Home Alone... Part 6


This story began quite simply. A grown man, feeling the need to release a little sexual tension, finds a quiet moment to relax alone. Assured of several hours of privacy (I thought!) and no concerns one moment, then all hell breaks lose and the next thing I know I am the main event for some kind of bachelorette party at which I am the adult entertainment and my 16 yr old daughter is a guest if not exactly the guest of honor! And, if that's not enough, I am somehow cajoled into remaining nude while post entertainment snacks are served! If my friends could see me now! No wait, that unfortunately is a possibility, and one I do not relish, as there is not only pictures but video of the afternoon in the possession of the guests. Which kind of explains why I am naked in front of under aged girls, but only in my head. It certainly would not go over well to anyone who has not been through what I have today. There is no way I can explain this, ever, to anyone, period!

Susan is a slim teen girl from my daughter Kylie's class. Kylie is 17, brown hair, medium or average build, not involved in organized sports but athletic. I'm her Dad, but I can recognize that she is attractive and to me her best features are her eyes, smile, and sense of humor. Kylie seems gifted to be able to find the humor in most any situation. Susan is blonde, or appears to be, lol. Not that I can tell if it's natural and having two teen daughters I know that girls rarely keep any color long. Upon reflection it occurs to me that it is most unfair that Susan is absolutely certain of my natural hair color at this very moment! Where was I, oh yeah, She is maybe 15 lbs lighter than Kylie so I guess you might say she is slim, though if I were between 14-18 I would say that she was perfect. There is no outward flaw in her appearance though her hazel eyes have given me pause for concern and honestly we have only just met.

That is right, I am naked, in front of a girl I have just met, in my home and it was in no way my idea! Not good Huh? Understatement of the year candidate for sure right there! There is simply no way that I can at first engage in small talk or do anything so normal. I have just experienced the most erotic orgasm in my life. I am desperately wanting to escape yet I am held here. Little glances from Susan and even one or two from my daughter, aimed at my crotch, tell me that their curiosity is still piqued.

School apparently let out early today. Sure wish I'd have gotten the memo earlier! I have no idea if the reason Susan is here is legit, as in a need to work on a school project with my daughter. But it looks like I have become the focus of a different kind of project. After a bit, I excuse myself from the kitchen to use the restroom, almost as if I have to ask permission! Just what has happened to me here today?

Having been lost in my own reflections of the afternoon, the girls seem to have eased into a conversation which distracts them enough that they don't react to me stepping away this time. When I mentioned the restroom break there was no definitive response so I went for it! Geez, Right? Standing at the toilet, pissing like a race horse, I contemplate getting dressed. Can I really walk back into the kitchen naked? Should I? What choice do I have? Obviously I can get dressed but will the girls, will Susan, let me stay that way? For how long? Will it piss her off if I do? What if it does? I doubt I want to test her as the consequences could be bad and for now at least, she holds the cards!

I am about to leave my room when Kylie enters. Over her shoulder, I can see Susan watching with veiled interest. "Dad?" Kylie begins, as if I were fully dressed. "Since mom will be late tonight, we were thinking about ordering Chinese take-out, sound good to you?"

"Um, sure babe, that's fine. But didn't you just eat a snack?" I say. Glad to at least find a safe normal topic to discuss.

"Not now or anything," she says "We just had a half sandwich each, Susan doesn't like turkey and we only had a little ham."

"OK let me know when you want to place the order, you know how your Mom loves Chinese!" Having just mentioned my wife, I feel about an inch tall as I step from my room in my birthday suit. Meanwhile, Susan has seated herself in front of the computer. Browsing as carefree as you please through some of my saved favorites and history. This could be bad...

"You are an interesting man Ed." She intones as we round the corner and see what she is looking at.

Oh shit, the twinkle is back! There is a devious little twist to the corner of Susan's up turned lip that causes a quickening of my pulse which is felt elsewhere besides just my heart. Did she notice? Did I detect a flash of her eyes towards my groin? Damn, carnal responses are hard wired into the human psyche it seems, as on cue I begin to stiffen as if I am eager for a chance to make a repeat performance. Damn, damn, damn... has any other normal man ever cursed his own libido? I cannot say that I ever imagined a scenario where it would apply, and yet, here I am wishing desperately for a major case of limp dick syndrome!

"Aren't you girls supposed to be working on a school project?" I ask. Trying to deflect the conversation away from wherever it might have been heading. "What sort of project is it? Is it for a major grade? When is it due?"

"Oh we have time" Kylie says. "We just thought since it was a half day we might get a head start and pick a subject. It isn't due till the end of the semester." Glancing at the computer screen over her friends shoulder, Kylie seems more than a little embarrassed as the screen shows a young looking porn star in a school uniform performing an erotic strip tease for the camera. "Dad? Does mom know that you look at this kind of stuff on the internet?"

Hmm... Does mom know? How do I answer this? Yes, she knows. She hates it, but she knows that it is something that I do on occasion. Does she condone it? Absolutely not. How would she react to my daughter catching me, well, like she has caught me? The term "murderous rage" springs to mind! Praying for all I am worth I say, "I think that might be something best left between she and I dear."

Blinking Kylie glances away from me as Susan follows a link to a "Casting Couch" video. "I think these things are fake" Susan says.

Oddly I am happy for this new topic. "I imagine most are, it's about fantasy after all, not reality" although I seen to be living a scene in a video at the moment. "There is almost nothing real online when it comes to porn. It's a big business and the actors and actresses make big money for what they do" I explain, as if it is perfectly normal to be standing here discussing porn with my daughter and her friend. The interview on the screen has progressed to the point where the actress is no longer touching herself but rather she is now about to show her skill at touching her future boss. This stud is well hung, aren't they all? The glances for comparison sake make me uncomfortable and it doesn't help that Susan is roughly at the perfect height in my chair to try her skills on me as the actress online is doing onscreen. This thought starts my motor running again and it is painfully obvious what initiated take off!

"Looks like you haven't had enough time to relax this afternoon Ed" Susan says as she vacates the desk, leaving the video playing. Boldly she reaches out and grabbing my cock guides me down into the desk chair.

This is the first time I have ever been touched by someone other than myself today and I am terrified I might cum immediately!

A sound like a squeak emerges from my daughter, as I practically choke on my tongue which seems to have suddenly been tied in knots as I can hardly breathe. Releasing me, Susan grins like a demon possessed and I have no clue where this day is heading. Thankfully, miraculously, I do not ejaculate though I now have a rigid hard-on that seems determined to be around for a while!

Sitting with a raging boner is not easy. As I move around in the chair, I glance towards my daughter, who is for some reason focused like a laser beam on my rock hard dick, almost as if this is something she has never seen. Her eyes are locked, as I glance back towards Susan, from the corner of my eye I see Kylie lick her lips. Wait, wtf? My head snaps back in her direction so quickly I practically give myself whiplash. A snicker comes from Susan and my head snaps in her direction. As our eyes meet, something passes between us that rocks me down deep. A shiver passes through my whole body and I damn near pass out from the surge of pheromones or hormones, or maybe its just that I am about to have a heart attack and die! Yeah, that's it... I need to die!

If I die now, would my kid at least get me dressed before my wife gets home? Doubtful really... what would the story be like? Would my eulogy go... Never mind... that is definitely not a positive path to traverse, There has got to be a better way forward from here. God help me!

"Your turn" I hear Susan say...

Is she talking to me? Who's turn? For what? She isn't talking to Kylie? God don't let her be talking to Kylie! Here I sit, leaning back basically spread eagle in a desk chair. A twitching hard-on between my legs, on full display before my daughter and her friend. Have I mentioned that? I guess I keep repeating it because it is still unreal in a way. Will I never wake from this, what ever it is? Call it a nightmare fantasy gone wrong? My mind has all but shut down, my will to resist is spent. In the course of what, has it even been two hours I have gone from a husband, father and man at home in his castle to what exactly? I don't even know... All I know for sure is that whatever happens next, I will endure it (I may even enjoy it!) and do so with a smile, as I am certain my vote doesn't really count.

Kylie and I both look to Susan. Who focuses on my daughter then directs her gaze at my crotch and says, "Well? It's now or never, trust me Kylie, you wont regret this! Why don't you help him with some lube? I dare you, Kylie." Susan then takes my daughters hand and as if by magic produces the tube of lube. Before I realize what has happened my daughter is before me with her right hand covered in lube. She is looking at her hand, then my cock, then her hand, as she leans forward I glance towards Susan. That bitch has her phone out again! Before I can say anything, or even move, my daughter, my 17 yr old daughter is being video taped practically stroking my cock while I sit back buck naked. She grips me lightly, very hesitant. Perhaps I should be grateful. This means that she has no real experience after all, right?

Kylie only strokes me a few times when we both hear Susan again say, "Nice!" As Kylie glances towards Susan I notice that the phone has somehow disappeared. Maybe Kylie doesn't know it was filmed! Please, don't let her have to know this was filmed! Susan smiles at Kylie like a proud parent on graduation day, a part of me is almost jealous. Kylie even smirks, or grins, or... to be honest I have no idea what the look I see pass between them is.

At this point I am expecting to be asked to repeat my earlier performance and am about to just get it over with when Susan looks at me and says, "Ed, why don't you go get a shower."

Stunned, I sit there as if I am deaf. My cock is demanding attention! This cunt is basically telling me to take a cold shower in my own house? I wanna bend her over and... Whoa! Dammit boy, get a grip on yourself! And not literally! LOL Somewhere in my lizard brain, I recognize that this is a good suggestion. Anything to get away from this demon spawned hellion that has dominated my home for the past, Shit, What time is it?

When I emerge from the shower, I find a set of loose jogging shorts, my boxers from earlier and a wife beater T-shirt on the foot of my bed. With a sense of relief that I cannot explain, I don these clothes without fully acknowledging that I have practically been dressed by the kids! Maybe I am just glad to have clothes again? As I enter the den, the girls are looking online. Shockingly the content appears to be generic. I cannot detect anything salacious at the moment though I am doubtful to say the least.

Upon departing the shower I couldn't help but notice that the time is now just after 3:00 pm. I cannot say that I have ever looked forward so to my wife's return home, yet dreaded it at the same time. Is there any way that I can insure the girls confidence? I could beg, bargain, bribe? Face it, nothing I can say or do will guarantee anything! Some sixth sense tells me that Susan doesn't want to hurt Kylie. I hope Susan doesn't want to hurt my wife, and believe me, just the story of today would hurt my wife. The videos and pictures on the other hand... don't really bare mentioning, I hope!

Timidly, as if walking on egg shells I exit my room. The girls briefly smile as I do but turn back to their searching almost as one. Discerning a reprieve of sorts I extricate myself from the vicinity and head out to the garage. I keep a bottle of scotch secreted out there and frankly never before had I felt the call more urgently than at that moment! I am not a big drinker. Being from the school of "A little dab will do you!" Sipping on a couple of fingers of 18 yr old Glenlivet Single Malt Scotch and cogitating on my dilemma, shortly I realize that I am hungry.

Did I eat lunch today? Breakfast? Do I even dare entering the house with that girl still here? Something is definitely up with her. A slight twinge in my groin says my cock agrees but that is not what I was just referring to. I suppose there is really no avoiding it, I only have part of a bottle of scotch out here, at some point I will have to emerge from the garage. Food seems like as good a motivation as any.

Entering the Kitchen, the girls are no where to be seen. I can clearly see into the den. Flash backs assault my brain. In my head I am imagining what the girls came home to this afternoon. Was it really only a few hours ago? OK Edward, I tell myself, move on, deal with it, what doesn't kill us makes us stronger... blah, blah.... Geez, I may be losing it! I decide that I may as well step down the hall and get a take out order from the kids as I am not gonna last much longer after the day I've had without sustenance.

As I approach, I hear quiet chatting and a snicker or two. My sense of apprehension is peaked but really whats the worse that could possibly happen now? Aside from My wife walking in on the earlier shenanigans or something similar and thankfully that danger has passed for good I tell myself as I round the frame of the doorway into Kylie's room, I try to relax. "Girls?" I say. "How about we order that take out?"

Looking up from Kylie's cell they both say, "Sounds great!"
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