Home Alone 15
Home Alone at least that's how it all started! ... Part 15
I am still pretty foggy in my mind as to recent events, especially those of last night. Was it last night? Yes, the house is quiet… must still be the weekend. I must have dreamed it was Monday or something because I feel really confused this morning. It is definitely not Monday because if it were the house would not be quiet. I must have slept through Laura getting up and getting dressed.
I awake to find myself naked, though I seem to recall a rather steamy interlude with the Mrs. so it is not unusual that I wake naked. My wife has already left for church services and her usual Sunday routine so the house is quiet for the moment though I know it’s about time for everyone else to get up and get going. I keep thinking about the events of last night. OK, so Laura and I had some fun, that happened, it’s been a while since she jumped me like that and I can’t help but wonder if it was due to my newly trimmed or actually now completely hairless state down there. Did that turn her on?
But then afterwards, did something else happen or did I actually dream about myself and one of my daughters? Hell, my youngest even! At the moment I can’t say…
My daughters are 15 and 17 yrs old. They have, up until very recently, always seemed very innocent and not at all sexual to me. I am not completely naive however and though I know there are plenty of porn sites that specialize in girls of a similar age I think that I have managed to partition my mind somewhat to not think of my girls as being old enough to have such interests. That is until the last few days.
My wife and I aren’t the kind to get randy in the kitchen or so forgetful as to leave the bedroom door open but the girls have on occasion interrupted certain activities and we never chose to draw attention to it by over reacting in any negative way. Be that our making love or one of us getting dressed or showering, our girls know that if they need us they are welcome to come to us for anything at most any time.
Upon reflection this may have been a bit too liberal a policy and teaching them to wait for permission to enter could at times have been a better idea.
Today I am waking very sluggishly and I find myself hoping to clear my memory to a point that I can be certain that I had a somewhat disturbing dream and move on. I am nearly successful in my efforts as I rise to the call of nature and my desire for coffee. I am resigned to see where the day leads me.
Feeling relieved from my morning ablutions and a bit famished I head into the kitchen for coffee dressed in my usual boxers and a T-shirt.
As I warm up a cup of coffee left over from my wife, I am standing at the fridge door in hand and hoping to find sausage or bacon to go with my eggs when I first hear stirring in the far end of the house. Never before have I had any sense of foreboding upon realizing that one of my girls was awake.
This morning, I find that I feel a bit nervous almost as I wonder which one is up. Are they both awake? I have never gotten fully dressed first thing in the morning but suddenly it occurs to me that perhaps I am under dressed!
It is evident from the sound that this mystery is soon to be solved and in moments Kylie has joined me in the kitchen. I find that I am feeling a tiny bit relieved that it is not Miley, as I have still not decided whether the events last night were reality or dream much less how I feel about it in either case. Happy to have at least a few minutes to think as well as a chance to get some coffee in my system before facing the truth of whatever actually happened last night I continue with my preparations for breakfast.
We say our ‘Good mornings’, exchange hugs and it seems a normal morning as she grabs milk, cereal and a bowl on her way to the table.
“If I can find any I’m making sausage and eggs in case you’re interested” I offer, “unless you happen to know where your mom put the bacon?” I say as I take out the ingredients.
“Thanks, but I’m hungry now.” Kylie answers. “Patties or links? Bacon might be in the freezer if it’s not in there” she adds.
“All I see is these little breakfast links but I think we all like them so I’ll fry them up. Your mom will probably finish whatever we leave uneaten.”
“Probably…” she mumbles as she crunches on her cereal.
My daughter is acting quite normal this morning which is a relief to me after the past few days. I’m not sure what I had expected to happen this morning but perhaps I was being paranoid before? She is dressed in her usual sleeping attire as she might normally be on a Sunday morning having just awoken, which is to say she has on a thin older night shirt and panties. As I have said, we are pretty casual about such things in our family and in a way it’s a relief to see this hasn’t changed. And yet in an entirely new and different way I find myself a bit discomforted as I realize this is one of the 1st times I have paid this fact much attention. In turn this thought leads to a slight stiffening of my manhood as I try to quell my thoughts and remembrances of recent events both real and imagined.
Hoping to calm myself I get busy as I turn to my tasks and in only a short time I have hot sausage and eggs, toast and coffee before me.
I am enjoying my 2nd or 3rd cup of jo when the youngest decides to make an appearance in the kitchen. She too is donned in a night shirt and I assume the panties as well. She takes one look at her sister with her cereal and then at me with my breakfast and heads to the stove for eggs.
Miley is our youngest but at 15 she has been preparing some foods for herself for years. Brief pleasantries have been exchanged but none of us are overly talkative it seems, hungry, thirsty, thoughtful perhaps but not real talkative.
I begin to wonder again about my nocturnal thoughts or dreams. Were they actual activities? If so I surely need to have a conversation with Miley. Privately I hope but how, when and where?
“So Dad, what did mom think about you being bald?” I hear, vaguely, wait what?
“Um, wh, what?” I stutter, not sure exactly that my otherwise normal morning just went there. Having been so rudely jerked out of my prior thought process I am still not sure who said what but I know it wasn’t me. I look from one daughter’s face to the other. Did we really just go from a normal quiet breakfast to this conversation so abruptly?
Miley appears to be blushing a little as I look her way so I turn to Kylie as she again asks, “Did she like the new look or what?”
Maybe I am a bit slow but I am still not used to the newly and apparently sexually open daughter that I find we are raising. She certainly has a great deal of interest suddenly in my own sexual tastes at least. Though I doubt at 17 she would be nearly so quick to share with her sister and I, her own interests and experiences.
“I am not sure that is something you need to know exactly, dear, but so far she hasn’t complained.” I respond, hoping to end this thread of conversation.
“I bet she likes it,” Miley follows up, “She might not say it, but most all the girls at school wish their boyfriends would shave.” This is accompanied by a firm nod and a glance at her sister as she now chimes in.
“I don’t think I would like a guy to be all hairy” She adds as if she has no real experience. This gives me a little relief as I realize that before yesterday perhaps that was true at least for her.
Still hoping to avoid this topic at the breakfast table, if not entirely, I simply respond with a glance and move to clear my dishes. This seems to be the right move for the moment as we each then percolate in our thoughts for a bit.
Kylie is also cleaning up her things and has moved to grab some coffee and I am nearly out of the kitchen when I hear my youngest daughter ask her sister “Do you think you could help me shave my pubes?”
Now I won’t say that I tripped exactly but there was a definite misstep which ironically occurred at nearly the same instant. I very much wanted to ask why a 15yr old girl needed to shave and who exactly she thought was going to be seeing her down there. Proudly I was wise enough to continue out of the room and though I may have slowed my walk a bit to hear her sisters response I kept my mouth shut tight.
“I guess I could try but maybe Mom or Susan would be better to ask. Though I don’t think mom ever does more than a little trim” Kylie says. Completely glossing over the idea that no one needs to be looking at her kid sister naked so why shave…
It now occurs to me that Kylie herself is quite neatly trimmed as far as I have seen and though I have not gotten an up close look she could be clean shaven below the patch I recently saw. This raises all sorts of questions and once again I find myself wondering about her mentioning Susan.
Did this Susan girl help my daughter shave? When might this have happened? I know Susan is nearly clean shaven so that could certainly be the case or perhaps my daughter already had begun maintaining her grooming down there before this week? It isn’t as though I had ever been given reason or opportunity to know. I am nearly to my room and contemplating a cold shower when I hear, “Daddy?”
This is Miley, her sister is too old to call me daddy unless she is angling for a favor. As I turn I realize that I am semi hard now. My boxers are not tight and what occurs next is unplanned but unavoidable as she sweetly asks me, “Could you help me shave?”
My mind flashes to the night before, dream or not, my mind pictures this beautiful pubescent girl spread before me and my cock sprang to full mast in what could only have been a few heartbeats! I am standing at the threshold of safety, my bedroom door at my back but suddenly I am exposed once again as a full on pervert in front of my daughters. They certainly noticed as they both form a sort of “O” as their chins drop and their mouths open in astonishment. I can’t even try to hide as my cock escapes my fly entirely.
Smiling and as if to make matters worse, her eyes never leaving my groin, Miley says “you shave all the time so I know you know how and he certainly looks excited about helping! So is that a yes?”
Embarrassed beyond belief I turn to retreat into my room as I call out, “I think you should maybe ask someone else, honey.”
To which Miley says “It looks like he has something else to take care of right now, sis.”
After this comment I can’t exactly hide in my room as the girls are going to think
I am just beating off all morning and yet I am so unbelievably horny right now that I desperately need relief. I am at a loss as to what to do really when I realize that my daughter, Miley, has followed me into my room!
Kylie is right behind her little sister and it seems she is not gonna let me get away with popping a boner this morning or drop the topic of shaving as she now suggests, “Maybe if you get in the tub and get all soaped up daddy can show you how sis!”
Honestly, I was trying not to think about this as any sort of likely scenario before my oldest daughter said this but once said it was all I could think about! My mind helpfully filled in all the details, almost to perfection, as if it had already happened. I could see my little girl completely naked and all sudsy from her bath spreading herself before me and timidly asking me to shave her most sensitive area.
This was simply too much. I had attempted to rearrange myself, my penis was not cooperating with me as often it has a mind of its own. Indeed it was as rigid as ever and my attempts to rearrange myself could even look like I was playing with myself. As I realized that I was now basically retreating towards the bath tub it might also seem that I was going along with this crazy scenario.
I stopped, turned and thinking that I might better have gone toward the den, nearly collided with my daughters. The youngest was closer and as I was once again about to protest, her sister reached over and lifted the night shirt from her little sister’s frame.
It was a very loose fitting over-sized t-shirt really, beneath which she was only wearing a pair of thin, light blue cotton panties. For her part Miley simply stepped over to the tub and reached to turn on the water, as if it was a given that this was happening!
I was standing there gawking like a fish out of water, nearly, when after dropping the shirt Kylie says, “It’s been a couple of days so I bet you need a trim too Daddy! You wouldn’t want to get all scratchy down there.” Where upon she proceeds to pull down my boxers as I attempt to process what I think I just heard. She then steps over to the sink and gathers my shaving gear.
Now my girls have sat on the side of the bathtub and watched me shave many times, never naked though. My face of course, they used to be fascinated by this but the novelty wore off quickly. It seems as though they are once again quite enthused by the prospect of watching me shave a different part of my anatomy.
It is about at this point, standing naked, fully hard before my daughters, one of whom is nearly naked as well that I return to myself and realization strikes me. I have apparently zoned out temporarily and circumstances have once again gotten out of hand.
Thinking fast as to how I might regain composure or a modicum of control I am caught in between fight and flight when Miley turns to me with a warm wet hand from testing the water and feels by balls.
“He feels pretty smooth to me sis.” She says.
At this Kylie steps up to get a closer look, then she too reaches up and rubs her hand across my nether region as she proclaims, “You’re right Miles, guess he won’t be able to demonstrate exactly, this time. No point acting shy Dad, go ahead and get in the tub. You too sis, I’ll hand you whatever you need.” With this I find myself being prompted to join my youngest and now fully naked daughter in a tub full of hot soapy water.
I am a normal adult male. I have fantasized when I was younger about doing what I am apparently now being asked to do. I have not ever considered that it might be one of, much less both of, my daughters who I would be attempting to shave. It occurs to me once again that I should be protesting that no one needs to be looking at my little girls intimate area, as I myself am looking at my little girl as she in turn proceeds to vigorously lather up.
I sit down in the tub. Firstly in the hopes that my cock might relax a bit which I think it may have. Additionally, if this must happen I will need to be squatting or kneeling maybe in order to see and reach the area in question. I find myself next trying to game plan the procedure ahead. It seems that I am no longer fighting it, just going with it once again and hoping for the best.
Big sister once again has things in hand as she instructs Miley, “Sit on the back ledge there in the corner and spread your legs along the sides of the tub, ok?”
As I watch, it is as if my mind disconnects and the young tender girl before me is no longer my daughter but instead she becomes an eager, willing subject who has given herself to be mine to inspect. I am not fully aware when or how but I find that I am now in possession of a disposable razor. I have no experience shaving a female. I am nervous and do not wish to hurt this delicate lovely and vulnerable yet trusting child before me.
Shit, it occurs to me once again suddenly as I reach out to touch her that this is indeed my child. My cock doesn’t seem to be bothered in the least by this knowledge and I suspect that indeed that bit of knowledge is lost somewhere between my brain and my loins.
“Hurry up, Daddy, I’m cold!” Miley complains, as my fingers gently touch flesh that I haven’t touched since she was in diapers.
“I don’t think you want me to rush this, sweetheart.” I say as I cautiously proceed to clean up the lower area where it seems she has already trimmed. “We don’t want to nick you, right?”
“It’s freezing up here can’t we do this some other way?” She asks.
When I turn to look to Kylie for assistance or suggestions, she seems to have stepped away.
Our garden tub in the master bath is quite large. It has been a source of pleasure and even some small adventure in the past between my wife and I. Many times the girls would, when smaller, bathe together or even with one of us on occasion. I have barely begun but I know that if she is cold she may not hold still and this could prove disastrous so I suggest she slip into the still warm bath water as I move back to make room.
She quickly does so and nearly submerges herself beneath the suds. Sliding down, her legs slip my way and the contact of flesh once again causes a tingle to run through me. Miley quickly retracts her legs, bending her knees and propping or bracing herself against the sides of the tub as she reclines in the water getting warm. Her knees up and apart, she is still practically spread eagle and it occurs to me that perhaps this position might work if she lifts up slightly.
As I look for something to help her I spy a towel across the bathroom and before I can call for her, Kylie comes back in from elsewhere.
“Finished already?” She asks and I think I detect a bit of disappointment in her voice.
Thinking I imagined it I say, “No, she got cold, can you pass me that towel” as I point across the room as it is just out of reach.
Almost reluctantly Kylie gathers the towel to hand it my way as she asks, “Aren’t you gonna finish?” At this she gives me an odd look and I suspect she may be up to something.
Miley however is now warmer and ready to go on. “I’ll get back up there, Daddy. Just a minute.” She says, sitting up and glistening as the rapidly disappearing bubbles and now tepid water runs down her naked chest and torso.
“I have an idea,” I say, only a little distractedly, “Scoot back down and prop up on this,” as I fold the towel over several times and submerge it into the water.
“Um, ok.” Miley says as she arranges her hips to where they are atop the towel.
This places her pelvis up out of the water and with her knees spread I have a full on view of her genitalia.
For her part Kylie suggests we add more hot water and grabs the bubble bath to revive the suds. Not wishing to have the water too high I drain some of the existing water and in a short time we are all situated so that this can be done.
I start out kneeling and eventually shift to where I am sitting. I have shaved the easy parts, above her vulva, to the sides of her genitalia and I am cleaning up the more tender parts when out of the corner of my eye I glimpse Kylie holding up her cell phone and recording this event!
I look directly at the camera lens, shock hits me as I realize how this might look. Well actually, I realize how this does look! I am after all naked with an obviously full raging hard on, in the tub with my 15 yr old daughter and I am meticulously tending to her in a rather inappropriate way.
I am stunned, outraged and scared at the same time. I am about to scream and grab the phone when she puts her finger to her lips and goes, “Shhh, now kiss her, Daddy.”
Miley now looks up at her sister, sees the phone and freezes. “What the?” She begins.
As I look down I see that I have this lovely shaved and virginal beauty before me, open to my caress and available to my attentions.
“Relax sis, let it happen, you’ll thank me later.” Kylie tells us, or I think that last part was to both of us. Regardless I feel Miley release the tension in her hips and even lift herself a bit.
Her hips rise, I bend slightly and my lips lightly touch the labia of my daughter, as she basically straddles my face. At this point she is almost in my lap as I lift and pull her towards me. What started as a simple kiss has become something else entirely. I know that I cannot, nor do I want to, have sex with my daughter but after all the recent tension from this morning and what I still think of as a dream last night, I am going after a release of sorts.
I neither know nor care in the moment if this is being recorded as I give my best effort at orally pleasuring the young willing female before me. Sometime later as the quivering resides and we come back into the moment I find my daughter is now propped in my lap naked. We are face to face. It occurs to me that in this position I could very easily and perhaps in this position unknowingly penetrated her.
Thankfully though I realize this is not the case though I can feel the warmth of her body touching my own flesh in a very intimate way as the folds of her soft flesh press against my own.
We separate from our embrace and for a moment I am uncertain if what just passed was merely sweet and intimate or sexually perverted. I am also curious and not a little worried as to the content of any pics or video that might have been taken not to mention my wanting desperately to manage what is going to happen to these.
Honestly, I would love to see it and keep it for myself.
I am very self-conscious now as to my having a hard on and I can’t help but notice that both Kylie and Miley seem to be very intently and boldly interested in this fact. Once again my mind begs the question as to the events of last night or was it this morning? My “dream” was certainly realistic. Had it in fact been something that actually happened? If so, was Kylie aware of the episode? If so, had Miley told her or had Kylie heard us and just listened as it happened?
These are my thoughts as I stand up, dry off and proceed to step out of the tub. I would love the chance to step aside into the shower and relieve the built up frustration that I now feel but my daughters are still close by and I suspect that they might both expect to watch or even want to help. In spite of the recent evidence to the contrary, I cannot bring myself to encourage their willingness to stretch the limits of our shared sexual explorations. Thus, having dried off, I make towards my dresser to get some clothes.
Miley almost reluctantly turns to leave, wrapped loosely in a damp towel and nothing else having just also stepped from the tub. She did not after all have anything but her night clothes to dress in and those are now balled up in her sister’s hand who is now leading her down the hall towards their end of the house.
It seems the two of them are now somehow joined in a way that did not exist before.
It occurs to me that I should go have a chat with them. We really need to have an agreement that these events should not only be private between ourselves but that we should not be doing such things at all much less taking pics or video. I do not however act on this impulse immediately and as I hesitate, thinking on how I might best approach the conversation, fear or doubt wins and I can’t follow through.
I am not proud of this but I must admit to myself at least that I enjoyed these times with my girls. My daughters are certainly in no way being forced or cajoled in any way and so I guess that is how I have justified my participation thus far. I am beginning to wonder, with a bit of trepidation, as to how far they intend to carry their desire to explore their sexual powers and I know that I must at some point draw the line should it come to it. Right?
I doubt that either of my daughters have any intent on going further than we have sexually. In fact I tell myself that there is a better than even chance that things would have never progressed to the current level had it not been for certain outside influences. With new found resolve I determine to discourage all future friendship with Susan and even consider talking to the school about reassigning my daughter Kylie a new partner for the school project, which is after all how all of this began.
Am I a horny old pervert? Yes, apparently! Did I plan or orchestrate any of these events? No. Am I an abuser or am I being abused? I don’t think so. Perhaps I was manipulated at first and even blackmailed but I have gotten off on it so many times and more strongly than I could ever have imagined previously can you really call that abuse? As for my girls, I love them as much, maybe more than ever and let’s face it they basically own my ass! But, they always have! What little girl doesn’t own her old man at some level?
When Laura came home, the girls and I may have seemed a bit withdrawn. Again I regretted not following up with a conversation but we ended the evening lazing about watching a movie and enjoyed a nice family dinner together, takeout pizza is a sometimes treat and always goes well with a movie!
I admit I had a brief flash back or two from earlier that day during the evening. I think the girls may have had similar thoughts a time or two as well as I caught a few furtive glances come my way or between my daughters before we all retired for the night. I still don’t know for sure what happened between Miley and I last night but in a way I am OK with that. Time will tell I suppose.
Tomorrow is a Monday and no one I know ever looked forward to one of those! After the movie, pizza and popcorn we got to bed, a bit later than usual perhaps but I was somehow able to sleep soundly in spite of the minor residual tensions from earlier in the day. I still hadn’t figured out for certain if my dream was just that or something else but after this morning I am not sure it matters really. The new week was upon us and whatever might happen it was sure to be interesting.
I am still pretty foggy in my mind as to recent events, especially those of last night. Was it last night? Yes, the house is quiet… must still be the weekend. I must have dreamed it was Monday or something because I feel really confused this morning. It is definitely not Monday because if it were the house would not be quiet. I must have slept through Laura getting up and getting dressed.
I awake to find myself naked, though I seem to recall a rather steamy interlude with the Mrs. so it is not unusual that I wake naked. My wife has already left for church services and her usual Sunday routine so the house is quiet for the moment though I know it’s about time for everyone else to get up and get going. I keep thinking about the events of last night. OK, so Laura and I had some fun, that happened, it’s been a while since she jumped me like that and I can’t help but wonder if it was due to my newly trimmed or actually now completely hairless state down there. Did that turn her on?
But then afterwards, did something else happen or did I actually dream about myself and one of my daughters? Hell, my youngest even! At the moment I can’t say…
My daughters are 15 and 17 yrs old. They have, up until very recently, always seemed very innocent and not at all sexual to me. I am not completely naive however and though I know there are plenty of porn sites that specialize in girls of a similar age I think that I have managed to partition my mind somewhat to not think of my girls as being old enough to have such interests. That is until the last few days.
My wife and I aren’t the kind to get randy in the kitchen or so forgetful as to leave the bedroom door open but the girls have on occasion interrupted certain activities and we never chose to draw attention to it by over reacting in any negative way. Be that our making love or one of us getting dressed or showering, our girls know that if they need us they are welcome to come to us for anything at most any time.
Upon reflection this may have been a bit too liberal a policy and teaching them to wait for permission to enter could at times have been a better idea.
Today I am waking very sluggishly and I find myself hoping to clear my memory to a point that I can be certain that I had a somewhat disturbing dream and move on. I am nearly successful in my efforts as I rise to the call of nature and my desire for coffee. I am resigned to see where the day leads me.
Feeling relieved from my morning ablutions and a bit famished I head into the kitchen for coffee dressed in my usual boxers and a T-shirt.
As I warm up a cup of coffee left over from my wife, I am standing at the fridge door in hand and hoping to find sausage or bacon to go with my eggs when I first hear stirring in the far end of the house. Never before have I had any sense of foreboding upon realizing that one of my girls was awake.
This morning, I find that I feel a bit nervous almost as I wonder which one is up. Are they both awake? I have never gotten fully dressed first thing in the morning but suddenly it occurs to me that perhaps I am under dressed!
It is evident from the sound that this mystery is soon to be solved and in moments Kylie has joined me in the kitchen. I find that I am feeling a tiny bit relieved that it is not Miley, as I have still not decided whether the events last night were reality or dream much less how I feel about it in either case. Happy to have at least a few minutes to think as well as a chance to get some coffee in my system before facing the truth of whatever actually happened last night I continue with my preparations for breakfast.
We say our ‘Good mornings’, exchange hugs and it seems a normal morning as she grabs milk, cereal and a bowl on her way to the table.
“If I can find any I’m making sausage and eggs in case you’re interested” I offer, “unless you happen to know where your mom put the bacon?” I say as I take out the ingredients.
“Thanks, but I’m hungry now.” Kylie answers. “Patties or links? Bacon might be in the freezer if it’s not in there” she adds.
“All I see is these little breakfast links but I think we all like them so I’ll fry them up. Your mom will probably finish whatever we leave uneaten.”
“Probably…” she mumbles as she crunches on her cereal.
My daughter is acting quite normal this morning which is a relief to me after the past few days. I’m not sure what I had expected to happen this morning but perhaps I was being paranoid before? She is dressed in her usual sleeping attire as she might normally be on a Sunday morning having just awoken, which is to say she has on a thin older night shirt and panties. As I have said, we are pretty casual about such things in our family and in a way it’s a relief to see this hasn’t changed. And yet in an entirely new and different way I find myself a bit discomforted as I realize this is one of the 1st times I have paid this fact much attention. In turn this thought leads to a slight stiffening of my manhood as I try to quell my thoughts and remembrances of recent events both real and imagined.
Hoping to calm myself I get busy as I turn to my tasks and in only a short time I have hot sausage and eggs, toast and coffee before me.
I am enjoying my 2nd or 3rd cup of jo when the youngest decides to make an appearance in the kitchen. She too is donned in a night shirt and I assume the panties as well. She takes one look at her sister with her cereal and then at me with my breakfast and heads to the stove for eggs.
Miley is our youngest but at 15 she has been preparing some foods for herself for years. Brief pleasantries have been exchanged but none of us are overly talkative it seems, hungry, thirsty, thoughtful perhaps but not real talkative.
I begin to wonder again about my nocturnal thoughts or dreams. Were they actual activities? If so I surely need to have a conversation with Miley. Privately I hope but how, when and where?
“So Dad, what did mom think about you being bald?” I hear, vaguely, wait what?
“Um, wh, what?” I stutter, not sure exactly that my otherwise normal morning just went there. Having been so rudely jerked out of my prior thought process I am still not sure who said what but I know it wasn’t me. I look from one daughter’s face to the other. Did we really just go from a normal quiet breakfast to this conversation so abruptly?
Miley appears to be blushing a little as I look her way so I turn to Kylie as she again asks, “Did she like the new look or what?”
Maybe I am a bit slow but I am still not used to the newly and apparently sexually open daughter that I find we are raising. She certainly has a great deal of interest suddenly in my own sexual tastes at least. Though I doubt at 17 she would be nearly so quick to share with her sister and I, her own interests and experiences.
“I am not sure that is something you need to know exactly, dear, but so far she hasn’t complained.” I respond, hoping to end this thread of conversation.
“I bet she likes it,” Miley follows up, “She might not say it, but most all the girls at school wish their boyfriends would shave.” This is accompanied by a firm nod and a glance at her sister as she now chimes in.
“I don’t think I would like a guy to be all hairy” She adds as if she has no real experience. This gives me a little relief as I realize that before yesterday perhaps that was true at least for her.
Still hoping to avoid this topic at the breakfast table, if not entirely, I simply respond with a glance and move to clear my dishes. This seems to be the right move for the moment as we each then percolate in our thoughts for a bit.
Kylie is also cleaning up her things and has moved to grab some coffee and I am nearly out of the kitchen when I hear my youngest daughter ask her sister “Do you think you could help me shave my pubes?”
Now I won’t say that I tripped exactly but there was a definite misstep which ironically occurred at nearly the same instant. I very much wanted to ask why a 15yr old girl needed to shave and who exactly she thought was going to be seeing her down there. Proudly I was wise enough to continue out of the room and though I may have slowed my walk a bit to hear her sisters response I kept my mouth shut tight.
“I guess I could try but maybe Mom or Susan would be better to ask. Though I don’t think mom ever does more than a little trim” Kylie says. Completely glossing over the idea that no one needs to be looking at her kid sister naked so why shave…
It now occurs to me that Kylie herself is quite neatly trimmed as far as I have seen and though I have not gotten an up close look she could be clean shaven below the patch I recently saw. This raises all sorts of questions and once again I find myself wondering about her mentioning Susan.
Did this Susan girl help my daughter shave? When might this have happened? I know Susan is nearly clean shaven so that could certainly be the case or perhaps my daughter already had begun maintaining her grooming down there before this week? It isn’t as though I had ever been given reason or opportunity to know. I am nearly to my room and contemplating a cold shower when I hear, “Daddy?”
This is Miley, her sister is too old to call me daddy unless she is angling for a favor. As I turn I realize that I am semi hard now. My boxers are not tight and what occurs next is unplanned but unavoidable as she sweetly asks me, “Could you help me shave?”
My mind flashes to the night before, dream or not, my mind pictures this beautiful pubescent girl spread before me and my cock sprang to full mast in what could only have been a few heartbeats! I am standing at the threshold of safety, my bedroom door at my back but suddenly I am exposed once again as a full on pervert in front of my daughters. They certainly noticed as they both form a sort of “O” as their chins drop and their mouths open in astonishment. I can’t even try to hide as my cock escapes my fly entirely.
Smiling and as if to make matters worse, her eyes never leaving my groin, Miley says “you shave all the time so I know you know how and he certainly looks excited about helping! So is that a yes?”
Embarrassed beyond belief I turn to retreat into my room as I call out, “I think you should maybe ask someone else, honey.”
To which Miley says “It looks like he has something else to take care of right now, sis.”
After this comment I can’t exactly hide in my room as the girls are going to think
I am just beating off all morning and yet I am so unbelievably horny right now that I desperately need relief. I am at a loss as to what to do really when I realize that my daughter, Miley, has followed me into my room!
Kylie is right behind her little sister and it seems she is not gonna let me get away with popping a boner this morning or drop the topic of shaving as she now suggests, “Maybe if you get in the tub and get all soaped up daddy can show you how sis!”
Honestly, I was trying not to think about this as any sort of likely scenario before my oldest daughter said this but once said it was all I could think about! My mind helpfully filled in all the details, almost to perfection, as if it had already happened. I could see my little girl completely naked and all sudsy from her bath spreading herself before me and timidly asking me to shave her most sensitive area.
This was simply too much. I had attempted to rearrange myself, my penis was not cooperating with me as often it has a mind of its own. Indeed it was as rigid as ever and my attempts to rearrange myself could even look like I was playing with myself. As I realized that I was now basically retreating towards the bath tub it might also seem that I was going along with this crazy scenario.
I stopped, turned and thinking that I might better have gone toward the den, nearly collided with my daughters. The youngest was closer and as I was once again about to protest, her sister reached over and lifted the night shirt from her little sister’s frame.
It was a very loose fitting over-sized t-shirt really, beneath which she was only wearing a pair of thin, light blue cotton panties. For her part Miley simply stepped over to the tub and reached to turn on the water, as if it was a given that this was happening!
I was standing there gawking like a fish out of water, nearly, when after dropping the shirt Kylie says, “It’s been a couple of days so I bet you need a trim too Daddy! You wouldn’t want to get all scratchy down there.” Where upon she proceeds to pull down my boxers as I attempt to process what I think I just heard. She then steps over to the sink and gathers my shaving gear.
Now my girls have sat on the side of the bathtub and watched me shave many times, never naked though. My face of course, they used to be fascinated by this but the novelty wore off quickly. It seems as though they are once again quite enthused by the prospect of watching me shave a different part of my anatomy.
It is about at this point, standing naked, fully hard before my daughters, one of whom is nearly naked as well that I return to myself and realization strikes me. I have apparently zoned out temporarily and circumstances have once again gotten out of hand.
Thinking fast as to how I might regain composure or a modicum of control I am caught in between fight and flight when Miley turns to me with a warm wet hand from testing the water and feels by balls.
“He feels pretty smooth to me sis.” She says.
At this Kylie steps up to get a closer look, then she too reaches up and rubs her hand across my nether region as she proclaims, “You’re right Miles, guess he won’t be able to demonstrate exactly, this time. No point acting shy Dad, go ahead and get in the tub. You too sis, I’ll hand you whatever you need.” With this I find myself being prompted to join my youngest and now fully naked daughter in a tub full of hot soapy water.
I am a normal adult male. I have fantasized when I was younger about doing what I am apparently now being asked to do. I have not ever considered that it might be one of, much less both of, my daughters who I would be attempting to shave. It occurs to me once again that I should be protesting that no one needs to be looking at my little girls intimate area, as I myself am looking at my little girl as she in turn proceeds to vigorously lather up.
I sit down in the tub. Firstly in the hopes that my cock might relax a bit which I think it may have. Additionally, if this must happen I will need to be squatting or kneeling maybe in order to see and reach the area in question. I find myself next trying to game plan the procedure ahead. It seems that I am no longer fighting it, just going with it once again and hoping for the best.
Big sister once again has things in hand as she instructs Miley, “Sit on the back ledge there in the corner and spread your legs along the sides of the tub, ok?”
As I watch, it is as if my mind disconnects and the young tender girl before me is no longer my daughter but instead she becomes an eager, willing subject who has given herself to be mine to inspect. I am not fully aware when or how but I find that I am now in possession of a disposable razor. I have no experience shaving a female. I am nervous and do not wish to hurt this delicate lovely and vulnerable yet trusting child before me.
Shit, it occurs to me once again suddenly as I reach out to touch her that this is indeed my child. My cock doesn’t seem to be bothered in the least by this knowledge and I suspect that indeed that bit of knowledge is lost somewhere between my brain and my loins.
“Hurry up, Daddy, I’m cold!” Miley complains, as my fingers gently touch flesh that I haven’t touched since she was in diapers.
“I don’t think you want me to rush this, sweetheart.” I say as I cautiously proceed to clean up the lower area where it seems she has already trimmed. “We don’t want to nick you, right?”
“It’s freezing up here can’t we do this some other way?” She asks.
When I turn to look to Kylie for assistance or suggestions, she seems to have stepped away.
Our garden tub in the master bath is quite large. It has been a source of pleasure and even some small adventure in the past between my wife and I. Many times the girls would, when smaller, bathe together or even with one of us on occasion. I have barely begun but I know that if she is cold she may not hold still and this could prove disastrous so I suggest she slip into the still warm bath water as I move back to make room.
She quickly does so and nearly submerges herself beneath the suds. Sliding down, her legs slip my way and the contact of flesh once again causes a tingle to run through me. Miley quickly retracts her legs, bending her knees and propping or bracing herself against the sides of the tub as she reclines in the water getting warm. Her knees up and apart, she is still practically spread eagle and it occurs to me that perhaps this position might work if she lifts up slightly.
As I look for something to help her I spy a towel across the bathroom and before I can call for her, Kylie comes back in from elsewhere.
“Finished already?” She asks and I think I detect a bit of disappointment in her voice.
Thinking I imagined it I say, “No, she got cold, can you pass me that towel” as I point across the room as it is just out of reach.
Almost reluctantly Kylie gathers the towel to hand it my way as she asks, “Aren’t you gonna finish?” At this she gives me an odd look and I suspect she may be up to something.
Miley however is now warmer and ready to go on. “I’ll get back up there, Daddy. Just a minute.” She says, sitting up and glistening as the rapidly disappearing bubbles and now tepid water runs down her naked chest and torso.
“I have an idea,” I say, only a little distractedly, “Scoot back down and prop up on this,” as I fold the towel over several times and submerge it into the water.
“Um, ok.” Miley says as she arranges her hips to where they are atop the towel.
This places her pelvis up out of the water and with her knees spread I have a full on view of her genitalia.
For her part Kylie suggests we add more hot water and grabs the bubble bath to revive the suds. Not wishing to have the water too high I drain some of the existing water and in a short time we are all situated so that this can be done.
I start out kneeling and eventually shift to where I am sitting. I have shaved the easy parts, above her vulva, to the sides of her genitalia and I am cleaning up the more tender parts when out of the corner of my eye I glimpse Kylie holding up her cell phone and recording this event!
I look directly at the camera lens, shock hits me as I realize how this might look. Well actually, I realize how this does look! I am after all naked with an obviously full raging hard on, in the tub with my 15 yr old daughter and I am meticulously tending to her in a rather inappropriate way.
I am stunned, outraged and scared at the same time. I am about to scream and grab the phone when she puts her finger to her lips and goes, “Shhh, now kiss her, Daddy.”
Miley now looks up at her sister, sees the phone and freezes. “What the?” She begins.
As I look down I see that I have this lovely shaved and virginal beauty before me, open to my caress and available to my attentions.
“Relax sis, let it happen, you’ll thank me later.” Kylie tells us, or I think that last part was to both of us. Regardless I feel Miley release the tension in her hips and even lift herself a bit.
Her hips rise, I bend slightly and my lips lightly touch the labia of my daughter, as she basically straddles my face. At this point she is almost in my lap as I lift and pull her towards me. What started as a simple kiss has become something else entirely. I know that I cannot, nor do I want to, have sex with my daughter but after all the recent tension from this morning and what I still think of as a dream last night, I am going after a release of sorts.
I neither know nor care in the moment if this is being recorded as I give my best effort at orally pleasuring the young willing female before me. Sometime later as the quivering resides and we come back into the moment I find my daughter is now propped in my lap naked. We are face to face. It occurs to me that in this position I could very easily and perhaps in this position unknowingly penetrated her.
Thankfully though I realize this is not the case though I can feel the warmth of her body touching my own flesh in a very intimate way as the folds of her soft flesh press against my own.
We separate from our embrace and for a moment I am uncertain if what just passed was merely sweet and intimate or sexually perverted. I am also curious and not a little worried as to the content of any pics or video that might have been taken not to mention my wanting desperately to manage what is going to happen to these.
Honestly, I would love to see it and keep it for myself.
I am very self-conscious now as to my having a hard on and I can’t help but notice that both Kylie and Miley seem to be very intently and boldly interested in this fact. Once again my mind begs the question as to the events of last night or was it this morning? My “dream” was certainly realistic. Had it in fact been something that actually happened? If so, was Kylie aware of the episode? If so, had Miley told her or had Kylie heard us and just listened as it happened?
These are my thoughts as I stand up, dry off and proceed to step out of the tub. I would love the chance to step aside into the shower and relieve the built up frustration that I now feel but my daughters are still close by and I suspect that they might both expect to watch or even want to help. In spite of the recent evidence to the contrary, I cannot bring myself to encourage their willingness to stretch the limits of our shared sexual explorations. Thus, having dried off, I make towards my dresser to get some clothes.
Miley almost reluctantly turns to leave, wrapped loosely in a damp towel and nothing else having just also stepped from the tub. She did not after all have anything but her night clothes to dress in and those are now balled up in her sister’s hand who is now leading her down the hall towards their end of the house.
It seems the two of them are now somehow joined in a way that did not exist before.
It occurs to me that I should go have a chat with them. We really need to have an agreement that these events should not only be private between ourselves but that we should not be doing such things at all much less taking pics or video. I do not however act on this impulse immediately and as I hesitate, thinking on how I might best approach the conversation, fear or doubt wins and I can’t follow through.
I am not proud of this but I must admit to myself at least that I enjoyed these times with my girls. My daughters are certainly in no way being forced or cajoled in any way and so I guess that is how I have justified my participation thus far. I am beginning to wonder, with a bit of trepidation, as to how far they intend to carry their desire to explore their sexual powers and I know that I must at some point draw the line should it come to it. Right?
I doubt that either of my daughters have any intent on going further than we have sexually. In fact I tell myself that there is a better than even chance that things would have never progressed to the current level had it not been for certain outside influences. With new found resolve I determine to discourage all future friendship with Susan and even consider talking to the school about reassigning my daughter Kylie a new partner for the school project, which is after all how all of this began.
Am I a horny old pervert? Yes, apparently! Did I plan or orchestrate any of these events? No. Am I an abuser or am I being abused? I don’t think so. Perhaps I was manipulated at first and even blackmailed but I have gotten off on it so many times and more strongly than I could ever have imagined previously can you really call that abuse? As for my girls, I love them as much, maybe more than ever and let’s face it they basically own my ass! But, they always have! What little girl doesn’t own her old man at some level?
When Laura came home, the girls and I may have seemed a bit withdrawn. Again I regretted not following up with a conversation but we ended the evening lazing about watching a movie and enjoyed a nice family dinner together, takeout pizza is a sometimes treat and always goes well with a movie!
I admit I had a brief flash back or two from earlier that day during the evening. I think the girls may have had similar thoughts a time or two as well as I caught a few furtive glances come my way or between my daughters before we all retired for the night. I still don’t know for sure what happened between Miley and I last night but in a way I am OK with that. Time will tell I suppose.
Tomorrow is a Monday and no one I know ever looked forward to one of those! After the movie, pizza and popcorn we got to bed, a bit later than usual perhaps but I was somehow able to sleep soundly in spite of the minor residual tensions from earlier in the day. I still hadn’t figured out for certain if my dream was just that or something else but after this morning I am not sure it matters really. The new week was upon us and whatever might happen it was sure to be interesting.
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