A Walk in the Woods, Days Later Part 1


Recently, while I was alone in the woods or at least I thought I was at the time, I found myself at the mercy of a couple of girls from a few houses down the street. This was my own fault really, you see, I kind of enjoy the feeling of walking around in nature completely naked. Well, let’s not be silly, I prefer to keep my shoes on, but otherwise you get the picture.

I am a teenaged male, nearly 15 yrs old, slim but not athletic really so not muscular. Basically I am average. My sexual experience has been pretty limited as I am not very popular, I don’t have the nicest clothes or come from money. Socially I think of myself as being outside of all cliques. I know and have friends in most every group but don’t really belong, if that makes sense? I am kind of a mixer, mingler, and borderline loner yet social at the same time. Thus it is not uncommon for me, though I have friends in the neighborhood and know most everyone, to wander off on my own.

Well, on this particular occasion I found myself feeling rather adventurous and as told previously was discovered naked. This led to some misadventure involving not only the two younger girls who caught me but also one older neighbor girl and her sister, who happen to be in the same family as one of my better friends in the neighborhood and the only other guy near my age.

As you might guess this has led to some awkward glances and suspicious laughter whenever I happen to be around these girls; in the morning, or afternoon, on the school bus for example. I am anxious because I find it difficult to believe that my secret has not begun to circulate and it has been less than a week. At these times I sometimes find myself becoming excited and have even gotten an erection from thinking about these girls talking about and thinking about me naked.

This in itself is not a real problem until you recall that there are pictures. Humiliating pictures actually, you see these girls kind of forced me to dress in girls’ underwear for them. Not my idea! Let’s be clear about that part, OK!

Well, several days have passed and it is now Saturday morning around 10 AM. I am home alone, as usual. Mom has gone out to the flea market or garage sales; she often does this on weekends, and may be gone most of the day. I am lying in bed thinking about food, wondering what I want to do today, and of course also needing to pee, lol.

It occurs to me that it is entirely possible that I could enjoy a few hours of freedom/nudity alone this morning and so choose not to dress immediately. My stepfather is in the Guard so he’s gone for some sort of training for a couple of weeks I think.

Rather uncomfortable, I make my way into the bathroom and relieve my bladder. Better now, I walk through the house to the refrigerator and stand there looking, thinking, wishing for something quick and easy. I settle for cereal with milk, not really a favorite, but it gets the job done, right? I am not always in the mood for eggs or grits, hate oatmeal, and though I love sausage and bacon I rarely cook it. That’s what moms are for! LOL

I have no idea why, but it is at this time, as I am finishing breakfast that my morning wood arises. Looking back it may have been an omen, yet, that’s getting ahead of myself. I mean, I don’t think I was having any sexual thoughts at the time, and yet as I arose to put away my breakfast things I found that I had an erection. Not fully erect but nearly so, enough as to draw my thoughts in the direction that makes me recall some of the glances and especially the emotions that have been coursing through my mind this week. Kind of a mix really between embarrassment and excitement, these feelings I get when I see one of those girls eyeing me. I can’t help but wonder which of them ended up with which picture and if they use them for stimulation as I have when masturbating.

This brief stroll through my memory has me fully erect and I am in need of some relief as I make my way back to my end of the house. I have gathered my souvenirs from last week, especially the main prize; Beth’s picture. I also have a couple of magazines from a stash that my friend Wendell and I have hidden in the woods. I am done with my prep and settling down to a rhythm when there is a tap at my window. This at first doesn’t get my attention but the second tap, I think, certainly does! Really it was more of a rap or knock. Frankly it scared the shit out of me, as my blinds are not completely intact and I could see through them that Tina was peeking in at me… WTF?

Like I said before, it was early. On a typical Saturday I doubt Tina gets up much before noon. This caught me off guard, so imagine my surprise as I grab some shorts and go to the window to discover that Robyn is also outside. No Lindsey, no Beth, at least so far. Curiosity gets the better of me as I open the window and in my excitement I am kind of rude.

“What the hell do you want? Are you trying to kill me?” I shout. “Why the fuck are you peeking in my windows anyway?”

“Slow your roll there Eddie” Tina responds, grinning like a cat that just swallowed a mouse. “I’m sorry we interrupted your morning activities. Feel free to pick up where you left off.” With this she glances at my groin and I think she even blushed a bit.

“I spent the night with Tina last night.” Robyn offers, which knowing her family explains why Tina is up early. “We heard what you did to Beth. That was low, we’re here for the picture. That’s all.”

“Not gonna happen!” I say. “Go away.” Feeling bold, I close the window and turn back into my room. How dare they think… bang, BANG! I jerk back towards the window, and I hear Tina as she says, come to the back door now!

I am answering the door, thinking I am going to regret this, and yet I am pretty sure that I don’t want to risk ignoring them completely. Still don’t see Lindsey, which is a relief. That girl kind of scares me. OK, time to play hard ball.

“Listen,” I begin. “What happened in Beth’s room was between her and me. Frankly it’s none of your business. Tell her to come see me if she wants to negotiate, unless you have something to offer?”

“Eddie, be real, OK! You have what, one pic, we have a bunch. You can’t really hope to hold out against us. I think you should grab a pair of shoes and come with us before you find yourself wishing you had listened to reason.” This coming from Robyn is a sort of mixed message. It is hard to see it as a threat; after all she was not really all that gung ho to torture me the other day, right? And yet, it isn’t exactly non-threatening either; there is definitely a sense of ‘Do this or else!’ here. What exactly are they threatening? Would they really show those pictures around school? Around the neighborhood?

Feeling I have little choice, I throw on some shoes and follow the girls outside. I did take a minute to hide my stuff in case mom goes in my room, lol. I’m not an idiot after all! I did not grab my pic of Beth naked as I doubt anything they can do to me would be enough to make me give up that prize. In my mind that may be the only thing keeping my pics from circulation now!

“Where is Beth this morning, Tina? I don’t see why you’re worried about my having her pic if she isn’t.” I ask. “After all, nobody made her get naked, exactly. As a matter of fact, from what I could see she enjoyed it a lot! Maybe you two should try it, it is quite the rush!”

As we head out of my yard the girls are making their way toward a path into the woods rather than back to Tina’s house. I’m not sure why I thought we were headed to the house but this route surprises me. “What’s going on?” I ask. “Why are you taking me into the woods?”

I had thought that if I ever tried the whole naked nature walk again, I could hide some spare clothes in a back pack and therefore find myself so vulnerable if I am caught by one of them. It never occurred to me that they might invite me into the woods, dressed or otherwise. Before last week I had never seen one of these girls out in the woods, and sadly they both saw a lot more of me than I did of them. Maybe that’s about to change! OK, wishful thinking I know, it’s not like they would invite me to witness that.

They stopped walking around the same spot where Robyn and Lindsey had stopped the other day, just inside the tree line. “This looks about right, doesn’t it?” Robyn says as she turns to me.

“About right for what?” I can’t help but ask. It occurs to me that she might be about to tell me to strip, but that can’t be right, can it?

“Isn’t this where you like to get naked?” Tina chimes in expectantly. “Don’t let us stop you. You evidently like being naked, after all we just saw you in your house.”

“Look Tina, Robyn, I’m going home in about 5 minutes. If you want to talk about what’s on your mind, start talking.” I state, rather forcefully as I can’t guess what they are up to. Both of these girls are 1-1.5 years younger than me and although I was at their mercy the other day I feel much less so today.

“I don’t think you want to do that,” Tina says, “not before you get what you came here for anyway.”

“And what exactly is that?” I ask, getting tired of the mystery and games. Why can’t girls ever just say what they want?
“Well, we thought that if we gave you a chance to get a couple of the pictures we took of you the other day, maybe you would give us Beth’s picture. She’s really upset about it. If someone was to see it, well she doesn’t want to have to try to explain it and you don’t want her to tell her boyfriend to get it back from you.” Tina says.

I’m wondering where this is going and why we’re in the woods. We could have talked about this at my house. “I don’t even have the picture with me.” I tell them. “so, we can’t exactly make a trade which I would want all the pics you took, not just one or two.”

“Beth still has them,” Robyn says. “We talked about it last night. She said that if you showed good faith she would come out here and talk with you but you have to prove you can be trusted first after the other day.”

“How am I supposed to do that exactly?” I ask.

“Simple, you give us your shirt and shorts, we take them to her and she will give us a couple of your pics in trade. It’s not like you have any reason to be shy after all so that should be easy.” Robyn says, blushing slightly.

“I’m not getting naked and letting you take more pics, sorry. What’s to keep you from just bringing the Polaroid out here and getting even more to blackmail me with?” I say. Which I know is a possibility no matter what they say. The only thing keeping me from total embarrassment is that picture of Beth.

“You used the last pic remember?” Tina offers. “If you want a chance at trading for those pics this is it. Beth is pretty mad about you making her strip, but she realizes that was her fault. She should have known you would never have walked into our den naked with mom and dad home, much less Wendell! I’ve gotta hand it to you that was a good bluff. I would have never fallen for it!”

I am debating in my head if I could have, was I only bluffing? Of course, but at the time it seemed an option. Maybe I should take up playing poker? As for this “offer”, I just don’t know yet how else am I gonna get control of those pics? I don’t want them to circulate, that much is for certain.

“Here’s the deal,“ I say. As once again I start thinking about getting naked in front of these two girls, and about Beth coming out here to see me. “I’ll do this whatever you call it, ‘Good Faith’ thing but one of you has to do it too.”

“What?” They both say in unison. Looking at me like I’m crazy and shaking their heads.

Robyn says, “I don’t care who does what here, I’m not taking my clothes off.”

“Why do you think we would agree to something like that?” Tina protests. Blushing at the thought of getting naked in the woods, while perhaps considering it…

“Guess I’ll go home then, after all, I’m kind of fond of that picture. I’m not sure I want to give it up.” I say as I start toward my house.

“Wait,” Tina says, “You take off your shirt and pants, I’ll take off mine. We both give them to Robyn, who takes them to Beth. When Beth get’s here she can decide what happens next. Deal?”

This is more than I expected and it might just turn out to be my chance to even the odds a bit. I’d do almost anything to see Tina naked so, of course I agree.

My shirt is off very quickly as I then pause to watch Tina. “Your turn.” I say with a grin that almost splits my face.

Tina turns her back to me and removes her t- shirt, beneath it she is wearing a sort of sports bra, it is like a really tight fitting work out shirt so not at all what I was hoping for. With a little twinkle in her eye she waves her hand my way as she indicates I should proceed.

Wishing I had taken the time to grab some boxers or even briefs, I hesitantly lower the waist band of my shorts. As I am stepping out of them, leaning against a tree, I notice that both girls are grinning as well as blushing. I had already passed Robyn my shirt and am about to pass her the shorts when Tina grabs them and sprints into the woods, down one of the paths her brother and I have made. Robyn, for her part took off back towards the house, out of the woods. This confuses me just enough to give Tina a good head start and she is fast. Deciding I need the shorts more than a shirt I follow Tina, sure that knowing the woods better, I can catch her.

This tract of land covers several hundred acres and is heavily wooded. There are places where the foliage is so dense that it would be impossible to make your way without a machete. This is why Wendell and I have spent so many days cutting through it. We like to hunt squirrels and birds here as well as enjoying the exercise from cutting trails. Tina seems to be heading for a clearing that opens up under a big tree that we found. It is great for climbing and gives a nice view of the area. If she thinks she can get away by climbing that she is in for a surprise.

As I burst out of the trees, closing on her, I realize that something is very wrong. Not only did Tina, who to my knowledge has never been in these woods, bring me straight here but I am hearing and seeing other people here. We are not alone!

I turn to dash back into the woods, only to find Robyn, Lindsey and Leigh (Lindsey’s sister) coming down the path behind me! This is bad. I stop, what else can I do? I am caught again. This time I was set up for real. I am far into the woods, totally helpless, naked, and looking around I find Beth. She and another girl, no make that two other girls are sitting around the trunk of the big tree chatting.

One of the girls I don’t know is standing up and walking over to me. “You must be ‘Adam’” She says, smiling. “Looks like you lost your fig leaf.”

Tina has retreated behind the tree with my shorts, as if they would do me any good now. She is with Beth and the other new girl when they encircle me. Both of these girls look familiar to me.

“Beth, look… I was told you want to talk, maybe to trade? What’s this all about?” I ask. Suddenly I am worried, though my cock seems pretty self-assured as it has risen to the occasion.

“Well, ‘Adam’, you see I was talking with a friend about you the other day. I needed advice on how to best deal with what you did to me and here we are. It’s time to deal.” Beth says. “Lindsey, did you find what you were looking for?”
OMG, Lindsey has pulled from a small back pack, a pair of magazines that I recognize as my own. In my haste leaving home earlier I must have left the door open or unlocked. That bitch has been in my room!

I am so mad I can hardly speak. “You can’t just go in someone’s room and steal their stuff!” I protest. “Give me those!” I lunge toward Lindsey as she jumps back.

My progress is halted by one of the new girls stepping up between us. “Whoa there, take it easy. You’re gonna want to calm down a bit. You might have noticed you’re outnumbered here and you don’t want this to get messy considering.”

“I’m sorry, but who the hell are you anyway?” I ask, incredulous. “What are you even talking about? Messy how and considering what exactly?”

“I know you” The second girl chimes in now. “Your name isn’t Adam, its Eddie or Edward. You were in a class with me last semester. Jones, right? Eddie Jones, I’m Jenn, we had Government class together.”

Crap, this just turned worse. I am racking my brain trying to place the name and face when it hits me. The older girl is one of the schools female wrestling team champs, Jessica or Jess, and yes the other one also goes to my school, great.

Jess continues, “Plenty of time for chit chat later, Jenn. Right now we have business to attend to. You sir, have been accused of abusing the trust of our friend Beth here. Are you ready to face your punishment?

This chic sounds like an attorney or something, which cracks me up a bit. Or it would if I were not standing here naked surrounded by females, ranging in age from Leigh who is maybe 11, to Jess here who is a senior so what 17 or 18? And excuse me, what punishment?

“No one has abused anyone here, thank you. Not that it’s any of your business.” I say. Directing my comments toward Jess but looking at Beth. “I think Beth and I need to talk but the rest of you can go, as soon as I get my clothes back from Tina.” Personally I’m feeling a little abused at the moment.

“Tina did as she was asked,” Beth says. “And you were pretty easy to predict though I am looking forward to hearing how you came to be missing your shirt little sister.” This last was said with a slight glare.

“No big deal, really, nothing I wouldn’t wear to the gym or by the pool.” Tina says. And I realize that I was never even close to getting her naked. “Eddie here tried to play hard to get when it came to giving us his clothes so knowing he was only wearing two things we had us a little stripping contest. He Lost.”

“Lindsey, is anyone else coming?” Tina asks. “We don’t have all day here. Who else did you invite?”

Invite? To what? I am feeling a bit lost now, as this conversation has taken a turn I simply cannot comprehend.

“I only brought Leigh here because I knew she would wonder why I was going out so early on a Saturday. Most of the other girls in the neighborhood are too young, I think. And well, I wasn’t sure about inviting boys. As for anyone not on our street, I tried to get a couple of girls to come over and spend the night at our house last night but they had other plans. I had to promise we’d make it up to them on the bus after I told them what they were missing.” Lindsey shares this with a level of excitement that makes me nervous.

“What are you two walking about?” I ask.

Tina, apparently now feeling emboldened by the others all around, steps up. “You are about to be spanked, for threatening my sister, for taking her picture and for being a pervert in general.”

“Like hell I am.” I say. “No one is gonna…”

Before I can finish I am being held. I struggle but it is soon clear that I cannot get away. The more I struggle the firmer the grip and though it is not yet painful, I’m sure it could become so. Reality soon follows. I am here for my punishment, sure as shit!
“Did anyone wear a belt?” Beth asks; which makes my skin tingle and my whole body blush.

“I have one.” Robyn says. “But I’m not sure it would be good to use for that. Not only would it leave marks it might cut him. Not to mention I kind of need it if my pants are gonna stay on.”

This gives me a brief mental image. One far preferable to what I have been imagining. Lindsey suggests finding switches, which seem to be agreeable to most everyone till I point out that they too could cut and leave marks. Odd but it seems I am to participate in my own discipline.

Jess suggests just using their hands. That way, no cuts, or marks, and everyone can take turns. Frankly this sounds, well, sort of interesting. To be honest, I have kind of accepted the idea and am a bit excited about it.

It is decided that they will each take 3 swats at my backside, open palmed, as I lay across Jess’ lap. She has found a good sized log upon which to sit.

Leigh the youngest goes first. She is not sure what exactly is going on or why I am being punished I think, but goes along and she is not as gentle as I had hoped she might be. I think she liked doing it too cause she started to keep going after her 3, but Lindsey stopped her. It was not for my benefit, I’m sure, that she intervened but rather to hasten her own turn which came next.

Lindsey stepped up with a malicious grin. She had full intent to do her worse but she was told to not leave marks so she held back a little, I think. Having stung her hand the second two swats were even less potent but my bum was plenty warm when Robyn’s turn came.

I was squirming and trying to rub my bum, earning me a swat from Jess in the process, being told to “Settle down and be still.” When Robyn asked us to turn around the other way, I was really puzzled until it came clear she was a lefty. Geez…

It is quite humiliating to assume the position across the lap of a girl you don’t even know, naked, for the purpose of getting a public spanking by a bunch of girls.

For her part, Robyn was not shy. I really thought I would get a bit of a break from her but aside from the fact that her swats were mostly on the other cheek, not so much. Even just 3 swats can sting, as evidenced by Robyn rubbing her hand after, and of course my red bum.

Tina was next in age but she and Beth are both right handed, so instead, Jenn took her turn. In the interest of time I guess? Jenn actually was the most gentle so far. In fact the other girls protested a bit that she should go again as they thought she was too easy on me. She insisted that she had used her turn and told me to get up.

Standing, I find myself with not only red stinging bum but an audience staring at my raging boner. There is really no way to hide the fact that I am extremely aroused at the moment. Which Leigh, being the youngest and perhaps least experienced chooses to question.

“Why is his thing so hard? Are you really horny right now?”

Lindsey is quick to comment, “I think he’s enjoying this! So much for punishment.”

For my part I don’t say a word. I am about to kneel across Jess’ lap when she says, “Oh no you don’t. Not so fast big boy. I ain’t having you squirt all over me. You’re gonna have to do something about that thing before it goes off on its own, I think.”

Tina calls to Lindsey, “Bring him his magazines.”

Beth chimes in, “First I want to see them.”

Lindsey says, “I already pulled that out," handing Beth a small square photo.

Seeing that pic causes a brief mental flash and my cock twitches slightly. Leigh notices as I’m sure a couple of others do as well. “Are you making it jerk like that? Is that what they call jerking off?”

This makes me laugh, as I’m pretty sure she is about to find out what she wants to know. I can’t help but look at Lindsey like, ‘Why the hell did you have to bring her?’. No one answers her question so it just kind of hangs there as everyone is looking at my cock and my hand as I look through the magazines, wishing for something to lube with. Lotion, Vaseline, something…

I am nearly there, my hand is off my prick for only a moment, when I had to bend over the tree trunk to retrieve the book when it fell from its resting place. Tina chooses this moment, to swat my ass. Three times really hard. I had no idea she was there, and the shock nearly caused me to skewer the downed tree with my prick.

“Hold still,” Tina orders me. “Who’s next? Beth are you gonna go next or last? This is taking too long and this pervert is enjoying it too much. If he wants to jerk off he can do that on his own time. Frankly I don’t see how you can jerk off to the skanks in those magazines anyway.” With that she heads down the trail toward home, leaving the rest of us behind.

Jess steps up next, places one hand on my back and cupping the other slaps my ass with a crack that makes Tina stop and look back. These bring me to tears and I can’t be still but she is holding me, which she continues to do when Beth comes over.

Beth leans over me , whispering softly. “Hope that picture was worth it. I told you it wasn’t over and it still isn’t. For now at least I have my pic back.” And with that she gives me three firm smacks, gentle really after Jess, damn that girl is strong.

As I stand I see Beth her friends, along with Robyn heading down the path. Tina proceeded them I guess. Leigh and Lindsey are still here, I am still naked and Leigh has my clothes.
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