Vivid Dreams II


The next morning:
Faith woke with her son molded to her, and in her bed. They where both naked as the day they were born. Faiths pussy had sensations that she hadn’t felt in years. In a word, ‘Satisfied!’
She snuggled into her son’s arms tighter remembering the activities of the night before. She had successfully seduced her son. It was something that she had never intended to do until the previous night before.
Her son had somehow taken advantage of her in the preceding nights. For almost five weeks she had been on Chantix, she had been having very vivid, sexual dreams of a mysterious faceless dream lover.
Just the night before last, she found out that her own son, Chris himself had BEEN the mysterious dream lover. Unknown to her for some reason she seemed not to be unsettled about it.
At first, she worried that it could be a wedge between them, so she set out to seduce him that night. She feared that if she didn’t do something, her life with her only child, her son would become so awkward, that they would not be able to live with each other. So, she gladly gave herself to him, her one and only son.
She was happy that her son was a great lover too. She had cum many times in her vivid dreams she had. She could remember most of them but last night was phenomenal.
Her young son took her for almost a half hour before he shot his first load into her sopping pussy.
Afterword she though he would be done, but he carried her, (unexpectedly) upstairs and to her bed. Where, he again began to seduce her yet again.
She was astonished when he started by putting his face between her legs and kissing her soft thighs. He worked his way to her pussy and began to lick up and down her slit.
He had just emptied his balls into her and Faith couldn’t believe what was happening. One, he was eating her just after he came inside her, and two he didn’t stop after he came.
Faith had come with his orgasm and was more then stated, yet she wouldn’t turn down another great orgasm if it were offered.
Chris didn’t let his mother slow him down as he continued to taste her sex. She was delicious. His own mother tasted better than any meal he had ever eaten. He finally found her little nub, (Witch wasn’t that little.) and began to suck on it with passion.
Chris could now hear his mother’s cries as orgasms began to fill her body and shoot out her mouth with her own son’s tongue.
He backed off only after his cock had completely recovered and then he impaled his own mother yet again.
He was in her bed, taking his mother. He was fucking the same hole he had been in at birth. It was surreal as he continued to fuck in and out of his own true mother.
Faith felt his cock enter her again after he stopped eating her pussy. She had probably four orgasms with just his tongue. She again felt him fill her with his wonderful cock. So, she let him fuck her again.
That was the night before. Know they where lovers. Chris had never had a girlfriend. He had always been to shy to ask a girl out. He had a part time job, and was going to go to the local collage near the house.
Faith knew that all would be ok now. Now that her son had taken her, made her his lover. She made sure he knew that she would be available for him anytime he wanted her. But had no idea, of how much a horny teen would want his mate!
Faith got up and fixed breakfast for her son/lover. She had finished and waited for him to appear.
She smiled as he made his way, already dressed to the table. He walked by her nice breakfast and went straight to Faith; he kissed her good and lovingly. It was a good several seconds before he barely broke the kiss when he spoke, “Faith, you look beautiful in the mornings.”
Faith couldn’t help but smile at him.
“Thank you for breakfast this morning. Mom.” He continued.
Her smile got even bigger.
“Mostly thank you for last night. I love you.”
“I love you too Chris. Set down and eat your breakfast.” Faith answered and was having a hard time not dragging him upstairs to her room again. For a teenage boy, he was a hunk. Faith knew he was hot, and if she didn’t her pussy sure did, as it started to get wet again just holding him.
While Chris was enjoying his breakfast that Faith had cooked, she noticed him gazing at her fondly. This caused her to feel really sexy and wanted. But what happened next surprised her even more.
“Mom?” Chris asked. “Or Faith, either one.” He clarified.
His mom turned to him with a smile.
“Don’t cook tonight. Let me take you out, let me take you somewhere nice?” He asked.
Faith knew, though his words sounded more of a statement than a question that he had just asked her out on a date. But she had to be sure of his intentions. “Chris? Which one of us are you asking out? Your mom, or Faith?”
“Mom,” he started. “I have reservations at a very nice restaurant in town. So, I need you to dress elegantly. As far as I am concerned, it wouldn’t matter witch one of you I was with. As long as I get to see you in a nice dress, I would be on top of the world.” He didn’t stop there though. “I have more plans after our meal. Reservations are at 5:30 pm tonight. Like I said dress nice.”
After finishing her really great breakfast, Chris smiled at his mother and was just about to leave. He stopped, turned and walked back to his mother and gave her a quick peck on the lips. “Mom I love you.” he said. Then kissed her passionately. He plundered her mouth with his tongue and could feel her become a bit wobbly on her feet. Then he broke the kiss and said. “Faith, I love you too.” Then he turned and left.
Faith wandered if she could be able to make it to the chair before her legs would give out. She had intended to seduce her son, so that they could continue to coexist. But what she was finding was something much more. Chris, just swept her off her feet. Her heart was aglow with love for her son.
She really didn’t know what to do about this. she got on line and looked up information about incestuous mother son relationships.
Faith often read stories mostly romance stories on line and she enjoyed several of the stories and masturbated to some of the more sexual stories too.
Faith decided to enter a search for mother son incest. On her favorite story sight She was aghast at all the stories that pulled up. Several dozen stories showed up on screen and there where more pages to access too.
She only had a few hours before her beloved Chris would be home. She was going out with him tonight and though she needed to be ready for her first date with her son. She didn’t have to prepare dinner.
Faith picked the story. ‘Making out with mom.’ (chunks) and began to read. After a wonderful story Literotica suggested several similar stories. She checked the time and chose ‘Is It Incest if I didn’t Know.’ (lbenton)
Each time Faith found were the mother and son had found love, she had to stop herself from misting up. Then because she had time for one more she picked ‘Spring Break Wife.’ (MajorRewright) there she wanted to celebrate their love and laughed at his mother’s final words. “Careful planning.”
Faith wanted to read more, but was running out of time. She was now going to have to rush a bit. She ran into the shower and got herself cleaned up. She shaved her legs and underarms. Then she even shaved her pussy too. Chris seemed to love eating her pussy so she figured this might make it a bit better. After that she blew dry her hair.
Next, she chose a thong and debated rather or not to wear a bra or not. She had chosen a midnight blue dress that hung to her knees. It was tastefully low cut without being obvious. It showed her curves more threw the fabric than it did her skin.
She chose to ware a bra as she had to try the dress both braless and with a bra. Without the bra on her nipples stuck out way too much in the dress. She really didn’t want to entertain a restaurant full of men with her nipples so she put on a nice soft bra that still let her breasts keep their own natural shape.
Faith stood in front of the full-length mirror after doing her makeup. She had to admit, she was hot for a forty-two-year-old woman. But what would make her hotter would be, stiletto heals and stockings. After dawning them she smiled at herself with only seconds before her son/lover would be arriving at the door.

The date:
“Ding, Dong.” Chimed the doorbell.
Faith seemed confused as she had just heard her son’s Pickup truck pull into the driveway. She went to the door and opened it. The second she saw her wonderful son she became speechless.
He stood on the front porch in a very nice two-piece suit. His hair was cut recent and he appeared freshly shaven. His Calonne lingered in the air to were faith could smell it. She cursed herself as she had not thought of perfume herself. Chris also had a bouquet of flowers in his arms for his date/mother.
“You look Beautiful, Faith.” He said smiling.
“Thank you.” She returned, “You look really great yourself.”
Chris smiled as she looked at him.
Faith felt herself start to mist up. She had raised a beautiful young man, and here he was taking his own mother out on their first date. She smiled took the flowers and kissed him in a way that told him, that this date would not end on their feet.
Faith quickly put the flowers on the table, grabbed her hand bag, took out her perfume bottle and sprayed her neck and cleavage quickly fixing her earlier mistake, then made her way back to the door.
Chris then offered her an arm and walked her to his pickup truck which faith noticed was just washed. When Chris opened her door for her, she could see it was cleaned inside and very nicely too.
Chris made good money when he worked, but he only worked part time at a chemical plant. It was a paid internship that he was awarded in collage because of his 3.98 GPA. The second highest in his class of 149 students. There were only two companies that paid their interns. Chris was honored to be able to get on with one of them. To top it off, they had already offered Chris a permeate position, providing he maintained a GPA of 3.5 or better and graduated.
Faith felt like a queen right then as he helped her into the tall pickup truck. She sat and started to buckle her seatbelt wile he walked around to get in but stopped.
After Chris got in and buckled his seatbelt, Faith slid over to her son/lover and belted herself in with the center seatbelt.
Chris started the large pickup truck and put it in reverse and backed out the drive wandering if he could pay enough attention to the road with his mother setting so close and leaning into him like she was.
After he dropped the pickup into drive, he navigated to the main road and off to the restaurant he had planned to take his girl.
As he drove, he placed his right hand on her leg, just above her knee.
Faith smiled at the contact and hoped he would raise his hand even higher to her thigh. She wasn’t disappointed, and her pussy twitched as his hand slowly moved to her thigh. As much as Faith wanted this date, she also wanted her desert.
She had never sucked Chris’s cock yet. She wanted to taste his cum in her mouth. She had swallowed her ex-husband’s cum just a few times, and started to get used to it. She started to do it to try to save their marriage. But it was too little too late. He had already had a woman on the side and went to her.
As Chris pulled up to the front of the restaurant Faith was stunned. She had always wanted to go out to Emerald Lagasse’s 5-star restaurant “Emeralds New Orleans.”
He parked the pickup right in front of the restaurant, jumped out and ran around the pickup to open her door for her.
Faith shimmied across the seat and out the door taking Chris’s hand to catch her if she slipped.
Chris kissed her quickly and unexpectedly then he said. “I will park the car. The reservations are under Chris Bolton.”
Faith was still stunned but knew he wanted her to get the table for them wile he parked the pickup. Faith wandered what was keeping her from falling as she walked into the restaurant on wobbly legs. She had only dreamed of ever being here. This restaurant has a plate price of over a hundred dollars a plate, some over two hundred dollars.
She was glad she wore her nicest dress, when she walked into the restaurant and told the maître d that she had reservations under the name “Chris, Bolten.”
He quickly smiled and told her that her table was ready and escorted her to a very nice secluded table. It was quiet, with romantic lighting and an oil lamp lit in the middle of the table.
The maître D pulled her chair out for her to set, witch she did and helped her adjust it. Then he walked around and handed her a special menu. After opening it and looking at it with great interest, she noticed there where no prices anywhere on the menu.
Chris came in and was escorted to his date. He sat only after kissing her on the cheek first. He looked at her face and knew he had done good. She was glowing with joy and happiness. So, he reached across the table and took her hand with a smile.
Just then before he could say anything the waiter asked. “May I start you off with a cocktail?”
Chris opened the wine list quickly and pointed to a bottle of white wine.
The waiter knowing the wine was a great wine for fish and chicken commented on his good taste and then said, “I will have to see your identification though sr.”
His mother knew Louisiana law and pulled her I.D out and showed it to him.
“Very good Madam.” The waiter replied and walked away to get the bottle of wine.
“Thank you, Faith.” Chris said with a smile.
Faith knew that as long as she handed him the wine, he could drink it in the restaurant being under twenty-one. But the waiter could Not serve it to him. She knew he wouldn’t drink too much to drive home. If he did, she could always drive home herself.
The appetizers where divine, the entrée was out of the world good and they were both astonished how much food was served. They stuffed themselves.
When offered dessert, they both declined. Faith for one still wanted to make love to her date tonight, and hoped Chris wanted the same thing.
After paying the bill with cash that Chris had in his wallet. He rose and escorted his date to the pickup. He thought that the walk to the truck would be good for them both to help them digest the wonderful meal.
His mother held onto his arm tightly and leaned against him heavily too. She had just had the meal of a lifetime, with a man, yes, a MAN that she was falling head over heels in love with fast.
She wandered why he would take her out to such a nice meal and woo her into wanting him like she was. She had just a few days ago promised him that she would forever be there for him to relieve himself with and enjoy. Why would he be wooing her like he was today. NOT that she was complaining. But she wanted to know why.
Chris helped her into his clean pickup truck and again she slid across the bench seat so that she could snuggle to her son.
Faith didn’t know why it didn’t bother her, that she might be seen by someone they knew. With her leaning on her son like she was it was obviously wrong. But neither she or Chris paid any mind who saw them.
Faith pulled the drivers door latch for her date and pushed the door open for him to get in. He smiled and thanked her for unlocking and opening the door.
When he slid into the pickup truck, Faith didn’t let him start the truck. She turned him and kissed him deeply. They were parked in a paid parking aria, and Faith didn’t care who looked in as she ravished her own son’s mouth.
Faith’s own son’s tongue began a Merengue of love with her tongue, as they danced in each other’s mouth. He tasted as good as he looked and smelt. She didn’t recognize the cologne he was wearing, yet she found it intoxicating. She wandered if she had bought it for him.
It was Chris that broke the kiss, and Faith was bumfuzzled when he said. “We don’t want to be late.”
“Where are we going Chris?” she asked.
“Somewhere that I can show you off in that beautiful dress!” was his stern reply.
Faith’s pussy just gushed with his complement. He hadn’t said much about the dress, or she didn’t hear him anyway. But then at the door, she remembered his look of loss as she took the flowers form him. He never did take the gaze off her as she put them on the dining table. ‘Was he smitten?’ she asked herself. ‘Smitten by his own mother?’
She leaned against him heavily with her kind hearted thought. Though she really didn’t care where they were going, she just wanted to be with him.
He pulled into a live theater. Where they walked in and he told them his name. The ticket master gave him two box seats tickets to the play ‘Bad Dates’. It was written by Theresa Rebeck.
He took his own mother hand in hand to their seats after getting a glass of wine for her.
Though most of the people in general seating where dressed in nice casual attire. The people in box seating where all in fine formal ware. Faith fit right in with her dress and the fact that her son had +aeon a coat and tie too.
The play was about a single woman that wanted to start dating again after a bad breakup. So, she went out on several dates only to find in the end that the man of her dreams was right in front of her. A man to shy to ask her out, but still a good friend.
Chris thought the theme of the play was perfect. There was some comedy, where Faith and him laughed. There where some heart ache too where they both had to hold back tears. In the end when she protagonist found her true love Faith clutched Chris like he was the only thing on earth that would keep her form floating away.
Chris enjoyed the time with his mother and knew somehow that there were tears threating to come out of her. They walked back to the pickup where again he opened the passenger door and helped her in. Faith slid over to the middle of the seat and opened his door for him again.
Chris got in this time and dove on his mother’s mouth. No subtle give and take. He took. He took all Faith; his own mother would give. He took everything she could offer.
“Oh Chriss,” she moaned as he moved his mouth from hers to her neck, kissing down her to her collar bone. She felt his strong arms and back as she was being subdued by lust and love too. She wanted him, she wanted him now. But not here.
It took everything Faith had to break the kiss and deliberately push him away. Then with pure animal lust and passion in her eyes she said. “Get us home fast…”
Chris smiled a sinister smile wile shaking his head in the negative. “No Faith, we won’t be going home today.”
Faith took in an alarming breath and looked again into her son’s deep blue eyes. It calmed her as she wandered what he had planned for her now.

More surprises.

Three blocks form the theater was a very nice motel. He pulled up and got out grabbing the two small bags he had stashed behind the bench seat. Then he hurried around the pickup to open his mother’s door but he was too late as a Stewart had already opened the door for her. Then another relived him of his luggage, and asked “Do you have reservations?”
“Yes, Bolton.” Chris replied, as another man took Chris’s pickup keys to Valet the car.
“I will take these to your room for you Mr. Bolton.” The man that took his bags said wile pointing to the check in counter.
As Chris and his mother waked to the counter, the lady said. “Good evening Mr. Bolton. I hope you are having a good night.”
Faith smiled with Chris as he said. “I am having one of the best nights of my life.” With a smile unmatched by anyone or anything.
Faith wanted to turn and look at him at that moment, as she had the same thought herself when she realized that she still had a death grip on him that had to have been uncomfortable.
Thinking that he would need to maneuver to check into the room, reluctantly, she began to loosen her grip on her own son, he took her hand with his and held it firm letting her know he liked her holding him like she was.
They checked in, got their card key and where led to there sweet upstairs.
Faith noted that there where no talks about money, even when Chris gave her the credit card. She didn’t mention price or deposit or anything.
Really faith didn’t care either. She was just a few yards form where she had planned to be very well fucked by her son/lover.
She had no reservations, no skirmishes or arguments with herself. As the strange man opened the door and showed them the wet bar, pre stocked with almost every sort of alcohol one could obtain. Faith only looked at the bed and wandered how fast she would be on it naked with her son.
As it turned out NO time at all.
After Chris properly tipped the man, he went straight for his mother. She was still in her dress and off her feet in his arms in a matter of seconds after the door closed.
Chris swung her around and maneuvered her so that her legs found their way locked around his waist. Their lips met in a fiery passion that neither of them had ever felt.
Chris made his way to the bed and began to take the beautiful dress of his mother. He was trying to be careful as his mother looked fabulous in it and he wanted to see her in it again. His lust and wanting of his mother kept getting in the way of him being all that carful though.
Faith didn’t care. She didn’t care if he cut the dress off with a butter knife. She wanted it off and wanted him undressed, in between her legs and inside her. She could NOT remember ever wanting a man like she did then. She wanted him so much she didn’t know if she could speak.
Finally, the dress fell to the floor, and Chris found she had no panties on. He groaned at the thought of her going sans panties all night long.
Faith could feel her juices running down her legs as she heard the groan of her son/lover as he saw her underwear was not there. She had debated with herself for a long-time weather to wear them or not. Right then she was glad she took them off in the restaurant just before they left.
Her breasts sagged too much to go without a bra, not to mention she didn’t want her nipples sticking out like they did. When he saw her uncovered freshly shaved pussy, the smile and lust generated by his eyes, heart and lips, told her that she was going to be rewarded and he was going to give it to her but good.
It only took seconds for his clothes to fall to the floor. Then he crawled onto the bed and began to kiss her some more. He started with her mouth, then her neck. Her bra disappeared and he Then kissed down her front to her breasts.
Faith knew form all the time her dream lover had played with her tits that he liked them. She was very self-conscious of them but her dream lover plaid with them so mercilessly, that she had woken several times with red swollen nipples.
He sucked on one of them and groped the other one. Then he would switch. Then he kissed down her torso he kissed her belly and her belly button sticking his tongue into it and sending yet more thrilling sensations into her. Then he found her Balled pubic mound. He kissed it and then her legs leaving the best part for last.
Faith felt frustrated that he didn’t go to her pussy. She could sure use a quick orgasm right then, but she was being denied.
He began kissing her legs, working his way onto the soft flesh of her thighs. He slid his tongue up and down them and within millimeters of her sopping wet pussy.
Faith couldn’t take it any longer. She needed to orgasm, and she needed it NOW. She reached for his head and brought his mouth to her pussy. She then held it there feeling his tongue work on her.
“Chris!!” she screamed as she felt him find the magical place that few men knew existed on her that had always made her cum. She felt more lubricant escape her than ever before as she called out his name a second time, as she felt yet another orgasm takes her. “Chris!! oh god Chris!” and then the hat trick came in a pounding gush of pleasure swept over her that she had never expected. She couldn’t call out his name on the third one as she was rendered speechless and almost passed out, as her body went limp.
Chris feeling her body go limp like it did, panicked. “MOM, mom, are you ok?” He cried.
It took everything faith had to open her eyes and answer him with a nod. She couldn’t speak right then. She was still feeling the massive orgasm slowly dissipating inside her. She had never held an experience like he had just gave her. How on earth was she to return the favor of this? she asked herself. She was a middle age woman. Chris was her teenage son. Yet he has given her something she never new existed.
Faith managed to wrap her arms around Chris to let him know she would be fine. But it took several moments before she could even speak again.
“God Chris, I have never had something like that.” She finally got out. She wondered how he did that, where he learned to do that. But she refused to ask.
As soon as she was able to move again. She put Chris on his back. She sucked his cock for a good three to five minutes until he jaws was sore. She could feel him holding back. He wanted her pussy, and she knew it, a mother knows these things.
She had him on his back already, so she held him in place and mounted him this time. She slid his cock into her and began to grind her pussy all over him. This was something she never really liked. She liked it when the man would take her. But in this position, it is hard for a man to move. She had to do all the work. That is what she wanted to do for her son/lover.
As she ground her cunt on him, she could feel him begin to grow even harder. ‘yes, she thought. Now for the pestle la resistance.’
“Chris?” she asked as she continued grinding on him, sending him deep inside her.
Chris looked at her and then said. “Yes Faith.”
She smiled and said. “What did I tell you about calling me mommy when you are fucking me?” she felt his cock flinch as she said mommy. She smiled at her success.
“Don’t ever call you mom?” he said. “I am…” he started but faith interrupted.
“That’s right, you wouldn’t want to fuck your MOMMY, now would you?” this time she heard a groan and felt his cock twitch at the same time.
Chris looked at her with more hunger than ever before.
“Oh, I think you do want to fuck your mommy, you dirty little boy.” She antagonized as she felt him trying with everything he had to keep from Cumming.
“Is it true? Do you wanna fuck your mommy son?” she continued.
“Y,Y,e,es,” he shuddered out. Still trying to keep all his fluids in his balls.
Faith had him right where she wanted him. She knew he deserved this too. “What do you want to do with your mommy son?” she asked.
“I, I, I wanna. I wanna fu…” he stuttered out.
Faith knew it was close. “Tell me what you want to do son.” She insisted.
“I want to fuck you Faith.” He wined out almost in tears.
“Who do you want to fuck son, Faith or your mommy?” she could again hear a deep primal grown as she had asked.
“I wanna fuck my mommy.” He answered and called out as his balls emptied inside her. “OH mommy,” he called out as he sent more and more ropes of cum into her. “OH god mommy.”
Faith watched as the orgasm he has looked similar to how she felt just a few moments ago when she nearly passed out from what he had given her.
She loved the hot feeling inside her as she felt his cum oozing out of her as he softened.
She smiled also at her being able to do that. He usually stayed hard after he came. But not this time. She had thoroughly satisfied him. She could see he was spent and about to drop on her. So, she laid beside her only son and snuggled into him.


Chris woke up with his mom molded to him. His feeling felt a lot different now than they did years ago. Today they where lovers. He had taken his mom out on a date. He had swooned her, wooed her, and then made her come so hard she nearly passed out.
He didn’t expect the Mommy talk. He did like it… no he loved it. He had the best orgasm of his life calling her his mommy while making love to her.
His cock was hard again, he was a horny teen so he knew that hormones ran deep inside him. So, he rolled over just as he did a number of times after his mom would wake him screaming. He would soothe and comfort her then he would lay beside her. Usually she would start the seduction, but this time he decided to do it.
He positioned her so he could begin suckling her nipples. He spent a lot of time there. His mom didn’t have the firmest titts as some of the teen girls he had looked at. She did have the most mature though and he loved the way that bounced and shook when she moved.
The teen girls his age didn’t shake. Or move at all.
The movement made him hard almost every time he saw his mom doing something physical. He would stair at her as she could complete this task or the other.
His favorite time was when she ran jogged or even walked to him. he loved the wiggle her titts made when she did that, and especially jogged.
She had never said anything about him staring at her wile doing these activities though.
He heard his mom moan as she felt the pleasure, he was giving her breasts. So, he switched breast and began sucking on the other nipple. Taking his hand and moving it to her pussy.
He was quite skilled at seducing the sleeping woman next to him. He made his way form her mound over her clit and to her labia. Her pussy was still very wet. Maybe some form him but he knew that a lot was from her too.
He slid his finger inside her and another one began to softly rub her clit.
“Chris?” The soft feminine voice asked. “Chris, would you like to fuck your mommy again this morning?”
All Chris could do was moan.
Come on Chris. Your mommy is already for you. She is all wet hoping her little boy would play with her again.
Chris moaned again as he rolled her over to her side and mounted her from behind.
Faith was shocked that she had an orgasm just as he impaled her from behind. She always heard the saying drive it in her until it tickled her tonsils. But she didn’t believe it could happen. But today as he impaled his cock inside his mother, she felt an orgasm fill her body and stick in her throat just long enough to tickle her tonsils.
Was their nothing he couldn’t do for her? she wandered. She felt another massive load fill her womb just a few orgasms later.
After they had consummated the morning, they got dress and Chris took her to breakfast. Then Chris drove them home. Faith leaned against her son as they made there way home.
Chris asked. “Is this a good idea? you know it is daylight and someone might see us.”
“Chris.” His mother said. “Right now, I don’t care who sees us. I love you in a way I didn’t think was possible Chris. And I need you too.” She said the words with trepidation and emotion.
Chris could feel the emotion she felt wile saying what she did. He had felt the same way, and for far longer than her. “Momma,” he said. “I am in love with you too.”
Faith couldn’t stop the tears from steaming down her cheeks. She sniffled and held him tighter.
After they pulled into the driveway Faith wouldn’t let her son open any doors until he kissed her proper.
He tried to kiss her with a peck, then a lingering closed mouth. But she still wasn’t satisfied. So, he tried a little tongue. She held fast there too. so, he said the hell with it. and locked down on her like a vise. He ravaged her mouth with the gusto that she was slowly beginning to love.
After that kiss, he opened the door as she was left not knowing what had just happened.
Chris got out and noticed the local busy body Gloria Stone watching them. ‘Shit.’ He thought. ‘That is not good.’ Though he liked her son a lot, Chris always thought her as someone who just couldn’t mind her own business. As he made his way to the passenger door to open it for his mom, he blushed a bit thinking how nice it was to have a real girlfriend.
They both made their way inside the house and to the shower. They showered together getting to know each other’s body better. Then they made love in the shower too.

Thank you for reading the second part of my story.
Hope you enjoyed it as much as I loved righting it.
Stay tuned to part three soon.

Gloria, friend or foe?

The next three weeks where like heaven to both Faith and her son Chris. They spent a lot of time together, they held hands and they kissed more than they should have. Throwing caution to the wind. They were getting sloppy and complacent, being far two affectionate in public.
Faith was in love with her son and didn’t care. Chris felt the same for his mom but wasn’t going to announce it to the world just yet like his mom seemed to be.
Faith was cleaning the house, for her and her son/lover when she heard a knock at the door. She opened it with a smile as she saw it was her neighbor Gloria Stone. “Hi.” She said in greeting.
Gloria held up a portable coffee thumris and said. “Mind if we share a cup of coffee and have a chat?”
Faith smiled at her neighbor and opened the door wider for he to enter. “This way.” She invited as she made her way to the dining room. She grabbed two cups and saucers and then some French pastries she just happened to have. Put them on a plate and brought them to her table with the cups.
They both sat and smiled at each other.
Gloria started. “I have been with Robert for four years now.” I know that you and Chris are sort of new at this, aren’t you?” she asked.
Faith sat confused, having no idea of what she was talking about. She looked at Gloria with a blank expression.
“You two need to be a little more… how you say cautious.” She added.
Suddenly Faith’s eyes grew large as she knew what Gloria was saying. She thought for a moment then tried to side step the topic. “Me and Chris are very affectionate.”
Gloria laughed. “Honey, please, you two where making out in his pickup a few times in the driveway.” She smiled.
Faith knew she was busted and wandered what Gloria wanted now.
“OK, what do you want?” she demanded.
Gloria smiled and said. “I don’t want anything. I am not here to judge you, or cause you any grief. I am here to help you.”
Faith really didn’t want her help. Thinking how can I get rid of her. When she heard another knock at the door. Feeling trapped and wandering who was at the door she hurried to it. She opened it to see Gloria’s son, Glen Stone.
“Oh, great two against one.” Faith thought. As she led Glen into the dining room.
As soon as they had entered the dinning room Gloria jumped up and went to her son. “I am so glad you got my note and came over. This is Faith.” She said and pointed to her. “Faith this incredibly hansom man before us is my one and only son Glen.” She boasted. Then she turned him and kissed him with a passion that Faith only felt with her son.
Faith watched in awe as they obviously were French kissing each other right there in her dinning room.
After a long awkward moment Gloria turned and looked at faith with a knowing smile. “I know about you and Chris Faith. I know about you because I am in love with my son Glen just as your in love with Chris.”
Faith fell to the ground.
Glen wasn’t there fast enough to catch her but he did help her up and checked if she was ok.
“I am ok Glen.” Faith told him as he let her go to set down on her own.
“I am so sorry Faith,” Gloria said. “I knew it would be a shock to you, but I hoped you would be setting down when we did that.” She continued. “Anyway, now you know why we are not going to judge you for what you and your son Chris are doing. In fact, I am willing to help you on your way. I will share some of our mistakes we had made, and hope you can learn form them.
Gloria and Faith had a nice long talk. Glen sat in on most of it, but soon was distracted by other teen things, like his cell phone.
Chris was on his way home from work. He was looking forward to seeing his lover/mother and maybe even getting desert before they ate today. However, Chris didn’t care he loved just being with his mom/lover. He enjoyed every moment he spends with her.
Chris loved the fact that he wooed her with the date to Emerald’s. The play they watched after was perfect and then renting the sweet for the night. His mother really showed her appreciation for him that night. He must have come 7 times. She even swallowed one of them. But the best part was she let him call her Mommy wile he fucked her. Breaking her own rule. ‘I can’t be your mom while we make love.’ She did that night by god. And Chris loved how dirty it made him feel. He couldn’t hold back both times she let him do it too. ‘Holy cow my mom is hot.’ Chris thought as he pulled into the driveway.
He sprang out of the truck and hurried to the front door, looking forward to seeing his mom/lover. Smiling as he entered, he was surprised to see Gloria and Glen. He knew both of them as Glen helped him out with yard work a time or two. They also spent a lot of time talking about how hot each of their mothers where.
Chris never thought that he would actually do something with his mom, hell but neither did he. However, it happened, and he doesn’t regret it one bit. Chris was not a virgin when he hooked up with his mom. Chris had always believed in the adage ‘There is no such thing as bad sex.’ He never really enjoyed sex like he did when him and his mom began their tryst. His mother was phenomenal at it. She had taught him things no one else could have ever known.
“Hi Chris” both his mom and Gloria greeted him at the same time. “Hey dude.” Came later from Glen, looking up from his cell phone.
Faith looked at her son and announced. “Come over here and set down Chris. Gloria and Glen wish to show you something.”
“Ok.” Chris said naively with a shy smile.
“Go ahead Gloria, Glen. Show him what you showed me.”
They both smiled at Faith and then Chris. Gloria got up and went to her son, then she sat in his lap, letting him put his arms around her. Then they begin to kiss each other just like Chris wished he would be kissing his mother right then.
Chris slowly made his way to his mom and bent to kiss her. “Do they do it too?” he asked.
Faith laughed and then more to embarrass her son than anything else she asked in a strong voice. “Chris wants to know if you ‘Do it’.”
They broke their kiss more to answer his question than anything else. Glen spoke. “Every chance we get.”
Chris sat next to his mother. He looked between her and them. “Wow mom, we aren’t the only ones.”
“I feel a lot better knowing this Chris. A hole lot better. But Gloria told me some of the things we have to watch out for. They have been doing this a lot longer than we had ever thought. And we are making some mistakes that they want us to be careful of.”
“Let me guess, making out in the driveway the other day?”
All three of them laughed.
“Yea I saw that, but so did Mrs. Renaldas. She is a busybody and has nothing else to do but look at what everyone else is doing.”
“That lady gets under my skin.” Glen added.
“We need to be very carful of her and the Carson’s down the end of the block.”
“Oh, and I forgot to tell you. A good friend of ours is moving here. They are buying the Skeeter place next door to us. You won’t have anything to worry about with them. Joan Skeeter is fucking both of her sons. She just got divorced and bought the place. You will really like them. I knew them on line for a couple of years now.” Gloria finished.
“How long have you two been hooking up?” Chris asked.
“Just after my eighteenth birthday.” Glen offered.
“I needed to barrow his computer as mine went down.” Gloria started. “He had a file on it that was labeled Mommy. And I thought it an odd name for a file. I mean if it was, mom, mother, ma, or something like that. I probably would have never known about how bad Glen wanted me. But when I saw the file, I opened it and found all sorts of porno movies and photos.” Gloria looked at them with a bright smile. “All the photos looked like me. almost all of them had medium size breasts, brunet hair, brown eyes and mostly their smiles even matched mine.
She looked at Glen as he added. “I had to spend a lot of time on line to find them.”
“I bet.” Both Chris and Faith murmured.
“Then I opened some of the video files. And I about fainted. There I was, well it wasn’t me but it could have been, she looked so close to how I looked. And being taken by him, or a young boy his age that looked a lot like him anyway.” She finished pointing to her own son. “The images where so close to me and Glen, on that particular video that, if I didn’t know I never did it. I would swear it was us.”
Glen shrugged.
“Well I confronted him and after a long talk and a few other things I kissed him. I thought at the time that he could see that after a real passionate kiss, he would never be interested in me after that. But.”
“That was the best kiss of my life!!” Glen said determinately. “And after that kiss. How long did it take us to wind up naked mom?”
Gloria smiled an embarrassed smile. “At least five to seven…” she lingers, “seconds.”
Everyone laughs
Gloria continues “And after I found out what a great lover Glen is, I never wanted to let him go. we have been together ever since.”
“Me and mom are going to stay together as long as we can.” Glen assured us.
Chris had felt the same way about his mom. He was already planning his second date with her. he wanted to do something even more special. a weekend date in the country. Was his first thought.
He knew his mom loved the outdoors and even liked to go fishing with his dad before he walked out on them. Chris had found a large four-bedroom cabin on the lake for rent. He had already booked it and thought maybe Gloria and Glen would like to go too.
Being a competitive teenager. Chris and Glen had often challenged each other on sports and other events. Chris thought of maybe out fishing his friend, or maybe even out rowing him. The thought of them being together with both their mom/lovers would be a lot of fun.

In Criss’s heart he wanted to know if he could make his mom scream louder than Glen could get Gloria to scream.
Chris whispered in his mom’s ear. “Mom, can I have a word with you in the kitchen?”
When they arrived in the kitchen Chris told her about the lake house and how he wanted to take her fishing with him.
Faith had already known where this was going. She liked the idea of her having a friend along with her. And Gloria would be perfect as she wouldn’t have to hide her affections she held with her son.
She agreed to ask them if they wished to go with them.
Both Gloria and Glen wanted to go. They both liked the idea that they would be together out of town and with each other too.
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