Walk in the Woods, Sunday School... Part 1
first times
(Long build-up on this, mostly just story, you can always skip to the end! LOL)
On Sundays Mom usually sleeps in. This is fine by me because to be honest I am often asleep till nearly noon myself. This typically leads to an afternoon brunch and basically a lazy day of TV or a Video rental or two. (Think VHS Tapes, LOL) Sometimes, as now, I will disappear for a few hours into the woods…
I didn’t awake as early as I had planned to. Maybe I was still worn out from my day on Saturday but apparently I needed the sleep. I did however manage to get up and out before Mom was awake so, I left her a note that I was to be home in a few hours and would be in the trails out back, I headed for the location of yesterday’s excitement. Not sure if the magazines would be messed up from their night in the woods but hopeful to salvage them, I brought along a couple of small plastic trash can liners to wrap them in in hopes of protecting them from moisture, since I might have to leave them out here a couple of days now before I can secret them back into the house. I’m still really bummed about having lost my picture of Beth. I can’t help but wonder how I can get that back as I cut across their yard into the woods, I am still trying to think how to enlist my friend Wendell’s help. I don’t want to have to tell him everything about the other day or explain the pictures of me.
It’s not quite noon, maybe 11:30. I realize this means that the Henderson family is at church; Mr. Henderson being a Minister or Preacher or something. I pause as this occurs to me and my eyes are drawn to the windows of the two girls’ rooms. I wonder, is it possible that one of the girls or maybe Wendell, has left a window unlatched? I’ve never tried to break into a house but didn’t they basically break into mine yesterday? OK, technically they didn’t break in but you know what I mean. They certainly helped someone get into my house to take something that was supposed to be mine. Is it so wrong to try to take it back? That would be so awesome if I could at least get all the pictures from last week in Beth’s room. How hard could they be to find?
I am working my way through the woods, along the very edge where the Henderson’s property butts up to the undeveloped land. It is clear that the large family car the pastor drives as well as the one his wife uses are both gone from the drive. I cannot tell from my current vantage point but resolve to at least verify that I have no chance at regaining the pictures from that day.
I have mentioned before that I am not exactly muscular or athletic. I would not be called wiry or thin either, rather average really though I am fit enough that I think I could climb through an open window, should I be so lucky as to find one. I am studying the end of the house, as well as straining to hear any traffic from the street in fear of being caught. Funny huh, I haven’t even done anything wrong yet and I am already paranoid. I was able to get out of Beth’s window naked without getting hurt so I am reasonably sure I can get back in from the ground, at least this time I have on clothes.
I like the windows on the end of the house as they are facing the woods and hidden from neighbors view. The nearest home actually has only two people living there and they are rarely seen outside. I have cautiously made my way to Beth’s window and though I can reach it to verify that it is not unlocked, I am uncertain if I could pull myself up and in without leaving evidence on the side of the house that someone has been there anyway. I think I can even detect a scuff or two from last time in the daylight.
Feeling discouraged but determined not to give up yet, I study Tina’s window. It is slightly closer to the ground as the land is not exactly flat. Maybe if I grab a couple of blocks or something to stand on? That leads to another chance of leaving evidence or being spotted… Hmm, who knew crime was so complicated? That first night as I was leaving Tina was talking to me through this window. So what are the odds she just pushed it closed and, it seems she has left it unlatched. I am able to slide it up a couple of inches. I listen intently; my heart is racing as it occurs to me to fear that someone might have stayed home. If so I am doomed. I try to pull myself up but there really is not much to use as a handhold. Real burglars probably care a lot less about being undetected after the fact.
I realize that the girls will know the pictures are gone, if I find them. However, it’s not as if they can complain to their parents about it. As long as I can come and go without damaging something I think I’ll be OK. This is why, as I pull myself up, I determine that I need either a ladder or concrete blocks. There is a small table and lamp inside this window. Tina must be able to move it around some from inside but from out here I risk breaking the lamp at least if I have to fight like this to get in. This is becoming hard work. How much time has passed? Should I close the window and forget it? I’m so close, I can’t quit just yet.
I lower myself down and try to recall what might be under the shed out back that I could use. I’m pretty sure the ladder is locked up inside the building but maybe I can find something sturdy enough to stand on and not so heavy to move back and forth. Before I head out to the shed and risk being seen from the neighbor’s house meddling around here, I decide to try Wendell’s room.
It turned out that Wendell not only left his window unlatched and open a crack, but with a bit of a stretch I was able to reach his window ledge from the height of the back deck. His room faces the back yard. I guess I should have gone there first!
I am standing in Wendell’s room, it is eerily quiet. There is a strange feeling to being in someone else’s home, alone, knowing you shouldn’t be there. After a minute, or three, I shake it off. I am in now, better move! I push the window back down like I found it and am heading to Beth’s room when it occurs to me that I left Tina’s window open. I glance inside and cross to close it.
There is something about the smell of a girl’s room. As I close the window it hits me, not just the smell but the thought that I now have a chance to see and know things that I might never get again. The temptation is too great and I decide to take a quick look around. What if some of the pictures are in here after all, right? I open and close a few drawers, finding one with panties and bras rather quickly. This requires further inspection but doesn’t delay me as much as the drawer with the camisoles and sleepwear. Not finding any pictures and struggling to not get distracted as to why I’m here, I move on. The usual socks and shorts round out the dresser as well as a bottom drawer full of junk. This one is intriguing but time is limited, it doesn’t look like it has been gone through in a while so I doubt what I am looking for is there.
Tina has a nightstand or more of a bedside table. This is the one by the window. There is a small drawer but it holds so little that I can see right away that there are no pics. There is a small notebook which I look at. Mostly this has phone numbers and reminders in it, a few drawings or doodles, lots of hearts and a couple of tries at a horse or unicorn. All in all what you might expect to see.
I am debating the closet or the bed next when I hear a car drive by on the street outside. This jump starts my pulse again and I realize I need to hurry. I also realize that although I now know the time, since I can see a clock, it does me little good because I have no idea when the Henderson’s get home on Sundays.
I drop down and look under the bed. I see clutter but nothing that screams “Private Keep Out”. Next, I feel between the mattresses. This yields up a couple of magazines which are really boring. I mean, why even hide a regular magazine? I guess it’s obvious I found nothing here either. I did decide that I need to find a better place to hide my porn though! I glance in the closet but decide that is too big a space to search and I feel like Beth’s room is where I need to be. Leaving everything as I found it, though tempted to leave something askew just for laughs, I move on.
Beth’s room is as cluttered as before. It occurs to me this might be helpful as she won’t be able to see as quick that someone was here. Also, having been in here previously I have an idea where to look. I grab her magazines from between the mattresses but don’t find my pics. I rapidly repeat the search from Tina’s room being less careful because I can. I am standing here, looking around, and not wanting to give up but I am at a loss where to look. Would Beth keep those pictures with her? She probably carries a purse to church so I guess she easily could. I can’t imagine taking those pics to church myself.
I step into the doorway of the closet. I have spent a good bit of time in here recently. I don’t see anything much that has changed enough to jump out at me. Up on the top shelf there are a couple of handbags though so having seen these I decide to give up and get out of here.
As I go to leave Beth’s room I notice movement outside in the woods. It looks like someone, or maybe a couple of people are walking down the path where all of this mess started. I try to see more but leaves and branches are blocking the view somewhat. Certainly they could not have seen me, I hope. This makes me very curious and also nervous. I have to get out of this house unseen. Abandoning all hope of getting the pictures now, I make a dash to the back door. Mentally checking off a list of everything I moved and put back, I’m ready to get out of here if I can.
The back door to the Henderson’s home is locked and I am pretending to knock and walk away, as curiosity gets the better of me. Who is in the woods? Is it Lindsey? Is she alone or did I see someone with her? Of course, the big question is; what is she doing out there, and can I sneak up on her, or them? I still want to at least find my magazines and put them somewhere out of the weather, so I head into the woods.
It is not easy to walk in the woods quietly. Leaves and twigs are everywhere and these make noises at every step. Luckily, I have much more practice at it than the one(s) I am pursuing. As I make my way slowly along I can see that it is Lindsey and Robyn. They are not in a big hurry and it occurs to me that they even seem to be trying to be stealthy. Could they be looking for me again? How would they know I was out here?
I suppose it is no secret that I come out here a lot. Why would they need to sneak up on me again? They are not talking much, or if so they are far too quiet to hear. I cannot get close without being seen. What will they do if they can’t find me? There are many trails out here, some of which cross at times. I don’t believe either of them has been out here often enough to know their way well.
As I pace them my memory replays the image of Lindsey sprinting through the woods topless and I can’t help but wonder if she shared the experience with Robyn. Those two seem to have no secrets. It certainly would not hurt my feelings if they were to decide to try a little outdoor adventure of their own. Maybe I will get a chance to watch for a change. Though something tells me that Robyn at least will not go along if she knows I am around. This is all the more reason to hang back, way back. The path they are taking will bring them to the big tree and log where I was “punished” and where I was hoping to go anyway. I wasn’t planning on having company out here but apparently these woods are becoming a popular place. Luckily the girls are so engrossed in trying to catch me and not be seen it never occurs to then to look behind them. I debate taking an alternative path to the clearing so that I might get there before them but in the end I decide to time my arrival shortly behind their own.
As we are now a fair distance into the woods, there really is no need for stealth. It’s not like there is a crowd of people around, I hope, to hear our conversation. So, as Lindsey and Robyn near the end of the trail that opens into the clearing I swiftly close to within 6-8 yards and call out, “Hey you two!”
They spin around looking shocked, “Oh God! Don’t do that!” Lindsey says.
“Where did you come from,” asks Robyn, a flash of fear evident on her face.
“I was on a nearby trail when I thought I heard someone coming and hid to see who it was.” I volunteer. This is not exactly true but hopefully plausible at least after the experiences of last week.
“Did you have to get dressed before you tried to scare us to death?” Lindsey asks me.
“How about you tell me why you’re out here, OK? You girls have never been ones to hang out in these woods before the other day.” I push, they are clearly up to something and I am sure they were hoping to catch me naked again but the question is why? “You looked to me like you were trying to find me,” I say, “Well, here I am.”
Robyn exchanges a look with Lindsey, and then says, “We were, kind of. We stopped by your house. Your mom said you were out here somewhere. So, we got curious.”
“What did you tell my mom? You two don’t exactly come over to my place, ever.” I ask, worried now. Moms can get weird about stuff, mine seems to have a kind of radar that I’d just as soon not set off!
Lindsey seems confident as she replies, “We just told her we wanted to ask you about something. That was all. She said you were out here and we left.”
I feel a bit better now. “OK, so ask.” I say, realizing that this has nothing at all to do with why they are looking for me but having no idea what they want either.
“We were just thinking that maybe you could show us around out here a bit more. It’s really nice out here and we know you are less likely to get lost than we are in these woods.” Lindsey offers. “Is this your favorite place out here?”
I look at them, this story could be true but it sounds to me as if there is a lot more to their motives than I have heard so far. I decide to let it ride for now. “I guess, sort of, I really like the view from up high in the tree over there.” I say as I point to the huge hardwood near the center of the clearing. “I would love to build a tree house in that thing.” As the girls look around, I remember why I was coming out here. I walk over to the log, retrieve the bag from my pocket and place the now damp magazines into it. Odds are these two mags are going to be ruined so this is likely a wasted trip but oh well.
“What are you doing with those?” Robyn asks.
“I thought I could save them,” I answer. “Looks like they got too wet last night though.”
“Maybe if we spread them out on the log,” she suggests. “The sun might dry them out if you lay them here and turn the pages once in a while.” With this she hands one magazine to Lindsey and they place them on the log, then proceed to leaf through them.
It occurs to me that this is pretty risky, in its way. These two girls are both around 11-12, I think. I am almost 15. There is no way this goes well with any of our parents should it be known that we were in the woods together, much less that they were looking at porn. I am formulating my objections when Lindsey points to a picture in her magazine.
“See here Robyn, this is what Eddie was doing when we saw him that day.” As she turns the picture so Robyn can get a closer look, I have a brief flash back to getting caught masturbating by these two. Was that really only a few days ago? “You should have stuck around for the late show with my sister and me after he got spanked.” She suggests with a big grin in my direction.
“Or maybe you could have joined Lindsey and me after her sister left us alone!” I say, before I can stop myself. Oh shit, I hope Lindsey didn’t keep that part to herself. I mean apparently it’s ok to talk about all this right? Growing up in a morally conservative area can be confusing! After what seems like a long pause, both girls first looking at the magazine, exchanging another look, their eyes turn to me.
I have this feeling, even before words are said… Goose bumps rise as Robyn says, “Would you show me?”
I knew it. Don’t ask me how. Maybe something in the air, maybe I’m just a horny kid? Ever since I saw these two walking back into the woods I thought we would end up back at this point. Only this time we are all dressed and we are far from where anyone might stumble across us.
“I think you both have seen enough of me. You shouldn’t even be looking at those.” I say, indicating the magazines. Admittedly, my libido just took a huge spike. I doubt I have ever had a sexier thing happen to me than when Robyn looked at me and asked, “Show me”… Damn!
“I think you want to show us.” Lindsey says, as she stares at my hand near my crotch. “Or are you gonna try to deny that you were just adjusting yourself? I bet you are getting stiff already.”
Caught again, sort of, this girl must have radar too. Maybe all women do? I am not sure how to reply. Both girls are now looking intently at my package and though I am fully dressed, I turn away embarrassed. It occurs to me that they can easily undress me with their eyes, having so recently seen me completely naked.
Behind me, Robyn says, “Lindsey and even Leigh has watched you do it. Can’t you do it for me too?”
Robyn is a slim brunette, petite but in a fit muscular way. Her hair is just past her shoulders and she has the really dazzling gold flecked brownish eyes. She only has like maybe B-cup tits but they are, from what I could tell the once or twice I have seen her in a swim suit, well on their way to being everything a boy could dream of. Hah, who am I kidding? At just under 15 yrs old I am so horny most of the time they are perfect already.
I suddenly recall how we were interrupted the other day when Robyn actually had been stroking my cock in these same woods. That was just shortly after she and Lindsey caught me out here naked. Feeling emboldened and now sporting a full boner from this memory I turn back and ask, “Do you want to help me again?”
Robyn was kind of shy around the other girls but out here with just the three of us she seems different. Still she blushes a little and glances away towards Lindsey. At this I have a thought, “Lindsey here has already seen so I think she should maybe take a walk and you and I can work something out.”
Immediately, Lindsey objects. “That’s not happening! Lindsey is staying right here if Robyn is.”
“So you want to help too?” I ask with a grin. Fully expecting a full out rejection. “You could start by pulling off that shirt again, both of you this time.” As I say this I lock eyes with Robyn. She seems to know about Lindsey’s foray into streaking as well as I don’t see the question in her face that I was expecting.
“I’m OK with that if Robyn is.” Lindsey says. “But you first though, I’ll put all three of our shirts in a pile on this log but you have to take off your shoes too.”
I don’t get this, but have no problem with it. The ground here is not too rough on my feet and I’m not planning on going anywhere as long as these two are taking their clothes off! Curious, I have to ask, “My shoes?” Does she have a foot fetish thing? Lol.
“We can’t have you taking our clothes and running off.” Lindsey says, matter-of-factly. So quickly that it makes me a little nervous that she is thinking of doing this to me! This thought is followed by the realization that she said clothes, not shirts.
As I hand them my shirt and stoop for my shoes, Lindsey is pulling off her shirt. Robyn is hesitating a bit but she has pulled out her shirt tail and unbuttoned a couple of the lower buttons. Her vacillating between boldness and shyness is making me even hornier I think than Lindsey’s full on bold approach. Maybe it’s the curiosity to see just how far she is willing to go?
Lindsey is wearing another bra like the one from before. It looks like something an adult might have with the lace and the sort of sheer areas, very sexy. Robyn, being smaller up top, has something on more like I imagined; a simple padded cotton bra, light pink with small purple dots. This is not sheer or really sexy per se but in this setting she stuns me as she drops her shirt, turning away slightly with some embarrassment.
I am so rigid now that I can hardly wait to get my shorts off and do the deed, but I tell myself to pace things and see what comes next. “Wow” I say. “You both look amazing” as I step out of my shoes. This apparently gives Robyn the boost she needs to face me. Her smile is a little shy but radiant as she looks me over, standing there before her in just my shorts with an obvious erection.
“We can tell you approve!” Lindsey says, teasingly. “It looks like you’re enjoying this. Guess it’s time for the show? I think you should pull him out now before he breaks your zipper.” At this Robyn laughs with her and this eases the tension a little.
“I’ll make you a deal,” I say. “You girls strip to your underwear and I’ll take off everything.” I seriously doubt this tactic will work but I have nothing to lose asking, right? They look at each other, then they look at me.
“You want us to strip too? I don’t think so.” Lindsey says. Robyn then leans over and whispers in her ear for a moment.
Again they exchange a look and Robyn offers, “We keep our shoes. You strip everything and we agree to take off our shorts.”
This is more than I could have dreamed of, or it’s damned close to what I have dreamed of to be more precise. Only instead of my finding them naked or nearly so, and me being dressed, we are all missing most of our clothes. I quickly agree and in moments I find that I am once again in the woods with these two girls, completely naked. This time I have no shoes so we won’t be going for a walk but they are now each wearing only bra and panties. Lindsey has on panties that are actually similar to Robyn’s. Both are cotton, Robyn’s are matching her bra so pink with purple dots. Lindsey’s are plain white, which although they are different fabric they match color to her bra.
I am unconsciously already stroking myself. As soon as I realize this I stop. “Did you want to pick up where we left off the other day?” I ask Robyn, hoping she wants to stroke it for me. After all, on day one she did start me off and maybe she would like to practice her technique!
Robyn looks to be considering this, but Lindsey steps forward first. “I think I should get the first turn, after all it was my idea to come find you today.” With this she reaches out and squeezes me as she pulls on my cock.
Guys cocks are really sensitive and without lube of some kind it is not always pleasant to try to masturbate. I am about to protest when Lindsey up and shocks me by bending over and spitting on my cock. It occurs to me that she has a bit of experience in these matters. Mentally I experience a flash back to the last time I was naked in this clearing and what Lindsey told me about her cousins. Now I wonder if I am about to get a blow job instead of just a hand job!
Not to be left out, but obviously not as confident, Robyn has cautiously stepped closer and is intensely watching. Her left hand is dropping from her chest and her right is suspiciously close to her groin. Was she touching herself before I looked her way? I can’t help but wonder; is she getting wet? I really don’t have any idea if she has any experience but at her age not many do. She may not even know what her body is experiencing. Is this her first time? This week I mean, after all she has been around and involved for the past several days in this, whatever this is… call it an adventure.
For her part Lindsey is getting me primed nicely now and having noticed Robyn’s interest she slows. “Sorry Robyn, maybe you should take over here.” She says, with a little wink at me. “Just do what I was doing, but keep it moist and slick so your hand slides easily. Grip him firm, squeeze but don’t hurt him. Not too hard, OK?” With this she steps back and Robyn takes over.
Robyn’s hand is dry. Again I wonder if she might be wet elsewhere. My mind is racing; my eyes are taking in the deliciousness of this experience as my imagination is stripping these girls of what little they have on. I am brought back into the moment as I feel some discomfort. Robyn seems to be short on saliva, lol.
Again, Lindsey takes charge. Having stayed close she kneels down and both she and Robyn now have their mouths close to my cock. “Here,” She says, “Do this.” As she licks the side of my shaft then pulls back.
I stare down, as Robyn then leans forward and glancing up at me, touches her tongue to my cock. I want nothing more than to grab her head and shove my dick down her throat at that moment I nearly faint from the strain to keep my cool. If not for the fact that both girls are down there I might have. Robyn first licks one side then the other. Then she tries her hand again. She then strokes me a couple of times with her hand. She looks at me then at Lindsey. “What if I try this?” she says just before she slides the head of my penis into her mouth completely.
I don’t think she took more than an inch or two into her mouth but honestly I basically lost my mind for a moment about then so I can’t say. It was over before I knew as I looked down and her hand was back to stroking me.
“Wow,” Lindsey said. “I didn’t think you would do that.” Neither did I but I certainly hoped. “That was just like in the magazine!”
“That’s where I got the idea.” Robyn says. I’m glad now the magazines got left out here, as she strokes me again. “You wanna try it?” She asks Lindsey. “I’m pretty sure Eddie here doesn’t mind.”
“Oh, he likes it for sure! You should have seen his face just then, I think he almost passed out!” Lindsey laughs, “What do you think Eddie, would you like me to do that too or should Robyn keep at it?”
For my part, I just want them to decide and not stop. I was about to explode a moment ago and now this has frustrated me a bit. Robyn’s hand is dry and not very comforting by itself but her lips and mouth almost sent me over the edge. For the first time I wonder what they will do if I come in one their mouths? This thought sends a delicious thrill through me and I shudder slightly.
Robyn, whose hand is on my pulse as it were, notices. “If that little shiver he just made is any clue I think he wants you to go for it.” She says as she points my dick in Lindsey’s direction.
“I’m not going anywhere.” I manage to say. Not sure even what that means at the moment.
As I watch the full breasted Lindsey kneels once again and takes my cock gently but firmly in hand. From this vantage point I can see most of her tits and I want desperately to reach down and caress them. Instead as she takes my cock into her mouth, then out, licking the shaft and once more pulling the head into her mouth; I realize that Lindsey has not only done this before but she is good at it! On reflex I run my fingers through her hair and start to grip her head as she pulls away once more.
I am so close I almost explode but Lindsey Squeezes me off with her hand as she passes me to Robyn once more. “Like that?” She asks, as if she isn’t sure what she just did to me.
Robyn, who I now see was just rubbing herself. Not even shyly this time but seemingly still unconsciously, sucks my cock into her mouth so hungrily that I think for a moment she might take it all. She sucks and licks and though I feel teeth a few times, I can’t take anymore as I shudder and try to pull away before I cum.
The result is that I spray Robyn not only in the face a little but also her bra, belly and as she scrambles back in shock I also hit Lindsey. I am sure this is going to piss them off but I cannot exactly control it entirely. After all they were holding my cock this time not me.
Lindsey looks down to inspect herself, then over at Robyn. “Woah, that was intense. I guess you win the prize.” She says, as Robyn is getting up and looking around as if she is wondering how she got here or something.
“What?” Robyn asks her friend. “What are you talking about? Look what he just did! Eddie, you made a mess. How can I get this off of me?” Having quickly wiped her face, she is holding her hands out and looking around for something to wipe them on. She quickly settles on my shirt, before I can protest.
Robyn grabs my shirt and proceeds to wipe my cum from her chest and elsewhere. This is about as sexy a thing as I have ever seen. My mind is busily recording every second for later use, Lol.
Robyn turns to Lindsey, “You never said he would get it all over me.” So they did talk about the other day for sure. “I guess this was a bit different though, huh? I know you weren’t helping him with Leigh.” With this Robyn smiles and blushes a little as she realizes that she is standing here almost naked, having just experienced a sexual rush unlike any other.
“I’m sorry, Robyn.” I say, not sure for what exactly but it seemed the thing to say. “I just…”
“It’s fine, you did make a mess, but I think we were all a bit excited.” She says. “What prize, Lindsey? This?” she asks, indicating the mess she has only recently smeared all over herself and my shirt in an attempt to get it off.
“Well,” Lindsey answers. “Since you got Eddie here off so spectacularly, I think he should return the favor.” She turns to me expectantly as she delivers this, catching me completely off guard.
On Sundays Mom usually sleeps in. This is fine by me because to be honest I am often asleep till nearly noon myself. This typically leads to an afternoon brunch and basically a lazy day of TV or a Video rental or two. (Think VHS Tapes, LOL) Sometimes, as now, I will disappear for a few hours into the woods…
I didn’t awake as early as I had planned to. Maybe I was still worn out from my day on Saturday but apparently I needed the sleep. I did however manage to get up and out before Mom was awake so, I left her a note that I was to be home in a few hours and would be in the trails out back, I headed for the location of yesterday’s excitement. Not sure if the magazines would be messed up from their night in the woods but hopeful to salvage them, I brought along a couple of small plastic trash can liners to wrap them in in hopes of protecting them from moisture, since I might have to leave them out here a couple of days now before I can secret them back into the house. I’m still really bummed about having lost my picture of Beth. I can’t help but wonder how I can get that back as I cut across their yard into the woods, I am still trying to think how to enlist my friend Wendell’s help. I don’t want to have to tell him everything about the other day or explain the pictures of me.
It’s not quite noon, maybe 11:30. I realize this means that the Henderson family is at church; Mr. Henderson being a Minister or Preacher or something. I pause as this occurs to me and my eyes are drawn to the windows of the two girls’ rooms. I wonder, is it possible that one of the girls or maybe Wendell, has left a window unlatched? I’ve never tried to break into a house but didn’t they basically break into mine yesterday? OK, technically they didn’t break in but you know what I mean. They certainly helped someone get into my house to take something that was supposed to be mine. Is it so wrong to try to take it back? That would be so awesome if I could at least get all the pictures from last week in Beth’s room. How hard could they be to find?
I am working my way through the woods, along the very edge where the Henderson’s property butts up to the undeveloped land. It is clear that the large family car the pastor drives as well as the one his wife uses are both gone from the drive. I cannot tell from my current vantage point but resolve to at least verify that I have no chance at regaining the pictures from that day.
I have mentioned before that I am not exactly muscular or athletic. I would not be called wiry or thin either, rather average really though I am fit enough that I think I could climb through an open window, should I be so lucky as to find one. I am studying the end of the house, as well as straining to hear any traffic from the street in fear of being caught. Funny huh, I haven’t even done anything wrong yet and I am already paranoid. I was able to get out of Beth’s window naked without getting hurt so I am reasonably sure I can get back in from the ground, at least this time I have on clothes.
I like the windows on the end of the house as they are facing the woods and hidden from neighbors view. The nearest home actually has only two people living there and they are rarely seen outside. I have cautiously made my way to Beth’s window and though I can reach it to verify that it is not unlocked, I am uncertain if I could pull myself up and in without leaving evidence on the side of the house that someone has been there anyway. I think I can even detect a scuff or two from last time in the daylight.
Feeling discouraged but determined not to give up yet, I study Tina’s window. It is slightly closer to the ground as the land is not exactly flat. Maybe if I grab a couple of blocks or something to stand on? That leads to another chance of leaving evidence or being spotted… Hmm, who knew crime was so complicated? That first night as I was leaving Tina was talking to me through this window. So what are the odds she just pushed it closed and, it seems she has left it unlatched. I am able to slide it up a couple of inches. I listen intently; my heart is racing as it occurs to me to fear that someone might have stayed home. If so I am doomed. I try to pull myself up but there really is not much to use as a handhold. Real burglars probably care a lot less about being undetected after the fact.
I realize that the girls will know the pictures are gone, if I find them. However, it’s not as if they can complain to their parents about it. As long as I can come and go without damaging something I think I’ll be OK. This is why, as I pull myself up, I determine that I need either a ladder or concrete blocks. There is a small table and lamp inside this window. Tina must be able to move it around some from inside but from out here I risk breaking the lamp at least if I have to fight like this to get in. This is becoming hard work. How much time has passed? Should I close the window and forget it? I’m so close, I can’t quit just yet.
I lower myself down and try to recall what might be under the shed out back that I could use. I’m pretty sure the ladder is locked up inside the building but maybe I can find something sturdy enough to stand on and not so heavy to move back and forth. Before I head out to the shed and risk being seen from the neighbor’s house meddling around here, I decide to try Wendell’s room.
It turned out that Wendell not only left his window unlatched and open a crack, but with a bit of a stretch I was able to reach his window ledge from the height of the back deck. His room faces the back yard. I guess I should have gone there first!
I am standing in Wendell’s room, it is eerily quiet. There is a strange feeling to being in someone else’s home, alone, knowing you shouldn’t be there. After a minute, or three, I shake it off. I am in now, better move! I push the window back down like I found it and am heading to Beth’s room when it occurs to me that I left Tina’s window open. I glance inside and cross to close it.
There is something about the smell of a girl’s room. As I close the window it hits me, not just the smell but the thought that I now have a chance to see and know things that I might never get again. The temptation is too great and I decide to take a quick look around. What if some of the pictures are in here after all, right? I open and close a few drawers, finding one with panties and bras rather quickly. This requires further inspection but doesn’t delay me as much as the drawer with the camisoles and sleepwear. Not finding any pictures and struggling to not get distracted as to why I’m here, I move on. The usual socks and shorts round out the dresser as well as a bottom drawer full of junk. This one is intriguing but time is limited, it doesn’t look like it has been gone through in a while so I doubt what I am looking for is there.
Tina has a nightstand or more of a bedside table. This is the one by the window. There is a small drawer but it holds so little that I can see right away that there are no pics. There is a small notebook which I look at. Mostly this has phone numbers and reminders in it, a few drawings or doodles, lots of hearts and a couple of tries at a horse or unicorn. All in all what you might expect to see.
I am debating the closet or the bed next when I hear a car drive by on the street outside. This jump starts my pulse again and I realize I need to hurry. I also realize that although I now know the time, since I can see a clock, it does me little good because I have no idea when the Henderson’s get home on Sundays.
I drop down and look under the bed. I see clutter but nothing that screams “Private Keep Out”. Next, I feel between the mattresses. This yields up a couple of magazines which are really boring. I mean, why even hide a regular magazine? I guess it’s obvious I found nothing here either. I did decide that I need to find a better place to hide my porn though! I glance in the closet but decide that is too big a space to search and I feel like Beth’s room is where I need to be. Leaving everything as I found it, though tempted to leave something askew just for laughs, I move on.
Beth’s room is as cluttered as before. It occurs to me this might be helpful as she won’t be able to see as quick that someone was here. Also, having been in here previously I have an idea where to look. I grab her magazines from between the mattresses but don’t find my pics. I rapidly repeat the search from Tina’s room being less careful because I can. I am standing here, looking around, and not wanting to give up but I am at a loss where to look. Would Beth keep those pictures with her? She probably carries a purse to church so I guess she easily could. I can’t imagine taking those pics to church myself.
I step into the doorway of the closet. I have spent a good bit of time in here recently. I don’t see anything much that has changed enough to jump out at me. Up on the top shelf there are a couple of handbags though so having seen these I decide to give up and get out of here.
As I go to leave Beth’s room I notice movement outside in the woods. It looks like someone, or maybe a couple of people are walking down the path where all of this mess started. I try to see more but leaves and branches are blocking the view somewhat. Certainly they could not have seen me, I hope. This makes me very curious and also nervous. I have to get out of this house unseen. Abandoning all hope of getting the pictures now, I make a dash to the back door. Mentally checking off a list of everything I moved and put back, I’m ready to get out of here if I can.
The back door to the Henderson’s home is locked and I am pretending to knock and walk away, as curiosity gets the better of me. Who is in the woods? Is it Lindsey? Is she alone or did I see someone with her? Of course, the big question is; what is she doing out there, and can I sneak up on her, or them? I still want to at least find my magazines and put them somewhere out of the weather, so I head into the woods.
It is not easy to walk in the woods quietly. Leaves and twigs are everywhere and these make noises at every step. Luckily, I have much more practice at it than the one(s) I am pursuing. As I make my way slowly along I can see that it is Lindsey and Robyn. They are not in a big hurry and it occurs to me that they even seem to be trying to be stealthy. Could they be looking for me again? How would they know I was out here?
I suppose it is no secret that I come out here a lot. Why would they need to sneak up on me again? They are not talking much, or if so they are far too quiet to hear. I cannot get close without being seen. What will they do if they can’t find me? There are many trails out here, some of which cross at times. I don’t believe either of them has been out here often enough to know their way well.
As I pace them my memory replays the image of Lindsey sprinting through the woods topless and I can’t help but wonder if she shared the experience with Robyn. Those two seem to have no secrets. It certainly would not hurt my feelings if they were to decide to try a little outdoor adventure of their own. Maybe I will get a chance to watch for a change. Though something tells me that Robyn at least will not go along if she knows I am around. This is all the more reason to hang back, way back. The path they are taking will bring them to the big tree and log where I was “punished” and where I was hoping to go anyway. I wasn’t planning on having company out here but apparently these woods are becoming a popular place. Luckily the girls are so engrossed in trying to catch me and not be seen it never occurs to then to look behind them. I debate taking an alternative path to the clearing so that I might get there before them but in the end I decide to time my arrival shortly behind their own.
As we are now a fair distance into the woods, there really is no need for stealth. It’s not like there is a crowd of people around, I hope, to hear our conversation. So, as Lindsey and Robyn near the end of the trail that opens into the clearing I swiftly close to within 6-8 yards and call out, “Hey you two!”
They spin around looking shocked, “Oh God! Don’t do that!” Lindsey says.
“Where did you come from,” asks Robyn, a flash of fear evident on her face.
“I was on a nearby trail when I thought I heard someone coming and hid to see who it was.” I volunteer. This is not exactly true but hopefully plausible at least after the experiences of last week.
“Did you have to get dressed before you tried to scare us to death?” Lindsey asks me.
“How about you tell me why you’re out here, OK? You girls have never been ones to hang out in these woods before the other day.” I push, they are clearly up to something and I am sure they were hoping to catch me naked again but the question is why? “You looked to me like you were trying to find me,” I say, “Well, here I am.”
Robyn exchanges a look with Lindsey, and then says, “We were, kind of. We stopped by your house. Your mom said you were out here somewhere. So, we got curious.”
“What did you tell my mom? You two don’t exactly come over to my place, ever.” I ask, worried now. Moms can get weird about stuff, mine seems to have a kind of radar that I’d just as soon not set off!
Lindsey seems confident as she replies, “We just told her we wanted to ask you about something. That was all. She said you were out here and we left.”
I feel a bit better now. “OK, so ask.” I say, realizing that this has nothing at all to do with why they are looking for me but having no idea what they want either.
“We were just thinking that maybe you could show us around out here a bit more. It’s really nice out here and we know you are less likely to get lost than we are in these woods.” Lindsey offers. “Is this your favorite place out here?”
I look at them, this story could be true but it sounds to me as if there is a lot more to their motives than I have heard so far. I decide to let it ride for now. “I guess, sort of, I really like the view from up high in the tree over there.” I say as I point to the huge hardwood near the center of the clearing. “I would love to build a tree house in that thing.” As the girls look around, I remember why I was coming out here. I walk over to the log, retrieve the bag from my pocket and place the now damp magazines into it. Odds are these two mags are going to be ruined so this is likely a wasted trip but oh well.
“What are you doing with those?” Robyn asks.
“I thought I could save them,” I answer. “Looks like they got too wet last night though.”
“Maybe if we spread them out on the log,” she suggests. “The sun might dry them out if you lay them here and turn the pages once in a while.” With this she hands one magazine to Lindsey and they place them on the log, then proceed to leaf through them.
It occurs to me that this is pretty risky, in its way. These two girls are both around 11-12, I think. I am almost 15. There is no way this goes well with any of our parents should it be known that we were in the woods together, much less that they were looking at porn. I am formulating my objections when Lindsey points to a picture in her magazine.
“See here Robyn, this is what Eddie was doing when we saw him that day.” As she turns the picture so Robyn can get a closer look, I have a brief flash back to getting caught masturbating by these two. Was that really only a few days ago? “You should have stuck around for the late show with my sister and me after he got spanked.” She suggests with a big grin in my direction.
“Or maybe you could have joined Lindsey and me after her sister left us alone!” I say, before I can stop myself. Oh shit, I hope Lindsey didn’t keep that part to herself. I mean apparently it’s ok to talk about all this right? Growing up in a morally conservative area can be confusing! After what seems like a long pause, both girls first looking at the magazine, exchanging another look, their eyes turn to me.
I have this feeling, even before words are said… Goose bumps rise as Robyn says, “Would you show me?”
I knew it. Don’t ask me how. Maybe something in the air, maybe I’m just a horny kid? Ever since I saw these two walking back into the woods I thought we would end up back at this point. Only this time we are all dressed and we are far from where anyone might stumble across us.
“I think you both have seen enough of me. You shouldn’t even be looking at those.” I say, indicating the magazines. Admittedly, my libido just took a huge spike. I doubt I have ever had a sexier thing happen to me than when Robyn looked at me and asked, “Show me”… Damn!
“I think you want to show us.” Lindsey says, as she stares at my hand near my crotch. “Or are you gonna try to deny that you were just adjusting yourself? I bet you are getting stiff already.”
Caught again, sort of, this girl must have radar too. Maybe all women do? I am not sure how to reply. Both girls are now looking intently at my package and though I am fully dressed, I turn away embarrassed. It occurs to me that they can easily undress me with their eyes, having so recently seen me completely naked.
Behind me, Robyn says, “Lindsey and even Leigh has watched you do it. Can’t you do it for me too?”
Robyn is a slim brunette, petite but in a fit muscular way. Her hair is just past her shoulders and she has the really dazzling gold flecked brownish eyes. She only has like maybe B-cup tits but they are, from what I could tell the once or twice I have seen her in a swim suit, well on their way to being everything a boy could dream of. Hah, who am I kidding? At just under 15 yrs old I am so horny most of the time they are perfect already.
I suddenly recall how we were interrupted the other day when Robyn actually had been stroking my cock in these same woods. That was just shortly after she and Lindsey caught me out here naked. Feeling emboldened and now sporting a full boner from this memory I turn back and ask, “Do you want to help me again?”
Robyn was kind of shy around the other girls but out here with just the three of us she seems different. Still she blushes a little and glances away towards Lindsey. At this I have a thought, “Lindsey here has already seen so I think she should maybe take a walk and you and I can work something out.”
Immediately, Lindsey objects. “That’s not happening! Lindsey is staying right here if Robyn is.”
“So you want to help too?” I ask with a grin. Fully expecting a full out rejection. “You could start by pulling off that shirt again, both of you this time.” As I say this I lock eyes with Robyn. She seems to know about Lindsey’s foray into streaking as well as I don’t see the question in her face that I was expecting.
“I’m OK with that if Robyn is.” Lindsey says. “But you first though, I’ll put all three of our shirts in a pile on this log but you have to take off your shoes too.”
I don’t get this, but have no problem with it. The ground here is not too rough on my feet and I’m not planning on going anywhere as long as these two are taking their clothes off! Curious, I have to ask, “My shoes?” Does she have a foot fetish thing? Lol.
“We can’t have you taking our clothes and running off.” Lindsey says, matter-of-factly. So quickly that it makes me a little nervous that she is thinking of doing this to me! This thought is followed by the realization that she said clothes, not shirts.
As I hand them my shirt and stoop for my shoes, Lindsey is pulling off her shirt. Robyn is hesitating a bit but she has pulled out her shirt tail and unbuttoned a couple of the lower buttons. Her vacillating between boldness and shyness is making me even hornier I think than Lindsey’s full on bold approach. Maybe it’s the curiosity to see just how far she is willing to go?
Lindsey is wearing another bra like the one from before. It looks like something an adult might have with the lace and the sort of sheer areas, very sexy. Robyn, being smaller up top, has something on more like I imagined; a simple padded cotton bra, light pink with small purple dots. This is not sheer or really sexy per se but in this setting she stuns me as she drops her shirt, turning away slightly with some embarrassment.
I am so rigid now that I can hardly wait to get my shorts off and do the deed, but I tell myself to pace things and see what comes next. “Wow” I say. “You both look amazing” as I step out of my shoes. This apparently gives Robyn the boost she needs to face me. Her smile is a little shy but radiant as she looks me over, standing there before her in just my shorts with an obvious erection.
“We can tell you approve!” Lindsey says, teasingly. “It looks like you’re enjoying this. Guess it’s time for the show? I think you should pull him out now before he breaks your zipper.” At this Robyn laughs with her and this eases the tension a little.
“I’ll make you a deal,” I say. “You girls strip to your underwear and I’ll take off everything.” I seriously doubt this tactic will work but I have nothing to lose asking, right? They look at each other, then they look at me.
“You want us to strip too? I don’t think so.” Lindsey says. Robyn then leans over and whispers in her ear for a moment.
Again they exchange a look and Robyn offers, “We keep our shoes. You strip everything and we agree to take off our shorts.”
This is more than I could have dreamed of, or it’s damned close to what I have dreamed of to be more precise. Only instead of my finding them naked or nearly so, and me being dressed, we are all missing most of our clothes. I quickly agree and in moments I find that I am once again in the woods with these two girls, completely naked. This time I have no shoes so we won’t be going for a walk but they are now each wearing only bra and panties. Lindsey has on panties that are actually similar to Robyn’s. Both are cotton, Robyn’s are matching her bra so pink with purple dots. Lindsey’s are plain white, which although they are different fabric they match color to her bra.
I am unconsciously already stroking myself. As soon as I realize this I stop. “Did you want to pick up where we left off the other day?” I ask Robyn, hoping she wants to stroke it for me. After all, on day one she did start me off and maybe she would like to practice her technique!
Robyn looks to be considering this, but Lindsey steps forward first. “I think I should get the first turn, after all it was my idea to come find you today.” With this she reaches out and squeezes me as she pulls on my cock.
Guys cocks are really sensitive and without lube of some kind it is not always pleasant to try to masturbate. I am about to protest when Lindsey up and shocks me by bending over and spitting on my cock. It occurs to me that she has a bit of experience in these matters. Mentally I experience a flash back to the last time I was naked in this clearing and what Lindsey told me about her cousins. Now I wonder if I am about to get a blow job instead of just a hand job!
Not to be left out, but obviously not as confident, Robyn has cautiously stepped closer and is intensely watching. Her left hand is dropping from her chest and her right is suspiciously close to her groin. Was she touching herself before I looked her way? I can’t help but wonder; is she getting wet? I really don’t have any idea if she has any experience but at her age not many do. She may not even know what her body is experiencing. Is this her first time? This week I mean, after all she has been around and involved for the past several days in this, whatever this is… call it an adventure.
For her part Lindsey is getting me primed nicely now and having noticed Robyn’s interest she slows. “Sorry Robyn, maybe you should take over here.” She says, with a little wink at me. “Just do what I was doing, but keep it moist and slick so your hand slides easily. Grip him firm, squeeze but don’t hurt him. Not too hard, OK?” With this she steps back and Robyn takes over.
Robyn’s hand is dry. Again I wonder if she might be wet elsewhere. My mind is racing; my eyes are taking in the deliciousness of this experience as my imagination is stripping these girls of what little they have on. I am brought back into the moment as I feel some discomfort. Robyn seems to be short on saliva, lol.
Again, Lindsey takes charge. Having stayed close she kneels down and both she and Robyn now have their mouths close to my cock. “Here,” She says, “Do this.” As she licks the side of my shaft then pulls back.
I stare down, as Robyn then leans forward and glancing up at me, touches her tongue to my cock. I want nothing more than to grab her head and shove my dick down her throat at that moment I nearly faint from the strain to keep my cool. If not for the fact that both girls are down there I might have. Robyn first licks one side then the other. Then she tries her hand again. She then strokes me a couple of times with her hand. She looks at me then at Lindsey. “What if I try this?” she says just before she slides the head of my penis into her mouth completely.
I don’t think she took more than an inch or two into her mouth but honestly I basically lost my mind for a moment about then so I can’t say. It was over before I knew as I looked down and her hand was back to stroking me.
“Wow,” Lindsey said. “I didn’t think you would do that.” Neither did I but I certainly hoped. “That was just like in the magazine!”
“That’s where I got the idea.” Robyn says. I’m glad now the magazines got left out here, as she strokes me again. “You wanna try it?” She asks Lindsey. “I’m pretty sure Eddie here doesn’t mind.”
“Oh, he likes it for sure! You should have seen his face just then, I think he almost passed out!” Lindsey laughs, “What do you think Eddie, would you like me to do that too or should Robyn keep at it?”
For my part, I just want them to decide and not stop. I was about to explode a moment ago and now this has frustrated me a bit. Robyn’s hand is dry and not very comforting by itself but her lips and mouth almost sent me over the edge. For the first time I wonder what they will do if I come in one their mouths? This thought sends a delicious thrill through me and I shudder slightly.
Robyn, whose hand is on my pulse as it were, notices. “If that little shiver he just made is any clue I think he wants you to go for it.” She says as she points my dick in Lindsey’s direction.
“I’m not going anywhere.” I manage to say. Not sure even what that means at the moment.
As I watch the full breasted Lindsey kneels once again and takes my cock gently but firmly in hand. From this vantage point I can see most of her tits and I want desperately to reach down and caress them. Instead as she takes my cock into her mouth, then out, licking the shaft and once more pulling the head into her mouth; I realize that Lindsey has not only done this before but she is good at it! On reflex I run my fingers through her hair and start to grip her head as she pulls away once more.
I am so close I almost explode but Lindsey Squeezes me off with her hand as she passes me to Robyn once more. “Like that?” She asks, as if she isn’t sure what she just did to me.
Robyn, who I now see was just rubbing herself. Not even shyly this time but seemingly still unconsciously, sucks my cock into her mouth so hungrily that I think for a moment she might take it all. She sucks and licks and though I feel teeth a few times, I can’t take anymore as I shudder and try to pull away before I cum.
The result is that I spray Robyn not only in the face a little but also her bra, belly and as she scrambles back in shock I also hit Lindsey. I am sure this is going to piss them off but I cannot exactly control it entirely. After all they were holding my cock this time not me.
Lindsey looks down to inspect herself, then over at Robyn. “Woah, that was intense. I guess you win the prize.” She says, as Robyn is getting up and looking around as if she is wondering how she got here or something.
“What?” Robyn asks her friend. “What are you talking about? Look what he just did! Eddie, you made a mess. How can I get this off of me?” Having quickly wiped her face, she is holding her hands out and looking around for something to wipe them on. She quickly settles on my shirt, before I can protest.
Robyn grabs my shirt and proceeds to wipe my cum from her chest and elsewhere. This is about as sexy a thing as I have ever seen. My mind is busily recording every second for later use, Lol.
Robyn turns to Lindsey, “You never said he would get it all over me.” So they did talk about the other day for sure. “I guess this was a bit different though, huh? I know you weren’t helping him with Leigh.” With this Robyn smiles and blushes a little as she realizes that she is standing here almost naked, having just experienced a sexual rush unlike any other.
“I’m sorry, Robyn.” I say, not sure for what exactly but it seemed the thing to say. “I just…”
“It’s fine, you did make a mess, but I think we were all a bit excited.” She says. “What prize, Lindsey? This?” she asks, indicating the mess she has only recently smeared all over herself and my shirt in an attempt to get it off.
“Well,” Lindsey answers. “Since you got Eddie here off so spectacularly, I think he should return the favor.” She turns to me expectantly as she delivers this, catching me completely off guard.
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