Home Alone... Part 7


In an attempt to get to the point I will refrain from trying to explain how I ended up where I am. After all there is now a trail you can follow back to the beginning if you care to do so....


"Girls, how about we order that take-out?" I say as I stick my head around the open door frame and peer into my daughter Kylie's room.

A chorus of "Sounds great!" is my reply and I find myself being practically herded back towards the kitchen. Ever notice how after a certain age kids seem to want to keep you as far as possible from "their space"? Alas our kids do grow up so fast.

In no time at all I am climbing into my Toyota Tacoma 4 door truck both girls have climbed into the back seat so I am alone up front. It's a few miles to the Asian restaurant, as we live in a rural area. The girls have continued their usual texting marathon accompanied by a few snickers, laughs and though I am not exactly a party to what is happening I have caught a few glimpses in the mirror of them exchanging glances and grins my way as we get closer into town.

I'm not sure what made me do it, perhaps I should have just remained mute, but I had to ask... "So what's up? You two could have stayed home and worked on your project till I got back with the food. And what's so funny? Care to let me in on the joke?"

"That depends on if you can do something for us" Susan replies.

"I think I've done enough for today" I say. This girl has plans and part of me stirs with curiosity as she leans over the seat back in front of her and says.

"Before we reach the next light I dare you to pass me your shorts, they have an elastic waistband so they should slide right off easy-peasy."

"Like hell" I reply, jerking the wheel a bit as I try to see if she's serious.

"You have your boxers, right? This truck sits up high enough no one can really see and the take-out place has a drive through pick-up window. I don't see why not, surely you're not gonna play shy. We've already seen it all and I could ask for the boxers too" Susan says!

I look from the rear view mirror to the upcoming light, back to the rear. She's serious, is she trying to blackmail me again already? Of course she is, "I can't be seen riding around half dressed with a couple of teen aged girls in my truck in public" I say, attempting to beg reason.

"The light is just ahead, It's not like we are asking you to go inside and get the food in your birthday suit, unless of course you'd rather?" Susan asks, as Kylie snorts behind me. She seems to be enjoying my predicament. Guess my payback for her embarrassment this afternoon isn't over.

"Fine but nothing else, I've had enough today" I say as I squirm out of my jogging shorts, waiting for the light to change.

"Thanks" Susan beams at me as I pull through the intersection wearing boxers and a wife beater T.

I never really noticed how thin boxers were, there is a noticeable draft now and I feel almost naked! Thankfully we have only a couple of miles before we arrive and these pass without incident. Pulling to the pick-up window I notice a beautiful Amer-Asian girl working, glancing nervously, I try to assess if I might be exposed in any way. I edge closer to the door so as to limit the risk of discovery.

We are kind of regulars here so there is little need for conversation as our order is passed through my window. "Kylie" I hiss, "I need my wallet, please" the girls find this entertaining of course. The order is apparently short an item or two so I am told...

"Please, pull forward next to the curb, we will bring egg rolls out very soon. Sorry for delay, Please forgive, thank you!"

I am talking to the girls over my right shoulder, verifying the contents of the order when I hear at my elbow, "Thank you sir" This startles me as I had no idea she had approached. Turning suddenly, I find an arm in my window holding a small tray with 3 large cups of iced water and a bag of egg rolls. Just as I grab for the bag, suddenly there is a big splash as my left elbow knocks the tray from the girls grasp. The girl jumps back, then dashes towards the door to the restaurant.

Instinctively I jump out of my door, momentarily forgetting my current state of dress. About the time it registers that I am standing on the sidewalk in wet white boxers and T shirt I catch movement coming back outside. I lunge for the truck and before I can close the door the Asain girl is standing there with a huge stack of paper towels and a dazed look on her face. Grabbing the paper towels I thank her as I hit the gas and escape the lot like I was coming out of pit row.

Driving, soaked through, freezing and shaking, uncertain if it's from the water or the adrenaline I find a place to pull over and attempt to dry off with what I have. The girls have apparently nearly asphyxiated themselves from laughing so hard and I am boiling over from emotions so complex I can't begin to differentiate them. Nearly hyperventilating myself, trying to catch my breath I exclaim, "So glad you girls enjoyed that! How about give me those dry shorts now."

"I think you should take off those wet things 1st and toss them back here, after all if Mrs James is home when we pull in you don't wanna be soaked through" Susan suggests.

At this point I am not equipped to argue and so I find my self seated in my truck completely naked, behind a local business on the outskirts of our little town. My hand is gesturing towards where I know my shorts are on the floor of the back seat when a car comes around the building. I have to drive, can't get spotted like this with two girls in the truck, hell I wouldn't want to get spotted alone! "Toss me my pants" I demand as I put the truck in drive.

To which Susan inquires "Don't you want to finish Air drying 1st?" Glancing back to glare at her, she snaps yet another picture of me on her phone as evidenced by the camera flash.

"You need to stop with the pictures, Susan" I say to her. "I want you to delete every one. I've done everything you girls have asked today and this has to stop, understand?"

"Mr. James, Ed, It's obvious you're enjoying it, or am I wrong? It certainly looks like you have yet another boner!" she points out while aiming her phone, no wait that's my daughter Kylies phone, over the back seat at me!

"Don't! I beg, No more pictures please!"

"No worries, I'm getting this on video" The little devil smirks! While my daughter continues to ride back there alternately checking traffic and looking at her friends phone.

I think I managed to make it back home without further incident or exposure, who knows? At least no one honked and I didn't get pulled over. I am not sure if it is the air drying or the smoldering flush I feel that works but by the time we arrive home I am largely dry. I can't say the same for my carpet but that will wait. There is no other vehicle in our drive so I am safe for the moment and pull in. No sooner do I stop than the girls jump out with the food and run indoors.

"Hey," I shout, "Forget something?" The rear doors to the truck stand open. Suddenly I am terrified that they intend to make me walk from the truck aunaturel. Then I notice my shorts, still on the floor, partially beneath the passenger seat. I sit a moment, I cannot stay here long, the wife could pull in, a neighbor could as well or worse one might decide to walk over to speak if they notice I am outside. What to do? Got it! I shimmy over the console between the front seats, grab one then the other rear doors slamming them perhaps harder than necessary in my haste then dive for my shorts.

As I enter the house the girls are already in Kylie's room and mosy of the food is in the kitchen on the counter, next to a wet pair of boxers and Tshirt. Thinking of the Mrs' potentially eminent arrival, I grab the wet things and throw them in the dryer.

It seems the girl have had quite the afternoon as I head to my room I still hear laughter coming from my daughter's room. Part of me hopes they choke on the food, well Susan anyway, the deviant little bitch. As I wonder what she has planned for those videos and pictures. Will she masturbate to them? God, I hope she does't plan to share them or post any on the internet! Damn, we still need to talk! But first I need to hit the bathroom, and maybe handle this hard-on, after all, it would do to be walking around the house with that when the wife gets home with the youngest.

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