Vivian: Life in Estonia Chapter 12


Once the photos were taken, the ladies perceived that Toivo Saar needed some recuperating time before proceeding to a very intense scene. Consequently, Vivian got up to fetch some wine glasses and a bottle of Egri Bikavér (bull's blood) the Hungarian wine Eino had introduced to her. She had in consequence acquired a taste for it, and thus upon registration, she ensured that the hotel would stock this wine in the suite for private consumption. After each one had taken a sip, they were all universally complimentary to the taste.

During this interval, Toivo being curious, "You have said Vivian, that you are actually getting married this Saturday. Is this then your way of blowing off steam; one last fling while you're still single? Are you not concerned that your husband, to be. Aren't you afraid he would become aware of this night's activities, and might possibly object to your participation?"

Vivian replied, "First of all what happens in this room stays in this room. What my fiancé doesn't know can't hurt him. Rest assured, that I'll retain the photo of our group in a secret, undisclosed location, from which even I probably won't gaze at it too often."

"If that was your intention, why had you gone to the trouble to have it even taken at all?"

Vivian answered, "I've experienced some adversity in my life, which on occasion drove me to despair. I think if any fresh misfortune should befall on me, then I would have this picture to remind me of the delightful time I've had. Thus, recalling tonight and looking at the picture should bring a smile to my face and dispel the gloom. Would you then like to have a copy, for yourself?"

Toivo replied, "I don't think so. I have a girlfriend back in Narva, whom I'm serious about. I wouldn't want her to inadvertently find it in my possession. Mind you, even where that to happen. I'm sure I'd be able to mollify her considering we are just dating for now. But no matter how careful you are in hiding embarrassing evidence of shall I say your indiscretions, you can never be absolutely confident that your future husband won't discover the photo. In such case what would you have to say?"

Vivian started to reply, "Well my fiancé does know I've had lots of sexual partners."

Here Erica interrupted and contributed, "My sister likes to think of herself as a woman with a healthy appetite for sex. Now if you ever were to see her eat food, you'll discover she has a voracious appetite indeed!"

The three of them laughed uproariously at that quip. Since the comment was spoken in Estonian, Angela asked for an explanation of their mirth. Upon apprised of the translation, Angela directed Erica, "Tell Toivo, that I have seen Vivian eat and her appetite for food, although enthusiastic, falls short of her passion for sex."

After the ensuing laughter died down, there was a collective desire for some hot action. Accordingly, Toivo got on the bed to lie on his back supine and spread-eagled. Since, Toivo had already cum twice, the ladies in their mind had the expectation that an extended foreplay would be required for Toivo to cum. Paradoxically despite such notion, they were all three of them already very wet in their vaginas. Accordingly, Vivian got the bed first. She promptly situated herself hovering over his head in order to lower her vulva directly onto his face. Once in proper position, Toivo knew what Vivian desired him to do, and so he did it. Vivian was heavily breathing as Toivo's tongue was simply exquisite.

Angela and Erica got on the bed, and they positioned themselves on their sides in the resultant valley between his parted legs. They then started stimulating Toivo's cock. They each took turns sucking on his cock and licking his sac. Angela then got a pillow to squeeze it under his ass to elevate it. Once that was accomplished, his anus was exposed and Angela began rimming it, leaving his cock for Erica's exclusive attention.

The sexual play during this episode initially was remarkably devoid of any intensity for any of the participants. Without any prior design each person succumbed to an imagery of fantasy. Vivian obviously was aware that she was going to get married in two days' time to a man, whom she had come to truly esteem in the very short time she knew him. Still, the circumstances to get to this point were surreal to say the least. As a result, notwithstanding the objective fact that she was cheating, the guilt did not sink into Vivian's mind. The alcohol consumption was definitely an excuse she subsequently relied on to ignore her ignoble performance. Because of these extraneous factors, Vivian was not passionately involved, and her pleasure of receiving cunnilingus sex from in essence a stranger was muted.

Since her marriage to Rod Koeninger, Erica had been in the main faithful to her wedding vows. Her extra marital sex had been confined to the occasional group sex with Rod's presence and acquiescence. When Erica was single, she had been just as promiscuous as Vivian, but with Rod she lost any real desire to cheat on him. Vivian's wedding, though, was such an out of the blue impossibility in her mind. Certainly, she was present because it was her sister's wedding after all, and she was co matron of honor. However, like Vivian she viewed the events as surreal. She really only acquiesced in participating as she found it too awkward to refuse. As a result, her action was mostly woodenly without her normal joie de vivre when enjoying great sex.

Angela on the other hand was somewhat into it as extramarital sex was her norm. She indulged in all kinds of sex with different men, and women as well, along with her husband. They were truly committed swingers. So, she wasn't going to let this opportunity for sex in, which to her mind, was an obscure foreign land that no one had ever heard of before. However, the sensed lack of true enthusiasm by her partners, tamped down her enthusiasm as well. Sensing that neither of the Laaning sisters would not seriously still be into it, once Toivo's cock had sufficiently hardened, she unceremoniously mounted him and impaled herself on his cock.

Toivo curiously enough was not too excited either. This was so, despite the fact he was enjoying sex with three beautiful women simultaneously; a fact he could not have possibly anticipated, or even imagined when this day started. By definition for a straight man, this had to be sexual nirvana; however ephemeral, nevertheless remembered and cherished until his dying breath. Still, this bizarre and unexpected happening that led to this scene, probably robbed him from savoring the exotic pleasures he would otherwise have experienced.

As it was, it took a while despite the best efforts of Angela and Erica to produce a solid erection out of Toivo. Once that was achieved, as noted, Angela got on his phallus to ride him upright. In so doing, no one had removed the pillow lodged underneath his rump. That being the case, his anus was exposed and accessible despite the vaginal penetration. Erica with nothing better to do, took the opportunity to play with that intimate part of his body. Having wet her middle finger of her right hand, she used it to penetrate his butt hole provoking a surprised gasp from him. Erica kept swirling the finger around his rectum, thereby loosening the sphincter causing his ass in turn to gape further. In that way, Erica was able to work more of her fingers into the rectum, until she was able to fist him right up to her wrist. She also had room enough to add periodically some furtive tongue lickings on his scrotum. This provoked a continuous moan from Toivo.

Meanwhile, Vivian was starting to get excited while enjoy the relentless tongue licking of her lady parts from Toivo. Once she sensed Angela had climbed aboard for upright vaginal sexual intercourse, she opted to momentarily halt the progress of the cunnilingus so she could change her position. She gingerly lifted her rump off Toivo's face to allow her to turn around and face Angela. Now that they were facing each other, they automatically lunged their upper bodies closely together. Caressing each other, the two of them started kissing each other passionately even while their pussies were being simultaneously stimulated by Toivo: Angela's
by his cock; Vivian's by his tongue.

During the incestuous lesbian sexual activity engaged by the Laaning sisters in the past, there was no carnal lust between Vivian and Erica. Their love for each other was just as typical a love as between siblings who naturally love each other, and do not countenance incest. They both viewed their incestuous activity as nothing more than a release of pent-up sexual tensions, and simply preferable to individual masturbation. As a result, they felt no need to detail such occasions to anyone else, just like not reporting on incidences of masturbation to anyone else.

As to Angela Peterson, for Vivian her lesbian lovemaking with the schoolteacher was a different kettle of fish. She truly loved Angela carnally and respected her persona. The love and respect were mutually returned by Angela. They thought of themselves as heterosexually orientated, but objectively they would be adjudged as true bisexuals. Angela had some lesbian lovers before meeting Vivian, but none since except incidentally in group sex settings. Vivian had an almost two years exclusive lesbian relationship with her high school teacher, Erin Falconbridge. That was remarkable in of itself as Vivian had grown up oblivious to the fact homosexuality even existed and that some preferred it exclusively. That was reason enough for Vivian to deny she was even orientated to being bisexual as she had never previously been attracted sexually to another female. Her girl-on-girl sexual encounters were merely happenstance, although in the back of her mind she had to concede she did love Erin and Angela romantically.

On this occasion, once Angela and Vivian clinched together to indulge in their intense passionate kissing, the libido especially in Vivian became finally aroused. Her personal sexual love for Angela, was instrumental in turning which up to then was a ho hum affair for Vivian, into an all-out hot throbbing lusty episode. Soon in addition to the steamy hot-blooded kissing, the two of them were groping each other's ample breasts. The thrill became overwhelming causing Vivian to arrive at an exquisite overpowering orgasm. The result of which, caused Vivian to cease kissing and simply collapsed into a hugging embrace in Angela's arms. Both were perspiring copiously and hyperventilating violently.

The occasion of their mutual orgasms coincided with Toivo's explosive ejaculation. His climax was fueled by the fierce anal fisting Erica was relentlessly applying to his ass as he was fucking Angela. Thus, from his point of view, the reaction of the orgasms demonstratively exhibited by Angela and Erica were congruently part and parcel to his emotions felt from his own climax. However, the ladies were never sure of that proposition. Subsequently, whenever they reminisced this event, they had to intellectually conclude that Toivo's efforts in the ensuing sexual congress must have contributed at least in part to their super exquisite orgasm. Nevertheless, at the time, the only sentient thought in Vivian's mind was savoring the glorious sexual encounter she had enjoyed with the sweet but sultry siren, Angela Peterson.

Thus, as it so transpired, Erica was left out in the cold compared to the exquisite pleasures apparently enjoyed by the others. However, the exuberant joy the others displayed in their climaxes, did provoke a minor orgasm for the restaurateur. She could not deny in her own mind, the erotic and exotic nature of the sexual scene in which she was a participant.

As it was, the thrill of excitement at the completion of this sexual scene quickly dissipated. As Toivo Saar had actually a very important business meeting to attend to at 10:00 AM that upcoming morning, he gathered up his clothes and got dressed. He bid farewell to the ladies and exited to travel to the residence of the friends he was staying at, in conjunction with his business visit. The ladies were all exhausted, especially Angela from her jet lag and different time zone adjustment. They simply drew up the covers to go to sleep all in the same king size bed. Apparently, none of them had the energy left to accommodate herself for slumber on another bed in the guest room of the suite. They all slept remarkably amicably together despite each of them being prone to snoring loudly. Then again, perhaps because each of them did snore loudly was the reason each of them wasn't bothered by the snoring of the other.

When they woke up, rather than partake in a shower, they utilized the private sauna provided by the suite. As they grew up on their farm in Wisconsin, the live-in Estonian grandparents of Erica and Vivian had insisted on the construction of a sauna on the farm premises. It was a small shack containing a dressing room and bathroom. The bathroom contained a metal woodstove whereby rocks were situated on the surface that were heated by the fire of the woodstove. There were step benches surrounding the woodstove for bathers to sit and relax. The bathing procedure started when the rocks were heated by the fire of the woodstove sufficiently enough, such that when dippers of water were splashed on the hot rocks, the same would instantly transform into steam.

The resultant steam and high heat make the bathers perspire prodigiously. The theory is that such perspiration rids the body of all kinds of skin disorders and toxins that a human body is prone to. The sauna at the Laanings farm provided for bundles of birch leaves or other tree leaves strewn together in order to flay oneself and ensure ridding the body of extraneous dead body skin flakes. Brushes and loofahs were also available to supplement the attainment of such a goal. Enthusiastic proponents of the usage of saunas are prone to indulge in exaggerated claims of healthful benefits for this type of cleansing bathing. Never mind the veracity of such health beneficial claims, there cannot be denied the perception of the feeling of being totally clean after a session in the sauna.

In their growing up experience, as soon as Vivian was old enough to bathe in the sauna alongside her older sister Erica, and as both were highly competitive in their nature, their mutual sessions in the sauna room tended to be a battle of who could endure the high heat the longest before fleeing into the cooler air of the dressing room. Vivian's greatest triumph in this regard, occurred when she was a mere nine years of age. On just one occasion, her fourteen year old sister, figuratively waved the white flag of surrender and departed from the sauna room, just as Vivian was about to throw another dipper of water on the rocks to produce more steam heat.

Thereafter, in mitigation, Erica maintained that she had been in the midst of her period. Thus, she was at a distinct disadvantage to enduring the sauna heat compared to her younger sister who was still years away from her first menses. Vivian's answer to this explanation, was to form her fingers into a 'W' accordingly, and typically respond, "Whatever Erica!"

Customarily, the Tarvas farm and the Kangur farm each contained saunas on the premises. Therefore, sauna bathing had become a rule rather than the exception for Vivian since she had arrived on the scene. And when Erica appeared, she also partook in the bathing ritual which she had not experienced since she had left Wisconsin. This time, both of them had matured significantly in wisdom not to mention age. Consequently, they enjoyed the experience of this type of bathing mutually without any foolish agenda to outdo each other.
Nevertheless, with Angela about to experience her very first sauna, the Laaning sisters could not restrain themselves to avoid teasing Angela as a wuss. However, the Connecticut born and bred aristocrat had spunk. She hung in there with the sisters, and was able to endure the extreme heat, albeit she confined herself in sitting at the lowest elevated bench where the heat of the bathroom was less severe. Still, she maintained she enjoyed the experience.

During the brunch, as the three of them were subsequently dining at the courtyard of the summer garden adjacent to the Hotel Schlössle, Angela declared, "I'm aware of the claims of sauna enthusiasts that the health benefits derived from sauna bathing is the greatest thing since the invention of sliced bread. No matter the truthfulness of such boasts, I must admit to feeling pristine clean as never before. I attribute the lack of a hangover this morning to our cleansing at the sauna. It also helped dissipate the latent discomfort feeling from the debauchery we engaged in last night."

Erica in mock horror exclaimed, "You mean to say Angela, that we were sinful last night. Oh no! Say it isn't so!"

To Vivian's perception, the repartee seemed to be teasingly directed at her. So, she responded defensively, "I suppose technically I was sinful last night considering I'm marrying a wonderful man tomorrow. However, I truly intend to be a good wife. I intend to remain faithful to my wedding vows. I just reserve the right to participate in activities at the TLR, as I see it as an occasion outside the purview of our normal everyday married life. Besides what Eino does not know cannot hurt him. And as to last night, I mean it when I declared that what happened there, stays there."

Angela sardonically quipped, "You won't hear a peep from me."

Erica added, "Me neither!"

Then they all laughed. In their collective minds they could not really grapple with a realistic rationale to determine why they had acted so salaciously, and so willingly with Toivo Saar. The simplistic answer could be summed up by the bromide that they were who they were, and nothing was going to change that. That at least explained their laughter.

After brunch they went to the Läänemets' residence to breast feed their babies and deposit extraneous milk they had pumped out of their mammary glands. Hele Mölder assured them that she would remain available to breastfeed any baby needing some extra nourishment. Erica and Vivian made some last minute alterations to the wedding dress and the dresses for Erica and Angela. They packed up the dresses in Vivian's rental to take back to the hotel suite.

Eino arrived with his mother at the Läänemets' residence to first establish his mother's stay with them. He chatted briefly with Vivian. Then the wedding party left to arrive at Lutheran Church for the wedding rehearsal. By prior agreement between Vivian and Eino they decided to eschew a rehearsal dinner. Instead, Eino would hang out with his closest male buddies that night. Thus, Vivian along with her co matrons of honor were free to party on their own.

This time to avoid temptation of committing further sin, they simply had dinner at the restaurant, and then retreated to the suite to just simply drink and gossip. Angela and Erica were most eager to hear a more detailed explanation from Vivian, as to how she came to truly love Eino romantically, sufficiently enough to agree to marry, despite knowing him only for such a short time. They also wanted to know how she was able to cope and move on with her life in less than a year since the tragedy of the end of her first marriage with her first husband's death.

Vivian offered this full answer, "In regard to my marriage to Sam, I have contemplated the situation incessantly during the past year. Quite honestly, I think discovering that Sam had stolen so much money and was going to spend some significant time in the penitentiary kind of took the wind out of the sails of my love for him. My initial concern was to look after his legal jeopardy, since I was a criminal defense lawyer after all. I even mapped out a scenario that could have brought about the best resolution to overcome the obvious crisis in our marriage, but of course his murder brought that to an end.

"I know what bothers me the most about Sam, was why did he need to steal in the first place. But even more importantly, why so much? Why couldn't he have stopped? Why did he continue stealing literally right up to the moment he was arrested? I believe that unless we could have gotten to the bottom of his motivation and gotten psychiatric help for him, our marriage could not have survived.

"I further have come to believe that to keep speculating on whether such resolution could have occurred was futile, and as a result I was ready to move on. Nothing good happens when one continues to delve in one's misery. At least there was a couple of silver linings; the birth of my beautiful daughter Maia; and the substantial amount of monies left to me from Sam's ill-gotten gains.

"Now the contrast of my marriage to Eino to that of Sam, is akin to a contrast between night and day. Sam had a dark side to him, which I didn't know about until I married him. On the other hand, Eino Tarvas has a brighter side to him, I did not know about when he proposed to me. It turns out that Eino is more than a mere dairy farmer, but a leading spokesman to champion the cause of farmers in Estonia, and to promote modern advances in agriculture. Thus, he is well-known and well-regarded amongst business and political circles in Estonia.

"That's why we scheduled the wedding here in the capital city as the majority of the proposed guests reside here. Some of the guests happened to be very important citizens in Estonia. I daresay Angela that this wedding will compare favorably in prestige and social importance to your Connecticut wedding."

Angela quipped, "At least at this wedding, I'll get to drink as much as I wish, and try and see if I can score some strange Estonian nookie. I trust a lot of the available gentlemen speak enough English to give me a chance to succeed. Then again, I guess we can't all be lucky like you were at my wedding."

The last reference related to the fact that Vivian as Angela's maid of honor was able to enjoy a one night stand with Jed Baxter who was the closest male living relative to give Angela way. In this case Erica was the only one suitable to do this tradition, which was per force added to her matron of honor duties. Accordingly, Vivian mischievously retorted, "Wait a minute, Angela. You've already had sex, just like me at your wedding, with the person assigned to give away the bride!"

All Angela could say to that, "Touché!"

In this vein the three ladies continued their conversation while continuously drinking away. Remarkably each woman polished off 750 ml bottles of hard liquor. Vivian favored gin and tonic; Erica imbibed screwdrivers (Russian vodka and orange juice) while Angela settled for the manly drink of scotch (Glenlivet) but on the rocks rather than neat. It was a testament to their tolerance of alcohol consumption, that none of them betrayed any sign of drunkenness in their demeanor, although it was clearly noticeable that they had been consuming liquor.

Amongst the many topics of their conversations, by far the most compelling one was children as they were each mothers. They traded anecdotes of their children and opined on methods of discipline and over all strategies to promote proper growth in the upbringing of their children. Naturally, with only a seven month old child to her name, although about to become a stepmother to a nearly four year old, Vivian was less loquacious on the subject than the others. In contributing to the discussion, Vivian informed that she and Eino had agreed that bringing the farm up to the standard which they would mutually like to achieve, would take at least two years of hard and diligent work. Therefore, they wouldn't try for children until Vivian would be thirty-four years old.

Vivian summed it up, "I'm cool with the plan, since at least I'll still be less than thirty-five years old. My understanding is that the biological clock starts to begin a nasty turn at age thirty-five, not dire of course. Still when you're in your late thirties, pregnancies are no longer 'a walk in the park' like while you're younger."

Angela, who was a year younger than Vivian said, "Yes I'm kind of bummed that my last pregnancy produced a girl. Of course, I love Nancy (Angela's baby) to pieces, and she is precious, still I have two other girls and one son. If I would have had a boy, then everyone of my children would have had at least one brother and one sister. When I was growing up, I sure pined to have had a brother in addition to the two sisters I do have."

Both Laaning sisters reacted together, "You're not missing much in not having a brother, Angela. Having a brother can sure be a pain in the ass most of the time."

Angela disagreed, "You two don't seem to think disparagingly of your brother. In fact, your only bone of contention of him seems to be his wife, and that only because she has not accepted Erica's black husband and shuns their biracial children. In any case I would like to try for another child hoping for a boy to fulfill my peculiar caprice However, Ralph is not enthusiastic. The organized chaos that is part and parcel in raising four children sure is a challenge and a fifth child just might become an unmitigated disaster. So, I think I'll be getting my tubes tied."

Erica contributed, "Well Anna is our first girl to go with my two sons. Rod and I are thinking of one more to even things out with perhaps another girl. I hadn't thought of everyone having a brother and sister angle before. In any case, since I'm the only one here in the second half of my thirties, I guess I better not hesitate any longer. A case of poop or get off the pot"

And so, our ladies passed the night in delightful conversation, and even more delightful evening sipping spirits. Assuming that drinking heavily is not the thing that ladies of the stature of our heroines do, at least they didn't commit any further sin as they fell asleep almost simultaneously. When they woke up, their spirits were high in anticipation of Vivian's exciting day. One thing which buoyed their spirits was the near certainty that this time around Vivian's groom won't he arrested by the police.

They first partook in another sauna bathing, which rendered them pleasantly refreshed to tackle this busy day. Then they arranged with the hotel staff to move Angela's and Erica's luggage to the new rooms for the next two nights. Vivian's wedding dress was moved to Angela and Erica's room as she would dress there, but the rest of Vivian's possessions were moved by the hotel staff to Eino's room. That way they avoided the bad karma wherein Eino did not see his bride and her dress before the ceremony.

After a sumptuous breakfast, it was off to a highly recommended beauty spa and salon, which offered full service of beauty treatments. The ladies underwent relaxing and invigorating services which included a manicure, a pedicure and the appropriate hair treatment. Vivian also opted for a wax job. Up to now, in the sex with Eino, she displayed a fiery red bush matching the vibrant color of her hair. This change she felt was a natural incidental to the decision to adhere to the agreed one month celibacy to make the wedding night consummation of the marriage truly special.

Vivian had been in a quandary as to whether or not `to wear her TLR body chain belts and or the sexual commemorative ankle bracelets. She was ever mindful of Erica's warning against such body display of her past lewd behavior and wantonness. However, again up to now Eino did not seem to be bothered by her past sexual history. He had intimated that a man wants a sexy wife, not one that reacts woodenly to sex. Vivian had to admit that the sole reason she had an affair with Jed Baxter, the fabulously wealthy billionaire, was because of the fact that he was saddled with a wife who was frigid.

Despite producing two children in their marriage, their sex life was devoid of any joy. Thus, Jed had sex with other women, and she was merely one of them. For her own self-esteem, Vivian liked to think she was special to him considering the length of time that their affair lasted, and it was she who broke up the relationship after all. Still intellectually, Vivian realized it was delusional thinking on her part to believe he had been devastated by the loss of her charms. She knew full well that there were a plethora of beautiful women he could have simply by snapping his fingers, and they would come running and ultimately cum.

After extensive deliberations, Vivian finally decided to adorn herself with the belt and ankle bracelets after all. She reasoned that it was too late to alter her tattoos in any case. Mainly though, she was of the view that not to wear these sexual adornments, the significance of which Eino had already been privy to, would send a clear message that she was ashamed of her sexual past. But she was not ashamed. Yes, she was very cognizant that others who had any inkling of her promiscuity would view her as a slut and a whore plus, a myriad of other pejorative adjectives. She was certainly unmercifully bullied in high school and to a lesser extent at college to reinforce that reality. In her mind was the belief that if she personally enjoyed the sex she indulged in, then she sure as hell was not going to be deterred by the opinions of others, especially those who have no significance in her life.

The other factor in arriving at the decision to retain her body jewelry, which she otherwise routinely wore, was the fact that none of these symbolized any sex she had or the love she experienced with her two most and only significant lovers: Jed Baxter and Sam Crawford. Thus, in wearing the jewelry and for that matter the display of her tattoos did not signify she was flaunting reminiscence of a past lover which might provoke pangs of jealousy in Eino's mind. In actuality, the men, and in some cases women, who are represented, and in most cases anonymously if at all, in her tattoos and body jewelry as persons who had carnal knowledge of her, in the main were ephemeral in her life. The circumstances of how they had become her sexual partners was really the only thing noteworthy of the sex involved. The only exception in that regard was Ralph Peterson, but that was only because she was instrumental in introducing him to Angela and they subsequently married as a result.

The only real symbol in her possession of her past serious love affairs, was the engagement ring Sam Crawford had acquired for their marriage a year previously. However, as Vivian had explained to Eino, that considering the amounts of monies Sam had embezzled from Baxter & Sons the price of this ring was insignificant to the amounts of money he had on hand. Thus, in purchasing the ring he did not undergo any sacrifice to the wealth he had accumulated and could not really signify his ultimate devotion to her. Vivian had a personal comparable example to consider. Ralph Peterson had presented an equally expensive engagement ring to Angela, but it comprised virtually of all the money he had earned and saved while working for his father's real-estate company. The fact remains then, that he certainly could have acquired a less expensive ring to attain the same objective: i.e. to marry Angela.

By this example, that is not to say that Vivian was mercenary or even avaricious. But as she saw it, had Angela lost Ralph to death, the ring he had given her represented proof positive of the ultimate love he had for her, and accordingly, she would cherish and treasure it forever no matter how her subsequent life would unfold. But in her case Sam did die, and she just could not overcome the impression that given the circumstances, he had acquired the engagement ring simply as something which one does when one enters into an engagement to marry. It was similar to the obligation that one has to purchase a Christmas gift or a birthday present to an appropriate person one has in one's life. More germane to the point though, is the fact that Sam could afford this ring mainly because he had stolen monies, so that with such excess income it was no sacrifice on his part to acquire this bauble.

With such thoughts in her mind, Vivian just could not value this ring as a symbol of Sam's love. Sam's real significance in her life, apart from being the father of Maia, was that without him she would not have met Eino Tarvas. In such circuitous rationale she felt justified in wearing this ring as an authenticate engagement ring. All these speculative thoughts running through Vivian's mind put her in a most positive frame of mind in approaching a wedding to a man whose existence had been unknown to her a mere two months prior.

When the visit to the beauty spa and salon was completed, there was just sufficient time to return to the hotel to prepare for the wedding ceremony which was scheduled for four o'clock in the afternoon. To the surprise of Angela and Erica, they were privy to the sight of Vivian inserting a pair of Ben Wa Balls into her vagina having lubricated them with her saliva prior to insertion. In addition, they also noted she refrained from donning any panties or any underwear whatsoever covering her vulva. That she was free buffing for her wedding seemed a little too outré, even for Angela's sensibilities. In answer to their questioning glances, Vivian declared, "I expect this wedding to start with a bang quite literally and figuratively, so I'd like to be adequately prepared."

To that audacious statement, Erica and Angela had no answer. They simply shook their heads as they rolled their eyes. Angela did say, "I knew right from the first time I met you, that you were something else. But what that something else was I could never yet fathom."

Vivian had arranged with the car rental agency to pick up the rental at the hotel. They also then provided a limousine with a driver for the trip to the church. The driver would also drive then from the church to the reception and later back to the hotel. Finally, the limousine would be available for the drive to the airport the next morning. As Estonia was a very secular country, there only about a quarter of the number of guests attended the wedding ceremony.

As a bride, Vivian was radiant, and she had no trepidation of her appearance. She was constantly smiling as in her bones she felt she had truly found her shining knight in armor. As she remarked to Erica, in a private moment, "All the sex I've had before was just a rehearsal for the real thing. Eino Tarvas is the real deal."

Not wishing to rain on her parade, Erica simply replied, "That being the case, I'm happy for you."

Vivian was married by the Archbishop of the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church in a very simple rather short ceremony. The good bishop's affability was sorely tested for one moment, but he passed with flying colors. After the exchange of vows. the wedding party which included Maarja holding onto baby Maia, had gathered in the church office for the signing and witnessing of the official wedding documents. Just as Vivian was about to sign the document proffered to her, baby Maia started crying vehemently and wouldn't shut up. Vivian excused herself as she asked the archbishop if there was a small room nearby, which she could use to feed her baby. The same was available and when she returned to complete the legal ritual of the wedding, the good archbishop led the crowd in applauding the blushing bride and mother.

After the necessities of the church wedding had been completed, the next order of business was the taking of the official wedding pictures. Vivian mused that Estonia might be a foreign country to her, but the wedding ceremony was remarkably similar to weddings conducted in the United States. At least hers certainly was. Then it was on to the wedding reception with the starting time listed as 05:30 PM for pre-prandial cocktails. Dinner would be served at 07:00 PM and dancing to follow afterwards.

As already noted, due to Eino's prominence, the guest list of friends and relatives included some very noteworthy citizens. One of the guests was Kaja Kallas, an attorney who was a member of the Riigikogu, the Estonian Parliament. With Eino's position as advocating for agricultural causes, he had frequent contacts with Ms Kallas, and as a result they had mutual respect for each other. Ms Kallas was later to become Estonia's first female Prime Minister.

Also in attendance, was Anett Kontaveit with her parents who were Eino's relatives from his father's side of the family. Although Anett was only thirteen years old at the time, already her prowess as a tennis player was well known in Estonia. She was subsequently to become Estonia's greatest female professional tennis player, reaching the Number 2 ranking in the world.

Another prominent guest was Carmen Kass related to Maarja's family. Carmen was an international celebrity as a model for brands such as Versace, Yves Saint Laurent, Gucci, Valentino, Chanel, Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren, Christian Dior, Givenchy and Michael Kors. The American edition of Vogue declared her and Gisele Bündchen (the wife of NFL superstar Tom Brady) the two supermodels of the era in its January 2000 cover. Carmen also with her mother was part owner of her mother's agency, Baltic Models, plus she was owner of some other private companies, including two real estate companies. Not only that but she was a keen chess player and was at this time the president of the Estonian Chess Federation.

With such an impressive guest list, the wedding turned out to be the highlighted social event of the year in Estonia. It was no wonder that in Vivian's mind her wedding compared favorably in prestige to Angela's extravagant wedding in Connecticut.

The dinner boasted a supreme cuisine. It was a feast of ham, chicken and lobster. When it was time for toasts, Erica addressed the crowd and said after introducing herself, "My sister has always disparaged her beauty compared to my own so-called beauty. However, as you can see for yourself Vivian is easy on the eyes and as beautiful a bride as one can imagine."

Everyone cheered and applauded confirming Erica's assessment. She continued, "We grew up on a dairy farm in Wisconsin, the state in the United States, most noted for its dairy farming. As a girl growing up, my sole ambition was to become a farmer's wife, most likely a dairy farmer. Whereas Vivian would have none of that, and instead opted to become an attorney and live in Chicago. And guess what? I did marry a dairy farmer, and Vivian did become a lawyer and lived in Chicago.

"However, life sure takes some strange turns. My first marriage did not work out, and so I moved to Chicago where I now own a popular restaurant. So, I am a businesswoman no longer a farmer's wife. Misfortune fell upon Vivian, and she lost her position in one of the top law firms in Chicago. So, she took a vacation to Estonia to track down some of our relatives, and lo and behold she met a wonderful man. As all of you know, Eino is a dairy farmer and she married him a couple of hours ago! Talk about role reversals!"

After suitable laughter dies down, Erica concluded, "Vivian tells me, that Eino's ambition is to make the Tarvas farm in Valgamaa the most prominent and profitable farm in Estonia if not in all of Europe. With my sister's help I am confident that they will succeed in that endeavor. So, let's raise a glass to toast this newly married couple. Here's best wishes to Eino and my very lovely sister Vivian."
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