Vivian: Life in Estonia Chapter 04


Eino opined, "I guess you were lucky then. But I believe one has to be good to be lucky. So, what about your engraved ankle bracelets? Do they have a sexual significance as well?"

"Yes they do, and it represents a sexual adventure when I was in law school at the University of Chicago. In my first year, I joined a study group consisting of two other female students and three male students. I was sharing accommodation with my sister, who was leading a hectic life as well. In addition to working at a restaurant, and taking part time university classes, she was also a single mother. In one of our dinner discussions, I described my five study group companions to Erica, and I avowed to her that as a non academic goal, I would seduce all five of them."

"And did you?"

"Do you doubt me? Of course my sweet Eino, I fucked all five of them. The two women were both lesbians, so in essence seducing them was not as difficult had they been straight. However, they each were in a relationship. One of them, a beautiful Black woman felt so guilty in cheating, that we only got it on, the few occasions when her lover was away. After graduation, they moved to San Diego, as her significant other was a nurse in the US Navy and obtained a position at the Naval Medical Center San Diego (NMCSD), better known as the Balboa Hospital.

"The other woman was not so apprehensive in doing me. In fact, she subsequently introduced me to her partner, and we had some threesome lesbian sex thereafter. I got the impression, that they viewed sex with me as a lark since their attachment to each other was undeniably solid. They ended up in Cincinnati, Ohio, where my classmate became a US 6th District Court of Appeals Judge, while her partner was a music teacher at the University of Cincinnati.

"The one straight gentleman in my study group, was very diffident in his interaction with women and had not had much luck in dating. His only sexual experiences prior to meeting me were with professional prostitutes. So, he was easy pickings for my seduction of him. I like to think I bolstered his confidence in attracting female companionship. He realized that he and I were not going to become an item, and so he acquired another law student as a steady girlfriend. They married two weeks after graduation, and moved to his hometown of Seattle, WA and practiced law together.

"The other two men of my study group were gay and in a relationship with each other. Thus, they were the toughest to seduce. I won them over with the assertion that considering their lifestyle and sexual orientation, they were highly unlikely to engage in threesome sex with a straight woman. I reminded them that variety is the spice of life, and they might regret the opportunity so willingly offered by me to them. The sex wasn't bad; wasn't great either, but at least it was unique."

To say that Eino Tarvas was astonished at Vivian's explanation of the adornments which she had on her naked body, was an understatement. After the previous night's activities and conversation, he certainly discerned that she was a free spirit with what some would deem questionable morals. Eino was certainly cognizant that there exists an undercurrent of a libertine tendency, permeating in general society in both the Americas and in Europe, where greater freedom in sexual activities would be more tolerated, than in the more conservative times past. Still in Eino's view, Vivian's wanton sexual actions seemed to cross the boundary of acceptable conduct for a woman of her standing.

Despite such perception, Eino Tarvas was not disgusted, nor did he bear any contempt for Vivian's admitted sexual experiences and proclivities. He was no prude, and if the truth be told, he was envious of Vivian as he knew that he sure as hell would have loved to have had similar sexual experiences. That said, he realized he lived in a different world to Vivian, not just literally, but figuratively as well. He was of the view that rich people could indulge in sexual depravity, since their money allowed them to cover up their sins. Obviously, Vivian had to be very rich, as evidenced by her prompt advance of the rather large sum of money he had been seeking to expand his farm. She had labeled the money as a mere "drop in the bucket" of her wealth, and she had advanced this money despite having known him for less than twenty-four hours.

Any sane person, male or female, making such an expenditure of cash under such circumstances, must suspect that repayment was doubtful at best. Since Vivian had not exhibited any characteristic of the insane, he had to conclude that she viewed their time together as a frivolity. She had informed him that she had been, and presumably still was, a lawyer in the United States, but in advancing the money she had not demanded a legal contract for repayment; not even an executed I.O.U. This led him to the startling conclusion, that Vivian was so wealthy, that the money she spent on him, was to her akin to what an average tourist would contemplate on purchasing a souvenir.

So now he viewed his time with Vivian as not just a one night stand. Instead, he realized that this adventure with Vivian was an extraordinary one; a once in a lifetime experience, which he would forever remember, obviously fondly. He realized that further sex with her without a doubt would be likewise great, and so he ought not to over think it. Consequently, he left the restaurant with Vivian and her baby in high spirits.

As soon as they entered the hotel room, baby Maia woke up and cried for her sustenance. This time Vivian cleaned up her baby and secured a fresh diaper. Then she fetched two pillows from the bed herself and arranged them strategically on the armchair, leaving no doubt as to what she expected would transpire. Ostensibly, the pillows enabled her to rest her bottom comfortably at the edge of the chair, but it was mutually understood as to the alternative purpose for this posture. Vivian had not paused to completely undress as she simply exposed one of her breasts for Maia to latch on.

For his part Eino simply hiked up Vivian’s skirt and with her co-operation, removed her underwear ans stockings to facilitate his oral sexual action on her vulva. He was once again enthralled in performing an exquisite muff dive of her very moist lady parts as she was nursing her baby daughter.

As Eino was orally pleasuring Vivian while she was breast feeding her baby, he was contemplating the circumstances of this remarkable brief acquaintanceship with Vivian. In particular he was thinking over the sex. Without a doubt, the greatest high, a straight man can take away from a successful coitus with his woman, is the satisfaction that he had pleased her far beyond her own expectation. Considering Vivian’s account of some of her past sexual history, Eino had been thinking that her subsequent remembrance of their coupling would be inconsequential, compared to what she probably would remember of their sex. Despite such distinct possibility, still he could take pride that the sex with him had to be at least in her own mind in the same ballpark of sexual satisfaction as she had experienced in her previous sexual activities.

Certainly, given her physical reaction to the sex of the night before and the good morning sex of this day would be proof of this supposition on his part. If nothing else, her fulfillment of her stunning offer to advance the monies needed for his planned expansion of his farm, had to be prima facie evidence that she must have enjoyed their lovemaking immensely.

Meanwhile during this compelling tongue action by Eino on her vulva, Vivian had her own thoughts. Normally, her mind was truly blank when she was breast feeding Maia. She viewed the time as a welcome respite from having to deal with the constant day to day living concerns. Instead, this time her mind was full of speculations on whether this fling with Eino would go anywhere.

Vivian naturally realized that she had the wherewithal to conduct a trans Atlantic romance. However, being frugal as a result of her upbringing, she had an anathema towards spending money foolishly. With her newly acquired wealth, she didn’t mind spending money so long as it for something she truly craved and desired. Sex was certainly something she truly craved and desired in her life. But it’s not like there isn’t a lack of opportunity for satisfactory sex in the United States. As the trite adage states; ‘there’s plenty of fish in the seas.’

Then again if one considers problems of global over fishing and pollution of the oceans, perhaps there’s not as many fish to catch now as there once was. So, applying the catching of fish metaphor she wondered if the good fish have been mostly caught and she can’t afford to squander the good fortune of acquiring a great lover in the person of Eino Tarvas. Contemplating such an irreverent notion caused Vivian to momentarily lose her sentient presence as she broke out in a bout of emitting audible giggling.

Once though, she started regaining her equilibrium, the most serious devastating thought that occupied her mind, was the realization she had in reality lost control of her primary maternal duty during this episode. She again realized she could have involuntarily let go of Maia, and who knows what harm could have come of it as a result.

Consequently, as she was placing baby Maia down to sleep in her portable bed, the first words out of Vivian’s mouth were, “Sorry about that. I’m afraid I lost it. Thank God I was able to hold on to Maia or I might have dropped her.”

Eino was truly concerned, so he asked, “Is something the matter to cause you to act like this? Can I be of any help?”

“Oh no! I just had a silly notion in my head that caused me to giggle and lose my concentration in breast feeding Maia. I think, though that the next time I breast feed Maia, I’m going to have to sit in the center of the bed, with my back against the headboard. Then, if I do accidentally let go of her, she should only fall onto my lap or onto the bed.”

Eino smiled as her utterance supported his belief that, notwithstanding, her probable universal condemnation of her sexual profligate lifestyle Vivian was a remarkable and responsible woman. So, he replied in a serious vein, but he couldn’t hide his ebullience in knowing her, “Yes, Vivian you’re a great mother, and Maia’s safety is the most important thing. I think your suggestion is definitely pragmatic, as it will allow us to indulge in our passion without fear of endangering your precious daughter.”

Those words warmed Vivian’s heart. Eino’s demonstrative concern for her feelings and outlook was not something she was accustomed to hearing from her past lovers. Her mind then recalled, that this was especially true of her main two past lovers, the business magnate Jed Baxter, and her husband Sam Crawford. In the former case, she had an almost three-year affair with him, as he obviously enjoyed her company not to mention their sexual activity. However, in carrying on the affair he was committing adultery as his wife was frigid despite the fact that they had produced two children of the marriage. Since sex with his wife was unpleasant, Jed had free rein to look elsewhere for sexual satisfaction with the explicit understanding of his wife’s acquiescence if not blessing.

As a result, the focus of their affair was what would give Jed pleasure the most. What would give Vivian pleasure was not a concern of his. It was self-evident that since Jed Baxter was an international celebrity, not just in the United States, and never mind being the most prominent man in Chicago. On the other hand, Vivian, albeit attaining the laudable societal status as an attorney at law, but as a farmer’s daughter was simply not in his league. Vivian accepted this realistic acknowledgment of their relationship, and since the sex was great, she was initially content with their arrangement. However, she knew she wanted something more from their affair. If he was not going to leave his wife, and if he didn’t want to cohabit with her, and even if he didn’t want to acknowledge her publicly as his exclusive mistress, still at least she could become pregnant by him.

Now in conjunction with formulating such desire, Vivian did not have an ulterior motive in forcing him to leave his wife. Nor did she want the publicity nor demand outrageous child support as a result. No, the simple answer was that she wanted to become a mother, and being a single mother held no horrors for her, since her sister, Erica, had already set that paradigm for their family. Although Erica had subsequently married a second time, she had been prepared to remain a single mother and cope with that reality and was succeeding in the process. Mind you, in the back of Vivian’s mind, the most attractive feature of becoming pregnant by Jed, was the undeniable fact that per force she was just not one of the run-of-the-mill bimbos he was fucking because his wife would not put out for him. She would have status, maybe not significantly materially, still she would have to be included in his biography.

However, despite such a modest goal by Vivian, for the desirable eventual outcome of her affair with Jed Baxter, it turned out that it was not to be. His wife, Felicia, in a desperate appeal to end their affair revealed to Vivian that he had undergone a vasectomy to forestall future illegitimate children or blackmail from predatory females. And that was the reason she had been unsuccessful in becoming pregnant despite nearly three years of engaging in sex without utilizing any form of birth control.

As that was in effect, the removal of the only real rational impetus for Vivian to continue fucking Jed, she reluctantly decided to stop the relationship. That he had never thought enough about their affair to divulge such an important fact, spoke volumes about whose sex life was of the most paramount concern as far as he was concerned. At the invitation of Felicia, Vivian attended a party at the Baxter mansion whereupon she met Sam Crawford, the CFO of Baxter & Sons, and who went on to become her husband.

Sam Crawford was ten years Vivian’s senior and had come to believe himself to be a confirmed bachelor. It was not that he was philosophically opposed to the institution of marriage per se; it was just that he had not encountered a desirable woman of whom he would be willing to contemplate marrying. Although not particularly religious, nor puritan in sexual mores, still he viewed marriage as a truly lifelong commitment which vows of fidelity were to be taken as sacrosanct. As a result, his bar for the desirable lifelong companion was set high. It was not that he desired a perfect wife as no such creature exists. He did not demand a drop dead gorgeous good-looking woman either, since in his view, those as a general rule tend to be vacuous, and not even good in bed. The two adjectives that would best fit the kind of woman that would fulfill Sam’s desires in a wife would be ‘urbane’ and ‘intelligent’. Along with that she must also be witty, good-natured and absolutely fun to be with. Alas for Sam, every woman he had met and subsequently bedded, he found lacking in various degrees as to the quality of woman he desired. But Vivian Laaning was the one true exception. She possessed all the female qualities he desired in a woman.

Sam would concede that Vivian could not be counted on as belonging to the group of the prettiest of women roaming on this planet. Her physical appearance, though, had a special unique feminine quality which had a tremendous alluring appeal to him. He couldn’t put his finger on what was physically attractive about her, but he likened his enthrallment of Vivian, when he first set eyes on her, to the same enchantment Odysseus must have felt when hearing the seductive sirens’ song. Later on, Sam had subsequently advised Vivian of this instinctual attraction he had towards her. Subsequently, when Sam had died in prison, she sensed the macabre irony in his perceived mythical analogy. Odysseus had himself tied to the mast of his sailing ship so that he could not go to the sirens upon hearing their seductive song, and thereby avoiding his sudden demise. Sam on the other hand surrendered to her seductive allure and married her.

In any case, Sam was also not intimidated by Vivian’s lusty sexual nature. He considered those men who sought chaste women to marry, who would be super sexual, exclusively with them were unrealistic. In Sam’s viewpoint, women who are chaste, are chaste for personal reasons being it religious or otherwise. Thus, it is unreasonable to expect them to turn their characteristic sexual proclivities upside down for one man exclusively. Having great sex is a major factor to achieve a happy marriage. It would be foolish to spurn a sexual woman simply because of a very active past sexual history.

Soon after meeting her, Sam realized he wanted to marry Vivian no matter what. However, like a person wanting to pinch himself to ensure he was not having a happy dream as opposed to being awake to a real-life experience, he devised a test for Vivian. He framed his marriage proposal in an email in the form of a written numerical cryptogram providing only obscure clues to decipher. Vivian did indeed succeed in deciphering the proposal, and so she wrote back in the same cryptic form, not only accepting the proposal but also announcing her pregnancy. Accordingly, they were married within six months after first learning of each other’s existence.

Unfortunately, despite such a promising whirlwind start of her marriage to Sam, it all quickly turned to ashes. He was arrested within two hours of the conclusion of the wedding ceremony, for embezzling substantial sums of money from his employer, Baxter & Sons, over a period of a dozen years. To further compound Vivian’s misery, her short marriage ended a mere four days after the wedding, with the murder of her husband in prison, by a deranged, obviously dangerous cell mate. The only silver lining of her brief marriage, apart from the birth of her daughter, Maia, was that Vivian was able to recover and convert to her own personal use the balance of the embezzled funds that had not been uncovered or discovered by the FBI and the other legal authorities, during the lawful prosecution proceedings against Sam Crawford.

All in all, there were certain similarities, between Eino Tarvas and her two most prominent lovers in her past. Vivian could sense that Eino, like Jed and Sam found her absolutely attractive, even alluring. This was curiously contrary to the universal negative regard of the lack of outstanding pulchritude on her part. It wasn’t that she was considered unattractive, as her extensive sexual history would attest to a successfully seductive sex appeal. She never had a problem attracting a sex partner, male or female. The point was that her looks were not considered noteworthy enough to inspire an instant and overwhelming desire to have sex with her, or to prompt one to move heaven and earth to achieve such an instant desire.

The case with Jed, Sam and now Eino was different. In fact, from the very first meeting Vivian had with each of them, she could discern that each one of them was smitten with her beyond what could be reasonably extrapolated from the cliché of ‘love at first sight’. As already indicated, she had had a plethora of other fuck buddies, both males as well as females, in the past. But in each such instance it was really a case of indulging in assuaging the tension of compelling sexual urges of the moment, as opposed to a satisfying, all-encompassing affectionate love infatuation.

In other words, most of Vivian’s past sexual dalliances resulted from doing what comes naturally depending on the circumstances. That was certainly the case with the lesbian sex she had with her sister, Erica. There was no romantic love involved between them, as neither one of them had the expectation that their sexual activity would lead to anything significant. They both viewed their sexual activity simply as a pleasurable thing to do in lieu of masturbation.

As it turned out, even in the case of her very first most serious love affair, a lesbian relationship with her high school History and English teacher, there was no real chance of a future romantic involvement. Now the teacher, Erin Falconbridge, might have evinced a genuine loving romantic love regard for Vivian. Still, given the isolated location wherein there was not much opportunity to explore a gay lifestyle, for Ms. Falconbridge, Vivian must have been, in essence, an ‘any port in a storm’ situation. As for Vivian, at the tender age of eighteen years of age, she was merely in the initial stages of exploring her sexuality and was not prepared yet to contemplate her sexual future.

Thus, in her own personal assessment of all of her extensive sexual activity with the exception of Jed, Sam and now possibly with Eino, Vivian realized there was nothing of meaningful value to be attached to having had such experience. Certainly, she elicited terrific sexual pleasure from all of the sex she had engaged in, but in truth those occasions of unbridled joy were merely ephemeral in the general scheme of her overall presence in this world. She had come to the conclusion that all of her sex with the other men and her lesbian sex, as well, were moments where she was simply marking time in between the time where she was concentrating on following her true destiny in life. So, without a doubt those three men were the only ones who had any real influence on what she would do with her life, notwithstanding her predetermined goals and aspirations.

In the case of Jed Baxter, although in essence their affair did not go anywhere, still by her association with him, Vivian was introduced to a higher level of society from whence she originated as a humble farmer’s daughter. Her position as an associate attorney with one of the most prestigious law firms in Chicago, removed any doubt others might perceive, that she did not really fit in his company. In fact, Vivian learned that she was the only woman, other than his wife, who had ever been publicly witnessed together with Jed as his companion to some innocuous public events. The experience with Jed made her super confident. She believed she could handle any crisis facing her, and not fall into despair.

Her association with Jed indirectly led her to meet Sam Crawford, who was responsible for the first major turning point in her life. That he married her and was the father of her child, by definition made him important in her life. However, the fact that he was arrested right after the wedding ceremony and murdered four days later, consequently led to the complete overturning of her life, which up to then had been a successful culmination of her lifelong dreams and aspirations. Instead, because she had the temerity to legally represent Sam without consulting her employing law firm, she was summarily fired two days after his death. The reason given for her employment termination was that since Jed Baxter and his business conglomerate, Baxter & Sons, were the most important clients of the law firm, no lawyer in the firm could represent Sam in view of the obvious conflict of interest. Vivian understood that an underlining reason for her firing had to be the fact, that since she had married the man who had embezzled millions of dollars from Baxter & Sons, it would be intolerable and foolish for the firm to keep her on their payroll in light of the importance of retaining Baxter & Sons as an ongoing client.

Her misery in enduring the calamity of these events was alleviated by her recovery of substantial sums of movies hidden by her husband in bank accountants in Switzerland and Monaco. He had skillfully secreted this money in such a manner that the investigating US authorities had been unable to detect their existence. By executing the proper documents before his death, Vivian was successful in attending at these European banks, and converting the cash assets to her own personal use. This made her financial independent, which term, of course, is a synonym for filthy rich.

As a result of this turn of events, Vivian had the luxury of taking a break from her heretofore relentless pace of becoming a successful lawyer, plus being a successful mother. She had aspired to becoming the super woman, a goal and ambition that seemed to be demanded of the truly esteemed women of substance in the current society of the United States. Her DNA makeup and upbringing, abhorred idleness, and she knew she would soon have to make some serious decisions about what to do with her future. Nevertheless, this sudden coming into a fortune, albeit they were ill gotten gains, but at least not of her own making, thus acquitting her of any personal guilt, was the first moment in her entire life where she did not have to concern herself with the mundane task of ensuring financial survival.

This freedom of stress from money concerns was definitely a heady experience, which she could not appreciate enough. It made her carefree, and generous as evidenced by her spur of the moment decision to advance a substantial sum of money to Eino Tarvas. Vivian had absolutely no ulterior motive for this largess, showing no interest as to repayment or even indicating any expectation of recompense. In her own mind, it was simply a case of enjoying Eino’s company, and he needed the money to expand his farm. She was in a position to help him, and so she did, end of story.

Mind you, Vivian was not that naïve to accept at face value that reasoning. She knew that there had to be a more significant reason for her action, but surprisingly she had no desire to delve into it any further.

Perhaps, as she had subsequently told Eino, she had in mind the example of Jed’s loan to her sister for the start-up of her sister’s restaurant and night club in Chicago, which exceeded the money she advanced to Eino. In any case, the most enjoyable circumstance of her tryst with Eino was the fact that she was richer than him, so that she could be generous to him for loving her. And she knew that he loved her, as certainly she knew that the sun would rise from the east the next morning. And she came to that belief despite their very brief to date acquaintanceship. She even formed that belief before she offered him the money, negating the notion that his perceived love for her were motivated by monetary considerations.

All of her previous fuck buddies, with the already noted exceptions of Jed and Sam, did not love her. Yes, they loved fucking her, but otherwise, did not genuinely love her romantically in the manner which the sensuous poets would rave about true romantic love. Some of her fuck buddies even felt disdain for her, because of her acknowledged sluttish and whore-like behavior. Incidentally, that reality in some straight men was a notion beyond Vivian’s comprehension. As she saw it, any straight man who would make a sexual advance on a woman, presumably genuinely desires to have sex with her. Then if she complies and he scores with her, why does he then hold her in contempt for her acceding to presumably his wishes?

Vivian’s belief that Eino loved her was based on many factors, but mainly on instinct as to how he reacted with her. Right from the moment they met, she could discern the look of loving regard he displayed to her. In their initial farming discussions, she could see he was evaluating her opinions very seriously, as opposed to dismissing her as knowing nothing about dairy farming. True she was introduced to him as a daughter of a dairy farmer, who had Estonian roots, but such awareness, she suspected would not hold much sway for a concession of equality amongst many male sexist Estonian farmers.

During this evening, when she advised him about the sexual significance of her tattoos and her body adornments, she could sense that he was not disgusted nor even dismayed by her explanations. If anything, she could discern a sense of envy in his demeanor. Her sister, Erica had always chided her for acquiring those tattoos indicating that not too many men could tolerate being reminded so brazenly of her past sexual history whenever she was naked with them.

Vivian was always of the opinion, that if a man could not get past her previous sexual history, he can’t by definition be worth her while. In her view a real man would find her past sexual history to have no relevance to their mutual history except to confirm that she was a very sexual woman. So, it would be up to him to prove that he was up to the challenge of satisfying her enough that she would be a one man woman to him. Vivian reveled in her puns.

Given the circumstances, Vivian realized that this dalliance with Eino Tarvas was likely to result in a mere one night stand occasion. Of course, their one night stand would likely consist of three nights fucking, before they were destined to depart in their separate ways forever. However, given that she was now financially independent, a long distant, cross Atlantic Ocean love affair was feasible, and such at this point in time was most desirable to Vivian. Thus, to bring about such a happy happenstance, and assuming Eino’s love for her as a given, Vivian realized that it behooved her to demonstrate that her regard for him was likewise as compelling.

Accordingly, after baby Maia was established snug in her portable bed, and in response to Eino’s agreement on the method of future cunnilingus while breastfeeding, Vivian cooed, “Oh, my sweet darling Eino. You really made my toes curl. Why don’t you get onto the bed and lie flat on your back? Don’t do anything, please. Let me do all the loving for this time.”

In compliance, Eino Tarvas did exactly as requested. He got on the bed and laid spread-eagled on his back. Vivian got onto the bed to lay on her side along his left thigh and calf. Her head was then in position to suck on his cock for her intended fellatio. In this position Eino was precluded from converting the fellatio into a mutual sixty-nine oral sex activity. Her message was loud and clear. He was to do nothing but just enjoy.

With her left hand curled over his left thigh, around his penis, she was simply caressing his sac to provoke a pleasant sensation. With her right hand she stroked his shaft sufficiently to bring it to an effective aroused state. Then she directed his cock into her mouth to proceed into a full deep throat plunge. Once she had his entire shaft in her mouth, she held it in place for a significant amount of time, to produce a fully aroused penis. Then she methodically caused the extraction of his swollen member from her oral cavity, after which she pronounced in verse:

“Oh what a wondrous penis
What a magnificent phallus
Your cock in my mouth is so delicious
Eino please cum soon so I can taste you”

Thereupon, with her right hand, Vivian stuffed Eino’s cock back into her mouth for another deep throat plunge. While his cock was in her mouth, Vivian caused her tongue to continue to swirl around his member. This in turn caused Eino to moan, mostly in ecstasy, but also partially in agony at Vivian’s torturous oral sex technique. After Vivian released Eino’s cock from her mouth, she once again pronounced in verse:

“My! My! My Eino
Once again, your cock is in my mouth
You’ve become so big! Ready to explode
Eino please cum soon so I can taste you”

This time, Vivian only inserted the cock head into her mouth. This allowed her to tongue the sensitive bare skin of his helmet like cock head. Once again Eino was moaning, clearly demonstrating the exquisite pleasures Vivian was providing with her oral administrations. To fully indicate to him the sexual pleasures which she was experiencing, Vivian subsequently caused his shaft to rub against the skin of her facial cheeks, and she was purring as a result.

Then she launched into a new four-line verse:

“That wonderful penis
How great it feels as I caress it
I want it! I want it!
Eino please cum soon so I can taste you”

This time Vivian bobbed twice up and down on his fully fledged, engorged cock. At this juncture she had been vigorously stroking his cock when it was not in her mouth, but at the same time when his cock was in her mouth, she was experiencing an erotic reaction which in turn was causing her to perspire copiously. So, at this point in time Vivian was in an uncomfortable, physical mess as a result of her sexual excitement. Despite such sexual discomfort, Vivian was still able to utter the following in verse:

“Oh fuck! Oh my!
Eino you’re the king of fucking for sure
How can any woman resist?
Eino please cum soon so I can taste you”

After that last exhortation, Vivian reinserted Eino’s cock into her mouth and commenced an uninterrupted oral sequence of bobbing up and down along his shaft. This new action produced the sexual reaction which she desired and was seeking. He spurted out a copious amount of his warm salty sperm into her hungry mouth. Ever the trooper, Vivian slurped and swallowed his cum as fast as it came.

Once he had finished ejaculating, Vivian allowed his instantly wilting cock to slip out of her mouth. Once his cock had escaped the confines of her oral cavity, she burped; an audible lady-like burp to be sure, but still very pronounced in its pitch. She giggled in reaction and looked up to him sporting a very wicked smile. Once she discerned direct eye contact, she affected a saucy wink. Then she scrambled on to her knees to face him. She forged ahead to position herself upright in front of the supine Estonian farmer.

Having completed her movement, she presented her twat directly onto to his face, for some muff diving action. As his tongue automatically made contact with her labia, she said, “I thought I should treat you to a taste of me. I believe you’ll find me quite juicy!”
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