Walk in the Woods, Sunday School... Part 2

first times

“I think he should return the favor…”
This statement is echoing in the air or maybe it’s just in my head. Surely there’s no actual echo. Regardless the effect is similar as I try to process what I just heard. Both Lindsey and Robyn have just given me what can only be described as every young man’s fantasy blow job. I am currently standing totally naked in the woods with two pubescent girls who are wearing only bras and panties. Having just ejaculated all over Robyn, who I am certain has never had that happen before, and who seems to have taken the experience in stride. Lindsey, the ring leader in this adventure, is suggesting we up the ante by having me do something similar for Robyn. I think, or at least that’s what I imagine, quite vividly, as I hear this.

“What?” Both Robyn and I stutter out at approximately the same time as we turn to look at Lindsey. For my part, though I know I heard her right I am not sure she could be seriously suggesting that Robyn might be willing to go there.

Lindsey answers, “I think Eddie here should help you feel as good as you made him feel, Robyn. If he can anyway, he should at least try to.”

“Um, I don’t think, I mean, I think I need to get home.” Robyn responds. Standing anxiously and realizing that she is practically naked. She appears to be about to sprint away.

Odd how self-conscious we each now feel after only a minute ago having been entirely lost in the moment and totally disregarding any shyness. Well, Robyn and I at least. Lindsey seems not to be phased by her lack of clothes at the moment. She sure is different now than a few days ago when it was just she and I in these woods together.

Rather shyly, I admit “I don’t mind, I mean, if you want me to try… I can’t say I’m experienced exactly but…” You see where this is going right? At this point I find myself in a position where I am kind of in over my head. I want to, for sure, do whatever they want to do but I am no expert at this stuff as it is basically new to me as well.

“Seriously, Robyn.” Lindsey says, “Now’s your chance to see what it feels like to have a boy go down on you and you know you like Eddie here. Heh, look at him, he’s already getting ready for more. From the looks of things he likes you too!” This last is a reference to the fact that my erection seems to be recovering.

I must admit I kind of like Robyn, just never thought of her in a “girlfriend” kind of way. She’s younger than me and I always thought of her as immature but what I’m seeing today, well, she’s not that young I guess. She certainly has matured a lot lately anyway. She has a petite firm body, still very much in development compared to Lindsey but she is not lacking in any way. If she wants me to I’m going to try my best to please her, Lindsey too for that matter. At this point my being naked is the last thing on my mind! LOL

Robyn has taken a step back, a stunned look on her face. Embarrassed maybe? She looks at Lindsey and I think she might be just a bit hurt for some reason. Could she have had a crush on me and I didn’t know? Damn… “I uh, I need to go home… I can’t, I mean…” She turns away.

Lindsey steps to her and takes her arm, first one then the other, looking Robyn straight in the face. Robyn stops and looks back as Lindsey eases Robyn over to the tree log, calmly guiding her to sit down Lindsey slips one hand down and unhooks the front of Robyn’s bra. She did this so smoothly that Robyn barely noticed, that is until her nipples were pinched and twisted slightly between Lindsey’s fingers as she cupped both breasts in a firm grasp as her bra fell to each side. Robyn inhaled sharply then and kind of hissed out “Wait!” but not before Lindsey had slid the straps of the bra off her shoulders and it fell to the ground behind the log.

For myself, I was spellbound. I cannot say as to which I found more amazing, the nearly naked sight before me or the ease and fluidity of Lindsey’s making this move on her friend. I need some lessons for sure!

Turning her eyes on me Lindsey kind of nods a sort of get over here dummy look at me and I comply like a trained puppy. Almost shyly, I might add, I approach them as Robyn now looks up at me. My cock is once again rigid and she directly looks at it. Did she shiver a little? What is she thinking? Does she want to go for round two?

Robyn looks as if she is about to reach out and grasp my cock once again but before she can Lindsey reaches out and grasps my hand, placing it on Robyn’s right tit. For her part, Robyn only flinched a little at my touch, though her eyes were instantly glued to my hand as this happened. My cock is seemingly forgotten, lol. Lindsey is now off to the side and I am directly in front of Robyn. Only moments later I find myself kneeling between her knees caressing each breast and sucking at her nipples, this seems to please her. As I kiss and suckle, even tenderly teasing with my teeth, I feel her nipples harden. I thought they were hard before, but… Hah! This is awesome. I don’t know if this alone can get a girl off but something is definitely happening.

For her part, Robyn is breathing very heavily. She has once again forgotten about being exposed and is fully in the moment. Aware of this, Lindsey reaches in with one hand gently rubs the front of Robyn’s panties. I might not have even noticed this had not Lindsey’s somewhat larger breasts come into contact with me. We guys have a sixth sense about contact with breasts! As I come up for air, I glance around and then look down, following the extended arm to the crotch of the beautiful girl before me and catch my first glimpse of Robyn’s pussy. She has very little hair, though this is something that only occurs to me later. Her panties are pulled to the side and she is exposed as her friend is rubbing two fingers up and down on either side of her labia. I feel gentle downward pressure on the back of my head as Lindsey says, “Kiss her, Eddie.”

This seems natural to me in the moment as I lower myself to get a closer look. Robyn starts to close her legs a bit but being that I am already there and Lindsey simultaneously having placed her hand on Robyn’s thigh, this movement stopped almost as soon as it began. Perhaps I imagined it?

As I lower myself down to a true up close view, I catch a scent unlike any other. I have seen girls, well women I guess, in magazines. Prior to today, I don’t think I have ever been around a girl who was this aroused though. There is a sweet mustiness to it, curious and horny as hell, I began to kiss then slowly lick and nibble. Even sucking on the folds of flesh at times, using my fingers and exploring with lips and tongue. Using the noises, gasps, sighs and breaths from Robyn as my guide aside from an occasional comment from Lindsey perhaps, I think I did well. At one point it seemed that Robyn was trying to pinch my head off with her legs while also trying to shove my face up her cunt. So yeah, mission accomplished right? By the time I came up for air, Robyn’s panties were missing. She was now also completely naked!

Seriously, I kind of wish I could say who took those off of her. I hate to think I missed out on my first experience of peeling a girl’s panties off. Lindsey might have helped out, or Robyn herself may have decided they were in the way I really can’t say. One moment they were there, and then they weren’t. Either way we found them later so I didn’t eat them at least! LMAO!

While Robyn and I were each trying to regain our composure, Lindsey decided to slip away and for a few moments neither of us noticed. At first I just thought maybe she had decided to take matters into her own hands, and to give herself some relief; but as Robyn and I each began to look around for our clothes, it soon became apparent that Lindsey wasn’t the only thing missing! We found our shoes and socks basically where they should have been but Lindsey made off with everything else. We were now both stranded for all we knew, naked, in the woods.

Robyn and I were both less than happy about this but soon decided that all we could do was head toward home. I for one could have thought of at least one other thing we could have done but it didn’t seem the right time to offer that as an alternate plan.

Having donned our shoes we started down the path toward home. Only a short distance down the path, I happened to spy a flash of color hanging from a low tree branch. It seems Lindsey had tossed my T-shirt up there in passing. This was just barely out of reach and for a moment it was tempting to pass it by in pursuit of the main prize. Robyn being fully back to herself and totally embarrassed now at her nudity begged me to get it down. I could care less about a shirt, of course, but for some reason she figured I should get it for her to wear! This proved to be only a slight challenge and soon I was walking through the woods, myself still naked but accompanied by a young lady who was wearing my T-shirt which I must say was in its way almost as provocative sexually as if she was naked too. Which she was, underneath, as was occasionally evidenced from the little glimpses I would get as she walked, constantly tugging it down.

A bit farther down the path I spotted my boxers after we rounded a curve on the trail and it became obvious that we needed to be on the lookout if we hoped to find our clothes. Robyn reluctantly conceded that I could keep the boxers though I might have liked to see what she looked like in them.

Despite our searching we only found the remainder of our clothes as we neared the point in the trails where Robyn and Lindsey originally ambushed me on the day this all began. Lindsey was perched aside the pile of clothes, completely clothed of course. As if she had only come upon them and had decided to keep them safe for us while we were away!

“You!” Robyn yelled, “I should strangle you!”

“Shhh…!” We both hissed at her.
“Do you want to draw Tina or Beth out here before you two get dressed? Lindsey asked. “Or maybe Wendell? He might be home, I bet he would love to see your outfit!”

I hadn’t thought about it really, but Wendell did venture into the woods some Sunday afternoons. What time was it anyway? Without much hesitation we both realized that we needed to get dressed. Lindsey actually helped by tossing us each various items of clothing, more or less as we needed them; though it was a little awkward watching Robyn put her bra on under my T-shirt, only to realize she still had to take it off to put on hers, lol. This may have robbed me of a final glimpse of her tits but who am I to complain after the day I’d had.

I think in the process of getting dressed we kind of forgot to be pissed at Lindsey for the dirty trick with our clothes. No real harm done after all? I told the girls thanks for the “walk” and I headed home. I don’t think they followed me immediately, maybe they needed to talk over what they were gonna tell their parents when they got home? I stay out in the woods so much it wasn’t really a problem when I got home. Though I think Mom was a bit curious when I came in, grabbed a sandwich and proceeded to take an unplanned nap that evening.

Be warned, fresh air and sunshine can be exhausting!
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