Susan... Part 3


Ok, so maybe now you can see why I was so ready to take advantage of the situation at Kylie’s house? I mean here was her Dad, naked and caught with his stiff dick in hand, not only by me but also by his own daughter. I could not help but encourage her to push him at least a little bit once I saw what he was looking at. He had been looking at and masturbating to pictures and videos of young girls. Or they at least looked like girls our age, who were being forced or blackmailed into public nudity. This was actually something I had experienced a few times. Well, maybe not fully public exactly but a lot more people have seen me naked than I would have chosen to if it was not for my brothers and some of their friends! No way I’m passing up on a chance to play with a man who just falls into my hands as it were!
I actually managed to get a few pics of my new favorite toy, Eddie. Not only stroking himself, naked but his daughter Kylie even got in on the act! OK, so I might have done a bit of stroking too but it’s not exactly like I’ve never touched a dick before. That’s another story I guess, but it may have actually been Kylie’s 1st time which set my mind whirling in all sorts of new directions I can tell you!
So anyway, after my new friend and I watch her “Daddy” get himself off I manage to talk him into hanging out naked for a bit until he manages to slip off to get a shower and we go hang out in her room for a bit.
Kylie has a younger sister who isn’t home right now, too bad right? I am very curious how to go about continuing this new game and am in no way ready to call it quits. This is simply too great an opportunity to pass up for a girl who has been on the receiving end of some of the craziest stunts that adolescent boys can come up with. Seriously, if we hadn’t moved a year and a half ago I’d probably be pregnant and/or the talk of the town by now at least. Come to think of it may be back home I am, at least among my brothers friends!
Somehow our folks never got wise to anything that went on and my brothers and their friends seemed to be very careful who they let join into our games. I have no idea how they got everyone to keep their yaps shut but so far our secret, or rather my secret really, is safe!
As for Eddie, Kylie’s dad, he is in for a time as I am determined to make him my new project. Kylie too, and maybe her sister if she isn’t too innocent. I know, I sound really evil right? But I swear, if Edward/Eddie or his daughters ever give me the feeling that they feel threatened or that they are really not into whatever we are doing I’ll quit.
No really, I will! After all, I’ve been there myself. I’ve done stuff, mostly only stuff I enjoyed but a few times… well, let’s just say that I should have said no, OK? So I should be able to tell when things go too far right?
Tim and Toby liked to have their friends over and it was never long before I would find myself held captive, stripped or on display. I mean, at first I was pretty clueless. When my brothers and their friends would strip me naked and tie me up, sometimes they would search my body for hidden “contraband”, pretending to find drugs or weapons in the most unlikely of places. I guess maybe I got used to the idea that I was gonna be a captive or a slave in most of the games we played but having no one else to play with I went along. After all they never hurt me and we were all having fun. These games only happened out in the woods or in one of our forts so all I had to do is stop going there if ever I wanted to stop it right? At some level I liked all the attention and I seemed to be the center of attention more often than not!
It was that same summer after I got naked and sat on Joe’s lap. Probably only a few weeks later I think, Toby had the twins over at our house and as was the custom our folks had decided to go to town.
Tim and Joe were out in the woods when the adults left and I was actually in charge for a change! The twins are actually a bit older than me but when the ages are close most adults leave the girl in charge of whatever goes on indoors.
Well, it was still pretty early in the afternoon but the boys and I had been out in the yard and we were all in need of a good scrubbing. I decided I would go inside and get cleaned up as I had food to warm up for dinner and I had no idea when Tim and Joe might be back but I figured I should get things started so we would have plenty of hot water to go around. Boys don’t always take showers but they should!
The twins are Nate and Nick. That’s not their full names but that’s what we all called them. They are also, like me, twelve yrs old and when their brother isn’t around Nick seems to be the leader.
I had been indoors for a little while. The casserole was in the oven on low to warm, I had gathered clean clothes. I was in the bathroom with the water steaming up the mirror and about to step into the shower when I heard the boys apparently racing down the hall. It didn’t occur to me that they might be headed into the very room I was standing in, fully naked, until the door was shoved open and the three of them all tried to come in at once.
Had I not jumped into the shower I might have been crushed. As it was I was livid and yelled at them to get out. They all apologized and tried to explain that they needed to pee, that they didn’t know I was in there, etc. From behind the curtain, I told them to go use a tree and to please leave me alone while I got a shower.
Upon finishing up I stepped out onto our floor mat to find that my bath towel and clothes were gone. In their place was a small hand towel, barely larger than a wash cloth and nothing else! It seemed that the boys had decided to prank me! Well, I was not exactly shy and they had seen me naked before so I dried off as best as I could which was actually pretty well considering what I had to work with. But after all I’m pretty small, right!
As I opened the bathroom door to peek out, thinking I could dash to my room unseen, one look down the hall shows me the boys are waiting. OK, fine let them look, I think, and I step out to go to my room. The twins block my way and I find myself herded into the den naked instead.
“Just what do you boys think you are doing?” I ask, looking at my little brother and hoping Tim gets home soon! “You had better give me my clothes back, or let me go to my room or there’s gonna be trouble!” I tell them sternly, hoping to intimidate them; after all I am in charge!
Toby looks a bit sheepish being the youngest, but Nick and Nate boldly inform me that I am going to stay naked until Joe and Tim get back and that they are going to tell them I had lost a bet so I had to stay that way all night!
This was crazy yet pretty bold and I knew it wasn’t Toby’s idea. I tried to talk him into helping me but he wanted to be cool like his older friends so I could see I was not going to win him over. I tried to get around them but every time I got close, one of the twins would grab me or poke me somewhere and I eventually gave up.
Being naked around my brothers was one thing, playing the victim in the woods was another but being a real captive, naked and sitting there waiting to see the reaction of the older boys when they came in was something else.
What if they came in with another friend from the woods? Many of our friends have seen me naked in our games but no one had ever seen me just sitting around relaxing naked or walking around naked in our home for anyone to see!
Well, there was that one time with Tim and Joe but that was just for a minute or so and not like this. I know Tim hadn’t told the twins about that. Had Joe Bragged to his brothers about me stripping? Or sitting on his lap naked? Had he talked about touching me? I felt a bit strange thinking about that. It caused me to get kind of warm and to blush, which the boys immediately noticed and pointed out!
“Why are you turning all pink Susan?” Nick chirped. “You look like you might enjoy being naked for us!”
“I bet she’s thinking about Joe coming in and seeing her!” Nate chimed in.
So apparently Joe did tell them something at least. Toby just kind of kept quiet and flipped channels on the TV.
I went into the kitchen and the twins followed me. It was a little scary, exciting and I was very nervous but really I didn’t know why. Hadn’t these boys and I played games in the past? Yes, and they had seen me naked before. My head couldn’t figure out why my pulse was racing but this was somehow different, maybe because they were my age? Was it because I had not really decided to go along as part of some game this time? I certainly had in the past. So in a way this was different but it wasn’t like anything bad was happening. I told myself to calm down and started getting the table ready for us to eat, figuring on making a break for it to grab some clothes at the first opportunity.
Whenever I looked at the twins they would grin, then look away. I soon found that they couldn’t hold my glare for long. It occurred to me that before long I could make them give in and let me get dressed if I showed them I didn’t care if they looked.
None of the boys seemed to want to go get a shower and leave me unattended though I mentioned it a couple of times. When Nick suggested he would gladly get in if I joined him, I decided to drop it. Something told me I would end up showering with both twins if I started down that path. Toby even perked up a bit when the shower idea came up and I think he might have wanted to try it too!
I know I said before how we used to bathe together as kids when we were little but at some point we all started taking showers mostly and that was kind of the end of the baths a year or two ago. Maybe my little brother missed that but wouldn’t that be a little strange now? I mean I was starting puberty, should have had my period by now, as most girls my age do but I am petite for my age. Bigger girls tend to start earlier, not always so with smaller girls.
I was sitting in the recliner facing the TV, alternating between glaring at Nick or Nate and planning how to escape my captivity when the back door opened and voices came through the house. Tim and Joe were back!
I wanted to hide, I wanted to run to Tim for protection, I didn’t want him and Joe to see me sitting here naked, but I also didn’t want my brothers and these boys to fight! Would Toby tell what really happened? If so he might get in a lot of trouble, especially if Tim told our folks. What if Tim believes the story the twins claimed they would tell the older boys? Tim would have to know it was a lie right? Would he make them let me get dressed or go along with it?
Tim always seemed to like seeing me naked or in my underwear and especially in front of other boys. He might even like the idea of me having to stay naked all night! After all, tonight our parents were staying in town and there was a good chance they might not be back all weekend!
Joe was the first into the den.
Tim had gone down the hall from the kitchen and never even glanced in on us. I’m sure that having heard the TV and seen the table set he figured all was normal. Not hardly!
I could hear Tim in his room then in the bathroom, then of all things, as the door to the hall clicked shut, the shower running! Was the bastard really going to leave me here to be ogled at by yet another guy?
Granted, he was as yet unaware of my predicament but shouldn’t he at least have checked on us, at least on me!
In the meantime Joe was indeed gawking, or intently looking at least, and grinning. He hadn’t spoken yet but after stopping short at first sight of me sitting in the den naked with his two brothers and checking to see that Toby was at least present, he actually recovered very quickly and to my surprise he came over and taking my hand pulled me up. Standing now, he quickly sat in my place and I shook his hand loose before he could pull me onto his lap.
“You’re welcome to have a seat he snidely offered with a grin, or I’m sure the twins would happily let you squeeze between them on the couch!”
“No thanks!” I say and I make my way into the kitchen to pull out the casserole.
I hear the boys talking as soon as I leave the room and it occurs to me that now is my chance to make a dash for it! My clothes are just down the hall in my room and there is no one blocking me now, also Tim is home and he won’t let them make me stay naked. Especially if I protest and tell him what really happened! If I can get to my room before he comes out of the shower he won’t let them come in there after me either! None of the doors in our house have locks except our folks’ room and I can’t run in there naked, even though I could lock everyone out! I’d still have nothing to wear that fits me.
On the other hand if I make a scene I am sure there will be a fight or at least a huge argument, parents might get called and everyone is going to find out way too much about the games we have played. I don’t think It is a good idea to stir that up, whether it’s the childish games we used to play or the recent past with Tim and Joe. I can’t see an upside really!
Before I can act, Tim emerges from the shower, dressed for bed in his boxers as usual. He comes directly towards the kitchen and hearing his approach I call to the boys, “Hey guys, Come eat!”
The four from the den enter through one door as Tim enters from the hall. He sees me, naked, but I guess maybe he doesn’t see me exactly at first cause I see him look away then his head jerks back sharply. Now I know he is seeing me. I turn away to grab a big serving spoon and try to act normal as I turn back. He is staring. He wants to ask but doesn’t seem to know what to say or where to start!
I almost crack up seeing my big brother speechless! It is at that moment that I decide I have to go along with this crazy scenario. So as the guys gather and hesitantly start to sit down I launch into my own version of their story, which I decide is a brilliant strategy. Thinking that if I tell it I can control the outcome right?
“Hope there’s enough here,” I say. “Take some and pass it but don’t be a pig till everyone has a bit OK?” Though I am trying to sound normal, I doubt I pulled it off.
Tim is still just looking, he seems reassured that I am not hurt and as he sits down I begin. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost Tim! Are you OK? It certainly isn’t as though you’ve never seen me naked before!” That at least puts it out there, might as well face it. I discover now that I had actually almost gotten used to being naked until he and Joe came in gawking at me and making me self-conscious.
“I’m fine, Sis. But I’m wondering about you, what the blazes is going on? What kind of game have you all been playing at? Are you OK? And why are you walking around naked in front of everybody!” Tim rapid fires, as if there is anyone here who hasn’t seen me naked or at least very nearly so before!
Bless him but this is somehow strikes me as funny and breaks the tension momentarily I guess cause I immediately crack up and start laughing, which then the younger boys all join in as well. This confuses Tim even more and the elephant in the room now having been fully faced so to speak most everyone digs into the food as I mentally scramble to come up with a reasonable story as Tim’s focus rests solely on me to explain for the moment.
“We have been outside mostly Tim, and we got really dirty, as you can see if you look at the twins or Toby. I took take my clothes off to keep from ruining them while they buried me alive, well almost buried me, then I got rescued just in time to come inside and warm up supper. I also got a bath, so I am the only one clean besides you I guess. Did you have enough hot water? I’m afraid I may have used too much trying to get all that dirt off of me!” I offer. This sounds silly I know but it is all that came to me and it really isn’t all that farfetched as far as some of the games we used to play went.
“Yeah, I did run out of water, thanks for that! I hope that water heats up pretty quickly cause everyone else needs to clean up too you know. So now what? You figure on playing the nudist for our friends tonight?” Tim challenges me, “Here I was thinking you were about to grow out of those games!”
Feeling a little embarrassed now and chastened for using up the hot water, I got a bit defensive. “What if I do? You never seemed to mind showing me off to your friends before. If you must know, I lost a bet to the twins. It’s really none of your business so there’s no need to get jealous just because you weren’t here to make me strip for your friends!” I say, but I immediately wish I hadn’t. Not because it isn’t true, but seeing in his eyes that it might be, and knowing that he was going to make me pay for it.
“Tell you what, Sis. I don’t care what you wear or if you stay naked. I doubt these guys will complain, just be sure you get dressed before the folks come back, I don’t want it said I made you do anything you didn’t want to do. What do you boys think?” Tim grins at Joe, and the twins are grinning at me, Toby is the only one who looks uncomfortable but for me I am determined to not give in!
The food is gone and I am about to go to my room after cleaning up, when Tim calls me to the den. Every seat is taken now with all the boys here, though I know Joe would let me sit in his lap I elect to perch on the floor, sitting on my knees. This position is usually quite comfy to me but naked and on the carpet I find it distracting.
Apparently it is distracting for the boys as well, as it seems that no one is really paying much attention to the movie tonight. Nate and Nick can’t seem to take their eyes off of me and this seems to really bother Tim. Joe is better at hiding his glances but he too is very aware of my being in the room. Toby seems to be the most uncomfortable actually and in no time he moves off to his room. It isn’t that late, but with all the tension and the roller coaster of emotions this evening I am feeling a bit tired. I yawn a few times and noticing Tim suggests that we all make arrangements to shut things down for the night. Joe is bunking in Tim’s room as usual, the twins pull out the sofa bed and I escape to my room.
I find that I feel odd putting on a night gown and after lying in bed for less than a half hour I pull it off and toss it onto my dresser. Now I have a wholly new concern. Will I never be comfortable wearing clothes again? I slip out of bed and go to my dresser. I try cotton panties; a bralette seems too restrictive just now. I seem to be hyper aware of the feel of the cloth against my skin and it seems more scratchy than usual somehow. The cotton panties come off and I try satiny ones, these are nice. They’re not silk, but they do feel better.
This is when Toby comes into my room. He apparently feels guilty and is upset that he believed he is the cause of all this tonight. It hadn’t occurred to me to blame anyone but myself really. If Toby had acted earlier, when I was first stranded without a towel, things surely would have been different but there’s no advantage in pointing this out. I reassure him, all the while wearing only satin panties, as I give him a hug goodnight I realize that I am tingling slightly as his body touches my breasts and I think he may have been getting an erection as he left my room!
This thought makes me tingle even more. It is an unfamiliar yet pleasant sensation that I recognize from a few weeks ago when I sat in Joes lap and especially when his hands touched my body. That was the first time that I recall anyone having touched my breasts. Joe had lightly touched my nipples and nearly made me gasp, when he grabbed my left side it gave me a different feeling but I don’t know if I liked that or not.
Lost in this reverie, I am startled by Tim. He has come to my room as well, he sits beside me. Tim is rarely quiet, he seems different now though.
“You OK, Sis?” he asks me, almost shyly. Is it because I am nearly naked? Is he really that uncomfortable with me being nude? He always used to like getting me naked, outside at least! Did he decide to tell me to get dressed?
“I’m fine, Bro.” I reply. “Maybe a little confused?”
“Confused?” he asks, looking at me, and now he seems confused or worried.
“I think I like being naked and I like the attention but not if it’s going to make us fight!” I tell him. Continuing before he can interrupt, “I feel excited and tingly and sexy, I think. When boys are looking at me like they wish they could eat me up or touch me all over, or even when they just seem to get dazed for an instant.” I say as I catch him glancing down, at my chest or was he looking at my panties? I stand up and take two steps away from my bed where he sits. As I turn I bend slightly and lower my panties till they fall around my ankles.
He rewards me with one of those looks I just mentioned, not sure which one… I really gotta learn how to decipher those! LOL!
“Sis,” he says. “I think we’re all a little confused when it comes to the opposite sex. I just know that I don’t want anyone making you do anything you don’t want to do. OK?”
“OK.” I answer, having voluntarily stripped just for him. He slowly looks me over, head to toe and back up as he stands. He takes me in his arms and we embrace. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have an erection as he goes to leave or if so I didn’t notice as I close my door.
That night, I lie awake for a while wondering if I will have any other visitors! It was the first time I ever slept naked, not to mention knowing that there were three extra boys in the house who I’m sure have had plenty to think about all night!
I awaken and as usual need to go to the bathroom. I am slightly startled to find that I am naked until the previous night’s events come back to me. I debate getting dressed. If I do, I feel confident that Tim at least will support my decision. The other boys will certainly be disappointed! Haha!
Fully awake now, the pressure is too much so I make a break for the bathroom. If no one is in there and I make it back unseen maybe I will count it as a sign and I will get dressed. If I do I dare anyone to question me. After all they had their fun and I don’t owe them anything, right?
I finish up in the bathroom and out of habit I flush. It occurs to me that I may have just blown my chance at a “Sign” as it were! Well, so what? If I decide to get dressed I still can even if I do get spotted exiting the bathroom. My big brother has my back whatever I decide. This gives me courage and as I leave I meet Joe face to face, so much for my courage. LOL!
He is coming out of Tim’s room and we almost collide. I am at once both unaware of my nudity and hyper aware of the same thing as I see his eyes devour me. That odd tingle is back and I decide that I can’t get dressed fast enough!
We break contact as we both feel an urgent need it seems, though as I glance back, he too is catching a glimpse which makes me blush! Odd but I’m fairly certain that initial feeling wasn’t blushing… nope it’s totally different.
Stepping into my room I am all ready to pick out clothes and get dressed, and then I think, what if I don’t? I can’t really get any more exposed than I already have right? I bet those boys are all counting on me chickening out today. They all know that if I get dressed Tim would support my decision. He would wouldn’t he? Or would he join in teasing me for chickening out?
Nah, he said as much last night in my room. It’s up to me, so, well I don’t guess I have to dress for breakfast! Haha! I can’t wait to see the shocked looks on their faces this morning.
I practically strut into the kitchen, alone. Everyone else seems to be sleeping in. I proceed to make as much noise as possible while making a simple bowl of cereal. I Rattle glasses and open and shut cabinets and the fridge getting juice.
Toby eventually stumbles in and I have some reward for my efforts. He is momentarily rocked back on his heels as his mind takes in my state of undress. I can see his brain kick in and bring him up to speed. (Right, she is going to be naked all weekend, I guess, OK, weird) then he says, “Morning” and goes for the milk and a glass.
Hmm, that seems almost a non-starter. Is my little brother really capable of just shrugging off the fact that his big sister is still walking around naked in a house full of neighborhood boys? OK, maybe it’s because he’s only like 10 and he does see me like this a lot, or he has anyway. Maybe it’s no big deal to him! I bet it’d be a big deal if I told him to strip and invited a bunch of girls over!
I am disappointed but I know the twins won’t be able to hide their shock. I should have a camera to catch their faces. No, bad idea, remember dummy you’re naked you don’t want anyone taking any pictures! If that happens you can’t ever stop those getting around.
With that pleasant thought I find I am feeling a little nervous again and my little brother, being completely oblivious begins to slam and rattle around in the kitchen. Additionally he decides that we should discuss some fun games we can play while I am naked and this is very likely what eventually aroused the twins.
They emerge from the den, one by one, they pass through the kitchen down the hall to the bathroom and then back to find me naked in the kitchen, much the same as I was last night and apparently they are not in the least bit surprised! I suppose that they assume that since I told Tim that story I’m just going to remain naked all weekend now, they figure it is a done deal!
I on the other hand am about decided to show them what for and go get dressed. I bet that’ll get a reaction out of Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb! Hah!
Before I can rinse my bowl, having finished, Tim comes in. He see’s me of course but gives no indication. Joe on the other hand is bright eyed and greets me with a “Good morning sunshine!” and a “Boy what a way to start the day!” He ogles me and I feel a blush coming on, “My, aren’t you looking radiant, this fine morning!”
This last elicits a smirk and a snort from Nick and Nate. As I glance their way I see them also checking me out! It seems the neighbors at least are pretty enthusiastic about me being on display. Well too bad for them, shows over boys!
“OK, guys.” Tim says, “Let’s knock it off already. She’s gonna be naked all day and you’ll get plenty of chances to see her all you like. Just take it easy ok?”
Wait, what? Did I hear that right? I thought it was up to me? I was about to go get dressed. I’m done with playing eye candy to a bunch of horn dog boys, or I thought I was! I look over at Tim and he gives me this sort of nod of encouragement, like as if to say, “You got this and I got your back!” Only, now I am not sure I want this.
Almost in unison the three neighbor boys say “Right.” And suddenly it’s almost like it was last night just before Tim and Joe got home. I’m still naked, they’re all dressed and standing or sitting around. No one is especially paying attention to me; they are busy eating and chatting. Toby has moved into the den and calls to me to come help put away the sofa bed.
When I return to the kitchen I see a slight glint in Nick’s eye and I know that he is taking me in but it is more reserved almost hidden. Nate looks on as well but looks away and continues his conversation without missing a beat.
Boys are strange. One minute they act like they want to chew you up or swallow you whole, the next they look at you like you’re yesterday’s news!
It soon comes to light that the boys all need showers and seeing as there is once again hot water Tim tells Toby to make for our folks bathroom so one of the others can use our bathroom. I slip off to my room and deign to see if I might spy a chance to turn the tides on at least one of these scoundrels who set me up last night! Not my little brother, though in truth he deserves it most of all probably for going along, but the twins planned and executed this debacle and it was them I was hoping to pay back one of them at least.
Though I wouldn’t mind snatching Joe’s clothes and towel and seeing him strut out in the altogether. Something tells me that plan might backfire though so I set my sights a bit lower for now. Maybe one day I can pay Joe back for what happened a few weeks ago and especially for blabbing about it to his brat twin brothers!
I am sitting just inside my door carefully listening as the water starts in the hall bath. I know it doesn’t take boys long to get in so I crack my door and look down the hall. The coast is clear, Tim appears to be either back in his room, watching TV or maybe still eating. I can’t get caught at this so I’ve got to be quick. Still naked, I slink quietly down the hall. It’s a very short trip and having pranked my brothers a few ties I know how to open the door quietly enough that I feel confident.
I am fully inside the bathroom now, successfully undetected. I grab up the towel and clothes as I go to make my escape, Nick enters and catches me red handed!
He grins, puts his index finger to his lips and goes “Shh.”
I have no idea what he is up to. Did he have the same idea as me? Is he here to steal his own twin’s clothes? Great! I hand them to him but he sets them aside. He the pulls back the curtain of the shower and I see Nate, he’s all wet but for some reason he isn’t naked. It seems the twins planned on me joining them in a shower trio and I can’t even complain as I invited myself!
Nate is wearing his briefs; the water is spraying almost directly down and to one side so he’s barely even wet. Nick is quick to strip down to his briefs as well. And I soon find myself in a boyish version of a manwich in which I appear to be the meat and somehow I am the only one naked! It occurs to me that I could easily pull down their briefs then they’d be naked too but that wouldn’t really help the current situation. I could even scream or just call out. Showers tend to echo and amplify sound so if I want to draw attention it would be real easy.
Better for now to see where this goes, I can always call out later but if I do that the scene will escalate rapidly. I’m definitely getting dressed first chance I get. Toby might come looking for us soon so this, whatever this is, has gotta be quick.
The boys adjust the water and their cotton briefs, being all they now wear and also being white, get a little clingy as well as a bit more transparent. It becomes obvious as well that they both have full erections as evidenced by the bulges in their shorts and because they have each taken one of my hands and placed them on their groins. Nick is trying to get me to reach inside his briefs as he is not happy just getting me to feel him up. He is on my left, Nate on my right. Nick has my left hand by the wrist and he uses his left hand to tug his wet briefs as his right hand guides my hand to his cock. Nate seems to following his brothers lead and as my left hand reluctantly wraps around his firm penis his right hand begins an up and down motion with my wrist. I am not experienced at 12 years of age but I do have an older brother and I have accidently caught him masturbating so I know what they want now. I am now stroking each of them in one hand when Nick takes his left hand and begins to tweak and play with my left nipple!
I seem to lose track of a few minutes as things heat up, or maybe that is just me? Nope I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one getting hot this time. At some point I realize that no one is holding my wrists and I am voluntarily stroking these two nearly naked boys. My breasts are being touched and teased as is my ass and someone is touching my groin as well! Goodness! This has escalated quickly! How long have we been in here? I doubt it could be all that long because young boys don’t last long I hear! Young girls might not either if the current situation is any clue. Nick bends to put his mouth on my tit and I have to stifle a cry. It comes out as more of a whimper and it sounds really loud in the shower.
Nate is now behind me, my right hand is still stroking his cock but I think his briefs are around his ankles. I am a little concerned that he might try to penetrate me from behind so I am not about to let go of his cock. I am determined to give him what he needs without penetration. He is massaging, kneading and tweaking my breasts and nipples in turn.
Nick has slipped out of my grasp. I am at first not sure why but as he kisses and nips his was down from my tits to my abdomen and then lower it occurs to me that he may actually want to give me something instead of get something from me! I have heard older girls talk about this. They love to tease us younger girls about how it feels and how we are so clueless. Well they are not wrong so far! I really don’t have any idea what is coming next but right now at least I know that I want it!
I learned later thankfully that this experience was minor compared to what is possible but when Nick switched from touching or fingering, I guess, my groin, or pussy as the boys call it, when he started kissing and nibbling then licking and again kissing, he started something! I wasn’t sure what he started but I sort of began to purr, inside. Not like a cat, you can’t hear it. But well you remember me saying something about a tingle yeah, well that’s not it exactly only maybe it is but on steroids!
At some point I lost track of where I was, maybe even who I was? Certainly, I lost track for a moment, who I was with. I came back pretty quickly as the cold water splashing on me helped. Nate still behind me, fully naked of course, one arm around my chest, one tit fully in hand, his other hand for some reason covering my mouth, which he quickly released as I was almost tempted to bite him!
I could feel his cock against my rear and it seemed to be getting softer. God I hope he didn’t penetrate me back there, or anywhere! I look down and I don’t see blood, so no period at least and maybe my virginity…? Can having an orgasm break your hymen? Will it bring on your period? Maybe we should try this again! I know everyone says I am luck and not to wish my life away, Blah, Blah, but I want to start already. No chic wants to be the last one to become a woman!
Come to think of it I just had a pretty big experience along the path to womanhood. As I go to step out of the shower I look back at Nate as he dries himself. Then I glance over Nick. Not identical twins but nearly so. Bet you can guess what part of their anatomy is different but I won’t tell you who’s is bigger! I think they wanted to pick this up where we left off but I could hear Toby in his room and so could they. Having dried off a bit I slipped out of the bathroom naked still but this time unseen, thankfully.
I fall across my bed and am lying there when toby knocks. “Hey Susie?” he calls. “
“Yeah?” I reply, as he peeks inside my room.
Finding me still naked and back on my bed, he asks, “You OK?”
To which I respond, “I’m great! Whassup?”
“I think everyone must be outside.” Toby says. I’m going out but I’ll come back and get you ok?
“Sure Kid!” I tell him to which he looks at me a little funny. I’m not sure why but he seems younger all of a sudden.
I hear the twins go down the hall very shortly and a part of me thinks about dragging them into my room! Geez, whoa girl! I gotta get a handle on this! I know I am in for some adventure if life so far, surrounded by horny boys, is any indicator but I am gonna have to figure out how to have better control I think and maybe sometimes say no.
When I left my room I was completely dressed and what do you know almost no one even commented on it! Well I did elicit an “Aww Shucks!” from Joe. The twins seem a little disappointed but maybe one day I can make it up to them and if I do they won’t complain at all!
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