Kylie... Part 1

first times

My name is Kylie. I am 26 now, but although I have my share of stories I could share that are more current, I think I would like to start out explaining a bit about me and where I come from.

My parents were married for almost 25 yrs. I say were, as in no longer; yep, they divorced just before my youngest sister got done with high school. I think she was maybe in grade 10? I don’t think she ever really finished, not sure if the divorce had anything to do with that or not… Sorry. My mom stayed home so my dad worked, a lot. He was gone for weeks and sometimes months at a time. I am the oldest, of 3 girls. I ‘m not sure when I discovered my particular kink exactly or even if I am through discovering what gets me off but I have some early memories and stories I’ve been told that make me think I may have been born with an over active sex drive.

Mom is sweet, but she is weak, in that she kind of let us run the house when Dad wasn’t around. This was cool as a kid but now that I’m older I wonder how much this made for problems. I see things a lot differently as I get older, you know? All 3 of us girls have made some bad decisions and we might have done different if mom was a bit more, I don’t know; involved, engaged, firm anyway… at least. Mom rarely said no, but her “maybe” most likely turned into an “I forgot” or “I don’t remember saying that.” She hasn’t really changed come to think of it.

Growing up, I always wanted to spend time with Dad. He is very different from Mom. He has his strict side, but he is always fair. He is extremely reliable. If he says it, it’s golden. He will give you the straight up on anything, even when he knows it isn’t what you want to hear. He is kind of hard to take at times but I know he’s solid and I know he loves us very deeply… Mom too, really, Dad’s just different.

Anyway, I grew up in this classic American, conservative Christian household. Sunday church, 2 sets of grandparents nearby, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins too! Big close family, get it? Cool, huh? Lucky me, right?

Well it seems that the old thing about Black sheep or whatever might be true. You see there seems to be a couple of stories in the family about this Great, Great Uncle who got into a bit of trouble with some young boys a time or two. Then there is this second or third cousin on my Grandma’s side, who went to jail for having some sort of relations with at least one young girl who was supposed to be in his care for a time. Hah, we used to go to his house for cook outs once a year or so when I was little. These stories kind of made me think… I wonder if there is something in our genes that make us a bit hyper sexual? Ok, I know, you are thinking those two guys are just perverts and need to be locked up but I know that I have had some experiences that were not exactly normal but were also not forced on me and I have to say I enjoyed them. I’m talking about at a fairly young age, compared to some people I think.

Does the fact that I am a female make me less of a pervert if I started walking in on my Dad when he was naked or when he was in the shower when I was young and honestly if the notion struck me it could still happen today! LOL I mean, we have never been exactly shy about nudity between us, He and I. So is he the pervert and I the victim? Yes, he is older but we basically just don’t care that much about clothes. So then you might say, “It’s not sexual, It’s natural.” Which is true; as far as it goes, but, to be honest, it was sexual a few times. I don’t know if it was ever sexual earlier, for me, or for him. But I know more than once it was definitely sexual! This may have been the first time actually… And to be fair, I don’t think it was either of us’ idea!

I was a teen at the time, Maybe a junior or senior in High School. There was an assignment which required us to be paired off and the instructor matched us up. Susan was a girl who I kind of admired. She did well in class but she also had enough swagger to not be a freak or a nerd. She was not like super popular but people liked her, guys and girls. They also didn’t mess with her. This made me both a little intimidated as well as excited to get a chance to work with her as I figured I might get a good grade and an inside track on a new “cool” friend out of the deal. I could never have guessed…

As a teen, I was not really a nerd, more of an unknown? I kind of faded into the background if I could, you know? I did good in school but not as well as I could, I was kind of popular with boys, they certainly seemed to think I was hot but they were hard to figure out and nothing really stuck. I had a few times where I had hot make out sessions and things could have gotten hotter but I never let myself go there, all the way, you know? I felt my share of hard dicks thru Levi’s and have been pawed by a few guys, both roughly and sweetly, but no teen aged boy ever found the trigger that took me over the edge.

I was never curious really about sex, or boys, well not that much anyway. You see I had a Dad at home, sometimes, and I knew what a man looked like naked. I had even seen people having sex, yup, my folks! This is probably disturbing to most of you, but it’s not like I would watch or anything. When I was really Small I would run into their room and sometimes I wasn’t exactly aware at first that I was interrupting things. If on those occasions, they were mostly finished, Dad would sometimes get up and go shower, or mom might, and sometimes I might end up getting a shower too. Not a lot but sometimes. Anyway the point is that a boy’s penis was never a mystery to me. I’ve seen my dad, every way imaginable, hard soft and in between.

I used to walk in on him in the shower when I needed to use the toilet if the other one was occupied and he likewise has done the same. Within the family this was not really an issue. Outside of the family, this sort of thing only happened with female play mates as a kid and then, well come to think of it we girls still go to the bathroom together don’t we! Like I said, it was never awkward, except once when I was really small and I was in the shower with my dad I am told that I tried to pull his “Tail” and he kind of freaked out a bit about it. LOL! So come to think about it maybe I was curious about dicks!

So, I was gonna tell you guys about this day after school. Susan and I were given this assignment, we had to complete together for a combined grade. Not my favorite thing to do but again I was glad to have Susan as it could have been much worse. God forbid I would have gotten stuck with some cheerleader or something, although, well that comes later. Damn, sorry, Anyway… we got a ride home from school and were dropped off at my mailbox so I could check the mail before going inside. Dad was home so I didn’t want to have slamming car doors, stereo, etc., wake him if he was resting. Truckers keep odd hours…

Susan and I go around to the back porch, and as we get inside I find my Dad, stumbling around, having just jumped up from the computer. He is naked and although he has a towel close by it’s pretty obvious that both Susan and I have seen him before he gets a chance to cover up. I’m like frozen for a minute, processing? Something like “Follow me” is the best I can come up with, as we make a break for my room.

You see, school let out in those days, a half day every few weeks. Wednesdays, I think? I had no idea he might even be awake much less naked and… well, it turns out he was looking at porn and masturbating! Susan was actually the one who explained it to me; my brain evidently having temporarily paused to reboot. I was so embarrassed, for myself, for Susan and for poor Dad! I couldn’t think of how we were ever going to get from my room back outside much less do anything on our project. Hell, we needed to use that computer for the project!

Susan, however, took charge. I later learned that was just Susan. Anyway, after she calmly informed me that we needed to get back out there ASAP, which dumbfounded me at the time but was wise, I think; we heard Dad in the kitchen. I think if it was me I’d be hiding under my bed, had he just walked in with a friend and caught me at the computer naked! Turns out he was gonna try to act like nothing happened, I guess. He was making a lunch/snack and as we emerged he invited us to join him. Checking 1st, he was of course dressed and though a little timid he was less mortified that I thought. Like I said, he is cool about nudity, so maybe this wouldn’t be so bad right? We discuss the half day schedule, I introduce Susan, and we explain the project. Having cleared it with Mom, as usual, since he is not usually involved in such things. It seems my mother forgot to let Dad know about Susan visiting or the half day so we have her to thank for the current tension and nearly impassable barrier in the house right now.

Seemingly unfazed, Susan proceeds to walk over to the computer desk and upon sitting down turns on the monitor as Dad and I were talking about the project. Bam, there on the screen is hot teen porn. Well, they look like teens, they look like us! Maybe a little older but not like, well, I guess I thought older people looked at older people, you know? This brought a fresh wave of tension as Dad lunged, a bit late to stop the computer from being awakened. No idea why he hadn’t just logged out, was he gonna try to get back to it while we were in the room? So now, here we are. My Dad, who is really not bad looking, pretty fit back then (DILF material?); Susan, whom he has now just met rather intimately I think; and me. Again I am speechless, Dad is speechless! You have no idea how rare that is… Susan however is thinking. I can see it in her eyes as she gives me an odd trust me/follow my lead look.

“Nice.” She says, glancing at the screen and then looking directly into my dad’s eyes!

At this unexpected reaction, he starts sputtering something and Susan, being Susan, shuts him down quick with a “So this get’s you excited?” and another look.

He start’s sputtering once more, back peddling. And like some kind of magical creature Susan “Shh…” shushes him into submission! She then informs him that there is so much tension in the house right now that we all just need to take a moment to find release. Seriously, I wish I could remember the words she used but it was almost mystic, in my memories at least. LOL. I have no idea how or why but both Dad and I found ourselves captivated in the moment and in a short time he was standing before us; Susan has instructed him, my father, to “strip” and to “finish what he was doing” when we interrupted. Believe it or not I am still kind of in a daze, as I watch this all unfold. Dad even, as I recall anyway seems a bit dazed but he complies and slowly removes his shorts. Susan having decided to get on with things then jerked down his boxers and that, I think, is when I came back alert; which is ironic, because that’s exactly what happened to my dad’s cock! I thought I had seen him erect before but it turns out I was only partially right.

I am now engaged, I want to see this! I look at Susan and sharing a little wink, I am off to get Dad’s “lube” so we can get the full effect. Susan overcomes his minimal protestations easily and insists that if he does this we can all then get on with our day and no big deal, guys do it all the time blah, blah, blah; on with the show! Turns out my new friend is a genius, or a wizard maybe? Either way she had his number and he couldn’t exactly back out now as he was already buck naked and hard as a rock in front of two young girls! Susan was busily looking through his porn links and history while priming him for the main event when I returned with my prize. Did you forget the lube already? LMAO… I’m really sorry I missed some of this, as it was told to me later as Susan and I chatted about it days and weeks later.

Dad for his part isn’t saying much as I come back into the den. He is once again seated at the computer, the screen is on and I am a little taken aback as I see a video about some chic being embarrassed and caught naked. There’s one with a girl surprising a delivery man and one where some mean bitches strip another girl at a party.

“Looks like you might have something in common huh Ed?” I hear as I go to pass the lube. I’m not even sure who I gave it to, my eyes are glued to the monitor so long then as I glance at Dad he can’t seem to make eye contact. I can’t stop myself from checking out his much larger dick. Wow, that thing fits inside Mom? Could I take one that size? Do I ever even want to try? I feel myself stepping back to give dad some space as Susan says, “We don’t have all day.”

There is a sofa in our den, in full view of the computer. My parents only have the one and it must be in a “Public Space”. Susan and I perch on the edge of the cushions and for some reason she hands me my phone as she pulls hers out. (Never occurred to me before but I wonder now when she picked them up and if she planned this somehow? It really wouldn’t surprise me, Susan was a devious chic!)

Dad is slowly stroking himself and Susan instructs him to turn so we can enjoy the show. As he does we both snap a pic, I thought. (She had taken Video! LOL)

“Smile” I hear echo as my flash registered in my dad’s eyes.

“Young Lady!” Dad freaked! “What the…”

Susan is like, “Relax, we need to make sure you don’t try to punish Kylie here later, right? Think of it as Insurance. I like this view better, continue please!” Cool as a cucumber, really, who is this chic?

What happened next was the first time I ever saw a man ejaculate. He stood there stroking and kind of staring off into his imagination maybe? It was epic and sexy and quite a surprise as he climaxed. I never knew a man would shake and shudder like that “all over” haha! It was also messy and had a strong sweet pungent smell to it. Afterwards we each kind of went on about the day, mostly. Perhaps that story will come later. I do recall that somehow Susan teased Dad into staying naked for a while after he came and we had a nude waiter for the first time that day in the kitchen for lunch!

So, am I a victim or a victor? Am I the pervert or is my Dad? I guess you could say it’s in the blood! Ha, Hah! He sure had a good time and I for one still look on that time fondly. Did it change me in some way? Maybe, but who can say for better or worse? Would I have been a kinky freak (in a good way) if this had never happened; I think so. I was always popping in on him and catching him naked. I was always getting caught by him naked or getting dressed or undressed, sometimes purposefully maybe.

I really love my Dad. We are still close. Hope you enjoyed this story, I might share the next part another time.

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