Susan ... Part 16


Susan … Part 16

I know I said it was sort of late Friday night when I made it back home. Apparently there was plenty of time for the boys who left Angie’s house to get home and for at least a part of what happened there to spread to their siblings. To Betty anyway as she evidently overheard her brother asking one of the other boys about my underwear, which in turn focused her attention on their conversation so that she spied on them and heard further about my having been naked at Angie’s house in front of several boys from the neighborhood.

Trying to come to my defense, Betty accused them of being perverts and spreading rumors that weren’t true. After a brief argument she was told to call Benji or Angie and find out, which of course, she did. So around the time I was walking in my door Angie and Benji were back home and on the phone with Betty discussing how I had put on a show of sorts for several of the boys in the area, sans apparel. It never came up that it wasn’t my idea nor was it in any way voluntary.

Angie further volunteered that this wasn’t my only time being naked at her house and she insisted it might even become a regular feature of gatherings for a select few provided a level of discretion could be maintained and suggested to Betty that she stress this to her brother and the other boys if they wanted to be invited over in the future. I think she thought she was doing me a favor at the time but it’s hard to know given the fact that she apparently thought I was good with all of this.

I went to bed Friday night oblivious to these things, still reeling from having been so exposed and embarrassed in front of these kids who I had only known for part of a year. This felt very different from being naked around the boys I had grown up with. For one thing neither of my brothers was there participating and so I felt far more vulnerable. Sort of like the time in the shower with the twins… alone and naked with boys who could have, well, Angie was there but would she have been able to stop them? Would she just watch, or cheer them on and take more pictures?

Who knows really but I was shaking just thinking about it, both from fear and from a sort of nervous excitement. Speaking of pictures, I need to ask her to give me those pics and destroy any copies. Those can’t be allowed to get distributed. What-ever was she planning on doing with them anyway?

Having gone to my room soon after arriving home I found myself exhausted and made ready for bed a little earlier than some Friday nights. Toby, my younger brother, having missed out on the afternoon’s activities was eager to learn if he too would soon be hanging out at Angie’s house. I wasn’t really feeling all that talkative and not in a mood to share with him all that had happened though I suspected he would soon learn most of the details from the other boys. They wouldn’t likely resist the opportunity to tease him about having seen me naked, after all they accurately suspected that he saw me naked regularly.

Which, point of fact he did as he barged into my room no sooner than I managed to strip out of my dress. This not being all that abnormal for our household, I simply turned to question his appearance.

“Wow sis, bold move going commando in a sun dress to meet Angie’s dad!” Toby suggested, throwing me completely off guard.

I hadn’t gone commando, I had been robbed of my well thought out and strategically chosen under garments before getting to meet him and brought down to a place of vulnerability instead of strength. Instead of going with that I said, “Did you need something?” Sort of short, but I said I wasn’t feeling talkative, right?

“Well, how did it go? Are we gonna be able to hang out at their house? Benji says they have a huge pool compared to ours and I think a game room too.” Toby excitedly inquired.

Seeing how much he wanted this, I didn’t know what to say. “Toby, Angie’s dad is pretty uncertain for now about other kids being there until he’s sure I can get his kids to cooperate with me and us not have any problems. After all I’m not really an adult and am only a little older, right?” I could see his face fall.

“But you told him how we are always here, pretty much alone and we get along right?” He prodded me, nearly begging.

I could see that he was imagining being home alone all the time now and not liking the idea, while I was off hanging at the biggest and apparently richest home in the area. “Exactly!” I assured him, “I told him all that and he seemed to consider it, but for the 1st time or two I think you will need to go to a friends or maybe have someone over?” I suggested.

“Well, I guess. I just got so bored here today by myself, I tried a couple of the guys earlier but I guess they were busy.” He huffed, then looking me over for real now, “You look a little flushed. Did you get some sun?”
As a matter of fact I felt a little flushed. Turning to look in the mirror, I saw I was a little pink. Naked without sunscreen will do that, and full body exposure will do it fast. Shrugging off the question I simply stated, “It would appear so, like you said they have a big pool. Their dad’s name is John or Jonathan and he has said that you can come over for a couple hours on occasion at first but at some point I might be asked to stay overnight or something when he has to make a trip and we will take it day by day. Ok?” I deferred, hoping to get him back on track to his original question.

It worked as he was drawn back on topic. “Great! When are we going to go? I haven’t been in their house. It looks much bigger that the others on the block.”

Sitting beside him as he had plopped down on my bed, I told him we had no current plans. I reminded him we were playing it by ear and he might have to wait a few days or more. I could tell he had missed me that afternoon and gave him a hug. When he hugged me back I felt a little tender, I guess I had gotten a bit of sun for sure.

I decided to get a quick shower before bed and left him sitting there as I departed. After a quick rinse I dried off and returned to my bed, now vacant and lay down to sleep.

Saturdays I often sleep in. Having gotten a little sun which we all know can drain you, this was no exception. I awakened slowly to the realization that I was not alone in my bed. I had fallen asleep alone but once more my brother had needed to be comforted and come in during the night to snuggle. Not that uncommon for him and when younger it was something we each enjoyed. Lately I had begun to worry a little as Toby was having nocturnal erections and even nocturnal emissions which led me to suspect his dreams might be getting a bit too physical for him to be sleeping next to me.

I had once recently awakened to find him caressing my breast and his erection prodding me from behind. I must admit to having lain there a moment longer wondering about just what was happening and thinking what might happen if I didn’t move soon but that was a week or more back.

This Saturday it was he who awakened 1st and as I woke to discover him in my bed still I was a little stunned to see he was openly looking at my naked form and stroking what looked to be a full erection. I wasn’t at first aware of this but there was this obvious rhythm or vibration to my bed that could only really be one or two things.

“Toby?” I asked him as I opened my eyes more fully, having already verified my suspicions through narrowed slits and a brief glance down at his stroking hand. “Are you actually thinking I am going to lay here and let you make a mess in my bed?”

“Umm, sorry!” He pulled away, turning as if to flee. Having been caught red handed as it were.

“Do you really think it wise to jack off to your naked sister?” I asked him, curious now more than anything. Obviously embarrassed after getting caught, he was unwilling to answer me. “Toby. I saw you, ok? There’s no point hiding now. It’s normal to be curious and it’s a little flattering I guess but I am still your sister. “

Standing up from the bed where he still lies facing the wall. I face him, still naked. “Look at me Toby. I’m naked, you know you want to look. It isn’t like you haven’t seen me a hundred times just like I’ve seen you.”

Turning his head hesitantly, he looks. “You, um; you’re not mad?” He asks me, turning over now and as he does so I see he is still nearly erect though he is trying to hide this fact.

“Mad? No silly I’m not mad.” Of course I’ve known or suspected for a while that he masturbated to my image in his head at least occasionally, I was a teenaged girl and he a teen boy after all and how many other girls could he ever have seen naked anyway?

“But,” I continued “you shouldn’t be jacking off to your sister, or at least not in my bed with me, without my knowledge or consent, seriously. That’s not right.”

“Sorry, I um, well it’s not like I planned it or anything I just woke up and had this, well you know…” He kind of shyly shrugged and yes, I did know. After all it wasn’t the first time he had awakened in my bed with morning wood now was it? “And you were laying there mostly uncovered… and you are naked…”

“I get it.” I say stopping him. I can’t help but notice he’s now very slowly stroking himself again, looking at me standing there. I don’t think he even realizes he’s doing it at the moment. Having never actually watched him do this a part of me wants him to continue. What should I do? How should I be reacting? I am a little flattered, I’m not mad but should I be? Angie would likely kill Benji if she awoke similarly, LOL.

It is normal for teens to be curious about sex, and the opposite sex, certainly. Siblings who are close like my brothers and I are sometimes even playfully promiscuous I guess, right? Certainly it must happen between step siblings like Angie and Benji. Though I am sure nothing has happened between those two to date. I wonder if one or maybe both of them want something to happen.

I am sure this is what John wants me to be around to prevent as he must suspect there is some sexual tension in his home between the two unrelated teens. Little does he know that so far my being there may have the opposite effect, only with me being the one at risk.

Thinking of Benji, I recall seeing him naked and how he almost managed to impale me on his shaft several days ago. Luckily I dodged that by taking things into my own hands so to speak.

Thinking of this now I come back to my current situation and find Toby now stroking a bit more earnestly, eyes closed, sitting on the edge of my bed facing me as if I’m now forgotten or rather complicit in his actions by standing before him naked as I am. Perhaps in a way I am? After all, I did just stand here and sort of space out while he proceeded to jerk off in my room!

Looking down at him I consider stopping him. Maybe grabbing his arm or shouting at him? I could just smack him with a pillow.

His cock looks bigger than I thought it was, all pink and purple; swollen with blood and I guess very soon with semen if I do not act soon. I want to flee the room but I want to watch too. I don’t want to let him see me, see him, if that makes sense? It seems wrong or dirty but is it really? It is definitely not precisely normal but it sort of seems normal for us, in a way.

Having once more drifted into my thoughts for a second, now it is Toby watching me as I come back and meet his eyes. I think he’s very close so I try to plead with him to stop before a line gets crossed. “Stop.” I say, leaning closer to reach out and stop his rhythmic pounding.

As I close he too reaches a type of closure. I think he has stopped but in fact he is climaxing, as his fist reaches the base of his shaft, his hips thrust forward and a stream of ejaculate jets forward to hit me. Several in fact, impact my chest, hand, and even a little on my face! Gross! But exciting, LOL.

“Really? Geez Toby!” I stutter between grossed out, intrigued and sexually charged so that I now want to rub one out myself! After he leaves maybe…

“Sorry, I…” Toby squeals, now completely in the moment and embarrassed. “I’ll get a rag or towel or something.” He says as he scrambles to find something.

“May as well just use the sheet,” I say as I wipe myself off. “Definitely gonna have to strip the bed and wash them now.”

He wraps his dripping cock in my top sheet and we strip the bed. For the moment we don’t talk about what just happened. I pile him up with the linens and push him from my room. Saying only, “Go put some clothes on and start the wash, ok?”

For myself I am still shivering slightly and am a bit flushed. A shower is in order, maybe a long hot one. That was sort of exciting and yet sort of weird. I had never thought I’d be like watching a boy do that, and certainly not my little brother.

I mean, I guess I had sort of seen a boy stroke himself a few times, between the twins that once in the shower but mostly they just played with and touched me. Then there’s the handful of times I had “accidentally” walked in on one of the boys and they had played it off as if they hadn’t been doing what I had seen them doing , but this was different as it was practically start to literal finish!

Hah, damn that was something. I sort of wanted to see it again. How soon could he do it again? Would he want to? Did I want to let him? I would certainly rather he use a magazine or something. I am not going to be stripping for my brother and letting him spray his seed all over me; gross, right? That would be gross. Not to mention wrong on several levels.

Imagine our folks or even my big brother catching us at that! Awkward; now If Benji or someone else… or maybe if I could get Angie naked and Toby shot it on her! Lol. Not likely, I guess, but I’d pay to see that and I bet Toby would be game to try it. He might even be willing to let me watch.

So my Saturday got off with a bang so to speak, and after a not so cold shower that did little to dampen my ire; I joined my brother downstairs for a late breakfast.

Actually he had already eaten cereal by the time I got into the kitchen, so I did likewise and had cold cereal to fill my vacant stomach temporarily till I could figure out something better. Tim, our older brother was at Dad’s again and I think I recall his saying he would be working again today anyway so as had been the case recently it was to be Toby and I for the day, since Mom always worked weekends. For nearly half a year now this was the norm. It had come down to Toby and I fending for ourselves which usually meant I got to decide what and when we ate. To be frank it wasn’t all that different at the old house when Tim was home. Back then I still had the job of main cook it was simply another mouth to feed and a third vote on what we could agree on.

Don’t get me wrong, the boys could and did help out when it came to prep and cleaning up if it was decided that we wanted something more involved but if it was simple I just did it and they helped tidy up after. I think it’s a girl thing maybe, but I like to cook for my brothers and enjoy seeing them appreciate my efforts.

Honestly I was feeling a little uncomfortable as I started downstairs, wondering if we had crossed a line this morning. Reflecting, I think I was mostly fine but would he be embarrassed about it? I hoped it wouldn’t be like, awkward between us now. I mean what exactly had really changed? I knew he had a sort of thing for seeing me naked, or more likely he just imagined some girl at school with my body and her face as he whacked off! But you see what I mean, I really don’t see why it needs to be awkward as it isn’t really sexual between he and I it’s just…

Grr, I don’t know what it is, OK, but it isn’t sexual. Curiosity maybe? And sexual frustration, yeah, that’s probably it. Who isn’t frustrated sexually as a teenager?

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