Mom caught me redhanded
It was a summer vacation after my SSLC exam. My sisters and younger brother had gone to aunt's house to spend 2 months vacation. Simultaneously my dad
had gone out of state for 2 months to attend one official training. In short for 2 months,mom and me were all alone in home. I used to sleep at 1st floor bedroom.Mom used to sleep at ground floor in a bedroom adjacent to their original bedroom ( since dad was not there.) Normally after dinner, she used to sleep at around 8.30 night.
I used to go to 1st floor at 9 and sleep around 10.
One night around 10 I laid down in the bed without bothering to close my bedroom. The bedroom light was on.
I took off my clothes and became totally nude and started slowly masterbating. At the climax, I found mom standing near me. I did not even hear her footsteps. I was totally embarrassed. She did not make any comments and went back as though nothing special happened. Next day at breakfast table and lunch hour she acted as though nothing special happened previous night.
Just before dinner she told me " dear son don't forget to say goodnight
before you go to bed. I wanted to say something to you "
I was surprised hearing mom to ask me say goodnight to her. So after finishing dinner at 8.30 at around 9 I went to her bed and sat at the edge of her bed. She had covered fully herself with a thin bedsheet.
She started " my sweet son, what you were doing yesterday night was nothing to get ashamed. Before marriage 80% of boys and 60 % of girls do it.Only thing is that you should not overdo it ,otherwise your health will be spoiled. I instantly replied " No mom, I never overdo it. I do it only once a week,and hope it is not too much" Mom agreed.
Suddenly Mom commented " It is too don't feel hot ? During summer
I always sleep without anything on my body." Hearing this unexpected comment made me shiver.Last about20 minutes I was sitting only inches away from mymom
who was fully naked. Now mom removed the bedsheet from her body and asked me to lay beside her.Since the bedroom lamp was on, I could see her beautiful naked body clearly. As per her instructions, I removed all my clothes and lay closely beside her. By this time seeing her sensuous body my fairly big cock ( I was 15 then) started dancing. From her expressions I could find she was enjoying me closely observing her body and also seeing my cock dancing. After laying beside her
I immediately asked her " Darling mom, l want to ask you something which you should reply truthfully."Mom asked in return " Darling, what is that question " I instantly asked " My sweetest mom, you just told me 60 % of girls do masterbation before their marriage. You are one of those 60% girls or one of the 40% girls who didn't masterbate " Mom was quite embarrassed to this question and commented " You naughty boy, this is a very difficult question to answer. But I can't hide any thing from you.I used to do masturbation once in a fortnight before marriage. Since I did not have any boyfriends, I could not imagine anybody while masterbating.
Now let me ask you some thing.During masterbation you imagined some of your girl friends? I instantly replied " No mom, Idid not have any girlfriends. Mom commented " do you.mean you never imagined anybody? " I replied I was imagining somebody but I am too shy as well as afraid to tell you that" Mom commented " I told you many things including my masterbation, so why you are hesitant to tell me." I hesitatingly replied " my sweetest mom
it is none other than you.hope you remember we bathed together when I was only 12.On that day seeing your beautiful naked body I started feeling sexual desires towards you.So at the age of 14 when I started masturbating I started imagining you.
" you told me while masterbating you imagined me.I want to see how you masterbate." I instantly replied. "Darling mom, I will suggest something. " while you explain how you masturbate, I will do it on your body and when I narrate mine you should do it on my body. That will be quite interesting. " Mom agreed. She took my my middle finger along with right palm to her pussy area and asked me to insert the middle finger into her pussyhole which I did.Her pussy hole was half wet. I made to and fro motions and gently sqeesed her "kantu".From her facial expressions I could know that not only me but she was also enjoying it thoroughly. I carried it for about ten minutes until her pussy became totally wet. Now I started narrating my masterbation methods. I brought her right palm to my half erected cock. She fondled it and made it fully erected. I asked her touch the tip of my cock and fondle it tightly from the tip to starting point of my cock including my balls which she did. I reached heavens. She continued for ten minutes until the cock cummed. As usual the quantity of semen was very little. Any way after cleaning the cock with the bedsheet, she told that we will take rest for 15 minutes before we start next session of filthy talks and sensual activities.
After 15 minutes, I asked mom " Darling mom, you had told me during summer you always slept without anything on your body.Were you doing it even while you slept with dad? " Mom really got shocked to hear this unexpected question from me. For five minutes she kept silence. I knew that the actual reason for her embarrassment is the fact that
she is under the wrong impression that I am totally unaware the secret of how babies are conceived.So I decided to narrate her the happenings of when I was only 13.I explained in detail how I
found she and dad making sexual interaction.Also from next night onwards she started sleeping with us in the adjacent bedroom wearing only rowka and underskirt under the pretext that it was too hot.Making sure that we ( me and brother) are asleep she used to slip from our bedroom and used to go and sleep with dad.Once the sexual activities were over she could easily wear the rowka and underskirt.She was very clever. If she had slept with us the full dress ( saree,blouse,rowka and underskirt ) once she finishes fucking with my dad ( when she will be totally nude) it will take more time to get fully dressed. But wearing only saree and blouse will take comparatively less time. She was extremely clever, but poor mom never knew that I was knowing all these in full details. Mom tod " oh my God I could never expect the things you narrated now.The only positive thing is that now I can without embarrassment reply your question " When you sleep during summer
with dad also you slept without anything on ?" "Yes now I can boldly say that in summer while sleeping with your dad also I used to sleep without anything on " I replied " Darling mom, we have nearly two months left being alone at home. So since we are a bit tirednow we will keep our filthy talks and sexual activities for the future next nights. Now we will sleep"
Next night we had early dinner and reached the bed by 9.Mom told 2 days back when you told me while masterbating you imagined me I thought you must have imagined me standing in front of you fully naked position. But after hearing your yesterday's narration I am doubtful whether it was fully correct.I replied " Darling mom I had seen the things when I was only 13.But I started masturbating only after one year ( at 14) . By that time some of my senior classmates had given me some books mentioning about incest stories especially the relationships between mom and son.I used to read it inside the toilet. So while masterbating, I started imagining doing sexual activities with mom. I was a bit
afraid to admit this to mom thinking that she might get angry. On the contrary she made a naughty smile and gave me pinch on my face. Till then we were in full dress.Now she suggested that we will unrobe each other. So I first removed her saree.She removed my shirt. Then I removed her blouse. She in turn removed my bunion.I removed her
rowka and she removed my lungi.Now we simultaneously removed her underskirt and my underwear. She asked me " my darling son, do you want to do the things you imagine during masterbation, now really on my body? I happily said yes. Then she said "go ahead " meanwhile She asked me which part of my body you like more ,that area now you can massage. I immediately took my right palm to her feet and started massaging there and upwards to both of her semi dark smooth fleshy thighs.Simultaneously we started French kiss.Her thighs were extremely hot. I reached her pussy area surrounded by thick black pubic hair and fondled it for about five minutes.Then I massaged her smooth,fleshy buttocks. On my request turned away from me facing me her buttocks. I pulled her right palm to my half erected cock. She fondled it made fully erect.I inserted my fully erected cock to her pussyhole through her asscrack and made to and fro motions for about ten minutes until it cummed.She lovingly looked at my half erected cock and slightly fondled it and commented " your cock is growing day by day.We occupied the bed.
I started " Darling mom, can I know the detailed day by day narrations of your sexual activities right from the night of your wedding.Means for the first few days.Inbfact I was interested to know this one year back itself. But I was afraid to ask you this. Now after my narration yesterday I am emboldened to ask you. This will be a very good filthy talk. " Mom started " First night I was not ready for a sexual activity.Your dad was a gentleman and so he guessed my position and we slept that night just having some normal talk
Next night he removed my saree , blouse
and rowka one by one. Meanwhile he removed his shirt,banyan and dothi. I was feeling too much shy. He started pressing my breasts by his right palm one by one. My breasts were not so big at that time. Anyway we both enjoyed our activities.When he gave me French kiss both of our bodies got heated up. He then removed my underwear and his underwear and we both became fully nude.He lowered his face downwards, and started licking my pussy area.Although I was feeling too shy, I enjoyed his actions. Then he started inserting his fully erected fairly big cock into my pussy hole.But my hymen was obstructing the action and so our activities remained incomplete and we slept awaiting next night.
Next day your dad discussed this issue with a close friend of him( he was married a couple of years ago .He told daddy not to worry and that it will take at least 3 or 4 days to get the things settled. When your dad told me this next night I was really relieved since I was doubting something was wrong with my pussy. Any way on 4th day of our marriage dad's fully erected big cock pierced through my pussy breaking my hymen. So the next nights we enjoyed our sexual activities. " Now I intrupted " Darling mom, what sort of poses you enjoyed ? " Mom replied instantly " I will sleep on my back and your dad will lie on my body and fuck" I interrupted again " Mom that pose is called missionary pose and 80% of Indians resort to this pose" Hearing this mom pinched on my face and commented " You naughty darling, you know much more than what I know"
Then again I asked " Mom, all these years, you people had been resorting to only this pose ?" Mom replied " most of the times we were resorting to this pose only. But some times for a change ,we used to reverse the pose. Means he will sleep on his back and I will jump over him and insert my pussy into his fully erected big cock and push it to and fro until it cummed." What about massaging, had you both any time experimented on that ? " Mom instantly replied " of course we enjoyed it many times" Now I told mom" my sweetest mom, we can stop today's filthy talk now and start action. What about massaging each other ? ? Mom readily agreed." I will start first,I told her and she agreed. I started massaging from her head and covered her full face.Then we engaged in French kiss which made our bodies quite hot.I lowered my right palm down and touched her boobs. As I told earlier, since they were sagging I did not spend much time in massaging her books. I lowered further my right palm through her stomach to her pussy area.I spent about 15 minutes in fondling her sexy pussy areas surrounded by black thick and bushy pubic hair. I knew not only me but she akso enjoyed it.Then I loweredmy right palm further down and massaged one by one her beautiful slightly dark and quite fleshy thighs and reached her feet. Now as per my instructions, she turned over and lay with her face towards the bed.I started gently with her neck and came down to her buttocks via her shoulder and back.
For about fifteen minutes I carried out my operations in the buttocks area.Oh my God it was slightly dark and fully fleshy area.My right palm wandered the entire area of the ass cheeks. Then I inserted my palm into her ass cracks andvstarted fondling the areas from ass hole to the bottom tip of her pussy.It included pressing gently her kantu. Then I reached her feet and I concluded my activities. Now it was her turn. I lay onmmy back.she started on my face and reached via chest to my half erected fairly big cock.After fondling and making it fully erected, she touched the tip of my cock and pulled it downwards and gently pressed my balls.This she carried on until my cock cumned ,of course with minimum quantity of semen. She cleaned it with bed sheet and we concluded our operation for that night and awated next night.
Next night I asked mom " Darling mom, all these years you both had been resorting to only two types of poses.? " Mom instantly replied " yes and commented do you have any other poses ? " I explained yes. The cock can be inserted from rear " Hearing this mom instantly asked me " You mean inserting the cock into my asshole.That is too much" I replied " not at all mom. Cock will be inserted into.pussyhole only,but from rear through your ass Crack." Mom commented " I didn't know about it and we never resorted it so far.Anyway you naughty boy you know many many things I didn't know. Even if you know that it will be quite pleasurable, I can't suggest this to your dad.I can't tell him I got it from you,is it not ?. Any way we can do it now.If I find it pleasurable, we can do it occasionally during the coming seven weeks when we wi be all alone." Now as per my suggestion, she lay on her sides facing away from me. From rear side I reached my right palm to her pussy areas surrounded by black thick and bushy pubic hair, which was my favorite area. Meanwhile I brought her right palm to my half erected cock.She fondled it by her smooth,soft and warm right palm ,also pressed gently my balls.When my cock erected fully, I spread her ass cheeks and inserted my fully erected cock into her pussyhole through her ass Crack.With a bit difficulty my cock could reach her pussyhole. I pushed it vigorously and made to and fro motions for about 15 minutes until it cummed into her pussy.Then I cleaned my cock and her pussy are with the bedsheet.When I asked her how was the pose and whether she enjoyed it. With a bit of shyness she replied " Darling son, to be very frank I enjoyed it thoroughly and we will do it occasionally during the coming 7 weeks" I was very happy to hear that. We stopped that night's operations and awaited next night.
Next night I askedmom " My sweetest mom
please tell me whether you both had bathed together.Mom replied " Just after marriage we had shifted to an independent house on rent from our ancestral house. Your dad had suggested
his desire to have combined bath. I was also interested in that. But the problem was that my mother in law was also staying with us. After about one month she made visits to a couple of her close relatives which lasted for full two months.It was a great opportunity for us. But by that time your dad had restarted going to his office after a break after our marriage. On his working days we could not do any combined bath. But since Saturday and Sundays were holidays ,we took that opportunity vicely.In two months we got altogether sixteen holidays ( 2×4×2) which we really utilized. I interrupted "okay mom, please explain me the details,I am curious to hear that." With slight embarrassment she started. " we were all alone. Still we didn't want to take any chance.Unexpectedly any relative or friends should not pop in. So we closed
the front door and exit door.Once we were inside the bathroom, we discussed robbed our set of clothes each other.
Although for the last many days while fucking,we were fully naked, since at those times we were in slight dark room except the bedroom lamp.Now for the first time I had to remain in fully naked condition in front of your dad in
broad day light. So I was feeling too much shy. Seeing me in such a condition
your dad's reasonably big cock erected almost fully. Through the corner of my eyes, I managed to look at his erected cock.I don't know whether he noticed it or not.He asked me who should start first me or you. I replied " you".He agreed. He took the wet soap and started applying it on my face except my eyes.He lowered his right palm to my neck and reached my boobs. As you know, our marriage was only one month old and so my boobs were very firm and comparatively small.He pressed them one by one and applied the soap.I was shivering with pleasure. He spent about 15 minutes for cleaning my boobs which we both enjoyed equally. Then he lowered his right palm and reached my pussy area via my stomach. With soap water in his palm he wandered it throughout my pussy area surrounded by thick black and bushy pubic hair. He gently sqeezed my clitoris also. I was in heavens. He spent about ten minutes there. Then he reached my feet via my thighs. In those days my thighs were not so fleshy as you see now.Then he turned me away from him.Started with the neck and reached my buttocks.Even those days my buttocks was reasonably fleshy. He wandered his palm in the full area of my ass cheeks.Then he askedme to bend forward so that my ass Crack will slightly widen. He inserted his palm into my ass Crack and fondled it in the whole area from my asshole to the bottom tip of my pussy.He spent around 15 minutes there. Then I poured hot water into my body and dried it.
Next night mom asked me " You told me you were imagining me while you masturbated . You will like to have actual sexual activities with me which you were imagining. I was quite surprised to hear this from her.But I asked her I am interested, but my dad will approve this ? Do he feel jealous.
If I do sexual activities with anybody else naturally he will feel jealous. But if it were you I don't think he will. Still I don't want tontake any risk. So I won't tell him this and this will remain a secret between us only. At that time we both were fully dressed. She with her saree,blouse, rowka and underskirt( she never used lingerie.I was with my shirt,banyan,lungi and underwear. So we both were having four types of dress each. I told her we will play strip poker game. She sincerely asked what was that.I explained her. We will play some simple play cards.The one who fail in the first game has to remove his or her one item of the dress. Which one is to be removed is one's own choice.But any one is left with the last piece of dress and fail in the game, he or she doesn't have to remove it.Both should simultaneously remove both of their dress. First game I lost. I removed my shirt.second game she failed. She removed her saree.Third game I failed. I REMOVED my banyan.Fourth game she failed. She removed her blouse. Fifth game I failed .I removed my underwear and left with only my lunki.sixth game she failed.She removed her rowka and was left with only her underskirt.Sixth game I failed.But as per rule we removed our dresses simultaneously and became fully naked in the light of bedroom lamp.Although we had seen our naked bodies before, in the bedroom light very close to each other, we were seeing it for the first time. So we ,especially mom were feeling too much shy although enjoying seeing each others' full naked body through corner of our eyes.I fondled her sagging boobs
with both of my palms.To be frank, I didn't enjoy fondling her sagging boobs. But I didn't reveal it to her since she will feel bad. Now she fondled my half erected cock to make it fully erected.As per my request she fondled not only my cock but also my balls which Ibenjoyed.Now I reached her
pussy area surrounded by black thick pubic hair. After fondling it a couple of minutes I inserted my middle finger into her pussy hole which both of us enjoyed equally.Now I wandered my right palm on her smooth and soft ass cheeks.Then I inserted my right palm into her asscrack and fondled from her asshole to the bottom tip of her pussy.
Now we both were fully excited. We moved to our bed.I jumped over her
and slightly spread her thighs and inserted my fully erected cock into her half wet pussy hole.Nade to and fro motions for aboutbten minutes until my cock cummed into her pussy. Cleaned ourselves and awaited the next night.
had gone out of state for 2 months to attend one official training. In short for 2 months,mom and me were all alone in home. I used to sleep at 1st floor bedroom.Mom used to sleep at ground floor in a bedroom adjacent to their original bedroom ( since dad was not there.) Normally after dinner, she used to sleep at around 8.30 night.
I used to go to 1st floor at 9 and sleep around 10.
One night around 10 I laid down in the bed without bothering to close my bedroom. The bedroom light was on.
I took off my clothes and became totally nude and started slowly masterbating. At the climax, I found mom standing near me. I did not even hear her footsteps. I was totally embarrassed. She did not make any comments and went back as though nothing special happened. Next day at breakfast table and lunch hour she acted as though nothing special happened previous night.
Just before dinner she told me " dear son don't forget to say goodnight
before you go to bed. I wanted to say something to you "
I was surprised hearing mom to ask me say goodnight to her. So after finishing dinner at 8.30 at around 9 I went to her bed and sat at the edge of her bed. She had covered fully herself with a thin bedsheet.
She started " my sweet son, what you were doing yesterday night was nothing to get ashamed. Before marriage 80% of boys and 60 % of girls do it.Only thing is that you should not overdo it ,otherwise your health will be spoiled. I instantly replied " No mom, I never overdo it. I do it only once a week,and hope it is not too much" Mom agreed.
Suddenly Mom commented " It is too don't feel hot ? During summer
I always sleep without anything on my body." Hearing this unexpected comment made me shiver.Last about20 minutes I was sitting only inches away from mymom
who was fully naked. Now mom removed the bedsheet from her body and asked me to lay beside her.Since the bedroom lamp was on, I could see her beautiful naked body clearly. As per her instructions, I removed all my clothes and lay closely beside her. By this time seeing her sensuous body my fairly big cock ( I was 15 then) started dancing. From her expressions I could find she was enjoying me closely observing her body and also seeing my cock dancing. After laying beside her
I immediately asked her " Darling mom, l want to ask you something which you should reply truthfully."Mom asked in return " Darling, what is that question " I instantly asked " My sweetest mom, you just told me 60 % of girls do masterbation before their marriage. You are one of those 60% girls or one of the 40% girls who didn't masterbate " Mom was quite embarrassed to this question and commented " You naughty boy, this is a very difficult question to answer. But I can't hide any thing from you.I used to do masturbation once in a fortnight before marriage. Since I did not have any boyfriends, I could not imagine anybody while masterbating.
Now let me ask you some thing.During masterbation you imagined some of your girl friends? I instantly replied " No mom, Idid not have any girlfriends. Mom commented " do you.mean you never imagined anybody? " I replied I was imagining somebody but I am too shy as well as afraid to tell you that" Mom commented " I told you many things including my masterbation, so why you are hesitant to tell me." I hesitatingly replied " my sweetest mom
it is none other than you.hope you remember we bathed together when I was only 12.On that day seeing your beautiful naked body I started feeling sexual desires towards you.So at the age of 14 when I started masturbating I started imagining you.
" you told me while masterbating you imagined me.I want to see how you masterbate." I instantly replied. "Darling mom, I will suggest something. " while you explain how you masturbate, I will do it on your body and when I narrate mine you should do it on my body. That will be quite interesting. " Mom agreed. She took my my middle finger along with right palm to her pussy area and asked me to insert the middle finger into her pussyhole which I did.Her pussy hole was half wet. I made to and fro motions and gently sqeesed her "kantu".From her facial expressions I could know that not only me but she was also enjoying it thoroughly. I carried it for about ten minutes until her pussy became totally wet. Now I started narrating my masterbation methods. I brought her right palm to my half erected cock. She fondled it and made it fully erected. I asked her touch the tip of my cock and fondle it tightly from the tip to starting point of my cock including my balls which she did. I reached heavens. She continued for ten minutes until the cock cummed. As usual the quantity of semen was very little. Any way after cleaning the cock with the bedsheet, she told that we will take rest for 15 minutes before we start next session of filthy talks and sensual activities.
After 15 minutes, I asked mom " Darling mom, you had told me during summer you always slept without anything on your body.Were you doing it even while you slept with dad? " Mom really got shocked to hear this unexpected question from me. For five minutes she kept silence. I knew that the actual reason for her embarrassment is the fact that
she is under the wrong impression that I am totally unaware the secret of how babies are conceived.So I decided to narrate her the happenings of when I was only 13.I explained in detail how I
found she and dad making sexual interaction.Also from next night onwards she started sleeping with us in the adjacent bedroom wearing only rowka and underskirt under the pretext that it was too hot.Making sure that we ( me and brother) are asleep she used to slip from our bedroom and used to go and sleep with dad.Once the sexual activities were over she could easily wear the rowka and underskirt.She was very clever. If she had slept with us the full dress ( saree,blouse,rowka and underskirt ) once she finishes fucking with my dad ( when she will be totally nude) it will take more time to get fully dressed. But wearing only saree and blouse will take comparatively less time. She was extremely clever, but poor mom never knew that I was knowing all these in full details. Mom tod " oh my God I could never expect the things you narrated now.The only positive thing is that now I can without embarrassment reply your question " When you sleep during summer
with dad also you slept without anything on ?" "Yes now I can boldly say that in summer while sleeping with your dad also I used to sleep without anything on " I replied " Darling mom, we have nearly two months left being alone at home. So since we are a bit tirednow we will keep our filthy talks and sexual activities for the future next nights. Now we will sleep"
Next night we had early dinner and reached the bed by 9.Mom told 2 days back when you told me while masterbating you imagined me I thought you must have imagined me standing in front of you fully naked position. But after hearing your yesterday's narration I am doubtful whether it was fully correct.I replied " Darling mom I had seen the things when I was only 13.But I started masturbating only after one year ( at 14) . By that time some of my senior classmates had given me some books mentioning about incest stories especially the relationships between mom and son.I used to read it inside the toilet. So while masterbating, I started imagining doing sexual activities with mom. I was a bit
afraid to admit this to mom thinking that she might get angry. On the contrary she made a naughty smile and gave me pinch on my face. Till then we were in full dress.Now she suggested that we will unrobe each other. So I first removed her saree.She removed my shirt. Then I removed her blouse. She in turn removed my bunion.I removed her
rowka and she removed my lungi.Now we simultaneously removed her underskirt and my underwear. She asked me " my darling son, do you want to do the things you imagine during masterbation, now really on my body? I happily said yes. Then she said "go ahead " meanwhile She asked me which part of my body you like more ,that area now you can massage. I immediately took my right palm to her feet and started massaging there and upwards to both of her semi dark smooth fleshy thighs.Simultaneously we started French kiss.Her thighs were extremely hot. I reached her pussy area surrounded by thick black pubic hair and fondled it for about five minutes.Then I massaged her smooth,fleshy buttocks. On my request turned away from me facing me her buttocks. I pulled her right palm to my half erected cock. She fondled it made fully erect.I inserted my fully erected cock to her pussyhole through her asscrack and made to and fro motions for about ten minutes until it cummed.She lovingly looked at my half erected cock and slightly fondled it and commented " your cock is growing day by day.We occupied the bed.
I started " Darling mom, can I know the detailed day by day narrations of your sexual activities right from the night of your wedding.Means for the first few days.Inbfact I was interested to know this one year back itself. But I was afraid to ask you this. Now after my narration yesterday I am emboldened to ask you. This will be a very good filthy talk. " Mom started " First night I was not ready for a sexual activity.Your dad was a gentleman and so he guessed my position and we slept that night just having some normal talk
Next night he removed my saree , blouse
and rowka one by one. Meanwhile he removed his shirt,banyan and dothi. I was feeling too much shy. He started pressing my breasts by his right palm one by one. My breasts were not so big at that time. Anyway we both enjoyed our activities.When he gave me French kiss both of our bodies got heated up. He then removed my underwear and his underwear and we both became fully nude.He lowered his face downwards, and started licking my pussy area.Although I was feeling too shy, I enjoyed his actions. Then he started inserting his fully erected fairly big cock into my pussy hole.But my hymen was obstructing the action and so our activities remained incomplete and we slept awaiting next night.
Next day your dad discussed this issue with a close friend of him( he was married a couple of years ago .He told daddy not to worry and that it will take at least 3 or 4 days to get the things settled. When your dad told me this next night I was really relieved since I was doubting something was wrong with my pussy. Any way on 4th day of our marriage dad's fully erected big cock pierced through my pussy breaking my hymen. So the next nights we enjoyed our sexual activities. " Now I intrupted " Darling mom, what sort of poses you enjoyed ? " Mom replied instantly " I will sleep on my back and your dad will lie on my body and fuck" I interrupted again " Mom that pose is called missionary pose and 80% of Indians resort to this pose" Hearing this mom pinched on my face and commented " You naughty darling, you know much more than what I know"
Then again I asked " Mom, all these years, you people had been resorting to only this pose ?" Mom replied " most of the times we were resorting to this pose only. But some times for a change ,we used to reverse the pose. Means he will sleep on his back and I will jump over him and insert my pussy into his fully erected big cock and push it to and fro until it cummed." What about massaging, had you both any time experimented on that ? " Mom instantly replied " of course we enjoyed it many times" Now I told mom" my sweetest mom, we can stop today's filthy talk now and start action. What about massaging each other ? ? Mom readily agreed." I will start first,I told her and she agreed. I started massaging from her head and covered her full face.Then we engaged in French kiss which made our bodies quite hot.I lowered my right palm down and touched her boobs. As I told earlier, since they were sagging I did not spend much time in massaging her books. I lowered further my right palm through her stomach to her pussy area.I spent about 15 minutes in fondling her sexy pussy areas surrounded by black thick and bushy pubic hair. I knew not only me but she akso enjoyed it.Then I loweredmy right palm further down and massaged one by one her beautiful slightly dark and quite fleshy thighs and reached her feet. Now as per my instructions, she turned over and lay with her face towards the bed.I started gently with her neck and came down to her buttocks via her shoulder and back.
For about fifteen minutes I carried out my operations in the buttocks area.Oh my God it was slightly dark and fully fleshy area.My right palm wandered the entire area of the ass cheeks. Then I inserted my palm into her ass cracks andvstarted fondling the areas from ass hole to the bottom tip of her pussy.It included pressing gently her kantu. Then I reached her feet and I concluded my activities. Now it was her turn. I lay onmmy back.she started on my face and reached via chest to my half erected fairly big cock.After fondling and making it fully erected, she touched the tip of my cock and pulled it downwards and gently pressed my balls.This she carried on until my cock cumned ,of course with minimum quantity of semen. She cleaned it with bed sheet and we concluded our operation for that night and awated next night.
Next night I asked mom " Darling mom, all these years you both had been resorting to only two types of poses.? " Mom instantly replied " yes and commented do you have any other poses ? " I explained yes. The cock can be inserted from rear " Hearing this mom instantly asked me " You mean inserting the cock into my asshole.That is too much" I replied " not at all mom. Cock will be inserted into.pussyhole only,but from rear through your ass Crack." Mom commented " I didn't know about it and we never resorted it so far.Anyway you naughty boy you know many many things I didn't know. Even if you know that it will be quite pleasurable, I can't suggest this to your dad.I can't tell him I got it from you,is it not ?. Any way we can do it now.If I find it pleasurable, we can do it occasionally during the coming seven weeks when we wi be all alone." Now as per my suggestion, she lay on her sides facing away from me. From rear side I reached my right palm to her pussy areas surrounded by black thick and bushy pubic hair, which was my favorite area. Meanwhile I brought her right palm to my half erected cock.She fondled it by her smooth,soft and warm right palm ,also pressed gently my balls.When my cock erected fully, I spread her ass cheeks and inserted my fully erected cock into her pussyhole through her ass Crack.With a bit difficulty my cock could reach her pussyhole. I pushed it vigorously and made to and fro motions for about 15 minutes until it cummed into her pussy.Then I cleaned my cock and her pussy are with the bedsheet.When I asked her how was the pose and whether she enjoyed it. With a bit of shyness she replied " Darling son, to be very frank I enjoyed it thoroughly and we will do it occasionally during the coming 7 weeks" I was very happy to hear that. We stopped that night's operations and awaited next night.
Next night I askedmom " My sweetest mom
please tell me whether you both had bathed together.Mom replied " Just after marriage we had shifted to an independent house on rent from our ancestral house. Your dad had suggested
his desire to have combined bath. I was also interested in that. But the problem was that my mother in law was also staying with us. After about one month she made visits to a couple of her close relatives which lasted for full two months.It was a great opportunity for us. But by that time your dad had restarted going to his office after a break after our marriage. On his working days we could not do any combined bath. But since Saturday and Sundays were holidays ,we took that opportunity vicely.In two months we got altogether sixteen holidays ( 2×4×2) which we really utilized. I interrupted "okay mom, please explain me the details,I am curious to hear that." With slight embarrassment she started. " we were all alone. Still we didn't want to take any chance.Unexpectedly any relative or friends should not pop in. So we closed
the front door and exit door.Once we were inside the bathroom, we discussed robbed our set of clothes each other.
Although for the last many days while fucking,we were fully naked, since at those times we were in slight dark room except the bedroom lamp.Now for the first time I had to remain in fully naked condition in front of your dad in
broad day light. So I was feeling too much shy. Seeing me in such a condition
your dad's reasonably big cock erected almost fully. Through the corner of my eyes, I managed to look at his erected cock.I don't know whether he noticed it or not.He asked me who should start first me or you. I replied " you".He agreed. He took the wet soap and started applying it on my face except my eyes.He lowered his right palm to my neck and reached my boobs. As you know, our marriage was only one month old and so my boobs were very firm and comparatively small.He pressed them one by one and applied the soap.I was shivering with pleasure. He spent about 15 minutes for cleaning my boobs which we both enjoyed equally. Then he lowered his right palm and reached my pussy area via my stomach. With soap water in his palm he wandered it throughout my pussy area surrounded by thick black and bushy pubic hair. He gently sqeezed my clitoris also. I was in heavens. He spent about ten minutes there. Then he reached my feet via my thighs. In those days my thighs were not so fleshy as you see now.Then he turned me away from him.Started with the neck and reached my buttocks.Even those days my buttocks was reasonably fleshy. He wandered his palm in the full area of my ass cheeks.Then he askedme to bend forward so that my ass Crack will slightly widen. He inserted his palm into my ass Crack and fondled it in the whole area from my asshole to the bottom tip of my pussy.He spent around 15 minutes there. Then I poured hot water into my body and dried it.
Next night mom asked me " You told me you were imagining me while you masturbated . You will like to have actual sexual activities with me which you were imagining. I was quite surprised to hear this from her.But I asked her I am interested, but my dad will approve this ? Do he feel jealous.
If I do sexual activities with anybody else naturally he will feel jealous. But if it were you I don't think he will. Still I don't want tontake any risk. So I won't tell him this and this will remain a secret between us only. At that time we both were fully dressed. She with her saree,blouse, rowka and underskirt( she never used lingerie.I was with my shirt,banyan,lungi and underwear. So we both were having four types of dress each. I told her we will play strip poker game. She sincerely asked what was that.I explained her. We will play some simple play cards.The one who fail in the first game has to remove his or her one item of the dress. Which one is to be removed is one's own choice.But any one is left with the last piece of dress and fail in the game, he or she doesn't have to remove it.Both should simultaneously remove both of their dress. First game I lost. I removed my shirt.second game she failed. She removed her saree.Third game I failed. I REMOVED my banyan.Fourth game she failed. She removed her blouse. Fifth game I failed .I removed my underwear and left with only my lunki.sixth game she failed.She removed her rowka and was left with only her underskirt.Sixth game I failed.But as per rule we removed our dresses simultaneously and became fully naked in the light of bedroom lamp.Although we had seen our naked bodies before, in the bedroom light very close to each other, we were seeing it for the first time. So we ,especially mom were feeling too much shy although enjoying seeing each others' full naked body through corner of our eyes.I fondled her sagging boobs
with both of my palms.To be frank, I didn't enjoy fondling her sagging boobs. But I didn't reveal it to her since she will feel bad. Now she fondled my half erected cock to make it fully erected.As per my request she fondled not only my cock but also my balls which Ibenjoyed.Now I reached her
pussy area surrounded by black thick pubic hair. After fondling it a couple of minutes I inserted my middle finger into her pussy hole which both of us enjoyed equally.Now I wandered my right palm on her smooth and soft ass cheeks.Then I inserted my right palm into her asscrack and fondled from her asshole to the bottom tip of her pussy.
Now we both were fully excited. We moved to our bed.I jumped over her
and slightly spread her thighs and inserted my fully erected cock into her half wet pussy hole.Nade to and fro motions for aboutbten minutes until my cock cummed into her pussy. Cleaned ourselves and awaited the next night.
Continue to read from the same author
previous story
Sister in law and menext story
My elder sister's friend.
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