Indoctrination - Chapter Seven


WARNING! This is a work of erotic BDSM FICTION. It is ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL of an EXTREME SEXUAL NATURE, including acts of abduction, exhibitionism, humiliation, and discipline. This is not for readers who are easily offended or incapable of distinguishing fact from fiction. The author does not promote such activity in real life unless it is between consenting adults and practiced safely. The copyright of this story remains with the author, Night Owl. This posting does not give anyone the rights to post or print content without obtaining the author's permission first.

by Night Owl

(Story Content: M/f, Bondage, Whipping)

Rain pelts the roof in a tremendous roar
As she screams in delighted passion,
Delicious pain searing her to her very core
Her Master keeps to the lashing.

"Flogging and Thunder"
by Patrick H.

Chapter 7: Jerri Takes a Whipping

Amber had no idea how much time had passed before she fell into a dreamless sleep.

Well, not quite dreamless.

She remembered being trapped in a cave. She was hanging naked off a single rope by her wrists, and surrounded by gray bats. She had no idea of their significance, but they were flitting about, touching every part of her body, their wings tickling her bare flesh in much the same way Sonia had tickled her with the feather. In the dream, they began nipping and biting her, and she could do nothing, but wiggle helplessly in the dark, unable to escape their tiny, razor-sharp teeth. She became weak and lethargic as the blood from her many wounds flowed into their hungry mouths. Amber's memory got very foggy after that, but the dream seemed to end with her passing out from the attack while simultaneously being swept by what she could only surmise to be a wave of sexual bliss. She awoke with a start, then spent the remainder of her time staring up at the dark ceiling of her holding cell, her mind filled with a dizzying array of thoughts.

It wasn't long before the door opened and warm light funneled in from the hall onto her naked form lying on the bed. It was Sonia. Without saying a word, she unfastened Amber's wrists and ankles from the bed frame, then led her down the corridor to another part of the cellar. The tortuous maze seemed to engulf them, and before Amber knew it, she was hopelessly lost in twisting, turning passages, suffused with the glow of distant light.

They ended up in a room that seemed to be the largest in a labyrinth of partitioned chambers spanning the whole level underneath the house. Small torches flickered off the concrete block walls, making it appear very much like one of those old English movies where torture chambers were the norm. Amber then saw the woman seated on her knees in the middle of the room. She was a stunning brunette with high, softly chiseled cheekbones, pale blue oval-shaped eyes, and long brown hair that spilled over her shoulders in tight curls. Her lightly bronzed skin looked smooth, vibrant and flawless in the dim torchlight. The slip she wore was of plain white silk that barely covered her decently around the thighs. Her nipples, cool and erect, pushed outward against the thin material. Two chains with manacles hung down from the ceiling to each side of her. For long moments, Amber could do nothing but stare. She knew something horrible was going to happen to this woman.

Monique stood behind a long table. Her attention had been focused on the careful task of cleaning and oiling the leather instruments of discipline laid out in front of her. Gone was the servant's uniform. She was naked now, like Amber, and wearing a leather collar. Lamar Quinn stood nearby. Amber remembered seeing this man that first evening she arrived at the house, and quickly deduced that the argument she overheard between he and Raven had something to do with the woman kneeling on the floor.

"Sit," Sonia motioned Amber to a plain wooden chair, "and keep her hands to your sides."

As Amber took her seat, three more women filed into the room from another doorway, with the handlers, Shane and Tony following close behind. All of the women were completely nude and collared.

The first one in line was Asian. At about 5'2'', she was the shortest of the three, petite, with a round face and shoulder length, jet-black hair. The next girl had the slim, tight body of a dancer, pearl white skin, large dark oval eyes, and light brown wavy locks. Amber assumed the third to be Livia when she saw the unusual pointed tribal tattoo on her lower abdomen. Gone was the leather mask, but her wrists and ankles still showed the rope marks from being tied to the table. Her eyes looked glassy and tired. She had obviously been through quite an ordeal with Sonia.

“Nadu!” Shane snapped the order and the three girls dropped to her knees in exactly the same manner – knees apart, back straight, hands on the thighs, palms up. Only Livia seemed to waver a little, being as weak as she was. After Monique finished oiling the last paddle, she quickly scurried to the floor and took her position with the others.

Raven was the last to enter the room and his presence immediately drew everyone's attention. His long, dark hair was still pulled neatly back into a ponytail, but he was shirtless now.

"On your feet," he said to the woman in the white slip, who quickly stood up. Her eyes never left the floor.

"Shii Ann, come here," he ordered, "Marin, you too."

The Asian and the brunette rose to their feet and stepped forward.

"Chain her."

Both slaves took a chain and shackled the woman's wrists. Next they were instructed to shackle her ankles to a pair of steel rings spaced about four feet from each other in the floor. Raven tested the links, then tightened each by turning a wheel crank in the wall. Slowly, her arms were pulled wide above her head until she was almost on her toes in a wide spread-eagle stance. The slip she wore looked thin and airy, almost glowing with the torch lit behind her, as though it were desperate to show off her naked form underneath as best it could.

Amber felt her heart beating like a rabbit. The chair she sat on was of rough oak and there were several places where would-be splinters poked at her bare flesh. The stone floor was as cold as ice under her bare feet. She watched as Raven took a knife from the table and approached the chained girl.

"Jerri, do you know why you are being punished?"

"Yes, Sir."

"And you STILL refuse to accept Mr. Quinn as your new owner?"

"Yes, Sir."

Raven paused a moment, as if somewhat taken aback by the confidence behind her answer.

"I gather you've forgotten the rather large sum this man bid for you at the auction?"

"No, Sir."

"Then why do you insist on putting me in this position?"

Then Jerri paused a moment, "I want . . . I need to be with you, Sir."

Raven touched her shoulder, slid his hand up to the back of her neck and stroked her cheek gently with his thumb.

"So my fledgling is reluctant to leave the nest."

Jerri didn't pull away. Didn't say anything. Just stood very still. Not stiff. Just still, relaxed, staring up into his eyes.

"You ARE my girl," he said, "aren't you?"

"Yes, Sir," she replied anxiously. "I am your girl."

Raven gave her cheek a light pat, then reached into his pocket and pulled out a small pen knife.

"Well then, let us have a look at you."

Jerri moaned while he took the knife in hand and cut away the flimsy garment until it fell to her feet. A thin sheen of sweat already covered her body from head to toe. Her ribs were etched under the swells of her firm, round breasts; her eyes bright with anticipation, brimming with a mixture of dread and desire. She was like an animal, a sleek female animal acting only on impulse, and void of all rational thought.

She moaned again as Raven ran his hand down to her left breast.

"So you want me to care for you. To tell you when to eat. When to sleep . . ."

"Yes, Sir."

"To bind your body and use it in whatever fashion that pleases me . . ."

"Yes," her eyes closed, "do with me what you wish!"

"Ahh, but it was my wish that you be sold to Mr. Quinn, was it not?"

The trap had been set. Jerri opened her eyes, but couldn't bring herself to look at him. She seemed confused now, unsure of herself.

Raven took his hand away from her breast and turned to the table, "Mr. Quinn and I have already found a solution to the problem that you have so selfishly brought upon us," he continued formally. "I will return his money, with the option of letting him purchase another slave at a set price once her training is complete. That means you belong to ME now, my pet."

Both men nodded in agreement, then Raven returned from the table with a long bullwhip curled in one hand. It was tightly braided, about six feet long. Amber remembered the whip Sonia had used on her earlier, but this one was far more menacing. Somehow, she knew Jerri's punishment was going to be much worse.

"You are a very beautiful girl, Jerri," he remarked. "Sonia was quite correct in her physical evaluation of you when she brought you here. You had all the assets we seek in a high-quality sexual slave. But now, you have disappointed me. I invested many, long hours in training you, only to find that you are just as rebellious as ever. You've learned nothing."

Amber gripped the edge of her chair. She could feel the wood prickling her clammy skin as she watched. Raven circled about the girl, teasing and taunting, not only his captive, but his audience as well. He looked incredible without his shirt -- his muscles like steel, defined and shaped not by hours in the gym like Shane's, but by life. Real life. Under his left breast was a scar, long and jagged. A second began at the left shoulder and snaked its way under his armpit. There was not an ounce of fat on the man, not even around his mid-section. But it was his eyes that got to Amber the most -- quick and savage, like the eyes of a cobra coiled to strike, all behind a stone-face expression as he walked about the girl, touching her insolently, randomly, with the chrome handled whip in his other hand all the while. Intimately, he lorded his power over her in anticipation of using it on her. Raven was not whipping Jerri just to punish her, nor was it an attempt to intimidate the other slaves. He was doing it for his own enjoyment. The only question now was, how far would he go?

He put his hands on her breasts. His touches were light, but there was no mistaking the possessiveness behind them. Jerri drew a hot breath when he rubbed the chrome handle of his whip against her nipples, each in turn until they became erect, then drew a line down her taut belly. Jerri was whimpering her surrender by the time he reached her bare sex, freshly shaven, exposed and vulnerable between her open legs.

Jerri swayed helplessly on the chains like a tree branch caught in the wind, her cries of pleasure mingling with her agony. It made Amber think of the dream she had; of the bats in the cave.

"Do not come," he commanded, even as he pressed the handle against Jerri's slick folds and teased her with it.

He toyed with her for a time, rubbing the silver handled against her clit. Her head was thrashing, her hair tossing over her face. Her eyes rolled up to the ceiling, her body shook, hips undulating, every captive inch of her craving the man's attentions, no matter how rough.

Then, as suddenly and deliberately as he began, Raven took it away.

"Pl . . . please, Master," she cried piteously between breaths. "D-don't stop."

"Beg for it, slave."

Jerri shuddered. "I beg you, Master," she said through clenched teeth. "Violate me once again with your whip."

Raven denied her, administering instead a thick snap to her calf, inducing a wail of pain. "Do you dare put your pleasure above mine?"

"No, Sir. I seek only your pleasure," she corrected herself. "I beg you, Master, whip my body if it pleases you."

"Oh I will, slave," he promised darkly. "I will."

Amber bit her lip. It was going to happen. She couldn't bear to watch, and yet, she didn’t dare turn away.

Raven held the whip handle up to Jerri’s lips and she kissed it eagerly, then took it inside her mouth, the top of her tongue running up and down the shiny chrome handle of the very device that was about to scourge her naked, helpless body.

"Amber," Raven called out, "I want you to count for me. We'll go to TEN."

"Please," she begged, "don't make me do this."

"Would you like to take Jerri's place?"

"No . . . I mean . . . I just can't do it," she began to stammer.

"Very well," Raven informed her. "Count or don't count, but I will not stop until I hear the full complement from your lips." He pulled back his arm, the whip snapped, then sailed through the air toward Jerri, striking her just below the navel.


The sound shattered Amber's nerves. He was blackmailing her now, by using the girl's torture as a means of winning her collaboration. Without waiting for a reaction, Raven swung the whip again and took a slice across Jerri's outer thigh.

"One!" Amber squeezed her eyes shut and counted.

Jerri jerked and moaned as the next slash landed across her breasts. An angry welt immediately began to rise from one globe to another, traversing a line between her nipples.


He swung the whip even harder and seared her breasts again.

"Three! Please, no more!" Amber begged.

Raven ignored the plea, and the next blow landed on the girl's inner thigh, just missing her sex an inch. Jerri screamed.

Amber watched in horror, and counted. Number five broke the skin across Jerri's left hip, number six on the right. Each stroke was like a crack of doom against her naked flesh. Her seemingly flawless body was now streaked with angry red welts. Her screams dissolved into low moans, her eyes rolled to the ceiling. She was somewhere else now, far away.

Amber moaned again and counted as the final blows were administered to Jerri's stomach, again across her breasts, and even her arms. The total count had reached eleven when Raven finally stopped, one more count due to Amber's slow reaction to his instructions.

But it was far from over.

He circled around close behind Jerri and roughly fondled her breasts. She whimpered as his hands raked over them cruelly. Then he ran his fingers down to her bare sex and parted her lips. One finger worked on Jerri's clit, causing her to wiggle her butt against his hard cock, now straining against the tight, leather pants he wore.

Amber thought he was going to violate the girl right there in front of everyone, but just then, Raven released her and stood back with the whip still in his hand.

"Another count, Amber. TEN please."

Amber counted as he whipped her from behind. He struck her shoulder blades, her lower back, and once, a side arm stroke that snaked around Jerri's ribs and snapped the tip of her left nipple. After ten counts, Raven tossed the whip on the table and then grabbed a long, oar-shaped leather paddle. One side of the instrument was pebbled with small metal studs.

"Ten more counts, Amber," he ordered, "and louder so we can all hear you."

So Amber watched helplessly and counted as he swung the paddle against Jerri's naked buttocks, first one fleshy cheek, then the other.

WHOP . . . WHOP . . . WHOP!

Each time the paddle make contact, Jerri tossed her head back and yelped. Each time, her body lurched forward, hips first, as though she were performing a sex act for the audience.

Amber tightened her grip on the chair seat while she watched. Unbidden, she parted her knees and began grinding her own bare cheeks against the rough wood. She wanted desperately to free her hands from the chair and satisfy the need building deep inside her undulating sex, but dared not to. As tortured as it was, she knew Raven would be angry with her if she masturbated without his permission. Then she would be the one bearing the punishment instead of Jerri.

Raven used the flogger next. Once again, Amber was forced to count, ten times, as he snapped the long rubber tresses across Jerri's back. He then moved around to the front of his captive and struck her breasts. Her nipples popped erect under the harsh beating, then turned a vivid red. Her vocals dampened to a soft whimper. The last few strokes were saved for Jerri's loins. Her abdominal muscles strained as she tried to bring her legs together to protect herself, but the bindings around her ankles held firm. Even then, Raven showed no mercy, and struck her bare sex again and again until the count was completed. And then it was done.

Jerri hung still with her head hanging limply backward past her shoulders, her neck exposed. Beads of sweat ran freely down her red-streaked body. Amber's chest was heaving almost as fast as that of her punished soul sister. She wanted to masturbate badly. There was no question of force now, no issue of kidnap. No doubt in her mind now that she was like the others -- turned on by pain and humiliation, aroused by the very thought of her subjugation as a female slave at the hands of her master.

The room was silent again. All eyes followed Raven as he took Amber's arm and lifted her from the chair.

"You are quite thoroughly intoxicated," he told her, "my little college girl."

Her face flushed with the realization that he knew exactly what she was feeling, that he understood her so well.

"Take this one back to her quarters," he handed Amber over to the handlers, "and Mr. Quinn, please let me offer you the service of one of these slaves kneeling before you. We'll also furnish a room, so you may enjoy her company in privacy. No charge."

"Very well," Quinn studied the four women, "I'll have the tall blond on the far end."

"A fine choice," Raven remarked. "Sonia, prepare Livia for our guest."

This time it was Tony who escorted Amber back to her cell. Like Shane, he was well-muscled, only dark, almost Italian-looking, with short black hair. Without a word, he led her down the hall, and once again, she was strapped naked to her bed. There in the dark, she was left alone an hour, or maybe two hours -- she couldn't be sure, but it seemed forever to her.

Then at last, the door opened and Monique entered the room, followed by Shii Ann. They were both wearing a sheer clingy form of silk about their bodies that wrapped like a pareau with a disrobing loop at the left shoulder.

"Come with us," Monique whispered as they released her bindings, "Master Raven requests your presence -- in private."

Leather cuffs were fastened to her wrists behind her back, then Amber was led by a leash up to a room on the second floor. Two walls were lined with closets, and another wall, covered from the floor to the ceiling with a large mirror. A door lead to a small washroom that contained a sink and a chair that tilted back into it, like one might see in a salon.

They washed and dried Amber's hair, then sat her in a chair in front of the mirror where she was properly made up. Mascara was applied, and bright red lipstick, even her nails were manicured. All the while, Amber could see herself, seated naked in the chair each time her gaze strayed to the mirror. Both women said nothing as they worked, until Amber finally broke the silence and inquired about Jerri.

"She recovers," Monique answered in a low voice, without offering any further explanation.

Amber knew it was forbidden for slaves to talk among themselves, or even to anyone else, unless properly addressed. Her eyes darted around the room through the reflection in the mirror, searching for any cameras, but there were none that she could see. It didn't mean they were necessarily alone though, or whether someone could be watching them through a peephole camouflaged in the wall.

They applied in generous amounts of perfume to her neck, her breasts, under her arms and between her thighs. The outfit chosen for her was a long silk robe with gold high heels for her feet and nothing else. The robe had a gold chain button tie just above the breasts to keep it closed loosely around her body. Very loosely. After a final inspection, Amber's wrists were fastened again behind her back with silver bracelets.

The panic returned, swimming through her gut like an eel. She thought of asking the others what lay ahead, but even if they knew, she was sure they would not tell her, not after witnessing Jerri's brutal punishment. For the first time, Amber realized how powerful Raven was. Everyone seemed to fear him, even Sonia and the handlers. She saw the looks on their faces as he carried out Jerri's sentence, striking her helpless, nude body full force with the whip, again and again without hesitation, without mercy. Now Amber was going to face him alone.

Monique opened the door and led her out of the room, with Shii Ann following close behind. Together, the three of them moved quickly and silently down the hall.

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