Susan... Part 9


...Continued... See parts 1-8

So much happened over the next few weeks and months that I can’t recall anything of note to share other than basically saying that by the time the dust settled, I found myself living in a house in town with my mom, and my brothers but dad was living in a trailer in the country.

He didn’t really have room for us to stay with him, we could go visit for a weekend occasionally but it was a little awkward and crowded. He had a roommate to split expenses so there was only a tiny spare room in addition to a pull out sofa.

I visited him less than my brothers did and I think this was due to not wanting to leave my mom alone. I sort of regret this now as I miss my dad. The boys went every few weeks sometimes together and sometimes apart.

This was in its own way a tectonic shift in our world. Suddenly we were split up a good bit after having been nearly constantly together all our lives. At times it almost felt like I had only the older brother then at other times only the younger.

Our new place has a pool in our back yard though it is on the smaller side. It barely even has room to dive from the low board on the deep end and it is possible to do so and glide nearly to the steps on the opposite end without really swimming. This is pretty fun to do on hot days but it makes for really short laps if you’re trying to exercise or do a relay or a race! Also the shallow end is not really wide enough to play net ball or water polo or whatever that game is called. Either way, on a hot day in the south any pool is better than no pool right?

Our new school is not so close that I could escape still having to ride the darn bus, which most kids hate. I have never known it to have been any different so I can’t say it mattered that much to me. Not that it kept me from hoping to dodge it one day. Maybe dad would save up enough to help Tim get a car this year and we can all ride to school together.

This is the 1st time in many years that we three attend the same school. Tim as a senior, I’m a sophomore and Toby is a freshman. I guess as long as Tim graduates this will be the last year. Toby has good book sense and he has been able to get into advanced classes for the past couple of years, giving him some credits. I wouldn’t be surprised to see him graduate in my senior class if he doesn’t get too tied up chasing girls. This seems to happen with some of us in high school. Tim and I do pretty well but I don’t think either of do our best when it comes to our school work but I don’t think it is as much about chasing girls for Tim as maybe he is happy to pace himself where Toby wants to get it done. I don’t chase boys and to be honest they don’t really chase me either, I’m just not that stoked on school work.

This first year in the new school was sort of tame. We had Joe and the twins over when we could to enjoy the pool. Joe got a little clunker of a car but it couldn’t seat 6 like his folks sedan, only room for 4 comfortably, 5 if we squeezed in really tight. Joe didn’t always bring the twins so on those occasions we three got to ride a bit.

I don’t know when exactly but at some point on one of the times where Toby was along for a ride with me and the two older boys, one of them must have dared me to flash someone or strip somewhere other than our house or pool cause Toby eventually became a part of that whole thing as well. I mean he had always been around at home, right, but away from home not so much. That was a thing that only happened when it was me and Tim around Joe. Now that I think of it, I guess it was more Joe than Tim who tried to push me to do stuff in public.
At our old house we lived in a more rural area. My brothers and I spent so much time alone, or just us three, that I guess it never came up before that Toby kind of enjoyed being naked too. Until suddenly he and I were spending time together without Tim or anyone else home.

My little brother is, well both of my brothers are, I guess, considered by lots of girls to be kind of cute. No one in our family is extremely buff but we tend to be on the naturally slender end of the scale and physically appear more athletic than we really are. Having lived in the country and had room to get out and run around, creeks and woods to play in, trees to climb, is sort of physical but we never played sports other than horsing around with each other or the occasional wrestling and such that happens among siblings and or boys in general.

The pool was a great convenience and I for one liked the clean clear water in spite of the chlorine smell and eye irritation. Again, we tended to head towards the shower once we decided we were out for the night.
The new house had a garden tub in the master bath and a walk in shower in the hall bath which was nice. I like bubble baths, what girl doesn’t, but I love a nice cool or even a hot shower too.

Toby liked on many occasions to come in and join me in the shower. I didn’t mind sometimes, though I liked my private time too. Once, Toby having basically followed me immediately from the pool to the shower and as we were the only ones at home, it occurred to me that my little brother had a bit of a boner while we were in the shower.

Thinking to tease him I reached out and playfully grabbed him. “What are you thinking about young man?” I asked him, suggestively. Or something to that effect…

“Hey, let go!” He squeaked as he tried to jump back.

The shower wall didn’t really let him get very far away and we were pretty closed in together so in spite of his trying to turn away it was obvious a moment later when his cock became rigid.

We were both now very aware of this fact and so I mercilessly pursued the topic. “Maybe you were distracted and didn’t hear me? I asked you what you were thinking about. Maybe I should have said who? Do you often get hard thinking about your sister naked, or is there some girl at school that you were imagining in my place?” I asked him, now genuinely curious. Not jealous, really, not at all… I think.

Toby was on the end of the shower closest to the sprayer head and with a quick spin he rinsed and made to grab a towel and leave. I still had a good bit of suds on me so I was a minute before I could pursue his having fled down the hall towards his room. To my consternation he never really answered me which made me even more curious.

Did my brother have a secret crush? Or had I actually caught him perving on me? How did I feel about him having sexual feelings and thoughts? He was my little brother and in my eyes he was still innocent and naive, though by this time I was aware that he did masturbate sometimes. I hadn’t given much consideration as to what he might think about or who. I hoped it was some cute girl from school or actress not some porn slut and I’m sure it was no guy! He had just got a half a boner in the shower with a girl right?

At this point I was not as clear as I might be now on the facts of life as it applies to guys and boners. As I understand it today, guys can get hard or semi-hard without much stimulus at all and it isn’t even something they have to consciously think about really. Just glancing at a tit, some cleavage, even the silhouette of a woman at times, or for no reason at all? Sounds ridiculous, I know, but guys tell me it’s true!

Anyway, I rinsed, wrapped up in a towel and gave chase, determined to get some answers. Perhaps I should have dropped it. This was not something I could have done at the time.

I found Toby in his room, his towel still around his hips and he still looked to have a bit of a tent down there. His dick is about average I think. I have seen a few and he certainly isn’t as small as some but neither is he big for his age I think. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no expert but I had seen maybe 7 or 8 boys naked by this point so I have reason to say my brothers are both at least average in the size department. They are both circumcised too in case anyone cares. Actually, come to think of it, I have never seen an uncircumcised penis!

Toby turns to eject me from his room as I barged in and I manage to grab his towel. He in turn grabs mine and once again we are both briefly naked. We have a bit of a tug of war and which results in a stalemate of sorts. I have thrown one towel across the room to the opposite side of the bed and we have both tried to keep the remaining towel.

The stalemate occurred when we each tried to wrap up in the too small towel and end up on the bed naked and he once again has a full boner that is now pressed against my leg. He is not really astride me but we are touching in places and the exertion has our pulses racing.

His legs are wrapped around me, as are his arms. I think this is the first I had ever been held by a naked man or boy really but you get what I mean. It was only for a moment until I said, “Let me go please.”

He did of course and I apologized for embarrassing him. I realized I shouldn’t have grabbed his as I had no right to really and I even said as much. I don’t think I had ever realized just how much stress my still being naked around my little brother was bringing him. I mean I had certainly seen him erect in the past but it had never seemed sexual or I hadn’t thought that it had much to do with me really, just that it happened to boys sometimes, right? To me it was always kind of silly before but this time it was different. Almost like the time in the shower with the twins but this was my little brother and I wasn’t turned on, was I?

Feeling a bit embarrassed myself and not a little awkward I left his room after gathering the wet towels saying only, “I’ll go hang these up” as I left.

Toby acted a bit shy that evening and though he sometimes would streak through the house to grab clean clothes from the laundry or walk through the kitchen from his room naked when it was just us two home he never really stayed naked for long. I don’t think I would have minded or anything though thinking about it now I guess it could have been awkward if he was always getting boners around me.

Both my brothers loved to get me to swim naked of course. This was no big deal as long as the neighbors were at work and since the place we stayed had a privacy fence. Only a few times was there ever a sense that we might have been caught and I think those times there were more than just myself naked so it would have seemed more like a legit game maybe?

Joe brought me a couple of really tiny bikinis that he insisted I wear whenever he came over and our Mom wasn’t home. These were likely from the store in the mall and tended to be hard to keep on when we started to compete at diving or doing cannon balls. Not to mention that the boys were not above pulling the tie strings on occasion should they manage to sneak up behind me.
No surprise right? I came to understand this as their favorite game and even to relish the attention as in old times, though I really tried to avoid getting stripped completely if there were other guests over to swim.

More than once Tim or even Toby caused me to have to chase them topless, desperately trying to cover up and to recover my suit top when some girl they were hoping to date or guy they wanted to impress happened to come by for a dip.

For my part, I would of course try my best to yank down their trunks in payback and I suspect they were often hoping for just this reaction at times so they could flash some poor girl they fancied. Just one of the many games we all played I guess.

These events were not many during the first 7-8 months of the school year. As the year drew to a close and the days got longer as well as hotter, we came to spend more and more time by the pool.

Eventually there evolved a rule of sorts in that if I jumped in or dove into the pool and my suit malfunctioned, or the boys’ either rare as it was, then we had to continue without the garment until someone else gave it back or we all went indoors. By malfunction I mean basically falling off or getting pulled down and exposing us which actually happens more than you might imagine.

Guys’ swimwear apparently has a cord around the waistband to prevent this most times but still some boys seemed to have difficulty keeping their trunks on at times. I have a theory that suggests it could have something to do with who else is at the pool at the time. I know they untie their trunks to go to the bathroom and have caught more than one off guard with their trunks untied.

Most of the suits that I have are not designed to dive but rather to lay about in the sun and tan. Even then it is common for girls to untie our tops as to reduce tan lines on our backs and or sides when we can. The boys have a nasty habit of dousing a girl with cold water and attempting to make us jump out of our suits as it were, just to get a peek, especially when another boy is around who might not be part of the original posse of me, my two brothers, Joe and the twins, Nick and Nate. Those boys in particular were rather used to being able to get me naked without subterfuge unless an outsider was about then all bets were off and I had to be more on guard.

I don’t think I have said before but at around the age of 15-16 I began to fill out and you might say develop in ways that I soon realized drew the attention of more than just my usual admirers. I soon went from barely filling a B-cup and having nearly a straight waist to having curves. I hadn’t made it to a full C-cup but I was confident that it was in my future at least.

I was sort of hopeful that Joe might be interested in helping me learn some of the art of intimacy up until a certain weekend when we got caught up playing a bit of “Dare you to”… wherein we got caught, or rather I got caught in his room wearing nothing but a pair of panties by none other than his father! Joe was still someone I had my eye on but having had a close call with him that one afternoon during spring break, we both thought we had best heed the warning to cool things a bit.

His Dad was actually kind of cool about it all. I mean he could have called in Joe’s Mom, My mom or Dad and blew things all out of proportion, right? I can’t say I hadn’t thought at one point that this might be my chance to see what all the fuss was about when it came to sex but it turned out that instead I got caught and seen nearly naked by the father of my brothers’ best friends!
Likely this was the start of the next phase of my journey even though at the time I was so embarrassed that I felt I wanted to die. Danny is the father of Joe, Nick and Nate. I must say I wonder that there is no DJ or Danny Jr… but those are his boys’ names, really. His sons have all seen me naked or nearly so for years as we have played out in pools, creeks, sprinklers, etc. since we were all much smaller. Come to think of it I guess he too has spied me in various stages of exposure at times be it totally soaked through in wet panties of even stripped down to hose of the mud and grime before toweling dry so as to come indoors.

This particular time was however quite different as I was alone in his oldest sons room and had recently removed my clothing so as to try on some lingerie. This might not have been as big of a deal had Joe not at the time had a full erection and had gone so far as to have had his pants around his ankles as well.

The interruption was sufficient to diffuse the situation and the conversation we had after getting dressed quickly, well immediately really, scared me enough to think that Joe might never speak to me again!

I won’t try to lie or to pretend that Joe’s dad was wrong about his warning to us. There may have been a real chance that we could have gotten ourselves in so deep as to not know how to stop had we not been interrupted. So in a way I should be grateful I guess. I mean it is possible Joe or I would have stopped before I got pregnant but we also may not have, you know?

It was actually a few months after, I was given access to birth control. I should get up the nerve to ask my mom what brought about that decision someday. Maybe Danny or his wife had a chat with one of my folks? Whatever happened, it was not a major production, more of a casual trip to the doctor for a checkup and I came home with a prescription that I now had to take daily. That is assuming I wanted to be protected from the risks of getting pregnant, presuming that I was either already or might soon become sexually active, and hoping it did not fail as we all know it is not 100%.

Anyway, that was about as close as I had so far come to being with a boy thus far and my prospects were not great. I mean there was that once in the shower with the twins a year or two ago. I even considered them as an option after the thing with Joe went south but I rarely saw them apart, I was pretty sure I wasn’t up to a threesome my 1st time, not to mention Toby was generally close at hand when Nick and Nate were around. Getting either twin alone would raise all sorts of questions and curiosity which I didn’t want.

Have you ever known of a girl who wanted to lose her virginity who actually struggled to make it happen? See, I had no real boyfriend, almost no friends who were not also my brothers’ friends. Most of the girls I knew well were interested in my brothers at least as much as they were in me as a friend.

Our mother was now legally separated from dad. She still liked to go off on weekends and though she was as likely as not to find her way home in the wee morning hours on a given day, she also spent more than a few nights away only to show up on Sunday afternoon or evening.

At the time I guess she was going through a lot, or maybe she was looking to replace dad. Maybe she was trying to maintain what she saw as her normal schedule before the breakup? So in some ways we too had a sort of normal schedule after our folks separated, even after the divorce, but that may be getting ahead of myself.

Although our mother’s schedule was not all that different from before she and dad separated the change to us kids was quite evident. Mom went off to work in the mornings and we went off to school on week days of course. Evenings we got home a few hours before she did, we handled lessons, chores and being all teenagers we pretty much were self-sufficient when it came to food and everything. Mom did the shopping on one weeknight per week so as to leave the weekends for her personal time. We typically got a couple of hours as a family four to five nights per week like on Mon – Friday plus Sunday night minus grocery day.

Some Friday nights and many Saturdays Mom might be away however and some of those nights became a bit more intimate as often I was left with one or the other brother and myself alone in the home. Day-times we sometimes had pool guests. It is amazing just how popular we all became when it got around that there was not only a pool at our house but also we were often sans parental guardians. Mom and Dad both had fast rules about overnight guests though and there was rarely any exception to these rules.

On one such weekend, Tim was off with dad or maybe at a friend’s and Toby and I had spent the day in and around the pool. We had actually had a couple of younger neighborhood kids over for a few hours and I had some hopes that I might be able to parley that into a possible babysitting job the next summer.

The family lived a block or so away and they had a girl who was a couple of years younger than Toby maybe as well as a son who was in the same grade but a couple of months younger. I figured there was a chance their parents might not want to leave the boy in charge of his sister or might rather have someone else around a bit at least, as long as I didn’t charge too much to help out.
I have after all taken quite an interest in having a few dollars of my own lately to pay for movies, make-up and clothes, etc. I can’t depend on boys to buy everything I want after all and we don’t get much allowance.

As the evening drew to a close and we found ourselves home alone, I made my way towards the shower to rinse out my suit and hand it till next time as well as to wash the chlorine out of my sun bleached hair. I stopped off by my room for a second and upon entering the bathroom to shower caught Toby naked at the toilet peeing, his flaccid penis in hand.

It was, as you know, nothing new to me to see such things but since the time some weeks back things had been a little weird with us and for some reason I just stood there watching. He made some wise crack about me taking a picture or something and I laughed as I came back from whatever I had been thinking as I returned from my brief daydream. Had I imagined Joe there? Someone else?
The thought of snapping a naked picture of Toby was kind of funny but then again it had some merit as what sister didn’t need some occasional blackmail material?

Thinking to tease him I began to strip off my suit and make for the shower when he acted as if he was doing the same. “Wait your turn there, Suzie Q” he playfully said to me.

“Nope, I’m already here so either join me or wait till I’m done, twerp.” I replied as I entered one end of the shower.

Not to be out done he stepped into the other and it was as if the awkwardness from the last couple of weeks or so had passed. We looked each other over, naked as ever, and I tried to embarrass him into yielding one more time. Mean, I know, but it’s what happened…

“Be careful where you point that thing. And don’t get a boner or you might have to run and hide.” Don’t ask me why I had to antagonize him but it is kind of my job, I think.

For his part he came back with a near threat or dare of his own saying, “If I do maybe I’ll let you play with it a little longer this time,” referring to my having grabbed him in the shower last time. This frankly took me completely off guard!

While we rinsed I was careful not to touch him and avoided looking down as much as I could. The last thing I needed was his catching me looking at his cock and I hoped he didn’t get hard. Toby on the other hand apparently relished the opportunity and either played with him-self while I looked away or just got hard naturally as he happily pointed out about the time we were ready to dry off and exit the shower.

“Did you want to do something about this?” He asked me, waving his pecker at me like it was a sword or something.

“Gees Toby, really?” I replied, now openly looking on. How could I not, after all it was clear that he wanted me to see it and maybe he was ready to talk about it now?

“So this time you were thinking of me and not some slut at school huh?” I counter as an opener.

“Maybe,” he says. “Although I can think of a few girls I’d let trade places with you in here like this given a choice.”

“Anyone I know?” I ask him; deflecting from the fact he is hard and so close to me as I dry off, wrapping a towel around myself.

“You may have met one or two of them and maybe you could even help with that this summer if they come over for a swim.” Toby answered, and I get the idea that he is actually a bit more sexually aware than I thought.

Is he hoping to recruit me into some scheme to disrobe some poor unsuspecting girl at our pool? It might be fun actually to not be the only girl being ogled by the boys this summer.

“Perhaps something could be arranged, Little Brother” I tell him. “But first I’ll require an honest answer as payment in advance; we’ll see what happens this summer.” To be honest I was already plotting how I might deflect some of the usual attention I received towards some others, now that this seed had been planted and knowing how likely it was that several other girls might soon be lounging around our pool.

Expecting him to attempt to dodge away and make for his room, I ease past him placing myself in position to block his escape down the hall during this friendly banter. Turning back I find he is close enough that I can’t resist and once again I have a firm grasp on his rigid erection. This time he just freezes and looks me in the eyes.

“Care to explain this?” I ask my little brother as he takes in a quick breath and spouts out… “Now that you have it, what are you going to do with it?”

It is now my turn to take in a quick breath. My first instinct is to drop it or push him away but for some reason instead I respond with, “Tell me what you think I should do with it? What do you imagine I’m doing when you are eyeballing me in the shower that gets you like this? Huh?” I challenge him, as I give it a squeeze, then I slide my hand away from his genitals as he and I lock glares.

Toby leans ever so slightly forward as my hand leaves the tip of his shaft and I think I have my answer already but I want to make him say it. He is the first to break our gaze. He is younger so being unsure and perhaps shy in his way he shrinks back no sooner than he leaned forward.

Now breathing more rapidly and I think his face might also be a bit flushed, he looks into the wall mirror which has now cleared from the steam and he may actually be checking me out surreptitiously. This gives me a little thrill and I suddenly find that I like this new feeling. This rush of being able to cause this reaction is not entirely new but it is still fresh.

“Look at me, Toby,” I tell him, and he does, turning back to face me fully, still naked, and still quite hard. I don’t touch him though a part of me wants to. I don’t want to scare him away. “If you can’t tell me what you imagine I am doing, can you show me what you do while you think about, whatever you think about?”

His hand is wrapped around his cock and he is stroking himself in moments. His eyes are lasers cutting through me, his gaze is so intense. He breaks eye contact but his eyes never leave my body. For this I am grateful as I want to watch him and take in the show but also I am not sure I could have looked into his eyes as he came, if he cums, it would be too much I think.

His excitement is short lived and he breaks away as his spray hits the shower door and the back wall of the shower. It is surprisingly powerful and goes a lot further than I would have thought based on my limited experience. I wonder briefly if this varies per boy or per incident. Perhaps it depends on the level of excitement or maybe on the elapsed time since the last eruption? I guess each new bit of information simply leads to more questions!

Toby has an odd look on his face as I meet his eyes briefly and inform him. “Well, you sir have a bit of a mess to clean up!” Turning to go I add, “We might have to finish this discussion later.”

I spent the rest of the evening in a pair of hip hugger panties and a t-shirt that ended mid-thigh. Toby bravely emerged from his room a short while later wearing his usual boxers having graduated from briefs sometime in the last year.

I did pass back through the bathroom before retiring that night and my inspection revealed no evidence of what happened there earlier. This was a relief as I had no desire to explain the presence of semen to my mother or my older brother.

As I was about to go to bed I heard my door open to find Toby standing in the passage and grinning he snapped a picture of me, wearing only panties now, having just pulled off my t-shirt. I generally sleep nude. Both of my brothers have known this for some time, thus he apparently timed this purposefully.

Not thinking of the potential risks posed but rather thinking that he likely just wanted spank bait and not caring that much if he did. Maybe I was flattered? I turned away from him and pointed my butt at him. To which he of course snapped yet another pic. There was a flash and a click so I know he was only getting stills and not video or sound. Feeling encouraged and once more a bit flushed myself I reached up and grasped my waistband. Looking back over my shoulder I asked him, “Aren’t you just about done here?” As I nod towards his room, thinking he should get lost now before I demand the phone and delete the pics. I can always delete them later right?

“I wouldn’t want to stop with an incomplete set.” Toby answered me.
And on queue I slid my waist band down, as he snapped a series of rapid shots. He snapped off pics as I lowered my panties, letting them fall, bending to retrieve them and even turning to gesture for him to leave. “Now get you horny bastard, geez!” I eventually told him as I climbed into my bed.

It turned out that I should have got the phone that night and deleted the pics but I had actually thought at the time to sneak down the hall later and listen at his door, maybe even to capture a few pictures of my own. His little cheap flip phone couldn’t really take even the most basic pics anyway right? I mean he would probably enjoy them and then delete them in a few days. I bet they wouldn’t show much and his memory of taking them is probably what he’d enjoy most. Also I figured I’d make sure to tell him that I’d kill him if he showed them or lost his phone with them still on it, so he’d have to delete them.

Unfortunately I fell asleep prior to getting my revenge in photographic form that night though I did get a few pics of both of my brothers later in the buff. It turns out that pics of them rock hard are not nearly as good a form of blackmail as pics of them flaccid and shrunken on a cold day. LOL. Also FYI, boys are not so afraid of being seen naked by other boys or even by girls. Somehow it turns out that my having naked pictures of Joe was far less weird than the pics of my brothers and although the boys could use my pics against me at will, my having pics of them was largely useless.

Eventually I deleted them, though I wish I hadn’t now at times. My pics, eventually joined others and may even now be circulated among a few select friends. If they ever end up on the web I hope it is when I am older and no one knows whose name they are associated with.

More later...
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