Susan... Part 2
I am the middle child of three and the only girl. One brother, Tim, is 2.5 yrs. older and Toby is about 20 months younger. When we were small it was common for our parents to have me bathe with my older brother and then as time went by we all bathed together, at least up to a certain age. We even helped wash each other and often played in sprinklers or plastic pools of water outdoors in our underwear or naked as wet clothes tend to fall off if they weren’t made for that purpose. I guess what I am trying to point out is that it never was that big of a deal for any of us to be naked around the others as kids.
Being the second child I tried to keep up with Tim, wherever and whatever he did. We have always been close and when young we lived in the country so there were not always a lot of other kids available to play with so he didn’t mind. I think we were both pretty glad when Toby got old enough to join us in our adventures in the woods and such as we often got bored and constantly looked for things to get into. We spent lots of time digging pits, building forts, playing imaginary games of cowboy and Indians, etc. Mostly boy stuff I guess but I didn’t know any different. The nearest neighbors all had sons and they would sometimes join us but mostly it was either just me and Tim or me and both Toby and Tim. I never really had any girl friends to play with and frankly never minded, in some ways maybe I felt special being the only girl.
I think I was like between 7-9 yrs old, sorry but that’s as close as I can guess, the first time I got dared to show a neighbor boy my body. I don’t even know how it came up but I think it was like a dare or something. Maybe we were playing truth or dare, or maybe I lost a bet but all of a sudden I was standing there and these two neighbor kids and my older brother were looking at me and saying that I should take off my clothes for them. I don’t think I really wanted too because I had never been naked around the other boys and no one else was going to get naked. Maybe it occurred to me that they could run off with my clothes? We were in the woods a short distance from all of our homes so there was little chance of anyone else coming along or seeing. I can’t say where Toby was but he was probably too young to go out in the woods with us or something.
I stood there kinda still for a minute not knowing what I should say or do but Tim insisted it was no big deal if I was chicken then I could always go home and stop playing with them but apparently the boys all agreed that as the only Indian squaw and me being their captive I had to take off my clothes cause Indians didn’t wear the same clothes as everyone else, they all seemed to agree that I should only wear panties or maybe something like a loin cloth and no underwear! I guess at the time this made sense to me because I soon found myself being dressed in an old piece of a sack, though I kept my panties! As far as I can recall this was the 1st time I was talked into taking off my clothes for someone and it was very exciting. One of the boys went and found a few pieces of old rope and an old canvas sac; I was given a couple of small scraps to use to cover myself and then loosely tied up. The boys took turns leading me around in the woods through a few paths and in a bit got bored with this game. After a time I got my clothes back and we all had to go home as night was closing in.
Another time we were in the yard playing in our sprinkler when a car pulled up. A different neighbor had come by to ask if their kids could visit a while until the parents could make a run into town and back. This family had 3 boys; one a bit older than Tim and twins around my age or a few months older. The boys had all piled out of their truck and were already in our back yard before I knew it and I found I was caught in a thin wet t-shirt and transparent pale yellow panties.
You might think this would cause some concern for the adults but being kind of country folks it was just the way it was. We were told to turn off the sprinkler and come in, dry off, and get dressed so we could all play together. I guess the boys’ parents didn’t want them getting wet?
I don’t recall how we spent that afternoon but we were all friends and we tended to get along well. Tim and Joe, the older boy, often wondered off alone leaving me with the twins and my younger brother Toby. This was usually the case when they came over.
Tim has always been bigger than me physically and Toby is too by a bit. So, it doesn’t serve me very well to make waves when we are all alone. Yes, we grew up close and I love my brothers but I am after all a girl and boys stick together, especially if they can get over on their sister!
As we all got older my brother Tim started teasing me and tickling me a lot. He would even sit on me and tickle me mercilessly if I gave him a hard time or wouldn’t do what he asked whenever our folks were not home. Since he is older, he was always “in charge” whenever we were left home alone and he took full advantage.
Our folks used to like to go out on weekends, Friday and Saturday nights mostly. They would drive into town and go bowling until late or maybe a dinner and a movie. They would come home late, after a few drinks and go straight to bed. Occasionally they might even stay in a motel. This gave my brothers a chance to take full advantage of their combined strength and perversity in coming up with ways to tease me and even show me off to their friends at times when the opportunity presented itself.
I think it was just Tim and me at home this time. Joe was staying over and our folks were gone. (I think our brother Toby was at his house this time.) I think I was around 12, so Tim would have been between 14-15 and Joe already 15. He was the neighbor kid who had the twin younger brothers. Yes the same one who saw me all wet and almost naked that day. (I wonder how many times he played with himself thinking about that day, LOL.)
We had watched a video, eat some frozen pizza and I was done tidying up when I heard Joe telling my brother how he wished he had a sister to do everything for him. Tim thought this was funny and he decided to brag about how I had to do pretty much whatever he said when our folks were not home.
Listening from the hall I was pretty steamed and when I returned to the den I called both of them jerks and then threw a pillow at them or something. Before I knew it I was pinned down or the floor and Tim was torturing me.
I often dress casually as girls do at home so a long loose t-shirt and panties are my normal evening attire unless we have company of course. Tim usually wears boxers and Toby likes his “muscle shirts” and briefs. Though he’s still working on getting the muscles, LOL! If we have anyone over, we all wear shorts until bedtime.
I have always been very ticklish and Tim has always used this to his advantage any time we have tussled. He knows my weaknesses and has no mercy. I am writhing; complaining, and laughing hysterically as I warn Tim that I will pee on him if he doesn’t stop and he will have to clean up the mess because it will be his fault!
Knowing this is possible Tim stops but Joe thinks this is even funnier and wants Tim to continue. “It has been a while since I’ve seen your sister in wet panties!” He says. This is probably when things changed that night.
I had just started to develop breasts, but was still small enough that I rarely wore a bra. In out tussle my shirt had ridden up and I was nearly exposed. My thin shorts were pretty loose as they were pajamas and the shirt mostly covered them so they had shimmied a bit too I suppose. Either way as I lay pinned down by Tim, I heard Joe say, “Better get these off before they get wet I guess, hold her Tim! Show her who the boss is!”
And in a moment my shorts were tugged down and off, nearly taking my panties along. I really squirmed now and managed to buck my brother off. As I scrambled to rise Joe grabbed me and I fell into his lap on the sofa.
He is a cute guy, he is fit and tall. Older than I am and I may have had a bit of a crush. I hesitated, I didn’t know if I should apologize for squashing him but then I noticed one of his hands were on my chest. His other arm was around my abdomen and as I started to get up I realized his second hand was on bare flesh. My shirt was only covering my tits. My panties were down around my thighs and I was sitting bare assed on Joe’s lap. Apparently Joe’s body noticed this at about the same time as he became hard almost immediately and before I could get up I was flushed with embarrassment or perhaps excitement.
In my haste to get out of his lap I looked over at my brother Tim and his eyes were locked onto something on the floor. Standing now I looked down and noticed that my panties were at my ankles. I start to bend and grab them up, thinking to flee from the room. As I do, I hear, “Freeze, Sis.”
For some reason I do. I look to my brother, wondering what he wants. He looks into my eyes and nods no, just barely but I comply, as usual. I straighten back up as I was about to retrieve them and now it occurs to me fully that I am standing in front of two older teenaged boys in nothing but a thin t-shirt , which it must be said, isn’t even covering me all that well as it has been twisted around me in the past few moments and I am probably better than half naked.
As I look down, my hands instinctively grope to pull at my shirt in an attempt to cover myself. Confirmation floods my brain as I discover that I am completely exposed from around my waist and below. I have very little hair there being still young and only beginning puberty; needless to say I am frozen with shock and embarrassment.
Breaking eye contact with Tim I look over at Joe who is looking on wolfishly. I watch as his eyes take me in from head to toe and then come back up to the shirt that I am still tugging down, as if it isn’t already too late. I know he has already seen me.
“Gee, Susan that was a bit of a tease. Don’t you think you should finish?” Joe said.
Confused now, again I was pretty young and really naïve, I asked, “Finish what?”
“Well you already kicked off your panties, flashed us, and did a little grind on my lap. Time to lose the shirt I think! Let’s see what you got? Maybe I’ll let you sit in my lap again if you take it all off. How about it Tim? Tell your little sister to hand me her shirt.”
“Guess it’s time for a show, Sis.” Tim suggests. “After all, you don’t really have anything much left to hide now do you?”
I look to Tim, then back at Joe, both are expectantly waiting and for some reason my hands begin to raise the hem of my shirt tail. Steadily, I voluntarily yet reluctantly expose my thighs, my groin and buttocks, my abdomen and yes my small firm chest as I close my eyes and pull my night gown over my head and drop it into Joe’s waiting hand.
“Wish I had a camera right now,” Joe offers.
Which snaps me back into the moment and strikes me as funny in a way, I almost laugh, thinking “Who would want to see a picture of me naked?” I’m not exactly full figured, kind of thin and a few years from realizing my potential at this point. Joe takes my hand and with a slight pull he guides me to sit across his lap.
I am not straddling him, more like I am lying across his lap, my back against the arm of the couch.
I am sitting in a 15 yr. old boys lap, naked. His left arm is behind my back, his hand is around me touching my side, stroking me and feeling my flesh. His hands explore me and I let him as my brother watches silently.
As his left hand lightly squeezes my left breast, his right hand lightly brushes my right nipple then moves down my abdomen. His right hand glides down my right thigh and I nervously press my legs firmly together as his arm swoops beneath my knees. He lifts me and scoots to his right setting me to his side somewhat. I think maybe he is getting up but no, he is adjusting himself, it is now that he takes my right hand and places it in his lap. My hand is on something really hard, something alive and I think I can feel his pulse through his shorts.
I quickly draw my hand back as Tim says, “OK, Sis. Maybe you better get a bath and get ready for bed?”
Whoa, had I forgotten he was here? I think so. The spell is mostly broken and Joe seems to be really flushed.
Again I squirm around and I start to rise. I stumble and my knees tremble as I stand. Did I want to stop? Did I want to continue? I really have only a vague notion as to what might have happened next but Tim and Joe seem shaken as I look back, having gathered my panties and shirt, before leaving the den.
I am in the bathroom, still shaking a little and starting the water for a shower when Tim enters.
He doesn’t often come in while I am in here but it doesn’t concern me really, especially now. He looks at me, not my body really but into my eyes and reaches out a hand. He gives me a hug, I am still naked and for a moment I feel a little tingle. Then he asks me, “You OK?”
Gently he pushes me back so he can see my face. He looks concerned. I’m not sure why exactly but I know then that he cares and wants to protect me.
“Sure, Tim, really, no worries, that was weird huh? Exciting and fun but maybe a little scary, I don’t know, you’re ok right?” I ask. Not sure if I did something wrong, am I in trouble? I do not want anyone telling our folks about this!
I can see Tim’s face relax. He assures me he is good and watches me a moment as I climb into the shower. I don’t know it now but this is probably when our games turned the next corner.
Being the second child I tried to keep up with Tim, wherever and whatever he did. We have always been close and when young we lived in the country so there were not always a lot of other kids available to play with so he didn’t mind. I think we were both pretty glad when Toby got old enough to join us in our adventures in the woods and such as we often got bored and constantly looked for things to get into. We spent lots of time digging pits, building forts, playing imaginary games of cowboy and Indians, etc. Mostly boy stuff I guess but I didn’t know any different. The nearest neighbors all had sons and they would sometimes join us but mostly it was either just me and Tim or me and both Toby and Tim. I never really had any girl friends to play with and frankly never minded, in some ways maybe I felt special being the only girl.
I think I was like between 7-9 yrs old, sorry but that’s as close as I can guess, the first time I got dared to show a neighbor boy my body. I don’t even know how it came up but I think it was like a dare or something. Maybe we were playing truth or dare, or maybe I lost a bet but all of a sudden I was standing there and these two neighbor kids and my older brother were looking at me and saying that I should take off my clothes for them. I don’t think I really wanted too because I had never been naked around the other boys and no one else was going to get naked. Maybe it occurred to me that they could run off with my clothes? We were in the woods a short distance from all of our homes so there was little chance of anyone else coming along or seeing. I can’t say where Toby was but he was probably too young to go out in the woods with us or something.
I stood there kinda still for a minute not knowing what I should say or do but Tim insisted it was no big deal if I was chicken then I could always go home and stop playing with them but apparently the boys all agreed that as the only Indian squaw and me being their captive I had to take off my clothes cause Indians didn’t wear the same clothes as everyone else, they all seemed to agree that I should only wear panties or maybe something like a loin cloth and no underwear! I guess at the time this made sense to me because I soon found myself being dressed in an old piece of a sack, though I kept my panties! As far as I can recall this was the 1st time I was talked into taking off my clothes for someone and it was very exciting. One of the boys went and found a few pieces of old rope and an old canvas sac; I was given a couple of small scraps to use to cover myself and then loosely tied up. The boys took turns leading me around in the woods through a few paths and in a bit got bored with this game. After a time I got my clothes back and we all had to go home as night was closing in.
Another time we were in the yard playing in our sprinkler when a car pulled up. A different neighbor had come by to ask if their kids could visit a while until the parents could make a run into town and back. This family had 3 boys; one a bit older than Tim and twins around my age or a few months older. The boys had all piled out of their truck and were already in our back yard before I knew it and I found I was caught in a thin wet t-shirt and transparent pale yellow panties.
You might think this would cause some concern for the adults but being kind of country folks it was just the way it was. We were told to turn off the sprinkler and come in, dry off, and get dressed so we could all play together. I guess the boys’ parents didn’t want them getting wet?
I don’t recall how we spent that afternoon but we were all friends and we tended to get along well. Tim and Joe, the older boy, often wondered off alone leaving me with the twins and my younger brother Toby. This was usually the case when they came over.
Tim has always been bigger than me physically and Toby is too by a bit. So, it doesn’t serve me very well to make waves when we are all alone. Yes, we grew up close and I love my brothers but I am after all a girl and boys stick together, especially if they can get over on their sister!
As we all got older my brother Tim started teasing me and tickling me a lot. He would even sit on me and tickle me mercilessly if I gave him a hard time or wouldn’t do what he asked whenever our folks were not home. Since he is older, he was always “in charge” whenever we were left home alone and he took full advantage.
Our folks used to like to go out on weekends, Friday and Saturday nights mostly. They would drive into town and go bowling until late or maybe a dinner and a movie. They would come home late, after a few drinks and go straight to bed. Occasionally they might even stay in a motel. This gave my brothers a chance to take full advantage of their combined strength and perversity in coming up with ways to tease me and even show me off to their friends at times when the opportunity presented itself.
I think it was just Tim and me at home this time. Joe was staying over and our folks were gone. (I think our brother Toby was at his house this time.) I think I was around 12, so Tim would have been between 14-15 and Joe already 15. He was the neighbor kid who had the twin younger brothers. Yes the same one who saw me all wet and almost naked that day. (I wonder how many times he played with himself thinking about that day, LOL.)
We had watched a video, eat some frozen pizza and I was done tidying up when I heard Joe telling my brother how he wished he had a sister to do everything for him. Tim thought this was funny and he decided to brag about how I had to do pretty much whatever he said when our folks were not home.
Listening from the hall I was pretty steamed and when I returned to the den I called both of them jerks and then threw a pillow at them or something. Before I knew it I was pinned down or the floor and Tim was torturing me.
I often dress casually as girls do at home so a long loose t-shirt and panties are my normal evening attire unless we have company of course. Tim usually wears boxers and Toby likes his “muscle shirts” and briefs. Though he’s still working on getting the muscles, LOL! If we have anyone over, we all wear shorts until bedtime.
I have always been very ticklish and Tim has always used this to his advantage any time we have tussled. He knows my weaknesses and has no mercy. I am writhing; complaining, and laughing hysterically as I warn Tim that I will pee on him if he doesn’t stop and he will have to clean up the mess because it will be his fault!
Knowing this is possible Tim stops but Joe thinks this is even funnier and wants Tim to continue. “It has been a while since I’ve seen your sister in wet panties!” He says. This is probably when things changed that night.
I had just started to develop breasts, but was still small enough that I rarely wore a bra. In out tussle my shirt had ridden up and I was nearly exposed. My thin shorts were pretty loose as they were pajamas and the shirt mostly covered them so they had shimmied a bit too I suppose. Either way as I lay pinned down by Tim, I heard Joe say, “Better get these off before they get wet I guess, hold her Tim! Show her who the boss is!”
And in a moment my shorts were tugged down and off, nearly taking my panties along. I really squirmed now and managed to buck my brother off. As I scrambled to rise Joe grabbed me and I fell into his lap on the sofa.
He is a cute guy, he is fit and tall. Older than I am and I may have had a bit of a crush. I hesitated, I didn’t know if I should apologize for squashing him but then I noticed one of his hands were on my chest. His other arm was around my abdomen and as I started to get up I realized his second hand was on bare flesh. My shirt was only covering my tits. My panties were down around my thighs and I was sitting bare assed on Joe’s lap. Apparently Joe’s body noticed this at about the same time as he became hard almost immediately and before I could get up I was flushed with embarrassment or perhaps excitement.
In my haste to get out of his lap I looked over at my brother Tim and his eyes were locked onto something on the floor. Standing now I looked down and noticed that my panties were at my ankles. I start to bend and grab them up, thinking to flee from the room. As I do, I hear, “Freeze, Sis.”
For some reason I do. I look to my brother, wondering what he wants. He looks into my eyes and nods no, just barely but I comply, as usual. I straighten back up as I was about to retrieve them and now it occurs to me fully that I am standing in front of two older teenaged boys in nothing but a thin t-shirt , which it must be said, isn’t even covering me all that well as it has been twisted around me in the past few moments and I am probably better than half naked.
As I look down, my hands instinctively grope to pull at my shirt in an attempt to cover myself. Confirmation floods my brain as I discover that I am completely exposed from around my waist and below. I have very little hair there being still young and only beginning puberty; needless to say I am frozen with shock and embarrassment.
Breaking eye contact with Tim I look over at Joe who is looking on wolfishly. I watch as his eyes take me in from head to toe and then come back up to the shirt that I am still tugging down, as if it isn’t already too late. I know he has already seen me.
“Gee, Susan that was a bit of a tease. Don’t you think you should finish?” Joe said.
Confused now, again I was pretty young and really naïve, I asked, “Finish what?”
“Well you already kicked off your panties, flashed us, and did a little grind on my lap. Time to lose the shirt I think! Let’s see what you got? Maybe I’ll let you sit in my lap again if you take it all off. How about it Tim? Tell your little sister to hand me her shirt.”
“Guess it’s time for a show, Sis.” Tim suggests. “After all, you don’t really have anything much left to hide now do you?”
I look to Tim, then back at Joe, both are expectantly waiting and for some reason my hands begin to raise the hem of my shirt tail. Steadily, I voluntarily yet reluctantly expose my thighs, my groin and buttocks, my abdomen and yes my small firm chest as I close my eyes and pull my night gown over my head and drop it into Joe’s waiting hand.
“Wish I had a camera right now,” Joe offers.
Which snaps me back into the moment and strikes me as funny in a way, I almost laugh, thinking “Who would want to see a picture of me naked?” I’m not exactly full figured, kind of thin and a few years from realizing my potential at this point. Joe takes my hand and with a slight pull he guides me to sit across his lap.
I am not straddling him, more like I am lying across his lap, my back against the arm of the couch.
I am sitting in a 15 yr. old boys lap, naked. His left arm is behind my back, his hand is around me touching my side, stroking me and feeling my flesh. His hands explore me and I let him as my brother watches silently.
As his left hand lightly squeezes my left breast, his right hand lightly brushes my right nipple then moves down my abdomen. His right hand glides down my right thigh and I nervously press my legs firmly together as his arm swoops beneath my knees. He lifts me and scoots to his right setting me to his side somewhat. I think maybe he is getting up but no, he is adjusting himself, it is now that he takes my right hand and places it in his lap. My hand is on something really hard, something alive and I think I can feel his pulse through his shorts.
I quickly draw my hand back as Tim says, “OK, Sis. Maybe you better get a bath and get ready for bed?”
Whoa, had I forgotten he was here? I think so. The spell is mostly broken and Joe seems to be really flushed.
Again I squirm around and I start to rise. I stumble and my knees tremble as I stand. Did I want to stop? Did I want to continue? I really have only a vague notion as to what might have happened next but Tim and Joe seem shaken as I look back, having gathered my panties and shirt, before leaving the den.
I am in the bathroom, still shaking a little and starting the water for a shower when Tim enters.
He doesn’t often come in while I am in here but it doesn’t concern me really, especially now. He looks at me, not my body really but into my eyes and reaches out a hand. He gives me a hug, I am still naked and for a moment I feel a little tingle. Then he asks me, “You OK?”
Gently he pushes me back so he can see my face. He looks concerned. I’m not sure why exactly but I know then that he cares and wants to protect me.
“Sure, Tim, really, no worries, that was weird huh? Exciting and fun but maybe a little scary, I don’t know, you’re ok right?” I ask. Not sure if I did something wrong, am I in trouble? I do not want anyone telling our folks about this!
I can see Tim’s face relax. He assures me he is good and watches me a moment as I climb into the shower. I don’t know it now but this is probably when our games turned the next corner.
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Susan... Part 3
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