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501 stories found

Jayne part 1Jayne was 18 and had left school. She had a job working in an office typing pool, boring but it gave her some independence. Her taste in fashion was to put it mildly plain hence her nickname Plain Jayne. She didn't have any friends as such just people who went to the same school but not one of them was a buddy friend. She lived with her parents in a small plain cottage. Jayne attended church every Sunday and sang in the choir. That was her only release from her humble existence. After the S...reading time 30 mingenre
First times
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I'm The Boss's Daughter "Well, this is the office, Jaclyn," he said as we both entered. "I can see that, Dad," I added, looking around. "And this is Nathan and Tommy, they both do the boring stuff, so nothing you'd be interested in, so don't bother them," he warned me as we strolled into his office. I couldn't resist, but to peek at them anyway. 'Oh, a handsome brunette and a dark-haired guy too,' I thought, before halting. "You're not gonna introduce me, Dad? I mean, I am the boss's daughter." "Okay," he said, tur...reading time 37 mingenre
Group sex
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Conquered Twins - Part 1Michel squirmed in his chair, his hands pinned behind his back, while his two younger daughters - the twins - were forced to face each other on the bed. They were dressed in their fine, well-tailored dresses, their hair flowing in blond manes over their backs. Their eyes were red and big and the round cheeks were wet from the many tears that had spilled during the hour they’ve sat tied on the floor and receiving both slaps and hard-handed grips over their hair and neck. They glanced desperately...reading time 22 mingenre
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bill to pay ! It was done, I had just heard from my husband's lawyer. I was going to divorce it would be judged in a short time and in addition with the wrongs taken by my ex husband, no need to be careful now, I could give free rein to my libido, I admitted to myself that blacks attracted me strongly and that I had really taken a liking to huge sexes, my experiences with little old men had also brought me a lot of pleasure. You're a real bitch, but at least you're having fun! I thought. In front of the larg...reading time 25 mingenre
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Plain Jayne part 1. The stranger.Jayne was 18 and had left school. She had a job working in an office typing pool, boring but it gave her some independence. Her taste in fashion was to put it mildly plain hence her nickname Plain Jayne. She didn't have any friends as such just people who went to the same school but not one of them was a buddy friend. She lived with her parents in a small plain cottage. Jayne attended church every Sunday and sang in the choir. That was her only release from her humble existence. After the S...reading time 30 mingenre
First times
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Mommy Teaches Son About SexEvery night, when my husband fell asleep… I visited my son’s room. “Honey, daddy is asleep.” That faint scent, the scent of a man, mixed in with the smell of paint… My son, Billy, was barely a man, over 18 and a senior in high school. Like most boys his age, he was interested in hobbies and girls. Both worried me. Hobbies, because he enjoyed painting his models. Girls, because he was such a timid boy, I wondered if he would have problems courting them. But in the evening, in the middle ...reading time 24 mingenre
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Stasia Grey
The plane crash chapter 13 to 18The plane crash chapter 13 to 18 Chapter 13 - Mary Mary Quite Contrary Day 8 The next day started in a much more pleasant manner because we were warm and dry and safe. The storm, with all its rain and wind was of no threat to us. The cave remained dry and although there were a few streaks of water that wet the walls higher up and flowed like serpents, none had reached the floor of the cave. I would need to investigate the location above that allowed the smoke to escape but the rain to not ent...reading time 134 mingenre
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Emily"Thank you for taking this job, Emily, I appreciate it," I stated, walking into the office with her. "Your smaller office is right over there with a desk; I hope you like it. I just... crap," I muttered, sitting down in my chair. "Are you still missing Jackie?" she asked, coming up to me. "Yes, you could say that. The divorce was only a month ago, but you know, I'll be fine," I answered, peeking at her. "I'll just need you to look over some files to make sure everything is in order, and don't ...reading time 40 mingenre
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New World OrderNew World As the decades have passed I have watched the scene change in the trans/cross dresser/drag queen world and I have kept up with those changes on my own terms. I am always considered myself to be a gay drag queen, a very low testosterone sissy faggot who is now a has been female impersonator and now a comfort gurl for older men. I love that role in life because it allows me to serve very masculine, very accomplished Alpha males and do so on both their terms and my terms. I have no need ...reading time 34 mingenre
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Bobbi Satin
Neighborhood PredatorChapter 1 Zora rolled her eyes as she listened to her mother yelling and screaming at her longtime boyfriend for coming home in the wee hours of the morning. Turning onto her left side, she looked at the alarm clock that sat on her dresser. 5:04 am is what it read. Seeing the time made Zora roll her eyes yet again. It’s too early for this shit. She thought to herself. She knew that her mom was in the process of getting ready to go to work, she was a CNA at a local nursing home in their home...reading time 38 mingenre
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Queen Kai
Susan... Part 12Susan… Part 12 I don’t have a lot of friends my own age. Growing up I was around my brothers and their friends almost exclusively. Our extended family, like aunts, uncles and cousins etc. all live several hours away and thus we are rarely able to get together. So you would be right to assume that when it comes to close friends, it’s pretty much me and my bro’s. They both have lots of friends. Well compared to me anyway and I guess I consider those boys my friends too. I’m just saying that...reading time 42 mingenre
First times
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Rd Dog
Susan... Part 12Susan… Part 12 I don’t have a lot of friends my own age. Growing up I was around my brothers and their friends almost exclusively. Our extended family, like aunts, uncles and cousins etc. all live several hours away and thus we are rarely able to get together. So you would be right to assume that when it comes to close friends, it’s pretty much me and my bro’s. They both have lots of friends. Well compared to me anyway and I guess I consider those boys my friends too. I’m just saying that ...reading time 43 mingenre
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My Neighbor Teenage Daughter Chapter 1 -- in which we meet Joe and Ginny Virginia (Ginny) McCormack showed up in my yard one Saturday morning in early August as I was mowing my lawn. A chunky kid, not fat, but certainly thick -- what you might call 'heavy boned'. She had just celebrated her ninth birthday a month before. I knew because she had invited me to attend the family dinner after. She was tall and heavy for her age, had a broad face with coarse features, somewhat dark complexion and mousy brown hair cut quite short...reading time 35 mingenre
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Baby Driver
Lakeside Paradise Lake Side Paradise The morning sun streamed through the slats of the Venetian blinds sending laser beams of light made visible by the dust bunny maker dust floating in the morning air. I slowly opened my eyes to the smell of freshly brewed coffee. My girlfriend Marianne must have gotten up early, the late all night sex smell still lingered in the room but I smelled fresh coffee. Marianne must have gotten up early something she seldom does on a day off. I stumbled out of bed, still h...reading time 49 mingenre
Group sex
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Kiarra Juicy Goodness
Sailing Honeymoon A sailing honeymoon. I was so excited to go on our second honeymoon. I had gotten an incredible bonus this year. So Anna and I were going to Mexico on a sail boat of all things, for a whole week. She packed her sexiest cloths and nightgowns. I packed my best as well. I just knew this would be the best thing to revive our failing sex life. We had talked about starting a family a few times and this would be the best time in the world to begin that, I thought it would be wonderful to conceive...reading time 46 mingenre
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After Mrs. Lasalle - BrendaI moved away for a job and dated a young girl named Silvi. Silvi had a negative attitude about sex and eventually I broke up with her. After Silvi I was depressed. Things were difficult at work because everyone knew my business. We were a couple for six months and Silvi had complained about me to her friends at work after the breakup. The women at work fell into two groups: Team Silvi and Team William. Many of the younger girls thought I was some sort of creep and sided with Silvi, whereas the...reading time 47 mingenre
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The visitorHi just a little introduction to the story, it all started on my first day of high school more than fifty years ago when two young girls met for the first time. I’m Mary and I’m married to Frank, were both 63 although Frank has four months on me. We met when we were 22 and married when we were 23. Frank fucked me for the first time a week before we were married and I made sure he fucked me another four times in the remaining days of that week. It was a perfect marriage, Frank got my complete ...reading time 41 mingenre
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Taboo!"Whats going on, XO? "Captain!, we have a situation! "What is it?? "Onboard scans detected an unauthorised item in the Weapons Bay, Sir, Security attempted to interdict it, but the situation is escalating rapidly... we have 4 deaths and 12 confirmed casulties, so far. "How did this happen, XO?... "Possibly sabotage, but more likely stupidity, Sir! "What are we dealing with here!, XO... is it a Nuclear, Chemical or a Biological threat? "None of those... it's an Illegal Organic, Sir! "An Organic?...reading time 167 mingenre
First times
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Mostly Harmless
Jack's OffshoreThe blue and white Bell Jet Ranger helicopter was closing on the oil rig, eighty miles into the green choppy sea off Port Fourcon, Louisiana. Jack told himself he wasn't going back offshore again! Ever! Yet, here he finds himself, accepting another hitch -- not on the platform he's flying to, but on the one-hundred-forty foot supply boat tied up to it. Twenty-eight days of – fourteen days off. Along with Jack and the pilot, were two rig-operators and a roustabout. None spoke during the entire t...reading time 36 mingenre
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Lawrence Trybe
A question caught me by surprise"So, what's the deal with you and your sister?" The question caught me by surprise, enough so that what promised to be a perfectly executed head shot ended with my character being fragged by a tank instead. "What do you mean?" I asked. I hadn't the faintest clue what Nick was talking about. "I dunno," Nick replied. "You guys seem really...close, that's all." "Well, we are twins," I said sarcastically, annoyed that this seemingly inane line of questioning had cost me the lead. "I mean really...reading time 45 mingenre
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The plane crash chapter 19 -23 Chapter 19 - Foraging with Linda We had been stranded now for almost 20 days and had used up all the toilet paper and napkins and now of course the girls were complaining about not being able to wipe their bums when they went for a poo which we always did in pairs behind a large tree surrounded by bushes. That area was getting to smell bad and the girls were running out of places to poo and pee without stepping in another girls poo. I decided on another option and that was to poo and pee in the...reading time 79 mingenre
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Growing boyEric ended his bath by rinsing the shampoo out of his hair, and carefully draped his wash cloth over the rim of the tub as his mom insisted he do. Like most boys at age ten, Eric liked to play in the bathtub. His mother, on the other hand, didn't believe in bath toys, so Eric was reduced to playing with his bar of soap. He got on his knees in the center of the spacious old tub and put the bar of soap against its enamelled side. He gave the soap a backward shove, sending the cake zipping around t...reading time 59 mingenre
First times
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Forced into a ghetto whore - Chapter 2Natasha awoke, slowly and confused, in a room that she didn't know. It was a damp, dark room ; she felt the stench first, then tried to move, but she couldn't. She was lying on a bed, and when she tried to sit up and stand, she found herself immobilized. His wrists had been taped together and tied high to the bedpost, and each of her feet had been tied to two feet apart to the word bedposts. She wasn't alone, of course. She pulled, trying to strain in the bindings, but couldn't do it. She groa...reading time 75 mingenre
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Forbidden IslandForbidden Island an erotic novel by Eric Shon PROLOGUE Light from the setting sun glinted off the rim of the glass, the fine white wine within it running its legs down the bowl and back into the pool of white gold. The man holding the glass by its delicate stem between two fingers gazed from the veranda of his spacious home at the waves rushing up on the beach in an insistent whisper a mere hundred yards or so away, the warm December ocean breeze teasing the grey-flecked hairs at his tem...reading time 197 mingenre
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Eric Shon
Domesticating the Fucktoy“Ok then bitch. You may swallow.” Just as she started to gulp down the man cream, Ryan flung his belt straight up behind her between her legs, the rough leather snapping with a Crack! right onto her delicate pussy. “*gulp! AHH! *Cough” NGHHH!! o-oh my-*cough-gawd!!!” Throat convulsing, Chelsea fell over onto her side and clutched at her sex, while she spluttered and choked on the cum, trying her best to keep it in her stomach. Her pussy burned and a nice red stripe angrily colored her soft sex ...reading time 114 mingenre
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