My Cum Whore Step Mom And Our Sticky Bond.


My stepmom Gina baked me a three layer Chocolate Birthday Cake for my eighteenth birthday and topped it with eighteen candles. Chocolate was my favorite kind of cake and she knew it.My step mom was a cute piece of cake herself at 54. She was a petite brunette with gorgeous green eyes and with a set of 38 dd breasts and tight ass. And at the moment she wearing one of her blue sequin party dresses that emphasizes her every delicious curve.Heck she looked more appetizing than the cake at the moment.
Dad slapped me on the shoulder and smiled when he caught me looking at Gina,"Jack my boy how's it feel to be a man today?!"
I quickly looked away. Mom wasn't put off by me looking at her,not when she's always dressing in such a away that any man couldn't help but look at her. Like tight colorful yoga pants and halter tops and short cut off jeans.
It was hell growing up living in house where your mother works as an escort and this was her normal work attire. But like I said she didn't seemed to care. Heck it probably turned her on to have someone as young as me ogling her from sun up til sundown.
"Ah Charlie leave him be,he's always been my little man.Right Jackie." She reaches across the table and pinches my cheek.I blushed and she giggles.She enjoyed making me feel like a boy. I was always her little Jackie.
Dad frowned at her comment,which I thought was odd.Then he put his arm over my shoulder,"Well he is officially a man today,Gina.So drink your wine and shut up!" Dad said and he picked up the wine bottle and poured mom another glass of red wine. Her favorite.I guess that's the Italian in her.
She giggled,"Why Charlie,if I didn't know any better I'd think your trying to get me drunk." She winks and drinks down half the glass. And Dad quickly pours it to the top again. "Stop that!" She popped his hand.Dad just laughs and looks at me and smiles. He was always getting Mom drunk on her days off. Which was rare indeed,But she did take today off because it was her little boys birthday.
I shook my head at him,I knew his routine all to well, he'd get her smashed to the point she couldn't walk straight and then he would carry her upstairs and fuck her like a dock whore. I'd once listened to them go at it. Dad enjoyed giving it to her rough. Slapping and choking. And by the sound of headboard bouncing off the wall you'd think there was a full scale war going on in their bedroom.Their love life was nuts in my opinion but then I'm a fucking eighteen year old virgin so what did I know.But crazy or not I would always end up jerking off to the sounds of my mom being mercilessly fucked.I'd even recorded it a few times on my phone so I could jerk off to it later.
I never got the chance to listen to her when she was working because she would always take her gentleman callers to her office downstairs in the basement.
Daddy made sure it was sound proof and had it's own separate entrance from the main part of the house, where her clients would discreetly cum and go.(Pun intended)
Yeah I had a thing for my stepmom and she knew it too.And I can tell how she knows too. Because I got brave one day and I caught her passed out drunk in Dad's comfy leather recliner.Yes she has a drinking problem, but that's dad's fault.She had been watching a movie and had most likely passed out before it had ended because the DVD player was in a blue screen mode which gave off enough light to see her clearly enough.
So I walk over to the recliner and at first I just look at her admiringly or rather lustfully. She was dressed in a pink sports bra that zips up the front and a pair of loose black silk sleep shorts.Gina looked so gorgeous just laying there. So vulnerable and ready to fuck! And I don't know what came over me but I just had this overwhelming urge to see what tits looked like. And I reach out with trembling fingers and I pinch the little zipper pull and begin slowly tugging it down.The bra gave way and her breasts exploded forward in all their ample glory...And she fucking woke up! she sits up and looked straight at me."Jackie?!"
I ran to my room so embarrassed and so damned scared. I slammed the door and laid down on the bed and I remembered I started crying. Mom was gonna tell Dad and Dad was gonna kill me! I hear her footsteps they stop outside my bedroom door and I prepare for an ass chewing. But then she walks away and I hear her bedroom door slam shut.She was mad.
The next morning was the roughest, I had to face her at breakfast.I walked into the kitchen to find her already seated at the table. My plate is sitting in my spot but it covered with checkered cloth table napkin. She doesn't say anything nor even looks at me.Oh boy she's still mad.
So I sit down and I remove the napkin and I find on my plate two perfectly cooked sunny side eggs. They're were cook so close together that they looked like a set of tits. The yokes representing the nipples of course.
"Do they remind you of last night?" Gina snickered.
I smirked."They're certainly smaller." I don't know what made me say it but I did. Suddenly Gina just busted out laughing and I did too. Something changed between us that day and I started looking at her like she was the coolest stepmom in the world. And since I saw her tits she felt a little more comfortable walking around me in her bra and panties,(Not with Dad home of course).
And then one day it happened that I was jerking off in my room; when she suddenly walked in on me. It was laundry day and I should have had my dirty clothes sitting outside my door. But like a dumb ass I didn't! I'd had my ear buds listening to her getting fucked so I didn't hear her knock. And it just so happened that I blew my load just as she was opening the door and I couldn't cover myself in fear of getting cum on my sheets. So I just lay there mortified to the core.But it didn't seem to bother Gina in the least as she slowly approached my bed. And she looks down at my cock with this bemused expression on her pretty face.
"I'm sorry I walked in on you Jackie and ruined your good time." Then she slowly reaches down and runs her fingertips through my cum. The muscles in my abdomen jerk from her touch.She smiles and lifting,her fingers to her lips she tastes it.It was the most erotic thing I've ever seen in my young life. I didn't know what cum-whore meant back then but my stepmom was definitely a cum whore.
Gina gets down on her knees and begins slowly licking me clean. And from my balls to my tip,she clean up every last drop! And all without once putting my dick in her mouth.When she was done she looked at me and winked,"This'll be our little secret,Okay? And with that she gets up and picks up all my dirty clothes like nothing ever happened.

"Well Gina are you gonna light the candles or do we have to wait until next year?" Dad laughs and slaps my shoulder."Watch this shit." he whispers.
Gina stands up and has to get her balance and takes a box of matches from between her breasts, opens it and strikes one of the matches. It doesn't light,so she tries again and this time it lit. She leans forward and drops the match right on the cake and Dad busts out laughing.
I kinda felt sorry for her because she could hardly stand up. But then I was getting a very nice view of the tops of her breasts every time she bent forward to light the candles. Fat round creamy tops. I smile.
Dad suddenly stands up and takes the matches from her and she flops back down in her chair and giggles,"Sorry guys."
He lights all eighteen candles,with steady hands,but of course he's not drunk off his ass like poor Gina.Dad gives Gina the come hither finger,"Come here baby."
"Why Charlie?" She asks her speech slurring.
He slaps his hand down on the table between us,"Get over here and blow these candles out."
"That's Jackie's job,thank you very much."
"He wants you to blow them out,Gina.Don't you Jack." he winks at me.
I didn't know what dad had in mind, but I went with it."Yeah Gina come blow them out for me please."
She sighs and gives me an exasperated sigh,"Okay Jackie since its your birthday."
She stands up and nearly trips on her black three inch stilettos heels."Oops!" she walks over and steps between dad and I. She's staggers a bit but manages to keep her balance. Dad places a hand on her back to steady her and she bends at the waist and puckers her lips.
"One candle at a time,baby." Dad laughs.
"And blow real hard.",I added with a laugh.
Gina cranes her neck to look at us and rolls her eyes,"Behave."
He lowers his hand to cup her ass and he squeezes it tightly,"Go ahead baby,blow the candles."
"And don't forget to swallow!" I added.
"Yeah she like that." Dad swatted her ass and Gina yelped.
Again she rolls her eyes and she leans in and does as Dad says and blows out each candle one at a time until all of them were out.And then suddenly they ignite again.
"What the Heck!" Gina gasped, and dad started laughing I even had to laugh myself.The expression on my mother's pretty face was priceless.
Mom folded her arms and turned around and looked down at dad smiled,"Ah magic candles.Good one Charlie." and she shoots him the bird.
"I thought you'd like that.I know Jack did.Right Jack?"Dad laughed and we bumped knuckles.
"Like father like son.", she giggle and slapped my shoulder playfully.
Dad stands up and scoops Mom up into his arms."Follow me,son. It's time to welcome you to manhood."
Gina started giggling and batting Dad's shoulders."Put me down,Charlie!" But dad didn't put her down, instead he carried upstairs to their bedroom. And I followed them in and closed the bedroom door behind me.
He sat Gina down on the edge of the bed,"Time to work baby girl."
She looked up at Dad,"What?" She was confused and so was I.
What was Dad doing? He turns to me and hands me, two crisp hundred dollars bills."You can either keep that or give it to your mother.That should cover an hour with her." he laughs and claps me on the back.
"Charlie,what are you doing?" she asks and puts her face in her hands and she started to cry.
Dad smiles at me and then walks out of the bedroom leaving the two of us alone.I look down at the money and then I look at Gina and smile.
Gina gave me a drunken and confused look."Jackie?"
I stepped toward her pulling my Tee shirt off and casting it aside. Then I unfastened my belt and pulled my cargo pants down and kicked them off. I stood before her naked,my cock slowly swelling, I wanted Gina badly.
She looked down at my cock and then up at me,"Are you sure you want to do this Jackie?"
"I've never been more sure of anything in my whole life."
"But I'm your mother,I've raised you since you we're three."
I sat down beside her and pulled her close, then I pulled her small hand to my dick. She squeezed it gently and looked into my eyes."Okay Jackie."
Gina slid from the edge of the bed and got down on her knees. She pushed my legs open and leaned and began licking my balls.She engulf my entire sack into her mouth, suckled them and let them drop from her warm mouth. Then she slid her tongue ever so slowly up my shaft. Then she looks up at me and smiles,"You got a bigger penis than Dad." she winked and took my dick into her mouth all the way to the hilt.
"Oh shit!" I breathed and placed my hand on top of her head. She pushed it away and began bobbing her head up and down my shaft taking me deep into her warm tight throat.
"Ohhh!" I felt my thighs tremble as she work her magic. I could tell Gina was enjoying her work. I wondered if she did the same for her normal johns. If so then no wonder she had such a large number of repeat clients.She started going down on me faster. I was so fucking hard now. I wanted to fuck her pussy. Gina must have sinced it because pulled her mouth from me and stood up and stepped back.
"Undress me Jackie." she turned around and spread her arms.
I quickly stood up and unzipped the back of her dress and pulled it down her body. She was only wearing a white lacy thong. She slowly turned around and my mouth dropped at the sight if her breasts. They we're so beautifully full and round and crowned by large popping pink nipples.
"I want your first time to be special Jackie.So lets go slow,please." She leaned in and kissed me softly and she lifted my hands to her breasts.
I took my time and squeezed and caressed my Mom's breasts, feeling her nipples growing stiff beneath my palms. "I've wanted to
do this for so long." I whispered and kissed her neck. She leaned into me.
"I know sweetheart." She said and ran her hand down my stomach and touched my abs. "Mommy loves a six pack." She pushed her hands lower and fondled my cock,"Oh and I just love this young cock too."
"Are you wet Mommy."
She smiled at me and pried my left hand away from her tit and pushed it down the front of her thong,"What do you think?"
The crotch of her thong was soaking wet. I slipped two fingers under the edge and touched her warm wet pussy. I ran my index and middle finger along her slit."Oh your so wet Mommy."
"I'm wet for you Jackie. And believe me sweetie, your Dad has never made me this wet before."
I suddenly picked her up and carried her over and gently laid her down in the center of the mattress. She smiled and reached down and slid her thong off and playfully tossed it at me.Then she opened her legs and nodded.
I mounted her and she placed her hands to either side of my face and looked deep into my eyes,"Jackie I don't want you to fuck me like you love me.I want you to fuck me like your in love me."
I knew what she meant and I wanted it as well.I moved my cock until I feel the warm silky feeling of her pussy against my cock head and I gently pushed into her.Half way at first and then I thrusted my hips and buried my cock all the way to the hilt inside my Mom's pussy.
Gina hissed through clenched teeth as I started fucking her hard and fast. My passion wouldn't let me go soft or slow. Her pussy felt so devine,so tight and so warm! I just lost myself inside Gina and I fucked her with wild abandonment.
"Oh Jackie,Oooooo!!!" She lifted her hips to meet my thrusts. Gasping and whimpering as I fucked her.
"Damn YOUR pussy feels sooo good Mom!" I started fucking her faster. Our bodies slapping together. The sticky sounds of her pussy and the cries of her pleasure. It was all like music to my young mind. I could feel myself about to explode inside of her now I didn't want to cum not this soon, but I couldn't slow myself down."Oh Mom I'm about to... I didn't get to finish my sentence before I suddenly came. I slammed my dick to the hilt inside her and emptied cum so deep inside her pussy."FUCKKKK!OHHHHH!SHITTT! I yelled.
When I finished I slowly laid down on top of her. Our bodies melting as one. She stroked the back of my neck. "I love you Gina."I whispered against her ear.
She slid her hand down my back and popped me on the ass,"Happy Birthday,Jackie."
The End
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