Back to School... Part 1


After a rather exhausting weekend of fun in the Woods (see previous series) it is Monday morning and I am struggling to awaken as my alarm annoyingly fires off from across the room. The activities of the past two or 3 days have not diminished my morning wood though, lol. I still have a difficult time believing all that has happened but I have high hopes for the summer as it stands now, so I am ready to get the last days of school out of the way. Not to say I am super excited to get out of bed but I’ve never been a morning person.

I grab a fast shower and don’t even feel the need to relieve my erection as it calmed down without much protest on its own! I guess it was more or less just letting me know it was still working after all the weekend duties? Dressed, I run out the door with a soda and a couple of breakfast bars and I’m good for the ride to school.

We live several miles from the high school. When I get a car, though I want a motorcycle, I could be there in about 15-20 minutes. The school bus however takes much longer and my stop is among the 1st on the bus every morning. This means we are last off as well, but that’s a different story. ;-)
Wendell rides the bus with me sometimes, or he gets a ride with his Mom who takes his sisters to school most days. There are kids of all ages at the bus stop near my house, I see Robyn, Lindsey and Leigh but before long the bus for Jr. High picks them up. Perhaps it was just me but the glances between us this morning were a bit awkward maybe?

About an hour and a half later I’m walking from the bus drop off area and some girl I barely know comes up and speaks to me out of the blue. “Adam?” she asks.

I look around to see that no one is beside or behind me but as I do so I get a strange feeling. “I’m sorry” I say, “My name is Eddie, I think maybe you’re looking for someone else.”

Which is when she looks down, holds up her phone and while comparing me to what she’s obviously seeing there says, “Ok Eddie, nice to meet you I guess but you are definitely who I’m looking for. I was asked to give you a message to meet Jenn and Jess on the Baseball diamond before class. They said you would know what it was about? No idea why they called you Adam? Weird joke on me I guess!”

Trying and I hope succeeding to not stumble too hard to form words with my suddenly dry tongue, I thanked her and made a beeline for the ball field. On approach I had a moment where I hoped it was just a prank to waste my time but Jess was over by the away team dugout and called me over on approach. “Better hustle it up pokey” she quipped, snapping her fingers. “Get a move on, not much time and you don’t wanna be late for class.”

I am less than pleased by her summons but what I see as I round the corner into the dugout practically stops me in my tracks. Jenn is there, why not, right? But in addition it seems half the girls wrestling team and maybe a couple of other girls are as well. A couple who look familiar, like I think they might ride my school bus!

“Wha, what can I do for you, um. I really don’t have much time, like you said.” I say nervously as I look at the faces of several girls I know and a few I kind of liked at one time. The glances I get back in return are a mix of smug to shy and maybe even embarrassed. A few are definitely blushing or flushed. Seeing this I have a sinking feeling.

“Good, straight to business then. You are right of course, no time for debate and I’m glad you know it. Get down here and take off your shoes and pants while I explain. It will same time.” Jenn orders me.

I stand there, stunned. “Do what?” I manage to sputter.

“You are going to come in here and strip from the waist down, then we are going to give you something to wear for the day, which you will gladly wear.” Jess explains, ”Any of these girls may at some point in the day come up to you to check and you had best be wearing what we have for you. Time is short ‘Adam’ better snap to!”

With that subtle reminder I know that I am basically being blackmailed but I have no idea where this is going exactly! I have dazedly entered the dugout and find myself now completely surrounded by a bunch of girls who I barely know if at all. I really am having a hard time processing when someone points out, “10 minutes till 1st bell”.

At which point someone else says, “Maybe he needs help?”

And someone else says, “Aww, he’s shy. I say we strip him!”

When I snap out of it, I realize that I already have my shoes off and my hands are on my belt. It seems that I am about to have yet another experience only this time at school, which is far more public, exceedingly risky and erotic! Before I get my zipper down my erection is trying to break out of my pants. Careful to only lower my pants I turn to find that there is no hope of privacy so I just let them drop to the concrete floor and step out of them.
“Looks like our little camper has his tent all ready but I’m afraid it too must come down.” Jess repeats, “I said strip and that means everything. I’ll take the boxers, you won’t be needing them or the jeans. Maybe later, we’ll see how you do today.”

What the hell did that mean? If not my jeans, what exactly am I supposed to wear? I am standing there momentarily looking to see if she is serious when my boxers are snatched down. I almost fall as I spin to see that one of the girls I think rides my buss is retreating with an evil grin.
“Hey!” I protest, perhaps a bit too loudly.

I am about to yell at her, at all of them really when Jenn chimes in. “Now that that’s done maybe we can move on to the fun part? You really don’t want to make too much noise right now ‘Adam’. It might draw unnecessary attention and well, you’re not dressed for company. Best we keep this among friends, right?”

I am resolved to do whatever at this point so I can only turn to see what her plan for me involves. My jeans, shoes and boxers have been packed into a book bag from somewhere and passed back out of sight. Though it’s not like I’m about to make a grab and run for it now. The girls divide and as I glance onto the bench behind them I see an assortment of girls panties laid out, red or black lace ones, yellow, pale pink, hot pink, baby blue and white. All are sheer, a couple of thongs, but all revealing cuts and types though I am not familiar enough to name them.

“Would you like to choose or should one of us pick for you? I know, why don’t you point to someone who can pick the 1st pair for you to wear, do you have a favorite color or style?” Jess asks me innocently, as if she has genuine interest in my response. “I suppose you may get to wear them all at some point!”

The sensations going through my brain are threatening to shut my system down about now so I guess it is a blessing when the 1st bell rings loudly enough to startle me out of the fog. As I come to, I see that each girl is excitedly awaiting my decision. I grab the black ones, and as I do someone from the crowd claims them as hers. I glance at the girl and we are not too dissimilar in size. Aside from the fact of course that I have a cock and balls which girls panties were not made to accommodate. I step into them and pull them up. I am pretty sure they will be stretched out and ruined before the day is out if I keep up this hard-on! Not to mention, pants? I am about to inquire when Jenn passes me a pair of old thin white sweat pants. God, why did I choose black?

“I can’t wear those!” I protest.

“Sure you can, one size fits all, says so on the label.” Jess laughs! “Lets see how they look, better hurry though, 5 minute bell is gonna ring any minute now. I think he’s gonna need his shoes back, where are his shoes?”

I slipped the sweats on over my black lace panties and after donning my tennis shoes I was told that I could go to class with a “We’ll be in touch”. I was worried about the black being seen through the white pants but I was assured that things were “fine”, whatever that means. Nervously hurrying to the nearest boys room and I was happy to see that the sweats did indeed somehow cover what was underneath despite being thin. In my haste to get to class I realized these damned pants are elastic only and have no draw string after having to tug them up a time or three. Obviously not new, they fit a bit loosely so today just became very interesting as it would be a challenge not to flash someone in the right or should I say wrong circumstances.

I got a few strange looks in classes and maybe a glance or two in the halls by second period. I hadn’t yet been approached or seen anyone that I recognized from the dugout until I was in the hall nearing my 3rd class. A couple of girls walked up to me, with another girl I didn’t recognize! Two were definitely from this morning and one rides my bus. Cristy? I think that’s her name, there are like 3 Cristys on my route. All 3 are attractive too! Lol. Anyway, they are about to pass by me and I think I am good when I hear, “Hi Eddie.”

At this I pause, not knowing what was expected. “Hi, um, Cristy right?” I say, scared to death I might have her name wrong but pretty confident still.
“With an H, yeah!” she says, seemingly pleased that I know her name. and then out of the blue she steps up to me and gives me a little like hug, only as she does she slips her hand around front and grips my cock lightly and runs gently. At which point she softly says “Feels like black silk!” then she nods to her friends and they walk on to class.

I am standing there with a nearly full on boner, as the bell rings for the start of next period. It doesn’t occur to me until much later to wonder what might have happened had I removed the panties and discarded them? To be honest it hadn’t yet occurred to me that might even have been an option.
I had early lunch, so the next bell signaled my break. I had a routine, I guess most kids do. First a quick dash to the canteen, or check menu if I hadn’t already, I try to keep up with the offerings in the cafeteria as some of it ain’t bad really. Then, I sit with Wendell sometimes, or go out to smoke, (Yes, back then High Schools had designated smoking areas outdoors!) but often I tend to drift around from clique to clique. I have never really fit anywhere, I just mingle. It would be nice to have a tight group of friends I think, but I like knowing some of everybody too!

As I am making my way across the seating area I see Jenn and Jess making for me. They are not alone but I am not familiar with the other 2 girls. As much as I might like to avoid them I doubt the wisdom of that at this time so when they shepherd me over to a corner table where we join a more familiar looking group of girls including Beth, my neighbor and the older sister of my best friend Wendell! I am seated between Jenn and Jess, not my choice, directly across from Beth and facing the wall. Basically I am hemmed in and relatively secluded. Immediately, I know this is about to escalate. As I sit I feel a hand on each thigh, it seems both Jenn and Jess have decided to verify my attire. I stiffen slightly, pardon the pun, actually it isn’t long before I’m fully erect as Beth looks at me, she appears slightly flushed as she mouths, “Sorry”. And I feel myself being groped, not as I expected but inside the sweats!

Jenn, on my right has her hand inside my pants and is proceeding to fondle me as on my left it seems Jess has decided to pull my pants off or down at least.

"Show me” Jess orders. As she tugs on the already slack waistband. Fearing noncompliance I scoot up a bit so she can tug them down as I pull down on the back of my shirt so as to have as much covered as she will allow. Jess grins wickedly as she watches Jenn slowly jerking me off, her left hand inside my panties. I am only vaguely aware of the other girls at the table but I do notice at least one other boy here too, he doesn’t appear to be paying attention to the current goings on at this end of the table but we are definitely not in a safe place right now! On second glance he might be distracted by the girl beside him, so, although far from safe, he at least might not be a risk?

“Tell me, Eddie, it is Eddie right?” Jess asks, “Would you like to change any part of your current wardrobe or are you enjoying your new style?”

“Hell yes I want to change! Give me my clothes!” I respond vehemently.

“Not so fast, and certainly not until you learn proper respect! After all you don’t want the whole 1st lunch period to see your pretty black panties now do you? If so, it certainly wouldn’t be hard to arrange a showing! It might even be worth the trouble if you don’t get a hold of yourself.” Jenn pipes in. By this time I am on edge sexually and sensing this she has quit stroking my cock, though she hasn’t exactly turned me loose either she is just holding me and squeezing occasionally to remind me of my situation.

There’s at least 10 minutes of lunch left, so knowing you and how pent up you must be I think you could shoot a load in those black panties right here before time runs out. I’d suggest losing the sweats completely 1st, you wouldn’t want to get cum all over them in case you have to wear them later!” Jess offers.

“Let me get this straight, If I beat off here in the cafeteria you’ll give me my clothes?” I ask, suspecting a trap.

“Listen carefully, Eddie, What should concern you is what might happen if you don’t do what we asked? Or what happens when the bell rings if you’re not dressed and done? What if say I were to accidentally spill this whole bottle of water on those nice this sweats? Black lace might just shine through then… and you do appear to need cooling down somehow, if not one way then other options might be necessary.”

I wear my shoes loosely tied so as to be able to step in and out of them at will so kicking them and even the sweat pants off only took a minimum amount of movement being as the pants were already practically around my knees. I wasn’t sure how to jack off under the table into the panties but that mystery was solved by Jenn and Jess each pushing them down my sides as I soon found myself sitting on a cold bench bare assed in just a t-shirt flanked by to good sized girls who were pretty good looking if not just a bit too muscled up for my taste. Beth has been watching and listening to this exchange. I can’t help but occasionally make eye contact with her as I use one foot to lift the panties up so I can retrieve them. I’m not much for dry masturbation but Jess wasn’t wrong about me feeling about ready to blow so it should be fast and right here, right now the faster the better! Just as I am about to blow I feel a hand grab my cock and opening my eyes I realize Beth is not at the table anymore. Instead she is under it! I almost jump up but seeing as she now has a firm grasp of my cock I sit down and she finishes me off. She evidently has a handful of napkins under there in addition to the panties that were wrapped around my dick as she uses some to clean me up. I am unsure whether I should be grateful or upset. It is mixed I suppose as I had hopes of her finishing me with her mouth when I looked down but realized there really wasn’t room. She did me the favor of stopping me from making what could have been a mess though. Who knows who might have ended up with cum all over them as I really hadn’t planned this out very well!

Jenn congratulates me, “Well done! With time to spare even, who would have guessed? It seems this excites you a lot! We will try to remember that and promise you will not get bored these last few days of the school year.”

“Great, can I have my clothes now?” I ask.

“You can have them, as long as you go get them like you are!” Jess says, as Beth emerges from her side of the table against the wall, trying to make it look like she might have dropped something and had just retrieved it.
Becoming exasperated, but trying to stay calm knowing my dilemma, I say, “I did what you asked and the bell should be ringing soon!”

“That T-shirt is pretty long on you, the book bag on the corner table near the smoking section door has your clothes in it. But the person holding them will retrieve them soon, like in about 2-3 minutes when the bell rings. If you can walk slowly enough to not draw attention, and not get another hard-on in the process, haha, you may be able to get them into the boys room in time to dress. Of course if the bell rings, then I don’t know… That certainly would be interesting!” Jess suggests.

Jenn offers, “Theres always ‘Plan B’”.

“Well there’s no way I’m waking across the entire school lunch room in just my shirt! So, lets hear it?” I realize I have no choice but to say, “Whatever it is”.

“After our little meeting this morning in the dugout, I somehow ended up with a pair of bright hot pink thongs you could have, they might cover your balls at least.” Jenn chokes out, almost without laughing. “Or I think Jess has something as well?”

“Actually I do have a pair of dark purple lace French cut panties but they may be risky under those sweats. You don’t have Gym class today do you?” Jess asks me.

Which to be honest I had almost forgotten about! “I have Gym on Tuesday and Thursday this week.” I reply and immediately question the wisdom of sharing that information. “What else have you got?” Not liking my options thus far.
Beth now chimes in, quietly from across the table, “There are these, but they’re a bit messy.” Gesturing, she offered the soiled black lace that I had temporarily forgotten about and which I refused to put back on unless forced. At that moment I could have killed her for suggesting it.

“I’d sooner wear whatever you’re wearing now!” I say back before I can catch myself.

Whatever sympathy I thought I felt or saw earlier left abruptly at that point as both Jenn and then Jess exclaimed “Yes” and “Done”!

Turning to Beth, Jenn suggests with a big grin, “It is kind of your making this little drama we are all in so, kind of you to offer such a great solution Beth! I’m sure it won’t be your 1st time going commando under a skirt and besides why shouldn’t you get a little fun and excitement out of the deal as well right?”

Beth is from a very devout family, thus it it is not unusual to see she or her younger sister in a dress or skirt. I won’t lie and say I have never imagined what they might have on underneath but I have recently been exposed to some of their more private garment collection I am not regretting my outburst even more so. How would I put on a teddy? She wouldn’t wear that to school… would she?

Before I can speculate someone points out that its almost time for the bell. Faster than I could have imagined and with a flustered flourish Beth somehow, as if by magic shimmys out of her panties, which are actually full cut cotton and simple but nice, and reaching across the table places the tiny ball of fabric in my hand as she gives me a very intense look. “Fine, here! But mark me, you will return these, unsoiled! You hear me Edward? Now get dressed and lets get to class before we all end up suspended!”

Apparently I manage to do so without drawing the wrong sort of attention, though I wouldn’t swear that someone didn’t see something. Just not anyone who wanted to mess with the group at my table I guess. I mention in passing that I could always have been the one to go commando. Which was met with a smirk and I got the distinct feeling that this might not go well for me if it were the case. Then I recalled that I was warned against throwing out or taking off the 1st panties. What would happen if I was found out to be going commando? I shudder to think, better not knowing? This brings to mind the threat of my getting spilled on to the point of the white pants going transparent… this day can’t end soon enough!

I only have 2 classes after Lunch on Mon, Wed & Fri as they are double block classes. During lab someone from this morning in the dugout felt my ass rather thoroughly to check on me, I suppose? A few minutes later I got a note passed to me that read, “Something changed, Bathroom, NOW! Or else” Which prompted me to suddenly need a restroom break.

I managed to get to the boys room and inside but not finding anyone there I was able to relieve myself. I had actually needed to pee after all. As I left, the girls room door across the hall opened and I heard, “Get in here!” as I saw a girl from this morning and the girl from my science lab peeking out.
Looking both ways down the hall, I hesitantly stepped closer, “What?” I say, but not before being roughly jerked in by the arm. Inside we are alone thankfully as she immediately jerks my pants down and pointing says, “Explain those mister, they look like girls panties but that’s not what you were told to wear!”

I try to jerk my pants back up but she steps on them and won’t budge without me shoving her and something tells me that’s a bad plan. I quickly explain, as she snaps a picture and texts someone. Jenn or Jess, I imagine. “You better hope this story checks out. Now, pull ’em up and get out of here, pervert!” She says, swatting my ass as I retreat.

Upon returning from the restroom the Science teacher looked at me and the girl who was out at roughly the same time suspiciously but as we had no history that she was aware of there was not much comment aside from something about my having returned looking flushed and was I alright? I assured her that I was fine if perhaps a bit warm thus she went to check the thermostat and promptly forgot about me/us.

My final class of the day is quiet and thankfully short as well. Thus before long I found myself wondering about how I might get my clothes back. Jenn and Jess have access to a car so they might drop the clothes off at Beth’s or heaven forbid even come over to my house. I mostly hoped not, mostly. It briefly crossed my mind to try to find them after school, I could ask for my clothes and a ride home but that instantly seemed like a bad idea.
It turned out that I rode the bus home, I had almost forgotten that there were 2 girls who rode my bus, who were somehow included in my torture today. That is, I forgot until I was about to sit down and heard my name being called from the rear of the bus. There on the very back row sat Beth and Christy (With an “H”) along with another girl I recognized but for the life of me did not have a clue what her name is. This seems quite unfair at the moment as I realize she has likely seen me in all sorts of situations, undressed at the least and who knows what else has been shared around by now. This reminds me that I need to ask about this very issue and try to stop it spreading but at the same time, looking at Beth I recall that I am wearing her panties and she is evidently without any!

I hesitate but it is clear that I am to join them in the back. I am not the only one who finds this odd and several kids look at me as I go by to access my seat. I end up behind the driver, in the rear window seat. I am sitting next to Christy which is a 1st, and she has a smug look on her face which tells me something is definitely up. “Kick your shoes off and get comfortable, Eddie. It’s a long ride to our stop, I hear.” She says as I sit.

This gives me pause as her stop is pretty early in the afternoon route, I don’t recall her ever having gotten off at Beth’s house before and I’m pretty sure she isn’t planning on coming to my house. Before I can ask what she means she leans over and insists, “No really, I insist, shoes off, and the pants too, it seems someone did you a favor today and you are about to return what you borrowed right now!”

Looking over at Beth, she won’t make eye contact and I get the impression once again that events have taken a turn outside her immediate control. I would really like to talk with her about all this but it is hard to see how that is going to come about any time soon, what with all the various parties always involved between us every time I see her!

I am extremely nervous as I try to comply quickly but at the same time I do not want anyone to turn around and see what is going on back here. I pull off the borrowed panties and the pants at the same time which just seems the most efficient way at this point. I wonder if Beth will slide them on now or not. I am looking to see who has my clothes, and I think I see a familiar book bag against the far wall beside Beth. As nicely as I can muster, I ask, as I discreetly pass the warm cotton panties over, “Can you please pass me that bag?” Gesturing towards the one I assume has my clothes in it.

“For what, exactly?” the girl beside Beth, Lynn, that’s her name, no idea how I know that but there it is. I am about to protest but knowing I am in no real position to argue I think better of it. They have to give them over eventually right? Christy meanwhile has snatched up my pants from the floor and is folding them up, “It looks like these are getting really dirty, I guess they have spent a lot of time on the floor today Eddie? I heard that you don’t really like wearing pants. That certainly seems to be true, I mean here you are for at least the second time today that I have seen. Tell me, how many more times did you get naked today? Something tells me you’re not done yet either!” She says, as she checks me out.

“Be a good boy and turn this way so we can all get a better view. This is when I notice that Beth, Lynn, and a 3rd girl from the next seat up on the right are all filming my situation. Each with very different expressions, and the girl up front isn’t even a part of this as far as I know! I attempt to cover up upon seeing this, but glancing around, Christy says, “Don’t mind my little sister, she’s cool. She knows better than to mess this up.”

As I look at the younger girl she nods and Christy reaches out to grasp my cock! “Now I understand this little fellow has been causing quite the stir lately and frankly I don’t yet understand all the fuss. Perhaps you’d care to explain, Eddie? We do have nearly an hour to kill.”

Christy sits there tugging and pulling on my dick. It’s plain she has little experience though it is also plain she is determined to alter that problem and apparently I have been offered up as Exhibit A. My cock has taken about all it can when she decides that she has had enough. At which point she stands and I have a brief moment when I think I am about to get my clothes.

Instead she simply trades places with Lynn who proceeds to apply lotion to my Glans as well as her palm and slowly works me to near completion, whereupon she stops and abruptly smacks the head of my penis 3 times in rapid succession. This causes me to startle and draw some attention but luckily the seat backs block all but the most curious and no one ventures back here. The bus is stopping and letting off students so a bit of noise is not entirely out of place anyway.

Lynn repeats this process a few times then after knocking me back down again, a 3rd or 4th time, Christy’s little sister is standing at her elbow and insists it is her turn! This causes a grin on both Lynn and Christy, Beth is only watching out of the corner of her eye, though still she’s watching. I’d love her to take a turn!

So Lynn moves one row up but on the right in front of Beth so she can turn back and watch. I have no idea what to expect now from this young girl. She is around Tina’s age, which is Beth’s younger sister, I’d guess but somehow she is in High School. Maybe she skipped a grade or she might look younger than she is, I don’t know. She grabs me forcefully, as if to pluck my cock by the root! I kind of yelp and she realizes that it is attached as well as sensitive. “Oh, sorry” she says, “I’m April” as she shakes my dick in greeting. This almost cracks me up. Are we gonna have a conversation while she plays with my junk? I look over and now Christy is taping this very intently. I have to be careful what I say here as it is all on film!
“Hi April, I’ve seen you around. Um, nice to meet you, I um, I guess?” I stumble out rather pathetically. “I’m guessing you already know my name.”

Apparently the consensus was unanimous as I heard snickers from the nearby seats. I kind of thought it was cute that she wanted to be sure I knew her name though! Her hand began going up and down, and she watched it intently, soon her hand dried out and she looked around to Lynn, “Can I use your lotion?”

“Actually it is flavored lube and it’s pretty expensive. I’m not sure I want to waste it on that one!” She says pointing at me. “Try using saliva.” Lynn suggests with a glance in Christy’s direction.

April, looks to her older sister, who nods and suggests, “It’s true, that is what most boys like best anyway, if you’re ever gonna learn to do it you may as well learn to do it right.”

Turning back to her task, which seems to have just intensified in her face, she mumbles something that sounds like, “Saliva..” as she bends over slightly and at 1st drools a bit onto her hand and the shaft of my penis but then almost before I realize it her hand is at the base of my shaft and her mouth is fully around my cock, at least the top half or so.

I don’t know who is more shocked. I look over at Beth who is now full on staring. Christy has a strange look of triumph on her face as she is taping this and I feel certain that April may regret this at some future point as this video will likely be used against her. Lynn is for her part relatively nonplused as though she figured this was inevitable. I for one am totally shaken and as I glance down April is bobbing up and down like a cork with a fish on the hook. I am about to lose control when the bus stops and Lynn gets up to leave. This causes April to stop, as her stop is next and I am both relieved and saddened to see her quit. I fear what her reaction might have been had I cum in her mouth, had she pulled away I would certainly have sprayed all over the back of the bus. Either has its own risks, for sure, but the former might have pissed off one of the two sisters.

While Beth was walking by and speaking with the driver Christy passed me the sweat pants and said, “Get dressed, pervert.” Which really didn’t bother me as much as it once might have as I seem to be learning that there are plenty of perverts around and to be honest, I’m milder than some I have met recently.
I managed to slip them and my shoes back on. At the next stop both Christy and April got off the bus together! This left me and Beth alone in the back of the bus. I scooted to the center aisle and she was sitting in the middle of her seat. I could have jumped over but she didn’t exactly invite me and I didn’t want to crowd her.

Working up my courage, I was about to try to talk to her when she said, “Look Eddie, I’m sorry, this has really gotten out of my hands and I don’t know how to stop it. What happened today was none of my idea. I was pretty much trapped at lunch almost as much as you were.” With this she looked away embarrassed.
“I know, well, I figured anyway.” I offered. “I am sorry I took the picture of you back when this all started but you looked so damn good and the camera was right there, and you guys had all those pics of me… I know this is as much my fault as anyone’s.” I stumble to a halt also embarrassed.

“It really is!” She agrees with an almost shy but teasing grin. “Who would have thought, my little brother’s best friend is an exhibitionist and a pervert! And we’ve actually let you spend the night in our house!”
“Hey, that’s not entirely fair, you judging me, you and your sister are pretty perverted too. After all you could have stopped it all back with Tina, Lindsey and Robyn, if you had wanted too.”

“Maybe, but you were enjoying it too much!” Beth confesses, “I’ve never seen a harder dick than when you were naked in my room.” And at this memory she burst out laughing. Then noticing my still hard cock, speaking of which… at which point she reaches into the bag beside her. Hoping to get my clothes, I watch as she quickly pulls a large bottle of water out before tossing the bag into the seat by me against the far wall. As I turn to look inside she proceeds to empty the contents into my lap, straight onto my crotch! “Maybe this will help cool you off!” she says as she flees to the front of the bus before I can react.

I sit there as she retreats, stunned. We just had our 1st real moment, well maybe not but it was still nice. Then this? I started to jump after her but really what could I do? The bus driver wouldn’t let me maul her like I want to. My wet pants are now even more likely to drop without provocation and I would just as soon not flash our driver. Though I can’t actually be certain this will not happen anyway as the pants are a bit more transparent now and I have nothing on underneath. We are approaching our stop and the driver stops at Beth’s drive to let her out. This is not the usual stop so I am gathering my things when she rolls on, “Wait!” I say but she just says take a seat you’re next. So I do and I am. As we approach My drive I am heading to the front of the bus and I realize that I am gonna have a trial with 2 book bags and heavy wet pants with only lose elastic to hold them up. Should have got my belt out at least!

I can feel the driver’s eyes on me as I walk up the aisle. Is she checking me out? How much can she really see anyway? Not so much through the pants, after all Im definitely cooled off now and as flaccid as it gets! LOL

“Eddie” she says as I am about to depart.

“Yeah?” I reply turning to face her.

“I can’t say exactly what was going on back there but something sure seemed off today and judging from your current condition…” She inquires with a glance at my lower half. “Try not to get yourself or anyone else into trouble ok? Now get your wet ass off my bus!”

With that I turn and step down off the bus, just as my pants hit the ground around my ankles, I hear her laughing as she drives away!
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