Vivian: Life in Estonia Chapter 09


As Eino Tarvas and Vivian Laaning entered the hotel room, which he had engaged for his three nights stay in Tallinn to tend to the financial needs of his dairy farm, he was in a very lighthearted mood. He had enjoyed a most spectacular day in buying farm equipment and additional cattle to augment the expansion of his dairy farm in southern Estonia. He was assisted in his endeavors by Vivian who had previously advanced the monies for the purchases, but she also had very ably advised and directed him to make the most advantageous deals possible during that day's activities.

To celebrate the success of this auspicious day, he proposed an elegant dinner date and subsequent dancing. She in turn, was able to obtain the services of an adequate babysitter for her five month old baby daughter. Vivian also took the trouble to dress to the nines, obviously acknowledging the significance of this date. Their dinner date was as convivial as could be possibly imagined. This in turn led him to make a sudden startling proposal to ask for her hand in marriage. This proposal of marriage was rendered despite an acquaintanceship of less than three full days in total. Naturally as could be anticipated Vivian demurred, but the more important fact was that she did not issue an immediate haughty refusal, a much more likely expected outcome to his bold proposition.

Since he was allowed the opportunity to bolster his peculiar marriage proposal, he was able to make some decent salient points in his favor, which caused Vivian to seriously ponder. She reasonably asked for some time to consider and suggested they continue their date to go dancing so she could utilize the time to continue her deliberations. At the end of the dancing, she hinted that she had made up her mind, and that she would reveal it at the hotel room.

However, if Eino was expecting an immediate answer from Vivian upon entrance in the hotel room, such outcome did not transpire. Instead, Vivian barked an order, "Eino darling, please get yourself completely naked and set yourself on the bed. Please assume the doggy position on your knees with your head resting on the pillow and push your magnificent bummy sticking up in the air."

Having the presence of mind to understand that it was inimical not to mention undesirable to protest Vivian's directive, Eino without hesitation complied to her command.

Vivian in turn casually took her time to undress as she carefully hung up her formal gown on an adequate hanger in the hotel room's closet. Once she was completely naked, Vivian got onto the bed and crawled to his upright bottom. She stationed herself between the valley of his parted calves. She started rubbing, and caressing his buttocks, smoothly and lovingly with her left hand. Vivian then inserted her right hand into her vagina for the purpose of coating it with her female secretions. She bent over on his back to whisper in his left ear, "Be brave Eino baby, and you will be rewarded."

Maintaining her right hand inside her sex, Vivian slipped back to enable herself to apply her tongue on his anus. Licking his ass hole brought about the desired effect of a gaping orifice. As she continued caressing his back and continue her exquisite anilingus, Vivian withdrew her right hand from her vagina and formed the slick fingers into a spear. Then she started gently but forcibly penetrating his anus with those fingers.

Eino let out a very loud gasp. He was taken by complete surprise, as he definitely had not expected or even imagined her intentions. He was not experiencing any real pain, but of course the sensation he was feeling could not be identified as pure unadulterated pleasure either. It was an excruciating mixture of irritation coupled with a feeling of sinful albeit erotic pleasure. Despite this weird sex play Vivian was inflicting on him he had no inclination to balk and force the activity to cease. He had never up to this point ever entertained in his mind, the possibility of the existence of such love making. However, mindful of Vivian's extensive sexual experience, he was prepared, even eager to indulge in brand new experiences.

Thus, after emitting his initial gasp of surprise, he started involuntarily moaning. The emotions he was feeling were out of this world. He felt like he had fallen into a permanent state of ecstasy. As Vivian was relentlessly working her fist deeper into his rectum, she was continuously shushing him in an effort to keep him calm. As well she kept continuously chanting the mantra: "Be brave Eino baby* (*interchanged with 'honey' or 'my sweet') and you will be rewarded."

Vivian, with her left hand reached around his hip to grab a hold of his now swollen male member. She started to gingerly stroke his rock hard shaft. This produced yet another gasp of surprise from the Estonian farmer, as this time his moaning intensified. Soon, his anus had gaped fairly significantly to allow penetration of Vivian's fist up to her wrist. This now produced an even more of a pronounced gasp of emotion from Eino, but this time a sensation of delight was audibly evident.

At this point, Vivian was herself feeling like she was swimming in a vast sea of ecstasy. Her exhilaration was fueled by a certain belief that it is a rare woman indeed who would voluntarily indulge never mind conceive of such sexual activity. That she was happily doing it, reinforced in her mind that she was indeed the sexiest woman alive. Plus, there was no denying from the audible sounds from her partner, that he was essentially enjoying the sexual ride of his life. Having such a positive outlook concerning her participation, she could sense that she was soon going to be overwhelmed by a most sensational thrilling orgasm for herself.

Once she had successfully fisted Eino's ass up to her wrist, keeping her right hand in his rectum, Vivian twisted her body around to lay on her backside. She scooted forward so that she could take his penis into her mouth. Thereupon, she pumped his ass with her right hand while simultaneously stroking with her left hand that part of the shaft not in her mouth. She simply kept her lips enveloped on his mushroom like cock head and applying some exquisite tongue action. In due course, he started to spurt load after load of his salty seed into her oral cavity. That triggered the onset of the expected delicious orgasm for herself, as she withdrew her fist from his rectum.

When he felt that he had unleashed his last load of cum, Eino immediately withdrew his penis from her mouth, and rolled over to lie on his back beside her. During the process of his ejaculation, Vivian had been automatically swallowing his semen as efficiently as possible. However, the action of his withdrawal caused a splatter of his sperm to remain clinging unto her lips. As soon as Eino had separated from her, Vivian raised herself to her knees. She turned over to make eye contact with him, as she was hovering over his supine body.

In her new position, the remnant sperm was dribbling from her lips traversing down her chin. In addition, as a result of her own climax, she was noticeably perspiring with droplets of sweat clearly visible on her forehead. Thereupon, Vivian affected a most wicked looking, saucy smile imaginable. She said, "So my darling Eino, can you guess what my answer is?"

Decidedly overwhelmed from the effects of the bizarre sexual activity, he was discombobulated enough not to recognize her coquettish teasing. In sincere bewilderment, Eino asked, "I've just been somewhat distracted, so I'm not so focused. Exactly what question are we talking about that you have the answer?"

In mock horror, Vivian grabbed a pillow and started bopping him on his head with it. She actually gigged as she said, "The question was the one where you asked if I would be willing to marry you."

"Oh, that question. Yes, now I remember. And you say you have an answer for me?"

Bopping his head one more time for good measure, Vivian replied, "Yes silly boy I have an answer for you. Can you guess what it is?"

Affecting a shy quizzical look and demeanor, Eino hesitatingly rubbing his chin in mock quandary replied, "Could it be a, yes?"

Refraining from bopping him yet again, Vivian tossed the pillow aside, and instead, sprawled on top of him raining kisses on his cheeks. She also grabbed his cock for some more manipulations. She enthusiastically prattled on, "Yes! Oh yes! It's a yes! It's a most certain yes! I want to marry you. I'd be honored to be your wife. I'd love to be your WOMAN."

Then noticing that his cock had hardened again in her hand, she continued her jubilation, "Oh my, my darling Eino! I can feel you are happy with my answer. I think this is a good time to consummate our engagement. I say Eino it's time for you to fuck your woman. Fuck her silly, I say. I so want that magnificent manhood of yours shoved into my pussy. Stuff me fully with that glorious cock of yours."

Accordingly, Vivian rolled on to her back to allow Eino to take her à la missionary position. Despite his very recent ejaculation, he was still easily able to penetrate her vagina with a very serviceable erection. She squeaked upon entry as she had not yet fully recovered her equilibrium from her overpowering orgasm from her actions of anilingus, fisting and fellatio. As a result of her dazed condition, Vivian throughout their sexual intercourse was not silent for a second. She uttered a non-stop bilingual patter of insipid sexual encouragements.

Those utterances included inter alia: "Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh fuck yes! Uh huh! Uh huh! Do it! Do it to me! Don't stop! Don't you dare fucking stop! Keep going! Harder! Harder I say! Fuck me! Fuck me good! Fuck the shit out of me. Oh Eino! Of fuck! You're the man! Fuck that pussy! Fuck that pussy good! God you're good! God Eino you're so fucking good! Oh my god! This is good! This is so fucking good! Oh shit! Shit! Shit!"

Unbelievably, she kept vocalizing this inane albeit salacious patter throughout the entire duration of their coitus, hardly even pausing to catch her breath. When she climaxed simultaneously with his ejaculation, her last exclamation was, "I'm done!" Thereupon, she emitted a prolonged, very unnerving loud scream, during which time Eino finished pumping his load of semen into her vagina. During her screaming she had kept her eyes closed, so when she stopped screaming, she naturally opened them. The immediate thing she saw was Eino sporting an impish smile affecting a bewildering look. She immediately blushed, her face turning into a vibrant beet red hue. Since, Eino had separated from their sexual position, she wordlessly jumped out of the bed, and rushed into the bathroom to spontaneously undergo a shower.

Once in the bathroom she considered opting for a cold shower. But then she reasoned one usually resorts to such a remedy to assuage an unrequited sexual opportunity. In her case, she was so wound up from the effects of a very torrid sexual episode that she needed a relaxing massage provided by a warm shower. During the shower she was berating herself for such a shameful spectacle she had just made of herself. All she could think was, 'Oh fuck what a ninny. For fuck's sakes! I'm thirty-one years old! It's not like I haven't had hot sex before. Hell, even a young virgin believing she just had engaged in the most beautiful sex she could have imagined, would not have reacted as stupidly as I just had. And this wasn't even really hot sex. Hell, it was just mundane very ordinary vanilla sex; the kind of everyday sex I would expect in a marriage. What the fuck's wrong with me?'

Although she wasn't fully mollified while she was toweling herself dry from the shower, but at least she was prepared to face Eino Tarvas head on with a semblance of equanimity. As she entered the main area of the hotel room, he immediately handed her a glass of bull's blood wine, saying, "Here Vivian, I thought you could use this to calm yourself."

This wonderful gesture brought tears into Vivian's eyes as it indicated to her, that the situation might not be as dire as she had imagined. Accepting the glass of wine she replied, "Oh thank you Eino that is so kind and thoughtful of you. I do apologize for my behavior. I can honestly say that I've never reacted to sex like that before. I pride myself for my intellect, but even the stupidest women wouldn't have acted so stupidly like I just had. I can understand if you might have second thoughts in marrying me. I hope you don't. I'm pretty sure I can promise to be more circumspect in the future."

Eino Tarvas now beamed a very warm smile. He replied, "Oh no. I have no second thoughts, Vivian. If anything, this love making has fortified my decision to wish to marry you. I take your word that you've never reacted this enthusiastically to sex before. I also believe your assertion that you've had lots of sexual partners before me, hell even some female partners as well. So given the veracity of those two premises, what is the logical conclusion that one can derive at from our lovemaking?"

Vivian smiled broadly as she enunciated, "That you, Eino Tarvas without a doubt you are the bomb diggity of sex!"

He laconically replied, "Quite so."

They both laughed heartily as they sipped their wine. By mutual telepathic agreement they engaged in a side by side sixty-nine oral sex activity before falling asleep in an intimate embrace. The following morning, they woke up virtually simultaneously. Thus, there was no surprise wake up sex which one imposed on the other. Instead, they gazed at each other smilingly, side by side, and then wordlessly without any prompting Vivian raised her leg up to allow him access to her vagina. Once he penetrated her, she curled her calf around his, to affect a comfortable and effective coitus.

Upon Vivian's urging, after they finished their morning coupling, Eino took her immediately to the Läänemets' residence. Vivian's tits were uncomfortably full and leaking milk, and thus, she so needed to breast feed Maia as quickly as possible. Eino double-backed to the hotel to check out and returned to the Läänemets residence for a hearty breakfast/brunch. Although clearly surprised by the sudden turn of events, nevertheless the Läänemets' sincerely congratulated Eino and Vivian on their betrothal and wished them all the happiness in the world. Vivian offered profuse exclamations of thank-yous, especially to Marika Läänemets for the wonderful hospitality afforded her. The latter quipped, "Perhaps our hospitality was a little more wonderful than what you bargained for or expected for that matter."

Then after gathering all her traveling property and possessions, Vivian with Maia, boarded Eino's Volkswagen SUV for the drive to the farm. The farm was located approximately 250 KMs south of Tallinn near the border with Latvia in the county called Valgamaa, which means white land. During the drive, their conversation never ceased as a million things were on each other's minds which they mutually felt needed to be ironed out between themselves.

They had mutually agreed that Vivian would cancel her return trip to Chicago, and instead move unto the farm permanently. Vivian remarked that this agreed arrangement reminded her of a four drawings cartoon strip which she once happened to have seen: the first strip, saw a man and a woman waking up together in a bed; the second strip saw the couple getting dressed; the third strip featured them exchanging wedding vows; and the last strip saw the couple back together sleeping in their bed.

To this remark, Eino indicated that such situation need not be the exact status for them. After all, since he had possession of a second farmhouse now available, she could sleep there. That way she could take the opportunity to remodel it in light of the fact that the original purpose of the said building structure now longer would apply. Instead, some alternative uses would have to be devised. Eino indicated that she would have carte blanche to renovate the building as she saw fit to make efficient maximum use of it to the overall benefit of their farming enterprise.

He admitted that in contemplating the purchase of the farm, he hadn't factored in that this building would be part and parcel of his acquisition of the entire real property. He confessed he had originally thought fleetingly of demolishing it, as he had no inspirational idea of how to utilize this building properly. It so happened that the way the property boundary between the two farms were drawn, the two farmhouses were located quite close together. Thus, with the amalgamation of both farms and the increased agricultural output, it made more sense to utilize both buildings.

In such contemplation, Eino added, "Lest you think my darling Vivian that my suggestion that you sleep in the Kangur (the surname of the neighbor) farmhouse is a hint that I desire to have less sex with you compared to the amount of sex we would have were we to sleep together in our farmhouse, banish such thoughts. Rest assured that I intend to fuck you silly during our engagement. I'm only saying that you might wish to occupy the Kangur household merely for the purpose of making it easier for you to effect changes that ought to be made if we're to utilize this property effectively. Naturally, once we're married, we will sleep together thereafter in the Tarvas farmhouse.

Vivian chuckled, and replied, "Considering how randy you've been the last few nights, I honestly have no fear that you will shirk from your duties to make me a happy woman. However, I can see the merit in my taking charge of remodeling the Kangur farmhouse. I already have a major change in mind. An acquaintance, upon noticing a dress I had sewn for myself, remarked that should I ever give up practicing law, I surely could make a lucrative living as a seamstress.

"In that regard, I intend to construct my dress for our wedding. Now I'm certainly aware that I now have the wherewithal to purchase the most elegant wedding dress either available off the rack or by commission of the most prestigious dress designers or dress makers in the world. Still, I want to do it myself as there is more loving attached to the construction of the dress than if it's made by strangers. Besides, I can't help ignore my frugal nature which abhors spending excessive money unnecessarily."

Eino asked, "So I take it then that you actually had sewn your wedding dress for your previous wedding ceremony?"

Vivian replied, "Yes I most certainly did with the help of my mother and sister. However, as you now know, my marriage was very short lived, so that there is no nostalgia attached to that dress. I've merely retained it in my possession, solely for the reason that when it comes time for Maia to marry, she can opt to wear that dress should she so choose. I can assure you that I will not put any pressure on her, as I truly would not care one way or the other. I believe it will become her very own sole prerogative as to how she views the circumstances of her birth, and how she would acknowledge it, presumably at the most significant moment in her life."

Eino could only comment, "I see."

Vivian continued, "Anyway, I view this wedding as definitely the absolutely most significant event in my life, and so it must be celebrated accordingly. Ergo, I welcome the use of the extra farmhouse as I'll have the use of lots of room for my sewing endeavors. It will also allow me to coerce Erica to come for a longer stay as a residential visit is surely more accommodating than austere commercial lodgings no matter the luxuries afforded. I have to confess that her assistance would be essential if I'm going to wear the most perfect wedding dress ever, and I absolutely want such to be the case."

Eino in his mind, had to figuratively wave the white flag as far as it was concerned in contemplating as to the natural consequences inherent to considering the brevity of their engagement. He had to concede their marriage held a helluva lot of consideration and concern in her mind than it was for him. It was not lost on him, that had she rejected his sudden marriage proposal outright, his life would not have been affected unduly as to how he was proceeding; no real material change would be forthcoming. However, for her to accept such a sudden impulse proposition on his part definitely necessitate a very real change in her life.

That being the case, it behooved him to outline future plans that would suggest that her decision to marry him was not foolish. He was in charge to point out that their life together would be mutually beneficial. In particular, it was incumbent on him to point out things that needed to be achieved to bring about the anticipated serendipity. In this regard he pointed out that the immediate concern of the farm was to get the barns erected and the new cows suitably housed. This he estimated would take about two months, and then thereafter they would have the leisure to prepare a proper wedding ceremony. He suggested sometime at the end of August and the beginning of September would be ideal. He added, "And I don't want to delay the wedding any longer so that you don't have the time to change your mind."

She retorted, "Fat chance of that. I've irrevocably crossed my Rubicon. There's no turning back now."

Eino surprised her by replying, "So, Vivian my love, you fancy yourself as being in the same position metaphorically as Julius Caesar."

Vivian affected a very warm smile, as she was gratified to discover that he had caught on to her application of a maxim referring to a famous historical event in Roman history. Eino proved to be more intellectual than the average dairy farmer, but it was even more comforting to know that he was aware of something which she had only learned about when she studied Roman history as an undergrad at the University of Wisconsin. Since Eino hadn't gone to college, this then could only mean that secondary education was of a high standard indeed in Estonia. Therefore, she should have no trepidation in having her daughter educated in this country.

She merely replied, "Indeed Eino, and bravo to you for fully understanding the implications facing me in marrying you. Anyway, as to the wedding date, let's shoot for the last Saturday in August. That was the exact same time frame of my wedding last year, which had such an unhappy ending. This way by marrying you at the same time will forever negate the memory of that unfortunate event having occurred at this time of the year."

Eino answered, "I have no problem with that date. With respect to your former marriage, at least there is a silver lining in the final outcome of its dissolution."

Vivian responded, "Yes indeed! And in this regard, I'd like to ask a favor of you. I would like to wear the engagement ring which my former husband had gifted me. It is truly a magnificent ring and I've loved it dearly. I haven't worn it along with my wedding ring since his death. This ring really has much more significance to my mind as the wedding dress I had sewn for the occasion.

"In the latter consideration, no matter how many times I were to marry, notwithstanding that this should be my only marriage from now on, still there's no denying that I can always construct a wedding dress to mark any such occasion. However, an engagement ring can only matter for the special wedding. Now my marriage as you know did not last long but the circumstances were that my husband stole monies that did not belong to him, and that's why he was able to afford such an expensive ring.

"Therefore, in my view this ring was not a real symbol of my first marriage, but instead it reflects the undeniable fact that had it not come into my possession in the way it did, then I would not have met you, and hence married you.

"Now naturally, I anticipate that we'll get our own wedding rings, but I would prefer you not purchase a separate engagement ring. I'd like to consider this engagement ring as a token symbolizing the actuality that without it, we would not have met and married. So would you allow me to wear it?"

Eino was somewhat bemused by this request. In actuality, he had not thought of getting an engagement ring since his marriage proposal had been truly a happenstance off the cuff proposition. And considering that their engagement period was of a relatively short duration the obligation to get one wasn't a paramount concern in his mind. Still, he marveled at her concern for his sensibilities in this matter without addressing the possible annoyance he might feel for her provocative jewelry and tattoos. So, he couldn't help replying, "No of course not. If this ring is as you say that important to you, I say by all means wear it. After all, I'm well aware that you have a penchant for adorning your body with happy memories of your exciting past. I'm not that churlish to wish to deny you any such pleasure."

Vivian was alarmed by what she discerned was an unstated aversion he had towards the display and reminders on her body of her past slatternly tendencies. So, she quickly replied, "Oh my sweet Eino, please don't be distressed. If you're at all bothered, I'll be happy to refrain from wearing the chain belts and the bracelets. I've only wore them because it gives me a good feeling to regard myself as a hot woman. When I'm with you I don't need such reminders. I know I am the sexiest woman alive when I'm with you. And if you like, I'll consult a tattoo artist about removing the tattoos. And if that's not possible to see about obscuring them so that they will lose all their relevance in appearance. I'm willing to do anything baby, to make sure you're totally happy with me."

Eino demurred, "Not to worry darling, I'm really just teasing. As I've already stated to you that your past sexual life is just that, your past, sexual life. I wouldn't want to begrudge you for any satisfaction you derive in recalling it. Besides I like to believe that our sex life will be something to cherish forever."

Relieved, Vivian smiled and simply said, "You're the man, Eino!"

When they arrived at the farm, Eino introduced Vivian to Maarja, his mother and to Helmut his son. Eino had previously indicated that his mother had remained residing on the farm living with him upon the death of his father. So, Vivian was naturally anxious to meet her future mother-in-law. Vivian had grown up with her paternal grandparents living at the Laaning family farm, until they passed away within a year of each other when Vivian was fifteen and sixteen years old. Thus, she was a daily witness as to how her mother amicably interacted with her in-laws. With such experience, to fall back on, Vivian had a good anticipation that she was likely to get along with her future mother-in-law just fine.

Maarja Tarvas turned out to be a woman of average height with a pleasant countenance and exuding a sunny disposition. Her resemblance to her son, was quite discernible. The meeting proved to be very cordial considering the circumstances. Obviously, Maarja was totally shocked to be meeting a brand new prospective daughter-in-law without any prior inkling that such an occurrence was to happen as an outcome of his three days business foray to Tallinn. However, she kept her own counsel as her attitude was that her son's life and happiness was on him. She felt her duties as a mother had ended when he had matured into adulthood. Maarja was happy to provide advice and suggestions if asked. She seldom advanced unsolicited advice. If he did not follow her suggestions, she was not particularly dismayed as she viewed it as the necessary part of his learning curve. If by ignoring her advice, he nevertheless still succeeded, she was simply thrilled that he had not heeded her faulty suggestion.

When Eino had called his mother to advise he is bringing to live at the farm, a woman with her child whom he would marry in due time, Maarja's initial reaction was, "Are you sure Eino? Why haven't you told me more about the situation before? I take it Kaisa has decided to leave her husband after all? You never told me she was a mother. Are you absolutely sure you want her?"

As a matter of course, Eino had divulged some information to her mother regarding Kaisa Noor, the married woman he had been seeing in Tallinn. She had to assume this was the woman who he was talking about, and was bringing to the farm, since he had not indicated that there was any other woman he was involved with. However, when he clarified to Maarja the circumstances of who he was bringing, and how he had met her, Maarja was understandably incredulous, and actually bewildered by what in her view was a totally bizarre action by her son. True to her character, though, she merely responded with a laconic observation, "Oh! I guess then, I'll see you soon with your intended bride and your stepdaughter!"

Since Maarja couldn't imagine what kind of a woman would agree to marry on such short acquaintanceship, Vivian turned out to be a happy surprise. During their brief initial meeting, Maarja concluded that Vivian was a very sharp and shrewd woman; certainly, a class above the kind of female she had thought her son would be able to hope to attract to marry. There was no question in Maarja's mind, that Vivian was a superior woman in every respect than her previous daughter-in-law. That being the case, she refused to speculate as to the reasons why Vivian would have agreed to marry her son so abruptly. Instead, she resolved to do her best to get along with Vivian. In the back of her mind, she didn't think the marriage would last, but should it break down, she sure as hell did not want herself to be the cause of failure.

Eino then conducted an introductory tour of both farms for Vivian. Vivian's first impression was very favorable, as she could envision all the improvements, she was interested in making. Such anticipated undertakings, along with the brief pleasant meeting with Maarja, went a long way to dispel from some of her understandable disquiet for making such a rash and hurried significant decision in her life. Vivian was not one to indulge in second guessing any resolution in any case. Her credo was that once you decide to do something the main concern should be how best to implement the decision. It is futile and not productive to delve in the regrets for having made the decision.

The first foremost scheme that came to Vivian's mind was to remodel the kitchen in the Tarvas farmhouse and modernize it. As she pointed out to Eino, "As your wife and expected to do a major part of the cooking for the family, I truly need an up to date kitchen."

Eino suggested, "I'm sure Mother won't mind sharing the cooking chores in exchange for you being in charge of looking after Helmut, along with your baby. You can also count on my help as well."

"No problem, I'm sure. I will definitely be consulting with your mother for her input to produce the most efficient kitchen possible. I'm positive, I'll get along with your mother without a hitch."

Maarja had produced a most bountiful dinner, which was enjoyed by everyone. Despite the awkwardness of the introduction of Vivian and her baby into the Tarvas household, the conversation was sparkling, and a sense of family intimacy was developing. The highlight of the conversation consisted of Vivian presenting her plans for improvement. As Eino had apprised his mother of Vivian's wealth, it was evident that money was not an issue in implementing her planned improvements. Most importantly every improvement suggested by Vivian was extremely useful and could not help but make the farm become more efficient and productive which would translate into additional revenue for the farm.

Vivian's excitement in outlining her plans was infectious to mother and son, Tarvas; they could not help but be excited themselves. The determination in Vivian's delivery of her plans left no doubt she was going to make the improvements happen. It was not lost on mother and son that Vivian had become the de facto operations leader of the farm; a person totally unknown to them four days previously. But then both of them were familiar with the application of the adage: "Money talks!"

That night, Vivian and Eino moved into the Kangur farmhouse, to establish the engagement bedroom for premarital sex. The adjoining bedroom to the master bedroom would serve as Maia's bedroom until the wedding. Also moving into the Kangur farmhouse was Eino's oldest dog, a Golden Retriever, named Erki, who would keep guard of Maia as it had done for Helmut when he was a baby. Erki could be counted on to bark when the baby would start crying. Thus, Vivian could be assured that she would be made aware of Maia's feeding needs even when the baby was placed in a different sleeping room.

The decision for Vivian to reside at the Kangur farmhouse prior to the wedding paid off immediate dividends. With Maarja Tarvas firmly ensconced in her bedroom, along with Helmut in his own bedroom at the Tarvas farmhouse, Vivian and Eino had free rein to indulge in unbridled wild sex to their hearts' content. Accordingly, Vivian happily stripped naked, just before preparing baby Maia to bed. She took a satisfying communal bathe with her baby before commencing a pre slumber breast feeding.

Once that activity was concluded, and after burping Maia, Vivian laid her baby to the crib, transported to the room. This crib was the one, Eino still had retained which had been used by his son. Helmut had graduated to sleeping on a regular bed only a month prior. As Vivian returned to the master bedroom, she espied Eino was in his naked state and lying supine on the bed. This prompted Vivian to coyly suggest, "Hmm! I wonder Mr Tarvas what might you have in mind? I guess I can eliminate the possibility of a stroll around the farmhouse at this point in time."

Eino remained silent, as his intuition suggested that she actually did not wish a response. Vivian got onto the bed and crawling on her hands and knees towards him, she affected her most sultry sexy low voice said, "Are you perhaps contemplating on having my body?"

As she was in reach, she kissed him, kissed him deeply, kissed him passionately. Once there was a break in the osculation, she murmured, "Do you want my body?"

By now realizing that Vivian was only uttering sexy rhetorical questions, Eino merely moaned in response when she recommenced her passionate kisses. When Vivian ended this round of kissing, she moved southward to rain kisses on his nipples. She moaned out a new question, "Do you wish to own my soul?"

As Vivian had slid down to his crotch area, she grabbed his cock, and was idly but lovingly stroking it. Again, in an affected deep sexy sultry voice she opined, "This mighty fine cock owns my body."

Vivian commenced a slow passionate manual and oral sexual stimulation of Eino's penis. She sighed as she coaxed his phallus to its maximum hardness. She reveled in the feel of his cock in her mouth. It felt so erotic for her despite that it was not a unique experience for her. Then she mounted him and inserted his rock hard cock into her very wet cunt. She bounced a couple of times while she was on top of him. She then gushed. still in her sultry sexy voice, "Well Eino, baby, you now have my body."

Then without warning, Vivian efficiently grabbed a hold of Eino's supine body, and thereby, was able to maneuver a complete body reversal turnover. He was now on top of her, fucking her à la missionary position. This time Vivian snarled, in an exaggerated hiss of a voice, "Now if you want to own my soul Eino, all you have to do is fuck the shit out of me. My soul is yours for the taking. I know you can do it big boy. Fuck me! Fuck me now! Fuck me silly! You can do it. You can do it, if you want to. Do you want to?"

Accordingly, Eino did fuck Vivian silly. In reaction she screamed out her orgasm. Fortunately, for Vivian's sensibilities her orgasmic screaming this time around was much more subdued than her Tallinn episode, even though she had the impression that this coitus was much more intensive. As she was entering into the ambiance of her afterglow, her primary thought was that she did not now regret even for a moment, her rash decision to agree to marry this magnificent Estonian dairy farmer.
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