Vivian: Life in Estonia Chapter 14


The wedding reception lasted till the wee hours of the morning as everyone had a good time. The highlight of the reception was the opening solo dance of Vivian and Eino. That ubiquitous, traditional bride and groom dance was a pleasant marveling experience for Vivian and went far beyond what she would have expected. When she had finished law school and acquired her position at Kirkland, Mayer & McDermott, she had taken formal ballroom dancing instructions in order that she wouldn't find herself to be out of place in formal social outings. This indeed did serve her well during her affair with Jed Baxter, since despite his marriage there were several occasions where she and Jed were dance partners in some gala social balls in Chicago.

In the planning for this wedding, Vivian had gotten a hold of the agent for André Rieu, the Dutch violinist and conductor best known for creating the waltz-playing Johann Strauss Orchestra. His concerts worldwide have been enjoyed by the millions. The agent was able to dispatch a limited number of the orchestra’s musicians to perform at this wedding. For that opening dance, the band performed Rieu's signature piece of music titled, the Waltz No 2 by Dmitri Shostakovitch. Despite the truncated orchestra, their rendition was just as beautiful to behold had André Rieu himself performed with the full complement of his orchestra.

Vivian was pleasantly surprised as to how superb Eino proved to be as her partner for this dance. Instead of woodenly moving around on the dance floor, he danced superbly and confidently. Vivian couldn't help but exclaim, "My goodness my dearest husband. Oh wait a minute, let me say that again,...(pregnant pause) my dearest husband. I don't think I'll ever get tired of addressing you as such.
Anyway, as a mere dairy farmer, you have the dancing skills surpassing the vast majority of those of the male persuasion. I'll have you know that I've taken professional dance lessons while living in Chicago. I can safely say, without fear of contradiction, that even of the most urbane sophisticated dance partners I've had the pleasure to experience, none of them, and I repeat, none of them, are superior to your dancing skills. Some of them might equal your skill, but again, none of them could surpass your dancing prowess. So, what is your secret my dear beloved husband? Of whoops, something else I think I'll never tire of saying, let me say it again...(pregnant pause) my beloved husband. How can you be such a skilled dancer, being a mere dairy farmer?”

Eino naturally chuckled at Vivian's hyperbole but was warmed by her sentiments of approbation. He replied, "I know you haven't had the sufficient time to get to know or appreciate my mother's character fully in all its myriad factors. Suffice it to say that my mother appears to the world to be a mere farmer's wife, to my late father, and mother to a farmer's son, namely me, but still there is more to her than those simple facts. She is appreciative of the fine arts, and when I was twelve years old wanted to enroll me in ballet instruction. Over my objections and that of my father's, she relented and had me enrolled in ballroom dancing lessons instead. She paid no attention to my objections, and my father waved the white flag of surrender on this matter. In hindsight, I'm now glad she persisted, as it has allowed me to dazzle my pretty new bride."

Vivian replied, "Oh, I'm dazzled all right, and you have provided me with nothing but happy surprises since the time you proposed, and I accepted. So when we leave here, I'll have some happy surprises for you as well. At least I trust they'll be happy surprises."

"Happy surprises you say? I can't wait. I'm definitely intrigued."

"Yes I'm anxious to leave as well, but I guess we have some obligation to our guests. Mind you considering the joy that seems to permeate this room, everybody seems to be having a good time. I know if I wasn't the bride, I would be wanting to stay all night."

Then Vivian added wickedly, "Mind you given my track record, perhaps if I weren't the bride, I might have left here before the time we are actually going to leave."

By this time Eino Tarvas was getting used to his bride's insouciance regarding sex as well as her self-deprecatory humor. He replied in kind, "Well then, I guess from my point of view, it's a good thing you are the bride, so that I'm spared the tedious task of chasing away all your beaus."

When the music had died down from that first dance, the audience/guests were thrilled by the music and the wonderful display of the solo dance of Vivian and Eino. The applause was relentless, so much so, that the orchestra was compelled to repeat the music. This time Vivian and Eino were joined by other couples on the dance floor. Eino then danced with his mother while Erica and Vivian danced together. After that, Vivian and Eino returned to their seats to allow guests to approach them to offer their congratulations and otherwise to comment on the joyous occasion.

Angela was the first to return to her seat and she gushed to Vivian, "Congratulations Vivian. You are truly the consummate beautiful bride. And what a wonderful reception event! My sisters had only six months to prepare a decent wedding for me, but you pulled it off in less than two months. Your wedding certainly blows away mine despite very little help from me or Erica. By the way, how in the world did you manage to get to engage André Rieu's Orchestra for this reception?”

Vivian chuckled at Angela's description of her wedding, so she replied, "Gee Angela if your elaborate lavish wedding was merely 'decent'* (*air quote) how would you label my wedding? Spectacular perhaps?”

"Spectacular is indeed a good enough description!"

"As for André Rieu, this is an example of the cliché, money talks, and good things happen if you only ask. The main part of the orchestra along with Rieu of course are in the midst of a tour in Australia. These musicians here remained in Holland but are contracted to join the tour next week to replace those musicians who for one reason or another could not commit for the entire engagement. So, I caught a lucky break there."

Sometime later during the intervening mingling of the guests, Vivian happened to have had a very interesting discussion with Carmen Kass. They were both of similar age and hit it off ever so well. Their conversation was visibly animated and lasted longer than the perfunctory greetings exchanged between most of the other guests. Eino who had witnessed the exchange between them subsequently innocently asked what the two of them talked about. Vivian coyly replied, "Oh you'll find out soon enough. For now, suffice it to say you will be pleased."

Eino replied, "I'm even more intrigued now than ever."

Also, during the wedding reception, Vivian had the opportunity to chat with Ms Kaja Kallas as well. The latter suggested to Vivian that once she had acquired Estonian citizenship, she ought to consider entering Estonian politics. Ms Kallas emphasized that the country could use someone of her skills and talents. Vivian replied to the effect that she sees herself as totally immersed for the next few years in tending to the needs of the farm and its proposed expansion. However, in three or four years, she could see herself getting into Estonian politics. She told Ms Kallas she is quite concerned at the low birth rate in Estonia and would like to help in that regard.

The future Prime Minister slyly and laughingly added, "Well, I guess if you pop out three babies in that time then you would have truly helped. At least you would have easily surpassed the required replacement rate."

Vivian retorted in kind, "Bite your tongue!"

Around 10:30 PM Vivian and Eino mutually decided to depart from the scene. Vivian announced, "Thank you all for coming to celebrate my most wonderful day. Your presence here has made it a truly joyous event. Now Eino and I must bid you adieu. We have a very early flight to Italy to catch."

One wag in the audience shouted out, "Is that the only reason you two have to leave so soon?"

After the inevitable raucous laughter died down, Vivian continued, "Be that as it may, you are all welcome to stay and enjoy yourself. The band will stay till one o'clock in the morning, and you can stay one hour longer before you must leave. So, goodbye to you all."

During the subsequent limousine ride to the hotel, Vivian took the opportunity to unfasten various zippers in the dress. Eino was content to sip on a scotch provided by the bar in the limousine. He was enjoying watching his bride in her surreptitious maneuvers, which surely had to indicate that she would not brook any delay in consummating the marriage. More evidence to that supposition occurred in the elevator as Vivian took off her shoes and held on to them as they walked to their room.

Once inside the room, Vivian tossed her shoes aside and turned to face him to disrobe. Her prior adjustments during the limousine ride paid off in spades. She was able to shimmy out of her wedding dress and become totally naked, save for her garter belt and stockings, in less than twenty seconds. Having stepped out of her dress and kicking it aside, she affected a pirouette like pose. Her left arm was held up over her head, and right arm was directed towards her pudendum, with her index finger pointing at her shaved pussy. She sang out, "Ta! Ta! Surprise!"

Eino's jaw literally dropped, as his mouth opened wide threatening to drool. Vivian continued, "I trust you do remember my explanation why I usually maintain my very red bush, but I'm willing to shave it should my partner so wish. Up to now you've only seen my bush, so I thought to surprise you. I shaved it to see how you would like it. If you wish me to be bald, I'll keep on shaving. But if you wish to see my natural, gorgeous, fiery red bush, I'll let it grow back. It's entirely up to you. I have no preference."

Eino was skeptical considering her phraseology so that he replied, "Really? Your words seem to imply otherwise."

"No really I have no preference notwithstanding how much I adore the natural color of my hair. But then again, I was taunted so mercilessly for the color of my hair that in defiance I grew to love it. But seriously, if you want me bald, I would have no problem with it. It is you who I want to please, not me."

Eino was at this point totally aroused by the sight of his virtually fully naked new wife, augmented by anticipation of the sexual activity forthcoming. Still, he had to marvel at Vivian's demonstrative detachment. In his mind he had no doubt that she had to be as sexually excited as he was. And yet here she was prattling on about some nonsense concerning the color of her pubic hair. Normally he might have attributed her dialogue to nervous anticipation of the sex to come (or cum), but the jocular tone of voice belied such supposition. Besides, it's not like she was a virgin, even if considering only her sex with him.

Clearing his head from further extraneous speculations, Eino dropped down to both knees directly in front of Vivian's protruded vulva. With his hands, he spread apart her labia to achieve better direct access to her clitoris. As he applied his tongue in stimulating Vivian's clit, suddenly he felt two objects drop into his mouth. He almost gagged at the unexpected intrusion. He pulled his head away from Vivian's groin and spit the silicone coated balls out. He muttered, "What the fuck?"

Vivian giggled and in her jocular tone exclaimed, "Oops! So sorry! It's my second surprise."

Eino asked, "What is it?"

"It's a pair of Ben Wa balls. I inserted them into my pussy as I got dressed for the ceremony. My idea was that these balls in my snatch should keep me excited throughout the day. That way when it came time, like now, that I should be super sexy, ready to be the lover you desire and deserve. You see, it was done all for you."

In exasperation, Eino asked, "You mean to say you had them in your cunt all day? I saw you go to the bathroom at the very minimum once. Did you at least remove them when you were peeing?"

"Of course, silly! I wouldn't have wanted them inadvertently to fall into the toilet, which would force me to fish them out. Oh yuk to the thought of it! Since the balls were only in my vagina you should only have tasted my womanly essence. But if by any chance, there was some presence of my urine, at least it should not kill you."

Eino wasn't angry or even annoyed. In fact, her action epitomized why he was so charmed by her and her joyous sexuality. To his mind it really justified his decision to render such a quick proposal of marriage. However, cognizant that Vivian was in a playful mood in order to provide a unique atmosphere for their first coitus as man and wife, he decided to respond in kind. So he stated, "Your motivation might have been laudable, but there's no question that you were being naughty. Accordingly, you have to be punished. I shall have to spank you."

Noting the lack of animus in his presumed malevolent declaration, Vivian was prepared to act in a mocking submission. So, she responded, "Oh yes! That's right! I have been a bad girl. I must be punished. Please tell me what you wish me to do. But also, please remember when I say 'red' that is my safe word and you must stop, OK?"

Eino agreed to this well-known protocol of BDSM sex for safety. Then as he was still fully dressed, he stood up and kicked off his shoes. He sat himself down on one of the desk chairs in the room. He commanded her to drape herself on his slightly spread thighs. He instructed the palms of her hand to rest on the floor. Her thighs would extend from his thighs horizontally in the air, with her calves sticking upright in the air. His final instructions, "You must count each slap. What you don't count will not count. We will stop at twenty as I believe that is the appropriate punishment warranted."

If Vivian thought Eino would only administer soft gentle taps on her buttocks, she was disabused of that notion from the very first slap. It was violently painful with a very severe sting to it. The force of his blow took her by surprise, such that she forgot to count it and the next one as well. Since she had experienced spanking sessions before, her inclination was not to scream but rather emit a vociferous grunt. However, in this case, she did scream at both of the initial slaps, as she was lost in her agony. She was brought back to the reality of her situation when Eino observed, "I haven't heard a count. We still have twenty spankings to go. At this rate we'll miss our plane to Italy before we reach twenty."

Despite finding herself in some distress, Vivian was still able to quip, "Yes, but we'll be able to catch a later flight, once the hotel kicks us out for exceeding the check-out time."

That utterance caused Eino to pause in order to overcome the sudden merriment he was feeling inside. He knew in their BDSM play he was supposed to adopt a stern demeanor. That was the main reason why he had administered the first two blows so severely. He had intended to soften the next blows to provide a desired keen erotic feeling, but his reaction to her droll remark was spoiling the affectation he was striving to achieve. Once he was able to control himself enough to suppress the desire to burst out in laughter, he merely swatted her ass cheek with a very tempered blow.

During the pause after her remark, Vivian mentally reorganized her desires for the outcome of this spanking scene. Since Eino had suggested the spanking in an ironical lighthearted tone, she had expected light contact. Her screams were generated more by her misunderstanding how he would spank her, than the actual pain she was feeling. Being as an experienced spankee, she knew she could tolerate even more pain than those first two blows. She also knew about herself, that so long as she was able to tolerate the pain, the subsequent orgasm induced by a harsh spanking session would be exquisite and euphoric. As she geared herself for a thorough spanking exercise, she was confounded by his change in the force of his blows, and she was disappointed. She cried out, "One! But that shouldn't count either. You're supposed to spank me, not massage my bummy. The first two uncounted swats on my bum are the kind of what I'll expect to receive from you until we reach twenty."

Eino was truly nonplussed considering her agonizing screams. So he asked, "But Vivian, you screamed something awful at those first two spankings. I was going to spank you lightly after that. I'm not wishing to hurt you."

Vivian answered, "My screams don't mean anything, except that I'm giving my lungs a workout. Red is the only word that means ‘stop, I can't take anymore.’ I'm a big girl not a wuss. I can take all you can deliver. I want a real spanking. I want a rosy, red ass. I want our married sex life to start with a bang, pun intended. So go to town my darling Eino."

Eino replied, "OK Vivian my love. I'll do as you ask. However, the first two uncounted strokes will count, this last one won't. So, the next spank will be the number three."

"OK! My sweet darling!"

And so, Eino continued spanking Vivian over his lap with the same intensity as the first two slaps. His slaps had a sting to them that really tingled. To mentally ward off her discomfort, Vivian was swinging her calves backwards and forwards in the air constantly. About halfway through the stipulated count length of the spanking, Eino developed a strong hard erection. Vivian could feel it stabbing her belly. That drove away any more conscious awareness of the pain that she was receiving from his brutal hand spanking. Instead, a feeling of elation was sweeping her mind in realization of his arousal. At the conclusion of the last counted slap, she climaxed! Her orgasm was accompanied by a jet stream of her female juices soiling the trousers of his tuxedo!

Vivian was also panting and perspiring as a result of the beating as well as the consequences of her orgasm. She looked up to him and asked, "Did you cum too?"

He nodded his head. As Vivian exclaimed, "Oh goody!", she scampered off his lap to land on her knees. She unzipped the fly of his trousers to quickly insert his cum coated cock into her mouth and proceeded to slurp up all of his remnant sperm. She then said, "As my sister says..."

Eino interrupted to complete the sentence, "Good tasting cum is a terrible thing to waste."

By now Vivian had reverted to a very giddy mood, as she giggled at Eino's contributing banality. She jumped to her feet and scurried to a closet door which contained a full length mirror on the inside. She took her time to examine her backside and the very rosy, red hue now marking her buttocks as a result of his spanking. She giggled some more as she remarked, "You sure did a number on my poor bummy. I don't think this marriage can be consummated with me on my back."

With that said, Vivian dashed back to the bed and got on it. On her knees, she lowered her head on a pillow at the headboard. In this position she presented her body in a forty-five degree angle to receive a doggy style sexual intercourse. Her buttocks were twitching and wiggling. Whether this action was involuntary or deliberate even Vivian herself could not determine. If involuntary, the purpose was to provide some soothing relief acting as a balm to the burning sensation emanating from her bruised derrière. If deliberate, the purpose was to convey an impatient invitation to get on with the inevitable sexual intercourse.

By this time, Eino had succeeded in undressing completely to total nudity. With his anticipation of a sensational coitus firmly placed in his mind, he was aroused enough to achieve an erection that was copulation ready. He climbed on board the bed and on his knees, sidled up to Vivian's rear. He ended upright situated in the valley formed by Vivian's spread apart calves. The clear, close-up view of her rosy, red hue of her ass caused his erection to achieve a rock hard stiffness.

With his hand on his penis, Eino directed it to rub against the folds of her labia. This playful action prompted a deep, heavy sigh followed by a satisfied grunt. When his cockhead made contact with her clit, Vivian squeaked, followed by an agonizing moan. Then Vivian became vocal, but she was only muttering repeatedly, "Oh yes! Oh yes! That's heavenly! That's so good!"

After a prolonged penile play on her lady parts, Eino penetrated Vivian's vagina. Once he had submerged the entire length of his cock completely inside her, he was content to remain immobile for some time just to simply enjoy the sensation of the sexual connection. She was very wet, and this was the nexus of his desire to savor the moment and not to hurry their coupling. Vivian was initially satisfied with his languorous lovemaking. In response, she was moaning and sighing heavily.

After a while, though, her passion was fully aroused, and his passivity was starting to become irksome. She literally shrieked, "Enough already darling Eino. I can't stand waiting any longer. Just fuck me! Really fuck me! Fuck me hard! Fuck me easy! Fuck me fast! Fuck me slow! I don't care! Just fuck me! Just fuck the shit out of me! And don't stop! Make me your wife!"

In complying with her urgent appeal, Eino draped himself over Vivian's back and clutched on to her milk laden breasts. As he started humping her, he simultaneously began squeezing her nipples. The latter action produced the effect of squirting out streams of her milk. Both Vivian and Eino were passionately stimulated by the eroticism of their coitus. They grunted vociferously, muttering monosyllabic, exuberant exclamations. Their mutterings had no discernible meanings, they were merely banal.

Whenever either of them mentally reminisced of this, their first marital congress, they inevitably recoiled in recalling this particular aspect of their performance. They would deem this as too silly a reaction and consequently viewed it as beneath their personal dignity. Of course, at the time, the excitement of the moment caused them to act in this fashion, and they were powerless to avoid this compulsion.

In due course, they climaxed synchronically. They both were likewise extremely loud in their vocal reaction. Eino let out a war whoop signaling a jubilant triumph. Vivian emitted a harrowing shriek intermixing agony with ecstasy. In contrast, each of them were not ashamed of this reaction. Their only sentient thought was a sense of gratefulness that the hotel had adequate sound proofing. As a result, there was no protest banging on the door by potential irate guests in the vicinity who might be disturbed by their noise.

Vivian's orgasm was so overwhelmingly powerful that she collapsed to lay prone on the mattress. In this position she was hyperventilating fiercely as well as perspiring copiously, as she was desperately trying to regain her equilibrium. Eino rolled off her to land on his back and recapture his breath from the effects of their strenuous lovemaking.

After a pause, wherein he renewed his stamina, Eino got off the bed to fetch a bottle of wine and a couple of glasses from the room's mini bar. When he returned, Vivian had scrambled out of her prone position and was sitting upright cross-legged. Having accepted the glass of wine, she used her other hand to seemingly absent-mindedly stroke his penis as he was similarly sitting upright. After finishing her drink and having manually stimulated his cock to a good hard erection, Vivian announced, "This isn't over yet. Not by a long shot!"

Having set her glass aside, she kicked out her legs to return to a prone position with her head hovering over his groin. With one hand she was caressing his sac, and with the other hand she directed his cock into her mouth. The feel of his rock hard cock in her mouth produced a very erotic sensation that caused her to hum in joy. Perhaps the mutually imposed month long moratorium of celibacy was a factor in creating a more inspiring, thrilling sensation than she would normally associate when giving head. In any case, she was an extremely happy camper.

With Vivian positioned at a right angle to his body, Eino in due course uncrossed his legs to fall back lying flat on his back. After continuing to suck on his cock for a little while longer, she changed position. She climbed over him to hover over his midriff. Sitting on her knees with her soles tucked under his thighs, she impaled herself on his phallus. This allowed her to gyrate her hips for the copulation, but he became the major contributor. By maintaining a hold of both sides of her hips, he was able to direct the forward and backwards sexual movements of his penis in her vagina.

Since Eino had taken over the pace of their coitus by his manhandling her hips, it had the effect of directing Vivian into a different sexual nirvana. Her imagination was allowed to run rampant in her mind without any reference to the reality of what was physically happening. She felt compelled to vocalize her passion by repeating the chorus of an old rock and roll hit song. She lifted her arms up in the air to sway to the audibly imagined music of the song as she just continuously sang:

"You really got me
You really got me
You really got me"

And then she added, still mimicking the tune:

"Oh yeah! You really fuck me
Oh yeah fuck the shit out of me!"

As Vivian was singing the song in English, Eino wasn't paying any attention to the meaning of the words she was singing. Nevertheless, he could easily deduce that she was vocalizing her pleasure in the coitus. That realization had the natural effect of driving him into a higher plateau of ecstasy. The only thing in his mind was reinforcement of the notion that he was married to an exciting sexy woman, and accordingly, he couldn't be more fortunate. Such happy thoughts stimulated his passion even more, such that when he reached his climax, his resultant sperm blasted into her vagina like a torrent of an ongoing flood.

His ejaculation triggered her own supercharged orgasm. Vivian couldn't help stopping her ensuing loud shriek of joy if her life depended on it. She was perspiring copiously, that some of her sweat flowed into her eyes reddening them in the process. And she was panting. Her orgasm enthralled her passion so much that she kept bouncing up and down on him even though his cock was noticeably wilting in the process. She finally rolled off him when his cock slipped out of her pussy. She reached for the bottle of wine and poured some into her glass. Having imbibed a sip, she exclaimed, "You're the MAN, Eino. And you're my MAN. And I can't be any happier!"

Eino helped himself to a glass of wine as well. He then responded, "Why don't you lie down babe! I think I'd like to partake some desert with my wine!"

Vivian did as he asked and spread her legs as wide apart as possible. Having finished his wine, he positioned himself to slurp up that of his sperm which had oozed out of her vagina and was clinging to the outer folds of her labia and dribbling down on to her perineum and to her anus. At this point Vivian sighed in ecstasy, "Don't be a hog, Eino darling. Save some of that cream pie to share with me."

Eino ended up his cream pie feasting by sucking into his mouth any latent sperm in Vivian's vagina, which could be dislodged. Then he moved to Vivian who had opened her mouth to receive a stream of cum from Eino. They thereupon launched into a cum swapping kissing action until all the ejaculate was ultimately ingested between them. When Eino withdrew from her lips, she had to burp which produced a chuckle from him.

They then clung to each other in a hugging embrace as they drifted off to a very blissful and peaceful slumber. Since their flight to Italy was very early, they had no time for a quickie wake-up morning fuck. They did have time for a quick no sex shower and a quick getaway to the airport.

In planning this wedding, Vivian wanted to replicate the honeymoon schedule she had worked out for her wedding to Sam Crawford which had been denied to her as a result of Sam's arrest. That planned itinerary was to fly from Madison, WI to Florence, Italy, then on to Venice and end up in Rome before returning to Chicago. However, in checking the flight schedules from Tallinn to Florence, they all called for two stops and lengthy layovers before arriving at the Italian city. One flight actually took twenty-eight hours to complete because of unbelievably long layovers of over nine hours in Latvia and over thirteen hours in Paris. The flight schedules to Venice weren't much better. Luckily, the flights to Rome only called for one stop layover lasting little over one hour.

In further consideration, Vivian acknowledged that Florence was not intended as a real target city for the honeymoon. It just so happened that Sam was scheduled to represent Baxter & Sons for a one day meeting with an Italian partner company in regards to an involved business contract. That being the case, Florence was included in the honeymoon vacation with the added benefit of being at the expense of Baxter & Sons' dime. Accordingly, Vivian opted for her honeymoon to be just Rome first and ending up in Venice. The return flight from Venice to Tallinn was a reasonable one stop affair.

Consequently, Vivian booked a Finnair flight to Rome which had a little more than a one hour stop in Helsinki. Although Vivian had been frugal growing up with her acquired wealth from her late first husband plus her associations with Jed Baxter and Angela Peterson née Black, she had become accustomed to a luxurious lifestyle. In that regard, her airline tickets were business class or first class. The Finnair jet had just fourteen seats in that section with only seven seats filled for this flight at Tallinn. It so happened only two additional new passengers for this section boarded the plane in Helsinki, Finland.

One of their fellow passengers in this section bound for Rome was none other than their wedding guest, the beautiful model Carmen Kass. She was flying with two employees of the modeling agencies based in Rome. She was flying to Rome for a new fall model photo shoot for the two agencies. Eino was naturally delighted to be again in the relatively close company of such a famous Estonian. However, he noted his new bride wasn't particularly surprised by her presence. In fact, during the one hour stopover in Helsinki, Eino saw that Vivian and Carmen were again engrossed in an intimate conversation at the Finnish airport while waiting to re-board the plane for the continuation flight to Rome.

So once on board again, as they were taking off, he asked Vivian, "You and Carmen seem to have become close friends. Can you enlighten me?"

Tapping her hand on his forearm, Vivian replied, "Please have a little more patience my love. All will soon become evident."

In that regard, as soon as the Finnair plane had achieved its cruising altitude for its flight path, Carmen Kass and her two companions got on their feet. They seemingly nonchalantly stood in a way so that their backs completely blocked Eino and Vivian from view by the rest of the sparse passengers and crew. They were then engaged in a detailed and intense long protracted conversation. Even though they were in the aisle area, they were circumspect in making certain, though, that they were not interfering with the duties of the flight attendants.

Vivian seized the opportunity to unzip the fly of Eino's trousers and fish out his cock from its clothing confines. With his cock now exposed she bent down to suck on his temporarily flaccid penis. Despite the intimidating apprehension of perhaps exposure of their public exhibition, Vivian was successful in her deep throating action to coax out a suitably rock hard erection. She then lifted her skirt to climb onto his lap and impale herself on his rigid member. She had, unbeknownst to him, removed her panties during the Helsinki layover so that penetration of her vagina posed no logistical problem. She was able to proceed unhindered to ride him at a moderate pace: not too fast but not too slow either.

Vivian was proud of herself, of her comportment. Despite the most exhilarating and electrifying pleasures she was experiencing from her very brazen public sexual activity, she was successful in containing her vocal reactions. She did breathe heavily but it was not discernible to the other persons in the section not in the know. Eino was stoic in his silence, but still he was quite excited by the sexual audacity of the situation. His ejaculation was as copious as ever. Vivian climaxed with Eino, but she could not prevent emitting a low sounding audible grunt and moan as a result of her satisfaction. Luckily, Carmen and her companions were on the alert. They appropriately raised their voices to muffle up the sound of Vivian's ecstasy.

When they were done Vivian flipped back to her seat. She bent down to lick up some cum off his penis and then tucked it back into his trousers. Then she tapped Carmen's back in accordance with their pre-arranged signal. The latter turned around holding two glasses of champagne. With a broad, wicked smile Carmen handed a glass to each one of them, and said, "Congratulations you two on becoming new members of the Tenth Club."

Carmen and her entourage returned to their seats all smiles. The other four passengers applauded signaling their awareness of what had transpired. The female flight attendant in the section was busy with her duties seemingly oblivious of Vivian and Eino's romantic airborne clinch. Eino was not of sufficient sophistical knowledge to understand Carmen's quip and asked Vivian for the meaning of 'belonging to the Tenth club'.

Vivian answered, "The Tenth Club, known in America as the Mile High Club, is a slang expression for the people who have had sexual intercourse on board an aircraft in flight. Some people claim that lower air pressure has a positive effect on the quality of orgasm. Most of the time, however, the reason for having sex during an airplane flight is predicated on the fear of possibly being caught, and the extra excitement that such apprehension naturally ensues. I think it's a little of both schools of thought as far as I'm concerned.

"The tenth refers to the fact that most scheduled flights of passenger aircraft, including this one, are flown about ten KM above sea level. The reason it's termed Mile High Club in the United States is that so long as the aircraft flies at least one mile above sea level, one is allowed to claim to have qualified for the club. You see some people are too timid and fearful of possible exposure when engaged in public sex, but still want to partake in the sexual experience of fucking in flight. So, they hire a small private plane that normally is only allowed to fly about a mile high. Such planes naturally have the cockpit and cabin separated to ensure privacy for the couple. I understand one can hire a plane for such purpose for as little as a thousand American dollars."

Eino answered, "I see that as a mere ordinary dairy farmer, I'm ignorant of the fascinating peccadilloes of the affluent. I take it then that this little episode was concocted by you and Carmen during your discussion at the reception?"

Vivian confirmed and outlined her discussion with Carmen. The conversation at the reception had actually unfolded as follows:

As the model had approached her, Vivian greeted, "Oh Ms Kass, I'm so delighted that you could attend. When I made out the guest list, I was thrilled to see you on the list. I understand my mother-in-law is your aunt."

Carmen replied, "Yes that is true, but besides that I'm likewise thrilled to be here. I've been interested in meeting you ever since I was made aware of your existence."

As Vivian was amazed by such assertion, she naturally asked, "You know of me?"

"Oh yes! Earlier this year I had a serious fight with my boyfriend, and as a result we separated for a month. During that time, while I was in London, I happened to bump into Jed Baxter who had been trying to get into my pants for several years now. Of course, I know Jed from our business dealings as he has helped finance some of my projects. On this occasion I accepted a date with him, and probably because of my anger towards my boyfriend, I finally relented and succumbed to his charming seduction ploys."

Vivian commented, "Oh yes! Jed certainly is a charming man, never mind his vast fortune."

Carmen continued, "You better believe it. Anyway, after our romantic tryst, and I have to admit it was very pleasant, much better than most of the times with my boyfriend, Jed happened to remark that I was not the first Estonian woman he had bedded. Naturally my curiosity was piqued as I was hard put to imagine of any other Estonian woman who would frequent in Jed's circle of acquaintances. I mean sure there are lots of pretty Estonian women of high quality society, but still I fail to see how Jed would have met any of them. I suppose he could have met Kerli Kõiv, but surely, she's too young for him. She's about ten years younger than me and I consider him almost too old for me. Besides, I believe she's a hardcore lesbian. I understand she sings at Gay Pride events."

Vivian then said, "So I take it Jed meant me as the Estonian he had bedded, although I'm really an American. Mind you, I guess I'll become an Estonian citizen soon enough, but he wouldn't have known of that."

Carmen replied, "Quite so. He mentioned that your father was of Estonian descent and that you spoke Estonian while growing up and of course you obviously can still speak Estonian. I gather from what he told me about you, that you and he had an affair lasting nearly three years in duration, but you broke it off for reasons not so clear to him."

Vivian answered, "Yes that is true, but I need not bore you with the details of why I broke up with him."

Carmen then said, "The most interesting thing Jed told me about you is that you have twenty-four tattoos, half of them depicting the Estonian flag and the other half depicting the German flag carved on your upper thighs. Apparently, you commissioned these tattoos as a result of some kind of an extraordinary sexual feat you had accomplished?"

"Yes, that's also true. In my wild youth when I was an undergraduate student in college, in my Roman history class I learned of Messalina, the wife of an emperor who was apparently so promiscuous that she challenged the best-known prostitute in Rome to a sex contest as to who could satisfy the most partners in one night. The Empress won having exhausted twenty-five male partners in a twenty-four hour period. Now I love a challenge, so I arranged with some of my male friends to duplicate Messalina's feat. And I succeeded! Consequently, I got these tattoos to commemorate my accomplishment*. (*air quote) My mother is German born, and hence the flags represent my heritage, and the twenty-four flags represent the duration of my marathon gangbang."

"Oh wow! Eino Tarvas then sure seems to be in for a handful."

Vivian protested, "Oh I can be a one man woman. And Eino sure is man enough for me."

Carmen replied, "I'm sure you can. So where are you going for your honeymoon?"

"We're leaving first thing tomorrow morning for Rome, business class on Finnair with a brief stop in Helsinki."

Carmen exclaimed, "Oh my goodness! Why that's the same flight I'm taking for a model photo shoot." Then after a pregnant pause, she added, "Hey I have an idea. Since you're a player, you have heard of the Tenth Club or as you Americans would say the Mile High Club?"

"Sure have"

"Well, I'll have two companions with me on this flight, and so we can shield you and Eino from view. That way you can have sex in your seats during the flight, and thus, join the club. I'll firm up the details during our Helsinki stop over."

"Sounds like a plan!"
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