Susan...Part 11


Susan…Part #11:

After moving into town and finding that we now had a pool and a pretty big as well as private back yard it should be no surprise that Toby for one became pretty popular with many of the kids in the neighborhood who were close to his age. Some younger ones sought us out, as apparently I was deemed as potentially favorable babysitter material if it meant that the kids might get to take a dip to cool off once the weather got warm enough. I would not be surprised to learn that a number of the kids might have even used the pool in our yard to sneak a dip at night a few times once the previous owners moved out and before we moved in.

There didn’t seem to be many around my brother Tim’s age though, which I guess was ok as he was now working a good bit and having his car now he could go hang out with his friends where ever they were if need be. Now that I think about it that is probably what all the older teens were doing and thus why Toby and I never really met many.

Toby did make friends with a few kids and we sometimes had guests over for a swim. A pool in the neighborhood is never a secret and it typically serves as a gathering place as the spring turns to summer. Ours was far from the only pool in the area and I guess most of the older kids, either not knowing us or already having other options, hung out elsewhere.

For once, Toby seemed to be among the more popular of the kids in our neighborhood and even on the bus or at school that year. I was happy for him but looking back I might have missed some of the attention I used to get at our old home as I had often been a point of focus for the boys over the past few years, especially those who lived nearby, lol.

This being the case, I guess it is no surprise as well that there were occasionally times when I or Toby might be found less than fully dressed in or around the pool. After a near miss or two you might think that we would be far more careful but to be honest I doubt at the time either of us were all that concerned.

One day while having a rather energetic time of it out back by the pool, having been apparently loud enough that we not only didn’t hear anyone calling to us but also did not hear them enter our back gate, I was shocked to be discovered nearly naked by a small cluster of kids from down the street.

I had been in the process of skimming the pool when Toby had as brothers are want to do, shoved me in. Having not been wearing my suit at the time I had protested loudly and ordered him to take over the chore. He had refused which led to my chasing him around the pool, and then upon capture I had dragged him in as well. However, unfortunately not before he managed to de-pants me; just prior to my trying to drown him.

For his part Toby was most always wearing shorts of some sort, weather permitting and boy’s short pants tend to double as swim trunks. Girls’ clothes however tend to be thin and often get pretty see thru when wet but alas they were at that moment somewhere alongside the pool. I was actually wearing a thin white lace pair of panties and an old tank top which was so short as to offer minimal coverage to my chest even when dry. Being at the moment wet, I was fairly certain that the gathering at poolside was seeing a bit more of me than they had before as evidenced by the stares I was getting as I spluttered for air, laughing as I climbed out of the pool.
“Nice suit!” I heard someone say, as I wiped the water and hair out of my eyes. This was my first indication that my brother and I had company. It also served to make me suddenly very self-conscious about my nearly naked state.

“Whoa!” I said, “I’m sorry but what are you guys doing back here?” I searched around franticly for a towel which was of course nowhere to be seen. The small group of 6 kids before me is mostly from the immediate neighborhood but there are a couple that I do not even know.

Benji, a kid from the end of our block, speaks up “We tried the front door, but no one answered. Then we heard noise back here so…”

His sister, who is in a class with Toby and I think might like him, chimed in “We were hoping maybe we could join you guys if you were in the pool.”

Ironically we had been, just neither of us had actually planned it that way. I found myself a little speechless. Standing there, noticeably dripping wet in thin white panties which, being lace, was quite transparent at this point. My t-shirt was likewise useless as far as providing cover from the roving eyes that by now I could practically feel inspecting my body. I was torn between jumping back into the pool and a mad dash for the house.

Toby had by now surfaced and come from the opposite end of the pool. When he spoke it startled me how close he was so that I jumped. “Did you all bring a suit or do you all want to strip down and jump in like Susie here?”
This of course caught us all off guard, but it mostly served to redirect the attention my way. “Hey, that’s not fair and you know it! I was fully clothed when you pushed me in.” I protested, “Where are my shorts anyway?”
“I may have tossed them into the yard next door, or at least into the hedge between here and there.” My soon to be drowned little brother informed me. I really wanted to lunge after him and hold him under for about an hour right then.

Unfortunately we had an audience which may have saved my dear annoying little brother’s life. Though it also contributed to my embarrassment and why I’d like to strangle him right now!

A couple of the boys made as to strip off shirts and shoes, Benji was already wearing swim trunks, the last boy was hesitant. Angie, Benji’s sister had her suit on under her shorts and shirt as well so this seemed to be their plan. A younger girl seemed to hesitate as well and looked at the boy questioningly.
Seeing this I asked them, “Do you two not want to swim? Wait; do you know how to swim?” I remembered my folks cautioning us when we found out about the pool that we could get in trouble if someone got hurt in the pool.

Their names were Beatrice and Theodore but everyone called them Betty and Teddy. Betty was around 12-13; Teddy was Toby’s age, almost. They were the only two siblings aside from Angie, Benji, Toby and I. They said they could swim, at least well enough to hang out in a small pool. “Probably wouldn’t try to jump out of a boat and swim ashore though.” Teddy said when asked. Which frankly who would? You know?

There was a bit of concern about swimwear but glancing at me repeatedly, Betty proceeded to take off her shorts to reveal a pair of dark blue hip-hugger panties that revealed very little as far as I could tell even later when they were wet. Apparently she assumed that I was going to stay dressed as I was for the duration so she felt comfortable enough to swim without an actual suit. I would have offered to let her use one of my own but they would never fit her besides I apparently was not going to get to put one on either, not that there was much point now.

Getting back into the water offered more cover from all the eyes I felt than did staying out of the pool so in I went. It wasn’t until I noticed a bit later as Betty kept trying to keep her T-shirt from floating up, eventually tying a knot in the bottom to make it tight around her middle that my shirt, being a Half T, was actually not covering my breasts at all, much of the time.
I had of course noticed that I seemed to be the center of attention, even among the girls. The boys glanced over at Angie as she made her way around the pool to jump or dive in; they eyed Betty some as well though she rarely got out of the shallow end of the pool. For her to attempt to dive in would likely strip her bottoms and I’m sure she was not up to that?

We had a volleyball that we enjoyed tossing around and a beach ball as well but both required someone to get out and chase them down frequently. Typically one of the four boys got the job but we girls took a few turns as well.
As I had mentioned Angie and Toby were within a few months in age. The other two boys were a couple of years younger than me, and one grade behind Toby. One lived in a different neighborhood and was visiting the other, who lived a few blocks over from our place. Kevin and Kris were their names and it was their nearly constant ogling that brought it to my attention that I was basically topless in the water in my Half-T. Also unlike Betty there wasn’t enough material to tie it in any way to prevent flashing myself continuously at them.

Likely it would have been less of a tease for me to remove it entirely which I of course could not do. I simply had to act ignorant of the fact and hope no one was bold enough to point out the obvious. My knowledge of their eyes on me and my exposure caused my nipples to become and stay rock hard.

Toby seemed to be very aware as well as it soon occurred to me that he was no longer getting out of the pool to retrieve the balls and I suspected he was avoiding doing so. I worked my closer to him and eased under the water to verify my suspicions and found that indeed he was sporting quite a hard on as evidenced by the tent in his shorts; since they were not actually swimwear they fit pretty snug and made it difficult to hide. Glancing quickly around it occurred to me that there were likely several boners in my vicinity I glimpsed a boy to my left turning away from me, his hand coming out of his shorts as though he had been jacking off! Then I saw a pair of eyes looking back at me from across the pool and realized Angie had likely seen him as well. She grinned widely as we both surfaced for air.

This was about the time that I decided it might be best if we called an end to the impromptu pool party. As I surfaced, rising up nose first as always, in order to slick back my hair and aide the water flowing out of my eyes, I looked in the direction of the boy who had turned to hide his underwater activity.

Kevin was a nice looking guy. He had wavy brown curly hair, blue eyes and a slim build. Not exactly muscular but chiseled in a way that made me think he was a runner or maybe a swimmer, athletic anyways. Was he blushing? Did he think I had caught him or seen more than I had really seen? Perhaps Angie did, I for one hadn’t really seen anything more than his hand in his pants and having two brothers I knew that boys were always adjusting themselves especially if they were experiencing increased blood flow down there, LOL.

These thoughts were going through my head as I slicked back my hair with both hands, looking his way. Staring, hoping to make him feel at least a little bit uncomfortable, or to make him wonder if I had caught him, had he really been playing with himself. My staring at him so intently combined with my arms being raised slightly was evidently the perfect opportunity for my pervert little brother to sneak up behind me and pull my shirt over my head.

OK, so I was pretty much topless already. I know this. It wasn’t intentional though, and it was not as if there was any real modesty left to me at this point at least among this group today, but I really had no intention to further my exposure.

I reeled on my attacker, not knowing exactly who it was at first and not caring. I just wanted to hurt them and to get my shirt! I was fast enough to get a lick in, but my shirt got tossed to one of the boys in the deep end of the pool. This didn’t stop me from lunging after Toby as I now knew he had yet again stripped me further in front of these kids. I might have really hurt him too had Angie and Kris not separated us. Well really they mostly got between us and let the little jerk get away from me but it wasn’t like I didn’t know where he lived!

As for now I find myself surrounded by eager eyes and faces. “I think it’s time everyone gets out and we call it a day.” I announce, with as much authority as I can muster. Crouching now below the water line, hoping for a little distortion at least as the boys grumble and even the girls seem reluctant to get out and go. I’d bet they wouldn’t be so eager to stay if they were squatting in nothing but white lace panties in front of a half dozen kids pool or no pool.

Of all the times I have been naked I don’t think I have ever felt so exposed. For his part I think Toby may have realized that he took things a bit too far stealing my shirt because he actually agreed and told everyone it was getting late as he stepped in to grab a stack of pool towels we kept just inside the back door.

The boys all acted as though they had need to delay until I got out of the pool of course and I was determined not to give them the satisfaction of any further entertainment. Angie actually came to my aide by grabbing a towel and standing near the end where this all began, “OK, guys, move along and give a girl a little space. Really, anybody not through the gate in the next two minutes is in danger of never getting to come back again, am I right Suzie?”
“Sounds about right to me.” I respond hesitantly. Really I’m trying to figure out how to keep the whole neighborhood from hearing about this and me becoming the talk of the school.

Reading my mind apparently, Toby chimes in with, “I hope you guys know better than to spread tales about my sister.” His look toward the four boys was as serious as any I have seen and it might have even done a little to help me not want to kill him.

“We’re cool, right guys?” Kris said as he glanced around at the other boys.
By now I had emerged, wrapped myself in a worn towel and though everyone obviously knew I was wearing practically nothing underneath, I felt fully dressed for the first time in what seemed like forever.

The looks on the faces of the boys, Kris, Kevin, Benji and Teddy were a mix of interest, speculation, desire and wistfulness. Obviously they were hopeful the towel might get dropped or snatched but alas they were too far away to try anything and I doubt any of them would have had the nerve. For his part, I felt sure Toby was done teasing me for now.

Betty was struggling to pull dry shorts over damp underwear and I think I heard one of the boys suggest she just slip them off. It really wasn’t a bad idea, if she wrapped in a towel and dried off; her shorts would slide on easy and not be soaked through when she got home. The poor girl looked so nervous at the thought, I took mercy on her and suggested she step inside and change in our house.

At this Angie told the boys, “We’ll meet you guy out front.” She then proceeded to walk in with Toby leading the way. I closed the door behind them as I was in the rear, having had to make a lap around the pool to locate my top and shorts which it turned out had in fact landed in the hedge, thankfully. Had they been truly in our neighbor’s yard I was fully intent on making Toby retrieve them, possibly naked!

As I entered the house I heard hushed voices, and something along the lines of: “I can’t believe you would be so mean to your sister, Toby!” and “She’s fine, we play around all the time, Relax!”
This conversation abruptly ended as I came in but it was nice to know that Angie was also upset with Toby. Serves him right! I was pretty sure this was the girl that he liked and he might have thought it was funny to embarrass me in front of her and their friends but apparently she was not a fan of his doing so. No doubt she wouldn’t like to be on the receiving end of such a prank.

Granted, Toby was not wrong, we do tease each other in certain company, or just among ourselves quite often in such ways but rarely around people who are not already familiar with our little games. I suppose that in a way I have just been invited to include Angie in such games. Which may in time be something that my dear sibling could come to regret, I hope.

Near our front entrance is a half bath, from which Betty emerged, dressed and blushing slightly. Was she really so timid at the thought that someone might see her and think she might be going commando? Thinking this, I nearly choked, trying to hold back my laugh. I guess having had a more country lifestyle and two brothers had it’s advantages. I found I was largely over the earlier episode.

Toby and Angie were making for the front steps and Betty was close behind them. I followed to say goodnight, and stepped out onto the steps as well. The boys were all waiting out front. Everyone was saying that they hoped to come back and how much fun it had been. I couldn’t really disagree as I had sort of let things progress up until Toby acted up and it isn’t even fair to say that I should have been shocked at him. So I just agreed and told everyone we’d see them later.

Standing at the door, now behind me, he leaned in and said, “I dare you to drop the towel.”

It hadn’t occurred to me I was standing out in front of our house still dressed in a thin damp towel, lace panties and nothing else. This could explain why everyone was lingering; at least the boys seemed to be in no hurry to go. I can’t explain it but I found myself considering it. I looked up and down the street.

Seeing this, Toby contrived to up the ante, “Suzie, why don’t you go check the mailbox? I forgot earlier today.”

I looked at him, then at the boys who were standing in our yard basically between me and this new goal. Did I really have the nerve to do this? Why was I even considering it?

“I can check it for you.” Kevin offered.

I was pretty sure there was nothing in it. I was even more certain that it had already been checked. That really wasn’t the point was it! But the thought of someone else doing what had essentially been a dare for me was unnerving. I couldn’t let it pass.

“I’ll get it,” I said as I stepped off the walk and onto the grass, apparently I had started moving that way without even noticing. My walk to the mailbox and back again came and went in a sort of stasis. Time slowed, then sped up then slowed once more. I couldn’t say how long nor how fast I went from one place to the other. I made eye contact with Kevin, I watched him as he ran his eyes up and down my frame. It felt as if he was seeing me as I had been in the last few moments in the pool. No top and no towel but this time in my front yard and for just a second it was just the two of us.

Then I spotted Kevin who I had to walk around. He too looked as if he was seeing much more of me than was currently on display and perhaps in his head he was?

The box was just past Kevin and as I turned to check it I spied Benji and Angie, along with Teddy and Betty who had started down the block towards home. Their glances were quick and nervous, maybe a little shy and it seems they too have a touch of double vision. Everyone blinks, we all wave and smile, then turning from the empty box I make for the door.

Then it hits me, this was a two part dare. Having started does that mean I accepted? Am I going to drop my towel? Certainly not out by the street, It wouldn’t be that hard to do. My back is to the road now and it’s almost dark.
Kevin is right there, I could stumble or trip. I could wait till I pass Kris then they will only see my back if I catch it. The dare was just to drop it, not to abandon it completely! Hah! A loop hole, is that cheating? It was a bit early to be including these boys in out T or D game and besides they were both even younger than Toby.

Those two boys were obviously undressing me with their eyes as I walked by them. As I took the last steps from the grass to the steps my towel became loose. I didn’t stop it as it slid from under my arms, down my back and sides. I looked up the stairs as I approached and saw Toby, wide eyed, unbelieving yet expectantly waiting. How did he know?

Wanting to look back, were the boys still watching? I think so, yes. My hand catches the towel at my waist. Most of it is in my hand though it may have fallen open at my back to reveal my panties to the street or to my front yard at least, should anyone be there to see. Were they there? Were they looking?
I find myself turning, my empty hand going up to wave as my hand with the towel is rising up to cover my chest briefly. The draping towel should cover my front sufficiently, I call out, “Good night!” as with my back to the door, our porch light comes on and the towel I was holding is wrenched from my grasp!

Kevin and Kris are as I expected standing in direct line of sight, having clearly watched my entire walk out and back. It registers on their faces exactly what they are now seeing, not just imagining, as I hear the front door click shut behind me.

It’s really quite astounding just how quickly our emotions can switch. I cannot begin to explain all of the various thoughts and urges that I felt in the few seconds or fractions of a second probably, it took me to go from stunned naked deer in the headlights, to crazed hunter on the warpath. One moment I was a trophy or a statue on display, the next I was in full fight and flight mode!

Luckily for my crazy kid brother he did not bolt or lock the door. I can’t even say that I was too fast for him. Evidently it didn’t occur to him that I might try to kill him as soon as I got inside after he pulled this stunt. He was smart enough to make a fast break for the only room in the house he could lock me out of, the hall bathroom.

It is possible that my, oh so smart, little brother is just an idiot when it comes to realizing what is and is not socially appropriate. It is also possible that our older brother and I have not helped to teach his some of the normal boundaries. These were not things I thought about as I beat on the bathroom door and threatened to kill him however. After a while, in which he repeated that he was sorry but that once he saw that I was going to drop the towel he figured he would help me go all the way, and I repeated that I wanted to strangle him; I retired to my room exhausted the emotional rollercoaster I had been on having finally run out of steam.

Dinner that night was tense and it did not go unnoticed. Tim was late coming in from work so at least we didn’t have to face his scrutiny but Mom often notices as well if we are on the outs. She always offers to help, tries to draw us out, to talk it out. In the end she figures we will resolve it as we always have and I guess that’s better in some ways. It works after all, right?

In the shower that night I had the hottest session I ever had, well since the twins, and maybe a time or two with my brothers but those don’t really count cause that’s a little different and sort of private, and maybe sweet instead of sexy… to me anyway. This time was hot because I was thinking about being made to, or sort of forced to, do stuff like publicly, in my head anyway, and it got me really wound up. I mean I think I might have got so loud a time or two that I could have been heard down the hall. I’m not talking about brutal of rape or nothing just like within certain limits, and in places that were completely unexpected but still safe. Like with Tim and Joe or like on our porch but none of them were in charge. Neither was I really, I wish I could say who was. I think it was a guy, maybe an older guy? I’ll have to get back to you on it if it ever really happens for real!

The next couple of days we had separate visits from Kris, and Kevin, even Angie stopped by. Toby or I answered the door at various times and neither of us were exactly enthusiastic towards inviting any of them in or around back so soon as we were still working on our own communication.

From Kris and Kevin both it seemed after Toby and I were in a better place, they just wanted to hang out. They thought I was super cool and Toby was either crazy, had a death wish or was the luckiest kid around to have a sister who was “So hot and so laid back.” It seems they had a crush and it was a matter of pride that they would never talk about anything that had happened that afternoon/evening.

Angie and Benji likewise were cool with things. Initially, Angie was amazed and not a little jealous that I could be so brave and confident as to not care about people seeing my body. I assured her that it was not a lack of caring. I really do care; it’s just that once it had happened, what could I really do? At some point, we must accept what is, and try to make the most of it. She assured me that Benji and the other two, Teddy and Betty were good and everyone was happy to get together again in the future. I’m not sure she believed me about the caring or the bravery but I tried to explain it as best I could without going into a bunch of details about my childhood, you know? I do find it sad how many people have body image hang-ups. Maybe she will understand someday, maybe I can try to help her.

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