Susan... Part 10
Part 10…
Killing one’s brother is wrong. Right? I mean it is illegal, I know that but it is necessarily always wrong? Here’s what happened…
So last night my younger brother and I had a bit of a time teasing each other and I kind of let him take a few pics of me that I had every intention of making him delete.
He got a little excited and I managed to make him jerk off for me as proof that he at least sometimes had some rather inappropriate sexual fantasies about me. This part I hadn’t really had time to process yet as it had just happened and then we went to bed each to his own room of course.
I had thought about getting myself some pics of him in the act of using my pics to beat off but then I fell asleep. We had been teasing each other, it had gotten weird recently, there was some tension for a couple of weeks and I was glad it was now over.
Then I awoke to a flashing light in my room, and my little brothers’ dick in my face! He was taking pictures while I was asleep of his dick next to my face! Or was he trying to put in my mouth? By the time I woke up enough to come around to just what was happening he was sprinting down the hall.
It didn’t take me long to chase after him and yes, I actually did so still naked, it is how I sleep. Though I may have to rethink that now! Being that we are at the time home alone, just us two, I don’t know what he really thought by running away. He had nowhere to go that I couldn’t get him.
I am yelling and trying to beat him to death. He is laughing and apologizing while claiming somehow that it isn’t his fault, which takes me totally off guard! In a few minutes I settle down enough to grasp that he is trying to explain that this was somehow his buddies Nick and Nate’s idea.
This strikes me as preposterous until I realize that the idiot has shared the earlier pictures of me with his pals, the twins who used to live down from us before we moved away. They in turn dared him to do this and he for some reason agreed!
Fortunately I awoke, caught him in the act and can now delete the entirety of the pictures which he has now proven he is not mature enough to have in his possession. The fool apparently even sent an earlier picture, the 1st or 2nd one of his dick and my sleeping face, before I was rudely awakened by his latter efforts.
“Were you actually going to try to cum on my face?” I ask him, “Didn’t you think I’d wake up at some point?” I am known to be a pretty hard sleeper but seriously, no way I sleep through getting sprayed with goo.
“I’m sorry,” He says, laughing but still looking scared while he tries to fend off my blows. I want to kick him in the balls and claw his eyes out but I know down deep that part of this is my fault.
I should never have let him get away with taking pics, or at least I should have warned him to keep them private. “You idiot, some things should be kept private.” I tell him, not quite yelling now and starting to get emotional. I do not want or need to cry right now!
“It’s not like they never saw you naked, Suzie!” Tim exclaims. Does he not realize that seeing and having pictures one can show and tell are two very different things? “Nick says he’s he and Nate have a bet on which of them is gonna marry you. Did you know that?”
At this I stop and have to wonder. They are younger than Toby I think or very nearly the same age if I’m not wrong. Do they really think I will be into them at some point? I mean I know they have had a crush for a while, especially after the shower incident a couple of years ago. That was a mistake but it was mostly harmless and it was just some innocent fun. It was also my first oral and my first orgasm that I remember if you don’t count dreams. Yep, girls have sexy dreams too!
I take his phone, and this is when I discover exactly which pictures he has sent them. There is little point in my deleting them now. I do delete the unsent pics, no point adding fuel to this fire and I consider keeping his phone till mom gets home. Of course if I take it then I will have to tell her why I did and that is a conversation none of us want to have.
Instead, I message the twins and tell them that in no uncertain terms will I ever forgive them if these or any pictures or even rumors about me ever get out and I hear about it! I also may have threatened to castrate them or something to that effect. Now thoroughly exhausted, still mad, and yet wide awake I storm off after seriously contemplating smashing my brothers head in with his phone!
Somehow I manage to turn and retreat back down the hall. A glass of water and a bathroom visit later I am back in bed, laying there listening to my pulse race and practicing calming breaths when I notice that there is a mild rumbling in the distance.
The sounds are that of an approaching storm. My jerk little brother better not think he is gonna get away with climbing into my bed tonight after what he just pulled.
Toby is about 14 months younger than me. He is smart but he is easily led into mischief as he tries very hard to be liked by kids he deems more popular or cool. He is also still more than a little afraid of storms. Since he was small he would go get in bed with our folks every time a storm came up in the night or whenever he was awakened by one at least. Then at some point I guess Mom or maybe Dad told him he couldn’t go in there anymore and he started climbing in with me.
I have no idea if he tried to go into our older brother Tim’s room but I sort of doubt it. Tim is much older than Toby and I guess since I am the only girl I became a sort of a surrogate. I consider yelling back down the hall to warn him to stay away tonight but I really have nothing to say to him and surely he knows right?
When we moved into our new home, our folks decided to get a couple of us bigger beds. Previously we had all slept in twin beds as our old farm house had really small rooms and the smaller beds made for more floor space to use in each room. Our old chests and dressers made the move but I ended up getting our folks old double bed. Toby still had his old bed but being the smallest that made sense right? Tim got a used bed from a relative, and I think dad took one of our old twins’. The other twin ended up in the spare room where dad was renting. Mom got a new to her bed and that was how it went down.
Around dusk the next morning I awakened to find that Toby had indeed managed to sneak into my room and into my bed. I had gotten up to pee and not even noticed him until I returned. I was a bit surprised and I thought to make him leave.
Pulling at the covers I discovered that he had quite the erection and for a moment I suspected that he was faking sleep! Still naked, as this is how I slept usually, in spite of the antics last night even. I sat there incredulous at the sight.
Thinking to catch him faking sleep I got up and retrieved my own phone. I would flash my own camera in his face, maybe after I took a few shots for insurance sake. It surely wasn’t like I wanted pictures of my little brother’s dick for any other reason.
I took a couple of quick snaps and even tugged down the covers to get one of him all sprawled out! His cock was sticking up out of his boxers rather prominently and I got a couple of good angles that showed his face and his junk. His balls were hidden unfortunately as he has very little hair down there and that would have been the money shot but I was afraid to try to lower his shorts to get the shot.
He never even budged, so being still tired and it being early I lay back across the bed and coved myself. I guess he was asleep after all but wouldn’t he be surprised when I showed him what I had gotten. Payback is hell, right? Shortly I was once again asleep.
I was having quite a nice dream, when it occurred to me that it was kind of warm and I was sweaty. There was also a sort of pressure down there, between my legs from behind, like… wait… there was an arm around me and a hand on my chest.
My tits were always pert and though not as small as they once had been my nipples were prone to get rock hard when I got aroused. As I slowly awoke I soon realized that I was not only aroused but I was not only being spooned but also prodded from behind. This was too much as the realization hit me that my little brother was the person in my bed and not the boy I had been dreaming about!
I don’t think I had been actually penetrated though believe me I checked the sheets later for blood, as I had learned that was a sign of having had intercourse the first time.
First I scrambled up and away from my attacker, as in the moment I felt I had been assaulted! After last night I was again livid but it soon became obvious the boy had been having a dream of his own. His boxers were still on and he was convincingly disoriented enough as I once again screamed at him as to disarm my initial desire to castrate him for trying to rape me.
This particular weekend was shaping up to be one for the books as my brother and I had crossed so many lines in such a short time that I really needed him to give me some space and get out of my room. Which he did, once again apologetic and embarrassed and not all that clear I think on what had or hadn’t happened as in his dream I later learned he had been fully and actively in the act with a girl who he said he knew from school.
He wouldn’t give me her name and I prefer to believe him as the only other option is to think he had been dreaming he was doing it with me, which he very nearly was at the time.
I actually had to go and ask him to come out of his room later as he was still mortified. I assured him several times that nothing that bad had really happened, though it was close. I explained to him that dreams can seem very real and that I understood.
We were both now fully dressed of course and after a couple of hugs and a long fragmented conversation we both needed to have, we managed to settle into a normal Sunday morning routine of food and TV until the rest of the family returned that afternoon. We didn’t talk about that weekend again to my knowledge with each other or with anyone else until years later.
I probably won’t share that conversation but let’s just say that it is still a little embarrassing how close we came. Imagine if my little brother had actually been my first lover and I had been his? Though I guess in a way we still were in spite of having not finished? I can’t speak for him but I’m glad I woke up when I did.
Tim didn’t come home that weekend until after school on Monday and that was due to his evidently gotten his driving license. He was so high on himself and hyped about the chance he might soon get a car and or a job that even when he noticed the awkwardness between Toby and me he accepted a quick brush off when we said it was just a rough weekend and that we didn’t want to talk about it.
I admit it was pretty big news his getting the ability to drive and it occurred to me that I should be getting my permit and be learning to drive officially not just driving for short stretches in the country on the odd occasion. I resolved to point this fact out to Dad and to Mom as well.
Happy to have something else to think about and to talk about we all spent the next few days excitedly talking about every used car we knew might be out there for sale and Toby and I hoped to get out of riding the bus once a car found its way into Tim’s possession. It actually did eventually happen that we rode to school a good bit together but after school greatly depended on his work schedule as he had to get a job and pay for insurance, gas and not a little maintenance.
Joe started coming by a little less often as Tim was working and Nick and Nate were not with him as often when he did show up. In spite of this fact, I suppose I shouldn’t have been surprised when Joe decided to take out his phone and capture a few memories of his own once he got me to dare to flash a guy in a drive thru. Apparently a few pictures that were supposed to be uncirculated evidently made their way into Joe’s possession and the next time we were out and about Joe decided that pictures were a great idea! He and Tim ended up getting in a bit of an argument when Joe produced his phone and snapped a few pics while I was topless and grinning at the blushing and pop-eyed guy who nearly dropped our food getting an eyeful.
It was all; “What the hell dude?” and “Put that away, not cool bro!” and then the clincher, “Dude that one is tame compared to the other ones.”
To which Tim had no idea what his buddy was referring and Joe proceeded to let the cat out of the bag as it were by letting Tim scroll through the phones gallery.
“What are these, Suzie?” Tim glared at me, as if I had posed for Joe. He was either mad and protective or jealous or both, I couldn’t tell.
“I’m pretty sure you can tell what they are but having only seen them the once.” I say, my own temper flaring as I feel embarrassed once again at being caught out.
“Who took these?” Tim demanded, looking at me and then at Joe as if we had some secret thing going.
I wish I could say it had been Joe, I kind of considered it for a second. I mean it would be easy to act like Joe was the only one who had them right?
Then Joe volunteered, “The twins got them from Toby a few days ago. Don’t you have them too?”
“Wait, the twins? And Toby? Is that what has you two acting so weird Suzie?” Tim asked me. Curiosity now more than anger in his face, “Did you ask Toby to take some pictures of you? Wait, you wouldn’t have told him he could share these.” He rightly surmises, as he scrolls through again. “Are you asleep in this one?”
Oh god, why did the little idiot share that pic? “Timothy,” I call him, as he once again gets riled up.
“That little punk, I’ll kill him, I’ll beat him like I own him if he…” Tim rages, “Take me home Joe, take me home now or pull over and let me out.”
“Timmy!” I call him loudly. He hasn’t been called Timmy in years and then mostly by me as a small child. This gets his attention and he turns to see that I am calm and he finally hears me as I tell him. “The twins are not going to be showing or sharing those pictures with anyone else. Toby won’t either and I think I can trust Joe, don’t you?” I look at him and he calms himself visibly, seeing that I am somehow not upset.
“It isn’t important at this point that the pictures exist just that they go no further, right?” I continue.
To which he reluctantly agrees and even offers, “They’ll regret it if they are stupid enough to spread those around.” My hero, wasn’t he the one who started me down the path as an exhibitionist? Although neither of us was aware of such things then.
“Still I add, it might be nice to be asked before someone snaps pictures of me, especially if they want to get a decent shot!” I say, trying to shock him and to tease Joe. I must say that it worked brilliantly.
“What?” they both answered in near unison and Joe might have wrecked his car had we been in traffic.
“If and when I agree to let anyone take a picture from now on it will be up to me if they get to be shared. If and when they get deleted after I see them and of course I will need my own copies. As a matter of fact I think they should only be taken with my phone so I can choose who sees them, or if anyone does.” I rattle this off the top of my head as if I had given it much thought. It had not occurred to me before now, having thought my picture posing days over for now but now I continue, “Do I need to take your phones or are you two OK with this as a standing rule from now on?”
“Um, OK.” Joe answers, “Did you want me to send you the pic I just took?”
“Just pass me the phone, this time,” I tell him, testing my new powers on him. Wondering if he has any pics I might like to see aside from the few I know about? “Is there anything on here I shouldn’t see?” I tease him once I have it in hand and am sitting back.
He is watching me in the rear view and I am very tempted to scroll past the last few days of pics to see if he has reason to be nervous. Did he have his phone secreted away that day in his room? I try to recall if I could hear any clicking but I am pretty sure the music was playing when his Dad came in and caught us. I was nearly naked and he had been part way as well. I’m sure he hadn’t been taking pictures but would he have let one of his brothers do it while… Nah, I don’t think so…
I get a little flushed thinking about that day and have to pass the phone back before I draw too much attention from Tim. We are supposed to be on a short drive to look at a cheap car that Joe knows about and cannot be gone long. It is the 1st time in several days that we three have been out without Toby along and Joe was determined to see how far I would go in the time we had.
Joe had started doing Pizza deliveries nights and weekends. This gave him a chance to drive all over the area or he covered more of the town than we knew before anyway. This was how he spotted the car for sale he explained as we listened and checked out the houses and tried to learn our way around better.
True to his word, Joe took us straight to the old car to look her over. I don’t know anything about cars but got out to look as well. The guys spoke with the owner and got some info for our folks to talk over along with a number and the address in case Dad wanted to call or come by to look.
Frankly I hoped the old car found a different home first, it was a wreck and though I’d ride in it if I had to I might prefer the bus. Any boy who spotted us crawling out of that thing would think me too poor to date and Tim wouldn’t be getting many dates either driving the thing. Not that he got that many walking either!
Joe could tell we were not thrilled by the car but he said he figured money would be really tight and “any first car was better than no car” as he put it. It was kind of hard to argue with that and he was not wrong about the money.
Joe commented next that he “Couldn’t help but notice” that I hadn’t worn a bra today in spite of the fact that I now wore them often.
“Have you outgrown the ones I bought you Susie?” He asked me looking at me as if he hoped I might flash him again as he asked, so I did!
“I can still get in them but they are getting tight and I take them off when I get home.” I inform him. Inquiring minds got to know I guess. “It’s not as if a bra is made for comfort you know.”
“Just what are they made for do you think? Tim asks me.
“Well, obviously the ones you guys like are made to take off or to flash at guys’ maybe.” I say, as I consider that this actually seems to be the case. Did anyone make a comfortable bra that still looked good or sexy? Is there such a thing that also gives support? I am still a smaller C-cup but at the time I was thinking I might continue to get bigger having had a recent growth spurt and some of the young girls I knew already complained about their backs hurting from big boobs and bras.
It is amazing how many girls my age or in high school anyway have D-cup and larger breasts. Boys are very aware of this fact but have no idea about what it means to a girl to have to tote those things around all day! They even think they’d prefer we go without bras altogether but I bet they’d think different if we all let our tits get all saggy from going braless all the time.
I got away with it due to my relatively small size but I was hoping to stop growing for a while. Health class makes out we can expect to get a couple of sizes bigger if and when we get pregnant with no guarantee we will go back to normal after. If this is true I may never have kids!
“I’ll have to see about picking you up something one of these days,” Joe promises. “Of course I might have to insist that you model it for me.”
“As usual, you mean to say” I point out to him and both he and Tim find this comical. “Like what else is new?”
“Glad you asked,” Joe quips as he turns the car down a side street that I am relatively certain we had not come up on the way here.
“Where are we headed next Joe?” Tim asks his buddy. “This is headed out toward the interstate isn’t it?”
“Yeah, well, I thought Suzie could climb up here and flash a few truckers on the way up the highway while I try to get an idea what size she needs for her next bra. If she wants me to get her one that is?” Joe has no sooner suggests this than he begins to slow and pull into a parking lot just before the ramp for the interstate.
“What’s this place?” Tim asks, but as soon as we get a clear view as a truck pulls out we both know it. “Whoa, dude this is the adult book store huh!” We had heard about this place but never been out here.
“Can we go in?” We both ask.
Joe laughs at us. “Maybe, but you will be asked to leave pretty quickly.” Still chuckling, “You gotta be 21 or have a fake ID and pass for close to 21 at least.”
“Why did you pull in then?” I ask him, a little frustrated now, having thought for a second things were about to get really exciting.
“Did you want to get up front?” He asks in return and I agree to do so, as Tim steps out, then slides in the back. I hope Tim ends up getting a four door car I think to myself and hope I remember to point this out to him later.
Joe never shut off the car but his lights are off and we sit there for a moment taking in the lights from the place. It is lit up like Hollywood. I can’t help but wonder what goes on in there. As I sit there I think ‘Someday I will go in there and see what it’s all about’.
A car pulls in before Joe puts his car in gear and a girl steps out. She makes her way inside waving to her driver and she looks young to me. I look back at Tim and he has the same thought from the look on his face.
“Joe, I thought you said.” Tim begins.
“Probably a fake ID and she most likely works here.” Joe explains.
“Definitely a fake ID.” I agree, as I consider. “What sort of work?”
“Give it a few years and maybe you’ll be able to find out!” Joe suggests laughing again as he pulls out behind the next semi leaving the lot.
There seem to be a good number of big rigs coming and going from this place. Several have passed through while we were there and I think we came and went in less than ten minutes. Most of them came in and parked. Some went inside but not all. This place would bear further inspection, though maybe not with my brother tagging along.
Tim seemed to have gotten quiet after Joe’s comment about me finding out what happened back there so I let it pass and challenged Joe to see if his old clunker could keep up with the big rigs so I could tease a driver or two.
“If you pass Tim that shirt and those shorts, I bet my motor will get all wound up!” Joe winked and grinned at me as he eased into the traffic lanes from the shoulder. “Bet you can’t get them both off before I over take this rig.” He comes back, with a challenge of his own.
My t-shirt gets tossed over the seat and Tim barely catches it as the wind from the open windows whip through the car. I kick off my shorts and am sitting, grinning up at the driver as we start to ease by him.
When I look up he is looking down from nearly over head and I realize he has a heck of a view! I scramble to crouch as I hear his air horn blast a couple or short blasts. I grab my shorts and cover myself as best I can, using shorts, hands, arms and hair.
Joe starts to slow down and I see his rig coming alongside for another pass. “Go, go, go Joe! Don’t slow down!” I cry with desperation, as excited and afraid as I have ever been.
Joe is almost crying he is laughing so hard and when I look back at Tim even he is laughing. Good, I’m relieved he is OK now. We will have to chat later, but for now he seems to be good. I settle my nerves and try to resume a somewhat normal posture as we approach another rig.
How is it I never realized they could see down into a car so well? I realize later of course that I had rarely sat in the front passenger seat. This put me nearly at their feet!
As we closed in on the next truck I implored Joe to go by quickly as I in turn vowed to sit up and look straight ahead. My intention was to not move a muscle, to act as if it were the most natural thing in the world to ride down the interstate dressed in nothing but my panties.
For his part Joe tried to maintain his speed but I think the trucker was holding out on us as he seemed to speed up for a moment as we passed him. His horn blast broke my concentration and when I looked up he snapped a picture! Not fair! He didn’t ask first… wait how had he known to have his camera ready?
Asking this of Tim and Joe they both laughed at me pointing out the radio antennas on all the rigs. Of course I knew about CB radio from TV but… damn.
I did better with acting less concerned and smiled and waved to the sound of the horn as we passed the last truck before exiting the highway. It was time we made for home. Given the choice I opted for us to go back up the interstate and continue, thinking I might catch a driver off guard and make his day!
Joe by now had noticed that I had on some older cotton panties. These were about soaked through so when he also pointed out that from the lofty perch of a big rig it probably looked like I was not wearing any panties, I had a moment to consider it and thought he was likely correct. So as we eased up alongside the next rig I slid off my panties and balled them up to toss at the truck as we passed it!
Apparently this rig had heard the commotion on the radio as well and the old guy in the truck was looking on in spite of being old enough to be my grand dad! I held on to my panties. I just couldn’t toss them at the old guy though who knows he might have appreciated the gesture more than most!
It was some time before we passed the next truck and it actually exited behind us as we got off the highway. I had set my panties free as I looked up at a driver who looked to be in his thirties maybe. He had given me a long loud blast and his horn sounded like a train or something!
That driver had maybe thought we were trying to get folks to stop at the adult store for a show according to Joe and Tim seemed to agree. We did not however turn in this time but rather sped by on our way into town and back home.
I waited till we were closer to home to get dressed as it was beginning to get dark now and I felt less exposed. Also I didn’t want to soak through my shorts before I got home as Mom and Toby were both there and there was no point walking in looking like I had pissed myself.
Tim might need vinyl seats too, unless leather was an option… Joe’s car has vinyl seats, and he even kept a small towel in the car after we had all gone out that first time. This was underneath me at the moment and I was back in my shirt with my shorts up around my knees as we pulled into our drive.
It turned out it was a good thing I was thus prepared and I was able to slip into my shorts and fasten them as not only was mom home but dad had come by and everyone was out front as we pulled in.
Questions asked and answered about the car. My opinion wasn’t much sought nor considered but I pointed out it was less than favorable before I retired to my room by way of the bathroom of course.
Tim didn’t end up getting that car. His 1st car was nicer than I really thought it would have been but I think our Grandparents helped a lot with it. If I remember it was passed down from a distant cousin or great aunt or something. It was older for sure, but it had a/c which meant we used it instead of Joe’s most times afterwards. This was a bit of a change cause now Tim drove mostly and Joe wanted to take pics! Thankfully both boys soon had to work, cruising was a rare treat and our further adventures were few.
To be Continued….
Killing one’s brother is wrong. Right? I mean it is illegal, I know that but it is necessarily always wrong? Here’s what happened…
So last night my younger brother and I had a bit of a time teasing each other and I kind of let him take a few pics of me that I had every intention of making him delete.
He got a little excited and I managed to make him jerk off for me as proof that he at least sometimes had some rather inappropriate sexual fantasies about me. This part I hadn’t really had time to process yet as it had just happened and then we went to bed each to his own room of course.
I had thought about getting myself some pics of him in the act of using my pics to beat off but then I fell asleep. We had been teasing each other, it had gotten weird recently, there was some tension for a couple of weeks and I was glad it was now over.
Then I awoke to a flashing light in my room, and my little brothers’ dick in my face! He was taking pictures while I was asleep of his dick next to my face! Or was he trying to put in my mouth? By the time I woke up enough to come around to just what was happening he was sprinting down the hall.
It didn’t take me long to chase after him and yes, I actually did so still naked, it is how I sleep. Though I may have to rethink that now! Being that we are at the time home alone, just us two, I don’t know what he really thought by running away. He had nowhere to go that I couldn’t get him.
I am yelling and trying to beat him to death. He is laughing and apologizing while claiming somehow that it isn’t his fault, which takes me totally off guard! In a few minutes I settle down enough to grasp that he is trying to explain that this was somehow his buddies Nick and Nate’s idea.
This strikes me as preposterous until I realize that the idiot has shared the earlier pictures of me with his pals, the twins who used to live down from us before we moved away. They in turn dared him to do this and he for some reason agreed!
Fortunately I awoke, caught him in the act and can now delete the entirety of the pictures which he has now proven he is not mature enough to have in his possession. The fool apparently even sent an earlier picture, the 1st or 2nd one of his dick and my sleeping face, before I was rudely awakened by his latter efforts.
“Were you actually going to try to cum on my face?” I ask him, “Didn’t you think I’d wake up at some point?” I am known to be a pretty hard sleeper but seriously, no way I sleep through getting sprayed with goo.
“I’m sorry,” He says, laughing but still looking scared while he tries to fend off my blows. I want to kick him in the balls and claw his eyes out but I know down deep that part of this is my fault.
I should never have let him get away with taking pics, or at least I should have warned him to keep them private. “You idiot, some things should be kept private.” I tell him, not quite yelling now and starting to get emotional. I do not want or need to cry right now!
“It’s not like they never saw you naked, Suzie!” Tim exclaims. Does he not realize that seeing and having pictures one can show and tell are two very different things? “Nick says he’s he and Nate have a bet on which of them is gonna marry you. Did you know that?”
At this I stop and have to wonder. They are younger than Toby I think or very nearly the same age if I’m not wrong. Do they really think I will be into them at some point? I mean I know they have had a crush for a while, especially after the shower incident a couple of years ago. That was a mistake but it was mostly harmless and it was just some innocent fun. It was also my first oral and my first orgasm that I remember if you don’t count dreams. Yep, girls have sexy dreams too!
I take his phone, and this is when I discover exactly which pictures he has sent them. There is little point in my deleting them now. I do delete the unsent pics, no point adding fuel to this fire and I consider keeping his phone till mom gets home. Of course if I take it then I will have to tell her why I did and that is a conversation none of us want to have.
Instead, I message the twins and tell them that in no uncertain terms will I ever forgive them if these or any pictures or even rumors about me ever get out and I hear about it! I also may have threatened to castrate them or something to that effect. Now thoroughly exhausted, still mad, and yet wide awake I storm off after seriously contemplating smashing my brothers head in with his phone!
Somehow I manage to turn and retreat back down the hall. A glass of water and a bathroom visit later I am back in bed, laying there listening to my pulse race and practicing calming breaths when I notice that there is a mild rumbling in the distance.
The sounds are that of an approaching storm. My jerk little brother better not think he is gonna get away with climbing into my bed tonight after what he just pulled.
Toby is about 14 months younger than me. He is smart but he is easily led into mischief as he tries very hard to be liked by kids he deems more popular or cool. He is also still more than a little afraid of storms. Since he was small he would go get in bed with our folks every time a storm came up in the night or whenever he was awakened by one at least. Then at some point I guess Mom or maybe Dad told him he couldn’t go in there anymore and he started climbing in with me.
I have no idea if he tried to go into our older brother Tim’s room but I sort of doubt it. Tim is much older than Toby and I guess since I am the only girl I became a sort of a surrogate. I consider yelling back down the hall to warn him to stay away tonight but I really have nothing to say to him and surely he knows right?
When we moved into our new home, our folks decided to get a couple of us bigger beds. Previously we had all slept in twin beds as our old farm house had really small rooms and the smaller beds made for more floor space to use in each room. Our old chests and dressers made the move but I ended up getting our folks old double bed. Toby still had his old bed but being the smallest that made sense right? Tim got a used bed from a relative, and I think dad took one of our old twins’. The other twin ended up in the spare room where dad was renting. Mom got a new to her bed and that was how it went down.
Around dusk the next morning I awakened to find that Toby had indeed managed to sneak into my room and into my bed. I had gotten up to pee and not even noticed him until I returned. I was a bit surprised and I thought to make him leave.
Pulling at the covers I discovered that he had quite the erection and for a moment I suspected that he was faking sleep! Still naked, as this is how I slept usually, in spite of the antics last night even. I sat there incredulous at the sight.
Thinking to catch him faking sleep I got up and retrieved my own phone. I would flash my own camera in his face, maybe after I took a few shots for insurance sake. It surely wasn’t like I wanted pictures of my little brother’s dick for any other reason.
I took a couple of quick snaps and even tugged down the covers to get one of him all sprawled out! His cock was sticking up out of his boxers rather prominently and I got a couple of good angles that showed his face and his junk. His balls were hidden unfortunately as he has very little hair down there and that would have been the money shot but I was afraid to try to lower his shorts to get the shot.
He never even budged, so being still tired and it being early I lay back across the bed and coved myself. I guess he was asleep after all but wouldn’t he be surprised when I showed him what I had gotten. Payback is hell, right? Shortly I was once again asleep.
I was having quite a nice dream, when it occurred to me that it was kind of warm and I was sweaty. There was also a sort of pressure down there, between my legs from behind, like… wait… there was an arm around me and a hand on my chest.
My tits were always pert and though not as small as they once had been my nipples were prone to get rock hard when I got aroused. As I slowly awoke I soon realized that I was not only aroused but I was not only being spooned but also prodded from behind. This was too much as the realization hit me that my little brother was the person in my bed and not the boy I had been dreaming about!
I don’t think I had been actually penetrated though believe me I checked the sheets later for blood, as I had learned that was a sign of having had intercourse the first time.
First I scrambled up and away from my attacker, as in the moment I felt I had been assaulted! After last night I was again livid but it soon became obvious the boy had been having a dream of his own. His boxers were still on and he was convincingly disoriented enough as I once again screamed at him as to disarm my initial desire to castrate him for trying to rape me.
This particular weekend was shaping up to be one for the books as my brother and I had crossed so many lines in such a short time that I really needed him to give me some space and get out of my room. Which he did, once again apologetic and embarrassed and not all that clear I think on what had or hadn’t happened as in his dream I later learned he had been fully and actively in the act with a girl who he said he knew from school.
He wouldn’t give me her name and I prefer to believe him as the only other option is to think he had been dreaming he was doing it with me, which he very nearly was at the time.
I actually had to go and ask him to come out of his room later as he was still mortified. I assured him several times that nothing that bad had really happened, though it was close. I explained to him that dreams can seem very real and that I understood.
We were both now fully dressed of course and after a couple of hugs and a long fragmented conversation we both needed to have, we managed to settle into a normal Sunday morning routine of food and TV until the rest of the family returned that afternoon. We didn’t talk about that weekend again to my knowledge with each other or with anyone else until years later.
I probably won’t share that conversation but let’s just say that it is still a little embarrassing how close we came. Imagine if my little brother had actually been my first lover and I had been his? Though I guess in a way we still were in spite of having not finished? I can’t speak for him but I’m glad I woke up when I did.
Tim didn’t come home that weekend until after school on Monday and that was due to his evidently gotten his driving license. He was so high on himself and hyped about the chance he might soon get a car and or a job that even when he noticed the awkwardness between Toby and me he accepted a quick brush off when we said it was just a rough weekend and that we didn’t want to talk about it.
I admit it was pretty big news his getting the ability to drive and it occurred to me that I should be getting my permit and be learning to drive officially not just driving for short stretches in the country on the odd occasion. I resolved to point this fact out to Dad and to Mom as well.
Happy to have something else to think about and to talk about we all spent the next few days excitedly talking about every used car we knew might be out there for sale and Toby and I hoped to get out of riding the bus once a car found its way into Tim’s possession. It actually did eventually happen that we rode to school a good bit together but after school greatly depended on his work schedule as he had to get a job and pay for insurance, gas and not a little maintenance.
Joe started coming by a little less often as Tim was working and Nick and Nate were not with him as often when he did show up. In spite of this fact, I suppose I shouldn’t have been surprised when Joe decided to take out his phone and capture a few memories of his own once he got me to dare to flash a guy in a drive thru. Apparently a few pictures that were supposed to be uncirculated evidently made their way into Joe’s possession and the next time we were out and about Joe decided that pictures were a great idea! He and Tim ended up getting in a bit of an argument when Joe produced his phone and snapped a few pics while I was topless and grinning at the blushing and pop-eyed guy who nearly dropped our food getting an eyeful.
It was all; “What the hell dude?” and “Put that away, not cool bro!” and then the clincher, “Dude that one is tame compared to the other ones.”
To which Tim had no idea what his buddy was referring and Joe proceeded to let the cat out of the bag as it were by letting Tim scroll through the phones gallery.
“What are these, Suzie?” Tim glared at me, as if I had posed for Joe. He was either mad and protective or jealous or both, I couldn’t tell.
“I’m pretty sure you can tell what they are but having only seen them the once.” I say, my own temper flaring as I feel embarrassed once again at being caught out.
“Who took these?” Tim demanded, looking at me and then at Joe as if we had some secret thing going.
I wish I could say it had been Joe, I kind of considered it for a second. I mean it would be easy to act like Joe was the only one who had them right?
Then Joe volunteered, “The twins got them from Toby a few days ago. Don’t you have them too?”
“Wait, the twins? And Toby? Is that what has you two acting so weird Suzie?” Tim asked me. Curiosity now more than anger in his face, “Did you ask Toby to take some pictures of you? Wait, you wouldn’t have told him he could share these.” He rightly surmises, as he scrolls through again. “Are you asleep in this one?”
Oh god, why did the little idiot share that pic? “Timothy,” I call him, as he once again gets riled up.
“That little punk, I’ll kill him, I’ll beat him like I own him if he…” Tim rages, “Take me home Joe, take me home now or pull over and let me out.”
“Timmy!” I call him loudly. He hasn’t been called Timmy in years and then mostly by me as a small child. This gets his attention and he turns to see that I am calm and he finally hears me as I tell him. “The twins are not going to be showing or sharing those pictures with anyone else. Toby won’t either and I think I can trust Joe, don’t you?” I look at him and he calms himself visibly, seeing that I am somehow not upset.
“It isn’t important at this point that the pictures exist just that they go no further, right?” I continue.
To which he reluctantly agrees and even offers, “They’ll regret it if they are stupid enough to spread those around.” My hero, wasn’t he the one who started me down the path as an exhibitionist? Although neither of us was aware of such things then.
“Still I add, it might be nice to be asked before someone snaps pictures of me, especially if they want to get a decent shot!” I say, trying to shock him and to tease Joe. I must say that it worked brilliantly.
“What?” they both answered in near unison and Joe might have wrecked his car had we been in traffic.
“If and when I agree to let anyone take a picture from now on it will be up to me if they get to be shared. If and when they get deleted after I see them and of course I will need my own copies. As a matter of fact I think they should only be taken with my phone so I can choose who sees them, or if anyone does.” I rattle this off the top of my head as if I had given it much thought. It had not occurred to me before now, having thought my picture posing days over for now but now I continue, “Do I need to take your phones or are you two OK with this as a standing rule from now on?”
“Um, OK.” Joe answers, “Did you want me to send you the pic I just took?”
“Just pass me the phone, this time,” I tell him, testing my new powers on him. Wondering if he has any pics I might like to see aside from the few I know about? “Is there anything on here I shouldn’t see?” I tease him once I have it in hand and am sitting back.
He is watching me in the rear view and I am very tempted to scroll past the last few days of pics to see if he has reason to be nervous. Did he have his phone secreted away that day in his room? I try to recall if I could hear any clicking but I am pretty sure the music was playing when his Dad came in and caught us. I was nearly naked and he had been part way as well. I’m sure he hadn’t been taking pictures but would he have let one of his brothers do it while… Nah, I don’t think so…
I get a little flushed thinking about that day and have to pass the phone back before I draw too much attention from Tim. We are supposed to be on a short drive to look at a cheap car that Joe knows about and cannot be gone long. It is the 1st time in several days that we three have been out without Toby along and Joe was determined to see how far I would go in the time we had.
Joe had started doing Pizza deliveries nights and weekends. This gave him a chance to drive all over the area or he covered more of the town than we knew before anyway. This was how he spotted the car for sale he explained as we listened and checked out the houses and tried to learn our way around better.
True to his word, Joe took us straight to the old car to look her over. I don’t know anything about cars but got out to look as well. The guys spoke with the owner and got some info for our folks to talk over along with a number and the address in case Dad wanted to call or come by to look.
Frankly I hoped the old car found a different home first, it was a wreck and though I’d ride in it if I had to I might prefer the bus. Any boy who spotted us crawling out of that thing would think me too poor to date and Tim wouldn’t be getting many dates either driving the thing. Not that he got that many walking either!
Joe could tell we were not thrilled by the car but he said he figured money would be really tight and “any first car was better than no car” as he put it. It was kind of hard to argue with that and he was not wrong about the money.
Joe commented next that he “Couldn’t help but notice” that I hadn’t worn a bra today in spite of the fact that I now wore them often.
“Have you outgrown the ones I bought you Susie?” He asked me looking at me as if he hoped I might flash him again as he asked, so I did!
“I can still get in them but they are getting tight and I take them off when I get home.” I inform him. Inquiring minds got to know I guess. “It’s not as if a bra is made for comfort you know.”
“Just what are they made for do you think? Tim asks me.
“Well, obviously the ones you guys like are made to take off or to flash at guys’ maybe.” I say, as I consider that this actually seems to be the case. Did anyone make a comfortable bra that still looked good or sexy? Is there such a thing that also gives support? I am still a smaller C-cup but at the time I was thinking I might continue to get bigger having had a recent growth spurt and some of the young girls I knew already complained about their backs hurting from big boobs and bras.
It is amazing how many girls my age or in high school anyway have D-cup and larger breasts. Boys are very aware of this fact but have no idea about what it means to a girl to have to tote those things around all day! They even think they’d prefer we go without bras altogether but I bet they’d think different if we all let our tits get all saggy from going braless all the time.
I got away with it due to my relatively small size but I was hoping to stop growing for a while. Health class makes out we can expect to get a couple of sizes bigger if and when we get pregnant with no guarantee we will go back to normal after. If this is true I may never have kids!
“I’ll have to see about picking you up something one of these days,” Joe promises. “Of course I might have to insist that you model it for me.”
“As usual, you mean to say” I point out to him and both he and Tim find this comical. “Like what else is new?”
“Glad you asked,” Joe quips as he turns the car down a side street that I am relatively certain we had not come up on the way here.
“Where are we headed next Joe?” Tim asks his buddy. “This is headed out toward the interstate isn’t it?”
“Yeah, well, I thought Suzie could climb up here and flash a few truckers on the way up the highway while I try to get an idea what size she needs for her next bra. If she wants me to get her one that is?” Joe has no sooner suggests this than he begins to slow and pull into a parking lot just before the ramp for the interstate.
“What’s this place?” Tim asks, but as soon as we get a clear view as a truck pulls out we both know it. “Whoa, dude this is the adult book store huh!” We had heard about this place but never been out here.
“Can we go in?” We both ask.
Joe laughs at us. “Maybe, but you will be asked to leave pretty quickly.” Still chuckling, “You gotta be 21 or have a fake ID and pass for close to 21 at least.”
“Why did you pull in then?” I ask him, a little frustrated now, having thought for a second things were about to get really exciting.
“Did you want to get up front?” He asks in return and I agree to do so, as Tim steps out, then slides in the back. I hope Tim ends up getting a four door car I think to myself and hope I remember to point this out to him later.
Joe never shut off the car but his lights are off and we sit there for a moment taking in the lights from the place. It is lit up like Hollywood. I can’t help but wonder what goes on in there. As I sit there I think ‘Someday I will go in there and see what it’s all about’.
A car pulls in before Joe puts his car in gear and a girl steps out. She makes her way inside waving to her driver and she looks young to me. I look back at Tim and he has the same thought from the look on his face.
“Joe, I thought you said.” Tim begins.
“Probably a fake ID and she most likely works here.” Joe explains.
“Definitely a fake ID.” I agree, as I consider. “What sort of work?”
“Give it a few years and maybe you’ll be able to find out!” Joe suggests laughing again as he pulls out behind the next semi leaving the lot.
There seem to be a good number of big rigs coming and going from this place. Several have passed through while we were there and I think we came and went in less than ten minutes. Most of them came in and parked. Some went inside but not all. This place would bear further inspection, though maybe not with my brother tagging along.
Tim seemed to have gotten quiet after Joe’s comment about me finding out what happened back there so I let it pass and challenged Joe to see if his old clunker could keep up with the big rigs so I could tease a driver or two.
“If you pass Tim that shirt and those shorts, I bet my motor will get all wound up!” Joe winked and grinned at me as he eased into the traffic lanes from the shoulder. “Bet you can’t get them both off before I over take this rig.” He comes back, with a challenge of his own.
My t-shirt gets tossed over the seat and Tim barely catches it as the wind from the open windows whip through the car. I kick off my shorts and am sitting, grinning up at the driver as we start to ease by him.
When I look up he is looking down from nearly over head and I realize he has a heck of a view! I scramble to crouch as I hear his air horn blast a couple or short blasts. I grab my shorts and cover myself as best I can, using shorts, hands, arms and hair.
Joe starts to slow down and I see his rig coming alongside for another pass. “Go, go, go Joe! Don’t slow down!” I cry with desperation, as excited and afraid as I have ever been.
Joe is almost crying he is laughing so hard and when I look back at Tim even he is laughing. Good, I’m relieved he is OK now. We will have to chat later, but for now he seems to be good. I settle my nerves and try to resume a somewhat normal posture as we approach another rig.
How is it I never realized they could see down into a car so well? I realize later of course that I had rarely sat in the front passenger seat. This put me nearly at their feet!
As we closed in on the next truck I implored Joe to go by quickly as I in turn vowed to sit up and look straight ahead. My intention was to not move a muscle, to act as if it were the most natural thing in the world to ride down the interstate dressed in nothing but my panties.
For his part Joe tried to maintain his speed but I think the trucker was holding out on us as he seemed to speed up for a moment as we passed him. His horn blast broke my concentration and when I looked up he snapped a picture! Not fair! He didn’t ask first… wait how had he known to have his camera ready?
Asking this of Tim and Joe they both laughed at me pointing out the radio antennas on all the rigs. Of course I knew about CB radio from TV but… damn.
I did better with acting less concerned and smiled and waved to the sound of the horn as we passed the last truck before exiting the highway. It was time we made for home. Given the choice I opted for us to go back up the interstate and continue, thinking I might catch a driver off guard and make his day!
Joe by now had noticed that I had on some older cotton panties. These were about soaked through so when he also pointed out that from the lofty perch of a big rig it probably looked like I was not wearing any panties, I had a moment to consider it and thought he was likely correct. So as we eased up alongside the next rig I slid off my panties and balled them up to toss at the truck as we passed it!
Apparently this rig had heard the commotion on the radio as well and the old guy in the truck was looking on in spite of being old enough to be my grand dad! I held on to my panties. I just couldn’t toss them at the old guy though who knows he might have appreciated the gesture more than most!
It was some time before we passed the next truck and it actually exited behind us as we got off the highway. I had set my panties free as I looked up at a driver who looked to be in his thirties maybe. He had given me a long loud blast and his horn sounded like a train or something!
That driver had maybe thought we were trying to get folks to stop at the adult store for a show according to Joe and Tim seemed to agree. We did not however turn in this time but rather sped by on our way into town and back home.
I waited till we were closer to home to get dressed as it was beginning to get dark now and I felt less exposed. Also I didn’t want to soak through my shorts before I got home as Mom and Toby were both there and there was no point walking in looking like I had pissed myself.
Tim might need vinyl seats too, unless leather was an option… Joe’s car has vinyl seats, and he even kept a small towel in the car after we had all gone out that first time. This was underneath me at the moment and I was back in my shirt with my shorts up around my knees as we pulled into our drive.
It turned out it was a good thing I was thus prepared and I was able to slip into my shorts and fasten them as not only was mom home but dad had come by and everyone was out front as we pulled in.
Questions asked and answered about the car. My opinion wasn’t much sought nor considered but I pointed out it was less than favorable before I retired to my room by way of the bathroom of course.
Tim didn’t end up getting that car. His 1st car was nicer than I really thought it would have been but I think our Grandparents helped a lot with it. If I remember it was passed down from a distant cousin or great aunt or something. It was older for sure, but it had a/c which meant we used it instead of Joe’s most times afterwards. This was a bit of a change cause now Tim drove mostly and Joe wanted to take pics! Thankfully both boys soon had to work, cruising was a rare treat and our further adventures were few.
To be Continued….
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