Susan... Part 4
Not a real juicy story but a continuation of the story none the less...
See parts 1-3 if you like this, more to come I am sure.
I seem to have gotten a bit distracted and now instead of telling you about my naughty adventures with my new pals Kylie and her daddy I am mostly telling you about myself. Well this has been kind of fun in a way and maybe it’s even helping me process why I am so much more sexually adventurous than most of the girls I know.
When I was little I wore lots of dresses and I only ever played with little boys. I’m sure there were more times than I could know where I flashed my panties at my older brothers friends or even took the dresses off to play in a pool or sprinkler and never thought about it. Most of those occasions the boys were too young to care or notice, I think? But at some point they certainly noticed because I began at some age to get singled out for special attention and this often entailed me having to expose my underwear or some part of my budding body.
As I got older I kind of liked spin the bottle because then the boys sometimes got to strip too. I also I played my share of naughty truth or dare and being more often than not the only girl I almost always ended up getting involved in everyone else’s dares as well as my own, hah, better than half the time!
That reminds me of when Kylie and I made Eddie take us for Chinese takeout that evening after we first caught him jerking off. I kind of dared him to go thru the drive thru in nothing but his boxers. He was wearing a shirt and he drove a 4x4 pickup so no one could really see anything but it was kind of hot and I got another cool pic which got him all flustered.
Not as flustered as when drinks got spilled and he jumped out of the truck all wet and pretty much flashed the Asian girl who tried to help after dumping the drinks in his lap! I think Kylie said her name is Meiko, she is really cute and sexy, Eddie sure seemed to get excited about the risk of her seeing him. Oops, sorry but she goes to our school and we might have to invite her to come have some fun if it turns out he likes Asian teens too! Maybe I need to get another look at his computer’s web search history?
For some reason I want to push him to feel some of the things I have felt and experienced. Maybe it’s because he was getting off to porn where girls are taken advantage of and embarrassed or stripped? Even though I know those videos are mostly actresses who are paid to do that stuff. It is fun for me to get to turn the tables a little bit and he seems so easy to control.
I guess that’s why the boys I grew up around got away with getting me to do things. I wanted to please them and maybe I liked it? I know I rarely minded too much. Sometimes it was really embarrassing but when it was just my brothers and me it was not such a big deal.
Toby was rarely the instigator of me getting undressed though I know he really liked it when he got to see me naked. I think it was only a few weeks after my shower with the twins. I was in the bath, with lots of bubbles. Apparently the twins had decided to tell my little brother something about me and them in the shower that weekend because as I was relaxing, soaking and nearly half asleep in the hot water; I heard a light tap and a throat clearing as Toby sheepishly stepped into the bathroom.
I have said before that I am not really all that shy and that’s true, around my brothers, but I’m just like everyone else when it comes to enjoying my privacy in the bath. It was late and our folks were probably asleep. I seem to recall they were home so this must have been a week day that summer. No idea where Tim was but he may have been camping out in the woods with some friends or something? Anyway, I hear the noises, look up from my thoughts and my little brother has slipped into the room.
“Toby,” I say, thinking he must need to pee or something, “Can’t you wait till I’m done?”
He is in his usual t-shirt and white briefs. He still has some printed underwear with superman and such things on them but I think he is close to outgrowing those. I can’t remember but I think he was around eleven and I was soon to be thirteen. He looked at me like he was confused for a sec then I saw his eyes give me a once over. At least his eyes took in the full scene and I thought I saw him pause at my breasts.
Most of me was covered by water and so also by suds but as I saw his eyes pause I looked down and noticed that the bubbles were only partially covering my chest. I had been in here a while and bubbles unfortunately don’t last long.
He didn’t seem to be heading for the toilet, so I asked him, “Can I help you?” Self-consciously covering my chest with my hands, suddenly feeling unusually shy and naked, which of course I was, naked at least.
In a burst, Toby asks me, “Did you get in the shower with the twins?”
My mind races through thoughts, Umm.., well yes and no… I can’t tell him, can I? What have they said? Startled and sitting up now, my nakedness temporarily forgotten, “Why, Toby, what did they tell you?” I ask him.
His eyes widen as he takes in the view but I don’t care. I look straight into his eyes and he looks in mine. “They said you got in the shower with them when they spent the night. While I was in the folks shower. Why didn’t you come with me?” He seems almost hurt, like he is disappointed that I chose them over him? “There’s hardly any room in here for three, we all out grew this small tub years ago.” Toby says.
At this point I don’t know if I should be mad or grateful to those two jerks. I think it may be possible that they did not blab about what we did exactly that morning but why did they even have to say anything?
“They said they got to wash you all over and that you returned the favor!” He continued, “Like we used to do.”
Um, ok so mad and a little embarrassed it is! I can’t believe they had to tell anyone, but my little brother, really? Why?
Toby at least is innocent enough to think it was only a bath. Well, I hope so anyway.
“That’s not entirely true Toby,” I reply, thinking fast, that I have to tell him something. “I got caught trying to steal one of their clothes as the other came in that morning. Like someone did to me the night before if you recall.”
“So you didn’t get in the shower with them?” He asks.
“Well, if you remember I was naked, one of them was in the shower and the other came in behind me and kind of insisted I step in the shower too. I didn’t want to cause a big fight and figured they were not gonna do anything to me so yes, I got in.” I admit. “You can’t tell anyone about this Toby, and you need to tell them not to be telling people too!”
Looking into his eyes, I can see him trying to decide. He is unsure if he should or should not talk with Tim, or maybe even our folks about this! I’m not sure why, but I reached out and took his hand, pulling him to me, I hugged his head to my chest.
“Please, little brother, I’m fine. Nothing bad happened, I promise. Actually it was kind of fun. Like in the old days with you and Tim just more crowded.” I say as he pulls back to look at me.
There is soap on his face, the brief contact on my chest felt warm and nice in a way. His eyes stray again and I decided to make him an offer, “You want to join me?” I say, knowing the answer as soon as it comes out.
This of course sets his mind whirling in new directions and he is no longer concerned about me in the least. Instead he is happy and excited and I have to tell him to shush! Up until now we have had a quiet conversation and he seems to have wanted not to awaken the folks. As soon as I invited him into my bath he is like a little boy again and he has to be told twice at least to keep the noise down!
I am not sure if my bathing him or his bathing me was more exciting. He certainly enjoyed soaping me up and although he was not as attentive to certain areas as the twins were I found I was nearly as wound up. For Toby’s part, he wasn’t so comfortable with me touching his privates and that was ok by me. He did get hard and it stayed that way for a rather long time, which I told him was natural at his age and not to worry about it. This led to a kind of awkward conversation about the twins which ended with him telling me that he too knew that they were not entirely identical.
Toby was also not real interested in touching me down there. My pussy seemed to scare him a little. He really liked soaping up my breasts and I think he would have sucked them if I had encouraged it at all. That seemed to be what got him hard at least, touching my tits. Let me just say that I later learned that when a boy knows what he is doing it is possible to make a girl cum from just stimulating her tits.
We both got water logged in a bit. Toby dried off my back and I did his. It was kind of like old times but it had a different edge to it and we both knew it. I hugged him, wrapped in a towel, him naked and still half hard. I think we both knew this was possibly the last time we would bathe together.
Grinning like kids who had gotten away with something we said goodnight, and made our ways to our separate rooms. I was still simmering slightly; cooling down that night meant sleeping in the nude which was not my usual habit at this point, though it had happened a few times since that 1st night.
The next morning, I awoke to find the folks off at work. I was still a little tingly and it seemed that my dreams had kept me simmering all night. I may have had naughty dreams. Not about my brother, I think, I hope, but at 13 years old girls sometimes have fantasies too. It really isn’t just boys who are curious about sex.
After going to the bathroom and safely arriving back in my room I am lying in bed lightly touching myself when Toby opens my door. Naked and fully on display, caught with one hand on my pussy and the other pinching a nipple, He looks at me and asks me “What ya’ doing,” before it registers that I am kind of busy.
I roll over grabbing a sheet and cover myself. I am mad, frustrated and embarrassed to have been caught. Though I don’t fully know why or what I was doing exactly. At the moment I only know that I didn’t want him there and that this was private. “Can’t you knock?” I scream at him.
Shocked, either at my tone or at what he saw, I don’t know, but he turns and slamming my door, retreats.
I try for a minute to get back to where I was but it is no use and I give up. I slip on a night shirt and panties and go into the kitchen for breakfast. Hearing me, knowing we are the only ones home, Toby soon joins me. Looking sheepish again he says “Sorry” and we have a quiet breakfast.
I notice that he can hardly look me in the eye this morning and this makes me sad so I get behind him, take him in my arms and give him a hug. “I’m sorry, it’s ok, and really I shouldn’t have yelled at you.”
“I could have knocked,” he offers, “but I just heard you in the bathroom. I knew you were up and just wanted to ask if you were gonna make anything for breakfast or have cereal? I didn’t know you’d be,” then he trailed off, thinking, “What were you doing anyway?”
God, he just got a really good look at me sprawled across my bed in the middle of trying to give myself an orgasm and he wants me to explain it to him? What do I say? How do I explain this? Should I try to ignore it?
“I was, um, just stretching and scratching, thinking about food too, actually but you startled me!” I explain, trying to sound legit and not blush.
“Why were you naked again?” He asks me sincerely curious.
Ugh, I don’t want to go there but there seems to be no escaping it so I admit, “Sometimes I sleep naked.” Matter-of-factly, as though this is the most normal thing ever.
“I never knew that. OK, well, sorry I startled you this morning, Sis. I liked our bath last night!” Toby offers. “That was nice.”
Does he somehow think this is changing the subject? “Uh, yeah, me too I guess. It is kind of cramped in there though, for a proper bath. Must be why we all usually take showers now.” I remind him.
Totally missing my point he cheerfully chimes, “Next time!” As he rises to clear away his cereal, bowl and milk. Is he thinking that now he can just join me in the shower or bath whenever?
“I don’t think.” I begin, then, I see that he is grinning at me. Is he teasing me?
“Gee, Suze” My little brother, using his pet name for me, says, “I know we can’t do that all the time. The folk’s think we have outgrew that but they aren’t always here and I bet Tim wouldn’t care. He might like a back scrubbing too if you asked him.”
OMG, he actually is planning on this happening I realize. He is in fact looking forward to our next or first shower in a long time. I have to ask myself at this point, what would Tim think or say? I doubt he would forbid it; would he want to take a turn or join us? I can’t imagine him getting in the shower with Toby but what about with me?
Tim has never actually touched me in a sexual way. I don’t think he would do anything to take advantage. I don’t doubt that we could get a shower but suddenly I think it might get awkward as we both are reaching a point where we are becoming different, more mature maybe. Definitely more aware of the opposite sex but he is still my big brother.
As I come back from my musings on this I notice Toby looking at me funny and I roll my eyes at him. “Go get dressed and find something to do besides tease me little brother.” I tell him, as I turn down the hall to my room to do the same thing. I assure myself that on the one hand if Toby tries to join me in the shower I can always get out or tell him to go away.
On the other hand, as for Tim, well he is older and likes his privacy. I know he spends a little extra time in the bathroom and in the shower. I’ve accidentally seen what he sometimes does in there so I doubt he wants to have me in there with him. Knowing I have no plans either to join him or ask him to join me, I’m not concerned. He will probably even discourage Toby’s newfound interest in communal bathing as soon as he becomes aware of it.
With this last thought on the subject I get dressed and spend the morning flipping through TV stations until I get bored, then at some point I realize Toby is MIA and wonder if he might have taken up a new hobby. He is nearly 12, boys his age do masturbate. I’ve never caught him but Tim might have actually been about his age the first time I ever saw him “rubbing one off”.
OMG, was my little brother masturbating to his thoughts of seeing me this morning or even last night? Did it matter what thoughts he got off to? I certainly knew that I had been naked enough around him that he could probably imagine me quite clearly.
Did Tim think about me when he… OK, that is not what I want to think about. As a matter of fact, I don’t really want to think about either of my brothers masturbating, geez.
I decide to go out for a walk, it is a beautiful day and I need some air!
See parts 1-3 if you like this, more to come I am sure.
I seem to have gotten a bit distracted and now instead of telling you about my naughty adventures with my new pals Kylie and her daddy I am mostly telling you about myself. Well this has been kind of fun in a way and maybe it’s even helping me process why I am so much more sexually adventurous than most of the girls I know.
When I was little I wore lots of dresses and I only ever played with little boys. I’m sure there were more times than I could know where I flashed my panties at my older brothers friends or even took the dresses off to play in a pool or sprinkler and never thought about it. Most of those occasions the boys were too young to care or notice, I think? But at some point they certainly noticed because I began at some age to get singled out for special attention and this often entailed me having to expose my underwear or some part of my budding body.
As I got older I kind of liked spin the bottle because then the boys sometimes got to strip too. I also I played my share of naughty truth or dare and being more often than not the only girl I almost always ended up getting involved in everyone else’s dares as well as my own, hah, better than half the time!
That reminds me of when Kylie and I made Eddie take us for Chinese takeout that evening after we first caught him jerking off. I kind of dared him to go thru the drive thru in nothing but his boxers. He was wearing a shirt and he drove a 4x4 pickup so no one could really see anything but it was kind of hot and I got another cool pic which got him all flustered.
Not as flustered as when drinks got spilled and he jumped out of the truck all wet and pretty much flashed the Asian girl who tried to help after dumping the drinks in his lap! I think Kylie said her name is Meiko, she is really cute and sexy, Eddie sure seemed to get excited about the risk of her seeing him. Oops, sorry but she goes to our school and we might have to invite her to come have some fun if it turns out he likes Asian teens too! Maybe I need to get another look at his computer’s web search history?
For some reason I want to push him to feel some of the things I have felt and experienced. Maybe it’s because he was getting off to porn where girls are taken advantage of and embarrassed or stripped? Even though I know those videos are mostly actresses who are paid to do that stuff. It is fun for me to get to turn the tables a little bit and he seems so easy to control.
I guess that’s why the boys I grew up around got away with getting me to do things. I wanted to please them and maybe I liked it? I know I rarely minded too much. Sometimes it was really embarrassing but when it was just my brothers and me it was not such a big deal.
Toby was rarely the instigator of me getting undressed though I know he really liked it when he got to see me naked. I think it was only a few weeks after my shower with the twins. I was in the bath, with lots of bubbles. Apparently the twins had decided to tell my little brother something about me and them in the shower that weekend because as I was relaxing, soaking and nearly half asleep in the hot water; I heard a light tap and a throat clearing as Toby sheepishly stepped into the bathroom.
I have said before that I am not really all that shy and that’s true, around my brothers, but I’m just like everyone else when it comes to enjoying my privacy in the bath. It was late and our folks were probably asleep. I seem to recall they were home so this must have been a week day that summer. No idea where Tim was but he may have been camping out in the woods with some friends or something? Anyway, I hear the noises, look up from my thoughts and my little brother has slipped into the room.
“Toby,” I say, thinking he must need to pee or something, “Can’t you wait till I’m done?”
He is in his usual t-shirt and white briefs. He still has some printed underwear with superman and such things on them but I think he is close to outgrowing those. I can’t remember but I think he was around eleven and I was soon to be thirteen. He looked at me like he was confused for a sec then I saw his eyes give me a once over. At least his eyes took in the full scene and I thought I saw him pause at my breasts.
Most of me was covered by water and so also by suds but as I saw his eyes pause I looked down and noticed that the bubbles were only partially covering my chest. I had been in here a while and bubbles unfortunately don’t last long.
He didn’t seem to be heading for the toilet, so I asked him, “Can I help you?” Self-consciously covering my chest with my hands, suddenly feeling unusually shy and naked, which of course I was, naked at least.
In a burst, Toby asks me, “Did you get in the shower with the twins?”
My mind races through thoughts, Umm.., well yes and no… I can’t tell him, can I? What have they said? Startled and sitting up now, my nakedness temporarily forgotten, “Why, Toby, what did they tell you?” I ask him.
His eyes widen as he takes in the view but I don’t care. I look straight into his eyes and he looks in mine. “They said you got in the shower with them when they spent the night. While I was in the folks shower. Why didn’t you come with me?” He seems almost hurt, like he is disappointed that I chose them over him? “There’s hardly any room in here for three, we all out grew this small tub years ago.” Toby says.
At this point I don’t know if I should be mad or grateful to those two jerks. I think it may be possible that they did not blab about what we did exactly that morning but why did they even have to say anything?
“They said they got to wash you all over and that you returned the favor!” He continued, “Like we used to do.”
Um, ok so mad and a little embarrassed it is! I can’t believe they had to tell anyone, but my little brother, really? Why?
Toby at least is innocent enough to think it was only a bath. Well, I hope so anyway.
“That’s not entirely true Toby,” I reply, thinking fast, that I have to tell him something. “I got caught trying to steal one of their clothes as the other came in that morning. Like someone did to me the night before if you recall.”
“So you didn’t get in the shower with them?” He asks.
“Well, if you remember I was naked, one of them was in the shower and the other came in behind me and kind of insisted I step in the shower too. I didn’t want to cause a big fight and figured they were not gonna do anything to me so yes, I got in.” I admit. “You can’t tell anyone about this Toby, and you need to tell them not to be telling people too!”
Looking into his eyes, I can see him trying to decide. He is unsure if he should or should not talk with Tim, or maybe even our folks about this! I’m not sure why, but I reached out and took his hand, pulling him to me, I hugged his head to my chest.
“Please, little brother, I’m fine. Nothing bad happened, I promise. Actually it was kind of fun. Like in the old days with you and Tim just more crowded.” I say as he pulls back to look at me.
There is soap on his face, the brief contact on my chest felt warm and nice in a way. His eyes stray again and I decided to make him an offer, “You want to join me?” I say, knowing the answer as soon as it comes out.
This of course sets his mind whirling in new directions and he is no longer concerned about me in the least. Instead he is happy and excited and I have to tell him to shush! Up until now we have had a quiet conversation and he seems to have wanted not to awaken the folks. As soon as I invited him into my bath he is like a little boy again and he has to be told twice at least to keep the noise down!
I am not sure if my bathing him or his bathing me was more exciting. He certainly enjoyed soaping me up and although he was not as attentive to certain areas as the twins were I found I was nearly as wound up. For Toby’s part, he wasn’t so comfortable with me touching his privates and that was ok by me. He did get hard and it stayed that way for a rather long time, which I told him was natural at his age and not to worry about it. This led to a kind of awkward conversation about the twins which ended with him telling me that he too knew that they were not entirely identical.
Toby was also not real interested in touching me down there. My pussy seemed to scare him a little. He really liked soaping up my breasts and I think he would have sucked them if I had encouraged it at all. That seemed to be what got him hard at least, touching my tits. Let me just say that I later learned that when a boy knows what he is doing it is possible to make a girl cum from just stimulating her tits.
We both got water logged in a bit. Toby dried off my back and I did his. It was kind of like old times but it had a different edge to it and we both knew it. I hugged him, wrapped in a towel, him naked and still half hard. I think we both knew this was possibly the last time we would bathe together.
Grinning like kids who had gotten away with something we said goodnight, and made our ways to our separate rooms. I was still simmering slightly; cooling down that night meant sleeping in the nude which was not my usual habit at this point, though it had happened a few times since that 1st night.
The next morning, I awoke to find the folks off at work. I was still a little tingly and it seemed that my dreams had kept me simmering all night. I may have had naughty dreams. Not about my brother, I think, I hope, but at 13 years old girls sometimes have fantasies too. It really isn’t just boys who are curious about sex.
After going to the bathroom and safely arriving back in my room I am lying in bed lightly touching myself when Toby opens my door. Naked and fully on display, caught with one hand on my pussy and the other pinching a nipple, He looks at me and asks me “What ya’ doing,” before it registers that I am kind of busy.
I roll over grabbing a sheet and cover myself. I am mad, frustrated and embarrassed to have been caught. Though I don’t fully know why or what I was doing exactly. At the moment I only know that I didn’t want him there and that this was private. “Can’t you knock?” I scream at him.
Shocked, either at my tone or at what he saw, I don’t know, but he turns and slamming my door, retreats.
I try for a minute to get back to where I was but it is no use and I give up. I slip on a night shirt and panties and go into the kitchen for breakfast. Hearing me, knowing we are the only ones home, Toby soon joins me. Looking sheepish again he says “Sorry” and we have a quiet breakfast.
I notice that he can hardly look me in the eye this morning and this makes me sad so I get behind him, take him in my arms and give him a hug. “I’m sorry, it’s ok, and really I shouldn’t have yelled at you.”
“I could have knocked,” he offers, “but I just heard you in the bathroom. I knew you were up and just wanted to ask if you were gonna make anything for breakfast or have cereal? I didn’t know you’d be,” then he trailed off, thinking, “What were you doing anyway?”
God, he just got a really good look at me sprawled across my bed in the middle of trying to give myself an orgasm and he wants me to explain it to him? What do I say? How do I explain this? Should I try to ignore it?
“I was, um, just stretching and scratching, thinking about food too, actually but you startled me!” I explain, trying to sound legit and not blush.
“Why were you naked again?” He asks me sincerely curious.
Ugh, I don’t want to go there but there seems to be no escaping it so I admit, “Sometimes I sleep naked.” Matter-of-factly, as though this is the most normal thing ever.
“I never knew that. OK, well, sorry I startled you this morning, Sis. I liked our bath last night!” Toby offers. “That was nice.”
Does he somehow think this is changing the subject? “Uh, yeah, me too I guess. It is kind of cramped in there though, for a proper bath. Must be why we all usually take showers now.” I remind him.
Totally missing my point he cheerfully chimes, “Next time!” As he rises to clear away his cereal, bowl and milk. Is he thinking that now he can just join me in the shower or bath whenever?
“I don’t think.” I begin, then, I see that he is grinning at me. Is he teasing me?
“Gee, Suze” My little brother, using his pet name for me, says, “I know we can’t do that all the time. The folk’s think we have outgrew that but they aren’t always here and I bet Tim wouldn’t care. He might like a back scrubbing too if you asked him.”
OMG, he actually is planning on this happening I realize. He is in fact looking forward to our next or first shower in a long time. I have to ask myself at this point, what would Tim think or say? I doubt he would forbid it; would he want to take a turn or join us? I can’t imagine him getting in the shower with Toby but what about with me?
Tim has never actually touched me in a sexual way. I don’t think he would do anything to take advantage. I don’t doubt that we could get a shower but suddenly I think it might get awkward as we both are reaching a point where we are becoming different, more mature maybe. Definitely more aware of the opposite sex but he is still my big brother.
As I come back from my musings on this I notice Toby looking at me funny and I roll my eyes at him. “Go get dressed and find something to do besides tease me little brother.” I tell him, as I turn down the hall to my room to do the same thing. I assure myself that on the one hand if Toby tries to join me in the shower I can always get out or tell him to go away.
On the other hand, as for Tim, well he is older and likes his privacy. I know he spends a little extra time in the bathroom and in the shower. I’ve accidentally seen what he sometimes does in there so I doubt he wants to have me in there with him. Knowing I have no plans either to join him or ask him to join me, I’m not concerned. He will probably even discourage Toby’s newfound interest in communal bathing as soon as he becomes aware of it.
With this last thought on the subject I get dressed and spend the morning flipping through TV stations until I get bored, then at some point I realize Toby is MIA and wonder if he might have taken up a new hobby. He is nearly 12, boys his age do masturbate. I’ve never caught him but Tim might have actually been about his age the first time I ever saw him “rubbing one off”.
OMG, was my little brother masturbating to his thoughts of seeing me this morning or even last night? Did it matter what thoughts he got off to? I certainly knew that I had been naked enough around him that he could probably imagine me quite clearly.
Did Tim think about me when he… OK, that is not what I want to think about. As a matter of fact, I don’t really want to think about either of my brothers masturbating, geez.
I decide to go out for a walk, it is a beautiful day and I need some air!
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