A Walk in the Woods, Days Later Part 2
Leigh and Lindsey are still here, I am still naked and Leigh has my clothes.
“I’m gonna need those now, please.” I say, as sweetly as I can under the circumstances. Indicating the garments she has.
Lindsey and Leigh exchange glances. There is communication there, on a level that perhaps only sisters can appreciate. Their reply could not have been planned, yet it was in perfect harmony and almost in unison…
“What?” I say, knowing yet not accepting what they both just said.
“You heard us,” Lindsey says. “We aren’t leaving, and you want your clothes, so finish.” She says with a nod towards the magazines and pumps her fist in the air in case I forgot what I was doing or how to perform the task. “I think you’re gonna need the practice anyway.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” I ask. Not understanding the comment about practice. My cock is trying to calm down but it seems that I am either gonna have to fight them, chase them, or give in to them. Well, what’s a boy to do?
“First you finish, then you guys can talk.” Leigh suggests, “I’ve got something I need to do.”
So I finish, stroking my poor bruised cock to climax. Never try to fuck a fallen tree. It also might be a good idea to keep a small amount of lotion or something handy but alas this time I had to go dry and it was not really all that pleasant. Regardless, this seems to please Leigh and she walks off down the path after handing my clothes to her sister.
“I’ll be right behind you.” Lindsey says to her as Leigh walks away.
“Whatever,” Leigh says. “See more of you later,” she says to me. “Though not much more;” laughing cheerily as she trots off into the woods.
It is just Lindsey and I now. As she hands me my shorts and I bend to pull them on, I say. “I can’t believe you brought your little sister out here.”
“Oh, she’s ok, she’s seen more than she let’s on. You should hear the stories from what some of my cousins have gotten up to over summer vacations. We grow up pretty fast in my family.” Lindsey volunteers. This sets me back a bit. I really hadn’t expected much of a response. Lindsey is kind of cute, she has larger breast than most every girl her age so I guess it’s true in a way that she grew up fast, haha. I reach for my shirt as she starts to walk away, saying, “Let’s walk, while we talk.” She still has my shirt so…
“Mind if I get my shirt now?” I ask.
“I like you better without it but here,” she says, cutting her eyes at me mischievously. “Kind of silly to be shy now, don’t you think?”
Holding the shirt and thinking about it, I say. “Well, what if I asked you to take your shirt off? Ever wonder what Eve felt like in the Garden?”
Lindsey stops, looking at me intensely, she says. “Not until recently, but maybe, well what if I have?”
Feeling suddenly bolder, with no one else around, and as Leigh has apparently headed home, I say, “I dare you to try it, take your shirt off and carry it by your side for two minutes, or just till we reach the end of this trail. You can carry mine too.”
Hesitant at first, then having decided she pulls her T-shirt over her head. Perhaps she was trying to remember if she had on a revealing bra or not? Regardless, her figure does not disappoint. The bra in question fits her and it is of a more mature style than I would have guessed she might wear. Who buys a 12-13 yr old sexy lingerie? At just under 15 yrs old I am no expert on such things but I’m pretty sure she is a small C-cup and being thin I guess she has to buy more adult style garments. Like I said, large for her age.
She catches me staring, and shakes her head. “What is it with boys and breasts?” She asks. “Seriously, ever since these started growing every boy on the planet is trying to look down my shirt. Geez, maybe this was a bad idea.” She starts to shake her shirt out to put it back on.
“Wait, sorry, I shouldn’t stare, I guess. You’re gorgeous, really. I will try not to look. Go ahead, you can do this.” I say, standing aside and gesturing down the path while trying not to sound as if I am begging. I really don’t want her to put that shirt back on!
She takes a few steps. I want to reach out and wrap my hands around her and feel those tits but I know that is off limits. Hell I shouldn’t be here with her in the woods, let alone either of us being topless. Well, I guess it’s not that big of a deal if it’s me topless. But, why is that? Boys and girls are not so very different under their shirts right? Basically two nipples and a belly button. It comes down to hair or cleavage. Hmmm…..
Lindsey is still walking in front of me when she reaches the end of the first path. At the turn she says, “Stay behind me, ok?” She then reaches up behind her back and with one hand unhooks her bra. “I’m probably gonna want this back but catch.” I hear as she tosses it at me and jogs off, shirt still in hand, tits flying free, as I scramble to retrieve the bra that just bounced off my head.
This sight causes a resurgent stirring in my loins. What can I say, at this age I’m basically the energizer bunny. Really, think about it, there’s nothing sexier than tits in nature. I follow her, of course, who wouldn’t, right? When I catch up she has donned her shirt, Boo! Having only gotten a glimpse I am really bummed by this sight. My cock however is mostly erect, which she of course notices right away.
“Is that for me?” She says, innocently. Yet there is a glimmer of something animalistic in her eyes that does not jive with her age any more than her tit’s do.
I am suddenly flushed and feel a new, different kind of embarrassment. Luckily she continues without need of a reply.
“That was pretty exciting. Is that why you do it? What a feeling!” Lindsey exclaims, positively glowing.
Feeling odd standing there holding her bra, I reach out to give it back. She looks down at it and then up at me, “You can hold on to it if you like, but only for a few days. I’ll let you know when I need it back. I do have a couple of them you know.”
To be honest, I hadn’t considered her underwear, but I am now. Do her bottoms match the tops? I want to ask, but bite my tongue. Before I can think of anything much to add she turns and says, “Gotta get back home. I’m supposed to be looking after my sister, after all.”
“Um, OK.” I say, weakly; still flummoxed by the past couple of hours, especially the little bonding thing that just happened. “I’ll see you around.”
“You just might!” She says, as she heads across the Henderson’s yard toward home.
I am walking in the door, when it occurs to me that my mom might have come home to an empty and unlocked home. The house feels odd, knowing that Lindsey was here, looking through my stuff. I head to my room and check but things are almost exactly as I left them. Thankfully mom is not home.
In need of a shower I grab some clothes and jump in the shower. The water is great and as often happens I find myself needing relief once again. This time it is much easier since I have plenty of lotion in the bathroom, thanks mom, lol.
Wendell calls in the late afternoon and asks if I want to go work on the trails. This is when I realize that I left the magazines by the tree in the clearing. I doubt he will see them, or even that he will go to the clearing if he is working on trails but if he goes out there to hunt he might. Instead I suggest he come hang out and play video games or we find something on Netflix, there’s always a pizza in the freezer and I know mom won’t mind.
It is a bit awkward hanging with Wendell now. He is still clueless, that I have kind of become a sort of bitch for his sisters’ abuse. I consider enlisting his help stealing the pics, but really how would that conversation go exactly? I’m thinking, not well. He would either rat me out as a freak to the adults and we would all get in trouble or he might just want nothing at all to do with me ever. There are no other guys close to my age to hang out with and we get along good. That might change, check that it would change everything if he was clued into the events of the past few days. How could it not? We’re talking about not only his big sister but his little sister too. I don’t want to try to explain any of this to anyone if I can help it!
Wendell goes home after a few hours. I debate trying to get back out to the tree to get the magazines but it’s too late, past dark already, and flashlights are too easily spotted. I resolve to get an early start tomorrow.
“I’m gonna need those now, please.” I say, as sweetly as I can under the circumstances. Indicating the garments she has.
Lindsey and Leigh exchange glances. There is communication there, on a level that perhaps only sisters can appreciate. Their reply could not have been planned, yet it was in perfect harmony and almost in unison…
“What?” I say, knowing yet not accepting what they both just said.
“You heard us,” Lindsey says. “We aren’t leaving, and you want your clothes, so finish.” She says with a nod towards the magazines and pumps her fist in the air in case I forgot what I was doing or how to perform the task. “I think you’re gonna need the practice anyway.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” I ask. Not understanding the comment about practice. My cock is trying to calm down but it seems that I am either gonna have to fight them, chase them, or give in to them. Well, what’s a boy to do?
“First you finish, then you guys can talk.” Leigh suggests, “I’ve got something I need to do.”
So I finish, stroking my poor bruised cock to climax. Never try to fuck a fallen tree. It also might be a good idea to keep a small amount of lotion or something handy but alas this time I had to go dry and it was not really all that pleasant. Regardless, this seems to please Leigh and she walks off down the path after handing my clothes to her sister.
“I’ll be right behind you.” Lindsey says to her as Leigh walks away.
“Whatever,” Leigh says. “See more of you later,” she says to me. “Though not much more;” laughing cheerily as she trots off into the woods.
It is just Lindsey and I now. As she hands me my shorts and I bend to pull them on, I say. “I can’t believe you brought your little sister out here.”
“Oh, she’s ok, she’s seen more than she let’s on. You should hear the stories from what some of my cousins have gotten up to over summer vacations. We grow up pretty fast in my family.” Lindsey volunteers. This sets me back a bit. I really hadn’t expected much of a response. Lindsey is kind of cute, she has larger breast than most every girl her age so I guess it’s true in a way that she grew up fast, haha. I reach for my shirt as she starts to walk away, saying, “Let’s walk, while we talk.” She still has my shirt so…
“Mind if I get my shirt now?” I ask.
“I like you better without it but here,” she says, cutting her eyes at me mischievously. “Kind of silly to be shy now, don’t you think?”
Holding the shirt and thinking about it, I say. “Well, what if I asked you to take your shirt off? Ever wonder what Eve felt like in the Garden?”
Lindsey stops, looking at me intensely, she says. “Not until recently, but maybe, well what if I have?”
Feeling suddenly bolder, with no one else around, and as Leigh has apparently headed home, I say, “I dare you to try it, take your shirt off and carry it by your side for two minutes, or just till we reach the end of this trail. You can carry mine too.”
Hesitant at first, then having decided she pulls her T-shirt over her head. Perhaps she was trying to remember if she had on a revealing bra or not? Regardless, her figure does not disappoint. The bra in question fits her and it is of a more mature style than I would have guessed she might wear. Who buys a 12-13 yr old sexy lingerie? At just under 15 yrs old I am no expert on such things but I’m pretty sure she is a small C-cup and being thin I guess she has to buy more adult style garments. Like I said, large for her age.
She catches me staring, and shakes her head. “What is it with boys and breasts?” She asks. “Seriously, ever since these started growing every boy on the planet is trying to look down my shirt. Geez, maybe this was a bad idea.” She starts to shake her shirt out to put it back on.
“Wait, sorry, I shouldn’t stare, I guess. You’re gorgeous, really. I will try not to look. Go ahead, you can do this.” I say, standing aside and gesturing down the path while trying not to sound as if I am begging. I really don’t want her to put that shirt back on!
She takes a few steps. I want to reach out and wrap my hands around her and feel those tits but I know that is off limits. Hell I shouldn’t be here with her in the woods, let alone either of us being topless. Well, I guess it’s not that big of a deal if it’s me topless. But, why is that? Boys and girls are not so very different under their shirts right? Basically two nipples and a belly button. It comes down to hair or cleavage. Hmmm…..
Lindsey is still walking in front of me when she reaches the end of the first path. At the turn she says, “Stay behind me, ok?” She then reaches up behind her back and with one hand unhooks her bra. “I’m probably gonna want this back but catch.” I hear as she tosses it at me and jogs off, shirt still in hand, tits flying free, as I scramble to retrieve the bra that just bounced off my head.
This sight causes a resurgent stirring in my loins. What can I say, at this age I’m basically the energizer bunny. Really, think about it, there’s nothing sexier than tits in nature. I follow her, of course, who wouldn’t, right? When I catch up she has donned her shirt, Boo! Having only gotten a glimpse I am really bummed by this sight. My cock however is mostly erect, which she of course notices right away.
“Is that for me?” She says, innocently. Yet there is a glimmer of something animalistic in her eyes that does not jive with her age any more than her tit’s do.
I am suddenly flushed and feel a new, different kind of embarrassment. Luckily she continues without need of a reply.
“That was pretty exciting. Is that why you do it? What a feeling!” Lindsey exclaims, positively glowing.
Feeling odd standing there holding her bra, I reach out to give it back. She looks down at it and then up at me, “You can hold on to it if you like, but only for a few days. I’ll let you know when I need it back. I do have a couple of them you know.”
To be honest, I hadn’t considered her underwear, but I am now. Do her bottoms match the tops? I want to ask, but bite my tongue. Before I can think of anything much to add she turns and says, “Gotta get back home. I’m supposed to be looking after my sister, after all.”
“Um, OK.” I say, weakly; still flummoxed by the past couple of hours, especially the little bonding thing that just happened. “I’ll see you around.”
“You just might!” She says, as she heads across the Henderson’s yard toward home.
I am walking in the door, when it occurs to me that my mom might have come home to an empty and unlocked home. The house feels odd, knowing that Lindsey was here, looking through my stuff. I head to my room and check but things are almost exactly as I left them. Thankfully mom is not home.
In need of a shower I grab some clothes and jump in the shower. The water is great and as often happens I find myself needing relief once again. This time it is much easier since I have plenty of lotion in the bathroom, thanks mom, lol.
Wendell calls in the late afternoon and asks if I want to go work on the trails. This is when I realize that I left the magazines by the tree in the clearing. I doubt he will see them, or even that he will go to the clearing if he is working on trails but if he goes out there to hunt he might. Instead I suggest he come hang out and play video games or we find something on Netflix, there’s always a pizza in the freezer and I know mom won’t mind.
It is a bit awkward hanging with Wendell now. He is still clueless, that I have kind of become a sort of bitch for his sisters’ abuse. I consider enlisting his help stealing the pics, but really how would that conversation go exactly? I’m thinking, not well. He would either rat me out as a freak to the adults and we would all get in trouble or he might just want nothing at all to do with me ever. There are no other guys close to my age to hang out with and we get along good. That might change, check that it would change everything if he was clued into the events of the past few days. How could it not? We’re talking about not only his big sister but his little sister too. I don’t want to try to explain any of this to anyone if I can help it!
Wendell goes home after a few hours. I debate trying to get back out to the tree to get the magazines but it’s too late, past dark already, and flashlights are too easily spotted. I resolve to get an early start tomorrow.
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A Walk in the Woods, Days Later Part 1next story
Walk in the Woods, Sunday School... Part 1
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