, but I also like being dominated by a guy or a girl, in addition to dominating men and boys; after all I have tried for a while to get Toby in a position to do my bidding, or maybe that part is just being an older sister.
Personal enlightenment aside, I emerged from the pool and was looking about for a towel to dry myself. Having a pool ourselves it was standard practice for us to have a stack of towels ready to hand.
It was at this moment that Benji arrived. He came in through a side access gate and as my back was towards him I was unaware of the fact that he was accompanied by Kevin , Kris and even Teddy, Betty’s older brother. It wasn’t until they emerged from around me onto the veranda that I realized I was surrounded. And it was a bare fraction of a second later that I recalled that I was nude.
“Whoa! Damn guys where did you, um, oh shit!” I squawked. Too late I realized, not only were there no towels close by but nothing at all with which to cover myself. Later I suspected this to have somehow been arranged but in the moment I was like a deer in headlights; stunned into inaction, wanting to flee but knowing it to be useless.
“Damn is right!” one of the boys exclaimed.
“Whoa, looking good Suzie!” Benji quipped grinning widely.
“Nice suit” Teddy said appreciatively. He was, I noticed, strategically between me and the lounge where I had left my clothes.
“We are just in time!” I hear as I turn to dash back into the water.
“What are you boys all doing here?” Angie asked them as I plunge into the water.
I am mortified; yes thrilled too, in a strange way but embarrassed beyond description. My head long dive into the pool prevented me from hearing whatever reply or excuse they gave for having showed up at the perfect time to catch me fully on display but I guess it really mattered less now than the fact that I was literally about as vulnerable as I could ever be and for once didn’t even have a brother to watch my back.
Hugging the wall of the pool I pleaded with Angie to get me a large towel immediately so that I could cover myself.
“Oh come on out, Suzie.” Kevin implored. “What exactly is there left to hide at this point?”
“I for one think you look great just like you are,” Kris offered. “If you stay in there I might just have to join you though.”
Angie pounced on this, “Oh really, Kris? Are you gonna join her in stripping down to go for a little skinny dip as she calls it?”
“Skinny-dip, huh?” Teddy chimed in. “I’ve heard of that. Looks like fun. Maybe we will join in if you are going to as well Ange.”
“I think it best at least one girl is present and not naked with so many horn dogs nipping after poor Suzie here. I imagine she can handle herself having had two brothers and lots boys around but it would not be prudent for us both to be at the mercy of you lot.” Angie demurred.
Piling phones and wallets on a table the boys appeared to be prepared to pursue me. None actually stripped, though I think Benji considered it and may have if not for the other boys’ presence. For her part, Angie wisely scooped the boys’ phones and secreted them to the side while they were intent upon getting a better look at me. Thankfully none of them had apparently thought to capture evidence of my plight on their devices yet.
Seeing that I was likely to be caught up in a game of cat and mouse I made for deep water. Not sure why exactly as it soon proved useless. There were after all four of them and only one of me. I was very quickly corralled and had little choice but to surrender.
Angie had no qualms about snapping a few pics as I was to learn afterwards, both of my attempts to evade the boys’ attentions and of my eventual surrender. It was actually in the midst of said surrender that I noticed the camera and though I was trapped I once again wanted to turn and run.
You might expect that as I have said it so often; it should not have been a big deal to be seen naked and it was eventually so, however, in the moment it was shocking and unexpected so I suppose it triggered my natural fight or flight response.
“Angie!” I challenged, upon seeing the camera and immediately knowing yet dreading her answer. “Tell me you are not taking pictures of me out here like this with all these boys.”
“No way am I missing this! Say cheese!” She quipped in response.
“Hey,” said Kris or maybe it was Kevin, “I want a picture too; where’s my phone?” Both boys frantically made for their discarded belongings.
“No pictures! You guys take pictures of me and they will be all over the school in a week. No pictures, I mean it.” I shouted. This apparently gave them pause before they realized their phones were not where they had left them.
“What the hell?” Kris complained. Whether about my proclamation or the fact that his device was gone I don’t know but I suspect both.
Teddy having been a bit slower to break away from my side then inquired, “Just where are our phones anyway, Angie?”
“I put them away until our guest here gets dressed. I suggest you all enjoy the show as I’m guessing she may be about ready to call a stop to this and send you all packing. Unless any of you care to strip down and pose with her for the camera?” The brazen hussy suggested, as if I was amenable to such an act.
Thankfully protests of “No way that’s happening” resounded, mostly. Though I think I heard one of the boys suggest that he might be willing but worried that like I had said of them and their having a picture of me he wouldn’t want a picture of him naked getting around school.
Angie apparently caught this remark as well as she stated.
“Don’t worry guys, there aren’t that many girls who would want to see a picture of you naked. Not like you perverts who would absolutely show every boy in school the pictures I have if you could. Oh well, no takers?” She asked once more. ”Strip now or forever hold your pieces, as it were! Hah!”
“I never said I would pose for any such pictures.” I pointed out as I looked about for my clothes which it seems may have also been secured to the side. This both maddened me as well as giving me a little mixed charge. It seemed that I was not to be allowed to just slip into my dress immediately and in fact there didn’t seem to be towels handy either. Though a bit disconcerting I realized that I was for the moment at Angie’s disposal. I may even be in her debt as well as it could have been awkward to have the boys see the sheer sexy lingerie I had worn under my dress and I had no intention of putting that on for their inspection. Better to stay naked, somehow, though that sounds counter intuitive.
I think pure nudity is less sexual or less sensual anyway, than sheer lingerie which is intended to elicit a certain reaction either from the wearer or their partner if not both. Nudity in contrast is simply natural as we are all basically naked all the time we just choose to cover ourselves, I mean under our clothes we are still naked right? Never mind that, it made more sense in my head.
So I am naked, at Benji and Angie’s house and it occurs to me this was neatly orchestrated. “So would you like to tell me where my clothes are Angie?” I ask, as calmly as I can manage, feeling a bit put upon. “Was this all a ruse to get me over here and somehow trick me into letting the guys get an eyeful or is your dad really interested in meeting me?”
My emotions are welling up at this point and I am torn between jumping on her to kick her but and just collapsing into a heap. The rollercoaster of emotions for the past hour or so have left me nearly exhausted.
Looking around Angie told the guys to go inside and dry off. “Give us a minute ok? No, Susie, its legit he will be home in a couple hours and looks forward to meeting you he told me, I can show you the text if you like.” Angie assured me.
“Then if that’s the case it might be best if I get dressed before he gets home as I doubt he would expect that sort of greeting from a prospective high school sitter. Besides didn’t you mention needing to do some meal prep?” I reminded her.
“Yeah that’s right, I suppose we should but first can I ask you a personal question?” She hesitated as if I might say no.
What could I do really, besides acquiesce? “Sure, ask away.” I tried to sound interested and willing. As I met her eyes I noticed she was looking me over very intently.
“You obviously shave yourself everywhere,” she began “and I have a picture or two of you from a distance but would you let me get a close up or two. Just for me. I would never let Benji or anyone see them.”
About to protest vehemently, she interrupts me by continuing abruptly…
“I’m curious how it feels, to be smooth down there and well, is it hard to do? Is it a lot of work to maintain? Maybe you could show me how you do it?”
All this came out in a broken spurt of sentences. Angie is no longer looking me in the face or even looking at my body. She seems embarrassed to have asked. I am considering my reply when she again interrupts me.
“Forget it, sorry I asked. Um, that was too much huh? I just…” she trailed off as I took her hand.
“Look at me, Angie.” I said to her. “If you like I might let you take a picture sometime. OK, not now though as the boys don’t need to be around and maybe see that. I’d kind of like to get dressed actually. As for the other, yeah sure anytime! I’d be happy to help you learn about how to trim or maintain down there, as you say, but that means you are gonna have to also get naked at some point.” I felt I should point this out as I wasn’t sure it had occurred to her.
Standing, I pull her onto her feet as we had both collapsed onto a lounger to talk. “So where pray tell are my clothes?” I ask her.
She glances toward the back door and I cringe slightly as I assume this means once more facing the boys in my present state rather than dressing out here first. Not my preference exactly but alas it is what it is as they say. It occurs to me that their phones may be with my clothes!
“Please tell me they won’t be armed with their phones and cameras as soon as we enter the house.” I plead with her.
“It’s doubtful, really” she assures me. “Your clothes are just inside on the counter but their phones are in a cabinet with the pots and pans. Boys never look for stuff to cook with. They probably found your clothes right off though.
Great, it seems the afternoon’s entertainment would continue yet a while. As long as they wanted their phones back I had a little leverage at least. Taking a deep breath or three and following Angie along as I pressed her to shield me as best she could just in case. We made for the interior of the house.
Entering through the slider off the veranda into an informal eating area at the rear of the home we found all the boys gathered and patiently awaiting my emergence. It became evident that they had indeed found my clothes as Angie and I both glanced frantically about. My clothes were not as she had explained simply sitting on the counter or on the table.
Angie made for a cabinet to get me a towel but I held her fast in front of me, not willing yet to be once more fully exposed for the ready eyes of the resident perverts. Yes I know they are boys and just being themselves but seriously I was exhausted and didn’t feel like being ogled at the moment.
“There aren’t any more dry towels down here at the moment, sorry. You may need to head upstairs to find one, Susie. Unless you’d rather Angie run along and fetch you one while you wait here with us?” Benji snidely informed us.
Images of Benji bouncing me naked on his lap while Teddy, Kris and Kevin cheered him on sprang to mind, causing a shiver of near fear to run through me; this being a flashback of sorts from last week.
“No worries girls,” Kris added “We are happy to let you pass through inside, one at a time of course. You two decide who goes first, we’ll wait.”
“You may have noticed Ange, that we found her clothes.” Benji nodded to where they had apparently once been placed.
“We found someone’s clothes anyway.” Kevin put in, “I’m having a hard time picturing Susie in that myself. Maybe she’d like to model it for us?”
OMG, they had found my lingerie and what’s worse I was gonna have to put it on for them. I wanted to scream. At his point I just wanted to go home and forget about any so called babysitting. Seriously, these folks needed a much older chaperone than me for this bunch. I could not imagine a scenario at the moment that didn’t end up with me prancing around in one of my more sensual sets of underwear for the enjoyment of Benji and his friends. A part of me suspected Angie herself would enjoy it as well.
Reluctantly but resigned I asked, “Where are my things, guys?”
“Come on Susie, don’t be sullen.” Teddy placated, “No one is gonna put a hand on you that you don’t want to. That I guarantee; right guys?”
“We were actually thinking you could do us a little reverse strip tease dance maybe,” Benji suggested. “Since you are already naked, see?”
“Do what exactly?” Angie asked before I had a chance.
A second later it clicked for me. They somehow came up with the idea that I should have to dance naked for them until they tossed me a piece of clothing which I could then out on and dance for another, and so on. Sounded like torture to me at the moment, tired as I was.
“No way, I’d sooner blow you for my clothes.” I said without thinking. Then I heard what I said. Did I really just say that, um, aloud? I look about and the looks of shock and even interest are apparent. Yep, I had actually let that slip out aloud.
“Hey!” Teddy stepped up, being closest. “If you insist.”
He postured as if he would unzip his pants and tired as I was I just looked down waiting. Of course he stopped short, I wasn’t exactly in position to do such an act and it must have occurred to him that I would never actually do such a thing.
“Well boys? What do you say?” Angie took up the act. “Line up and whip’em out! Let’s see what you’ve got to offer.”
“No way.” They said.
“We can go in the other room to do it.” Benji exclaimed, trying to salvage the moment. “One guy at a time with Susie, what about that?”
Feeling the advantage shift, I said. “Nope, all or nothing boys. You got me at a disadvantage here so you four drop trousers here and now or just give me my stuff and we’re done for today.” I held back the reminder of their phones still being in hock.
Benji actually undid his pants, as did Kevin but Kris was not going for it and Teddy wasn’t willing, though he might have been ready to try the one on one thing. Thankfully it petered out at this point if you’ll pardon the pun.
My under wear was located and it was clear the boys wanted me to don this alone for their assessment. By now I didn’t care anymore. I was simply glad to have something to wear, even if it might make me look more on display, it also made me feel more dressed and for a bit I felt less exposed. My dress was not immediately on offer.
This feeling didn’t last as I soon found the boys were adjusting themselves and had developed tents in their pants! This led to my getting aroused once more and my nipples pointing up and out to the delight of everyone present except myself.
Somewhere in the house a clock chimed and bonged which interrupted the spell which had fallen over the room. The pheromones were palpable as we came out of the light fog that had enveloped us.
“Wow Susie,” one of the boys said.
“Yeah, you’re pretty stunning in that get up.” Another commented
“Thanks!” I replied, shyly but happily.
“I need to check my phone; dad should be messaging soon about dinner.” Angie stated.
This reminded everyone of their own lack of devices. “Where are our phones Angie?”
“Nice try guys but as long as Susie is not dressed, no phones for you. Not letting you tempt yourselves to snap a picture that could get her in trouble.” She told them. “It would only take one such and we could all get in trouble. It would definitely be the end of any future chances for us to get together again.”
I appreciated this very much but I didn’t think it likely I would be participating in any further such adventures, not solo or voluntarily at least. Thought let’s face it, these things do tend to happen around me.
It isn’t even as if I have the best figure or anything being a little smaller than a lot of girls my age in the chest. But I am pretty slim and I guess sort of athletically built so I don’t have a belly but I also don’t have a big butt or the hips or whatever that some guys seem to like in more shapely girls. I know my limitations and I’ll never be a beauty queen but boys still go gaga over seeing a naked girl, I suspect nearly any naked girl!
“I guess we can wait a while to check our messages, right guys?” The now grinning Kevin suggested to his fellows. “As long as Susie is sticking around.”
I wanted nothing more than to go home or at least to get dressed though I imagine as long as I am here even had I now worn my dress these boys would be picturing me either naked or dressed as I now was, in this sheer yellow lingerie which hid nothing at all and might even draw the eye to certain parts. In spite of thinking this I said, “One of you finds my dress and I could get your phones for you.” Not hopeful exactly but it was worth a try.
Benji was quick to reply, “I don’t know, I for one sort of like this look on you. Though I’m sure the dress will be nice for later, maybe dad would like to be the one to return it to you.”
Was he threatening to keep me dressed like this to meet their dad? Angie would never let that happen, surely. I could just go borrow something of hers to wear. That’s actually a great idea. Hopeful I say, “I guess I’ll just have to go find something more appropriate to wear upstairs, you’ll help me won’t you Angie?”
“Well,” she hedged, “The boys have given you something for now and they really won’t be here that long. I think they’ll agree to give you your dress soon enough. After all if you were wearing my clothes when dad comes home that might be hard to explain. He might even ask where your own clothes got off to.”
That hadn’t occurred to me. Would he notice or recognize if I was wearing an outfit that belonged to his daughter? I guess he might at that. He wouldn’t actually ask about it though, would he?
“He might,” Benji agreed “Why don’t you two trade outfits now and we’ll see if he notices when he gets home?”
Hah, nice try but I knew Angie would never trade her conservative swimsuit for my sheer lingerie much less wear something like this in sight of her dad, brother or likely anyone unless maybe she had a boyfriend I didn’t know about.
“I suppose I could trade something with her for what she’s wearing but it would be one of your T-shirts and maybe some shorts if I get to pick it.” Angie shot back.
Somehow my sparse clothing is now being auctioned off before me as Teddy joins in. “I’ll give her my T-shirt right now if she gives me her outfit to keep in trade.”
This is tempting at the moment. Would he let me go in the bathroom to take them off though? It’s doubtful, he’s a boy and he’d insist I strip out here in front of everyone. Even having seen all of me earlier and still being able to see most of me, the male libido is never sated.
“Cute Ted, but I doubt Susie wants to send her lingerie off be part of your personal spank bank.” Kris sniped.
Geez, it hadn’t occurred to me that these boys would all now be thinking of me as they next pleasured themselves.
Obviously they were all thinking the same as their reactions were nearly unanimous to this last quip. A mix of guffaws, snorts and patent denials which gave it away of course.
This was a little flattering as well as embarrassing yet it gave me a flushed feeling too. I barely had time to recognize this before Angie, my traitorous friend, pointed it out to everyone.
“Now boys, don’t go talking about such things or you’ll get our pretty guest here all flustered, those nipples are about to poke straight through the material on that bra as it is! Are you sure you guys wouldn’t like to whip ‘em out and demonstrate your techniques? Maybe Suzie would bless the best contestant with a souvenir!”
Just where in the hell did that come from? I would do no such thing! Watching these boys all jerk off might be interesting but not if I am the subject of their lust at the time and dressed as I was I could almost picture how such an event might turn out. Having surprised my brothers a few times and also had an experience with a couple of boys in a shower once I knew just how messy a boy’s ejaculation could be. Images of me covered in sticky goo as Angie’s dad walks in the door flashed through my mind and I nearly fainted.
With some difficulty I manage to sprawl onto a chaise in the den as we had slowly migrated out of the kitchen area. There was no way I could have escaped upstairs as the boys had conveniently positioned themselves to block my escape. Flushed as I now felt I doubt I could have made it up the entire flight anyway.
This evidently inspired Angie to once again snap a pic or two and my posture was at this point not foremost in my head. Sometime later when she shared the pics with me I would find that she and everyone present had a full on view of my more private places than I would have guessed in the moment. I suppose that I was not that concerned or even embarrassed any longer as truly at this point what was left to privacy.
This was around the time when thankfully their father happened to message her and she informed the boys that the party was to be ended “for today”. He was on his way home as and was thinking of calling in a couple of pizzas to be delivered.
Of course the boys all thought it a fine idea that I be the one to answer the delivery driver when he showed up at the door; in my bra and panties or Benji suggested maybe without them. Apparently this is a thing on the internet; girls doing some sort of “Pizza dare” either naked, or with a towel which they then accidentally drop. Some girls just do it in their underwear if they aren’t up to the full monty so to speak.
“Move along boys,” Angie directed them, amid protests. “If Susan was to do something like that you won’t be here tonight to see.”
“Ange has a point,” Benji agreed “You all don’t need to be here when dad pulls in, and he could be close behind the pizza guy if I had to guess. He usually times it pretty good.”
“Finally,” I say, perking up as I think this means I will get my dress back now. “Give me my dress, you get your phones, and then we’ll see you all later.” Much later I hope, frankly I’m not sure I want to see any of them for a few days.
Benji now intervenes, “Or Angie could give you all your phones outside and maybe Susie can stay like she is for the pizza guy!”
“You should totally do it Susan,” Teddy voted enthusiastically.
“Oh yeah!”
“Hell yeah!”
“Angie could film it on her phone and we could all watch it
later!” The boys all spouted excitedly, as if I should be all for this.
“I vote no.” I told them. “But if Angie wants to volunteer she can borrow my lingerie.”
Why I said this is still a mystery. I knew it was a mistake almost immediately.
The boys looked at me then focused on Angie. It was as if they took a mental picture of me and then when they looked at Angie their expressions changed. The perverts were literally undressing her with their eyes and seeing her in my outfit, in their heads anyway.
Angie saw it too and she did not like the attention. She played it off for the moment though saying only, “Sure thing Susie, though you’ll have to take it off again. Maybe the boys wouldn’t mind helping you strip out of those flimsy things this time? After all I know they all want one more look before heading home to relieve themselves.”
At this seeming invitation Benji being very near, reached out and tugged down my panties. Sitting up to attempt recapturing them, left my back open and hands slipped in to likewise undo then simply lift up and off my bra. I was forcibly stripped before anyone knew how or what happened.
Shocked, we all just sort of froze in place; everyone looking at me, then to one another.
In the moment I wasn’t even mad. I think I even hoped for a minute to see Angie now strip down and put on my things. I waited; she made no move in that direction of course.
Instead, she started pushing the boys toward the door. “Whoa, OK, everyone who wants a phone back tonight meet me on the porch in one minute, or go home empty handed. Benji help your friends to the door.”
Now the boys, emerging from the adrenaline fog and either feeling guilty or embarrassed for having stripped me actually went to the door willingly. Now fully nude once more I stood facing them and meekly waved goodbye.
Angie took them their phones then returned with Benji in tow, the two of them looking at me a bit sheepishly. “Sorry about that.” Angie said.
“Yeah um, sorry.” Said Benji.
“For what?” I asked, still a bit frazzled. Not knowing exactly why they apologized.
“I could get you your dress” Benji offered.
It had escaped me that I was naked. Can you believe that is even possible? It happened.
“I’m fine, I guess.” I replied numbly. “What does it matter now? I think I need to excuse myself for a minute though,” As I walked weakly towards the half bath by the entryway.
The girl in the mirror was a little pale. She looked familiar but also different. I think this may have been a turning point for me in that I had felt so many emotions in such a short time that I was nearly overloaded. I may have known even then that I would need to feel this again or try to replicate it at least.
I took some time in the bathroom. When I exited I didn’t even think to wrap in a towel. This was evidently unexpected as both Benji and Angie were visibly shaken by my reappearance.
This confused me as I looked down at myself thinking I had left tissue dangling somewhere or something. “What?” I asked sincerely concerned I had somehow messed up.
“Nothing,” Angie said smiling. “You hungry?”
I realized suddenly that I was starving! I hadn’t eaten anything since lunch and I normally would have had something after school but I had changed and… “Any idea where my underwear ended up?” I questioned. Not that I needed them or anything but it might be best if they weren’t on the couch or something for her dad to find.
“Oh, um… It seems the boys managed to take that with them when they left.” Benji supplied.
“I’m sure we can get them back but, yeah… I’m not sure you’ll want those back actually.” Angie offered. “I promise I’ll buy you more. I feel responsible for… well. Again I’m sorry Susie.”
“Don’t worry about it.” I state simply, “I have plenty, though I kind of liked that set.”
“Me too!” Benji agreed.
This for some reason made me flush. I’m standing in their den talking to them as normal as you like, naked. OK, not for the first time, granted, and after the prior events of the afternoon I guess this is somewhat anticlimactic.
There is a short awkward silence in which I am relatively certain we are all imagining me dressed in that sheer yellow lingerie, until it passes. And then the doorbell rings and we all jump a foot in the air. Not literally but you know…
Being the closest to the door I turn to open it naturally.
A pair of voices shouted warnings in unison as my hand pulled open the door. My shock is only a fraction of what the poor guy delivering the pizza must have felt as I greeted him. He hands me two large pizzas, thanks me and nearly falls as he stumbles away in reverse, thanking me.
No money changed hands so I have to assume the delivery was prepaid by their dad. The driver either assumed I was his tip or had already been tipped sufficiently as well as he managed to leave rather quickly once he put his eyes back in his head.
I can’t swear to it but he may have looked familiar. I hope he doesn’t go to my school. Perhaps he used to? If he knows my older brother this may get awkward but it’s done now.
Turning, closing the door with prizes in hand I smile and say, “Let’s eat!” Angie of course hits me with a flash as
she snaps a picture.
“Maybe you should get your dress?” Benji suggests.
Yep, you read that right, Benji suggested I put clothes on!
“Why bother now?” I tease him “I wouldn’t want to risk staining my dress with pizza sauce would I?”
“She has a point, Benji.” Angie agrees. “Maybe you should join her and strip too? You know how messy you can be.”
“Geez, Ange, Dad could be here any minute.” He opines. “I for one don’t think our guest wants to meet him in her birthday suit.”
“Oh well, sadly I guess it is time for her to once again cover her beautiful tan. I must say that I like the no lines look. Where is the elusive dress in question anyway?” Angie says in between bites as we were already into the pizza.
Thankfully we were not waiting for their dad before eating. The smell of hot pizza would have been worse torture than anything else I could imagine at the moment if not able to dig in. Maybe even worse than meeting their father in the buff!
I had after all by this time been naked around a couple of friends’ fathers if you count Joe and Kylie. Joe was my older brother’s friend first but we were pretty close. If his dad hadn’t caught us we might have been much closer in fact.
Having eaten most of my first piece I was once more interested in locating my dress so my ears perked right up.
“I’ll get it.” He offered, seeing us scarfing the pizza.
“Just tell her and she can go put it on in private. I’m sure she’s played enough dress up for today.” Angie told him.
“I tossed it in dad’s office.” Benji bragged. “No way would you all have thought to look there.”
“Ooh, devious!” Angie agreed, “I guess that’s right but it won’t work twice! Go ahead, Susie, Dad’s office is just off the den through the side door to the right.”
Debating another slice first, or taking one with me, I succumb to my need to dress and pull myself from the pizza. Saying only, “Don’t eat all the meat lovers!”
I sort of sprint through the adjacent room to the “office” which it turns out is an actual office. Complete with big desk, small couch a couple of chairs, shelves, lots of books, files, and framed pictures. Much more actually, but in spite of all the distractions I easily located my dress, lying across one of the side chairs. I did glance at a few photos and certificates before putting it on and rejoining my friends for pizza.
Jonathan, for that is Angie and Benji’s father’s name, was very nice and after insisting I call him John we chatted amiably. He was happy to know there might be an older girl nearby apparently who might be available to chaperone his two “Wayward youth” as he termed them.
If only he knew! These two needed a much older chaperone than me, I thought. But who was I to tell him his business? I figured I could maybe hang out a bit and make a little fast cash. No more naked shenanigans though. I hoped, or told myself at the time.
Having excused the “Kids” to chat with me alone in his office he actually confided in me his having adopted the siblings who were, he explained not actually siblings. He further pointed out that this was no family secret. The kids of course knew and were happy he thought to be in a family now, both having had a slightly difficult youth.
Additionally he hedged that they were a bit old for a babysitter but we would just call it a chaperone as teenagers they might best be looked after a little with his wife away for the next few months at least.
I had initially worn my sheer ensemble to help me feel more adult and in charge; the dress, to make me feel a bit more formal and “dressed to impress”. Sitting in his office now, all but naked with only the dress, and having just vacated this very space not a half hour before having been in here naked; it was surreal talking with him and I struggled a little to concentrate.
I may have even fantasized for a moment about slipping the
dress over my head once more to resume browsing around his collection of memorabilia naked while we talked!
I did not of course do this. We talked and agreed on a fee for a half day, full day and for overnight. Evidently this is something that is a concern and a need at times. He anticipated a couple trips in the next month or two and we even agreed that Toby might come on occasion but not for a week or two until we found how things worked. My assurance that Toby and I had been managing between us for nearly a year and more before moving here seemed to help so we left it to a future decision as to that. John was reassured I think as he learned of my folks having always had very busy schedules and my siblings and I had always been very self-reliant.
It was now getting later than I might usually stay out so I excused myself to head home. John offered to give me a ride or call a car for me as my mom was not yet home and my big brother was still working or staying at dad’s for the night.
In the end he had his kids walk me most of the way home then return together. Stating simply that there’s safety in numbers and that even in nicer neighborhoods one shouldn’t be out late alone.
I liked him and hoped the feeling was mutual. No clue where the idea about stripping for him came from but alas I do seem to have problems keeping my clothes on now don’t I?
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Susan ... Part 16
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