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Visiting my old relativesAt 24 and unemployed I started to travel around looking for work and staying relatives. Ken and didn't finish high school and at first I visit any relatives in the area I was seeking work. But after staying with great aunt Shelly 61 widow this changed, I was only there 2 nights when Shelly came to my bed wanting sex and I fucked her. A fuck is a fuck and the one you pass up is one you never have. I didn't find a job and with other family coming for a visit, I moved on after fucking Shelly 3 time...reading time 4 mingenre
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Ken E
Visiting nude beach with dad , mom and elder sister.It happened many years back. I was 16 years old , sister 23, mom 40 and dad 45. We had started a tour program to some north Indian states for one full month. After two weeks we reached a city in Biharand occupied a three star hotel.fir three days.Next day morning, one agent approached dady and suggested would I like to visit one nudist beach along with my family which is only three hour drive I refused. But he insisted " Normally these nudist beaches are available only out...reading time 15 mingenre
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Visiting SisterI'm William 30 single with a child due in July, the mother of my child is my sister Hettie 29 widow 1 child and another mine on the way. Hettie husband Donald drank to excess and hit a tree one night and died 4 years ago. Hettie rented an apartment left Julie 5 her daughter by Donald with neighbor while worked. Anyway I was at a loose end so to speak and went to visit Hettie. Our father fucked off before I was 15 and we have no idea where he is and our mother 3 years ago stroke too muck smoking ...reading time 2 mingenre
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William the impregnator
Visiting the DoctorI'm 28 and hurt my knee playing football and visited my doctor. He checked it over and told me to rest it and it would improve quickly if I rubbed in liniment regularly. I was lucky his receptionist was my cousin Emma 26 and she told me to go home, rest and she would bring the liniment by after work and rub in for me. We live near each other about a block apart, I done as told and several hours Emma arrived and rubbed in the liniment. Every day for a week she would apply the liniment before and ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Loving Cousin
Visiting Uncle DavidHi I'm Susan 28 on finishing University last year, I decided to visit my mother's only sibling her brother David. He had return home from working overseas for over twenty years and I wanted to thank him for paying all my university fees as well pocket money ( his words). My father had been injured and needed mom to look after him at home and with the disability pension. There was no way I could go to university, as I had just missed out on a scholarship. Uncle David told my mother, he would pay...reading time 5 mingenre
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Susan G
Vivian: Life in Estonia Chapter 01Vivian Laaning started her life growing up on a dairy farm in Wisconsin. Although the rigors of farm work held no horrors for her, still the tedious repetitive farm chores did not challenge her intellect. One year when she was in grade school, her class took an educational field trip to Chicago to attend the appropriate museums, and provide some educational sight-seeing. From that trip, she knew that she would want to live in that big city, when she was old enough. To fulfill that desire, she d...reading time 31 mingenre
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Vivian: Life in Estonia Chapter 02As the naked Eino Tarvas approached the naked Vivian Laaning, he noticed she had re-positioned herself upright and was now sitting cross legged on the chair, on which she had nursed her baby daughter. The posture suggested that she wanted him standing and then bending down while sucking on her milky tits. Once he actually did so, he soon found out why she desired such a posture. While he was sucking on her nipples and drawing in her milk in the process, it provided her the opportunity to manipul...reading time 36 mingenre
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Vivian: Life in Estonia Chapter 03Eino Tarvas did not really believe Vivian was serious. First of all, he couldn't believe she actually had that much cash on hand to willy nilly advance him such a large amount. Secondly, even if she did have that much money in her bank account, and able to spend as much, he couldn't believe she would be willing to part with such a huge sum as a result of what in essence was a one night stand, albeit a very erotic one. However, there was nothing to lose in playing along with her presumed offered ...reading time 34 mingenre
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Vivian: Life in Estonia Chapter 04Eino opined, "I guess you were lucky then. But I believe one has to be good to be lucky. So, what about your engraved ankle bracelets? Do they have a sexual significance as well?" "Yes they do, and it represents a sexual adventure when I was in law school at the University of Chicago. In my first year, I joined a study group consisting of two other female students and three male students. I was sharing accommodation with my sister, who was leading a hectic life as well. In addition to working ...reading time 30 mingenre
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Vivian: Life in Estonia Chapter 05Eino’s skillful technique in cunnilingus, produced for the upright squatting Vivian Laaning, an exquisite euphoric orgasm. Although not very vociferous, as she was merely panting softly, there was no doubt in his mind that Vivian had climaxed as a result of his efforts. As if to confirm his supposition, Vivian while momentarily maintaining her position sitting on his face, gazed down to him, and exclaimed, “Oh thank you, thank you, my sweet Eino! You sure can do wonders with that wicked tongue o...reading time 32 mingenre
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Vivian: Life in Estonia Chapter 06The next morning at the hotel, baby Maia had not yet awakened to demand her morning breakfast. It just so happened, that it was Eino Tarvas who was the first to open his eyes. Recollecting the previous morning, whereupon Vivian had awakened him with a good morning fuck, he decided to return the favor. Just gazing at the naked feminine beauty of Vivian was sufficient to arouse his libido and stiffen his cock to copulation readiness. As Eino approached her to engage her in a sexual intercourse ac...reading time 31 mingenre
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Vivian: Life in Estonia Chapter 07Eino Tarvas was amazed, albeit pleasantly so, that Vivian Laaning’s personal participation in his quest to amass the prerequisites for the planned expansion of his dairy farm, proved to be so beneficial to him. Although, as a member participant of various agricultural associations in Estonia, he had kept up to date with the latest innovations and technologies, but nevertheless, Vivian's input proved to be surprisingly most helpful. For the day Vivian again opted not to importune the hospitali...reading time 34 mingenre
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Vivian: Life in Estonia Chapter 08When Eino Tarvas was delivering his surprising and somewhat laconic wedding proposal, it so happened that Vivian was in the process of sipping on her coffee liqueur. As soon as it registered in her mind as to what he was saying, she choked on her drink. Her reaction was so severe that droplets of her half-swallowed sip came shooting out of her nostrils. After clearing her nose and regaining her decorum, Vivian replied, "But Eino, aren’t we virtually strangers to each over? Neither of us knew of ...reading time 36 mingenre
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Vivian: Life in Estonia Chapter 09As Eino Tarvas and Vivian Laaning entered the hotel room, which he had engaged for his three nights stay in Tallinn to tend to the financial needs of his dairy farm, he was in a very lighthearted mood. He had enjoyed a most spectacular day in buying farm equipment and additional cattle to augment the expansion of his dairy farm in southern Estonia. He was assisted in his endeavors by Vivian who had previously advanced the monies for the purchases, but she also had very ably advised and directed ...reading time 32 mingenre
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Vivian: Life in Estonia Chapter 10The next morning, Vivian woke up with Erki the dog, barking and Maia screaming. She looked at the clock and it showed 6:30 presumably, AM. Two things became immediately self-evident. Eino Tarvas was not in her bed. Either he didn’t sleep with her throughout the night; or she had fallen asleep while he was still in her presence. Or perhaps he had remained with her but had left to tend to the normal daily dairy farming chores which she knew had to commence long before 6:30 AM. The other evident fa...reading time 34 mingenre
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Vivian: Life in Estonia Chapter 11The routine for the month's activities leading up to the wedding became established. Maarja took over kitchen duties in the main, although both Vivian and Erica took turns to occasionally cook a meal. Maarja took responsibility for the general cleaning of the Tarvas farmhouse, as Erica and Vivian looked after the Kangur farmhouse. Vivian had started constructing her wedding dress, but Erica finished sewing it after she had arrived. Erica also sewed dresses for herself and for Angela Peterson, th...reading time 35 mingenre
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Vivian: Life in Estonia Chapter 12Once the photos were taken, the ladies perceived that Toivo Saar needed some recuperating time before proceeding to a very intense scene. Consequently, Vivian got up to fetch some wine glasses and a bottle of Egri Bikavér (bull's blood) the Hungarian wine Eino had introduced to her. She had in consequence acquired a taste for it, and thus upon registration, she ensured that the hotel would stock this wine in the suite for private consumption. After each one had taken a sip, they were all univers...reading time 35 mingenre
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Vivian: Life in Estonia Chapter 13The wedding reception lasted till the wee hours of the morning as everyone had a good time. The highlight of the reception was the opening solo dance of Vivian and Eino. That ubiquitous, traditional bride and groom dance was a pleasant marveling experience for Vivian and went far beyond what she would have expected. When she had finished law school and acquired her position at Kirkland, Mayer & McDermott, she had taken formal ballroom dancing instructions in order that she wouldn't find herself ...reading time 36 mingenre
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Vivian: Life in Estonia Chapter 14The wedding reception lasted till the wee hours of the morning as everyone had a good time. The highlight of the reception was the opening solo dance of Vivian and Eino. That ubiquitous, traditional bride and groom dance was a pleasant marveling experience for Vivian and went far beyond what she would have expected. When she had finished law school and acquired her position at Kirkland, Mayer & McDermott, she had taken formal ballroom dancing instructions in order that she wouldn't find herself ...reading time 36 mingenre
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Vivid DreamsVivid dreams. Part one One of the side effects of taking Chantix, is vivid dreams. Faith knew all too well that it was true. She had woken many times to nightmares. She screamed out through the house as she would awaken form them. Her son running into her bedroom to comfort her. The dreams would be remembered each time. Though she didn’t want to, she shared some of them with her son. Most of them where of her husband as he walked out the door to be with a younger woman instead of her. So...reading time 14 mingenre
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Vivid Dreams IIVIVID DREAMS 02 CHAPTER 01 The next morning: Faith woke with her son molded to her, and in her bed. They where both naked as the day they were born. Faiths pussy had sensations that she hadn’t felt in years. In a word, ‘Satisfied!’ She snuggled into her son’s arms tighter remembering the activities of the night before. She had successfully seduced her son. It was something that she had never intended to do until the previous night before. Her son had somehow taken advantage of her in the ...reading time 42 mingenre
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Voice from the Dark The Master's voice from the dark... "I love you... Slave!" Yes, I'm a Slave now. Obedient, submissive to the flick of the Cat' or the tweak of the chain. Obedient to my Master. My Master orgasmed tonight, as did I. I've learnt to enjoy it, not permittted to enjoy any other... it was the only way that I could get the release that I needed. I begged for it... like a Slave... so I am the Slave. But I'm waiting. Waiting. Because, eventually, my fortune will change... eventually, I will be Master ...reading time 12 mingenre
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Mostly Harmless
Volunteering at the Vet (part 1)I was 16. I was being punished by my parents because they caught me fucking my step-cousin. So anyways I'm being made to volunteer at the local vet twice a day I had to go tend to the animals that were boarding there. It was a Sunday morning and I went to start letting dogs out, feeding and watering them. Then I'd move on to the donkeys that the vet kept as pets in the back fence. There was one Great Dane. Her name was Emma. She was in heat. Her black pussy was swollen and she whined and b...reading time 3 mingenre
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Voyeur ObsessionThis is a true story that happened by accident completely unplanned. This event would give me a new kind of pleasure like never before. Later i would plan and develop ways to give me 75% success rate. This first story explains how it happened, later stories will be similar events that were planned. It was a Saturday night around eight pm, I am around 32 years old and divorced. I am a skinny geeky guy who wears glasses consider...reading time 6 mingenre
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steven jones
Voyeur Obsession Nu 1After my accidental voyeur and masturbation event that I told in my first I decided to take my new found pleasure serious. I knew there needed to be ways to make it easier and even more pleasurable. It is late at night and three days after my accidental voyeur experience, so I am thinking how to improve the process. Number one you need to be prepared when arriving at the place for girl watching. Your pants have to be already down to at least half way to your knees. I tried this sitting in a chai...reading time 9 mingenre
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steven jones
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