The Pranksters: 2nd Chapter


The Pranksters: Chapter 2

Sleeping in the nude is kind of strange. I kept waking and was uber aware of the sensations of the sheets or the air alternately touching my skin as I tend to kick off the covers during the night only to awaken and pull them back over me. This process happens most nights but was exacerbated by my lack of sleeping attire.

Semi awake, lying there I became aware of these heightened sensations and realized it had indeed not just been a bad dream. I am actually fully naked in my aunt and uncles house. They and most of the family, including grandparents, and some cousins as well as my own father and step mom have apparently decided that I can stay naked as they believe it was my choice and desire even to become a nudist and to do so here among them. Lying here dizzily spinning scenarios through my head trying to figure out some way to make this all go away I am interrupted by a sudden jolt as the bedroom door is thrust open.

“Up and at ‘em girls!” My cousin Bobby chirps, “It’s gonna be a nice sunny day and I’m sure you can’t wait to work on clearing up those tan lines Sheri.”

My instinct is to yell at him to get out; after all I am not dressed! Then it hits me once more, he has seen me naked all night last night. He even got naked himself but only briefly and to be honest I cannot even recall just what he looked like in any detail at least.

“The folks said I was gonna have to wear a swimsuit today so maybe I’ll put it on before coming down.” I tell him, hopeful this might be an option.

Having walked into the room he jerks off the sheets leaving me fully exposed. “Nonsense, its hours yet before we all leave for the lake and everyone else is getting breakfast ready. “Tommy and Ricky sent me to fetch you all and either one or both of you are coming down naked, your choice I guess.” He says, looking at Cindy. “You could always say you wanted to join Sheri and see how it feels! You know you kind of liked prancing around in the buff.”

“No way,” I tell Cindy. “I might have to deal with this for a bit but don’t let them drag you into it any more than they already have.”

Looking at me, then back at our cousin she says, “I doubt the adults would let me do that or believe that it was my idea. Maybe I should and then I can tell them you all were forcing us to do it!”

Thrilled at the thought I almost jumped to help her strip out of her sleepwear. Would that work to end this? If she and I together told all that had happened…

“That might actually work,” Bobby admits, “To get Sheri out of her little adventure but then you run the risk of becoming the object of attention this summer instead.”

“Get out of here and leave us alone,” I tell him. “No one else is getting naked for you perverts today. Tell everyone we’ll be right down, OK?”

Grinning and glaring at me, he gives me a creepy leering once over as only a boy can manage before turning and heading to report.

Bobby isn’t really so bad, compared to Rick. They are both near my own age, Bobby being a yr. younger and Rick being about half a yr older. I am 16, nearly 17 btw so we are all teenagers, even Cindy though she is at least a yr. younger than Bobby and over 2 yrs. younger than me.

No way am I gonna let these boys force her to walk around naked again if I can help it. Last night she admitted they had already pulled a similar prank on her but kept it on a smaller scale. Just my luck they decided to use me for the big time prank. Well, being older, maybe I can come up with a way to end it quickly.

Not having to dress doesn’t mean there is nothing to do in the morning but surprisingly enough without clothes it takes far less time before I have no real excuse to linger and must once more steel myself to make a grand entrance. Smiling as though I am happy to do so, I descend into the lower floor den to be greeted by my leering cousins and my parents.

Dad and Tabby seem a bit surprised that I am still naked. Tom and Rick both look as though they just won some huge bet, perhaps they did?

Almost hesitantly or shyly dad greets me, “Morning dear.” Breaking eye contact and trying not to take in my nudity.

Is my being naked making him uncomfortable? This man changed my diapers, I assume. If it makes him uneasy why doesn’t he insist I get dressed? I mean he is my Dad and he obviously could.

My step mom Tabby on the other hand seems a little less phased by this development. “Hey sleepy heads,” addressing myself and Cindy together I suppose. “It’s time to eat and gather whatever you want to take for an afternoon on the water.”

We all gather to eat and there is a sense of odd normality for a time as we share a meal and for moments I forget I am fully exposed and naked in front of people I never imagined seeing me like this. In no time breakfast is over, dishes cleaned and put away and some preparations made for lunch, coolers packed, etc.

I thought Cindy would be the one to retrieve my swimwear but instead Rick appeared offering me a red two piece suit. Not one I actually recognized and this immediately made me leery.

“What’s this?” I ask him apprehensively.

“I know you said you didn’t want to wear any clothes anymore cuz,” he answered “but everyone else agrees that won’t work for the lake. I for one don’t mind of course if you stay naked!” He boldly teases as he pulls the suit away as if to keep it from me.

“Thanks, um no, I’m sure this will be fine.” I agree as I hold desperately to the tiny garment that I am certain doesn’t belong to me. Are they making me wear one of Cindy’s suits? Will it even fit me? It looks a bit small but anything is better than going nude at this point but again, where are my own things?

The adults, clueless as usual to the drama going on among us kids, barely notice this exchange and no one questions anything. Instead it seems they all relax and are in high spirits as we embark.

The lake is only a short drive away so we all generally wear our suits to and from the launch. Uncle Dan has a pontoon boat or I guess it’s actually called a “tri-toon” that he keeps on the water most of the year at a marina. Uncle Thomas has a sort of bass boat / ski boat that he pulls in and out most times so we all can enjoy a mix of floating fishing and or skiing when we get together. Dad has talked of getting a PWC of some kind but it hasn’t happened yet.

The grandparents rarely go out to the lake with us anymore, only occasionally joining in for a fishing trip or a short ride when we have a smaller group.

The boat is fueled, launched and loaded in no time and we are on the water by eleven. Being a sunny day it is warm and the water is inviting. There is not a huge crowd as of yet in spite of the holiday weekend. We have visited this same lake my entire life and I suppose my dad and his brothers have as well, they know plenty of nice coves and safe places to ski or fish where we will only rarely encounter others most times. A few islands even offer places to tie up and camp or just explore and climb around which can be lots of fun.

Skiing is of course a favorite past time and the older folks are all quite good at it having grown up around the water.
The younger generation is a mixed bag when it comes to skill level. Tom and little Ronnie both seem to have been born to it; I think either could ski all day. I am not terrible and can usually get up by the second attempt if not the first and once I am up I do well but I tire pretty soon as I have had less time on skis than my cousins so lack the endurance they have. The other three cousins are close when it comes to getting up but have slightly more endurance with Rick having the most being second oldest. He also is the most aggressive when it comes to speed and trying stunts.

Would it be terrible of me to admit I sometimes wish he would break his neck? OK, not really, well not literally anyway, but a nice spill might knock some sense into him or a bit of meanness out of him maybe!

Typically we all tend to use the pontoon as a launch and anchor it in the mouth of a cove as we take turns tearing up the water in shifts skiing or tubing. The “tri-toon” is quite capable of being used to pull skiers as well but loaded with so many people it just isn’t as much fun.

Trying to get up on skis or wiping out can occasionally lead to wardrobe malfunctions. Swimwear can get pulled down or even off when one dives from a board as well. This is not what happened to the suit I wore that day. It didn’t even come untied as I have seen done in some pranks where kids try to embarrass their friends at a pool party or such.
My suit sort of just fell apart and was no longer there. Let me explain…

I was enjoying finally having something to wear and waited until after lunch to get on the boat to ski. My dad and uncles were each alternating with us kids for chances to ski. Two of the men would ski, spot or drive. The women would spot as well but opted out of skiing so sometimes one would be on the smaller boat but often all 3 were on the toon with everyone else.

Us kids were usually on the bass boat if there was room and I think I might have been last or next to last to get out into the water. I had almost got so hot as to jump in for a dip before this but somehow managed to wait. I was more than ready when the time came for my turn.

My oldest cousin Tom was spotting, his dad my uncle Thomas was driving and it was sure to be a good run after all it is his boat and he always got me up quick. The 3 younger cousins were all back on the toon with the other adults and only Rick was along for the ride.

I jumped in the water, and got set as the boat took up the slack, lying back luxuriating in the water, the sun and the nice afternoon. Having only just gotten in I was not terribly disappointed to fail in my 1st effort to get up on the skis. Determined not to make a fool of myself I was gratified to stay up on my 2nd try and was settling in to a stance as we began to swing out into a sweep that would take us around the cove.

The lake we use is large and has lots of homes on the water front. On holidays it can be busy so as I mentioned we tend towards less populated areas for our outings. Still inevitably we will see another boater or sometimes people on their docks or in their yards. My family tries to practice proper etiquette when boating, we avoid close passes, we always wave, we slow around other boats or docks if others are around so as to not cause disruptive wakes, etc.

Being that we often use the same few coves for skiing I guess it is inevitable that we are likely recognized by some residents. A few even like to sit out on their docks and watch us skiing. This being a holiday weekend we had a few spectators, some of whom were likely visitors to the homes of friends or family who actually lived on the properties instead of being only the usual residents. This added to the number of folks observing and may have been why I was not successful in my first attempt to get up out of the water and set for an extended pass.

All of this is said to explain why when I eventually did manage to get up I was very happy and proud to be making a pass around the cove for all to see my display. After all they might not know it but I was far less practiced than most of my cousins and nearly as accomplished. Frankly I thought that by the end of the summer if I had a chance I could easily be as good as Tom or Ron and they were even better than the adults.

Anyway, I was nearly through my 1st circuit and passing one of the last few docks when something changed. I didn’t even notice it really. I was signaling that I wanted to circle back for another loop and for a little more speed. Both Rick and Tom were grinning and giving me double thumbs up and I returned one as well.

A kid on one of the lawns near a dock ran out to see what we were doing and I waved to him. He grinned, waved and pointed as he called to his friends to join him. Not entirely odd exactly but a little more enthusiastic than my usual experience.

Moments later I saw an adult pointing and he too was grinning widely. Then a woman on a dock a few spaces down had a look of shock or disbelief on her face as I passed by.
When water skiing you are at first wet but the wind tends to dry your suit fairly quickly. There is a little spray occasionally from a wake or the pulling craft itself but mostly you just feel the wind and lots of it.

OK so it took a moment but after a couple of odd looks I decided something was strange and started to look around. Looking down I found that I was somehow missing my top, I was literally out in the middle of the cove skiing by everyone topless, waving and grinning like a fool. I don’t mean it was loose or maladjusted it was completely gone.

Not having any way to cover myself at the moment I tried to signal for my uncle to turn back out and get me to the pontoon so I might get out of sight, maybe a towel or a t-shirt if possible. My idiot cousin just continued to grin and wave, thumbs up all the while.

Holding on for dear life, not thinking I had a better option I continued my turn until we started back out to the mouth of the cove. Everyone on the big boat was looking a bit out of place as we approached and I was all too happy to let go of the ropes and glide into the water toward them ending my pass. If not for the life belt my nerves may have prevented me from staying afloat I was so nervous and shaky from having been so embarrassed.

Little did I know until I climbed out of the water and up onto the pontoon, my entire suit had gone missing not just its top. The bottoms were also gone. I was clad at the moment in nothing but a ski belt, which I had to then remove and pass along to the next skier who happened to be my cousin Rick.

“Don’t you want to ride along on the next pass cuz?” He had the nerve to ask me teasingly, “I bet everyone back over there will be out to see us soon, or to see you anyway.”

My dad replied before I could, “I think they have seen more than enough for today. In fact we might best be getting back home soon.” Looking at me as if he was disappointed or something, “I’m not sure I want to have a conversation with a game warden or sheriff about my teen daughter being out on the lake naked.”

Ron suggested, “We all used to swim naked when we camped on the islands a few years ago”

Someone handed me a towel and I had thankfully wrapped myself in it as best I could. Cindy asked me, “What happened to your suit?”

“I have no idea really,” I told her, but I had my suspicions. You see I had heard a year or two previously of a prank that someone had done where a girl had been tricked into wearing a suit that had been made with soluble thread holding the panels together. I didn’t know how or where they got it but I was willing to bet that Tom or Rick had ordered a suit like that for me and couldn’t wait to make me wear it for them. I guess this occasion was too rich to pass up.

It seemed I was destined to wear a towel for the remainder of our trip and could not wait to get home. Arriving back at the docks, it was as if in a daze that we all loaded up for the ride home. It was decided that we would all meet up back at Uncle Dan and Alice’s house for burgers and brats around dinner and it wasn’t until we started indoors that it occurred to me that I was once more to be naked for all to see.

“Gather all the wet towels and suits for me if you would, Susan.” Aunt Alice instructed me, “We may as well throw them in the wash now as let them sit and mildew.” That’s when it hit me, my precious towel was to be surrendered.

‘OK, sure.” I answered her reluctantly, not that she noticed my hesitance.

“Becky and Jim are coming for dinner tonight and to pick up Bobby of course. I wonder if anyone has thought to tell them about your recent lifestyle adjustment.” Alice offered conversationally. “I don’t suppose Jim will mind, most men tend to enjoy having nude females to gawk at but it might be best to prepare Becky.”

Becky is my dad’s sister and she tends to have mixed views on things. She is often liberal but can be conservative as well. I honestly had no idea how she might view nudism but was not thrilled about being subjected to her opinion either way, nor did I relish being “gawked at” by her husband Jim.
Were all men really such perverts as to want to see naked women at every opportunity?

Their son Bobby certainly seemed to relish every chance he had to stare at me as he likely had when it was poor Cindy’s turn. If I had to bet on it we were the only two girls he had ever seen naked. Neither willingly I might add. He spent a good bit of time at the cousins’ home since his parents had divorced though now Aunt Becky had recently married Uncle Jim.

Being all close in age and living not far away made it convenient and it isn’t like Dan or Alice minded him being around. Bobby was pretty easy going and mostly got along with everyone, he just tended to go along with too much of the mischief the older boys came up with.

Jim has a son, Jessie and daughter, Jessica, but they live with his ex and he only has them once every few weekends or so. I was praying this would not be one of those occasions as I had no desire to be naked around even more kids much less a younger boy and girl who would doubtless have lots of questions. They are around six months or so younger than Cindy and Ron, Jessie being a couple months younger than Cindy and his sister Jessica the youngest of us all though she is only a month younger than Ron, so like 13 and 12.

Jessica is more than a bit spoiled and to be honest she is the least favorite of all my cousins. I know this often happens or most people think the youngest is always spoiled but I think it has more to do with her folks having divorced and her dad having a good income. Jim evidently makes a lot more than any of the rest of the family cause he and Aunt Becky often take trips all over and they live in an upscale neighborhood out near the lake, I think it might be on or near a golf course but I’ve never been there.

Surrendering my towel is not as difficult as I imagined it would be after the day I’ve had. Frankly I just want to crawl into bed and hope for a better day tomorrow.

For what must be the 1st time ever I find myself wishing tomorrow was Monday already instead of Sunday. This means I still have two days to endure of being here and evidently being the focus of whatever evil devices my cousins can come up with to embarrass me.

Normally Tom doesn’t hang around but it seems he is more than content to stick around if it means he gets to see me walking around butt naked. Boys are perverts!

Rick is the instigator most of the time. He is devious and rarely gets caught out.

I don’t yet know how but I have to figure out some way to end this scheme before the holiday weekend is over. Having thought of little else this evening I am surprised at the time when it is announced that we must soon gather for dinner.

The clothes washer having finished it was my and Cindy’s assignment to hang the wet towels and suits out on the line to dry as the food was being prepared. In spite of being in the country and on family land it was still surreal consciously walking outdoors naked. I am not sure how I managed to do it actually. I suppose it was because of the last 24 hrs or so leading up to this evening but when it came time for me to do so I merely hesitated briefly then resigned myself to proceed. After all, until Becky and Jim arrived which was inevitable, everyone else here had seen me several times by now, pretty much all of me in fact.

I won’t pretend to have been enjoying this or to have even been getting used to the idea. I wanted so desperately to protest it and refuse but to what end at this point? I have allowed the family to believe this was my choice and even that I wanted their acceptance of it. My cousins had video evidence that might appear to show I had chosen this as well. Even my grandparents had been subject to my exposure and to my dismay they showed up for dinner.

“Well, well, hello there beautiful!” Granddaddy greeted me when he saw me coming around the house from hanging up the linens. “I see we are still textile free. Can’t say I’m not a little surprised but I guess I should get used to it.”

Cocking his head he asks me, “I suppose I may have to resign myself to a few less hugs now.”

Feeling a little guilty and not a little awkward I went in for my usual big hug in spite of it being uncomfortable for us both. I don’t think I had ever been touched in any way while naked exactly and to get a hug while naked from my grandfather was quite odd. Not unpleasant, just very different. Somehow I was uber aware of the roughness of his hands and even his clothes against my skin far more than I had been before.

Perhaps I was wrong but all of the adults seemed to be making an effort not to look at me or to look directly into my eyes instead of elsewhere, while the kids were occasionally staring to the point that nearly all of them were told to knock it off eventually.

The arrival of Becky and Jim signaled time to eat and not a moment too soon as we all were quite famished. Time in the sun and on the water tends to stimulate the appetite.

I think I sort of caught Jim looking me over a time or two and even Aunt Becky seemed more than a bit curious as to my state of dress though she refrained comment, to me at least.

She was I think none too happy about her son having been around me and seeing so much of me but as it had already happened and over a full day had passed there was little to do about it now.

I was once again disappointed that she hadn’t insisted on my getting dressed immediately to spare her precious son’s innocence or whatever. I found myself wondering what had been said to them and by whom before they arrived as it became obvious they had been prepared or warned. I was also curious if this had disrupted Jim’s visitation with his kids. Would he not bring them around if he knew I was naked?

That would certainly be fine with me. As I said before I am not crazy about his daughter and have no wish to be seen naked by anyone really much less his kids. They haven’t been a part of the usual level of pranks that can happen around my cousins though eventually I bet they will fall victim in some small way to Rick and Tom.

As the evening wound down, the grand parents went back home and the aunts gravitated towards the indoors the men mostly ended up out by the garage. The younger cousins were out in the yard and in spite of their invitation I couldn’t quite join in their revelry being naked even though it was nearly dark and it was doubtful anyone who had not already done so might see me now.

I found myself sitting on the deck alone until Uncle Jim joined me. He had come around the house from the garage, perhaps to join his wife indoors or to use the bathroom but he stopped to speak.

“I heard you had quite the day at the lake.” He stated.
Surprised, I doubt he would have been so quick to go there if Aunt Becky was in ear shot, I said, “I guess so,” noncommittally.

“So this nudist thing, it’s pretty brave.” He tries again.
This makes me turn to look at him, which I hadn’t been doing initially.

“I mean, if it’s something you’re really into then it seems to me you would be a little more engaged. Care to talk about it?” He asks me.

As if I could actually talk about it with him? I barely know him! This guy, who happens to be recently married to my aunt is standing only a few feet away from me while I am completely naked and wants to talk with me about that very fact. As if that would not be awkward at all for a teenage girl? Maybe it wouldn’t in fact be awkward to an actual nudist but I am not a nudist am I! Did he somehow pick up on that?

I struggle to think what to say, “I’m fine,” I lie, “Just tired, like you said, big day at the lake with all the sun and exercise that I’m not used to.”

“OK,” He replies, a bit slowly, “but if you want everyone to stop staring at you, especially the boys. The best thing you can do is ignore their looks. Don’t worry about being seen and try to relax your posture as if you were still wearing your most comfortable pj’s or whatever.”

“Yeah, well I guess I’m still pretty new at this but thanks.” I deflect, hoping he’ll go away. He wasn’t really making me uncomfortable; instead he was getting me annoyed.

“You don’t really seem all that happy to be doing something that you tell everyone you want to do. Your body language is all off like you are trying to hide not like you are free of restrictions which should be the case if you ask me, granted no one has so maybe it’s none of my business.” He tells me.

BAM! There it is, out in the open. Just like that he has given me the chance to tell all. But I can’t explain it to him! He isn’t even my real uncle. Instead I look down at my so called body language. I might be sitting a little more rigidly than usual but being nude I don’t exactly want to flash everyone do I! Sure, you can sit however you like if you have on several layers of clothes but not naked, right?

I adjust myself to try to look and feel more relaxed, which he apparently notices. “OK, so you don’t really want to talk, I get it. You do you, Sheri. I must admit I am a little jealous of these cousins of yours.” He says as he starts to walk off.

Wait, what? “What is that supposed to mean?” I can’t help but ask him.

“I’m just saying,” Jim says turning back to look me over. “Bobby will for certain want to stay here the rest of the weekend instead of going home with us as long as you’re all ‘naked and afraid’; any teenage boy would really as long as they like girls I guess.”

He smiles at me and I blush as I notice that in this moment my hands have left my lap and my knees are slightly apart. Jim is looking at me, literally all of me and I am blushing all over.

I’m not like spread eagle or anything but looking down and seeing what he can see, or rather thinking what he could see, hopefully there is enough shadow to not be completely on display for my newest and youngest uncle. How old is he anyway, I find myself wondering.

“Um, thanks! I guess the boys have enjoyed me being around for them to gawk at.” I reply, using the term I heard earlier this weekend. I briefly lift my knee as if to put my foot up on the chair as I shift position slightly.

I stopped though. As it occurred to me that in that position I really would be fully exposed down there and that was way more relaxed than I needed or wanted to be right now. This thought immediately brought to my attention the continuing blush or was it warmth that I was now feeling. This as well as a little itch that I wanted to scratch or perhaps rub but that too could not happen as Jim looked on.

Saying this, feeling this I looked into his face and caught him looking at me even more fully. Did he know? Or suspect? God, could he smell me… I think I almost could myself now that I thought of it, something…

“Have a good weekend Sheri.” Jim said as he broke away and turned to leave.

This was, I think the 1st time I had a noticeable effect on a grown man. I am not sure I knew it then exactly, but I knew something strange and powerful had happened.
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