Grandpa Comes


Grandpa Comes

Dirty Amber
Copyright 2016 Dirty Amber


Kathy is sad that her loving giant husband Jack endowed with a monster of a cock is very busy and their hectic sex life has started to dwindle. In comes her widowed father in law, Jon. Jon has kept his lust filled desires for his daughter in law in check but they come out resulting in explosive sex between them. Kathy’s three daughters, Emily 11 years, Kerry 10 years and Carly 8 years old are happy to see grandpa. Soon Grandpa is asked to deflower Emily and Jack too wakes up and both daughters too are divested of their virginity.
Throw in Kathy’s parents and soon the whole family is happy once again and sex is endless in Kathy’s household, just as she likes it.
Codes: Incest, FIL/DIL, IR, Grandfather/Granddaughter, Father/Daughter, MIL/SIL, bestiality, F/d, GF/gd, M/g, Anal, DP, Group and others.

Chapter 1

‘Father in Law’ Visits

I watched my husband snore softly. He had yet again come late from work and was too tired to have sex. That was fast becoming a pattern. Few years ago Jack could not have enough sex with me. We would fuck until late night. Jack would wake up and take me again before we got of bed. He would be horny and ready by the time I got the breakfast ready. I would either suck him or he would take me bending over the kitchen top from behind. There were days when he turned his car back and rushed inside to pick me up and literally tear my clothes and impale me on his monster cock. I would shriek and wail as his huge thick cock speared inside me and he made me cum many times before filling my womb with his hot potent cream.
Lately even once a month was a bonus. Jack came out of bathroom naked. I almost drooled looking at my unbelievably handsome husband. Jack Miller was six feet six inches of huge solid muscles. My eyes soaked in the monster hanging between his hairy thighs. Jack’s penis was as thick as my forearm even when flaccid and hung almost to his knees.
I am partial to big huge men probably because men in my family are giants. My father and brothers are well over six feet and seven inches.
Jack had just turned thirty-two and his name was splashed all over business magazines as the second ‘coming’ of Brown-Miller’’ Industries.
I loved my husband with my life. Jack and I had to go through and had put our families through a lot to get married. Our families were close friends and we fell in love when barely in teens. Jack and I were having regular sex since I was nine and Jack was twelve. I was pregnant with Emily soon after my eighteenth birthday. Jack was twenty. We were married soon, our families expanded the family business in our city, and soon Jack was toast of the city business’ exclusive club.
As Jack was ready to go he looked up the huge mahogany winding stairs expecting our daughters to come rushing, “Darling, the long school holidays have started. They were up watching movies and playing video games.”
Jack loved our daughters and ran up to their bedrooms to kiss each one of them goodbye before rushing out to his waiting limo.
I sighed and went up to get ready. I looked myself in the wall-to-wall mirrors and saw a very beautiful face staring back at me. I was voluptuous and big boned like my mother and her extraordinarily beautiful face had been passed on to me. I stood five feet five inches with broad shoulders [tiny when in company of my family men].
My large heavy breasts grew even bigger after three babies. My 40DD breasts had started to droop a little more with their weight and size. Jack found them irresistible when he had time and energy to fondle them. My 36 inches of round full waist flared into my 44 inches of ample soft ass. My soft dark blond curls between my meaty thighs matched the unruly long curly hair on my head. I thought aloud, ‘Kathy Brown-Miller, you look almost like your mother.”
I suddenly realised how my father in law must have felt after losing his wife of thirty-two years last year. I felt sad. I felt irrationally lonely. I made up my mind. After the girls were up and had been picked up by the nanny and chauffeur to go to their friends’ house for a day of play, I rang my father in law.
I switched from ‘uncle/ uncle Jon’ to daddy after marrying Jack. After the birth of our girls, he had become ‘grandpa’. I still liked to call him daddy in moments of privacy and affection. Both my father and father in law had treated Jack and I as their own children and tried to spoil us rotten but for our mothers would have succeeded.
Grandpa’s voice boomed through the phone. All men in our family had deep baritone, “Sweetheart so good to hear from you.”
“Why don’t you come to visit us, daddy? Girls have been asking when their two grandpas would come to visit them. They have two long months of holidays.” I was ready to plead if necessary.
“I do not want to get in your way, sweetheart. You know Jack is so busy...” grandpa’s voice trailed as he left something unsaid.
“Did you and Jack have a tiff last time we visited?” I insisted
Grandpa would never evade my question, “Yes sweetie, Jack was angry at my going out with women so soon after his mother’s death. We exchanged some unfortunate words.”
I was stunned not because of the tiff [all men in both families were headstrong as was I], but that my fifty-five years old father in law had such a strong sex drive.
“I am sure you can find at least one charming woman in this city to keep you interested,” I chortled.
Grandpa hesitated and then said, “I know for sure I will, sweetie.”
“Daddy why don’t you come today. We will surprise Frank,” I knew the family jet was always ready to fly.
Grandpa agreed. He was in the house by five. I melted in my father in law’s arms. Jonathan Miller was as tall as his son at six and half feet of height. Like Frank, my father in law was big with huge muscles. He, however, had a comforting padding of fat that made him look like a mythical giant.
Grandpa lifted me up in his arms and I was almost flying and laughing. I found grandpa’s mouth kiss my giggling mouth. I flung my arms around his strong neck and kissed him again laughing like little girl.
“I am so happy to see you daddy,” I beamed, laughed, and kissed my father in law again.
His huge arms around my waist tightened and I felt my breasts being crushed against chest. My nipples started to stiffen. My father in law kissed my slightly open mouth again. Almost involuntarily, my tongue of its volition brushed against grandpa’s lips before our kiss broke up.
I felt my breathing a bit labored as grandpa put me down.
“You look gorgeous, Kathy. I cannot imagine a more beautiful woman in this city,” I blushed as I tried to straighten my simple puff blue flower pattern white cotton dress that finished just below my knees. My large heaving breasts stood proud and my undulating hips were accentuated in that dress.
“Oh daddy, you are so kind. You look as handsome as always,” I tried to control my blushing as my father in law’s eyes feasted on my large breasts filling and pushing, even a lose fitting, dress out.
I felt a heat rising between my thighs as I simmered under my father in aw appreciative gaze.
Soon I had grandpa’s favorite scotch with rocks ready. Within half an hour I was once again reminded just what a larger than life lively personality he had. I was babbling all the tiny trivial things that had happened with the girls and our lives. Grandpa listened to all with rapt attention.
He pointed out the Forbes magazine that had run an article about the project that Frank had started. Frank’s project would offer boys and girls from less privileged school internship in his industry to enable them taste the workings of commercially successful business. He would then offer educational support to help them progress as well. The project was named after our deceased mothers.
“Sweetie is my son looking after you. He seems to be so busy,” grandpa asked.
“Daddy, Frank is the best husband there is. He adores me and our daughters,” I gushed.
“I meant is he making love to you every day and every morning and rushes back from work to snatch a quickie,” grandpa had his trademark naughty smile.
I blushed and stammered, “I am afraid Frank has become very busy.”
Grandpa grumbled, “I am sorry to hear that. If I were Frank and married to a divinely beautiful woman like you I would be fucking her every hour of the day.”
Grandpa used the F word without making it appear crass.
I was saved the trouble of finding right response and hiding my blushing face as daughters ran inside. There was lot of screaming and laughing. Grandpa lifted each of his three granddaughters and kissed them repeatedly. The girls just screamed and shrieked ‘grandpa’ in each sentence they uttered. I was amazed at the effect my father in law had in making everyone happy around him.
Soon we were all seated around the table. Grandpa started to quiz the girls about their school and studies. I was surprised to hear finer details tumbling out to the same questions that Frank and I had asked.
Girls opened to their grandpa naturally. Grandpa had pulled the youngest of my girls, Carly in his lap. Carly was four feet ten inches of plump dark blond curly haired beauty. She was going to be nine in five months.
Grandpa smiled at my oldest Emily and asked, “Right Em sweetheart. How are you managing to keep the boys off you?” Em was eleven going sixteen. She was tallish at five feet one inch and athletic big boned like me. Her chubby fat was still there but she had already started to grow breasts that would need B cup bra when she chose to wear one.
Emily gushed and started to give all details of various boys interested in her. She liked three or four more than the rest. One boy was almost fourteen and appeared the top of the contenders. Grandpa heard all that with full attention and as if Em and him were of the same age. I marvelled at my father in law’s ability to treat my little girls as equal and they responded with such openness that we had never managed. I was hearing details of their romantic lives that I did not know existed.
Grandpa asked smiling, “Em, you have not decided to give any of these boys, yourself any soon?”
I sat with gaping mouth afraid that my little girl would say she is not even a virgin. Emily answered so maturely, “Grandpa, I am too young and would only do it with someone who loves me and can show me how to do it nicely.”
I was relieved and surprised to see how precocious my daughter was.
Soon grandpa had all the details tumbling out of Kerry. Kerry like all girls had long curly dark blond hair and a face that was breath takingly beautiful. Her five feet of chubby ten years old body had started to show fatty mounds that would definitely be as big as her older sister’s breasts.
Frank was late again and we all had real family dinner. Table resonated with cross conversation. Girls were so vibrant and their beautiful faces shone with happiness and love. I found myself talking increasingly with similar alacrity.
Grandpa and I had vintage Italian red. We retired to the family entertainment room. Grandpa, with his cognac tumbler, had Carly and Kerry in his lap. Emily sat close to him hugging his massive arm.
Girls eventually were sent off to bed. They all objected and kissed grandpa and I goodbye. I was totally spell bound with the effect my father in law had all over us. He looked at me and smiled. I blurted, “Is your lap free for another girl now, daddy?”
Grandpa laughed and pulled me in his huge lap and I felt warm in his bear hug.
“Thanks daddy, girls had never opened up so much before,” I rubbed my face on his massive chest, “I was not aware that the older two are so ready for or aware of sex.”
“They are these days, Kathy. Kids are more aware and best way is to allow them a safer way to get experience.”
I raised the unfinished conversation, “Daddy, what about your sex life?”
“Kathy, Judy, your mother in law, and I had very active sex life. We never tired of exploring each other and any thing that we wanted to explore. I cannot stay without regular sex but the women are there but they are so shallow and sex is just that, sex.”
I was amazed that my father in law was so virile and had such a feminine take on sexual relationships.
“Why don’t you come and live with us? I promise to find girls to keep you satisfied.”
“Finding girls is not the issue, Kath. Finding the ones I would like and want to wake up in the morning with is the issue.”
“OK, first let me know what kind of physique you like?” I tried to break it down into small bits.
“I like voluptuous full bodied big breasted curvaceous women,” grandpa almost described me.
“Is there a woman that I might know who answers to most of the qualities, physical and intellectual,” I asked looking at my father in law’s face intently.
“Yes, there is,” I waited with bated breath, “She is in my lap.”
My heart thudded and my gasp was audible, “DADDEEE,” I managed to whisper.
“Sorry Sweetheart. I can never lie to you and evading the question would have been akin to lying. That is why I will not come to live here. Seeing you, every day will be a torture. I will not be able to control and probably one day take you and ravage you like an animal.”
My breathing was coming in short gasps. I was lost for words.
Grandpa slowly lifted me off his lap and then got up slowly, “Sorry Kathy. I did not want to complicate your life. I could not overcome my greed to just see you, inhale your fragrance and hold you even in the pretence of holding my daughter in law.”
I stood like a retard unable to articulate any response.
“Don’t worry, Kathy. I shall leave tomorrow morning. Please forget my silly confession and forgive me,” Grandpa kissed me and left me standing there like a statue.
I dragged myself to my room. Frank came late and soon joined me in bed and after apologising and commenting he is happy to have daddy here went to sleep. I lay there pondering and wondering. I could not lose my father in law. I now needed him and in fact wanted him. I smiled as my thoughts fell in to coherent plan. I rolled towards Frank’s massive back, buried my face in his sweet warm fragrant manly skin, and fell asleep.
Frank left after breakfast. Grandpa was still in his suite. Girls had another playgroup to go to. This was the friend whose older brother was the fourteen years old boy whom Emily loved.
Once the girls left with two nannies and the driver, I went up threw my clothes off took a shower and put on my soft fluffy cotton towel bathrobe over my still moist body. I marched towards my father in law’s suite. Grandpa was sitting in the deep leather sofa with his morning coffee. He obviously slept naked.
I stood few feet away from my father in law who looked at me with that look that sends a woman wondering what to do next. I threw my bath gown off and stood in front of my father in law without a stitch.
Grandpa looked at me still with the same calm look. I smiled nervously and asked, “Daddy have you gone off big breasted women overnight? The giant between your thighs has not moved at all.”
Grandpa stood and took me in his arms, “Are you sure, Kathy?”
“As sure as I live,” I rubbed my hands all over grandpa’s hairy chest.
“No remorse later?” grandpa wanted reassurance.
“Never,” I whispered and my hand slowly tracked its way over grandpa’s hairy belly and after running my fingers through his thick curly bush, I rubbed my hand over root of his huge shaft.
Grandpa kissed me gently all over my face and then he lifted me in his arms and lay me down on the bed. Grandpa made love to my face. He kissed my eyes, ears, neck and then my ear lobes. He kissed my lips, my nose and then back to my lips. I was moaning and my father in law had not even kissed me with an open mouth.
His open mouth soon found mine gasping panting mouth and his tongue invaded my mouth. I tasted his sweet saliva and his tongue sought each corner and inside of my mouth. I was breathing loudly when he released me and his lips traced my neck and chest and soon were on my heaving breasts. He sucked and kissed my nipples and breasts until they were aching. His kisses trailed a path towards the junction of my meaty thighs. My thighs parted automatically. Grandpa parted the soaking lush bush on my pussy and his tongue danced a lusty dance on the entrance of my seething cunt. I was going wild with desires.
Grandpa snaked his finger inside my pussy and his lips locked on my clitoris. I bucked and came screaming like a banshee, “DADDEEE AAAHHH I AM CUMMEEENNG.”
Grandpa kept on sucking my pussy for another few minutes and I was ready to scream the roof down when he removed his mouth and I moaned complainingly but soon shut up as he aligned his huge monster against my soaking weeping cunt and his huge body gently crushed mine as he lay on top of me. I flung my arms around his strong neck. Grandpa slowly inched his monster inside my cunt. I was used to Jack equally huge cock but somehow grandpa’s slow entry made me realize how enormously thick his shaft was. I moaned as my churning pussy clenched but the formidable silky smooth huge shaft was too powerful for my pussy to slow down.
I moaned even louder as grandpa’s monster eventually was fully embedded inside my pussy. Grandpa pulled his enormously thick and inhumanly long cock right out and slowly pushed it back. My pussy opened as each inch reclaimed my baby passage stretching it wider. I was going berserk, as the shear slow invasion of my pussy had pushed me to the brink of another orgasm.
“FUCK ME GRANDPA,” I moaned loudly. Grandpa pulled his gigantic pole right out and in one long solid lunge buried it right to the last, inch inside my churning pussy making me explode in an intense orgasm. I shrieked as the intensity of my second orgasm took my breath away.
Grandpa started to fuck me with long thrusts and alternated them with short rapid jabs. My breathing was ragged. My heaving breasts rubbed against the hairy chest of grandpa. Grandpa was pounding my cunt with his monster and my moans were rising in amplitude. Grandpa kissed my open gasping mouth, slammed his cock right inside my pussy, and exploded like a geyser.
I felt the first spurt of his hot potent cum and my pussy writhed and exploded again. I slumped back as grandpa jerkily slammed his cock few more times. His spurting cock kept on spewing phenomenal amount of hot scalding cum inside my stuffed cunt.
I held grandpa tight as he buried his face in my fragrant lush long wavy hair. We could hardly speak for many minutes. I kissed his face with love so naked that he smiled.
“That was great daddy,” I gushed as my father in law kissed my nose. He licked the sweat beads on my forehead and upper lip.
“I have never felt so good inside any other woman except your mother in law, sweetie.” Grandpa kissed me again. He wanted to roll off me but I held him tight.
“Umm, please lay on top of me. I love your body over mine. I also love your cock in my pussy.” I mumbled affectionately.
Grandpa kissed me languidly and soon his kisses became urgent. I felt his monster throbbing as hard as steel inside me.
Grandpa started to fuck me with slow steady thrusts. I started to push my hips up to meet his thrusts but the sheer weight of his body and the enormity of his tool made those minimal movements meaningless. I eventually lay back my chunky thighs spread eagled to accommodate my father in law’s massive huge muscular hips.
Grandpa fucked me with no rush. His hands massaged my breasts and his mouth kissed every inch of my face. I came as his tongue traced the contours of my nostrils. He pushed his tongue inside my right nostril and that triggered my orgasm.
I moaned and grandpa kept on moving in and out of my cum and sex juices filled pussy untiringly. I kissed him back and licked his tongue hard. I even bit on his tongue in heat of my orgasm. Grandpa started to move faster and harder. My moans became more resonant and my breathing loud and ragged.
Grandpa was now slamming his monstrosity shaking my body as he hilted inside me. He crushed his mouth on mine and hissed, “I am going to cum again Kathy.”
I wailed, “Please cum inside me daddy.”
Grandpa grunted and I shrieked as he pulled his cock right out and lunged inside me almost painfully. I exploded into million sharp shards of an orgasm that nearly knocked me unconscious. I was panting and barely felt the phenomenal number of spurts of hot cum from grandpa’s massive cock that filled my cunt again.

Chapter 2
Once I was breathing normally, grandpa rolled off me. I kissed him and put on my bathrobe, “I am going to start breakfast, daddy.”
I kissed grandpa on his nose and walked rather gingerly towards the kitchen. We both had breakfast and talked as if we were married for hundred years.
“Daddy, tell me how many women have you been with,” I asked with a twinkle in my eyes.
“Too many to count, sweetie. But meaningful are handful.”
I pouted like little girl, “I want to know everything about your sex life. I want to be the best woman apart from mom you have ever had.’
Grandpa laughed, “You already are Kathy.”
However, I was having nothing of it.
Grandpa opened up, “Kathy, there are so many things that people do when in love and having sex. Judy and I were open to each other. We changed partners and had sex together or alone with other partners.”
“What all did you do with mom?” I was curious.
“Judy and I loved anal. Judy loved two men at the same time. We even arranged so that three men took her at the same time,” my eyes widened, “Judy and I loved to experiment and even tried having sex with pets and then Judy would fuck them regularly in front of me.”
I gasped but not with horror but with rising lust that grandpa’s words fomented inside me.
“Daddy, what kind of pets?” I asked in a hoarse voice.
“We had a huge St. Bernard, like Buster now, and the horse you love to ride, Storm.” Grandpa smiled and pulled me towards him. He pushed the chair back and his massive cock was straining inside his shorts.
I pulled his shorts down and they crumpled around his ankles. He pushed my robe off. I straddled his thighs and soon my wet leaking cunt was racing down the long huge pole of his until my lush soaked bush meshed with his curly coarse pubic hair.
My arms were around his neck, “Daddy, who were the people you shared mom with?”
“Few Kathy,” grandpa helped me lift up and come down to start a slow fucking, “two very close friends from college days. The couple we were most close with are Ted and Betty.”
I gasped and climaxed shaking all over. Ted and Betty are my parents. Grandpa noticed my slumped body, lifted me up, and lay me down on the table. I spread my flexed thighs and soon his sex juices coated cock was racing inside my clutching pussy. I moaned as he took me to seek his pleasure but after twenty or so strokes, I came again moaning and blubbering constantly. Grandpa fucked me faster and harder. He mauled my breasts and he tweaked my nipples.
He pushed my thighs right back and laid into me. His hips moved so fast that his cock pistoned in and out making me breathless. I was moaning loudly encouraging grandpa to cum inside my pussy. Grandpa exploded deep inside my pussy and despite my two orgasms he managed to make me cum again. He collapsed over me and I held him tight.
I closed my eyes as my father in law’s breathing took some time to settle down. We slowly and reluctantly separated. I suggested a game of golf and grandpa took that offer readily. As we went to our rooms to dress my father in law asked me, “Had Jack taken you in your ass, Kathy?”
I was speechless with excitement and shook my head in negative. Grandpa kissed me and whispered, “We need to correct that soon.”
By the time we finished eighteen holes it was fairly late. I knew the time for girls to come back from their friend’s house was imminent and despite our burning desire to fuck, grandpa and I somehow managed to hold back.
We dressed after a shower. Grandpa was in khakis and light blue tee shirt. I chose a long soft cotton dress and felt very naughty, as I had no bra underneath. I knew my father in law would notice that right away.
Girls stormed in and soon they had monopolized grandpa. After they had asked about grandpa’s day they poured out the minute details of their day.
Grandpa asked Emily, “Did you manage to keep Andy away sweetheart?”
I was amazed that grandpa remembered his name. I had forgotten. Emily giggled, “Grandpa, he felt my breasts and kissed me but I stopped him right there.”
My face burnt. Grandpa commended my oldest daughter who kissed him three times blushing. I felt heat between my thighs. My ears were buzzing and I barely caught the details of my middle one who too had a boyfriend and she too had to stop him after some fondling.
I supervised dinner preparation. Jack surprised me by arriving early. Grandpa and him hugged like two mountainous giants. Girls jumped up and down and soon Jack was engulfed in six pairs of chubby arms. Jack seemed to be happy to see his father. Maybe he thought, this way his father could not go around screwing other women. I saw the irony and could have smiled but for the fact that my wild imagination ran amuck and I started dreaming of having, Jack and my father in law together. I sighed as the very thought made my cunt leak.
We all retired to our bedrooms. Jack pulled me in his arms and literally tore my dress off my body. I gasped as his impatience for me stoked the fire already burning inside me.
He hurriedly undressed. He threw me on the bed and his throbbing giant was ready to impale me. I spread my thighs wide open suggesting I was ready. Jack filled me in one thrust making me scream. He fucked me fast and hard. He mauled my breasts. My cunt was so ready that within few minutes of Jack’s monster pounding my cunt I exploded in a wonderful orgasm. Jack was more like his old self. He pounded my pussy and made me cum two more timed before exploding inside me.
We both lay there panting and basking in the after glow of sex.
Jack pulled out of me and dove into my cum filled cunt. I moaned as his mouth teased and tormented my pussy but soon I was humping my hips up to meet his tongue and mouth.
I hissed, “Fuck me again Jack.”
Jack was ready. He rolled me on my belly. I moaned. Jack loved to fuck me from behind. That way I was tight and his cock almost hurt me but that hurt only made both of us lustier.
I shrieked as Jack impaled my cunt in two long thrusts. Jack took me with urgency that showed his love and desire for me. The very thought pushed my orgasm button and I would cum twice more before Jack exploded deep inside me.
Jack kissed me languidly before rolling off me. I hugged him back and kissed his back many times. Paradoxically I thought of my father in law who would be alone in his bed. I had been fucked more times that day than I have ever been in a single day.
My pussy was sore but still thought of my father in law sleeping without sex seemed wrong to me, “Jack, I will go and make sure daddy is comfortable and does not need anything.”
Jack was sleepy and mumbled something like, ‘Good. Sorry if I am asleep by then’.
I kissed him and whispered, “I will sleep in adjoining bedroom so not to disturb you.” I smiled, as the only reply was Jack’s soft snores.
I softly entered my father in law’s suite and managed to get to bed in soft lights. I threw my nightgown on the carpet, climbed under the duvet, and soon was in tight embrace of my father in law who was fully naked and his monster was ready for action.
He did not ask me any questions, rolled me on my back, and was on top of me. He mouth crushed on mine and his leviathan impaled my pussy in two pussy ripping thrusts. My father in law fucked me with long steady thrusts but made me cum quickly. I was now perpetually on trigger orgasm. My father in law had found the hidden switch and thrown it on.
I moaned as my first orgasm raced through my body. Grandpa kept the steady pace going until his own urgency arrived. He held me tight and his hips moved faster and harder. I moaned as his giant cock hit the depths of my cunt hard making me wince with delicious pain that brought my next orgasm closer by second. My father in law grunted and his cock slammed few times inside me and I knew he was going to cum soon. I kissed him and egged him on to explode inside his daughter in law.
My father in law growled and exploded. His cock throbbed and lurched inside my pussy that too exploded making me wail with pleasure so intense that my eyes closed.
We both took some time to settle down. Grandpa rolled carefully so that his nearly hard giant manhood remained buried inside me.
He kissed me affectionately on my forehead, lips and then on my nose. “Grandpa, did you notice my girls are so ready for sex? I am so worried and scared.”
“Why, Kathy. They are as healthy as you. If I am not wrong you were having sex with Jack at a younger age.”
I blushed, “I am worried they will experiment with some silly boy and their experience might scar them for life.”
“What would you have them do, then?” My father in law kissed my frowning forehead and then bit on the tip of my nose as his fingers tweaked and rolled my nipple.
“I would like someone like you to show them how good sex is. That way they do not have to go looking outside,” I stunned myself at my own audacity.
“Are you sure, Kathy? They are very open to me and I think they might already suspect something is going on between us.” Grandpa kissed my open mouth.
I was sure and said so, “Daddy, would you think I am sick if I said I would like to watch?”
“No sweetie. I have watched Judy make love with other men just for kicks,” Grandpa rolled me on my back and was ready for another ride.
I spread my legs and stroked his handsome face, “What shall we do tomorrow?”
“I will fuck you and if you trust me I might arrange a new experience,” my father in law’s huge pole filled my pussy inch by inch. My mind was now focused on the union of my body with my father in law’s. I mumbled my agreement as my father in law started to move in and out of my pussy. Grandpa fucked me to three orgasms before he exploded surprisingly huge amount of hot cum inside my pussy.
I let grandpa start to feel sleepy before slipping out. I found Jack fast asleep. I climbed into the bed, threw my arms around my giant husband and fell asleep within few seconds.

Chapter 3
I woke up late next morning. Jack was already fully dressed. I flung a gown, kissed him and went down to start coffee and some breakfast for my husband. Jack was again looking for his adorable daughters but I stopped him, “Sweetheart, girls are on holidays and stay up late, let them sleep. They are tired out by the evening.”
Jack kissed me squeezed my ample wide meaty ass, something he had not done for ages, making me giggle girlishly. I yawned, as I was still sleepy. I knew my father in law would need extra sleep as well. I went to bed and fell asleep until my daughters woke me up. Their visit to yet another friend’s house was already delayed. I rushed and helped them pack up. I kissed each one of them twice.
“Mom, is grandpa enjoying his stay? I can stay back if you think he needs extra company,” Emily asked me like a grandmother she thought she was. I could easily detect a naughty glint in my daughter’s eyes.
I slapped her plump ass lightly, “Go and enjoy yourself. I am capable of looking after your grandpa.”
She giggled and kissed me. It was a long and hard kiss that made me blush. I noticed Kerry and Carly too were smiling enigmatically. Emily ran inside the limo.
I decided to wake my father in law up. I ran to his suite and found him just about awake. I jumped into his bed and soon was in his arms.
He kissed me and we both tasted each other’s morning mouth. Grandpa pushed my gown off and flung it on the carpet. His hands roamed all over my body. I was ready and soaking. I stroked my father in law’s monster dwarfing my hand.
Grandpa whispered, “I think I better pee first.”
I realised that my bladder too was full. I hung on my father in law’s arm as we both made way to the bathroom.
“Kathy, would you be OK if I wanted to taste your piss?” my father in law asked me in a matter of fact manner.
I was not immune to be shocked, “Did mom drink yours too?”
I already knew the answer, “Yes,” confirmed my father in law.
“What else did you guys do? Do dad and mom also share each other’s piss?” my curiosity was endless.
“Yes sweetie. Judy sucked my cock after I had fucked her ass. You mom loves to do the same.”
I was not sure how a woman goes about offering her urine to her father in law, “Shall I get some glasses?”
My father in law laughed making me blush, “Kathy sweetie, it tastes best fresh from the source.”
He sat on the floor and asked me, “Fill my mouth and stop your stream. I will love to drink every drop of your pee.”
I obeyed my father in law. I filled his open mouth with my warm golden urine. I waited anxiously whether my father in law would like the taste of my urine as much as he liked my mother in law’s.
The pleasure on his face reassured me and I happily filled his mouth until my bladder was empty. I kissed my father in law and tasted my own urine. I liked the taste it added to his morning mouth flavor.
I sat down and grandpa held his semi hard heavy cock to point it at my open mouth. My mouth soon closed over a mouthful of warm acrid but still sweet urine. I gulped and found my pussy tingling.
My father in law watched me carefully as I swallowed the first three mouthfuls. He saw my face lit up with pleasure and he lovingly filled my mouth and I swallowed my first warm drink of fresh urine. If I had a choice, I would have still wanted it to be my giant father in law.
My father in law lifted me up and took me to the bed and soon he was riding on top of me with his monster buried to the hilt. It took only ten or so thrusts and I was cumming with moans that filled the room. My father in law stopped fucking me and whispered, “Time to lose your anal virginity Kathy.”
I whimpered but showed no resistance. My father in law rolled me on my belly and lifted me on my knees. He pushed my head down on my crossed arms. He licked my anus with his warm mouth and soon it started to relax. He pushed his one finger and then two inside and moved them until they were buried to the knuckles. I could fell the contents of my rectum being pushed and invaded by my father in law’s fingers. He pulled them out. I heard the unmistakable sound of licking, as he must have cleaned his fingers by licking them. I felt heat burning my body.
“Keep your anus lose and relaxed,” with those words of wisdom my father in law placed his gargantuan cock head against my anal ring. He pressed firmly but gently. I felt a dull ache and soon a sharp pain as his cock head stretched my virgin anus wide open. Soon his full cock head was buried inside my anus.
I bit hard on my lip as a scream tried to bubble in my throat. My father in law pushed his cock slowly inch by inch allowing my ass to stretch and dilate before pushing further. I was panting, as the strange sensation of my obscenely dilated anus was painful and yet exciting.
I heard my father in law moan, “Kathy, sweetheart, you are so tight.”
I was struggling with the stretching pain that his massive girth caused but still my father in law’s words meant that my rectum was giving him pleasure. On that morning, that reason alone was enough for me to offer him my ass.
I was sobbing both with the anticipation of unknown and dull pain of my father in law’s monster cock stretching my anus.
I shook as each massive inch invaded my rectum. It appeared to me that it took hours for my father in law to bury his entire monstrously long and thick cock inside my widely stretched rectum. He stood for some time fully buried inside me before he pulled out and soon he slowly buried it back inside my ass.
I moaned and sobbed both with unexplained pleasure but with the pain that still lingered as my father in law’s huge cock moved in and out.
My father in law played with my swaying breasts and rubbed my clitoris. He kept the slow but steady in and out movement of his cock as my rectum slowly started to accept that this monster invader intended to give me pleasure.
After thirty strokes or so, I started to feel a strange kind of fullness rather than pain. Soon an unexpected sensation started to emerge from my rectum. I started to feel the silky smooth hard cock as I could in my pussy. My anal ring instead of hurting felt sensitive and that made my pussy twitch.
My father in law started to fuck my ass with more freedom. I could smell my rectal aroma, as his cock must have dredged up the contents of my full rectum. I moaned as his fingers on my clitoris and his monster shuttling in and out of my rectum somehow came together into a big orgasm that shook me and surprised me.
I was mentally prepared to allow my father in law ravish my ass just for his pleasure. My orgasm was so strong that it almost scared me. My father in law started to move faster and harder. My ass felt on fire but the pleasure that fire engendered was considerable.
Grandpa rubbed my clit and even pushed his fingers inside my pussy precipitating another orgasm. I shrieked with pleasure, “Fuck my ass daddy. FUCCKKK MEEEE.”
My father in law started to fuck my ass with greater freedom and his cock slammed inside my rectum making me moan with pain filled ecstasy. I heard my father in law grunting with each thrust. His thrusts became stronger shaking my body violently each time he hilted inside me.
My father in law slammed inside me, harder then ever before, and my orgasm exploded deep inside me. My knees gave way. I was moaning as my orgasm tormented me my father in law now lying on top of me fucked my ass with short hard thrusts and soon he growled and his cock started to spew hot cum inside my clutching convulsing rectum.
I was panting and gasping for a long time, as the intensity of my deflowering of virgin rectum was too intense.
Eventually we both got up to shower. I saw my father in law’s monster coated with my shit and his cum. I remembered what my mother in law and mother would have done. Once in bathroom I insisted on sucking and licking my father in law’s shit coated cock clean. I, in fact, liked the mixture of my shit mixed with grandpa’s cum.

Chapter 4
My father in law and I decided to go for golf again after breakfast. After three holes, I started to recall our morning fucking of my virgin ass. I started to feel heat between my thighs. My mind was not in the game but was dreaming of reasons to take my father in law back to home and ask him to fuck me until I passed out.
My father in law perhaps read my mind. He kissed on cheek and we both returned to the golf club for a quick coffee. As we entered a distinguished good looking black gentleman waved frantically at my father in law. My father in law beamed and whispered, “What a surprise a old friend.”
This old friend was probably sixty years old. He was about six feet and one or two inches tall. He was very broad and had a huge padding of fat. His big bulging belly protruded over his blue jeans but with white cotton shirt and blue blazer he looked very elegant.
“Vince please meet my daughter in law Kathy. Kathy my dear friend Vince,” Vince kissed my cheeks and gave me a sincere compliment on how beautiful I was. I blushed slightly.
Soon a beautiful woman in late fifties joined us and she was Vince’s wife, Patricia. Pat was a five feet five inches tall big buxom beautiful Irish lady. She was round and big with large curves. She was what some people would refer to as Big Beautiful Woman. To me she was simply gorgeously beautiful.
I liked both instantaneously. Vince reminded me of my father in law; both were suave, good looking, kind, soft-spoken and gentle. Patricia was as kind and polite as she was beautiful. After a coffee, both excused themselves to pay a visit to the loo.
“Do you like Vince and Pat,” my father in law asked quietly.
“Yes, they are...” I stopped midsentence as I looked at his face and made the connection.
“Daddy, you planned this, didn’t you?” I blushed, “Yes they are nice and if you want me to I would be ready to go ahead with them.”
“Good, this is prelude to far more important experience. We will go to the hotel suite that our company keeps.” My father in law had planned everything to a nice detail. He got up and intercepted Vince and Pat and they talked in quiet tone. I sat feeling exposed. They both smiled and waved at me and I waved back blushing madly.
Once in the hotel suite, my father in law took Patricia in his arms and his lips locked over hers. He started to unbutton her flowing silk dress and soon she was in bra and panties. Her big plump body was exquisitely beautiful. Her large breasts must be at least 44G, they drooped down swaying seductively as she moved. Her bulging smooth soft belly would possibly give her a waist of 38, which had two soft folds that accentuated her voluptuousness. Her round soft waist flared into most delectable big wide ass barely contained in pink silk panties, I guessed would be 49. Her soft skin on her ass cheeks and meaty thighs had typical dimpling of mature beauty that sent even my blood rushing. My hands were aching to stroke Patricia’s ass and thighs, in fact every inch of her body.
I was shy as I moved in Vince’s arms but as his lips kissed mine, my arms flew around him and my mouth sought his with as much passion as grandpa and Pat were showing. Soon we all were naked and I was impressed with Vince’s huge penis. He was few inches shorter than my father in law but as thick. The difference in length made his cock appear very thick and scaringly formidable.
Vince and my father in law pushed Pat and I together and soon Pat was kissing me. Her hands roamed all over my body. Pat had me moaning within no time. She pushed me flat on the bed and kissed my mouth her tongue savoring my insides. I kissed her back with equal passion. Her hands mauled my breasts hard, teased them gently but managed to make me gasp with pleasure. I too played with her huge enormous drooping breasts.
Eventually Pat dove between my thighs and her mouth found my treasure hidden beneath the dark blond lush growth. I wailed as no sooner her lips touched my clitoris I exploded in an intense orgasm. I did not need any further education. I pulled Patricia up and soon she lay down on her back her thunder big thighs wide open. I twisted around to offer her my pussy and soon my mouth was kissing the red haired fragrant pussy that was leaking sweet sex juices. I attacked Patricia’s clitoris with vengeance. I fucked her passage with my tongue. Patricia was more sophisticated than me but she was moaning with delight from whatever I chose to do.
I soaked my finger in her sex juices and invaded her tight anus until my finger was buried until its knuckle. I could feel solid rectal content in the reach of my finger. I sucked hard on Pat’s clit as she did on mine. Her fingers were inside my both passages and we both were bucking and moaning.
I was so turned on by Patricia and busy cumming every few minutes that I forgot about the men in the room. I moaned and came again as did Patricia. We both were sweating profusely and had cum at least half a dozen times. My father in law and Vince could not hold back any longer.
They roughly pulled Patricia off me. Vince lay down on the bed his bottle thick cock looked threateningly huge in girth and made his cock look less long than it actually was. Patricia swung her hips astride her husband’s hips and soon her soaking cunt impaled itself on her husband’s black huge cock. My father in law parted her wide massive ass cheeks and indicated for me to come closer. I crawled closer to the action.
I took my father in law’s massive throbbing monster in my mouth to give it a good coating of my saliva. I also drooled a big puddle on the tiny pink anal ring of Patricia. My father in law placed his huge cock head at the anal ring and pressed hard. The massive head spread the anal ring and soon vanished inside. A loud moan escaped from Pat’s lips.
My father in law took fraction of time in burying his mammoth cock fully inside Patricia ass compared to what he devoted in violating my virgin ass. Both men started to fuck voluptuous Patricia with long thrusts that must have filled her to a bursting point. She came within few moments of double fucking and shrieked with unbridled pleasure.
She moaned and encouraged both men to fuck her harder. They did. Patricia came repeatedly as both men fucked her with iron will and only came when she had started to slump on her husband. Vince growled and erupted inside her wife’s pussy. My father in law slammed his cock few time brutishly in the soft rectum of Pat and he too filled her well-fucked ass with his potent baby making cream.
The three sweating transiently sated sex partners disentangled. My father in law offered his throbbing still hard member fresh from Patricia rectum to me and I was hot watching double fucking that in a trice I attacked my father in law’s soiled monster and started to lick it clean of all the shit it had dredged up from Patricia’s rectum. After it was saliva soaked clean, I sucked Vince’s cock licking all the sweet cum and Patricia’s sex juices.
My father in law whispered, “It is time for your turn, Kathy, to see how two cocks feel at the same time.”
I climbed astride my father in law, placed his huge cock at the soft wet entrance of my passage and slid down the long length until last inch of his giant girth was buried inside my cunt. I felt so full that I wondered how could Vince fuck my ass without ripping something.
I did not die wondering. Soon Vince placed his massive cock soaking with his wife’s saliva at the trembling tiny entrance. Patricia kissed my mouth and massaged my breasts. I smiled feebly and felt a tremendous pressure at my anal ring that persisted and suddenly it gave way. I could not help but shriek as the pain from anus was akin to a closed fist suddenly invading my anus.
Vince’s girth was killing me as my father in law inhumanly thick cock was already buried inside my pussy. I squealed as inch after thick murdering inch invaded my tight rectal passage stretching my anal ring painfully. The fullness in my both passage was exciting despite the pain Vince’s cock was creating.
I bit on my lip and winced as another few inches of Vince’s massively thick manhood slid inside my rectum. I shook my head, as the feeling of bursting pain was worse than the sharp pain of entry.
At last, Vince’s monster too was fully buried inside me. Initially both men moved alternating withy each other. Vince would pull out and my father in law would push up into my cunt. I started to feel the intense pleasure Patricia had enjoyed. I shrieked twice as the orgasm that hit me was simply excruciatingly painful because of the intense pleasure it brought in a shot span without any warning.
Both men felt free to move faster inside me. They now started to fuck me in harmony. Both would pull out and then fill me back with their monstrosities. I first felt empty and then bursting full. The contrast in the sensation combined with the pleasure of two massive steel hard silky cock loving in my both passages was indescribably erotic.
I came again fairly soon, ‘AAAH I AAM CCUUMMEEENG,” my wail was now an accepted signal of my intense orgasm. As I was struggling with my fourth massive climax Vince exploded deep inside my rectum. My father in law too hurried and to enhance my pleasure ejaculated his usual huge amount of hot cum. The never ending spurts from two virile massive cocks triggered another orgasm that merged with the one that was still raging. I moaned loudly and slumped on my father in law.
We three remained locked for a long time. I wanted to savor the sensation of two monster cocks in my twin passages for future.
Eventually Vince pulled out and his wife did the honors of cleaning her husband’s soiled cock. I smiled at my father in law lovingly and said a silent thank you. He simply kissed me on my nose and held me tight.
We all four sat and talked. The hands of us two women never remained idle and played with each other’s and our men’s genitalia.
Soon we all were ready for another round. Reasonably, my father in law took Patricia and Vince took me. Both made us cum few times before filling our passages with their cum.
I said fond goodbye to my new friends. Patricia kissed me and whispered, “Sweetheart you are most welcome to join us even if Jon is not in city.” I thanked sincerely.

Chapter 5
On way home my father in law disclosed, “Kathy, Em wants to have sex with me as soon as we can. Both Em and Kerry have been very close and confiding in me. They both feel that they want to experience this so much that they may not be able to wait too long.”
I kissed my father in law, “When do you want to do it?”
I kissed him again, “Can I watch, please.”
“Sure, I shall leave the lights on. There is a place between the bedroom and study. There is glass wall that gives full view of the bed. With dim light you would remain in dark,” my father in law kissed my nose, “You will have to make sure Jack does not suddenly decide to go to her room to say goodnight or look for her tomorrow morning.”
I had forgotten about the extra study. The two massive areas were actually ‘his’ and ‘her’ dressing rooms in each guest suites. They were separated and still part of the bedroom by their large glass wall covered with heavy curtains. Since my mother in law passed away, Jack and I turned her into study.
I agreed and assured my father in law that I would keep Jack busy, “Please do not start early. Give me time to put Jack to sleep.”
Driver turned the Limo into the driveway and grandpa promised to slow it down until he felt I was there.
By the time we reached home, it was time for girls to arrive. I could not miss the electricity between grandpa and Emily. Even Kerry was shining and her hands never missed a chance to hug her grandpa, stroke his arm or thigh.
Grandpa as usual kissed all three and devoted similar time in catching up with all three. I was talking with the chef about the dinner menu when I noticed that Emily was occupying the throne, grandpa’s lap. Grandpa whispered something in her ear and she turned red. Her face beamed and the smile made her eleven years old face so beautiful even an angel would have felt envious of my daughter’s beauty.
Before she got off grandpa lap, I noticed her tiny hand brushed firmly against his bulging front of his shorts. I smiled helplessly. My little girl was so precociously a woman.
Jack once again surprised us. Dinner was as usual fun and Jack was a loud as all of us. I sat close to him and whispered all kind of sexual innuendoes in his ear. The girls decided to watch a movie. I rubbed Jack’s thigh and he excused himself. I followed him with a loose excuse to see if he needed something. My father in law winked a silent thank you in my direction.
I stole a glance towards Emily who was turning red by minute in anticipation of her big night with her grandpa. I felt a twinge of envy that I squashed in a millisecond. No sooner, I entered the bedroom naked jack pulled me roughly in his arms and started to tear clothes off me. He threw my naked body on the bed. I was taken in by his impatience.
He pulled me to the edge of the bed by pulling my legs. He held my ankles and separated my legs far apart and he soon stood in the V of my thighs. His placed his massive cock at the wet entrance of my cunt. He allowed my legs to drop on his massive arms and pushed them back onto my chest. My hips lifted off the bed. That gave Jack an angle that aligned his monster straight into my seething cunt.
Jack braced himself and then used his massive heavy body to impale his huge cock inside my cunt in one savage lunge. I screamed both in pain and surprise. Jack pulled his monster out and then once again slammed it back in eliciting another scream of pain mixed pleasure from my lips. His hands grabbed my breasts and he squashed them mercilessly and pushed them high on my chest painfully.
Jack fucked me like a barbarian and I squealed both with pain and lust and exploded within few savage strokes of his cock. I shrieked and wailed all along my almost brutal fucking. I surprised myself by cumming almost every tenth stroke from Jack’s monster. Jack was hammering his giant cock with intimidating brute force and speed.
My pussy felt raw and brutalized but that made me cum even more easily. My squashed breasts again instead of generating only pain accentuated the pleasure and my screams declared my orgasm so often during that fucking that, my mind went dizzy.
I lost count of my orgasms and time. It seemed my husband fucked me for hours. I was almost about to pass out when Jack slammed his monster even with more savagery and exploded deep inside my churning cunt. I passed out as another orgasm tore through me.
I came to in the arms of my husband who was kissing me all over my face. I smiled and kissed him on his sweet tasting mouth and his handsome nose.
“Jack, are you not happy that our girls have opened up so much since grandpa has arrived,” I opened the long term plan I had in my mind.
Jack agreed that the household seemed happier and girls as bouncy as he wanted them to be all the time.
“Did you know that Emily and Kerry have boyfriends and keen to try sex?” That surprised Jack.
I snuggled into my husbands arm and buried my nose in his manly smelling skin of his armpit, “Do you want some pimply faced silly boy as their first sexual experience.”
I knew Jack would bristle at the thought of any brat even touching his precious daughters’ privates.
“Darling, just think, who is the best person to give them that first experience safely and expand their experience until they are grown up and can find right men, not boys,” I waited for few seconds and then laid into my husband, “Oh, Jack obviously their father is the best person. Which man can love them as their father? They adore their daddy. Who can you trust to be gentle, considerate and yet manly enough to make them feel feminine.”
Jack was thoughtful and then he smiled, “Kathy, sweetie you are right. However, I cannot start the conversation. Would you talk with them? If they want to, you are right, you and I should be the ideal persons to expand their sexual horizons.”
I kissed my husband and we both started to kiss with passion that had somehow fizzled out over the last few years, “Jack, will you take me in my ass, darling. I want you to fuck my ass.” I pleaded like a little girl and was soon rewarded.
Jack impaled my ass with his monster cock with great gentle care. Once inside and my loud moans encouraging him, he started to take, my ass with ever increasing speed and power. I was fucked for a long time in my ass. I must have cum many times as my body started to feel limp and my husband’s strong thrusts shook me from head to toe.
I screamed with intense orgasmic pain filled pleasure and Jack eventually exploded in my rectum. We both collapsed on bed. Jack was smiling with happiness that we had been reacquainted with. Grandpa had come as a catalyst for openness, sharing, and happiness and definitely as an aphrodisiac.
I whispered, “Jack, I should go and check whether grandpa needs anything?”
Jack was already sleepy and mumbled something to the effect, “I apologize if I fall asleep by the time you are back.”
I kissed him and whispered, “I might sleep in guest bedroom to avoid disturbing you.”
Jack’s heavy eyelids closed and he tried to mumble something but I could only catch, “ you...”
I kissed my husband’s handsome nose as his soft snores emphasised his deep sleep.
I tiptoed out of the bedroom hurriedly throwing a silk gown over my naked body.

Chapter 6
I almost ran to my father in law’s suite. I entered into his study. The curtains were pulled back. The bedroom was well lit and the study was lit with only floor guiding lights. I could hear all the sounds coming from bedroom even before I reached the vantage point of unhindered view. I sat on the deep mahogany coloured leather reclining sofa and had an uninterrupted view. Grandpa had rigged up a basic sound system for my benefit. My father in law kept on piling the things I adored him for.
Grandpa had slowed down initiation of my daughter to sex. Grandpa was naked and his mammoth cock was rampant and looked bigger than ever. My little Emily’s face was flushed and her lips were suffused indicating a long passionate kissing. I saw my little girl naked from grandpa’s eyes. Her tiny plump frame looked tinier in comparison to giant fame of her grandpa. Her both hands were around her grandpa’s massive tool and her fingers were far apart trying to encircle grandpa’s huge girth.
“Grandpa, you are so big,” Emily gushed with awe but not apprehension. I thanked my father in law silently as he had decided to let his granddaughter play with his massive tool before he started to make love to her. That was her hands and even mouth would have become familiar with its enormous size minimising her surprise and possibly her fear at time of her penetration.
Emily stroked her grandpa’s monster with her tiny hands. Slowly she brought her wide-open mouth onto grandpa’s congested gigantic purple head of his titanic penis. I could see the corners of my little girl’s mouth stretch and strain as her mouth tried to accommodate the massive cock head.
Grandpa stroked Emily’s curly long hair as his granddaughter did her best to fellate his monstrously long and thick heavy cock. I could see my daughter’s saliva drool along my father in law’s shaft.
My father in law guided my eldest eleven years daughter’s head to help her give him fellatio. Emily gagged few times as she tried to take more of her grandfather’s huge shaft. Eventually she started to move her mouth up and down taking three or four inches of her grandpa’s monster gagging less often as she got the hang of giving oral sex to a man.
Grandpa could not help suppress a genuine moan of pleasure as her little granddaughter’s warm saliva filed mouth engulfed his cock head and another two inches of his enormous cock.
“Em, sweetie put your tongue in my pee hole. Lick my cock head before sucking my shaft. You are a natural Emily,” I could see my daughter’s chest swell with pride as her grandfather complemented her.
My father in law let his granddaughter fellate him for fifteen minutes or so before he pulled her mouth off his saliva drenched monster and whispered, “Emily, tonight I want to cum first in your virgin pussy.” My little daughter beamed as she heard the incestuous desires of her grandpa.
Grandpa laid his granddaughter on bed. He started to kiss her from forehead downwards. He kissed Emily’s face covering every inch. Grandpa kissed her on her open mouth until she was gasping for breath.
He moved to her earlobes and sucked on them making his granddaughter moan. He kissed the soft skin on her neck. His mouth moved on her budding breasts. He sucked the mounds of his granddaughter’s breasts making her buck off the bed and moan loudly. He then sucked on her engorged nipples first gently and then hard.
I felt my pussy was streaming madly. Inside my daughter was moaning in obvious lust that made her appear much older than her eleven years. Grandpa’s tormenting mouth moved leaving a trace over Emily’s bulging soft belly.
Grandpa’s mouth eventually reached its destination - the bald pink slit of his preteen granddaughter. Grandpa kissed the tight snug pink slit lovingly. The trickle of sex juices had seeped out and he licked them. His tongue separated the slit and soon lapped the soft entrance of his eleven years old granddaughter’s pussy, readily gushing out sweet sex juices.
Emily moaned loudly. Her grandpa licked her virgin pussy with consummate expertise that had made mature women cry with unbridled lust. I creamed as my father in law’s educated mouth tormented my eleven years daughter’s virgin pussy.
Emily moaned loudly, ‘Grandpa, you mouth is so nice on my pussy.”
Grandpa lifted her chunky thighs up exposing her anus and soon his tongue was lapping Emily’s whole pudendum from anal ring to her clitoris. His tongue probed his granddaughter’s anus until it yielded and the tip of his tongue slid inside.
Grandpa inserted his one finger coated with his saliva inside the anal ring of his granddaughter. His tongue rasped across her tender engorged clitoris. Emily moaned loudly and came, “GRANDPAAA MY PUSSY IS LEAKING. AAAHHH UUUMMMMMNNNN.”
Grandpa used the distraction of his granddaughter’s orgasm and added another finger inside her seething rectum. Emily bucked and shuddered as her orgasm raced through her young unripe body.
Grandpa started to lick her granddaughter’s virgin pussy in earnest and his two fingers slid in and out of her clenching tight young anus. Emily came again soon and shrieked as the intensity of he orgasm surprised her.
Grandpa was ready to devour his granddaughter’s virginity. My father in law spread Emily’s chunky thighs wide apart and placed himself between them. The sheer wide frame of my father in law must have stretched my daughter’s hips painfully.
Grandpa rubbed his mammoth cock head all along the soaking pink virgin slit of my daughter. Emily moaned, “Grandpa, I know it will hurt me when you take my virginity. I am ready and please make love to me and make me a woman.”
Grandpa kissed his divinely beautiful granddaughter and said, “I will my sweet, I will.”
Grandpa held Emily in his huge arms and she was captive in the warm cocoon of his huge arms, thighs and his weight. Grandpa pushed his massive cock head ever so gently and slowly. I saw my beautiful eleven years old daughter bite on her lip and her forehead gathered a frown of concentration. I brought my thigh together and my wet pussy clenched involuntarily as I shared what my virgin daughter would be feeling as the first ever cock was entering her sacred passage.
Emily moaned loudly, “AAAH GRAANDPAAA,” her moan a bit guttural and distorted due to her lip crushed between her teeth. My father in law pushed his mammoth manhood millimetre by millimetre. As more and more of massive shaft filled Emily’s virgin young preteen pussy her mouth opened with a gasp in silent and Grandpa stopped right away and waited for his granddaughter to get used to her monster before moving in her once again.
I could feel every inch that had invaded my daughter’s pussy as if grandpa had penetrated me. I knew once a couple of inches had vanished inside my daughter’s hairless pink gash, which was now stretched like round tight rubber band around her grandpa’s titanic tool.
Grandpa whispered softly, “Em, darling, I need to go through your hymen. It will sting or even hurt a bit.”
Emily was panting by now, her young unripe eleven years old body trying to grapple with sensual overload, “Grandpa, I know about that. Please don’t stop even if it hurts me.”
Grandpa kissed his young far from fully developed granddaughter’s open panting mouth and gently but firmly pushed his gargantuan rampant steel hard rapier in tearing my daughter’s virginity asunder. I heard a muffled scream emit from my daughter’s throat. Grandpa’s mouth soaked most of his granddaughter’s scream celebrating the deflowering of her feminity.
Grandpa released Emily’s mouth and sat up so that she could watch his monster fill her virgin passage. Emily’s mouth remained open in a gasping homage to her silent scream for many moments.
She started to moan again as her young tight soft passage yielded to her grandpa’s insistent monstrosity that started to stretch, dilate and create space to bury its huge girth and length inside her body.
Grandpa was nearly buried to half his length and the remaining half looked threatening and intimidating. My daughter whispered in awe and rising passion, “Grandpa, will I be able to take it all inside like mom can? I want to, grandpa. I really do.”
I gasped as the realization that my daughter knew about my father in law and mine illicit incestuous relationship, hit me. I rubbed my breast and other hand rubbed my pussy. Grandpa kissed his granddaughter, “Em, women are built to accommodate. You can and will take every inch of me inside you.”
Emily’s face beamed with pride and lust. She stroked the massive arms of her grandpa lovingly. That itself seemed such a womanly gesture.
Grandpa was a paragon of patience. If I was blessed with a cock and was fucking my own daughter, I would have given in to her young divine beauty and ravaged her even if she cried. I knew from my own experience the initial pain, when turns into lust, is as sweet.
Grandpa massaged his eleven years old granddaughter’s engorged breasts as they shook with her heaving chest. Emily nipples stood out as hard tick long pink columns soon. I saw grandpa’s one monstrous inch vanish inside my moaning daughter after another.
Grandpa kissed his granddaughter as his mammoth tool of procreation vanished completely inside the throbbing clutching passage of his granddaughter. I climaxed as my imagination and visual stimulation tipped my lust over the crest.
I moaned loudly as I saw a slow withdrawal of my father in law’s leviathan out of my daughter’s young tight virgin pussy. I was not surprised to see a tinge of red streaking my father in law’s monster. Grandpa paused with his massive cock head still embedded inside his granddaughter’s pussy. He slowly pushed his huge girth back inside until his massive long cock was fully buried inside his trembling shaking granddaughter.
“OOOOHH GRAAANDPAAAA. AAAAHHHHH. UUUMMMMM,” Emily started to babble and moan as the monster shaft now generated a different kind of pleasure and definitely some pain as it moved in and out of her tight clasping young soft baby passage.
Grandpa massaged his granddaughter’s young breasts and teased her nipples and moved his gigantic tool slowly but with firmness to make her gasp as each inch filled and stretched her pussy to a bursting limit.
My father in law buried his entire punishing mammoth tool for the sixth time inside my oldest eleven years old daughter and she wailed as if in agony. Emily’s body tensed and her nails dug in the skin of her grandfather’s massive arms, “GRANDPAAAA AAAAHHHHH I AAAM CUUUMMEEENG.UUUUNNNNGH. FFUUUCCCCKKKKKK MEEEEEEEE.”
The loud demand by my eleven years old daughter asking her grandfather to fuck her as she came around his massive cock tipped my another orgasm and I shook uncontrollable and my head hung low on my breasts. My breathing was ragged and labored.
Inside my father in law had started to move his monster with long steady thrusts in and out of sex juices filled eleven years old pussy of his granddaughter. Emily moaned almost non-stop. Her moans only stopped when she was cumming so hard that her mouth just remained open in silent wail.
Grandpa started to fuck his my little girl with varied lunges. He would alternate short fast jabs with long sinuous grinding thrusts. Emily was sobbing with desire overwhelmingly strong that despite her eager keenness to enjoy sex she was far from prepared to handle it both physically and mentally. I was so glad it was her own loving grandfather initiating her young body and mind to sex. In addition, he was initiating her with the kind of sex she would remember for the rest of her life.
Emily was shaking as her orgasms started to merge. Grandpa started to grunt softly as his hips slammed his cock harder inside convulsing clenching tight obscenely stretched pussy of his granddaughter.
I pinched my nipple and clitoris really and making myself shriek with the most explosive of my orgasms of my incestuous voyeurism
My father in law slammed his massive cock losing the smooth fluent rhythm he had used to deflower my little daughter. I knew the tell tale signs that he was about to explode inside his granddaughter’s virgin pussy.
Grandpa pulled his cock right out until his huge head was still inside Emily’s clenching pussy. He dropped his body on top of his tiny chunky frame of his granddaughter who screamed as she felt her grandfather’s monster race inside her pussy and slam hard against the deep walls of her cunt and cervix. Emily felt the hot cum spurting from her grandfather’s piss-hole splash the soft tender walls of her cunt and she started to cum afresh.
I shook and my fresh orgasm tore through me as I watched the incestuous union of my father in law and daughter culminate into torrential orgasm that took hold of their body as the befitting finale of the most sensuous, beautiful incestuous defloration of a young preteen granddaughter by her giant inhumanly endowed grandfather.
I took a long time before my breathing slowed down. Inside my father in law had rolled over. His mammoth cock had barely lost any steel and was coated with thick creamy mixture of his cum, Emily’s sex-juices tinged pink. As grandpa’s monster pulled out, Emily’s pussy poured out pink tinged mixture of their mutual cum and sex juices.
Emily was gasping but soon she flung her arms around her grandfather’s massive muscular neck, “Grandpa, Oh Grandpa! Thank you. Grandpa! It was great. It was so much better than I had imagined. I love you grandpa.”
My satisfied deflowered recently virgin eleven years old daughter gushed at her manly virile grandfather. I knew what she was feeling. The same sexual force had overwhelmed me earlier that morning.
Grandpa smiled and kissed his blushing, effusively gushing granddaughter until her voice quieted down, “It was an honor to have sex with my beautiful granddaughter. You could have chosen any man you wanted but chose me. I thank you, Emily.”
Emily eyes shone with tears of happiness as she felt all grown up and womanly. My father in law had that effect on all females however young or old they might be.
I knew Emily was given a lesson in sex-etiquettes without her even being aware. Grandpa’s mouth soon started to kiss Emily with more insistence and his hands stroked the smooth skin of her full back and soft chunky ass.
It took few minutes before grandpa had Emily moaning again.
He rolled his granddaughter on her back and languidly kissed her all over her body. Grandpa left not a centimetre of his eleven years old granddaughter’s skin that was not worshipped by his lips and licked by his tongue. He took each of her chubby toes in his mouth to suck until they were soaking with his saliva.
He then kissed the whole length of her chunky curvy thighs before gravitating on her gushing leaking young eleven years old freshly deflowered and fucked cum filled pussy.
My father in law licked and sucked my little daughter’s pussy with more freedom and finesse than before. He gently inserted his finger and soon another as his tongue lashed against her stiff engorged clitoris. Emily came soon and moaned loudly. Her hands had grabbed a fistful of curly white hair of her grandpa and she used them to push his face into her churning spasming young preteen cunt. My father in law moved his fingers slick with his granddaughter’s sex juices in her rectum moving them continuously as he gave her a perfect cunnilingus.
Grandpa knew how sensitive and almost painful his granddaughter’s clitoris would be after such a pussy licking and torrid orgasm but he held her hips down with his powerful hands and kept on licking and sucking on her pussy and ultra-sensitive clitoris. Emily shrieked and pleaded, “NO, GRANDPA. It is so sensitive. It hurts. OH! PLEAE STOP GRANDPA. AAAHHH. UUUMMMMMMM.”
Grandpa persisted despite his naive inexperienced eleven years old granddaughter’s pleas and soon he was rewarded with, “OOOOH GRAANDPAAAA! SOOO NIIIICE. PLEASE DON’T STOP. MAKE ME CUM AGAIN PLEASE. UUNNNGGGH GRAAANDPAAA.”
Emily was taken from one orgasm to another. Soon she learnt to tide over the phase of oversensitive clitoris and soon she was demanding more from her grandfather’s mouth and tiny hands pulled his lush curly thick white hair painfully and then she would push his head into her grinding, writhing pussy as her hips hunched up to meet is pleasure delivering educated mouth.
I came repeatedly as I felt what pleasure my little daughter was enjoying. After countless orgasms, Emily’s body could not take anymore. She somehow freed herself and rolled on her belly.
I knew what my father in law was after. He patiently kissed the trembling soft ample flesh of my daughter’s chunky ass cheeks. He gently bit on the soft fragrant skin. Loud moans escaped from my daughter’s mouth, buried in the soft sheet and still sobbing under the effect of tormenting orgasms her body was buffeted with by her grandfather’s educated loving mouth.
Grandpa separated his granddaughter’s soft ample ass cheeks and soon his eyes were feasting on her tiny pink anal ring untouched and inviolate. He kissed the ring with is warm mouth still coated with Emily’s sex juices. Emily moaned loudly. Her eleven years old young unripe body was unaware that even her anus could yield pleasure.
Grandpa licked the tiny crinkled skin of his granddaughter’s anus with the tip of is tongue making her back muscles jump. Grandpa could feel the opening-closing tight ring on his tongue. He felt his granddaughter’s ass cheek muscles clench, “OOH Grandpa. Your mouth on my ass.....AAAAHHHHH. GRANPAAAAAAA.” Emily wailed as she felt her grandfather’s stiffened tip of his tongue manage to open the twitching anal ring and enter inside the warm soft rectal canal.
Emily moaned and wailed as her hips ground against the crumpled sheet. I was sure she was rubbing her stiff engorged clitoris against the bundled up sheet.
Grandpa rimmed his young unripe preteen granddaughter’s delicious pink virgin ass until she came screaming loudly, ‘AAAH GRAAANDPAAAA. YOOOO AAAVE MAAAADE MEEEEE CUUUUM AGAAAAINNNNNNNN.”
My father in law continued to torment his granddaughter’s anus and rectum. His hands massaged her quivering clenching ample soft ass cheeks and his tongue and lips continually tormented her anal opening and lower canal of her back passage. Emily moaned and came twice more as her young body writhed and shook under her grandpa’s masterful manipulation of her hitherto unknown erogenous area, her anus.
My father in law slowly moved her mouth away from the delicious crack of my young eleven years old daughter’s curvy ample ass.
Emily moaned and turned on her back. Her face flushed and breathing sounds raspy loud, “Oh! Grandpa, you are so...I never knew anything could make me feel so good as you made me feel by licking my asshole.”
“I want you to feel how good is it to be fucked in your ass, sweetheart,” Grandpa rubbed his granddaughter’s soft small bulge of belly and her breasts.
“Um, grandpa! Will I be able to take it in my tiny hole? It is so small, your co er cock is so huge.” My heart fluttered as my daughter’s small voice was filled with more desire and curiosity rather than apprehension.
“I will be slow and make you enjoy this as much as you enjoyed your first fuck,” grandpa gently rolled his granddaughter on her belly and lifted her hips until she was on her bent knees. Emily rested her head on her crossed arms.
Grandpa surprised his young granddaughter lifting a silver box on the bed stand and soon his fingers were rubbing fragrant cocoa butter on her anus. He gently inserted the smooth butter with his finger as deep as his long thick finger would go. He also coated his monstrous tool with the butter.
I smiled with a loud silent chuckle. For his daughter in law’s virgin ass her sex juice and his cum was enough lubrication for my father in law, but for his granddaughter he had not cut any corners.
Emily’s young unripe eleven years old body was trembling with anticipation and perhaps some apprehension. My father in law aligned his titanic manhood against the tiny anus of my little girl. The incongruity between the two was so erotically obvious.
My father in law held his granddaughter’s hips firmly, placed his huge cock head, and pushed gently but firmly. Emily held her breath, as she must have felt what I did. I huge clenched fist pushing against her tiny anal ring. Emily’s face was soon flushed red as the sensation of her anus being slowly but surely forced open by her grandpa’s massive head filled her senses.
I, without being aware, too was holding my breath. Suddenly the room was filled with a sharp short shriek from Emily as the huge head of her grandpa’s monster snapped inside. I let out a loud exhaling sound as my relief washed over me. Once the initial invasion was done, my father in law would now patiently bury his mammoth shaft.
“Did it hurt too much, Em sweetie?” my father in law stroked the trembling body of my beautiful daughter.
Emily was gasping for air, ‘Uh! Uh! Grandpa, when you went inside it nearly killed me. But once you are in it hurts but not as bad as before. Has mom done this with you?”
I blushed as my daughter once again quizzed my father in law about our sexual activities.
“Yes, sweetheart. She had never done it before but I have fucked you mom in her ass few times now,” grandpa was forthright. I nearly creamed as the recollection of his monster pounding my sore tender rectum filled my imagination.
“I am sure she loves everything you do with her,” Emily was so happy to know that making love with my father in law, her grandpa, made her mother happy.
“Yes, sweetie, you mom now loves having her ass fucked,” Grandpa held his granddaughter’s hips firmly and slowly and gently pushed his monster in tiny increments. My daughter moaned and whimpered but her once fully stretched anus accepted her grandfather’s mammoth tool as it inexorably buried itself inch by inch inside her clutching fluttering rectum.
I frantically rubbed my painful aching sore clitoris as I saw the huge thick length of my father in law eventually fully embedded inside his granddaughter’s warm, dark soft depths of her rectum.
Grandpa stood without moving stroking clenching quivering ass cheeks and back of his granddaughter, “Are you fully inside my ass, grandpa?” asked Emily in hoarse throaty tremulous voice filled with evidence that she was suppressing the sharp pain that had dulled but was still overwhelming. The sheer humongous girth of her grandfather’s manhood had stretched her tiny anal opening to a point where it throbbed with constant ache.
“Yes Em, I am fully inside you,” grandpa took her swaying heaving breasts shining with beads of sweat in his huge hands and slowly massaged them as jelly balloons.
“I am so glad, grandpa. I was worried I might not be able to take you in my ass and disappoint you,” Emily’s voice was still coming in gasping whispers.
“You will never disappoint me sweetheart,” grandpa squeezed his granddaughter’s breasts to emphasise his heart felt emotion.
“Grandpa, I think my ass is ready. You can fuck my ass now. I promise not to scream.” My heart almost burst with love for my young preteen daughter.
“I want you to scream sweetheart. I want you to scream with the pleasure of your orgasms,” my father in law started to pull his mammoth out of the clutching clasping rectum of his granddaughter.
“You will make me scream many times if my first fucking is any thing to go by,” Emily managed to giggle as she winced and moaned with odd mixture of pain and pleasure that her grandfather’s enormous manhood evoked as it moved in her rectum.
Once nearly fully out my father in law slowly and gently once again buried himself back inside his young unripe granddaughter’s quivering body.
I pushed my gown off my body and desperately looked around. I found a cigar box full of handmade cigars in aluminium oval cases. They were huge cigars. I remember this was a gift from one of our visitors from Panama.
I took two, and quickly sucked on one’s thick oval end. It was about seven inches long and two-finger breath thick. It was nowhere close to the monsters that my father in law and husband supported.
I once again stationed myself on the leather recliner and buried one metal cylinder of cigar case in my seething pussy and another in my clutching twitching rectum.
I rubbed my clitoris hard with one hand and moved one or the other cigar case as I saw my father in law deflower his granddaughter’s virgin ass.
Grandpa used the same patient rhythm that had had paid dividends with his granddaughter’s pussy. He gently pulled his cock slowly and then equally agonisingly buried it back with no haste or rush.
His one hand found his granddaughter’s pussy and rubbed her clitoris when my gasping daughter moaned loudly, “Grandpa, your cock feels so good inside my rectum. Please fuck me faster. I want to feel your cock move as you did in my pussy. PLEASE GRANDPA.”
My father in law ignored his granddaughter pleas and continued to take her ass with agonising slow gentle in and out movements. Emily started to moan complainingly as she pushed her ass back to engulf her grandfather’s monstrous tool in her clenching convulsing rectum.
I felt her moans grow louder and her body started to shake. My father in law too noticed the desired effect of his patience and he rubbed Emily’s clitoris even harder. He pulled his cock until the tight anal ring was stretched like a pink rubber band around the deep groove below his massive head.
“AAAH I AM CUUMEEEEENG GRAAANNNPAAAA,” no sooner my young beautiful daughter moaned declaring her orgasm my father in law slammed his leviathan in one smooth motion to the hilt inside her spasming rectum.
The scream that bubbled out of my daughter’s throat was unadulterated celebration of her orgasm and was one of many that night. Grandpa started to move his rampant giant silky smooth but steel hard one-eyed monster with long firm body shaking thrusts.
Emily moaned as her young inexperienced body was once again thrown in the tempest of never felt sexual pleasure that her body created in response to her grandfather’s gargantuan penis pounding her warm dark soft snug rectum.
My father in law moved faster, his thrusts becoming more urgent and he shook the tiny chunky sweaty young voluptuous body of his eleven years old granddaughter each time he hilted inside her clenching rectum.
My father in law took my little girl’s ass with similar urgency that he showed once I was happily and readily accepting his marauding monster in my virgin ass.
Emily moaned and babbled just like her mother did as her grandfather fucked her ass with long steady thrusts. My father in law made his granddaughter cum twice more and each time she screamed loudly as the orgasm that generated by the violation of her rectum somehow outstripped other orgasms in their violence.
“I am going to fuck your ass hard, sweetie,” grandpa growled as his own urgency caught up with him.
“YESSSSS FUUUCCCKKK MEEEE HAAARRRDER GRAAAANNNNPAAAAAA,” wailed my young eleven years old daughter in throes of her fresh orgasm.
My father in law started to use short hard jabs as he pounded his tiny chunky granddaughter’s obscenely stretched ass. His thighs smacked against her soft ass cheeks with a loud slapping sound that resonated inside the room.
I had cum so many times, I had lost count. I was moving two metal cylinders frantically in my two passages both glistening with my sex juices. I wanted to join my father in law and my sobbing moaning daughter when they came. My father in law hammered his cock almost savagely holding his shaking granddaughter’s hips in his large powerful hands.
His grunts as he gets closer to his orgasm were music to my ears and I was sure they enhanced my daughter’s sensual passion as well.
“I am going to cum inside your ass, Emily,” my daughter’s grandpa hissed as his sweaty body swung back and forth pummelling his granddaughter’s sweet fragrant rectum.
“YESSS GRANDPAAA CUUM INSIIIIDE MEEEEE,” wailed my precocious daughter.
My father in law lost the smooth rhythm as a sure sign og his imminent explosion. He slammed his cock and pulled his granddaughter towards him burying is massive cock tot he last millimetre. He started to spurt huge amount of hot scalding potent cum inside his granddaughter’s seething clutching warm rectum.
He pulled his cock right out and slammed it back inside his granddaughter’s ass with so much force that she was knocked flat on her face and he crashed over her tiny chunky body. Emily’s muffled scream accompanied my latest orgasm as we both came together and my father in law’s mammoth cock spewed spurt after spurt of hot cum deep inside my young unripe inexperienced eleven years old daughter’s rectum.
I slumped in the leather recliner fighting to control my breathing. Inside the room grandpa had rolled off his granddaughter who had passed out with excess of physical pleasure. I saw with moist eyes as my father in law engulfed his granddaughter in his giant arms and she was buried in the warm cave of his bear hug.
Chapter 7
I somehow staggered back to my bedroom. I had sucked both cigar case cylinders clean and placed them in the mahogany box with a naughty thought. I was not surprised to see that it was almost early morning. I threw my arms around my fast asleep husband and kissed the warm skin of his back many times before my eyes closed and I fell asleep.
I was woken up by my husband as he whispered, “Kathy, I want to take you before I get out of bed.”
I smiled and rolled over with my chunky full thighs wide open. Jack impatiently impaled me with his rock hard monster every bit as huge as his father’s I moaned as my sleepy eyes flew wide open. Every bit of sleep rushed out of my system as my husband’s mammoth tool filled me.
Jack fucked me hard and fast. I came wailing and before he exploded inside me, I had cum five times. I slumped breathing hard and held my giant husband tight against me.
“I need to pee, sweetheart,” murmured Jack his monster tool still throbbing inside my clutching pussy.
I let him pull out reluctantly. I followed him to the bathroom, “Jack, honey. I want to taste your pee. Please do let me drink your pee.”
Jack was thunderstruck for a second but his mammoth manhood lurched as his wife’s taboo desires reached his brain.
“Are you sure darling,” Jack’s titan was twitching, as he wanted to make sure.
“I am, honey. I am absolutely sure. You do not have to return the favor as the pleasure is all mine,” I knelt impatiently on the floor holding his throbbing huge tool.
Jack intuitively stopped his stream once my mouth was full. He saw me gulp his warm golden urine with visible delight.
He filled my mouth repeatedly expecting me to ask him to stop but I greedily swallowed each drop.
Once his stream petered out, I sucked his piss-hole to collect the last drops. Jack surprised me, “Kathy, I too want to taste your pee.”
I was only too ready to comply with my husband’s wishes.
Jack allowed the first mouthful to roll around in his mouth before he swallowed, “Sweetheart, your piss is as sweet as you,” I could cry with love I felt for my husband.
I filled Jack’s mouth many times with my warm golden nectar and he gulped it as greedily as I did.
Jack impatiently turned me around and bent me on the cistern. He filled me from behind in two huge thrusts that made me scream, ‘Ah, Jack! You are so huge. You hurt me when you take me roughly. You hurt me so nice.”
Jack fucked me hard and soon I bucking and moaning with my fresh orgasm.
Jack was far from ready to cum and he stroked my flanks before gathering my heavy large soft breasts in his massive hands, “Kathy, You know I have been thinking since you suggested that I introduce our daughters to sex. I have been angry with dad for screwing around after my mom died. However, I realise he has needs. I would hate him if he were to go on having sex with women who are nothing compared to my mother.”
It dawned on me. Jack loved his mother not only as his mother but the ideal woman he would have loved to mate with. It was not anger at his father but at the symbol of the lost chance to have one woman, he found perfect- good old Oedipus working overtime.
“What are you suggesting, darling?” I moaned as my husband’s mammoth tool stretched my tight snug fragrant baby passage obscenely.
“Sweetheart, please don’t get angry. Could you not by the same reason that you used about our daughters keep dad happy at home. He will then not have to go around hunting outside.” Jack was so clever once on a roll.
I pushed my hips back and ground against his hairy groins, “I entirely agree with you, Jack. I will do so. But you have to move fast with our girls.”
“I am ready whenever you tell me they are,” Jack squeezed my breasts brutishly.
I wanted my husband’s giant to pound my aching pussy and ass, “UUNH! UNNH! JAAACK I WEEEL. NOW FUCK ME HARD. PLEEEEESSSSS. FFUUUCCCKKK MEEEEEE.”
Jack grabbed my breasts painfully and pulled on them hard first downwards and then towards my belly. I moaned both with pain and pleasure, my husband’s brutality engendered. Jack began to fuck my pussy with savage thrusts. His ferocious powerful lunges shook my body and my wails resonated in the large en suite bathroom. Jack managed to make me cum twice with minimal effort. He pulled his throbbing cock out of my still convulsing orgasming cunt and invaded my ass in two long savage thrusts. I despite my best attempts to bite my lip and bottle my scream, it bubbled out of my lips.
My loving giant handsome husband took my ass with long and brutal lunges alternating with short but equally savage thrusts. I came repeatedly screaming like a banshee. I was limp and could barely hold my weight when ultimately Jack exploded in my rectum. I was out of breath and barely could keep my eyes open.

Jack left for work. Kerry and Carly were curious about their eldest sister, Emily, but I managed to distract their attention and packed them off to their yet anther play group. I was aware that soon it would be my turn to reciprocate. I rushed towards my father in law’s bedroom. I gasped as I saw my daughter being fucked raw by her grandfather. My father in law and Emily had obviously woken up with renewed lust.
Grandpa stood on the bed on his knees and he held chunky frame of my young eleven years old daughter in his arms impaled on his monster cock. He lifted and dropped her with minimal effort using his super-powerful massively muscled arms. Emily wailed as her cunt must have felt about to burst as her grandfather’s mammoth cock went in even deeper in that position.
“Grandpa my pussy is sore. I have cum so many times,” moaned my little girl almost fucked senseless.
My father in law pulled his granddaughter’s pussy off his cock and hissed with urgency, “Emily, I want to cum inside your ass. Put my cock on your anus, please.”
Emily’s tiny hand went between her thighs and she aligned the monster cockhead against her tiny anus. Grandpa allowed the weight of her young immature eleven years old granddaughter’s weight to impale her ass. Emily screamed once but soon her moans replaced the yelp of the pain of her anal invasion.
Grandpa used the body of his young tender granddaughter to ravage her ass mercilessly. I came without touching myself. Emily moaned and shrieked as her orgasms came thick and fast. Grandpa ultimately exploded in his granddaughter’s ass and she slumped against his hairy massive chest limp and short of breath.
I came again just by watching my little girl being ravaged by her giant grandfather. Grandpa waited for Emily to come around. She was smiling albeit a bit tiredly. Grandpa whispered something naughty in her ears and she giggled and kissed his mouth many times fiercely. Grandpa and Emily left for the bathroom. I had no way of seeing what went on in there. They both arrived almost after three quarters of an hour.
My father in law’s mammoth cock was ready for action. He lay down his precious daughter in law. He lay on top of his young eleven years old granddaughter whose arms soon were wrapped around his neck. He buried his monster cock in his granddaughter’s pussy and started a slow languid fucking that I knew would continue for a long time.
I prepared a healthy wholesome breakfast for the two insatiable incestuous lovers still engaged in trying to temporarily satisfy their lust. I waited patiently. Emily arrived walking awkwardly. Her broad based walk was evidence of her sore pussy and ass. She smiled as she saw me and tried to hide her inelegant walk. I pulled my young eleven years old daughter in my lap
I kissed her, “How was it Em? Was grandpa as good as you thought?”
Emily first blushed and then the dam broke and she started to babble and talk so fast that we both landed up laughing at her inadvertent comical turn.
Emily and I shared our experiences both with grandpa and mine recent ones with her father.
“Mom, I wanted to get some juice for grandpa. He is fast asleep,” my heart swelled at the woman my little girl had become overnight.
I laid out a tray with some breakfast. Emily asked in a throat voice, “Mom, is daddy really ready to make love with us?”
I smiled and nodded my head in a big yes, “Tonight Em, you are going to daddy’s room. Kerry and I will look after grandpa.’
Emily hugged me and kissed me many times. Soon our mouths were open and tongues were trying to taste the forbidden fruit.
“I love you Em, my sweetie,” I whispered with deep-seated love mixed with passion of a mother.
“I love you too mom,” Emily kissed my nose and then my open sobbing mouth, “I better take some nourishment for grandpa. He really has worked very hard all night.” My daughter giggled making me laugh as well.
Emily and I ‘plotted’ the long-term plan. We both took a long bath together. I soaked her sore ass and pussy with calendula towels.
By the time we had, lunch ready grandpa arrived in his shorts. We both rushed to him and hugged him. Grandpa ate heartily. We both gaped at the giant man we both loved until he finished.
We all went for a swim and usual horsing around soon had grandpa rock hard. We rushed to his bedroom. Grandpa first took me in my pussy making cum three times before burying his monster inside my little Emily’s cunt and soon she was cumming. Grandpa exploded inside her clenching pussy. We three rested for a while but soon our mouths and hands had grandpa ready and yearning for our bodies.
I wanted my father in law in my ass. He took me until I came few times. He switched to my daughter’s ass and made her cum three times before returning to me once again. He fucked me savagely, quite like Jack did that morning, before exploding deep inside my rectum.
We chose to take it easy as Emily had a long night ahead of her with her father and grandpa had to deflower her second granddaughter.

Chapter 8
The dinner that night was once again a loving family affair. Kerry sensed there was something in the air and she sidled up to me as I added final touches to the dessert.
I turned and kissed my beautiful ten years old daughter on her mouth, “Do you want to sleep with grandpa and me tonight?”
Kerry’s eyes lit up like two bright stars and she hugged me almost sobbing with happiness.
I could see Kerry and Emily almost jumping out of their skins as they dreamt of the night ahead. I kissed Jack and whispered the magic word. Jack finished his dinner and excused herself without having dessert as he had something urgent to attend to. Soon Emily sheepishly faked a yawn and declared she was ready for bed. I could barley suppress my laughter as she went towards my bedroom, opposite corridor than the direction of her bedroom suite.
Once Carly was fast asleep in her bed. Kerry and I rushed towards my father in law’s suite. We three were naked with no time. Grandpa and I made love to every centimetre of my ten years old daughter’s plump beautiful body. We had Kerry moan louder with each passing minute as our mouths and hands tormented her virgin inexperienced youthful body until she came screaming.
Grandpa soon had Kerry on her bent knees her face buried in my breasts. I understood that with me present my father in law wanted to take my little second born ten years old daughter from behind so that I could see the every change in her facial expression as she lost her virginity to the monster cock of her grandfather.
Kerry gasped and moaned as her grandfather with the same patience he used deflowering Emily, took a long time before he broke through her tight tough hymen. I kissed my daughter’s sobbing tearful face. My father in law took along time but when he had his gigantic toll buried inside my chubby ten years old daughter’s virgin pussy she was gasping, her face bathed in naked lust to be fucked and taken by a man.
My father in law took his middle young ten years old granddaughter with love, care and gentleness she deserved and soon had her cumming repeatedly. I kissed my daughter’s panting mouth. Once my daughter’s plump ten years old body started to convulse in a torrid orgasm grandpa started to fuck her with long sturdy thrusts. I kissed and sucked on Kerry’s budding breasts accentuating her pleasure.
Grandpa was insatiable and when he eventually spurted like geyser inside his young ten years old granddaughter’s virgin bloodied pussy she nearly passed out as her multiple orgasms literally took her breath away.
Kerry slumped on the bed and I claimed my father in law’s still steel hard cock. I pushed him on his back and impaled myself on his rampant rock hard monster. I moved up and down taking full length of my father in law’s mammoth tool. I came three times before he exploded inside my still convulsing pussy.
I slumped on his chest breathing hard. I clenched my pussy on my father in law’s partly softened monstrosity and within no time it was rock had again.
I pulled my pussy off his monster and rolled my ten years old daughter on her belly. Kerry moaned loudly as my mouth found her tight little anal pink anal ring. I rimmed my daughter’s anus using my tongue and mouth. I licked and fucked it with my tongue until the tight anal ring yielded and i could push my rolled stiff tongue quite a way up my little girl’s rectum.
My father in law took over. He pushed his cock inside the relaxed anal ring making Kerry yelp in pain. Once his monster cock head was buried inside his granddaughter’s tight ten years old ass, he was on home run.
I saw the invasion of my daughter’s virgin ass from close quarters and I was astounded by the sheer hugeness of my father in law’s cock that stretched his granddaughter’s anal ring so wide around his mammoth shaft that it appeared to snap anytime soon.
Kerry shrieked and moaned as her grandpa fucked her virgin ass first slowly but soon after she had climaxed loudly grandpa fucked his ten years old granddaughter’s ass with robust thrusts.
Grandpa and I rubbed my little girl’s clitoris as her grandpa with his mammoth tool ravaged her ass. Kerry came repeatedly and came hard. I could feel my father in law’s grunts getting louder. He exploded deep inside his granddaughter’s well-fucked rectum. My sweet daughter Kerry collapsed listless on the bed.
I sucked on my daughter’s cum filled ass sucking and licking all the cum deposited by my father in law. I was on my knees and soon my father in law’s erect monster found the entrance of my ass. My moans filled the room as he took my ass with vigour and force that shook me and left me breathless. He took my ass for almost an hour making me cum so many times that I was ready to pass out when he eventually came inside my rectum.
We three rested for a while and soon grandpa was ready to go again. He took Kerry and I three more times before we both were so fucked out that we lay there gasping. My father in law pulled out of Kerry’s ass and stroked his mammoth cock over our open panting faces. Grandpa exploded all over Kerry’s and mine face. He covered our face with his thick creamy cum. He filled our flaring nostrils with his cum and he plugged out eyes with the hot sticky potent cum.
We three ultimately slept in heaps intertwined of arms and legs.
I woke up earlier than Kerry and my father in law. I went down to make some coffee and juice for grandpa and Kerry. I met my oldest daughter Emily who was walking with even more exaggerate waddle. Emily noticed my face covered with dry cum.
I hugged my precocious eleven years old daughter who was shining with happiness that comes from being fucked silly all night by a man you love dearly.
“Mom, daddy is impossible. I have not slept a wink. He has fucked me more times than I can remember, both in my pussy and ass. I came down to make him some coffee as he has nodded off,” I kissed my laughing daughter with love.
“Daddy has rung office that he is not going to come today. I think dad is going to take me all day, mom.” Emily bubbled with unbridled happiness mixed with lust.
Once we both had our trays ready, Emily whispered, “Mom, you go to grandpa. I shall get Carly ready for her playgroup. I am sure daddy will sleep for at least an hour.”
I kissed my precocious eleven years old beautiful daughter both with maternal love and sisterly gratitude.
I went back to my father in law’s suite. Kerry and grandpa drank their coffee and juice. I whispered, “We have all day to ourselves.”
Kerry whooped and soon her face was buried in my lush thick curly bush. Grandpa took his granddaughter from behind. Kerry and I changed positions and grandpa fucked and buggered us all morning until we both inelegantly passed out.
I would come to know later that Jack was waiting impatiently for his daughter and she paid dearly for making her father wait. He threw his chunky eleven years old daughter flat on her face on bed and first took her pussy from behind making her scream with his savagery then he made her scream even louder when he ravaged her sore tender rectum. Emily found being taken in ‘reverse missionary’ position very exciting. Her passages were tighter and her father’s mammoth manhood felt even bigger.
My father in law and I made love to my little Kerry most of morning. Grandpa took her in either pussy or ass while I licked and sucked her other hole. I two hours time she was so fucked out that Kerry passed out. I sucked all the mixed juices of my ten years old daughter’s ass and pussy fucking off my father in law’s monster cock.
My father in then took me with ferocity that he had not shown since then. My shrieks of repeated orgasm rang through the room. My father in law took me in doggie position with my head resting on my crossed arms. He would fuck me hard in one passage and then switch to other. He would make me cum regardless. I was reduced to babbling nonsense when he eventually exploded deep inside my sore ass. I felt my father in law’s monster exploding inside me and my own fresh orgasm tipped over and so did my overwhelmed senses. By the time, my father in law’s mammoth tool stopped spurting in my rectum I had slumped and passed out.

Chapter 9
We all came out of our bedrooms late afternoon. Kerry and Emily were walking unashamedly with broad based walk. Their young pussy and ass were sore after their father and grandfather, helped a little by their mother, had put their inexperienced body to torrid fucking.
We all had a swim in the pool and Emily and I put the second part of our long-term plan in action. Emily whispered in grandpa’s ears and I had Jack’s attention. They both shared a glance and nodded with big smiles. We let our two ‘ giant men’ ‘decide’ what we had suggested. Once Carly was safely asleep in her bed. Kerry, Emily and I trooped off to the huge bedroom by the side of the inside pool. The two men were naked and waiting. Soon we three girls were divested off our already little clothing.
My father in law lay down his eleven years old granddaughter Emily on her back and soon his mouth was licking her pussy. I gently pulled my second born, ten years old Kerry between my aching thighs. Jack knelt behind our middle daughter’s raised plump ass. Kerry tried her newfound expertise of licking my pussy and anus while her father made her squirm and moan doing the same to her.
Emily and Kerry were moaning loudly as their orgasm drew closer. I grabbed back of my little Kerry’s head and pushed her face into my churning cunt. Kerry took my clitoris between her teeth and gently bit on it as her own climax dawned on her. I shrieked and shook with my explosive orgasm.
Jack and his father lay down Kerry and Emily to recuperate and descended upon me. My father in law pulled me astride his rampant monstrous erection. I impaled my still spasming pussy on his giant cock. I bent forwards allowing my husband to invade my ass with his leviathan while his father’s monster throbbed inside my bursting stuffed pussy.
My two young preteen girls watched us with tangible awe, there eyes as wide as saucers. Their father pushed his monster cock inside their mother’s tight anal ring with none too gentle lunge. I screamed in genuine pain but soon the sensation of my two passages filled with two monster cocks of two men I love with my life became overwhelming. I moaned loudly as my father in law and husband started to take me with alternating strokes. Jack would pull his monstrosity of a male member out of my rectum while his father filled my pussy with his giant manhood.
Jack and his father took one breast each in their huge powerful hand to maul and squeeze as gently or as hard as they pleased. My loud moans kept on coming and soon I was shaking with body wrenching orgasm.
My husband and his father, once they had made me cum once, started to increase the speed and power of their thrusts. I moaned as they now fucked me in synchronously. Jack and my father in law would withdraw and then slam their monsters back inside my passages together. I felt so empty when they pulled out of me, and then bursting full as they filled my body cavities with their titanic tools.
I moaned loudly and soon my second orgasm of family double penetration was upon me. My husband and his father took my ass and pussy with solid thrusts each one shaking my body helplessly. My breasts were mauled and they created their own pain filled pleasure zone as did my tight anus and pussy stuffed with two giant cocks.
I was shaking with my fourth orgasm when first my father in law started to grunt and slam his cock even harder inside my pussy. Soon his son joined in and his soft deep grunts were accompanied with extra effort in pummelling my rectum with his gigantic manhood.
Both, father and son, exploded almost simultaneously inside my two passages as if tied with a secret cord. I shrieked as another fresh orgasm sneaked upon my already tiring body. I felt each pulsation of the spurting two monsters inside me as they spewed hot potent cum in my two overstuffed passages.
I was slumped and gone for the count as two men pulled out of me. Kerry took her daddy’s monster still hard fresh from her mother’s rectum and started to lick and suck all the fresh mixture of my rectal juices and her father’s cum. The warm saliva filled mouth of his young unripe ten years old daughter returned all the steely hardness to her father’s giant cock, if any steel was gone out of Jack’s monster penis at the first place.
Emily was treating her grandfather’s cum and my sex juices cock similarly. Both giants were throbbing threateningly looking intimidating and inviting at the same time.
My father in law gently guided his young eleven years old granddaughter onto her father’s monster cock. I saw with wide eyes as my little girl’s tight hairless pink snatch stretched to an impossible size as her father’s massive cock head speared inside his daughter’s young preteen pussy.
Emily moaned as her pussy descended on the long thick shaft of her father’s titanic member. Jack pulled his daughter on to his chest and held her trembling body tight. His father stationed behind his eldest granddaughter’s ample soft ass soon managed to push his cock head as huge as his son’s inside her twitching anal ring.
I could not help but notice the furrow on my little girl’s forehead and her clamped teeth on her lower lip trying to absorb the pain of having two monsters invade her young unripe inexperienced eleven years old body.
My father in law pushed himself gently and slowly until he was fully buried inside his granddaughter’s clenching soft warm dark rectum. Emily’s loud moan indicated how bursting full and stuffed she must have felt.
My husband and her father started to move gently but steadily in and out allowing time to get my young preteen daughter used to their monsters filling her passages at the same time. Soon Emily started to move as her lust overcame whatever pain she felt impaled on giant tools of her father and grandfather.
Her grandfather and father moved gently in and out of young preteen Emily’s painfully bursting passages. Emily moaned as her pussy and rectum although obscenely stretched started to generate all too familiar pleasure that pervaded her whole shaking shivering lust filled unripe body.
My husband started to tease his daughter’s engorged nipples. Jack tweaked one and then the other adding to the already overwhelming sensual sensory overload that his young inexperienced daughter was struggling to handle.
Jack and her father started to move a bit faster but still alternating their thrusts so that young Emily got used to two monsters before they unleashed their full fury to give to and seek pleasure from her eleven years old beautiful chunky body.
Emily moaned with each withdrawal of her father and grandpa’s as she did when they buried them back inside her shaking trembling young unripe preteen body.
It took Jack and my father in law another five minutes to make my moaning daughter cum. They were moving faster inside moaning Emily’s passages. They even started to synchronise their thrusts to fill young Emily’s writhing body simultaneously.
My sweet little eleven years old daughter was moaning with barely controlled newfound lust that raged through her body, as her dad and grandfather’s monsters started to pound her both tight soft tender passages with urgency that had left even her mother breathless and gasping.
Jack tweaked and pulled on his daughter’s engorged nipples as he hunched his hips up to fill his daughter’s churning young preteen pussy.
“OOH! DADDEEE! UUUMMMNNNN GRAANNNPAAAA! AAAAARRRRRNNNGHHHH,” wailed my beautiful young eleven years old daughter as she started to shake under the effect of her fresh powerful orgasm.
Jack and my father in law started to spear their gigantic tools in and out of Emily’s passages with breath taking ferocity. She shook with each thrust that buried two monsters inside her body to the hilt.
Grand pa held his granddaughter firmly just above her ample hips to keep her ass at a vantage point to enable him to pummel her obscenely stretched anal opening. He also eased his son’s ability to slam his monster with long thrust up into his daughter’s churning orgasming young love passage.
Emily’s wails now became louder as her orgasms merged into one. My father in law and husband, both started to grunt and put in extra effort to pound Emily’s young body with their mammoth throbbing manhood.
My young immature daughter swung back and forth, as two monsters hammered in and out of her body. Her body was already in throes of a long continuous orgasm when her father and grandpa exploded inside her convulsing pussy and clasping rectum.
Emily wailed loudly and slumped on her father’s chest panting and gasping as two monsters spewed potent hot fertile cum inside her body. Her grandfather and dad must have spurted twenty times as my daughter whimpered as each spurt splashed against the soft walls of her pussy and rectum.
Once Emily was limp after a long double fucking both, her father and grandpa, withdrew from her orifices. They looked at young Kerry invitingly who was watching the awe-inspiring first double fucking of her older sister.
Kerry crawled on her hands and knees and soon her mouth was on slightly softened cum coated monstrous cock of her father. Her tiny hands struggled to hold the phenomenally huge cock and her mouth strained to suck on the huge girth. When my young second born ten years old daughter finished her father’s cock was raging hard again. My little girl moved onto her grandfather’s monster fresh out of her older sister’s rectum.
Kerry unhesitatingly sucked and licked the humungous member of her grandfather. She licked the heady mixture of his cum and her sister’s rectal juices. Grandpa was ready to ravage his young middle ten years old granddaughter.
This time my father in law lay down on his back and allowed her preteen young daughter to lower her plump body on to his massive cock. Kerry frowned and her eyes squinted as she concentrated on impaling herself on her grandfather’s monstrosity. She tried not to squeal despite feeling bursting full as her pussy descended inch by inch on her grandpa’s leviathan.
Kerry’s young ten years old shook with rising lust once she felt the last inch of her grandpa’s monstrous girth of inhumanly long cock vanished inside her stretched dilated snug soft pussy. Jack stroked Kerry’s quivering skin as he aligned his colossus against the tiny pink anal ring of his tiny preteen daughter.
He squeezed her full plump ass cheeks as his wild desire to ravage his daughter’s tiny asshole took grip. He pushed his massive cock head firmly against his daughter’s fluttering anal ring. Kerry moaned softly, ‘OOHH! DADDDEEEE,” as she felt a huge fist push against her tiny anus.
Jack held his second born ten years old daughter firmly, and pushed his mammoth battering ram inside her anal ring which after resisting for a long time surrendered and his huge cock head dilated his preteen daughter’s tiny anus obscenely around his invading tool. Kerry shook and moaned as her body struggled to accommodate two monstrous cocks inside her tiny plump body. Jack pushed his cock rather impatiently and soon he was rubbing his coarse thick pubic bush against the soft creamy white skin of his daughter’s soft ass cheeks.
Grandpa and Jack started to fuck Kerry first slowly but son they upped the pace. Kerry sobbed still unsure of the relative degree of pain and pleasure the two titanic cocks of her father and grandfather engendered inside her body. My husband and my father in law rubbed my middle daughter’s soft skin and soon grandpa took control of her nipples and Jack grabbed the plump fold over his daughter’s soft rounded waist.
I clenched my both holes as my husband and father in law started to fuck Kerry with long in and out thrusts. Kerry soon was moaning with the unmistakable pleasure her body was bathed in.
Jack and my father in law started to ravage our Kerry with the same loving strong fucking that had reduced my eldest daughter and me to limp heap of flesh.
Kerry wailed as her orgasm rushed through her young tender body. Jack was using long firm thrusts to fuck his ten years old sobbing daughter’s chunky ass and his father slammed his monster inside his granddaughter faster and harder.
I was mesmerized by the sheer unbridled lust that made my little girl’s face shine like of a mature woman. Kerry moaned and babbled encouraging her father and grandfather to fuck her and make her cum. They did. Jack and his father used their well-practised alternating thrusts to begin with and after they had made Kerry cum four times, they started to pound her cunt and rectum pulling out and slamming their monsters together.
Kerry’s young tender ten years old body was buffeted with the savage thrusts of her father and grandfather. Jack and grandpa were not far from exploding inside Kerry’s two passages. Kerry felt their urgency and moaned once again loudly as her fresh orgasm tore through her.
My husband filled his daughter’s tender rectum with his hot scalding cum and soon his father too started to spurt his potent seed bathing his granddaughter’s young ten years old unripe womb.
Kerry moaned as she felt her both well-fucked passages filed with never ending spurts of hot cum her young body betrayed her again and she started to shake with another orgasm. Her loud wail was sharp, her eyes rolled up, her mouth became slack, and she slumped listless on the chest of her grandfather. My sweet ten years old middle daughter passed out with excessive pleasure of her first double fucking.

Chapter 10
That night my husband and his father teamed to fuck my two daughters and me one after another. We three were on our hands and knees and two men moved from one to another making us cum repeatedly. They double fucked us as grand finale to our incestuous orgy until we all three passed out.
I woke up late in the afternoon all groggy and sore. I looked at my two beautiful well-fucked daughters softly snoring in deep sleep. My young eleven and ten years old daughters’ faces were covered with dry cum. Their nostrils too were coated with their father’s and grandfather’s cum. My face too was covered with dry cum and I smiled as the vision of my husband and his father ejaculating all over our faces as we lay spent and limp filling our nostrils in addition to cum facial they gave us.
I kissed my sleeping beautiful daughters and dragged my sore body languidly to find my husband and my father in law. I guiltily thought of my youngest daughter Carly who might have missed her daily play fun and was probably being entertained by our house nanny.
I rushed to her bedroom suite but her loud wail stopped me in my tracks right at the entrance of her door. My husband and his father stood in the middle of the room. My eight ears old plump beautiful daughter was up hoisted up in the air. She was impaled on two monsters of her dad and grandpa. He tiny body shook with her orgasm that had made her scream. Her face barely reached the hairy chest of her father, whose hands under her chubby ass supported her weight and his cock filled her tiny virgin pussy. Her grandfather held her and his cock raced in and out her moaning wailing rectum.
I rushed inside and insinuated myself to hold my young unripe little eight years old daughter’s sweat soaked, lust filled shining flushed face. Her curly dark blond hair was plastered all over her face. Carly managed to give me her angelic smile even though her face was contorted with the agony of her orgasms and two mammoth cocks filling her tiny passages at the same time.
Jack and my father in law smiled at me as I kissed their sweaty backs and arms. Jack asked his daughter, “Carly sweetheart, it is time to change places again. I want your sweet ass and I am sure your grandpa wants your soft honey pot.”
Carly gasped, “OK daddy. I just love the way you and grandpa make me feel with you cocks.”
Jack lifted his daughter clean off the two monsters and his mouth kissed her panting open mouth. My young beautiful eight years old daughter’s obscenely stretched gaping pussy and anus leaked a stream of cum and native juices. I hurriedly collected in my cupped hands.
I slurped the heady mixture and bent down to lick the two monsters fresh out of my little girl’s two passages. I loved the sweet mixture of my father in law’s cum and my little Carly’s shit. Jack swiftly turned his daughter around. Carly flung her arms around the massive arms of her grandfather. His hands replaced his son’s and he lowered his granddaughter’s plump ass onto his and his son’s leviathans.
I moaned involuntarily as two humongously thick long man-hoods vanished inside my young virgin eight years old daughter’s two passages.
My father in law simply lifted his granddaughter until his and his son’s mammoth cocks were almost out of her pussy and ass and then dropped her as and her weight sent their telephone pole like penises racing back inside her two passages.
My husband and his father fucked my daughter with long body shaking thrusts until she came four times in quick succession. They held her limp body at a vantage height and used their tree trunk like strong hairy legs to hammer their one eyes monsters in her two passages with breath taking ferocious lunges.
Carly wailed loudly as she felt her father and grandfather exploding deep inside her convulsing pussy and rectum. Her tender young unripe eight ears old body shook as if she was having a fit, her long scream tailed off and she passed out as her father’s and grandfather’s two monsters fully buried inside her young inexperienced preteen child’s body, spewed copious spurts of virile potent baby making incestuous cream.
Jack lay his sweet daughter down in the bed. I learnt that Carly had walked in the bedroom and filled in with the obvious evidence insisted that her father and grandfather share their love with her as they had done with her twp older sisters. My husband and his father were too happy to comply.
I sucked my husband and his father’s cock and was rewarded with two unflagging massive erections that were ready for action.
I was taken in my both sore, raw tender holes with untiring energy until I had cum five times when my two giant men unleashed their hot cum inside my bursting rectum and pussy.
We all rested for a while. I went to kitchen to throw a big brunch. Soon my three beautiful cum covered daughters and temporarily sated husband and father in law were seated around the kitchen dining table as we all ate ravenously.
We all jumped in the pool. Jack booked our favorite gourmet restaurant foe dinner. Dinner was great and the girls could not help but gossip amongst themselves right in front of their father and grandfather comparing the greatest sex one had with the other.
Once back home, we decided to split up. Emily and Kerry went with their father to his bedroom suite. Carly and I accompanied my father in law for a long night of torrid sex.
We all were late waking up. Jack informed that he would have to go to Chicago to represent his company’s programme for disadvantaged youths, as their PR manager had taken ill. I immediately cornered my father in law, “Daddy, shall we go to your house and list the things you want to move with us?”
My three girls jumped shouting and screaming trying to drown their grandfather’s hesitation if any. Along with smiling Jack and I grandpa had to give in and I hurriedly kissed him, “Jack, why don’t you take your lovely daughters to Chicago? Daddy and I will visit daddy’s house and my parents. I think we should convince them as well to have our family all together.”
The idea was once again passed first by my three screaming whooping daughters in addition to my husband whose eyes seemed to shine as soon as the mention of my mother was made.
Dad and I flew in our ten-seater twin-engine plane and were in the city of my birthplace in an hour. I explained my amateur psychological hypothesis that my husband is ruing the missed chance of having his mother as a woman and hence his unreasonable response towards his father’s sex life.
“Daddy, Jack has always treated my mom as his own and she is the key to exorcise that knot out of his psyche,” I kissed my father in law’s hand as I finished. My father in law agreed after chewing over the facts, “Kathy, you too have unfinished business with your father. He definitely has.”
I gasped, “Daddy, did my father say anything to that effect?”
“All the time, sweetie, all the time,” my father in law kissed me on my lips and his massive hand crushed my large heaving braless breast covered with soft cotton dress.
I could not help and soon I had my father in law’s monster member out of his trousers and my mouth was sucking on his giant cock head. My father in law and I used the privacy of our plane. He took my pussy in what he described a quickie and still managed to make me cum three times before flooding my feminine passage with his huge amount of hot potent cum.
My father in law’s huge St. Bernard, Buster ran towards us as soon as he entered the house. The giant gentle dog won me over within minutes. He licked my face and his bushy long thick tail wagged with happiness.
My father in law and I went from room to room listing the personal essential things he would like to bring to his suite. My father in law and I could not keep our hands away from each other. It was almost inevitable that we were soon naked and he took me bending on the kitchen top from behind. My father in law again took me in his study, bending me over his favorite leather recliner this time his mammoth cock took my tiny ass.
The last was his bedroom suite. All along Buster was kissing me, licking me as his master fucked the daylights out of me. In the bedroom, I felt the presence of my mother in law and soon the images of their free love making flashed in my mind. I looked at the beautiful Buster with a longing so obvious that my father in law laughed.
“Kathy just bend over the bed and Buster knows what to do,” I blushed but hastily pulled my father in law who quickly lay down on the edge of the bed his feet panted on the carpet. I sucked on his cock still gleaming with his cum and my sex juices.
Buster sniffed my cum filled pussy and soon his warm rough tongue licked my full length of pussy making me moan around my father in law’s monster cock. Buster had a tongue that could make me cum within seconds and he did.
I tried to muffle my screams of pleasure by filling my mouth with my father in law’s monster cock. Buster jumped up and his paws clasped on the side of my chest, his rough pads abrading the soft skin. I felt a hot thick rod race in my passage. I moaned. Buster’s cock was not as long or thick as my husband’s or father in law but he started to fuck my pussy with thrusts so furiously fast and hard that he made me swoon within seconds.
I wailed as my first orgasm hit me within a minute of Buster’s electric fast fucking. I felt his cock spurting thin but scalding hot fluid continuously inside my pussy. I felt Buster’s cock started to grow and soon his cock was getting bigger and bigger. I screamed in genuine pain as he slammed his softball sized cock tight inside my pussy and my cunt felt stretched painfully wide.
Buster instead of fucking me with jackhammer like thrusts simply ground his monster cock inside my convulsing clenching obscenely stretched pussy. I came repeatedly as his spewing huge cock rubbed my pussy walls crushing my clitoris.
I came every few minutes Buster’s humongous cock remained inside my pussy. He kept on spurting hot and much thicker cum inside my baby passage. I was numb with repeated orgasm when Buster’s massive cock started to deflate and when he yanked his huge penis out of my pussy brimming with his hot canine cum I yelped in pain.
I was sobbing and panting as Buster licked my pussy filled with his own cum. His hot long tongue made me cum another four times.
I somehow crawled over my father in law. I held his steel hard monstrosity and slowly impaled my sore raw pussy until he was fully buried inside me. I simply lay on top of him. Buster was licking the junction of my father in law’s massive root, my pussy stretched like a rubber band around it. His tongue continued up and soon licked my anus.
I moaned as my father in law grabbed each of my chunky ass cheeks and spread my ass wide open, exposing my tiny winking pink anus to his trusted loyal canine friend.
Buster licked my anus making me moan. I came shuddering and moaning as my pussy stuffed and stretched around my father in law’s mammoth tool and my anus being rimmed by Buster sent me into another orbit of lust and passion.
Buster once again jumped on my back creating fresh scratches. I whimpered, “Daddy, Buster will hurt my ass.”
“Relax, sweetie, you will love him,” My father in law stroked my shivering back.
Buster found my anus with consummate ease. His hot pink rock hard penis sliced through my tight anal ring. He fucked my ass with the same jackhammer speed making me wail. The sheer presence of still but gigantic cock of my father in law in my pussy and his dog’s huge cock spearing in and out of my anus was enough to make go crazy with lust. My orgasms tore through me faster than I could count or handle.
Buster’s hot thin cum felt even hotter inside my rectum. His cock started to grow bigger and bigger. I screamed as his monster cock sliced painfully inside my tight anal ring and buried inside my rectum. He moved with grinding movements inside my rectum, his cock spewing hot thicker cum deep in my bowel.
I was cumming every two minutes. I knew Buster would stay big inside me for at least half an hour. My father in law had been grinding his cock inside my pussy for an hour that Buster took to ravage my ass. His cock spurted inside my pussy as Buster ground his huge softball sized thick cock inside my ass. I screamed as my multi-orgasms raced though my body and I slumped limp and passed out.

Chapter 11
My father in law rang my parents and soon a long intense conversation ensued. I blushed as he described the changing patterns of our family sex life. I blushed even a shade deeper as he told them about my husband’s infatuation with my mother and mine with my father.
“Ted, tear your daughter’s clothes off and fuck her senseless. She loves you with her being,” my father in law finished his long monologue with simple advice.
I was shaking as we entered my childhood home. Mom kissed me looking as divinely beautiful as ever. My father held me against his giant sex feet and seven inches tall body with love so intense that I started to cry.
I sobbed uncontrollably and my mother whispered, “Ted, take your daughter to our bedroom, please.”
My father kissed my tears soaked face, lifted me in his strong arms, and raced up the stairs. He put me down on the carpet ever so gently, “Are you sure, Kathy?” My father handsome face was torn with desire and uncertainty.
I sobbed and sniffled, “Yes daddy, I am sure.” I rubbed my father’s chest and soon my one hand rubbed the huge bulge in his trousers.
It seemed I had thrown a switch inside my father. He literally tore my dress off me. He ignored my scream of surprise. He snapped the waistband of my panties. He hurriedly tore his shirt that I was clumsily trying to unbutton. His trousers came off in a second and I tugged his long lose boxers off his tree trunk like huge thighs.
My father monster cock sprang free. I gasped and swelled with irrational pride. My father cock was the biggest cock in my family. He was a couple of inches longer and thicker than other men. My father threw me on the bed and his giant heavy frame crushed me. His mammoth tool impatiently sought the tight entrance to my baby passage and soon stretched it wider than it had been stretched.
“I have waited for this moment all my life, Kathy,” my father hissed.
I screamed, “Please don’t wait then daddy. Fuck your daughter with your monster cock. She has been waiting too for this moment.”
My father swung down hard and my long scream was one of many as his titanic cock sped inside my throbbing clenching cunt in three cunt-ripping thrusts. My father fucked me hard and with roughness expressing a suppressed desire for decades.
I moaned and started to cum almost metronomically. My father took me with loving savagery to claim as his own and I held him tight to my body as the same tool that procreated me was ravaging me.
I sobbed and cried for an hour until my first tryst with my father was finally consummated as his monster cock exploded deep inside his daughter’s pussy filling it with his incestuous potent hot semen. He collapsed on my body and we both kissed with open mouth exchanging saliva and our deep love to each other.
My father was soon hard and ready. He took my ass and made me scream all over again. I was shaking and shivering as my father’s monster cock ripped my ass so wide open that it hurt more than it had hurt ever before.
My father and I lost track of all time. We made love all day and all night and only emerged out of my parents’ bedroom late next morning. It was very obvious that my father in law and mother had similar kind of night.
We four and Buster spent the whole week in various combinations and the nights we chose to be together were electric.
Buster was on top of the list of things that had to accompany my father in law. My girls were beyond control as their two grandfathers and grandmother were now going to live with them.
“Mom, dad they are all yours. I am not going to take responsibility if they get spoilt,” I said but smiled as I knew they would never be anything hut angels. I laughed as my three daughters put their tongues out at me and buried themselves in the arms of their three grandparents.
The first night we let Jack and my mom go to bed together. My father in law, Emily and Kerry slept together. My father took my youngest Carly and me to his bed and made us scream and moan all night.
The next night Jack once again shamelessly paired up with mom as I took my father along with Emily to bed.
It took both Jack and I one week before we became less possessive of my mom and father respectively.
Jack was a new man. He had more time for us than ever before. My house was full of love. I was pregnant again. My father in law had awakened my sensuality and opened the endless combinations of love that will keep my family together for generations. Welcome home, grandpa.
Copyright Dirty Amber 2016
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