Vivian: Life in Estonia Chapter 02


As the naked Eino Tarvas approached the naked Vivian Laaning, he noticed she had re-positioned herself upright and was now sitting cross legged on the chair, on which she had nursed her baby daughter. The posture suggested that she wanted him standing and then bending down while sucking on her milky tits. Once he actually did so, he soon found out why she desired such a posture. While he was sucking on her nipples and drawing in her milk in the process, it provided her the opportunity to manipulate his engorged cock. The resultant hand job was mutually erotic and sexually stimulating in equal measure.

For his part, Eino was absolutely aroused by tasting Vivian's breast milk. To his mind it replicated the taste of canned evaporate milk. In a non-sexual setting, tasting canned evaporate milk would not be considered a pleasurable treat, and certainly not exotic. It's not that the taste is off putting. It's just that the fact is that its main usage is confined as a flavor enhancer for a more elaborate usually desert dish. So, it's not like one would crave for the taste of evaporate milk in of itself.

To state the obvious, a human female's breast milk is designed by nature for consumption by the human female's infant offspring. It follows that any other usage would be deemed unusual and perhaps not appropriate; a taboo if you will. It goes without saying that when one engages in participating in something that is considered a taboo, the realization that the action is actually a taboo, but which one engages in it anyway, tends to be an erotic turn on, in of itself. The enjoyment derived from it, even supersedes any measurable pleasure that one would otherwise enjoy were it not a taboo. By that rationale, Eino's enjoyment pleasure of slurping Vivian's breast milk went beyond his normal enjoyment for typical orthodox sexual activity.

As for Vivian, she took great pleasure in the normal breast feeding of her child. But breast feeding her child was not a sexual undertaking. Instead in reality it's simply a mundane mother's task in caring for her child. However, when Eino sucked on her tits drawing out her milk, he converted a normal non-sexual maternal duty into an exotic, and erotic adventure. As a result, a normal less than full breastfeeding occasion which would usually result in a painful cramping feeling that she should just suck it up buttercup, instead provoked her to a pleading for this unusual relief. That Eino complied to her desperate request to suck on her nipples and extract her breast milk thereby, paved the way for her to enjoy the subsequent sex.

This time Vivian recognized the onset of her new orgasm which she was experiencing during Eino's feeding on her nipples. It coincided with the feeling of relief as Eino efficiently competed his assigned task. At this moment, to her mind, so far, the events occurring in the hotel room had followed an understandable pragmatic procedure, considering the exigencies inherent in the presence of a hungry baby. However, now that her baby had been taken care of, and safely laid down for her sleep, it was high time to get into some serious lovemaking!

Accordingly, despite still sensing the euphoria of her mini orgasm, Vivian gently pushed Eino a few steps backward. This allowed her to slide herself off the chair, and land on her knees, on the pillow on the floor, facing his male package. Naturally, this placed her into an ideal position to commence an intense fellatio, and she took full advantage. As soon as she installed his cock into her mouth, she succumbed to the euphoria of yet another mini orgasm. It had been quite some time since she previously had engaged in sex. There certainly had been no occasion for sex since Maia had been born. Given that prolonged length of sexual abstinence, her joy derived from sucking on his cock was unusually heightened well beyond her previous experience for this type of oral sex activity.

With her mind-set focused on savoring the exquisite pleasure of the moment, Vivian established a languid, leisurely pace for her oral administrations. As she was sliding her mouth forwards and backwards, bobbing up and down, along his shaft, she was constantly moaning and groaning, leaving no doubt as to the ecstasy she was enjoying, and experiencing. That audible reaction Vivian exhibited, emphasized to Eino, that he was experiencing a most emphatic intimacy possible in lovemaking, which he could ever imagine or even hope for. Such thought process naturally aroused his libido to a higher plateau, higher than he had heretofore imagined possible. As a result, when he climaxed, it was an explosion of the most copious amount of sperm, he believed he had ever produced.

In her state of intense sexual jubilation, Vivian's mind did not really register that Eino had actually ejaculated in her mouth. She did swallow some of his erupting sperm, but such reaction was more of a result of an automatic example of self-preservation, than a deliberate attempt to ingest the cum. As a result, a significant amount of his seed escaped from her mouth and dribbled down; first, down her lips and chin, and then finally his cum landed on her breasts. She was not initially aware of this outcome, as she was once again in a daze, having succumbed to yet another orgasm. In fact, her inertia was so pronounced, that she remained immobile for quite some time remaining in an upright position, seemingly frozen in her spot.

Finally, Eino's cock had naturally wilted, and then slipped out of her mouth by its own volition. Once Vivian was cognizant of such circumstance, she snapped out of her sexual revelry. She said, "Oh Eino, before we start on the main event for this evening, I wonder if you could fetch me a glass of wine from the mini bar? I feel a little parched at the moment. I think I need to wash down the taste of your cum, not that it's bad mind you. I just think that a glass of wine should nicely serve the purpose. A red wine if you please."

Then as Vivian became more aware that there was an excess amount of cum glistening on her breasts, she exclaimed, "Oh! I guess you better fetch me a towel as well! It seems like I neglected to catch and swallow all of your cum and let some fall on my boobs. Sorry about that! As they say, 'Good tasting cum is a terrible thing to waste'."

Vivian then burst out laughing as she realized what prompted her utterance. Not being American, Eino was naturally nonplussed, and so innocently asked, "That's a saying? Who the hell says that?"

Still giggling, she responded, "I think my sister first said that to me, or maybe I said it to her. Or for that matter perhaps my best friend said it first. I’ve forgotten. In any case, in America, a well-known campaign slogan to raise money for the United Negro College Fund is, 'A Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Waste.' So, either my sister or my friend or I parodied the same to fit my present situation."

Still looking at her in askance, he merely replied, "Well OK then, I guess."

She concluded, "Oh well never mind me. I was just being silly. That's all!"

At this precise moment, Eino Tarvas took stock of the situation. When he had first set eyes on Vivian at the Läänemets residence, he was instantly attracted to her by her visual appearance alone. During their subsequent date at the restaurant, he was heartened by the fact, that although she was an American, and thus by definition exotic, still she appeared normal like any other Estonian female. Now, he did realize that his initial sexual proposition at the restaurant, was a bit more bold and brazen, which probably any woman Estonian or otherwise would normally not countenance. His instinct though, had suggested that he might get away with it, and was pleased to have actually succeeded. Now exposed to her quirky sense of humor, he believed she was more fascinating and beguiling than any woman, American or otherwise, who he had ever encountered. He relished such a notion.

As Eino was fetching the wine and the towel, Vivian went to the bed and drew off the bed covers. Thereupon, she sat down on the bed with her back resting against the headboard. Eino returned carrying in addition to the towel, a glass of a Hungarian red wine for each of them, named Egri Bikavér which means “bull’s blood” in Hungarian. Vivian loved the taste and noted that this was the first time that she ever had imbibed a wine from Hungary. She speculated that given the language affinity between the two countries, that products from Hungary were probably more in abundance in Estonia than would be the case for other countries.

They didn't say anything for quite some time, as they were leisurely sipping the wine. They just were enjoying the afterglow of their unique sexual interplay, that so far had occurred between them. This idle time afforded Eino Tarvas the delightful opportunity to exult in scrutinizing the naked flesh of Vivian Laaning. Having already determined that he was absolutely smitten with Vivian, the sight of her nude body definitely reinforced his initial assessment of her attractiveness. Although, he sensed that when dressed, her visible facial features would not inspire in most the type of allure he was experiencing, still her naked female beauty could not be denied. Such mental considerations naturally tended to spur his libido on for further action.

As for Vivian, she needed the time to simply clear her head and recapture her equilibrium. From the time of the initial meeting at the Läänemets residence, and throughout their dinner date, she was exhilarated by the recognition of the intensity that his sexual appeal had on her. In retrospect she could intellectually surmise that the fact that she hadn't had any sex for quite some time, none at all since her daughter had been born, was most likely a huge factor to attribute to her lust. As soon as they sat down for dinner at the restaurant, she mentally settled on a familiar resolve which she had occasionally formulated on some of her dates in the past, in that if she didn't have sex with him that night, it would not be because of any reticence on her part.

Naturally such resolve in the abstract, presupposed that her date would want to have sex with her. Still, she believed that a man would not ask her out for a date, if in the back of his mind he did not harbor a desire for copulation. Whether a man expected to have sex after a date was neither here nor there, as fruition would always depend on the circumstances of the moment. In that regard, after having adopted her resolve at dinner, she had regretted to have insisted that she take Maia along to the date. She sensed that perhaps she was giving the wrong signal that she was not interested in sex whereas the exact opposite was the truth.

Thus, when Eino made the laconic and brazen proposal for an uncompromising sexual rendezvous, she was vastly relieved. To display umbrage and to refuse outright, was not to be even contemplated for a second. To coyly demure if only momentarily, as the proper response in the alternative, did not enter her head whatsoever, and so that is why she had accepted his sexual invitation with such alacrity.

Vivian had initially dreaded, when Maia started crying, the instant they had all entered the hotel room. In her mind, she had designated that the main event of the evening was to be the anticipated sexual intercourse. So naturally, Vivian was thus, a little disappointed that it was momentarily delayed in order to attend to her baby daughter's needs. However, when Eino unexpectedly started to intently eat her out while she was breast feeding, it blew her mind away. The sensations she was experiencing was indescribable; she was immersed in uncharted waters in personal ecstasy.

Finally, when she regained control of her body and mind, a happy thought took hold of her. She believed that some real exquisite sex had not yet been experienced. Given what had taken place could be chalked up as foreplay, some truly mind-blowing and delicious sex was surely still in store for her. Accordingly, she broke the silence by saying, "Eino baby, please move forward a little towards the end of the bed but remain sitting upright."

As Eino did as she had bade, Vivian turned over to sit on the lap of his upright sitting body. She reached down to take his now very engorged cock by hand and placed it at the entrance of her vagina. By simply thrusting her hips ever so slightly forward she was able to effect full penetration. She wrapped her legs around the back of his trunk. She wrapped her arms around the back of his shoulders. She started kissing him passionately with deep soul stirring emotions, while simultaneously humping with slow tantalizing gentle thrusts of her hips.

For his part, Eino had wrapped his arms around her back to affect a truly tight hug. The feel of her soft warm feminine bosom pressed tightly against his chest, was a sensation too delicious to have previously imagined. He could not help himself from emitting a deep heart felt loving moan of satisfaction while returning her hot sensual kissing. As she had commenced the initial languid pace of her hip movement, he felt no need to spoil the magical effect by moving his hips as well. He was quite content to just savor the simple sensual feeling of having the woman he was infatuated with completely enveloped in his arms.

The slow moving embrace continued for quite some time. The pleasurable sensations both were experiencing suppressed any inclination to do more. The feeling of euphoria was so overwhelming, that there was no sense of urgency; certainly, no conscious compulsion, nor desire to strive to reach a climax to their lovemaking. They were quite content to just let their euphoric feelings take over their minds perhaps even captivate their souls.

As a result, when their mutual climaxes were inevitably arrived at, there was no consciously directed release of their thoroughly aroused emotions. In the case of Eino, for most of his past ejaculations, whereby he could upon the moment of climax, sense or feel the release of his pent-up sperm from his testes, his impression suggested a resemblance of a volcanic like eruption was occurring which resulted in the flooding of his partner's vagina. Instead, on this occasion, he was feeling that his sperm was merely seeping into Vivian's vagina, metaphorically akin to the image of a river stream gently flowing into the ocean. Such a languid overwhelming sensation caused him to breathe heavily, which was interspersed with some low key agonizing moans.

Vivian's reaction to her climax was also out of the ordinary. Totally unlike her past orgasms, she had no physical awareness of his sperm filling up her vaginal canal. As a result, she was not physically hyperventilating heavily as was her usual norm upon reaching her climax, but nevertheless, she was consciously aware that she was indeed climaxing. Her clue that she was experiencing an orgasm was an awareness that her vagina had been warming up, albeit at a graduate rate. Such imagined perception caused her to perspire somewhat. Actually, for Vivian, sweating, often prodigiously, was a normal by-product of her experienced orgasms, but usually she could attribute such reaction to her physical exertion in tandem with a feeling that she was figuratively on fire. In this case, she had no sense of a conflagration raging in her body, but instead the slowly heating sensation of her vagina produced a warm fuzzy feeling of contentment. At the time she was unable to label that sensation as her orgasm, but in retrospect she realized that was what truly had occurred.

The awareness of the peculiarity of their mutual simultaneously arrived climaxes caused them to continue to cling to each other, long after Eino had finished ejaculating. They rested their chins on each other's shoulders as a relief to their heavy breathing. Finally, some droplets of breast milk oozed out of Vivian's nipples and coagulated on Eino's chest. The immediate discomfort prompted Vivian to disengage, and she ended up sitting up, with her back against the headboard. Eino likewise positioned himself beside her, and thereupon, they imbibed some more wine.

There was no immediate conversation, as each of them was lost in thought, contemplating on the implications of their just completed copulation. For Vivian, she had mixed emotions as she could not ascertain if there was any chemistry between them. She also had trouble in interpreting the meaning of her reaction to her orgasm. She felt she was again in uncharted waters in determining her feelings. She certainly could not convince herself that she had experienced mind blowing sex akin to the pleasures she had enjoyed with either Jed Baxter, or Sam Crawford, Maia's father. Still her pleasure with Eino was not insignificant. The intimate clinging embrace throughout their lovemaking was definitely unique, which by definition had to be, in of itself, declared hot!

One thing Vivian was certain, was that the sex with Eino could not be equated to a typically forgettable mundane one night stand. It was not the kind where one chalks it up as an OK experience, at least there was sex, but it signified nothing more. In other words, casual sex is by definition a one night stand as it's usually time to move on as soon as the sun arises on the next day. In this case as Vivian was a tourist not in her home country, casual sex would almost automatically belong to the one night stand variety. However, Vivian was not a typical tourist, as she was not at the moment gainfully employed where she had only a limited time in the foreign lands before compelled to return to her homeland. In addition, she had acquired a significant amount of funds, from which she could live off for the rest of her life if she should so choose.

Given the lack of a compelling need to curtail her vacation, she was of the view that maybe some torrid sex abroad could possibly transform onto something more than just a one night stand, despite being so far from her home. It wasn't that she was necessarily thinking of matrimony as an ultimate goal, but with her new wealth, a trans Atlantic love affair was feasible. That was why she had herself fitted with an IUD before she left the United States for her vacation to Europe. She was aware that breast feeding as well would tend to prevent a new pregnancy, but only for six months after birth. So, in the afterglow, she was seriously contemplating prolonging her stay in Estonia to see where more sex with Eino Tarvas might lead to.

Meanwhile as for Eino Tarvas, he was also in the midst of sorting out his thoughts and emotions. He again acknowledged in his mind that he had been immediately attracted to Vivian, seemingly almost from the very moment he first set first eyes on her. He was bewitched and his regard for her grew exponentially, probably reaching into the realm of impossible speculations and expectations, as their dinner conversation extended. At the very least in his view, the requirement that he have sex with her had become an absolute imperative. As the time at the restaurant came to a close, he became desperate. He realized that during their entire dinner conversation, there had been no hint or suggestion that sex between them was going to be the likely outcome at the conclusion of their date. This then, drove him to utter the blunt proposal for sex as he viewed this as his only realistic opportunity to fuck her, considering that she had advised that she expected to depart the country in a few days.

He was very cognizant that his somewhat crude invitation for sex would more likely induce a slap on his face or similar negative reaction, as opposed to an actual positive response. He viewed his unprovoked sexual advance as belonging to the category of 'nothing ventured, nothing gained'. Needless to say, he was relieved at Vivian's acquiescence, and was thoroughly gratified by all of the subsequent events. This led him to a different concern regarding possible pregnancy. So, breaking the silence of the afterglow, he said, "That was awesome sex Vivian! You're as hot as I could ever have wished for. In the heat of the moment, I did not consider consequences. As I have no condoms in my possession, so perhaps we should refrain from further sex until I can get some."

Vivian mused, "Isn't that like closing the barn door after the horse has escaped? If you're worried about any STDs, I can assure you I am clean and healthy. I trust you can say the same for yourself. If you're worried about becoming prematurely a papa again, I can assure you that besides my breast feeding, I'm employing an additional birth control measure, just to be sure. That leads me to ask that since you had indicated that you had a date lined up for dinner and presumably sex afterwards why weren’t you prepared with condoms yourself?"

Eino Tarvas answered, “My date, whose name by the way is Kaisa Noor, not that is of any interest to you, has always assured me that she practices safe sex. She can’t afford to become pregnant since her husband has a peculiar preference only for sodomy and oral sex. Kaisa has always suspected he is a latent homosexual. However, he is relatively wealthy so she doesn't want to lose her cash cow.

“In any case I’m not inclined to insist we move on to a more serious relationship. That surely is enough inconsequential chit chat for the main the event of this evening. So, let’s resume as I now want you to turn on your side."

Responding to his command, Vivian turned onto her side as she slid down along the bed. Once completely lying on the bed on her left side, Vivian lifted her right leg up in the air to a forty-five degree angle. This position allowed easy access to her vagina from her backside, and Eino slid into place to effect the side-to-side coitus. He was mildly surprised that Vivian had complied exactly to his desires despite minimum prompting on his part. This solidified in his mind his perception of the existence of a chemistry between them.

Once he penetrated Vivian's vagina, with his right hand he reached for a pillow. He then wedged the pillow between her thighs, so that he could prop up and support Vivian's upraised right leg. For her part Vivian wrapped her leg around Eino's leg, and she placed the instep of that foot underneath his ankle. To enhance the sensual intimacy of their embrace, Eino tilted slightly backwards to enable him to slide his left arm under Vivian's neck, and thereby caress her left boob. That maneuver complemented the action of his right arm reaching over and caressing Vivian's right boob. For her part, Vivian reached with her right arm backwards to caress Eino's hair, while he was simultaneously tongue nibbling on Vivian's neck. This then completed another close intimate adhesion of their bodies during copulation.

Because of their close inter-lapping of their bodies, their sexual movement was restricted to again a very limiting languid pace. Nonetheless, their passion was much alive and increased to a feverish pitch, notwithstanding the leisurely relaxed aura of their lovemaking. Eino's manipulating of her milk laden breasts was gentle, ever so sensible to their condition. He did not squeeze then unduly so as to force a seepage of extra milk, but was gently massaging them to bring out pure unadulterated joy and pleasure. She was involuntarily moaning in tandem with his rising excitement. As a result, when she climaxed there was no holding back. She felt a tingling sensation all over her body and her panting was audible enough to threaten to wake up the sleeping baby, Maia.

In suppressing her natural inclination to scream during the experience of her orgasm, Vivian felt her passion overwhelm her entire being. As a result, she was simply exhausted, but still she was desirous of continual intimacy. As she sensed, Eino's cock naturally wilting in her pussy, she wanted to obstruct his disengagement. With her right arm she reached backwards placing her palm against his back, and said, "Don't go, stay close to me. Stay inside me."

Eino could not do anything to retard the wilting of his cock, but by adhering his body in contact next to hers, it did not slip out of her vagina. Vivian, either voluntarily or involuntarily, clamped her vagina together, to secure his penis in her. In this manner, they were then able to maintain their full body intimate embrace. Soon she fell asleep in contentment, and shortly thereafter was heard to be snoring. Eino smiled. He viewed her snoring as a portent of a forthcoming shared domesticity, which was something to be desired.

A few hours later, they were simultaneously awakened by baby Maia's crying. Wordlessly, Vivian got up and changed her daughter's diaper, before sitting down on the armchair to nurse her again. As she noticed that Eino had also awakened, she requested, "Eino darling, you seem to enjoy eating me out while I breastfeed little Maia, and I in turn enjoy your wicked tongue on my clit. It gives me a good feeling to be part of a natural loving intimacy that I’ve rarely experience with most of the men I’ve been intimate with. So please do me again.”

Within this frame of mind, Vivian was experiencing an exceptional glowing euphoria. She normally felt no apprehension of shame of her lustful sexual nature. Nevertheless, she was cognizant that those acquaintances who were aware of her sexual nature and wantonness, and especially those men whom she had engaged in casual sex, on the whole held her in contempt. Of course, there were exceptions to such a generalization; the male members of the TLR being an example.

Thus, as she was breast feeding her baby with Eino munching on her snatch, she reveled in realizing that this was the first time she was enjoying such kinky sexual. Albeit that Eino was a virtual stranger to her, nevertheless, despite the brevity of their acquaintanceship, the domesticity of the scene was a great balm to her self-esteem. It confirmed to her mind that notwithstanding her lasciviousness, no one would have cause to complain that she lacked the discipline to properly look after her baby daughter while strill able to enjoy some steamy sex.

For her self preservation, Vivian maintained that she adhered to the trite cliché adage: “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never harm me.” In truth, she did feel inwardly bitterness and distress from the bullying and taunting she had endured especially in high school and to a lesser degree when she was attending the University of Wisconsin. In law school and especially after she became a lawyer, the overt taunts had disappeared. But still, Vivian could sense there prevailed an undercurrent reputation that she was nothing more than a slut and a whore, perceived by a majority of those slight acquaintances who nevertheless were privy to her lustful nature.

That perceived reputation was hurtful to Vivian in two ways. First of all, societal mores have loosened considerably since the so-called sexual revolution circa the 1960s. No longer are brides expected to be virgins, and in fact unless the woman is devoutly religious, virginal brides are no longer viewed as desirable as they once were esteemed. But the major change has been in divorce laws. In the not too distant past, there was a requirement that there must be displayed a legal justification such as adultery or cruelty having occurred for the court to grant the divorce.

Nowadays if one party to a marriage wishes a divorce, the same will be granted notwithstanding should the other person not wish for the dissolution of the marriage. Hence the ubiquitous cause cited by the divorce courts to grant a divorce is “irreconcilable differences”. Divorces that land up in trial court solely deal with the following issues: differences in division of communal property; alimony; child support payments; and custody of the children of the marriage.

Vivian believed that these kind of changes in the divorce laws were gas lighted by the 1960s sexual revolutionists. These revolutionists declared that any form of sexual activity between consenting adults, so long as that there was no resultant physical harm derived thereby, would be permissible and not subject to disdain. In that light, Vivian could not understand why she should be viewed in disparaging terms.

The other factor disturbing Vivian’s self-esteem by being perceived as slut and a whore, was the connotation that such label implies. A slut is perceived to be a bimbo with no brains and incapable of carrying on a decent conversation. They were good for sex, but nothing else. Vivian recalled a frat party she once went to during the time she was attending the University of Wisconsin, During the party she was accosted by an obvious inebriated male guest. Vivian would have been inclined to go to bed with him until in an unguarded moment, he opined, “All that women were good for were to be kept barefoot and pregnant.”

Vivian wondered if that was his standard pick up line but doubted he would enjoy much success with it. She had retorted, “I don’t mind being pregnant, but I don’t understand why I must go barefoot.” With that said, she left his presence and found a less boorish companion for that night.

With such ruminations in her mind, she lost tract of her concentration. It was only her basic motherly instinct that alerted her that Maia had finished feeding and had detached herself from her mother’s nipple. From that realization, Vivian automatically took her baby over her shoulders to burp her. When the task of discharging extraneous gas, out of her baby was completed, Vivian was still in a daze. So accordingly, she instructed her attentive lover, "Eino, darling, would you please take Maia and place her in her bed."

As he complied, Vivian slid off the chair to land upright with her knees on the pillow. For the entire time it took Eino to lay down baby Maia onto her portable bed, he maintained constant eye contact with Vivian. Wordlessly, the latter crooked a finger and beckoned him to come to her. Accordingly, Eino strode to her, and once he was close to her, she unceremoniously popped his cock into her mouth. She was giving him head again at a slow place, as at this juncture she was merely seeking to calm her nerves rather than excite her libido any further. Still, she could not ignore her passionate nature. She was soon in a new sexual frame of mind, once again on a quest for a new climax.

Before Eino reached the point of no return, Vivian stopped her fellatio, and let his cock slip out of her mouth. She then hopped back on the bed. She hunched up on her knees, with the cheek of one side of her face resting on a pillow, she was prepared for coitus à la doggy style. Eino's cock wilted slightly when out of the confines of Vivian's vagina. Thus, when he positioned himself on his knees at Vivian's derriere between her spread apart thighs and calves, he had to manually insert his penis to penetrate her vagina. Once his cock was ensconced in her, it immediately sprang to rock solid hardness. He thereupon pumped her frantically and vigorously. With his relentless stroking of his cock in her, she was compelled to grunt, audibly uttering, "Yes! Yes! Yes" interspersed with, "Uh huh! Uh huh! Uh huh!" Once she reached her climax, about a nano second before his ejaculation, she screamed out vocally, "Oh yes! Yes! Yes! Oh fuck!"

Luckily, her utterance was not loud enough to awaken baby Maia. Maia had not been a colicky baby, and at three months was sleeping solidly throughout the night with only the occasional time awakening and wanting to be fed. This time the lovemaking plus the breast feeding beforehand, had totally exhausted Vivian. As soon as Eino disengaged, Vivian involuntarily collapsed to end up prone lying on her stomach. She immediately fell asleep and was snoring before Eino had finished the process of preparing himself to return to his own slumber. In his mind, he put a positive spin on the swiftness of Vivian falling asleep right after their congress. In his view, his lovemaking was so potent, that it overwhelmed her sufficiently to induce her to succumb so quickly to Mr Sandman. Such impression bolstered his male ego immensely. It denied speculation that perhaps she was merely so tired, that she was susceptible to falling asleep quickly no matter what.

Vivian first woke up to Maia's crying in the morning. Vivian did not disturb Eino from his slumber, as she took care of her infant's needs. After finishing her motherly tasks, and placing Maia back in her portable bed, Vivian noticed that Eino had developed a very serviceable erection. 'Must be having a wet dream', surmised Vivian. Acting upon that supposition, Vivian mounted him, and facing him was able to impale herself with his rather stiff penis. Leaning forward, she placed the palms of her hands on his shoulders for balance and commenced riding him at a moderately slow pace. As Vivian continued humping him, some very happy thoughts were consuming her mind: 'I'm loving it!'; 'It's been too long.'; 'Oh wow is this good!'; 'So fucking good!'; 'I think I love him!'; 'Oh yes, he's just the kind of man I want!'; 'He's the kind of man I need!'

Vivian had grown up speaking exclusively Estonian with her paternal grandparents who had lived at the family farm in Wisconsin, until she was fifteen and sixteen, when each of them respectively passed away. That being the case, she also spoke Estonian with her father, notwithstanding, that he was born in the United States, and English being their mutual primary language. Accordingly, not only was Vivian fluent in Estonian, speaking without an accent, but she also thought in Estonian while speaking the language, as opposed to literally translating in her mind from the English. English though, was her primary language, and up to this point she had never engaged in sex with anyone who spoke Estonian. Not to put a fine point on it, Vivian had incestuous lesbian sex occasionally with her sister, but they spoke to each other in English. They only resorted to Estonian when in company with their father or grandparents, and in public when they did not wish to be overheard.

Since she had never been in a sexual situation in an Estonian environment, Vivian was at a loss as how to express herself idiomatically her passionate feelings. Consequently, as her sexual arousal was reaching its zenith, she was compelled to vocalize, and so she uttered in English, "Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Oh shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Oh fuck, Eino! Oh shit! You're the man! Oh fuck! You're fucking me good! I love it!"

Eino Tarvas had indeed been experiencing a wet dream when Vivian mounted his supine body. Doubtless as a result of the previous evening activities with Vivian, that it was the catalyst to inspire his vivid dreaming of engaging in more sex with her. He was still asleep during the initial stages of their copulation. When he actually awakened, he was in a daze, still in confusion as to whether he was still dreaming, or whether he was enjoying sex in reality. Then, when she exclaimed in English her joy, his confusion became more pronounced. His face mimicked the proverbial doe caught in the headlights of an oncoming motor vehicle.

Despite her euphoria clouding her vision, Vivian was still alert enough to spot the alarm in Eino's visage. Instinctively realizing that his confused, dazed look had the potential of spoiling a delicious orgasm, she collapsed her body unto his. As she increased the tempo of the movement of her hips, she simultaneously started kissing him in a wicked, but sensuous and passionate soul kissing. Her spontaneous sexual maneuver achieved the desired outcome. His resultant climax produced blasts of copious amounts of cum spreading into her vaginal canal. Her own climax coincided with his, but as soon as she could sense that he was finished ejaculating, she rolled off him to continue to recover from her sexual excitement.

They were both panting and breathing heavily in their afterglow. Finally, after glancing at the time, Eino stated, "Oh Vivian, that was wonderful, and I enjoyed every moment we've been together. However, I have a very important meeting at my bank with the senior loan officers at 10:00 PM, as I make my presentation for my farm expansion venture. So, we have just enough time to shower and for me to take you back to the Läänemets' home."

Vivian now shocked Eino Tarvas. She suggested, "You know Eino, my precious stud muffin, I happen to have a bit of money, which I could spare. So, why don't I advance you, the sum you need so that you will save the interest you would have to pay to the bank for the loan. I think in light of my enjoyment with you, I would be inclined to charge ridiculously low interest in repayment, perhaps nothing at all."

Completely flabbergasted by Vivian's offer, Eino spluttered, "What? You can't seriously mean that. I mean my goodness! Yes, we have been intimate, but in reality, we are still strangers."

Vivian responded, "Well you see back in America, before I got married to Maia's father, I was in a relationship with a very wealthy lover. He seemed to have enjoyed my charms sufficiently enough that he advanced a substantial sum of money to my sister. This allowed her to open up a very trendy restaurant/nightclub in Chicago, which is very popular, and profitable for my sister to this day. So, since such good fortune fell on my family it would only be fitting and proper that I return the favor, now that I'm able."

Eino chuckled at that account and was bemused at the whimsical rationale to offer money as a thankful gesture for what in essence was merely an enjoyable one night stand. So, he responded, "Well I applaud you for your generous spirit and the goodness of your heart. But obviously it is impossible. You see I've scheduled these three days away from my farm duties to negotiate a substantial loan with the bank. I anticipate protracted discussions to justify the monies I require. I am presenting a reasonable plan of repayment that would satisfy the bank's security concerns. Actually, I don't expect I'll be fortunate enough to be granted a loan for the full amount I'd be seeking. My hope is to get a sufficient enough loan, that I could get started in my proposed expansion, with the option to borrow more later assuming my business plan works as envisioned."

"So how much are you seeking?"

Eino named a rather large figure which surprised Vivian. So, she asked, "Why do you need so much?"

Eino answered, "To expand, I have to acquire the immediate neighboring farm, which has plenty of grazing pasture room to accommodate my cows in addition to the anticipated extra cows; plus, room to erect two new barns to house the extra cows. My neighbor is like me, a widower with no children to inherit his farm..."

Vivian interrupted, "Ah the Estonian dilemma of a low birth rate in full display!"

He sardonically quipped, "You might say that, and I guess you just did. Anyway, my neighbor wants to retire so he is eager to sell. With his pension and proceeds of the sale of his farm, he would be able to move to Canada where he would reside with some distant relatives, who apparently are eager to receive him..."

Again, Vivian interrupted with, "Ah the logical end result of Estonian depopulation."

Quite cognizant that Vivian was teasing, he jocularly responded, "Will you stop that. That situation in my country is not so dire yet as you imply. Anyway, my farm is strictly a dairy farm, but his farm produces a cash crop of wheat and barley. So, if I were to purchase his farm, and his asking price is equivalent to the value of my farm were I to wish to sell it, I would thereby earn more, about triple my current income. This then is the pitch I'll be making to the bank. And my neighbor has unequivocally agreed to sell his farm to me if the bank advances the loan. Needless to say, all bets are off should I fail to secure the loan."

Vivian answered, "Well OK then. Sounds like a reasonable plan and a sound investment. So why don't we go to the Läänemets' house, so I can pick up some of my financial documents, that I have there. Then we can go to your bank, and have the manager arrange a transfer of the required funds from my bank account in Switzerland."

Eino literally gasped in utter astonishment, "You actually have that much money instantly available to spend?"

Vivian replied, "You'll find out soon enough when the money is in your account. I believe considering modern banking technology the transfer of the funds will take just a few minutes. Then we can spend the rest of the day more pleasantly by purchasing some of the farm equipment you need. That's so much more fun than haggling with dour humorless bank loan officers begging for money."

Eino was still spluttering as he asked, "You can really afford such a huge expenditure of monies?"

Vivian assured him, "It's really just a mere drop in the bucket of my fortune."
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