An orgy for Maxime's birthday

group sex

It was Maxime's birthday, I didn't know what to give him, a watch, a bracelet no, he wasn't jewelry, A book? But I wasn't sure what his tastes were! So what ? I couldn't see. Suddenly an idea occurred to me.
At the beginning of our relationship, he told me that he would have liked to see me fucked by a black man, and we did it and not only with Gérald, it had been a part of legs in the air with two of his black friends from the basketball team, Maxime had been the privileged spectator. He had also appreciated seeing me being taken by Guy and the big boss of the bistro, during a memorable game of pétanque. He was also crazy to see the video shot with the black pharmacist who put on his huge penis, then he accompanied me to the porn shooting of a music video.
Wouldn't he have a penchant for candaulism, like his uncle? But if, it was obvious, he told me that he was absolutely not jealous, when other men took me in front of him. A more than perverse idea germinated in my head.
On his birthday, I invited him to lunch at home.

- Was the meal good? Now you will be entitled to a surprise.
- If it's as good as the meal, I'm in.
- You should enjoy!

I left him alone and went to my room. I had prepared all the accessories, I got naked. I put on white stockings, a very thin lace garter belt. I put on a transparent white thong, a wide opening, revealing my smooth, well-shaven pussy. The slot extended to my anus that she left uncovered too. A white bra or, on each breast, two thin strips of white lace fabric framed my areolas with erect nipples and then met behind my neck. I put on white stilettos. I was extremely tanned, this lingerie put my body in value.

- It's for me... ??
- Do you like it? You wonder why I dressed like this, it's a surprise for your birthday. We are expecting a visit. I know you like seeing me having sex with other guys. So for your birthday, I want to satisfy one of your fantasies. I hope I am not mistaken, and that you will not take for a degenerate!

I had barely finished my sentence when the doorbell rang. I put on a bathrobe, tied the belt loosely enough to let it gape slightly and I opened the door, it was indeed the two farmers, the father and the son, from whom I went to get my vegetables who were standing behind that- this. I had phoned them and made an appointment at my place, without too much detail. I knew they just wanted to fuck me again! They had feasted during the filming of the video to make my ex-husband mad with jealousy.
I looked at them, they were really ugly. They looked like Don Quixote and Sancho Panza. The father was about seventy-five years old if not older, he was lean and lean, his face wrinkled, knife-edged and barred by a mustache, his bald head, bushy eyebrows.
Her son, a man of about forty-five, had been here before. He was corpulent, with a consequent overweight, short hair, unshaven, jowls, a double chin, a rather flat nose. He was slightly shorter than me. The zipper of his overalls down to his pubic hair revealed a black tuft, the opening revealed a hairy chest. Smeared with dust, his clothing smelled of perspiration. You could call them disgusting.
But they had something overriding their ugliness, my eyes fell on "that thing." That's why I had them come.
They looked at my legs, the half-opening of the bathrobe revealed the fasteners of my garter belt and it was yawning on my breasts. Two huge bumps began to take shape along their thighs. They had to be bare underneath. The thought of their erect sexes warmed my lower abdomen, I began to wet thinking of what would surely follow.

- In... come in, I stammered. Suddenly I was afraid that Maxime did not appreciate.
- Hello, can we kiss?

Seeing me dressed like that, they seemed to guess why I had brought them here. The little fat man approached me, he hugged me and his mouth rested on mine, his tongue forced my lips, one of his hands slipped under the bathrobe and pressed against one breast, the other undid the belt of my bathrobe which opened wide.

- Oh fuck... !!

His lightning-fast father passed behind my back, and left me the garment.

- Shit, those panties are great! Is the slot to do that?

Exclaimed the big one, his middle finger sank between the wet lips of my pussy, his kiss dragged on. Mentally I called myself a bitch but I kissed her back. It's Maxime's birthday present, I thought to clear my conscience! But deep down I was not fooled. Their ugliness turned me on, especially the big cock rubbing against my thigh. One of my earrings came off, I caught it.

- Dad, the little slut is already wet!
- Hey, Ludo, you could say hello to everyone. There is a gentleman!
- Come in, follow me to the living room. We prepared snacks!

I gently freed myself and walked past them to lead them to Maxime.

- Damn, said the old farmer, the back of the thong is worth the place!!

I dropped my earring in front of me. Legs slightly apart, I bent my trunk to pick it up. My half-open anus was revealed to them. The old man's hand rested on my buttocks, a finger slid down my parting and entered entirely into my intimate hole, I chuckled.

- Oooooohhh Louis! I present to you Maxime, a good friend of mine, it's his birthday today and we're going to celebrate him!
- Are you fucking her too? With us, she's used to it and I think she likes it!

Maxime shook their hands. The two men remained planted in front of him, in the middle of the room as paralyzed by the spectacle that I offered them. A splendid almost naked girl, with blond hair falling on her shoulders, an aquiline nose, blue-green eyes, a greedy mouth, a perfect body highlighted by more than sexy lingerie. A mad desire was read in their eyes, especially since it was not the first time they kissed me. The sound of Maxime's voice seemed to pull them out of their lethargy.

- So you know Trixie? I have heard that everything about you is excessive. She praised your vegetables as much as your anatomy. At the table I was able to appreciate your large zucchini, but I'm curious to see the rest, which from what I see, shouldn't envy them both in length and size. Trixie would you please give me an overview of the utensils that will be used to satisfy my gift! That's a really, really good idea you got there! Looks like I'm going to enjoy it!

I went behind the old man and very gently I lowered the zipper of his overalls, as I thought he was naked underneath. My hand, snuck inside, slowly descended along his chest. I took out his monumental and turgid sex, he was hard-on a lot, I capped and re-capped his cock two or three times, he trembled and it drew a moan of pleasure from him. I nibbled on his earlobe, whispering to him.

- You have only one huge desire is to put your cock in my pussy, old sadist! You will be able to enjoy yourself tonight!
- And you little slut, you love that I put it all on you. I'm going to make you scream with pleasure in front of your young boyfriend. Is that what you want?

I slid his overalls over his shoulders, revealing his bony torso covered in white hair, she fell at his feet. His monstrous penis, more than six centimeters in diameter, went far beyond his navel. His two large testicles spread out over his thighs.

- Ooooohhhh damn nice thing! exclaimed Maxim...! It owes nothing to Gerald's. I get it you like getting fucked by that old gentleman!

His son, whose jumpsuit was already wide open, began to undress quickly, Maxime was thus able to "admire" his hairy pecs which looked like a small female chest, the triple rolls of his belly, the tuft of black, rough and dense hair, which starting from her sex spread over the fatty folds of her abdomen. Even his shoulders were covered with hair.
But it was his penis that fascinated. He was almost black, in erection, he must have measured about twenty centimeters, his dark purple scalped glans was quite pointed, then flared out in a large corolla at least five centimeters long up to the well-marked and very protruding. It would give me exquisite sensations on my vaginal walls, at the time of penetration or retraction during coitus. His stretched foreskin was light brown, the body of the very brown member was surprisingly massive, it was largely as big as a normal man's wrist. Large visible veins streaked its surface, its wrinkled scrotum hung quite low and contained two testicles almost as big as hen's eggs.
I took his cock in my hands. I looked at Maxime, a sort of disdainful grin, surely due to the ugliness of the two men, distorted his mouth, but his eyes shone with lust while waiting for the rest of the show, his magnificent blonde fucked by these two monsters!! Just thinking about it made him rock like a donkey!

- You know Max, this cock makes me know the height of nirvana, you're going to love seeing me cum with its cock. Come closer, look at the little grains that sprinkle it, it's divine!

Ludo, for that was his name, gave off a sour smell of sweat. Its general appearance, its face, its hirsutism, reminded me of a primate. But, despite a certain repulsion, the bestiality that emanated from him exacerbated my senses, a creepy sensation, an unhealthy fascination warmed my lower abdomen, my pussy was soaked.
I gave in once again to this repulsive desire, giving myself the poor excuse that I had to satisfy Maxime's libido, I knew I was lying to myself, I was going to explode with pleasure by being fucked by his two despicable beings.. . and more in front of Maxime which added even more spice to this perverse game, because I was aware that it was one! And that excited me even more.
He slipped out of his overalls and stood awkwardly. I approached this time it was me who embraced him, I rubbed my hardened nipples against the black and surprisingly soft fleece of his chest, an electric shock crossed my body. I grabbed his cock and masturbated him gently, I kissed him greedily, then my tongue went down his hairy pecs and I nibbled and sucked on his nipples, fervently.
They took my hand, did Maxime want to stop this rogue game? No, he dragged me onto a sort of footstool, he squatted down next to it. He took off my thong and made me sit with my legs wide apart in front of the two men.
While titillating with one hand my nipples hardened by desire, he spread the labia majora of my sex made my clitoris protrude, love juice flowed freely from my pussy staining the fabric of the pouf.

- Look how wet and slobbery her pussy is. It's true that you turn her on and she wants your cocks! See my finger, it's shiny with his spunk, you're going to enjoy it. And you little slut, your pussy is throbbing on its own! It's time to give these gentlemen a down payment, I'm sure they will make you cum. Who's gonna be first?
Ludo, the little fat one approached. I was sitting and my mouth was up to her sex. Despite her sour smell, I hugged her waist in my arms. My mouth landed up to her navel, I stuck my tongue out and she slowly crept through her pubic hair to the base of the sex I was holding in my right hand.
I capped him and recapped him several times, mentally ecstatic each time in front of his glans in such a particular shape. It is true that I had really appreciated his penetrations during his first visit to my house, in front of my old neighbor Paul.
I pushed the pointy end between my lips, salivating profusely and inhaling, I felt him spasm. Slowly I stuffed this mauve penis into my mouth and sucked it gently. Pre-ejaculatory liquid flowed into my mouth, he produced a fairly large quantity, I stuck my tongue out at Maxime then swallowed the viscous and colorless liquid, looking at him smiling.

- Enjoy, little Bitch, you love my cum! He told me.

I began to bake the glans in my oral cavity, and by opening it disproportionately swallowed half centimeter by half centimeter slowly the member as big as my wrist. I managed to squeeze almost all of it in. I started the operation again three times, each time pulling grunts of pleasure from him, then I masturbated him vigorously, only making his glans enter my mouth a little further than his crown, my fellatio must have lasted about ten minutes, then great jets of sperm squirted into my throat, I swallowed them as I watched Maxime. Before his cock became flabby again, I sucked out the semen that remained in his meatus. A tremor shook him, he screamed with satisfaction. Maxime approached, he was smiling.

- Good, good. Very nice blowjob, did you cum well sir? Let's go into the bedroom, said this one, it will be better for the future. I see you're enjoying yourself, little slut.
- Yes, yes, but it's for your pleasure.

I was lying on the bed, lying on my back, legs wide open so that Maxime, who was standing at the foot of it, could miss nothing of what was to follow. He had taken out his cock and was gently masturbating.

- To me now!

Old Louis lay down next to me, his huge semi-rigid cock resting on the top of my thigh, just past the bottom edge. His calloused left hand with dirty nails rested on my right thigh, he passed it under the strap of the garter belt, then slowly he pulled it up and stroked my belly under the thin strip of white lace fabric. She went down on my pussy, her index and middle fingers entered my vulva. His lips rested on mine, his tongue searched my mouth, our saliva mixed. Maxime asked me to spread my legs a little more, I obeyed. The peasant took the opportunity to enter the four fingers of his hand, while his thumb rubbed my clitoris in small concentric circles. I moan with pleasure. My torn pussy dripped, his thumb left my clit and came to join the other fingers, he gently pushed more than half of his calloused hand into my vagina. He repeated the operation several times drawing me moans of ecstasy.

- It's not possible, you're good, little slut. You like the old man's caresses. Here, lick your cum on my hand.

My tongue wiped his hand. He knelt down facing Maxime. His cock was now of phenomenal proportion, the tip of his meatus almost reaching his sternum. He asked me to suck it, he told me to make it harden a little more. I licked around the glans slowly, moistening it with my saliva.

- Put it in your mouth.

What I did, and I began to swallow this huge pole. He put his hand behind my head and pressed gently to slide his penis down my throat.

- Woouuuaaahhhhhh, it's wonderful, you'll manage to swallow everything. Slowly, slowly don't make me cum, not yet!

Despite my good will and Maxime's encouragement, I couldn't swallow this huge boa entirely. Louis, positioned me on the side, made me put my right foot on his knee, as Maxime was really a privileged spectator for the penetration that was to follow. He spread the straps of what I used as a bra as far as possible, they compressed my two globes and made them harden. His two huge balls rested on his thigh, he grabbed the monstrous cock with his right hand and presented the glans at the entrance to my vaginal orifice, I quivered with pleasure impatiently waiting for this long and excessive penetration, he must have felt my excitement.

- So little Garce, we can't wait to receive old Louis' huge cock, here you go, can you feel it entering your pussy? She's fat, huh? You like it, damn you wet! She enters alone. But you are beginning to know and appreciate it! Thereààààà, you like to feel it slipping, come on, I'll put it all on you.

As he spoke he pushed in slowly, the twenty-nine centimeters and soon his balls were rubbing my crotch. His left hand nudged my right breast, scratched my areola and pinched my nipple.

- You like it, my big cock, say you love it. You like it when I put my 29cm on you. Want it all?
- Aaaahhhhh, Aaaaaahhhhhh yes..... ouuuuiiiiiii... more, more!

I looked at Maxime, he seemed to enjoy seeing this big piston slide inside me. The old man accelerated his rate of penetration, drew me cries of pleasure, my gaze did not leave Maxime, trying to guess if he liked to see me having fun with this scarecrow. He seemed over the moon, he was naked now and was gently masturbating. He looked at me lovingly.
Louis rolled me onto my back, his mouth clapped on my right breast, he sucked my areola, sucked my nipple then when my little brown cone was fully erect, he bit it rather cruelly, I cried out in pain mixed with enjoyment.

- Oh yes, oh yes... to... the other one, it's good...

I arched my back to offer it to him, and try to penetrate even deeper the cock that was slaying me. He slowed down his rate of penetration, and applied himself to drawing me cries and grunts of pleasure, sometimes he stopped completely, then suddenly entered his entire member. I went mad with pleasure ... I felt my orgasm rise, it must have been more than twenty minutes that he drove his stake into my bowels, he was also on the verge of explosion!

- Yeaaaaah, I want your cum... cum, cum in my pussy...aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

- Hey Daddy! hurry up, you're not alone, I'm also entitled to my share of the cake.
- Leave me alone, son, I've been married to your mother for fifty years, I've never managed to completely put my dick in her. Here is the pi.... piiiiiieeeeeeeddddddd …. Ahhhhhhh hold bitch, hold. I enjoy. Hold my cum, fuck it feels good to cum deep inside your pussy.

A big jerk thrust the entirety of the colossal member and he emptied his seed into me with great spasms accompanied by guttural cries, extolled my merits... His ejaculation precipitated my orgasm, in my turn I arched my back screaming with pleasure, I wrapped my legs around her waist.
He withdrew, leaving me panting on the back, I felt his sperm flowing from my pussy.

- Perfect, perfect said Maxime. But I think I only saw half of my present. Ludo, you didn't fuck him, I hope you will cum inside his pussy.

I looked at my handsome lover, he had been careful not to ejaculate while masturbating. He was waiting for the rest to conclude. The little fat, horny as a donkey approached the bed. I was still enjoying when gently, Ludo parted my thighs and bent over my dripping pussy.

- Damn, Dad, what you were able to unload like sperm!!
- Yes, answered Maxime, it's called hyperspermia due in general to the prostate or to a long period of abstinence!!
- Anyway, it's a shame to let this nectar go to waste!! Wouldn't there be a shot glass?

Maxime rushed over and returned with a small chiselled stemmed glass resembling a cognac glass. The big Ludo placed it at the exit of my vaginal orifice and parted my lips, pushed it lightly, gently lifted it to collect the sperm mixed with my flowing cum.

- Contract your pussy well, it's still full of sperm, that's how it is, look, how it flows, there must be more than 12 ml. Presently, she's going to enjoy the little slut. Spread your thighs well that everyone benefits from it.

He lay down next to me, his mouth rested on mine, his tongue insinuated, I didn't unclench my teeth... he groaned, he grabbed my right nipple and pinched it hard, a little cry of pain mixed with pleasure made me open my mouth, his tongue invaded my oral cavity. His sour-tasting saliva flowed into my mouth. He must have felt that I liked his pinch, because he grabbed my other nipple and did the same to him.
My chest tensed forward as if to ask for more, and overcome by the pleasure and the slight pain that radiated from my breasts causing them to harden, I returned his kiss with passion.
He pushed aside the strips of fabric that framed my areolas, causing the globes to spring out which were slightly compressed by the strips of lace.
Her mouth surrounded by rough, spiky hair trailed down my neck, her spiky chin brushed against my upper chest, and her teeth encircled my fully erect nipples. He began to nibble on them quite vigorously.

- Ouuuuiiiii, ouuuuuiiiii.... go ahead and bite my nipples well, ouuiiiii like that!!! It excites me, bites the ends, the ends... ouiiiiii like that.

His rock-hard triangular glans rubbed over my stockings, he slipped it under the strap of the garter belt and rubbed it gently over my bare skin. His middle finger crept into my pussy and my vulva started to tickle and get moist again. His lips began a slow descent to my belly, his saliva leaving a viscous trail on my skin. He passed his two hands under my buttocks and kneaded my two firm globes. Stretched them to open my anus which is under pressure from his middle fingers.
His dark eyes did not leave the obscene spectacle of my sex with the pink and wet slit wide open which throbbed under his lustful gaze.
I grabbed his head and slapped his mouth on my burning pussy, which was just waiting for the penetration of his dark purple scalped glans.
I liked it very much, it was quite pointed, then flared out in a wide corolla at least five centimeters long up to the well-marked and very protruding crown, it gave me exquisite sensations on the vaginal walls, at the time of penetration or retraction during our previous coitus.
His lips landed on the skin of my right leg, where the bottom ends. His tongue traveled up the tether to my mound, back down into my groin, then he pressed his face against my dripping vulva sniffing the dripping cum, and his tongue licked the edge of my lips. Lascivious movements made my hips jerk. As his tongue spread my labia he pushed it into my insides, my thighs opened, his thumb tickled my clitoris, a cry of ecstasy burst from my throat.
Maxime liked to watch my antics... but me too, I was fond of the sensations that they could cause in him, I didn't need to cheat, I took pleasure with these two scarecrows. He didn't want to admit it, but I was sure that brave Maxime was a little jealous to see that these two watches made me climb to seventh heaven... and that increased my pleasure...
Ludo made me sit on his legs wide open, facing the two other men, then he began to caress my body, kneaded my firm and soft chest, which made me chuckle with pleasure.
His cock began to creep along my pussy lips, his giant erection spreading them apart and his member slid between them, from the tip of his glans to the base lined with rough hair.
He put one hand on my pussy and began to masturbate my clitoris, while the other kneaded my breast and pulled my nipple. Gently, his drooling tongue licked my neck.
I moaned in pleasure and took a deep breath.
The big farmer rubbed my clitoris and thrust his cock up and down my slit, slowly sliding it against my wet, shaking pussy, then over my hairless mound until it passed under the lace of my garter belt. . Wild sensations invaded my body, it seemed to me that I had never felt this and a long pleasurable moan escaped from my throat.
Ludo tried to slide three fingers into my wet pussy, but he could only integrate them until his second joint they were too stubby.
His cock engorged with blood, was extremely hard, he took out his fingers soaked in my cum, licked them with delight and he whispered in my ear:

- Little slut, I'm going to put my cock in you!

At these words, I began to gently stroke his huge cock. I caught her with my hand to masturbate her slowly. My eyes widened in amazement, the monstrous phallus had expanded even further. I continued to jerk him off slowly, and leaned forward to take his cock into my mouth.
He thrust his hard, taut cock into my soft, luscious mouth cavity, I swallowed it and my tongue wiggled around what looked like a giant mushroom, then started sucking the full length.
I was obsessed with this monstrous sex and I couldn't stop my fellatio, I didn't hear the ouch, his naked and hairy body rubbed against my breasts, he kissed me passionately pinned me on the back.
Nervously, I accepted his kiss overwhelmed with desire. He embraced my body, rubbed his huge stick against my belly and my breasts.
I freed myself and sat down, I folded my legs together, as if to protect myself, I pushed him back, to annoy him a little, his stake was monstrous.

- Nope ! You can't fuck me like this!! I don't want to get pregnant. I just remembered that I didn't take my pill, and you're about to cum inside my pussy.

This succeeded, he winced in displeasure he laid me back down and tried to push his monstrous cock between the folds of my pussy, I sat up again and reinforced my starting position, as if to bring him into a trance.
He glared at me, moved closer to my face and looking me in the eyes, he pushed me onto my back, I lay down on the bed.
He put his calloused hands up to the ties of my garter belt and firmly spread my legs, I gave in.

- For now, I'm only going to put my glans, just the tip, let's see what we can make you feel with my big tip in your sweet pussy, I'm sure you'll love it, you'll be asking for more.

I held back a sigh of desire and watched longingly again as his huge, blood-soaked, throbbing cock as if it had a life of its own, approaching my soaking wet pussy, which was just waiting to welcome it.
A part of me wanted this penetration, my body let me know that it wanted it, but in my brain another part of me refused this coupling with this bestial, primary being, quite relative cleanliness, quite the opposite of an Apollo, he was really repulsive... But it was my body that took over... lust was the strongest... I no longer thought about Maxime about his gift .
Ludo threw himself on me and thrust his very big cock roughly between my pussy lips, he continued to force his way into my wet young vagina, I contracted my vaginal muscles to enjoy this fiery penetration.
He grabbed my waist above my garter belt and pulled my body towards his, his glans blooming into a corolla forced the way, I bit my lip to keep from crying out in pleasure.
Then I cried out in pleasure as the delicious burn spread along my vagina.
He spread my legs even further and his monstrous penis slid inside my wet, soaking pussy. Awkwardly, I tried with my pelvis to follow his penetrations, but then pressed and pushed aside by the hard corolla my vaginal walls contracted and relaxed mechanically as if to suck the piston, wanting it to go deeper. I let out a huge moan of pleasure. I had forgotten his ugliness... he was nothing more than a marvelous sex.
Ludo let out a loud groan and plunged his giant, even deeper phallus into me, only stopping when he had entered 15 centimeters into my torn, throbbing pussy.
I started to scream my pleasure again, when he began to move quickly back and forth, the hardness and width of his cock made it enter my pussy with power. He now felt my complete acceptance and the tight tightening of my vagina around his giant long cock seemed to satisfy his throbbing veiny shaft like never before.
He looked at me and smiled like a devil, he slid his arms under my back and grabbed my shoulders, positioning me so he could pull my body towards him and thrust his entire oversized member deep inside me.
Now I gasped with pleasure, my penis was on fire. He straddled me, thrusting his oversized cock into me with lustful rage.
Suddenly, he penetrated me more violently, the more I screamed and the more he liked to stab the slit of my dripping and hot pussy with his giant pole.
He searched me harder and harder, he plunged his huge cock into me without stopping, my cries ended in moans and giggles of pleasure and I threw my head back holding back tears of joy.
Ludo kissed me at a sustained but regular pace and my cries of delight, intense and deep, turned into moans of pleasure mixed with a throbbing and dull pain provided by the size of his cock which parted my vaginal walls.
The monstrous thick cock scraped deep inside my vagina and I cried out in pleasure again.
He started to fuck me wildly, like an animal, my breasts bouncing, my nipples fully erect, rubbing against Ludo's greasy and hairy pecs. I clung to him and wrapped my arms and legs around him.
His thrusts were a little painful, but I felt so good, my head was spinning, as a throbbing wave of pleasure began to well up inside my insides.
He entered almost all of his giant cock inside me. He forced to fully push the last few inches of his cock, my pussy was open to the maximum.
My body began to shake, my breasts hardened, a powerful orgasm was being born deep inside me, it surged:

- Ohh, ohh, please go slower, yes deeper... oh honey... I'm cumiiiiii...yes deeper... Penetrate me gently.... Ouuuiiiiiii!!!!! Your cock is a marvel... ooouuuiii!!!! Squirt, squirt... squirt deep inside my pussy!

For long minutes Ludo held me tightly, his cock well inserted to let my cum running down his big hairy balls, he kissed me passionately.
Then I felt in my pussy a consequent and deep ejaculation which flowed through me, Ludo's cock poured out with great spasms. His hot cum dripped inside my gaping femininity, he gasped and moaned every time his balls hit my ass.
His cock was still hard inside my pussy, and he started to rub his balls against my hard ass and pushed his cock as deep as he could into me. Then he rolled onto his back and straddled me on his lap. He didn't move, seeming to recover. I tried to recover while breathing slowly, I realized that he shouldn't take me for his fucking service!! I shook myself, Ludo lay down on the bed caressed my chest and his big cock still half and hard, pushed hard between my legs and brushed my belly again above my garter belt. I felt confused and a sense of shame washed over me. I couldn't understand why and how I could let this big pig, ugly as a louse, take advantage of me in front of Maxime! But I recognized that he had given me a lot of pleasure the two times he had fucked me... I thought I was a real little slut, addicted to huge cocks. As these thoughts raced through my mind, I watched as Ludo's once again rock-hard cock slammed into my breasts.

- Trixie, you're really made for my big cock, I can't stop.

He put it back in me putting it again in the pussy. Maxime completely naked approached the bed, he masturbated, he capped and recapped his cock which had reached a maximum erection. I looked at him with a little contrite air, as if to make up for having enjoyed so much with big Ludo, and for having completely forgotten him.

- Suck my glans little bitch, I'm going to sodomize you. I didn't think that pig was going to make you cum so much!

I applied myself to obey him, Ludo took over the kneading of my breasts, my nipples began to hurt me by dint of being triturated, but I did not hate this slight pain which kept them permanently erect.
Maxime went behind me and knelt on the bed, he made me lean forward, Ludo took the opportunity to suck my nipples, as if he wanted to draw milk.
Maxime's tail was positioned at the entrance to my anus and he pushed slowly, my rectal bulb did not resist and his glans entered my little hole. He knew me, he knew that I liked slow penetrations, with a lot of comings and goings. He also knew that I accepted all of his cock in my insides, so he took his time to make me savor every inch that entered me.
With these two huge cocks in me, Ludo also moved gently in my vagina, I flew to the paradise of lust. The two men worked on me for six or seven minutes.

- Hey, Maxime, I won't be able to sodomize her... She seems to like it!!
- Of course sir, you are the guest, answered Max with a disdainful air.

Maxime had answered him politely, but with a contrite air and a little annoyance, he gave her the place. The big farmer, put his cock flush with my ass, the tip of his glans penetrated it slightly.

- Go sit on it, and you won't stop until you feel my hair tickle your buttocks, then you'll ride me alone, you exhausted me earlier!

I obeyed him to the letter, I heard Maxime sigh in disappointment.

- Maxime, said Ludo's father, you should enjoy it too, Trixie must be able to accommodate two cocks, try it, I'd love to see that!!

Maxime got back on the bed, knelt down, passed my legs over his thighs, Ludo, his hands on my hips at the height of my garter belt, blocked my pelvis, then once he felt Maxime's glans position itself on his cock. at the entrance to my intimate hole, he grabbed me under the thighs and spread my legs as far apart as possible. Maxime using one hand pushed slowly. Little by little I felt his glans slide over Ludo's cock. I was excited, my sphincters relaxed just enough to allow this huge intrusion. He spat on his glans, ran two fingers into my pussy to collect the sticky sperm, which he brushed on the head of his cock to lubricate it well. Maxime proceeded slowly, attentive to the expressions on my face, he didn't want to hurt me, as soon as I opened my mouth, holding my breath, he stopped his progress. He had managed to enter two-thirds of his cock, he withdrew 10 cm, then with a quick jerk, he put them back in place, taking advantage of gaining a little more depth, I gasped with pleasure. He restarted the operation several times, Ludo for the moment did not move.
Maxime seeing that I slowly accepted the two huge members, accelerated his pace of penetration, his cock was almost entirely entered.
Ludo had understood and he too began to go back and forth in my anal duct, disproportionately distended.
My mouth was wide open, and I frantically gasped for air, overwhelmed by the powerful sensations of pleasure, from having two monster cocks thrust deep into my ass.
I buried my face in Ludo's chest hair, after a few minutes of deep anal fucking I started moaning like a little female dog.
I screamed with force, when Ludo accelerated his penetrations. He sodomized me more ferociously, I could feel every inch of his cock entering me, my anal walls became more sensitive.
Maxime, grabbed my buttocks and spread them, he called the old man:

- Come and see Sir, you will have a magnificent view of her ass!! I believe that will not take long to ejaculate. Do I have to do it inside, or do you want to see my cum squirting into her shaft?
- I'm going to ejaculate too, Daddy makes me pass the small glass.

Maxime grabbed the liqueur glass and handed it to Ludo, the latter dexterously poured his seed into it, while Maxime, with muffled grunts, began to ejaculate his warm sperm in the line of my buttocks.

- No, no, said big Ludo, in the glass, in the glass.

He managed to collect almost all of the sperm in the small container.
The old farmer was masturbating vigorously, the show had completely satisfied him and satisfied his fantasies, he was on the verge of ejaculation.

- Wait Dad, mix your sperm with ours in the small glass...
- Yes but why ?

Said the old man running. The glass was full of his son's sperm and that of Maxime.

- Trixie, come closer. Open your mouth, tilt your head back, stick out your tongue.
The big Ludo poured with devotion by small drafts, the mixture of translucent sperm on my tongue.
- Come on swallow.... You like... Come on show us that you love sperm

I complied, and swallowed the cocktail of sperm.
Once the farmer and his son were gone, Maxime hugged me tenderly.

- I really thank you, that's a great idea you had there, I loved watching you fuck with those two shaggy, ugly monsters! And you're a great actress, you made them believe that they were making you come, it was very convincing...
- Uhhhh, it wasn't cinema, they really made me cum and really hard! I know I know ! I'm a real bitch, I replied, blushing to the roots of my hair.
- No, just a little nympho! But you know we love it with Gerald!
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