Taking Mom To The Drive In


I bought a 1957 Chevy 3100 Truck. It wasn't in mint condition but it was close. It had a cherry red metal flake paint job,the windows were limo tinted black, and it had a set of Cragar Mag wheels on it. The V8-265 smoked a little and the clutched sometimes slipped,but hey, it was all mine. I'd had to barrow from my college fund to pay for it. But who cares I was joining the military anyways.They can pay for my college, right?
My dad freaking came unglued when he found out that I'd taken five grand from my college kitty. I heard him screaming over Mom's cell phone.She had him on speaker phone and she was just smiling and rolling her green eyes at me,"Allen,calm down,honey."
"Calm down my ass Lilly!Hows he going to college now?"
"I'm getting in the Army dad. Like you did when you turned eighteen."
Lilly raised her eyebrows at me.
I hadn't told anyone my plans. Dad was even silent now.
"AJ I do hope you have thought long and hard about this." Dad finally said.
I nodded,"I have Dad. I want to learn to drive a truck like you."
Lilly shook her head not even looking at me now. Her brother had been killed in Iraq. Shit I didn't think about how she would take the news. Dad was taking it pretty well. In fact he's stopped yelling about the money now.
Lilly brushed back her long chestnut hair and I could see tears welling up in her eyes.She passed me the phone and stood up and walked out of the kitchen. Pretty soon I heard the bedroom door slam shut.
"Was that Lilly?" Dad ask.
I heard him sigh and I know he was shaking his head,where ever the hell he was.Which could be anywhere since he was a long distance trucker."Alright I respect your decision son, but don't be spending anymore of you college money, just in case you change your mind about joining."
"Sure thing, Dad." But I had no intentions of changing my mind.I want to see the word before I had to settle down.
"I just hope Lilly can get over this,AJ." And with that he hung up. Dad and I never say goodbye, we just hang up. I laid Mom's cellphone on the table and looked down the hallway toward the master bedroom. I could hear Lilly crying.
I stood up and walked outside and I pulled my pick up out of the garage and was backing out of the driveway to leave when Lilly stepped out on the porch. She started waving for me to stop. And I did. I cut the engine and got out of the truck and walk up on the porch.
"I thought you wanted me to help you wax the truck,AJ.",Her green eye's were so red from crying.
"I didn't think you would be in the mood,Mom."
She smiled,"Honey my brother Jack would come back from the dead and kick my butt if I tried to talk you out of getting into the Military. Besides your a man now and you make your own decisions . And if it's what you want to do then I say go for it. I told my brother the same thing when our Momma blew up on him. And trust me when I say,I don't regret supporting him."
I nodded,"I know,Mom. You and Jack we're close as two peas in a pod."
"We we're closer than that AJ." She turned."Let me go get dressed." with that she disappeared into the house.
I pulled the truck back up into the garage leaving the back end sticking out,that way we had room to work. Next I got out box of towels and the creamer wax. And I couldn't help but wonder what Lilly might wear today since it was sweltering day. It had to be in the upper nineties. But whatever she wore I hope it was revealing.
Mom was a complete MILF hands down at 43. She was stacked with a set of thirty eight double D's and a nice bubble butt too. Oh man I know she's my Mom and she has been ever since I was three,but shit I'd fucker if I had half the chance and fuck her good too.
Sorry Dad, but not sorry. I smile to myself as I began applying the wax to front hood. I just couldn't help but think about all the times I've jerked off to her image in my head. And the times I listened to them go at in the bedroom, Lilly makes plenty of cutesy sounds when she's being fucked.She sounds like a little girl with that voice of hers, it certainly high pitched and squeaky when she's being fucked. Damn! I shook my head.
Lilly stepped into the garage from the kitchen entrance and my mouth about hit the ground. She was dressed in one of Dad's old wife beaters and set of black dance shorts that were pulled up so tight that it displayed the cheeks of her soccer Mom ass! "Oh darn it AJ you started without me." she pouted and walked over to the box and bent over and pulled a rag from the box when she did the cheeks of her ass pushed out showing off their creamy pink middles.
She grabbed the rag and snapped it at me and giggled, "What are you looking at?"
I just smiled,"A work of art I guess."
"Ah your so sweet,Baby.I'm glad you think so." She chortled and started wiping the dried wax from the hood and she really put her heart into it too. Her tits jiggled under the tank top like she wasn't wearing a bra. Damn what a site seeing those tits wiggle and bounce on my hood like that.I could feel the blood start to churn in my dick now. "How am I doing AJ?"
"Your doing great Mom." I laughed. She knew I was watching her. I always watched her, but she mind it.
"I love this old truck,AJ."
"Yes really.In fact I went out on my first date in a truck like this."
She giggled,"It wasn't as nice as this trust me.The paint was peeling on it and the seats were all torn.
"I'm sorry.What was the lucky guys name."
She smiled dreamily,"His name was Roger."
"I take it you had a crush on him?"
She smiled, but said nothing.
"Was he the quarterback?"
Lilly looked at me wide eyed,"How did you know?" then she giggles.
"I bet you we're a cheerleader too?"
She smiles.
"You were weren't you."
"Did you two make out?"
"AJ!" she Chortled."Lets just wax the truck sweetie and afterward I might let you take me to the Drive in."
I smiled,"Only if I get to consider it a date?"
Lilly looked at me surprised,"A date? What on earth would your Daddy think? Me going out on a date with his handsome son."
"Handsome! Oh man I'm blushing now." And I was.
"You are handsome,AJ. What no girl has ever told you that before?"
I shook my head.
"Well you are. And don't let anyone tell you differently. And yes I'll go out on a DATE with you. But you better not tell your father it was a date. I mean were only going out as Mom and Son,right?" she winks at me.
"But of course."
We finished waxing the truck and mom went into the house to change up because it was getting dark outside and the drive in would be opening soon. I went to my room and took a shower myself and I dressed up nice in a crisp white button down shirt and a pair of black dress pants. I combed my curly red hair as best as I could. Then I shaved and even put on some of Dad's Polo aftershave. I looked good. I hope I impress her by dressing up.
I hear her open her bedroom door and I walk out to find her dressed up herself in a short black tube dress that zipped up in the back. Black sheer pantyhose and three inch black heels. The dress really emphasized her every delicious curve, especially her tits.She's never shown so much of her cleavage around me before. DAMN Lilly looked good.
She smiled at me,"Goodness AJ,you clean up very nice!"
I blushed,"And you look gorgeous,Mom."
"Thank you,Baby.I thought I'd dress up nice since your father rarely takes me out." she pushed her arm under mine,"Shall we go?"
Out side I impressed her by opened the passenger door for her,"Thank you AJ." She climbed in and I hurried around and hoped in on the driver's side. I started the old truck and revved it up a few times.
"Oh God this thing sounds good,AJ!"
"You ain't seen nothing yet." I backed out of the driveway and took it easy going through our neighborhood, but when I turned out on the main road heading away from town, I really opened her up and even barked the tires. The old girl could get up and scoot.
Lilly grabbed the dashboard and I could tell by the smile on her face that she was enjoying the speed,"Oh GOODNESS!"
We made it to Walleys Drive In, in ten minutes flat. I pulled up next to the glass ticket booth. We tried to buy a ticket for main show which was the movie "Grease".
"I'm sorry but it's sold out." Walley said looking in at Lilly. Maybe you'll be interested in whats showing on screen two. There were only two screens at Walleys Drive In. I frowned and shook my head.One screen show the reruns of the older box office movies, the second one showed porn.
"What's playing on screen two. Mom asked.
I gave Walley a look.
"It's just one of those Romantic French movie's. I can't really pronounce the name of it." he was holding back a grin.He was gawking at Lilly's tits.
Lilly just giggle and patted my knee,"Lets watch it,AJ."
"But Mom it's a..."
"I know its a romance.Let's go!" She said excitedly.
"See she wants to see the movie." The old man winked.
I paid for the tickets giving Walley an ice cold stare."She's my mom." I whispered to him.
"Even better."
I shook my head,Mom was certainly in for a surprise. I felt the nerves on my stomach start flip flopping as I followed the signs for screen two.The little gravel road led us to very back lot that faced the woods It was way away from screen one and for good reasons.
The movie hadn't started yet so we found a nice spot near the middle. The parking area was packed with cars and I was lucky to even get a spot. I rolled my window down and unhooked the speaker from the pole and gently hooked it on my window.
"I haven't been to a drive in movie in over twenty years,Baby." she said.
I smiled at her nervously,"Do you want a pop corn and drink?"
She clapped her hands,"Yes. I want a large so we can share it!But you better hurry the movie is starting in ten minutes,Baby."
I got out and made my way between the cars. Most of the windows were fogged up and one car was bouncing up and down.Oh shit. They were already starting. I found the snack stand and purchased the popcorn and drink and quickly headed back.
I climbed into the truck and Mom practically snatched the popcorn from me and started munching. "I just love theater popcorn AJ. Don't you?"
"Yeah mom,it good.",I reached into the bucket and grabbed a handful of the popcorn and tried to relax.
"You look nervous,Baby. Are you okay with watching a romance with your Mom." she giggled.
I laughed and took a drink of the soda,"I'm fine."
Suddenly the movie started and the title flashed across the screen,in big bold red letters,"Bang Bang Betty."
Mom looked at me and smirked,"That don't sound french?"
I shrugged.
The sounds of people having sex suddenly burst through the speaker and the movie started playing. A raven hair starlet was on her back and she was getting her pussy eaten by a big guy. She had her legs draped over his muscular shoulders and she was moaning loudly.
Lilly's mouth dropped and she sat back in the seat,"I'd say this french alright." She plopped some popcorn in her mouth and watched intently.
Fuck me! I thought she would be screaming for me to lets get out of there. But no she had her green eyes locked on the action taking place. The guys stops eating Betty's pussy and he raised up and shit did he have a dick on him. It was at least twelve inches long and looked as thick as my wrist.
"Oh goodness!" Lilly exclaimed,"He's huge!"
The man mounts Betty and he stuffs his cock deep into her pussy well used pussy and he starts banging the absolute fuck out of her."
Lilly looked at me wide eyed,"She took that,whole thing!"
I started laughing and she ignored me and started munching on her popcorn. A few large pieces dropped onto the top of her breasts and I don't know where my nerve came from, but I reached over and plucked them off of her tits and ate them,"Mmmmm!"
Lilly looked at me and then giggled,and shook her head,"Stop THAT!"
I just smiled and then reached into the bucket and I purposely drop some popcorn in my lap and looked at her,"Oops!" I winked.
"AJ!!",Lilly giggled then she reaches over and gingerly picks up each piece and plops them in her mouth."Your right it does taste better."
She starts watching the movie again.I slide close to her and put my arm over her shoulder and with my free hand I take out a hand full of popcorn and drop it on the tops of her breasts.
Her mouth drops and turns to a grin and she rolls her eyes, she,"What in the world.AJ!"
I ignore her and lean in and I begin eating the popcorn off the tops of her tits and she does nothing to stop me. Which told me all I needed to know. I slid my hand to the back of her dress and pinch the little zipper pull and slowly begin tugging it down and she actually leans forward a little.
The dress falls into her lap and I instantly see that she's not wearing a bra. Fuck me if she don't have the prettiest sets I've ever seen on a woman! Two large ample orbs of mams with two pink little button shaped nipple that just made my mouth water,"Oh man!" I lean in and started kissing caressing her breasts.
"Oh AJ!" She arches her back forcing her tits hard against my mouth. And at that same moment I feel her small hand slid between my legs and she cups my crotch tenderly.
I look up at her and her attention is still on the movie. She opens my fly and pushes her hand inside and gently squeezes and tugs at my dick "Your big!" she said and this time she looks at me and I lean in and kiss her. Lilly pushes her long tongue into my mouth the move took my breath away and we start kissing passionately.
Then suddenly she pushes my face away and shoves me back against the driver's door.She pulls the dress down her legs and that's when I discover she wearing a set of hose that split in the middle and her bald pink cunt is on display for my young eyes. It certainly didn't look as used and worn out as Bang Bang Betty's.
Lilly grabs my belt and snatches it open with such force that the button holding my pants pops loose. She pulls me down on top of her as I'm fight to wriggle my pants down. Lilly straddles my waist and reaches between us and takes my cock and guides me into her pussy. I thrust all the way to the hilt inside her warm slick and I just start fucking her.
"Oh Baby yes FUCK Mommy!" she squeaked."YESSS!"
And I did fuck mommy. Oh shit her pussy felt so GOOD!"
Her mousy little whimpers were like music to my ears causing me to fuck her even harder.The truck was rocking hard as I started using the door panel for leverage. I wanted to split her pussy in two.
She was screaming in pleasure and I was grunting and gasping like I was doing push ups inside her.
"I'm about orgasm,AJ! Oh Baby Im so close...Im sooo...OHHH GAWDDDD AaaaaJaaaa!!! Lilly's pussy gripped my cock and her small body instantly began bucking and trembling beneath me. I'd never made a woman orgasm before.
Holy fuck this was awesome! It excited me to the point I too came and I slammed my cock to hilt and I pissed my load deep inside her pussy. I cried out and slowly collapsed on top of her, both of us breathing so hard and fast. I was too weak to pull out of her, and I didn't want to either not when my dick felt so at home inside of her. I finally managed to raise up on my elbow and I looked down at her and she looked at me, neither of us said a word,all had been said.
Lilly and I left the drive In and drove home. She didn't speak to me. And when I pulled into the drive way she gets out and hurries into the house. I sat the truck.Was she mad at me? I didn't know.Maybe she felt guilty but I damn sure didn't. I finally made my way into the house.My legs were fucking tired so I made my way to my room and found Lilly asleep in my bed. She sat up and smiled and patted the space beside her.
I smiled too and walked over and laid down beside of her. I pulled her body close and kissed her fully on the mouth and she reached between us take my cock into her soft hand...
The End

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