Mommy Cares for Her Special Son - Chapter 01 Milking My Horny Son


**Melissa loved her son dearly. He was kind, doting and intelligent. Until one day her rascal of a husband took Peter to undergo some secret experiment which rendered him intellectually stunted! So now a single mom, what is she to do when her adult son learns about arousal for the first time and needs someone to give him a helping hand? A mother's work is never done.**

My back ached as I sat at the very back of the bus, waiting for the meandering journey home to start. At least I was out of the cold and, more importantly, I'd managed to avoid being seen by the two thugs. The bus pulled away, heading into the centre of town. I'd have to change buses in a minute to get to the other side.

I watched the passengers get on and off, the bus getting quieter as we went further out, towards the industrial area where I lived. I wish the hours were more stable but beggars can't be choosers.

I glanced at my watch again, I hoped Peter made his way home okay and didn't get into any trouble.

Just thinking about Peter made my tears well up. In a way, I was thankful for being so busy. It didn't take much to think and stress about the reality of our circumstances and everything threatens to come undone.

If it wasn't for Peter I would have packed up and run long ago, but he needs stability more than anything right now. He needs school and friends his own age, and I can't take him away from that.

The bus came to a stop and I got off, waiting for the next one that would take me closer to home. It was a ten-minute wait, and I was shivering when another bus pulled up. I climbed on, giving the driver the right change before shuffling to the back, sitting down with a heavy sigh. I closed my eyes for a moment, trying to push down all the stress and worries I felt. I could feel the pressure build up inside me and tears were burning behind my eyes. I couldn't afford to cry, not here. Not on the bus where everyone could see me.

I swallowed heavily, breathing deeply as I tried to keep my composure. The bus was almost empty now and no one seemed to notice how upset I was. I wiped my eyes with the sleeve of my coat.

When we drove into the industrial area and turned off the main road, I opened my eyes again, looking at the warehouses and factories that we passed. A couple of people got off the bus and I watched them leave, pulling my coat tighter around myself to keep warm.

"You're going to get sick if you keep this up," muttered to myself, knowing full well that I didn't have a choice. "It's not like anyone else will hire me."

I was marked. My husband ran off and left me with the aftermath of what he did to Peter. The doctors said it was a miracle he'd survived but that was little consolation when we had no idea how to deal with it.

No one wanted a housekeeper who'd spent a month in prison. Not that I'd been convicted. It had been more of an understanding. But no one seemed to care about the reasons behind it all. All they cared about was that I was accused of doing something terrible.

Maybe it had been a mistake to return to this town. Maybe we should have tried to start over somewhere else. But this was the only home Peter had ever known. This was the only place I knew and I'd been too scared to try somewhere else. Too scared to let go of the last shreds of the life we'd once had.
Now I was stuck in a dead-end job, with no one to talk to and no one to help me. The social workers tried at first, but they gave up on us pretty quickly when they realised just how bad things really were. They thought I was a single parent trying to cope with a severely disabled son and they didn't want to know any more than that.

I couldn't blame them.

I made my way up the exterior metal stairs. Our apartment was a sad excuse of a dwelling. I put my key into the front door, unlocking it with some difficulty.

"Peter?" I called out, dropping my bag on the floor as I shut the front door. "Are you home?"

I hoped he was back from school. I hated the idea of him being alone in this damn place. I walked into the living room and there he was sat in front of the television, watching whatever was on. He turned and smiled at me.

"Hey, mom."

I walked over to the couch, leaning down to give him a kiss on the forehead.

"You're still up?"

He nodded, his face scrunching up as he did so.

"The lights went out before you got home."

My heart sank. Of course. I'd forgotten to pay the electric again. That must have been what happened last night as well.

"I'll figure something out," I said, forcing a smile. "It's fine."

He nodded again, turning back to the television. It was dark and cold in the apartment. There was no light from outside either, all the windows facing an exterior wall that blocked the view completely. I made my way to the kitchen and switched the light on.

"How was work? Did Mr Jones say you're the bestest cleaner ever?"

I smiled. "Yes he did, sweetheart. Mommy works so hard and he tells me how good I am."

"I'm glad, mommy. I'm proud of you."

His words stung. I didn't want Peter to be proud of me. I wanted him to be a normal eighteen-year-old with a normal life. Not this.

"Thank you, honey. I appreciate that."

He continued watching the television, not saying anything more as I made my way over to the couch. I sat down next to him, giving him a gentle hug. He hugged me back.

I tried not to look at the left side of his head but it was impossible not to notice the scars, the deformation.

The tears welled up in my eyes again and I buried my face in his shoulder, trying not to cry.

What the fuck did they do to my boy?

I had a quick shower and told Peter to do the same. He wasn't happy about it but he did as I asked. We needed to keep clean and there wasn't a bathtub for him to sit in. It would have been better if he could have used the shower chair but we hadn't been able to afford that for a while now.

I'd managed to buy us some to date bread, cheese, and ham and I put the food on the small table in the kitchen.

"Dinner time," I called out. "Come and eat."

Peter came into the room and sat down at the table. He looked at the food with a blank expression.

"Looks yummy," he said.

"It's not much, but it's better than nothing. It'll get us through until tomorrow."

"Yeah," he replied, nodding again.

He was smiling but I could see how much it hurt him to do so. That wasn't to mention the deep scar on his left cheek. He had another on the back of his head that I couldn't see right now.

"How was school?"

"Good. Evan was so proud of me helping with the tomato plants!"

"I'm glad."

Evan was a good friend to my son. He even introduced me to his aunt, who was a health professional of sorts. I wasn't sure if she was a completely legitimate doctor, but she seemed to know her stuff. And she was immensely curious about Peter's condition.

And most importantly, she didn't charge for her services. She helped Peter because she wanted to, not because she expected something in return.

I hadn't realised how much he'd been suffering. How much he was still suffering. He said he felt tired a lot of the time and that he sometimes couldn't hear as well as he used to. But that was all part of what they did to him and it was probably just the side effects.

Peter had been injected with some experimental drug. That was a year ago. Doctor Booker believed it was a virus of some sort, and it seems to be benign. She had contacts who advised her this was some shady military experiment of some soft.

Of course the authorities denied it. Detectives tried investigating and were told to back off.

That it was a national security issue. I was arrested for suspected neglect.

Then men in suits turned up and offered to make it all go away as long as I signed a contract. And that if I pursued anymore, they would take my son away from me.

I can never let that happen.

That fucking bastard. One day he took Peter somewhere and my son came back like this. My sweet, smart and kind Peter...

He ruined my son for one hundred thousand dollars...

Doctor Booker told me it seems to be temporary. How long she couldn't tell me.

I can't let go of the hope that this will all end eventually, and things will go back to normal.

I hope it happens soon, I don't think we can keep going like this much longer.

Peter finished eating, thanking me for the food before heading towards his room. It was getting late and he needed to go to bed. I watched him as he left the room, sighing heavily as I thought about everything that had happened.

As he shut the door behind him, I started to get things in order. I did some housework and tried not to think about the utility bill reminders. I tried not think 
about my landlord and how we couldn't afford to pay him what we owed.

I tried not to think about the fact that I was the only person keeping this family alive, and that I wasn't doing a very good job of it.

I tried not to think about the fact that I was afraid. I hoped Peter was ignorant of our circumstances, so at least he could focus on being a happy boy.

I opened his schoolbag. Sometimes he comes home with dirty clothes, and he stuffs them into his bag. I didn't expect to see an adult magazine in there, too.

I froze when I saw it. It was hidden under a jumper and a couple of text books. I couldn't believe it. What was Peter doing with that?

I picked up the magazine and looked at it. There were half naked women on the front cover. They had big breasts and short skirts. I looked at it for a few more moments, then closed the bag again.

My son shouldn't be looking at this sort of thing. He was an adult now, but at the same time... How could I explain to him about the birds and the bees? Would he even understand?

I put the school bag down and made my way to his room. The door was open a crack and I pushed it slightly, peering inside. Peter was sat on the edge of his bed.

"Peter?" I asked quietly. "What's wrong?"

He looked at me and shrugged. He was shirtless and his body was rock solid with muscle. That wasn't normal. I don't remember him ever being this strong before.

"I don't know," he replied. "I feel weird."

"Is it your head? Do you have a headache?"

"No, not really. I feel hot and... I don't know, mom."

"Okay, I'll go get you a glass of water."

I went into the kitchen and poured a glass of water, taking it back to his room. When I entered, he was still sat on the bed, his hands resting on his thighs. He looked up at me as I walked in, and I couldn't help but notice the way his body had changed over the last few months.

His arms and legs were more defined than ever before, his shoulders were broad and strong, his chest was firm and muscular. Doctor Booker believed it was the effect of the virus. Almost an intended purpose. It seemed the virus was optimising Peter's body.

But then why was it making him so dumb?

Doctor Booker surmised that it might be some kind of a processing side effect in his brain.

I gave him the glass of water and he drank it in one go.

"Thank you," he said, handing the glass back to me.

"You're welcome, sweetheart. Is it making you feel better?"

"My willy feels funny."

I laughed nervously, not sure if I should tell him about sex or not. I'd been avoiding the conversation because I didn't want to make him embarrassed, but maybe I needed to have it with him now. He was eighteen years old and I didn't want him getting into trouble.

"I found something in your bag" I said gently.

He blushed. "Oh no!" he gasped.

"Don't worry," I reassured him. "I'm not angry with you. I just think we need to talk about sex, sweetheart."

"Sex?" he asked, his eyes widening as if he'd never heard the word before.

"Yes, sweetheart. You know, when a man and a woman love each other very much they do something together, something called sex."

"Oh... ohhhh..."

"And you might have noticed that sometimes your penis gets hard like this, that's because you're having sexual thoughts. You might have dreams or images in 
your mind and it makes your penis get hard."

"Oh... okay," he replied, nodding his head slowly.

"It's normal and nothing to be ashamed of."

It hasn't happened before. I don't think."

His memories were hazy, too. But Doctor Booker advised me the virus was essentially putting him through a second round of puberty.

At eighteen.

"That's fine, sweetheart. I just wanted to let you know what was happening to your body. Just ignore it, okay? I know it's not comfortable, but it'll pass."

He nodded, not quite understanding. But he accepted it.

I left him to himself for the rest of the evening. I watched television, hoping it would help me fall asleep, but I couldn't stop thinking about Peter. I didn't want to leave him alone for too long, in case he started panicking.

It was getting late and he didn't seem to be fussing, so I guess it was okay. I had an early start in the morning, so I turned in myself.
I left the door to my bedroom ajar, so I could hear him if he needed me.

Something stirred me awake. The clock in my room told me it was two in the morning. I heard the faintest of sounds coming from outside my bedroom. They were whimpers. I sat up and listened intently. The sounds were definitely coming from Peter.

He groaned again, louder this time.

Was he in pain?

I got out of bed and hurried down the corridor towards the noise. I stopped outside the bathroom, listening carefully. I thought I heard something else, but I wasn't sure what it was.

"Peter?" I called out softly. "Are you alright?"

There was silence. I knocked on the door, but there was no answer.

I put my hand on the handle and pushed it down, opening the door slowly. My eyes went wide. Peter was standing in front of the sink, his shorts pulled down around his knees. His erection was huge and glistened with pre-cum. He was masturbating, but he didn't seem to realise that I was there.

"Peter!" I exclaimed. "What are you doing?"

He looked up at me in shock, his eyes wide with fear. He stopped what he was doing immediately, pulling his shorts back up as quickly as he could. But his erection was huge and curved and it snagged the band of his underwear.

"M-Mommy..!" he stuttered.

I turned around, looking away. My cheeks felt hot. I knew it wasn't appropriate for me to see him like this, but I also knew that I had to help him. I took a deep breath and turned back to face him, keeping my eyes fixed firmly on his face.

"Come on," I said softly, letting myself into the bathroom.

"It hurts, Mommy. It hurts. My willy is so hard! Is it going to be stuck like this forever and ever?"

"Of course not, sweetheart. It's just a normal reaction that happens to men. It'll go down soon enough."

"It's been like this for ages," he whined.

His cock strained and pulsed. I knew it was wrong to think it, but it was the biggest cock I ever seen. His father was tiny in comparison.

"That's normal, sweetheart. I promise."

"Make it go away, Mommy. Please make it go away. I'm scared!"

"Shh, shh, it's okay, Peter. Let me help you."

I stepped closer to him and got on my knees in front of him. Very gently, I shuckled his underwear down. His cock pulsed. Copious amount of precum leaked freely down his shaft.

Did men leak this much?

I took hold of his shaft gently, stroking it slowly with my hands.

"A-ah..!" His erection throbbed against my palm, sending shivers down my spine.

"Does that feel good?" I asked softly. I tried to ignore the precum glazing my fingers.

"Yes, Mommy," he nodded.

"Good, then keep doing it. It's fine."

Peter closed his eyes and moaned quietly, moving his hips forward as he thrust himself against my fingers. I tightened my grip, stroking faster and faster until his whole body started shaking.

"M-Mommy... something feels funny... I think I'm gonna pee..." he moaned.

"It's okay, sweetheart. Just let it happen."

"I don't want to pee!" he cried. "I can't pee on you, Mommy!"

I smiled reassuringly. "You won't pee on me, I promise."

His other hand grabbed onto my shoulder for support. It was like a vise, making me grimace as his fingers gripped.

"S-sorry," he moaned.

"It's okay, honey. Now, I want you to focus on your willy, okay? Can you do that for me? Don't worry about anything else."

"B-but it feels like I want to pee..."

"It isn't. Let mommy help you cum."


"Yes, honey. Cum. You'll know when it happens. Trust me."


I rubbed his shaft more vigorously, using my thumb to massage the tip of his cock. It felt so warm and hard, and his skin was so smooth. I licked my lips and watched as his hips bucked involuntarily, and he moaned loudly as his cock throbbed violently. God, how long has it been since I touched a man? Even when Chuck was around, I'd never enjoyed sex with him. It always felt like a chore, and he was selfish in bed, so I usually faked my orgasms to get it over with.

But this was different. Peter was my son. It felt wrong to be touching him like this, but I couldn't stop myself. He needed me, and I wanted him to feel good.

"Ahhh!" he cried out suddenly, thrusting his hips forward as his cock throbbed in my hand.

"That's it, baby! Keep going!" I encouraged him.

"I'm gonna pee!"

"No you're not! Let it come. It feels good, doesn't it?"

"Y-yes! Mommy! I'm going to pee!"

Peter arched his back as his whole body convulsed, and his cock started spurting hot, sticky cum all over my fingers and wrist.

"Oh, shit," I gasped.

His cum shot out into a violent arc, splashing my face and lips. Some landed onto my vest top, too. His cum was thick and sticky. It smelled musky and salty.

I licked my lips and swallowed the drops that had fallen into my mouth. I tasted him on my tongue, and it made my pussy ache.

Jesus. Why am I turned on by this?

"I'm so sorry, Mommy!" he cried.

"It's okay, sweetheart. It's perfectly natural."

I wiped my face with my hand, collecting his cum and bringing it to my lips.

"How did it feel?" I asked.

"G-good," he stuttered. "I thought I was peeing..."

I smiled. "You didn't. You just came for the first time."


"Yes. It's normal."

He nodded slowly, still breathing heavily as his cock softened in my hand. He pulled his shorts back up and I let go of his cock, wiping my fingers on my pyjama shorts.

"It feels different now," he said quietly.

"It will," I replied softly. "You just ejaculated, sweetheart. But I need to ask you something very, very important. Do you think you promise me something?"

He nodded. "I'm a good boy for you, mommy. I promise anything."

"What just happened. You must never tell anyone, okay?"

"Even Evan? He's my bestest friend ever and we never keep secrets!"

"Even Evan. If you tell anyone, bad men will come and take mommy away."

"No, no. I don't want that. Bad men took daddy away. I never saw him again and I miss him. I don't want bad men to take you away, too!"

I hugged him.

"That's why it's important you keep this our little secret. I know you're a good boy, but if people find out what we did... they might take me away too, sweetheart."

He started crying and I held him tight, stroking his back gently.

My heart ached. I didn't have the heart to tell him that his father wasn't taken away. That he did this to him and walked out on us. I don't even know where he is now. Nor did I want to know. He is dead to us.

"Shh, it's okay, baby," I soothed.

He buried his face in my neck as I held him.

"I love you, Mommy," he murmured against my skin.

"I love you too, sweetheart. Now be a good boy and go to sleep okay? You don't want to miss school in the morning."

"Okay, mommy."

He let me go and headed out of the bathroom.

I watched him leave, wondering what had just happened. What the fuck did I do? But I had no regrets. I had to help him, and I'd do it again if I needed to.

I was just glad I managed to stop him before things got any worse.

I closed the bathroom door behind me, making my way back to bed. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep though. My heart was racing and my pussy was aching.

I sat on the edge of the bed, my hand slowly drifting down between my legs.

"Fuck," I whispered under my breath as I slipped my fingers into my panties.

They were soaked with my own arousal. I ran my finger along my pussy lips, feeling how wet they were. I shouldn't be aroused over my own son but...

I pushed two fingers inside myself, gasping quietly as I felt them enter me. I stroked my clit slowly, biting down on my lip as I tried to suppress a moan. It had been so long since I'd felt this way.

I pushed my fingers deeper and deeper into my pussy, imagining it was Peter's cock. I wanted him to fuck me so badly right now, but I knew I couldn't. That was immoral and wrong.

I tried not to savour the lingering taste of his cum on my tongue.

My pussy was slick with my own juices, and I slid another finger inside myself, biting back a cry as I rubbed my clit faster and faster.

"Fuck!" I gasped, biting on my lower as I came hard.

My whole body shuddered as I orgasmed, and my juices ran down my thighs. My breathing was heavy as I pulled my fingers out of my pussy, looking down at my sticky fingers.

Jesus. I shouldn't have done that. But I needed it.

I cleaned myself up with toilet paper and changed into a clean pair of pyjamas. Then I crawled into bed, pulling the covers over myself and shutting my eyes tight.

I'll feel guilty in the morning.

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