Vivian: Life in Estonia Chapter 06


The next morning at the hotel, baby Maia had not yet awakened to demand her morning breakfast. It just so happened, that it was Eino Tarvas who was the first to open his eyes. Recollecting the previous morning, whereupon Vivian had awakened him with a good morning fuck, he decided to return the favor. Just gazing at the naked feminine beauty of Vivian was sufficient to arouse his libido and stiffen his cock to copulation readiness.

As Eino approached her to engage her in a sexual intercourse activity, Vivian was sleeping flat on her back, and snoring lustfully. She was obviously not receptive to an immediate no warning vaginal penetration. However, Eino was a man up for the occasion. (Pun intended) With his hand on his rod, he skillfully rubbed it along the folds of her labia, with some strokes caressing on her clit. Then he tentatively pushed his cock head against the opening of her vagina to coax it to gape and accept further penetration. Repeating such maneuvers several times paved the way for the desired outcome. In time he was able to penetrate to the full hilt of his member and commenced a slow idyllic copulation.

After the completion of couple of more full plunges of his cock in her cunt, Vivian ceased her snoring. And after a couple of more thrusts of his penis in her vagina, her eyes opened. At first, her eyes displayed a look of complete bewilderment. It was understandably so, given as she was not yet fully awake and cognizant of her circumstances. However, with two more thrusts of his penis in her, the look of bewilderment disappeared, and instead was replaced by a smile. And not just any ordinary smile either, but a very warm smile. A smile signifying that without a doubt her consenting acceptance of the situation in which she just had found herself.

Soon Vivian was grunting in tandem with Eino’s love making. She wrapped her legs against his calves. and folded her arms around his back to affect a close adhesion of their bodies. She was actively thrusting her hips to meet his penile plunges. She was no longer the passive recipient of his initiation to this coitus, but an equal partner of a wonderful early morning fuck. To further highlight the mutual engagement of this sexual intercourse, Vivian drew his head towards her so that simultaneously they would be kissing while physically fucking.

The ensuing orgasms for both of them were those of the out of this world variety of sexual pleasure. It could be identified as the stars and fireworks type of orgasms. Their sexual congress was noisy enough to awaken baby Maia who was perforce hungry and began crying demanding for her sustenance.

Wordlessly, Vivian got up from the bed unmindful of the resultant cream pie of their just completed copulation, oozing out of her vagina, and dripping down along the skin of her genitalia and onto her thighs
The possible embarrassment of exposure of her after sex state of her naked body, did not register in her mind. Nor, did she even consider it necessary to adhere to the propriety of quickly cleaning herself up before attending to her baby’s needs. And of course, it goes without saying that she was not overly concerned being naked either.

As for Eino, he was intrigued by Vivian’s nonchalant straight forward ability to abruptly change gears from having participated in a sensually sexual occasion, to immediately looking after her baby’s needs without displaying any awareness that perhaps the scene might be viewed as bizarre by some, to put it mildly. In his own mind he was not incensed, but instead was attracted to her lack of concern to what in essence was a picayune matter of a social nicety. Her evident self-assurance increased his admiration for her.

Upon reaching for her baby, Vivian discarded the dirty diaper and cleaned her daughter up. Mia was agitating displaying impatience for her nourishment, Vivian didn’t bother to put on a new diaper, and instead picked her up, and sitting down on the armchair immediately started breastfeeding her infant.

Charmed by the sight, Eino grabbed his smartphone, and asked, “I hope you don’t mind Vivian, but I like to take some pictures. I find your breast feeding intriguing that I wish to save the image.”

Vivian replied, “Sure go ahead, whatever floats your boat so long as you provide me with copies for my personal recollection as well. I’d prefer that you not submit the photos onto the internet, but if you feel compelled to do so, don’t worry about my reaction.”

Eino Tarvas was absolutely shocked by that statement. He replied, “Are you serious? You truly would not be mortified by such public exposure? Rest assured that I would not dream of making these photos public whatsoever or even showing them to any of my friends or family. I view this as just a wonderful personal keepsake for me to treasure for the rest of my life.”

Vivian replied earnestly, “I don’t believe that I’m a dedicated exhibitionist. I don’t perceive there’s anything extraordinary about my physical appearance which would fuel any latent desire to expose myself unduly. Likewise, we are living in an era where breast feeding is the medically preferred method of nourishing a newborn. Though, breast feeding while naked is not the usual norm for performing that task, still it cannot be said that such activity is in any way harmful or obstructs the desired outcome for the activity. Therefore, by definition I cannot possibly be made to feel ashamed of being photographed nursing my baby while I’m naked. After all, the fact of my being naked is merely a happenstance not related to any unusual circumstance.”

Eino was still nonplussed by Vivian’s insouciance and had to remark, “But what about modesty? Wouldn’t you be ashamed of having a picture of yourself breast feeding while naked, available for everyone to see? Surely, you wouldn’t want to be perceived as a loose woman? Besides I have to disagree with your personal assessment as to your indistinguishable alluring female appeal. I believe and now I know for absolute complete certainty that you are an extremely beautiful woman.”

Vivian replied, “That’s very kind of you to say so. However, your assertion only proves the well known adage: ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’. I daresay, suppose one were to place a bag over the head of a universally acknowledged beautiful woman, and another bag over the head of a woman considered hideous in her looks; then suppose these two women are presented to a male test subject for interchangeable simultaneous sexual intercourse as a sex test experiment for that man, to determine which one was the beautiful woman. I would suggest he wouldn’t be able to really differentiate.

“Actually, I would surmise, that he would more likely pick the not so pretty woman who presumably would have had less sexual experience, and thus would be more prone to provide the greatest sexual enthusiasm she was capable of doing in the sex act. On the other hand the pretty woman with presumably lots of sexual experience would most likely have a jaundiced attitude as to the routine pleasure of the average sexual intercourse, such that she would unlikely be as motivated in performing or exhibiting the notion that she was engaged in the greatest sexual experience of her life.”

Eino merely smiled as he replied, “Your recital of course reminds me of the description of a two bag lady.”

Vivian scoffed, “Yes I remember your descriptive account of the description of a two bag lady; how droll.”

Realizing he had made an unnecessary sexist reference disguised as a lame joke, which tended to throw cold water of what had been a loving intimate setting between them, Eino, then said, “It seems like we’ve strayed from the essential question I had asked. Namely won’t you be worried if the pictures I take of you nursing your baby while naked, somehow inadvertently gets posted on the internet?”

“I wouldn’t be concerned because as I indicated, I’m not doing anything to be ashamed of. And in conjunction with your professed admiration of my physical appearance, I would go so far as to say, there are really no hideous features of my body that would make me shudder if exposed. This discussion reminds me of an anecdote my Estonian grandmother was fond of relating.

“On one occasion, a male paparazzi stole into a Finnish style sauna in Istanbul, Turkey, of all places, and took pictures of wives of foreign dignitaries who were enjoying the benefits of such body cleansing activity. All of the ladies were as a matter of course totally naked. The Arab and Muslim ladies manually covered their faces, whereas the British and American ladies tried their best to cover their breasts and vaginas in reaction to this unwanted intrusion. On the other hand, the third group of women being Scandinavian, made no attempts to shield any part of their naked bodies from the photographer’s efforts, while he snapped as many pictures as he dared to take, before he ran away to avoid being possibly apprehended by security.

“When queried about the incident, one of the Nordic ladies responded, ‘Hey if a man wants to photograph me naked, I’m flattered that he seems to find me attractive enough to take the trouble of photographing me as God had made me. There’s nothing about my body I fear I need to conceal’.”

“So, it seems like modesty is not your strong suit, Vivian?”

“You could say that, and I guess you just did.” Eino immediately groaned as this phrase in banality had already been uttered by each of them twice before. She continued, “And you might not realize this, but your statement would literally be a pun in English. But hurry up and take your pictures Eino. Maia is almost finished nursing, and you haven’t done me like you’ve done in the past feedings. And, I so miss your wicked tongue on me.”

Accordingly, Eino took various shots of Vivian nursing her baby, which proved to be enchanting. Vivian later on enhanced a particularly awesome compelling picture into a “5”x “7” glossy. She framed it and kept it on her desk in the various offices she subsequently toiled. In this framed photograph, her and her baby’s pose in their nudity was understated so as not to appear exceptionally lurid except to prurient minds of those who would always be prone to take offense. Otherwise, the picture did not provoke the sensitivity of the average liberal minded person, and so she had no trepidation in displaying this photograph in her work places.

As it turned out, when Eino finished snapping his pictures of Vivian, baby Maia was satiated from her intake of her mother’s milk. Consequently, she unlatched from her mother’s nipple, which in turn caused Vivian to quip, “Well Eino, I am truly horny but Maia is now fully awake, so I guess there is no opportunity for further sex at this time. I’m especially in the mood to feel your wicked tongue on my twat.”

Eino replied, “Not to worry Vivian, I wouldn’t dream of denying you the pleasure of my tongue especially when you ask so nicely. So, let me ask can your baby crawl?”

“Yes of course! My Maia is a very sharp intelligent young lady, who I’m positive will be walking by Christmas.”

Ignoring Vivian’s boastful praise of her baby, Eino then suggested, “Great! So, we’ll make a little pillow nest area on the floor, and she can play with her toys you brought along. That should keep her occupied, and happy while we play on the bed.”

As Vivian had no objection to Eino’s plan, the two of them first covered the carpeted floor with the bed covers and duvet. Then they gathered all the pillows in the room and constructed a perimeter wall to contain Maia’s movements. After placing Maia on the floor with a pacifier in her mouth and a miniature toy rubbery doll in her hand, they left the infant to independently amuse herself. Vivian also left a couple of similar toys for her baby to explore further.

Vivian had readily acceded to Eino’s proposal, without any trepidation. Mia had not been a colicky baby and was not prone to cry unnecessarily. Maia was already mature enough and desirous of fending for herself within her natural physical limitations. She certainly was not the kind of baby who was demanding to be held constantly. So, Vivian knew it would be feasible to have a reasonable amount of time for sex while her baby was simultaneously awake. With the promise of receiving cunnilingus how could she resist?

Accordingly, after baby Maia was settled in her makeshift playpen, Vivian hopped back on to the bed to lay on her back and come to rest in a deliberate provocative spreadeagled position. With a giggle she beckoned Eino with a crooked finger saying, “Come here Eino and do me! I sure would appreciate a terrific muff dive which I know you can do me.”

Eino chuckled at Vivian’s brazen sexual entreaty. He had never ever before encountered a sex partner as enthusiastic, and as eager to engage in sex as Vivian. To savor the moment, he paused for some time to fully gaze at Vivian’s pulchritude. He had previously noted that her facial features would not be universally considered overly attractive, but to his mind her face had a strikingly feminine unique appeal that was utterly alluring to him. One thing about her physical features that was deemed by some, as a negative factor was the natural color of her hair. It was a vibrant fiery coppery red hue.

During their conversation at the seafood restaurant, Vivian had confided that since as far as she could remember, from her earliest childhood years, she was constantly taunted, teased and chided. In later years in high school, and as an undergraduate student at the University of Wisconsin, the chief reason she was bullied was for her known or at least rumored examples of her sexual wantonness. But even before she was a target for the sexual bullying, she was also bullied for her above average height, her adult height reached way above the US national average for women.

However, the most egregious bullying was centered on the belief that she supposedly colored her hair to such a shockingly fiery red color. As a child her mother wouldn’t entertain the possibility of allowing her to color her hair to thwart such bullying. As she got older, Vivian developed a stubborn streak to such an extent that she defiantly refused to color her hair to ward off such negative comments. Although not particularly religious, she was sometimes provoked to retort, “God chose this color for my hair, and I don’t feel that I’m entitled to question His decision.”

Vivian further explained that this was the reason why she chose not to shave her pubic area, in order to be able to prove to any new fuck buddy that her hair color was indeed natural. Once a more permanent relationship was established, she would be quite willing to even undergo a Brazilian wax if that was his preference for a naked hairless cunt. Eino was bemused enough, to ask what she would say if a new fuck buddy had the temerity to question, whether she had dyed her pubic hair as well.

Vivian had looked at Eino in askance as she had never considered such a possibility. So she merely answered, “If he is so cynical and suspicious to suggest that I would be so vain, then that would be the last, and only occasion that he ever would have the pleasure of viewing my pussy, bushy or otherwise.”

Eino had laughed at the rejoinder, as he enjoyed that spur of the moment quip. He found her sense of humor very refreshing compared to most women he had known, either Biblically or otherwise. As Eino was further considering Vivian’s physical attributes, he realized her height would be off putting to most, especially men who happen to be shorter than her. When asked by him, she advised that she stood at six feet one inch tall or 185 centimeters. Fortunately, his male ego was not thereby being diminished, as he was 190 centimeters tall. So, he had no hang up with her rather tall stature. He knew that lots of tall men preferred short and delicate women for various and sundry reasons. He was not of that camp, as he was enamored with tall women. He knew he would not be bothered whatsoever, were she to wear high heels and thus appear taller. He would actually preen at such occasion.

In that regard, Eino was bemused by recalling a sporting anecdote with which he was familiar. A noteworthy Danish female professional tennis player, by the name of Caroline Wozniacki, who stood at five feet ten inches tall, or 177 centimeters, was at one time engaged to an equally famous Northern Ireland professional golfer named Rory McIlroy. Alas, the golfer was slightly shorter than her; to wit: five feet nine inches or 175 centimeters. Whenever they were seen together in public photo ops, he actually appeared even significantly shorter than what such official statistics would suggest. For unstated reasons, he eventually broke off their engagement a few months before the scheduled wedding date, ending a three years relationship.

Her only disparaging comment she made about her ex fiancé on social media regarding the unexpected break-up of their engagement, was to the effect that a beneficial consequence was that she was now free to wear high heels again. Apparently though, she had learned her lesson well. Her next serious romantic squeeze, whom she did end up successfully marrying was an American professional basketball player, named David Lee, who stood at six feet nine inches tall or 206 centimeters. So then, even were she to wear high heel stilettos, he would still significantly tower over her.

Despite these negative features of Vivian’s physical appearance, Eino Tarvas believed he was on solid grounds to assert that her naked feminine torso was the epitome of alluring physical female beauty. Here breasts were large which automatically provoked any red blooded straight male to drool, but not too large to appear grotesque or as an oddity. Whenever her apparel exposed some cleavage, her male companions were hard put to obviously avoid leering at her bosom. Her breasts were a perfect pear shape, that provoked an immediate desire of any straight man upon witnessing them to happily seize the opportunity to caress, touch, rub, squeeze and in all manners to grope those delectable nipples and her soft melons.

The rest of her naked body was likewise enticing. Especially alluring to Eino was her derrière which to some, and even to herself would deem it disdainfully as too fat. But for Eino it was simply pleasantly plump. He would be aroused just by the sight of it. Each time she happened to be walking naked in his presence, the sight of her naked butt wiggling in her sexy gait always was a complete turn on for him, and it mattered not if they had just finished engaging in sex. Her thighs and calves were equally prominent not resembling sticks like legs of thin women which were a turn off for him. Concluding his inspection of Vivian in all her glorious nudity, Eino could only think ‘Oh yes! Vivian Laaning is a truly gorgeous woman no matter what anyone else may say to the contrary.’ He knew he would never tire of the opportunity to gaze at her nude body.

Having satisfied his pleasure of viewing and contemplating Vivian’s total naked feminine beauty, Eino Tarvas got on the bed to fulfill Vivian’s desire to ‘eat her out’. He literally muff dived; settling down onto Vivian’s vulva, folding his arms under her thighs to force elevate her mons. The first task he undertook was to lick up and savor the taste of the dried sperm clinging to her skin. Then there was the juicer sperm attached to her labia and to her other lady parts to complete the removal of all the visible evidence of their recently concluded coitus.

After that he concentrated on administering a thorough cunnilingus pursuant to her expressed desire. His tonguing and licking of her vulva was enhanced by her sexual aroma, which was at this point very potent, given the various sexual acts she had engaged with him since her last shower. Now generally speaking, body odor as a result of poor hygiene practice is universally scorned as a foul off putting sense of smell. Some are likewise repulsed by sexual odors as well. However, some, especially many straight men, and this would include Eino Tarvas in that category, get off on the sexual smell of their female partner.

It isn’t that the sexual scent of a woman produced during sex is especially pleasant such as say the wonderful smell of freshly baked bread. Nevertheless, a woman having sex emits quite a unique intoxicating redolence that is only discernible when she is so engaged. Those men who instinctively are aware of this female predilection become even more fully aroused, when they inhale an extremely pungent odor from their female partner as it signifies in their own mind as proof positive of their sexual prowess. Nothing bolsters a male’s ego more than certain knowledge or at the very least the credible belief that he has provided delicious sexual pleasure for his partner, plus an exquisite orgasm in the end.

Eino had encountered some women, which included his late wife, who would claim they were good in bed. But in subsequent sex with them, he never discerned that they had experienced unbridled joy. If they displayed or maintained that had reached an orgasm, he was suspicious of their veracity on that score. He suspected their bravado claim to be good in bed was a ruse to deflect criticism of their indifference in having sex with him.

In retrospect it was unfair of him to include his late wife in that category. He had met her and was infatuated with her from the get go, and married her anyway despite her evident disdain for their sexual encounters. Since she was diagnosed with the disease of congestive heart failure during the latter stages of her pregnancy, he could understand her reluctance for the sexual act and her lack of enthusiasm even before her disease was discovered. Her insistence that she was good in bed, and even becoming pregnant was probably resultant of her sheer coping measure to fight off the despair of her terminal illness. As a result, her death left him with severe emotional mixed feelings. He was truly devastated by her death notwithstanding that it was so obviously inevitable. On the other hand it was a relief in that her death freed him to move on with his life, and possibly enjoy true happiness finally.

He had in the past year started a sporadic affair with Kaisa Noor, a married woman in Tallinn. Although this affair was satisfactory enough to fulfill his carnal desires, still it was not going anywhere. She was not smitten enough with him to induce her to leave her husband. Likewise, he was not smitten enough with her to insist she leave her husband to form a more permanent relationship with him. Accordingly, he had no apprehension that his sudden last minute cancellation of their pre-planned three day rendezvous in favor of being with Vivian would necessarily end the relationship. With the state of flux in their relationship, he would expect to be able to renew it, once Vivian was gone.

When initially at the Läänemets’ residence, Eino had asked Vivian out for dinner, he naturally desired having sex with her and hoped for such an outcome to be the result. With his previous sexual experience to go by, he did not expect their sex to be anything special, notwithstanding his instant infatuation of her beauty, and her easy style of conversation. This impression was augmented by his instinctive feeling that she had participated in extensive sexual encounters not to mention with multiple lovers on her sexual scorecards. He was to learn that her actual sexual experience was even more extensive than he had imagined.

So, it was understandable that Eino had not anticipated that Vivian would find him particularly enthralling. Considering she was on vacation, he believed surely from her point of view, she could likely consider that the sex between them would be a lark, and nothing more. Actually, although he sensed he was more attracted to Vivian than he had been to any other woman he had sex with, which included his late wife. Still, he pragmatically understood given their mutual circumstances that their encounter would be merely a one night stand albeit lasting at most three consecutive nights.

However, Eino was pleasantly surprised at how sexy Vivian Laaning turned out to be. She really was good in bed and did not have to boast about it to convince him. Her whole demeanor in their sexual activity was to apparently convey to him that she deemed him to be the sexiest man on the planet, and she was grateful to be with him. He came to the conclusion subsequently, that such perceived attitude spurred him to be the best lover he could be. Which in turn caused her to be even sexier with him.

Never was this sexual conclusion more evident than in his particular cunnilingus activity. It had started by her seemingly in earnest begging for his attentions. As he had already been satisfied by his initial sex with her by waking her up, he was determined on this occasion to provide the best muff dive experience of her life. The smell of her sex apart from being the quintessential sexual stimulation he craved for, had the added benefit of conveying a message to his mind, that she was fully excited or she would not have involuntarily emitted such potent essence of herself.

Such happy thoughts prompted him to be even more focused on tonguing her vulva and its various parts. He soon received more concrete evidence of the success he was achieving in arousing the very sexual core of Vivian Laaning and sending her into a higher level of sexual nirvana. She was grunting, moaning, breathing heavily and occasionally even squeaking, as he kept tonguing her lady parts relentlessly. Both of her hands were intertwined into his hair partly for a practical purpose to direct him to tongue touch her at the optimum spots, but mainly her intent was to signal satisfaction of his efforts to thrill her. More though was to come or even cum!

Shortly after the commencement of his muff dive, by bending her knee, Vivian leveraged her right leg over him ending up with her heel resting on and making contact with the flesh of his left ass cheek. No doubt, the impetus to her for making this movement was to achieve a more comfortable position for her to receive his oral sexual activities. Unbeknownst to her, was the actual fact that such an intimate caress produced even a more sexually arousal in him. It caused him in essence to copy her grunts and moans, but naturally his vocal efforts had a more masculine ring to them.

The next exciting stimulation occurring during this cunnilingus was totally unexpected for Eino Tarvas. Vivian surreptitiously maneuvered her left leg underneath him and made contact with his penis! She deftly captured his cock between her big toe and secured it with the adjacent toe. With such a hold on his member she was able to stroke it; an unimaginable foot massage if you will! The effect in sexual excitement for Eino by her action was cataclysmic! He felt like he was in midst of a burning fire as he was perspiring heavily. Real heavy droplets of perspiration were evident.

What sentient thoughts he did possess, confirmed that his sweating was not as a result of any strenuous physical exertion on his part. Instead, his body was reacting from the extreme heat which he perceived was overpowering his entire being. He was mentally aware that the heat he was feeling did not emanate from a real fire but from a metaphorical one. And this imaginary conflagration reflected the sum total of all passionate senses available to him when engaged in hot steamy sex. As a result, he lost all control of his ensuing climax. He could not avoid its eruption even if his life depended upon it.

Had Eino been privy to Vivian’s mind, he would have been pleased to have learned that she did indeed perceive that his cunnilingus was the best she had ever enjoyed. A major factor contributing to her sexual serendipity was her certainty that her sexual smell had to be overpowering considering how passionately aroused she had become. Despite such realistic perception of the state of her bodily physical condition, still, she threw caution to the wind when she insisted that he eat her out. Perhaps Vivian had an instinctive foreknowledge that he was not one to be put off by a woman’s sexual odor. Nevertheless, she was mightily relieved that not only was he not repulsed by her smell, but he seemed to be genuinely enjoying his participation in the oral sex.

Consequently, with his demonstrative signals that he was relishing his role as the one providing the pleasure of oral sex on her vulva and clitoris, Vivian automatically reciprocated in kind to make it clear to him that his actions were thoroughly appreciated. True, the initial impetus for her to caress his hair and scalp was for the purpose of guiding him to achieve the optimum pleasure for her. Still, it was not lost on her, that he probably derived some extra sexual pleasure from such contact. Likewise, when she deposited the heel of her right foot on his ass, it certainly made the sexual action between them more comfortable for her. By the same token she suspected such intimate adhesion of their bodies enhanced the sexual pleasure of his cunnilingus.

With such perception to her thought processes, it prompted her, that despite her essentially passive role in the action of their cunnilingus, she ought to take a more active role. Subsequently, in recalling the circumstances of this incident, she could not pinpoint the inspiration for her foot play. All she knew at the time was that a desire to please him as much as he had pleased her had taken hold of her. To really please him had become a paramount imperative. As soon as her toes had secured his penis, she could immediately discern the uptick of his sensual pleasure. This in turn had at once, the consequence of driving her to experience a mini orgasm of her own.

The pleasure of her intermediary climax though did not cause her to retard the process of the stroking of his penis by her foot. However, it was almost immediately apparent to Vivian that he was soon, going to explode and ejaculate. Now desiring to bring about a satisfactory sexual conclusion, she stopped her foot play, and virtually shouted, “Stop what you’re doing Eino! Come up here and fuck me. Fuck me right now. I need your cock in me right now! Hurry!”

That verbal command by Vivian was the loudest noise produced in this, of their sexual play. In retrospect they both realized how fortunate they were that Maia remained unperturbed and oblivious to them, being thoroughly occupied in her very own pursuits. It stood to reason, had Maia started to cry at this juncture the sexual action between them would have ceased.

Thus, absent of any protest by baby Maia, Eino automatically without any thought immediately complied to Vivian’s urgent demands. His cock was so stiff that it penetrated Vivian’s vagina, easily with the minimum requirement of assisting guidance from his hand. Vivian was so wet that his penis easily slid in and along her vaginal tunnel. As a result of their mutual high state of an excited libido, the pace of the thrust of his cock and parry by her hips was frantic. Since both of them were belatedly consciously cognizant of the presence of baby Maia, obliviously playing on the floor within the confines of the make-shift playpen, they were deliberately concentrating on tamping down their vocal reactions of their ensuing very intensive climaxes.

The very second Eino, sensed he had expelled his last load of cum, he rolled off her to land flat on his back beside. He had grunted at the end of his ejaculation, and immediately started to pant heavily to regain his equilibrium. He could not remain silent if his life depended on it. Likewise, Vivian, fully climaxed and emitted a grunt as well, albeit a feminine sounding grunt. As they were lying side by side mutually hyperventilating, Maia took the opportunity to make her presence known perhaps in light of instinctively realizing that she had been ignored.

Vivian’s maternal instincts instantly kicked in again as she was quickly able to normalize the situation. Again, she jumped out of bed to tend to her baby’s needs. Again, she was unconcerned about her nakedness. Again, she was oblivious of the fresh new cream pie oozing out of her vagina. Vivian picked up her baby and offered a boob, but Maia was not really hungry and spit out the nipple after a perfunctory suckling. Vivian then held Maia in her arms and cuddled her sufficiently to overcome her agitation. Having successfully induced her baby to return to a state of calmness, she handed her to Eino, who had remained positioned on the bed while observing the action of the naked mother and her child. Vivian commanded, “Here Eino hold on to Maia for a while. I desperately need to take a shower. I cannot stand my own smell, and that will not do for our shopping spree.”

On the previous day, Vivian’s monies were transferred to Eino’s bank account, for the purpose of implementing his envisioned expansion of his dairy farm. He had indicated that part of the monies would be used to purchase the adjoining farm. While retaining the crop producing revenue of that farm, there would be room available to double the size of his dairy farm production. To this end he intended on purchasing milking machines and other farm equipment in the morning. More importantly he intended to purchase some cows, plus at least one bull at an auction scheduled that afternoon. Vivian had indicated to him that she would be willing to accompany him in such an endeavor during this day. Actually, she went so far as to suggest that her presence would be a mutually automatic assumption.

Actually, Eino had not believed that Vivian would seriously be interested in being with him during such a tedious undertaking. As an example of his thought process, he believed without a doubt, that had his late wife not been ill but in good health and still alive, she would not have had harbored such an interest. She no doubt would have been delighted in coming to Tallinn for a three days vacation. She most likely would have agreed to appear with him at the bank for the loan negotiations, especially considering the bank would have insisted on obtaining her signature for the various documents supporting the loan. However, in spending this day with him, Eino believed with utmost certainty that his late wife would not have wanted to be with him as it would be too dull of an experience for her. And she would have been bored despite the fact that, she would have a personal invested interest in the outcome.

Aside from the fact that Vivian had possibly lent the monies or perhaps maybe even given the monies as a gift, theoretically how he would spend the monies most likely would be of no real concern to her. That is why, as he took baby Maia unto his arms, he responded, “Really Vivian? Do you really want to spend the day with me as I determine what I should buy in furtherance of expanding my farm?”

Vivian rolled her eyes as she replied, “Of course I want to be with you today. After all, it was my monies that makes this day possible as it is. So naturally, I want to help ensure you get the best possible deals in your purchases. I might add that, I do have some expertise in dairy farming requirements so my input surely would be useful to you. Besides, more importantly I love to be in your company so I surely would not want to be denied the opportunity.

As far as Eino Tarvas could see, there was nothing more to elaborate except his reply, “OK then. Let’s get on with it.”
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