The Evil Babysitter
Rob eagerly awaited the arrival of his new babysitter. She sounded like a real jem too. Rob sat in the driveway, a basketball in hand, and thought about the sort of fun they would have together. The brunette youth, with his thin build was scarce eight, and as he waited, his energy overcame him and he couldn’t’ help but run about energetically around the driveway, bouncing his basketball around the place and throwing it in the air. His blue eyes shone with laughter and energy. Rob stopped, puffing and sat down and looked at his watch. ‘She’s three and a half minutes late,’ he thought to himself. Suddenly, as if his thought had brought her here, Rob’s new sitter arrived and her car stopped right outside the house.
What got out was the most beautiful thing Rob had ever lay eyes on. The twenty three year old girl standing before him was beautiful. She wore a pair of tight black trousers, a pair of sandals, a single and a black cut off sleeve top. The dark colours made her brown mane of hair magnificently blend against them. Her dark brown eyes looked about, full of light and energy, and she was bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet. She ran over and gave Rob a brief hug. “How are you Rob? Oh my God, I have heard so many great things about you,” she said. Rob blushed, “Hi Megan, it’s good to finally meet you,’ said Rob. The two of them headed upstairs. “I have some great games to play with you today, and we are going to have a great time,” said Megan, but as she walked in through the door, all she met was silence. “Hello? Mr and Mrs Georges?” she called. There was no answer.
“Mum and Dad have already left, about five minutes ago,” said Rob. But something had happened to Megan. She turned around, a cold, icy look in her eye. The look she pierced Rob with made him shiver. “What are you looking at twerp,” she said coldly. “Okay, I control the television, the radio, the phone and everything else that you normally do. You stay in your room, and so help me, get in my way and I will make you a very sorry little boy. Now get lost, twerp,” she said. Rob looked at her and wailed, “But that’s not fair, you’re supposed to make me feel safe and secure, and play with me,” he wailed. “STOP CRYING YOU LITTLE SHIT!” the fact that she actually swore in front of the youngster made Rob run off, and rightly so, but the evil Megan wasn’t done yet, “And don’t come back you useless piece of shit,” she called out to him. Rob ran to his room and slammed the door behind him. He pounced on his bed and started pouting, screaming out, “It’s not fair, it’s not fair,’ he said. Then, as his room was right above the main living room, he got off his bed, and with his shoes still on, jumped up and down on the floor, making as much noise as he could.
He then sat up on the floor and took his shoes and socks off. He now had a nice view of his cute little feet. He lifted one foot up to his nose and sniffed long and hard. Rob had always had a foot fetish, since before he could remember, but he had always liked feet, girl feet in particular. It was at that moment that he had a bright idea. There was a girl downstairs. She was wearing sandals. This was maybe Rob’s time to have a thrill. He quickly revised a few knots he had learnt in cub scouts, and preceded, tip toeing to the door, to head back downstairs. He armed himself with a few weapons he might need, and then went downstairs, not making a sound. He made his way down the hall, and stopped abruptly at the door.
Mehan was lying peacefully on the settee, her legs stretched out and resting on it. Rob could see, to his disgust, a pair of sandals on the settee. He groaned when he saw this. His parents were going to punish him for this, probably by tickling his helpless body until it could take no more. He could see her eyes were shut tight, probably she was sleeping. Rob smiled, ‘too easy,’ he grinned to himself. The little Cub Scout performed his magic, quickly restraining the arms above Megan’s head, and her feet to the other end of the couch. Then, Rob blew air over Megan’s face, and she awoke with a start.
“Right, you little shit, I told you to stay in your room,” she spat. She made to get up, but she fell back onto the couch. “WHY I AM I TIED UP YOU LITTLE SHIT?!” Rob looked at the hateful young lady and then looked down at her feet, and the weapons arranged next to them. “You were supposed to play with me and keep me company, and now I am forced to find my own enjoyment and entertainment,” moaned the young boy. “You have forced me to do this, Megan,” Rob continued. Megan looked infuriated. “Let me go now, or I will call your parents and tell them that you wouldn’t do as I said,” shouted Megan. Rob looked up at the camera which was now only just visible to Megan, my Mummy and Daddy has everything on camera now,” said Rob. “You must be punished for not paying attention to me,” he continued. He sounded well justified, and this only infuriated Megan further.
The twenty three year old struggled again momentously, before giving up. Then, her eyes became wide with horror. She tried to jerk her feet away from the boy struggling with the sandal straps. She then wriggled her toes as her left sandal was freed from her foot. Rob now did the same with the other sandal, and it came off much quicker because Rob knew how to get the shoes off this time. It slipped off quickly, and Rob let the stiletto sandal to fall loudly to the cold, floor beneath him. Rob now peered at two of the most beautiful feet he had ever lay eyes on. The narrow, slender feet were nice and soft in appearance. The toes were small and narrow and looked very delicate, with plain yet polished nails. The toes complimented the rest of the feet nicely. Like the heels and the balls of the feet, the undersides of the toes were pale like white chocolate, and the insteps were sort of a lighter white,
And bright enough to be creamy white. Also, there were large strips of skin on the top of the foot where her beach sandals would be. “Now your punishment will begin,” said Rob.
Megan tried to kick out at Rob, but the ropes held her feet down fast. Rob giggled and placed his nose down to Megan’s left sole. He sniffed the sole from the heel to the toe. He sniffed passionately, breathing in every single drop of glowing sweat off the sole. Then, Rob sniffed over the toes. The moist odour airing from the toes was the most potent smell of the whole foot, and the best smelling. Rob held the large foot in his innocent little hands and continued to sniff each toe. He placed his nose on the foot itself, sniffing even harder. He breathed in the beauty of the odour off the foot. Rob did the same to the other foot, he was in seventh heaven. He gently sniffed the sole, holding it steady in his little hands.
Then Rob started to lick the soles. He started on the left sole, licking slowly up and down the sole. His tongue swirled all over the arch, the heel and the ball of the foot. The toes curled and flexed cutely as he sucked them like lollipops. Then, Rob licked from under the toes back down the sole to the base of the heel. As he did this though, Megan let out a squeal. ‘She’s ticklish!’ thought Rob happily. He then licked the right foot, slowly but steadily, allowing a film of moisture to form over the sole. Soon, the graceful feet in front of him shone with a film of thick moisture covering them. “They taste nice because they’re salty,” said Rob, as Megan giggled, from the light tickles Rob was making with his fingers.
Rob walked over to the sink, and picked up a serviette, and then wiped both of Megan's feet clean. After this, Rob massaged the soft, tender skin on the soles of Megan's feet. Megan however, kept wriggling around and giggling. “Stop it twerp that tickles!” she said. Rob just giggled, “You should’ve thought about that before you sent me to my room,” he said. Megan opened her mouth to say something, but Rob started to spider his fingers over the balls of her feet, and Megan fell back into fits of squealing and giggling. Robb hadn’t even started the bulk of his tickling, but Megan was about to learn why she should never upset a cute little eight year old.
Rob started to stroke all his little fingers up the narrow, rounded soles. Slowly and softly his little fingers slid up and down the bare soles, making Megan twitch and wriggle involuntarily, through her occasional squeaks and giggles. Rob did this for a couple of minutes, lightly stroking over the soles, and up over the toes as well. Rob now was tickling his fingers up and down the soles. His fingers spidered all over the soles slowly and softly, making Megan laugh that little bit harder now. He continued to tickle all over the soles Rob tickled lightly and slowly, and also quickly with a lot of pressure, but not full pressure....yet! Rob’s fingers played on Megan’s adorable little toes like they were a playground for fingers, and Rob’s fingers were small enough to slip between the toes and tickle there, sending Megan into a higher pitch of ticklish laughter. Rob then scribbled his fingers all over Charlotte’s bare feet. He scribbled hard and fast, applying full pressure to the soles as he spared no inch of soft, smooth ticklish skin. Megan squealed and laughed heavily, thrashing her head from side to side, and trying to scrunch her toes, but Rob climbed over her legs and held the toes back with his own chin, stretching the ultra ticklish skin out and making it more ticklish at the same time. Rob’s fingers managed to tickle the weak spot; under the toes, and this drove Megan mad, screeching repeatedly now and desperately bucking around in her restraints that had been made by an eight year old. She had been outsmarted by a kid. She couldn’t handle anymore, and she squealed out for Rob to stop the tickling.
“Thank you! Thank you so much," gulped Megan gratefully as she hauled in large breaths of air. Megan's poor lungs had been stretched to the point of no return, and she desperately inhaled air. “Are you going to play with me now, and say sorry for being mean to me earlier,” said rob. Megan stopped and looked at him, “No! Definitely not, you had no right to attack me like that,’ she said.” Rob frowned, “I knew you would say that, so I have to punish you again, maybe then you’ll be nice to me and then you won’t want to hurt me like that again,” said Rob as he snatched the moisturizer from beside him and poured some over the toes of Megan's feet. “What the hell is that stuff? She squealed. Rob smiled at her as he rubbed it all over Megan’s feet, “its moisturizer, to make your feet more ticklish,” said Rob. Megan sighed, “You can’t make a body part more ticklish dumbo,” she said. Rob laughed, “You have a lot to learn missy,’ he continued, giggling.
Rob picked up a hairbrush and showed it to Megan. Megan gulped, but tried to look brave. Deep down, she knew exactly what that brush was capable of, and she reflected on times where her other boys she was baby-sitting had pounced upon her and tickled her senselessly with the hairbrush, normally two, and made her squeal loudly until she had to be rescued, but since those boys had moved home four years ago, Megan hadn’t been tickled as often as twice a day, and she wondered whether she might die from the torture. She was sure of one thing though, when she was let free, little Rob was going down.
Rob started to drive the hairbrush over the soft, tender bare skin of Megan’s left foot. Megan let out a high pitch squeal, before letting all her laughter out in one large tsunami like wave. The laughter was so loud in fact that Rob even let out a small scream as he experienced Megan’s loud laughter for the first time. Then, Rob started to drive the brush faster up and down the bare soles of Megan’s helpless feet. Megan kicked and screamed as she was tickled silly in her restraints. She tried to squeeze her toes, but once again, Rob had all bases covered. Not even after one minute, Megan was begging for mercy. “Okay, I’ll play with you! Just Stohohohohohohohhop,” she moaned as the brush scribbled across both feet at once, driving across the grain over both arches. The skin was easier to torment because the soapy solution resulted in little to no friction. Rob stopped tickling, and untied the arms and legs of his victim, whilst Megan lay still, trying to regain her breath.
Megan led on the sofa, not bothering to pull her feet away, but Rob was merciful, and he massaged the feet whilst he placed the sandals back on Megan's feet. “So, what do you wanna play?” asked Megan, monotonously. “Nothing,’ said Rob grumpily. He wouldn’t play anything with someone who was reluctant. “Oh Robby,” said Megan, now smiling, “Can I let you in on a secret?” asked Megan. Rob wheeled around and sat on the sofa, right next to Megan, who had placed her feet back on the floor, sitting in an upright position. “Yes please,” he said politely. Megan smiled, “I knew you would. I like feet too. I’m thinking of a game called....the ‘foot game,’” said Megan. Rob looked at her smiling, “You like feet too! How does the game go?” asked Rob, curiously. Megan smiled, “Well, I get to play with your feet, I mean, do anything to them and sometimes to other body sections, that involves a playful nature that is fun for both you and me, but as it’s for twenty minutes, you cannot ask me to stop during the twenty minutes. Rob grinned from ear to ear, “That sounds fun, but the name is corny,’ said Rob. Megan seemed to agree, ‘You’re right, I was actually thinking of naming the game something along the lines of...REVENGE!”
With these words, Megan’s large hands grabbed the squealing youth and placed him on Megan's lap, starting a nice, thorough tickling for the little boy. She managed to get young Rob out of his tee shirt quickly, his bare feet kicking defiantly down in front of the squabbling youth. When his tee shirt was off, Megan held the arms in one of her own, and used her long fingernails to lightly caress the stomach and sides. Rob squealed and giggled energetically as he was tickled all over his upper body. Megan tickled all over the youth’s bare stomach, dabbling on the navel, tickling the sides through buzzing, scribbling over the ribs and light and hard scribbling of the armpits. Each method produced a different type of laughter from the youth as he was tickled in each of these places. But the best and cutest laughter was a result of his whole upper body being tickled thorough, including his thighs squeezed whenever he bent the legs. However, one of these leg bendings actually brought on Rob’s downfall. His cute little feet were about to feel their share of punishment.
Megan seized both feet easily, and placed her thumbs over the tops of each foot, allowing the fingers to suspend from the tops, and tickle all over the arches. This was almost too much for little Rob to bear. His ultra ticklish bare soles wriggled and kicked about as they were tickled, with Rob arching his back and squealing hysterically. Megan then tickled over little Ro’s eight year old toes. Rob’s laughter went even higher and also less audible as a result, but he thrashed desperately in his restraints as he tried to pull his toes away. Unfortunately, Megan had learned a few things about foot tickling from little Rob, and she used these against her captive youth. Rob squealed as his toes on the left foot were held still and lightly spidered over. This was merciless torture little Rob and he now had ticklish tears flowing down his cheeks. After doing the same on the toes on the right foot, Megan then scribbled her fingers all over the soles. Rob bent his toes back, trying not to succumb to the merciless tickling sensations. He screeched loudly as Megan’s fingers danced across his super silky smooth and soft soles.
Finally, Rob begged for the tickling to stop, and five minutes later, Rob and Megan were sitting arm in arm, ‘The Simpsons’ playing in the background. “I’m sorry for being mean earlier,” said Charlotte, apologetically. Rob giggled, “That’s okay, we had fun in the end,’ said Rob. Megan looked at Rob, his bare tummy looking cutely vulnerable in his sitting position. She tickled the tummy quickly, making the youth squeal and jump. “About the security camera-,” but she was cut off. Rob burst out laughing when she said that, and Megan looked bewildered. ‘It was a fake. I put it there as you slept,’ said Rob. Megan grinned, “And, you are going down trickster!” she said grabbing the excited squealing youth around his waist for a second round of ticklish torments.
What got out was the most beautiful thing Rob had ever lay eyes on. The twenty three year old girl standing before him was beautiful. She wore a pair of tight black trousers, a pair of sandals, a single and a black cut off sleeve top. The dark colours made her brown mane of hair magnificently blend against them. Her dark brown eyes looked about, full of light and energy, and she was bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet. She ran over and gave Rob a brief hug. “How are you Rob? Oh my God, I have heard so many great things about you,” she said. Rob blushed, “Hi Megan, it’s good to finally meet you,’ said Rob. The two of them headed upstairs. “I have some great games to play with you today, and we are going to have a great time,” said Megan, but as she walked in through the door, all she met was silence. “Hello? Mr and Mrs Georges?” she called. There was no answer.
“Mum and Dad have already left, about five minutes ago,” said Rob. But something had happened to Megan. She turned around, a cold, icy look in her eye. The look she pierced Rob with made him shiver. “What are you looking at twerp,” she said coldly. “Okay, I control the television, the radio, the phone and everything else that you normally do. You stay in your room, and so help me, get in my way and I will make you a very sorry little boy. Now get lost, twerp,” she said. Rob looked at her and wailed, “But that’s not fair, you’re supposed to make me feel safe and secure, and play with me,” he wailed. “STOP CRYING YOU LITTLE SHIT!” the fact that she actually swore in front of the youngster made Rob run off, and rightly so, but the evil Megan wasn’t done yet, “And don’t come back you useless piece of shit,” she called out to him. Rob ran to his room and slammed the door behind him. He pounced on his bed and started pouting, screaming out, “It’s not fair, it’s not fair,’ he said. Then, as his room was right above the main living room, he got off his bed, and with his shoes still on, jumped up and down on the floor, making as much noise as he could.
He then sat up on the floor and took his shoes and socks off. He now had a nice view of his cute little feet. He lifted one foot up to his nose and sniffed long and hard. Rob had always had a foot fetish, since before he could remember, but he had always liked feet, girl feet in particular. It was at that moment that he had a bright idea. There was a girl downstairs. She was wearing sandals. This was maybe Rob’s time to have a thrill. He quickly revised a few knots he had learnt in cub scouts, and preceded, tip toeing to the door, to head back downstairs. He armed himself with a few weapons he might need, and then went downstairs, not making a sound. He made his way down the hall, and stopped abruptly at the door.
Mehan was lying peacefully on the settee, her legs stretched out and resting on it. Rob could see, to his disgust, a pair of sandals on the settee. He groaned when he saw this. His parents were going to punish him for this, probably by tickling his helpless body until it could take no more. He could see her eyes were shut tight, probably she was sleeping. Rob smiled, ‘too easy,’ he grinned to himself. The little Cub Scout performed his magic, quickly restraining the arms above Megan’s head, and her feet to the other end of the couch. Then, Rob blew air over Megan’s face, and she awoke with a start.
“Right, you little shit, I told you to stay in your room,” she spat. She made to get up, but she fell back onto the couch. “WHY I AM I TIED UP YOU LITTLE SHIT?!” Rob looked at the hateful young lady and then looked down at her feet, and the weapons arranged next to them. “You were supposed to play with me and keep me company, and now I am forced to find my own enjoyment and entertainment,” moaned the young boy. “You have forced me to do this, Megan,” Rob continued. Megan looked infuriated. “Let me go now, or I will call your parents and tell them that you wouldn’t do as I said,” shouted Megan. Rob looked up at the camera which was now only just visible to Megan, my Mummy and Daddy has everything on camera now,” said Rob. “You must be punished for not paying attention to me,” he continued. He sounded well justified, and this only infuriated Megan further.
The twenty three year old struggled again momentously, before giving up. Then, her eyes became wide with horror. She tried to jerk her feet away from the boy struggling with the sandal straps. She then wriggled her toes as her left sandal was freed from her foot. Rob now did the same with the other sandal, and it came off much quicker because Rob knew how to get the shoes off this time. It slipped off quickly, and Rob let the stiletto sandal to fall loudly to the cold, floor beneath him. Rob now peered at two of the most beautiful feet he had ever lay eyes on. The narrow, slender feet were nice and soft in appearance. The toes were small and narrow and looked very delicate, with plain yet polished nails. The toes complimented the rest of the feet nicely. Like the heels and the balls of the feet, the undersides of the toes were pale like white chocolate, and the insteps were sort of a lighter white,
And bright enough to be creamy white. Also, there were large strips of skin on the top of the foot where her beach sandals would be. “Now your punishment will begin,” said Rob.
Megan tried to kick out at Rob, but the ropes held her feet down fast. Rob giggled and placed his nose down to Megan’s left sole. He sniffed the sole from the heel to the toe. He sniffed passionately, breathing in every single drop of glowing sweat off the sole. Then, Rob sniffed over the toes. The moist odour airing from the toes was the most potent smell of the whole foot, and the best smelling. Rob held the large foot in his innocent little hands and continued to sniff each toe. He placed his nose on the foot itself, sniffing even harder. He breathed in the beauty of the odour off the foot. Rob did the same to the other foot, he was in seventh heaven. He gently sniffed the sole, holding it steady in his little hands.
Then Rob started to lick the soles. He started on the left sole, licking slowly up and down the sole. His tongue swirled all over the arch, the heel and the ball of the foot. The toes curled and flexed cutely as he sucked them like lollipops. Then, Rob licked from under the toes back down the sole to the base of the heel. As he did this though, Megan let out a squeal. ‘She’s ticklish!’ thought Rob happily. He then licked the right foot, slowly but steadily, allowing a film of moisture to form over the sole. Soon, the graceful feet in front of him shone with a film of thick moisture covering them. “They taste nice because they’re salty,” said Rob, as Megan giggled, from the light tickles Rob was making with his fingers.
Rob walked over to the sink, and picked up a serviette, and then wiped both of Megan's feet clean. After this, Rob massaged the soft, tender skin on the soles of Megan's feet. Megan however, kept wriggling around and giggling. “Stop it twerp that tickles!” she said. Rob just giggled, “You should’ve thought about that before you sent me to my room,” he said. Megan opened her mouth to say something, but Rob started to spider his fingers over the balls of her feet, and Megan fell back into fits of squealing and giggling. Robb hadn’t even started the bulk of his tickling, but Megan was about to learn why she should never upset a cute little eight year old.
Rob started to stroke all his little fingers up the narrow, rounded soles. Slowly and softly his little fingers slid up and down the bare soles, making Megan twitch and wriggle involuntarily, through her occasional squeaks and giggles. Rob did this for a couple of minutes, lightly stroking over the soles, and up over the toes as well. Rob now was tickling his fingers up and down the soles. His fingers spidered all over the soles slowly and softly, making Megan laugh that little bit harder now. He continued to tickle all over the soles Rob tickled lightly and slowly, and also quickly with a lot of pressure, but not full pressure....yet! Rob’s fingers played on Megan’s adorable little toes like they were a playground for fingers, and Rob’s fingers were small enough to slip between the toes and tickle there, sending Megan into a higher pitch of ticklish laughter. Rob then scribbled his fingers all over Charlotte’s bare feet. He scribbled hard and fast, applying full pressure to the soles as he spared no inch of soft, smooth ticklish skin. Megan squealed and laughed heavily, thrashing her head from side to side, and trying to scrunch her toes, but Rob climbed over her legs and held the toes back with his own chin, stretching the ultra ticklish skin out and making it more ticklish at the same time. Rob’s fingers managed to tickle the weak spot; under the toes, and this drove Megan mad, screeching repeatedly now and desperately bucking around in her restraints that had been made by an eight year old. She had been outsmarted by a kid. She couldn’t handle anymore, and she squealed out for Rob to stop the tickling.
“Thank you! Thank you so much," gulped Megan gratefully as she hauled in large breaths of air. Megan's poor lungs had been stretched to the point of no return, and she desperately inhaled air. “Are you going to play with me now, and say sorry for being mean to me earlier,” said rob. Megan stopped and looked at him, “No! Definitely not, you had no right to attack me like that,’ she said.” Rob frowned, “I knew you would say that, so I have to punish you again, maybe then you’ll be nice to me and then you won’t want to hurt me like that again,” said Rob as he snatched the moisturizer from beside him and poured some over the toes of Megan's feet. “What the hell is that stuff? She squealed. Rob smiled at her as he rubbed it all over Megan’s feet, “its moisturizer, to make your feet more ticklish,” said Rob. Megan sighed, “You can’t make a body part more ticklish dumbo,” she said. Rob laughed, “You have a lot to learn missy,’ he continued, giggling.
Rob picked up a hairbrush and showed it to Megan. Megan gulped, but tried to look brave. Deep down, she knew exactly what that brush was capable of, and she reflected on times where her other boys she was baby-sitting had pounced upon her and tickled her senselessly with the hairbrush, normally two, and made her squeal loudly until she had to be rescued, but since those boys had moved home four years ago, Megan hadn’t been tickled as often as twice a day, and she wondered whether she might die from the torture. She was sure of one thing though, when she was let free, little Rob was going down.
Rob started to drive the hairbrush over the soft, tender bare skin of Megan’s left foot. Megan let out a high pitch squeal, before letting all her laughter out in one large tsunami like wave. The laughter was so loud in fact that Rob even let out a small scream as he experienced Megan’s loud laughter for the first time. Then, Rob started to drive the brush faster up and down the bare soles of Megan’s helpless feet. Megan kicked and screamed as she was tickled silly in her restraints. She tried to squeeze her toes, but once again, Rob had all bases covered. Not even after one minute, Megan was begging for mercy. “Okay, I’ll play with you! Just Stohohohohohohohhop,” she moaned as the brush scribbled across both feet at once, driving across the grain over both arches. The skin was easier to torment because the soapy solution resulted in little to no friction. Rob stopped tickling, and untied the arms and legs of his victim, whilst Megan lay still, trying to regain her breath.
Megan led on the sofa, not bothering to pull her feet away, but Rob was merciful, and he massaged the feet whilst he placed the sandals back on Megan's feet. “So, what do you wanna play?” asked Megan, monotonously. “Nothing,’ said Rob grumpily. He wouldn’t play anything with someone who was reluctant. “Oh Robby,” said Megan, now smiling, “Can I let you in on a secret?” asked Megan. Rob wheeled around and sat on the sofa, right next to Megan, who had placed her feet back on the floor, sitting in an upright position. “Yes please,” he said politely. Megan smiled, “I knew you would. I like feet too. I’m thinking of a game called....the ‘foot game,’” said Megan. Rob looked at her smiling, “You like feet too! How does the game go?” asked Rob, curiously. Megan smiled, “Well, I get to play with your feet, I mean, do anything to them and sometimes to other body sections, that involves a playful nature that is fun for both you and me, but as it’s for twenty minutes, you cannot ask me to stop during the twenty minutes. Rob grinned from ear to ear, “That sounds fun, but the name is corny,’ said Rob. Megan seemed to agree, ‘You’re right, I was actually thinking of naming the game something along the lines of...REVENGE!”
With these words, Megan’s large hands grabbed the squealing youth and placed him on Megan's lap, starting a nice, thorough tickling for the little boy. She managed to get young Rob out of his tee shirt quickly, his bare feet kicking defiantly down in front of the squabbling youth. When his tee shirt was off, Megan held the arms in one of her own, and used her long fingernails to lightly caress the stomach and sides. Rob squealed and giggled energetically as he was tickled all over his upper body. Megan tickled all over the youth’s bare stomach, dabbling on the navel, tickling the sides through buzzing, scribbling over the ribs and light and hard scribbling of the armpits. Each method produced a different type of laughter from the youth as he was tickled in each of these places. But the best and cutest laughter was a result of his whole upper body being tickled thorough, including his thighs squeezed whenever he bent the legs. However, one of these leg bendings actually brought on Rob’s downfall. His cute little feet were about to feel their share of punishment.
Megan seized both feet easily, and placed her thumbs over the tops of each foot, allowing the fingers to suspend from the tops, and tickle all over the arches. This was almost too much for little Rob to bear. His ultra ticklish bare soles wriggled and kicked about as they were tickled, with Rob arching his back and squealing hysterically. Megan then tickled over little Ro’s eight year old toes. Rob’s laughter went even higher and also less audible as a result, but he thrashed desperately in his restraints as he tried to pull his toes away. Unfortunately, Megan had learned a few things about foot tickling from little Rob, and she used these against her captive youth. Rob squealed as his toes on the left foot were held still and lightly spidered over. This was merciless torture little Rob and he now had ticklish tears flowing down his cheeks. After doing the same on the toes on the right foot, Megan then scribbled her fingers all over the soles. Rob bent his toes back, trying not to succumb to the merciless tickling sensations. He screeched loudly as Megan’s fingers danced across his super silky smooth and soft soles.
Finally, Rob begged for the tickling to stop, and five minutes later, Rob and Megan were sitting arm in arm, ‘The Simpsons’ playing in the background. “I’m sorry for being mean earlier,” said Charlotte, apologetically. Rob giggled, “That’s okay, we had fun in the end,’ said Rob. Megan looked at Rob, his bare tummy looking cutely vulnerable in his sitting position. She tickled the tummy quickly, making the youth squeal and jump. “About the security camera-,” but she was cut off. Rob burst out laughing when she said that, and Megan looked bewildered. ‘It was a fake. I put it there as you slept,’ said Rob. Megan grinned, “And, you are going down trickster!” she said grabbing the excited squealing youth around his waist for a second round of ticklish torments.
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Justine's break in feet worship
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