Desires For Daddy


Desires For Daddy
Part I
Dirty Amber
Copyright 2012
Laura is a twelve years beautiful daughter who loves her widowed father more than daughter should do. She fails to find ways to express her love as she sees her father find release with regular beautiful women who were getting younger with each passing years. When her fourteen years old cousin arrives the door that had appeared frilly shut on her opens.
Strong incest based story with explicit sex of all kinds. Sensitive readers should use caution.
Chari’s Quest
Chapter 1
Prelude: Agony of Desire
I watched the giant man cleaning the pool simply dressed in long loose shorts. He was seven feet five inches tall and really big muscled and broad. His tree trunk like thighs bulged each time he moved. His huge arms were bigger than many big men’s thighs. His body was gleaming with sweat. I looked at him greedily as my hand massaged my bald hairless pussy. I was careful in standing behind the pulled heavy curtain. Also my room was in relative darkness compared to bright warm sunshine the man worked in. Both ensured even if he were to look at my huge window he would struggle to see me. I fact he did look up but not at my window. He simply looked at the bright sun. His face was handsome beyond words. His face was covered with drops of sweat. In my house we had another indoor pool but in summer we liked to use the outdoor pool. I had insisted on using it this weekend as summer had ushered in a bit early.
My fingers ran over my engorged clit. I had learnt the wonders of masturbation only four years ago and since then I was using it to control my wild desires and impulses that overtook me every time that man and I were in close proximity. I should correct myself even when that man was not in front of me his vision made me mad with illicit desires and I made myself cum many times before sleep would engulf me.
I hurried and rubbed and stroked my clitoris harder and faster to make myself cum. I had to go down to the pool and my cunt juices would flow and give me away if I did not calm my lust a tiny bit. I closed my eyes and saw his massive body hovering over my petite body. His huge cock about to invade my tiny hairless pink pussy. He aligned the massive head of his cock at my cunt entrance and pushed. I shuddered as my feverish imagination helped my fingers bring me to a crashing climax. I shook and moaned as my high and wide peak of orgasm raced through my body. My knees shook and I had to lean against the wall to help keep me steady and on my feet.
I slowly composed myself. I rushed inside the en suite bathroom and showered. I used the hand held shower to wash my pussy. I quickly towelled my hair to make them less drippy. I chose a single piece swimming suit. It was light blue with flowery pattern. Blue was one of my favorite colors.
I stood in front of dressing room roof to floor mirror. I was tall for my age. I was twelve years old. I was five feet three inches tall. I had broad shoulders and my body lines followed that theme. I was athletic rather than dainty. My budding B cup breasts had started to make an unmistakable bulge in my swimsuit. My soft belly filled and bulged the suit ever so slightly before stretching over my full plump ass cheeks. My meaty thighs tapered into full shapely ankles.
I looked at the huge picture of my mother on the wall. She was standing in a similar swimsuit as mine. She was a broad shouldered big boned extremely beautiful woman. Her large breasts were captivating as was her full rounded waist that accentuated her wide full ample ass that flowed into long meaty full thighs. My mother was five feet eight inches tall and the word voluptuous was invented for her. My mother was all curves. My mother, Elizabeth Mary Sinclair, was a divine beauty. Her face was exquisite and her smile never seemed to leave her face. Her pictures from all occasions were scattered all over the house. My widowed father and I loved her so much and we wanted her presence in every corner of our forty-bedroom mansion. All our friends and family never tired of telling me that I was split image of my mother.
I ran downstairs in to the back to the pool. The man had arranged all the chairs and had kept the cleaning tools away. He was sitting right at the edge on his toes and peering into the clear blue water to ensure there was nothing that could trouble me. I smiled and suddenly realized he was unaware of my presence. I quietly reached behind him and pushed him into the pool with all my strength. The man went headfirst and deftly did a summersault and soon was above the water. I was laughing like a crazy girl. I doubled up with mirth as my father said, “Laura, is that what I get for cleaning the pool for your highness.”
I smiled and stuck my tongue out at my father, “You were all sweaty so I thought you could do with a cool dip. Why were you cleaning the pool yourself anyway?”
My father looked at me soft eyes, “I wanted myself to prepare the pool for my princess.”
My chest filled with pride and love. I could have cried. My daddy loved me so much and I loved him more than anything in this world.
Daddy extended his hand for me to help him lift out of the pool. I got sucked in the ploy. Daddy effortlessly flipped me behind him in the pool. I came up spluttering and coughing. My father was laughing. I stuck my tongue at daddy again and dove under the water and soon swam between his massive legs to come up in front of him. I wanted to tickle him but he quickly fell back and moved away with a powerful backstroke. My fingers got hooked in the waistband of his shorts and I held it tight. As daddy swam away I was left holding his shorts as a trophy. I screamed and laughed with glee as I waved his wet and heavy shorts above my head.
I forgot how fast and strong my father was in water. Before I knew he swam under water and soon I rose above water shrieking as he had me sitting on his shoulders. His long arms rose over the top of my shoulders. He pushed me once again off his shoulders like a log of wood in the water. As I was catapulted in to air before falling in the water I felt my swim suit slide off my shoulders. I landed head first in water and felt the drag of my swimsuit over my legs. This time daddy followed me.
Before I could manage to roll over daddy had managed to grab the trailing end of the swimsuit and as I swam away my father was holding his trophy. I had to put up with his victory cry and waving of my suit. I ran towards him as he swam and climbed on his back. I flung my arms around his strong neck. My father laughed and he swam with me on his back. He did ten laps effortlessly with my weight on his back as if I weighed less than the shorts I had snatched off his body.
Suddenly he rolled over submerging me underwater and I had to let go of him to swim and breathe. We both swam hard and fast for an hour before emerging out of the pool. I watched my father giant body and soon my eyes wandered to the place that made me lose my sense of propriety. My father’s huge penis swung as he moved towards the edge of the pool to lift me out. Daddy cock hung almost to his knees. I had like all modern kids looked up net for sex information and sizes of male penis. I knew my father was blessed with a monstrous male member.
I hurriedly looked away and gave my hand to my dad who lifted me out of water without even making an obvious effort. He held naked body up with his huge hands on my waist. He slowly kissed and whispered, “Gosh! Laura, you are so beautiful. You look like your mother more and more every day.”
I closed my eyes as I felt a rush of warmth spread through my body. My belly muscles tightened with excitement and my pussy convulsed. I somehow stuttered, “Thank you dad.” I felt my warm light brown father’s eyes looking at me lovingly. I hoped and wished that daddy would notice my budding breasts that were much bigger than all the girls of my age who were nearly flat chested.
My father suddenly shook himself out of the moment, “Lors,” my father’s affectionate nickname for me, “we need sun cream.”
Being naked in our house was nothing new. My mother, daddy and I often showered together and swam naked in the pool. I lay down on the pool side chair. Daddy rubbed the sun cream on my back. His strong hands making me feel safe and excited. I tried to focus my mind on anything but the effect daddy’s hands had on my lust.
Daddy rubbed a generous amount of cream all over my ass and he massaged them naughtily. Horsing around and getting physical had been a natural expression of love all my life in my family.
Daddy pulled my plump full ass cheeks apart and rubbed a finger full of cream on my anus, “Now we do not want my little princess’s potty hole to get sunburnt do we?” I giggled like mad.
Daddy gently rolled me over. I could have sworn I noticed daddy’s eyes soften as he noticed my budding breasts heave with my laughter. That observation made me feel so happy.
Daddy rubbed the sun cream on the front of my legs and tickled my sole as he made sure all my toes were covered. I giggled like a little girl. When daddy kissed the soles of my feet and tickled them his tongue I giggled even louder. My giggles stopped suddenly as I felt my father’s huge powerful hands on my upper thighs and I bit on my lip trying not to moan as his fingers rubbed cream gently on my inner thighs and without making any fuss daddy covered the junction of my thighs including my slit of a hairless pussy.
Daddy continued on to my belly and soon his large hands reached my chest and I now knew my father had definitely noticed that his twelve years old daughter’s chubby chest now was adorned with two definite breasts no matter they were far off from the divine beautiful large breasts of my mother. Daddy almost hesitated before his palms covered my B cup breasts and rubbed sun cream. I bit on my lip as my nipples tingled and I am sure my father would have noticed, as they grew taut and bigger under his palms. Slowly daddy covered my neck. He took more sun cream and gently rubbed on my cheeks.
He kissed me on my mouth affectionately. We kissed each other without any reason. We simply showed our affection spontaneously. This kiss, however, was slow and thoughtful. Daddy rubbed sun cream on the sides of my nose and eventually kissed me on the tip of my nose, “All done sweetheart.”
I jumped out of my chair and pushed him to lie down on his belly. I once again admired the giant body of my father. I rubbed generous amount of cream all over his powerful legs and thighs. I massaged his massive muscular ass cheeks. I teased him as he had done to me by dipping my finger and rubbing his potty hole, “Daddy your potty hole too is now protected from sun.”
I was rewarded with my father’s laughter. I moved on to his back and arms. I covered the back of his neck before nudging him to roll over. I had made a mental note not to look at my father’s huge penis. I covered his legs and abdomen and chest before moving to the place that made me lose control. I lifted daddy’s flaccid but enormous cock that was so heavy. I used my both hands to cover it with sun cream. My heart lurched as I noticed that my two hands could not manage to cover the girth of my father’s penis. Until my feelings about my father changed I had never shown any concern or awareness or thought about the size of his penis.
I steeled myself to act as I had done all my life and be natural around my dad even if a fire was burning inside my pelvis. I gently rubbed sun cream all along the huge length of my dad’s cock. I was a bit disappointed to see that daddy’s penis did not become erect. However, I did feel it had become a bit heavier than before.
I rubbed sun cream all over my father’s face and kissed him on the nose. He was lying with his eyes closed and looked so captivatingly handsome. I slowly climbed beside him and snuggled inside his arm as we both slowly drifted into a short snooze under warm late morning sun.
Chapter 2
Daddy and I woke up and took shower together. Daddy picked up his shorts and my suit before we left to get dressed. My month long break was coming next week and daddy always worked from home when I was at home. Daddy since mother had passed away worked mostly from home. I was told that we were very rich and daddy earned even more every month.
Daddy’s interns or specific department manager would come during the day to help update him and have discussions about other activities. These healthy beautiful women were the outlets for my father’s energy since mother had passed away. We lost my mother when I was just six. Daddy had taken few years before his trusted PA wore down his resolve. Dorothy was, not surprisingly, a big boned very handsome buxom woman. I became jealous of her and spied on them once they retired to my father’s office suite.
I saw my father and Dorothy have sex. That was the day my feelings for daddy changed forever. I saw and heard poor Dorothy scream and moan as daddy took her with his huge cock for hours. Her pleas to slow down were ignored by daddy and she eventually slumped in a heap. I was awe struck by the authoritative manner my father made love with poor Dorothy. I was entranced as daddy revived Dorothy and soon she was moaning and shrieking all over again.
When Dorothy left later that afternoon she was walking as if in pain. From then on there were many women but all were big breasted and chunky as if daddy was trying to match his women for even short-lived dalliances with my mother. Of late I had noticed the interns were very young but none of them were tiny or thin. I would manage to spy on my dad most of the times he and his office help had sex. Each episode increased the illicit hungry lust for my dad.
When I came down in white cotton tee shirt finishing at mid thighs and panties. I came down and saw daddy with one of his interns. I was surprised to see that she was so young. She must be the youngest intern ever to have visited our home. She was really good looking chunkily built girl of probably around sixteen or seventeen years or so of age. I said hello politely and soon found that Melissa was very intelligent and friendly. Melissa was in fact fifteen and she had joined daddy’s empire as an intern to get work experience before joining Harvard for masters in business after senior school. I was soon calling her Mel as she insisted. Lunch was served at about twelve and Mel had the best white wine from our cellar although she was far from of age to drink legally. Lunch lasted all of one hour. Mel warmed to me effortlessly. I had inherited the precocious genius gene from my parents. I was mentally and intellectually five years ahead of my age.
Daddy excused himself as he kissed me and guided Mel to his office suite. I knew the pattern and was in no rush. I went up and finished my literature assignment. By three I knew daddy and Mel would have finished most of the work. I was right.
I softly entered daddy’s office suite’s waiting area. I peeked into the huge office and was not surprised to see it empty. In fact I was late. I heard loud moans from the attached one of the three bedrooms. I padded softy and sneaked quietly. For once daddy had left the full lights on and the sun filtering through the curtains gave me the best view ever. Mel was fully naked and was thrashing on the bed as daddy sucked her pussy as I had seen him do to many other girls and women.
Mel was full bodied and her large breasts heaved, as her beautiful mouth was half open as she gasped and panted. Her soft belly bulged ever so seductively and wide full ass shivering as daddy’s mouth tortured her pussy.
“Mr. Sinclair, please lick my pussy. AAHHH you are going to make me cum again,” Mel moaned loudly.
Daddy had Mel’s meaty thighs on his massive arms and his long arms reached around her thighs and daddy filled his huge hands with Mel’s overflowing breast flesh. His hands first slowly squeezed them and then as her moans became louder he mauled her breasts savagely and his mouth obviously was churning Mel’s cunt into multiple orgasms. Like many times before I wished I could take Mel’s place. I was rubbing my cunt non-stop and cumming every time Mel exploded. Mel burst into her fourth orgasm since I had started to spy on them, ‘Mr. SINCLAIR, I AM CUUMMEEENNNGG, AAAHH UUUNNNGGHH UUMMMM,” and slumped listlessly on the bed.
Daddy gently moved on top of her and held her in his arms gently. I noticed Mel’s rich dark blond bush was shining with her sex juices and daddy’s saliva. Daddy kissed Mel tenderly as her eyes fluttered open.
“It was so good Mr. Sinclair. I nearly died,” Mel flung her arms around daddy’s strong neck and kissed him with unbridled passion.
“Mel, sweetheart. I have known your dad all my life and you have always called me uncle Tom whenever I have visited your home. Let’s leave this formality for work, shall we?” Daddy kissed Mel on her nose as she blushed and then beamed with love.
“I want to uncle Tom, I was not sure that’s all,” Melissa stuttered.
“I surely do not want you to call me anything else when I am fucking you, Mel,” daddy gently bit on the tip of her nose as poor girl blushed once again.
Daddy stood up and took off his shorts and I heard a loud gasp emanate from Mel’s throat. I smiled as I realised the effect daddy’s monstrous penis would have had on poor Mel. It also consoled me that she had never had sex with daddy before.
“Uncle Tom, you are er.. So BIG,” Mel gasped, “I have never seen anything as huge as yours. Will I be able to take it?”
Mel was definitely not a virgin and had seen and taken other cocks. Daddy ignored the concerns of his friend’s daughter and soon he had covered her voluptuous but petite body with his massive heavy body and his mouth was crushed over Mel’s gasping mouth. Within few minutes of fondling Mel was squirming and moaning all over again.
“Uncle Tom please take me now. Fuck me, please,” Melissa grovelled.
“Sure, honey. It might hurt a bit but don’t worry you will be all right once it is fully inside,” daddy moved between Mel’s full chunky thighs and spread them wide apart. He aligned his huge cock head against the entrance of Mel’s pussy covered with sex juices soaked lush dark blond curls. Daddy slowly pushed his massive cock head gently inside gasping Mel’s cunt. Once his monster cock head was wedged nicely inside Mel’s tight soft vaginal entrance daddy once again lay down on top of Mel’s chunky voluptuous body.
I bit on my lower lip and my pussy involuntarily clenched. I knew what was coming next as I had seen it many times before. Daddy gathered Mel’s body in his strong arms as her arms flew around daddy’s massive muscular neck.
Daddy’s back muscles clenched and massive strong hips pushed down. His massive cock rushed inside Mel’s young teen pussy. Mel screamed that reverberated off the walls and stung my ears.
“UNCLE TOMMM YOOO ARRR TOOO BEEEG. YOO ARRR HHUURRTTEEENNGGG MEEEEE. AAAHHHH OOOHHH UUUNNNGGH,” Mel’s pleaded and screamed. She tried to buck but she was tiny and made no impact on daddy’s massive giant super powerful body that kept her pinned to the bed. I could see the huge length still stationed above poor but lucky Mel’s pulsating tortured cunt.
Daddy hunched again and his monster forced itself inside by few inches accompanied by another scream form Mel. Daddy swung his hips again and more of his cock was buried inside Mel’s cunt and she dutifully screamed again and again. The last brutal lunge from daddy’s hips buried his entire monster cock inside sobbing Mel’s cunt.
Daddy held Mel tight and started to move his cock gently in and out. He crushed his mouth on open drooling sobbing mouth of his friend’s teen daughter and started to fuck her with slow short strokes. I knew before long Mel would forget the pain that had made her scream and she would me sobbing with lust and screaming with unbridled passion. Daddy had made Dorothy cry with pain when they had sex for the first time and she was older than daddy and experienced. But she came for more and more. I was getting envious of Mel, just three years older than my twelve years, who had my dearest father’s monster cock inside her pussy and here I was left to soak up the effect of his heavenly penis from far and that too stealthily.
In five minutes Mel’s screams and sobs died down and her arms tightened around daddy’s neck. Daddy stared to move up and down with more freedom. His mouth-watering huge hips rose and fell as he started to fuck Mel with more purpose.
Mel started to moan and her hips moved up to meet daddy’s downward stroke, “AAH UNCLE TOM. EEET EES FEEELEENG SOOO GOOOOD. YUOOORRR COOCCKK UUNNNGGH SOOO BEEEEG UHUHUHRRMMPPPHH.”
Daddy was now moving in and out of Mel’s clasping cunt faster and harder. He pulled nearly half of his cock and pistoned it back in one smooth sinuous motion. Mel was moaning loudly. Daddy started to pull more and more of his gargantuan cock and began to slam it back with increasing force.
Mel moaned with each thrust that filled her cunt to a bursting limit and soon declared her imminent orgasm, “Uncle Tom I am cumming. FUCK ME UNCLE TOM. MAKE ME CUM. OOHH AAAHHH FFUUCCKKKK MMMEEEEE.”
Mel bucked and convulsed as her orgasm tore through her. I buckled with my own but my eyes were glued to the riveting copulation between my father and his friend’s daughter. Daddy started to increase the tempo of fucking. He started to use long thrusts pulling all of his inhumanly long cock until his glans was the only part still buried inside sobbing Mel. He would then lunge down burying his monstrously thick long cock in one seemingly savage thrust. Mel squealed each time daddy slammed his cock inside her. Her fifteen years inexperienced body shook both with the savage thrusts of my father and her own torrid orgasms.
Daddy was pounding Mel’s cunt mercilessly and she was cumming pretty much continuously. Her loud moans were interspersed with equally loud shrieks. Her orgasms came thick and fast and her teen chunky body writhed and convulsed in the throes of her body ripping orgasms.
Mel screamed yet again as her fresh orgasm ravaged her teen body, “UUNCCLE TOOOMMMM FFUUCCCKKK AAAAHHH UUUMMMNNNGGGH SSOOO GGGOOOODD.”
I was rubbing my pussy like crazy as I came in torrents to accompany Mel. Daddy was now pounding Mel’s cunt with unbelievably fast brutal strokes that made me feel for the girl even though I felt she was usurping my place. I should have been screaming, sobbing and writhing under my father’s body.
Daddy had been fucking Mel well over an hour when he grunted loudly and his thrusts lost the coordination. He slammed his cock and exploded deep inside Mel. She shrieked and came again. Daddy slammed his cock few times erratically as he spurted his cum inside Mel’s convulsing cunt.
I closed my eyes to gather my own lust as my last orgasm left me weak and wobbly. I clamped my teeth on my lip to prevent any moans that might escape. I took slow deep breaths before turning my attention back inside.
Daddy was gently kissing and stroking Mel’s face. She was beaming in the glow of her multiple orgasms. She was breathless but now was under spell of daddy’s monster cock.
“Mel, are you OK,” daddy asked a redundant question.
“Uncle Tom I have never cum so hard and so many times in my life,” Mel blushed.
“Sweetie, we have just started. I am going to make you cum hard many times more,” daddy gently bit on her lip and then sucked on her nose before his tongue traced the contours of Mel’s beautiful nostrils sensuously.
Daddy started to move again. His cock had lost none of its steel. I knew it was a prelude for another surprise for Mel.
“Mel sweetie, I am going to take your beautiful ass. Have you been fucked in your ass before?” daddy ground his cock fully buried inside Mel’s cunt making her moan.
“Once uncle but he was not as big as you,” Mel whimpered, “compared to you he was tiny.”
Daddy kissed Mel reassuringly. He pushed her meaty thighs back towards her chest and let them fall over his arms. Daddy placed his massive thighs on either side of Mel’s ample ass and soon his cock was stationed on the tiniest of anal ring. I pressed my thighs together in sympathy for Mel.
Daddy pushed down steadily and poor Mel held her breath in apprehensive anticipation. Daddy’s cockhead eventually forced Mel’s tight anus open and as his huge small apple sized cock head slid inside the tight anal ring Mel yelped in obvious pain. Daddy held her down effortlessly. His next thrust was savage and few inches of his cock vanished inside Mel’s tight rectum. Mel screamed and her eyes filled with tears.
Daddy as I had seen him do many times before used strong muscles to bulldoze his giant cock inexorably inside screaming, writhing, sobbing Mel’s tortured ass until it was buried to the last of its inhumanly thick inch.
Daddy started to move his cock slowly but firmly holding bucking Mel down. Her sobs and shrieks were loud. Her face was wet with her tears and her open sobbing mouth allowed trickle of her saliva run from the corners of her mouth. She had not seen or experienced anything like what my father could deliver to any woman and she was just a girl.
Daddy used his strength to stroke his huge cock in and out the tight anus of his friend’s teen daughter whose shrieks have died down and sobs were less audible. Daddy kissed her drooling mouth and licked Mel’s tears lovingly. His hips moved up and down pulling his monster cock out and pushing it back inside Mel’s delectable chunky ass.
Mel started to moan with lust as she had done while daddy fucked her cunt, “Oh! Uncle Tom, it is better now. You are so big. It still hurts but it feels good too. My ass feels so full, uncle Tom.”
Daddy kissed babbling Mel’s mouth and started to fuck her faster and harder. Mel shook with each powerful thrust from daddy’s massive hips as he buried every inch of his huge cock inside Mel’s ass. Daddy’s cock was moving in and out smoothly and Mel started to moan louder as her orgasm drew nearer. When she came she screamed with wild passion that coursed through her teenaged body.
Daddy fucked Mel through her orgasm and soon she was moving her ass to meet the brutal thrusts from daddy’s hips. The room resonated with loud sharp slaps as daddy’s thighs smashed with young Mel’s upturned ass each time he hilted inside her fragrant rectum. Daddy’s hips were moving like a piston of a freight train as he pounded Mel’s rectum with savage thrusts. Mel came in clusters like before and in her young life she had never been fucked like daddy was fucking her. I had seen women twice her age and more babble like idiots once my father had reduced them into quivering mass of repeated orgasms.
Daddy’s insatiable cock pummelled Mel’s ass for over an hour making her cum almost incessantly. Mel screamed as her last orgasm was too strong for her to handle and she slumped deathly silent and passed out. Daddy kept on fucking her with savage strokes and then his deep-throated growl heralded his own orgasm. He slammed his cock few times as his cock exploded inside Mel’s rectum and then he buried his monster to the hilt deep inside Mel’s ass as daddy must have filled her rectum with his cum. Daddy let Mel’s legs fall on the bed and he gently dropped on Mel’s heaving semi-unconscious body.
I turned away and shook in violent ecstasy running through my young body. I waited patiently prepared to run if any sounds from inside the room suggested that they were coming out. I doubted that. Daddy would fuck tirelessly for many hours once he started. He was nowhere close to being satisfied.
“Uncle Tom you are so nicely cruel. You hurt me so much but made me love it even more,” Mel whispered as she kissed daddy all over his handsome face, “I never knew a girl could cum so much.”
Daddy kissed his friend’s daughter back and soon declared that he was ready to ravish Mel even more, “Uncle Tom! You are still hard and want more! Oh God you are so hard and big!” Mel giggled hysterically.
Daddy pulled out of Mel’s rectum making her yelp in pain. I heard slurping sounds suggesting Mel was sucking and licking daddy’s monster cock clean. My cunt juices had drenched my panties.
I once again turned towards the room. Daddy had rolled Mel on her belly and lifted her on her knees and her head was resting on her folded forearms. I caught my breath Mel was in for a ride that she would never forget. The sight of a fifteen years old girl on her knees in front of my giant father made Mel appear vulnerable. My heart was getting more hopeful by minute. If my father could fuck his friend’s young fifteen years daughter so mercilessly then surely he would concede to his own daughter even though she was only twelve.
Daddy placed his throbbing rock hard titanic cock at the entrance of Mel’s pulsating cunt. He held her chunky full hips in the tight vice like grip of his huge hands. He swung his hips burying half of his monster cock in one thrust making Mel scream with pain filled pleasure. Daddy fucked Mel to many orgasms first in her cunt and then he took her in her ass with equal savagery. Mel shrieked, moaned and sobbed as her orgasms merged into one huge ball of lust filled fire that burnt her body and only man to douse that was my father. Daddy came twice more before Mel once again slumped listless on the bed. Daddy followed her and decided to explode all over her face. For the first time I saw how much cum daddy’s cock produced. His thick creamy cum covered every inch of Mel’s face. Daddy filled her nose with his cum. I came shuddering as the sight of my father exploding all over Mel’s face was too much for me to stand.
I looked at the clock it was close to seven. Daddy and Mel had been together for almost six hours. I heard Mel moan and start to come alive slowly. I heard daddy whisper, “Mel, sweetie shall we shower. I want to taste to your sweet pee. I think I shall ring Bill that you are going to stay here tonight.”
I blushed as I heard daddy suggest that he would love to drink Mel’s pee. I ran quietly out of the suite and rushed back to my room to take a shower and change.
Chapter 3
By eight dinner was served. I intentionally failed to notice that Mel was dressed in daddy’s tee shirt. I made pleasant conversation and naughtily suggested, “Daddy, Mel should stay here rather than go home late. Mel would you like to?” I wanted my father to be happy and satisfied. That night Mel was the only person who could do that.
Daddy eyes went up, “Er, Sweetheart I was thinking exactly that. Mel has worked very hard today and it is a bit late. I shall ring Bill, if that is all right with you Mel?”
Mel blushed madly and somehow managed to nod and whimper out a ‘Yes’. Dinner was lavish and Mel tasted some rare wines. I was allowed few sips as well. Mel and I watched a movie and daddy sipped his cognac. I could see Mel getting restless. My father would never show any signs of restlessness. I took pity and excused myself, “Mel, I am sorry I am rather sleepy.”
I kissed daddy goodnight. I changed into my silk pyjamas and waited for a discrete hour. I tiptoed towards daddy’s bedroom suite. The main door was luckily not actually closed. I moved inside the living area that led to daddy’s huge bedroom. The lights were dim and not bright enough for me to catch clear action but the loud moans told me all. For the next three hours I rubbed my cunt and came many times as daddy ravaged Mel non-stop. Mel was reduced to moans and whimpers as she came repeatedly. I was too tired and daddy was still going relentlessly at ravishing Mel. I flatfooted to my bedroom and fell asleep with sweet dreams of my daddy fucking me as savagely he had fucked Mel. My poor clitoris would be very sore the next morning.
I woke up very late next morning. Mel had left by then. I was still full of sleep and my father opened his arms and I curled up in his huge lap as he sipped his coffee and read the newspaper. I sleepily rubbed daddy’s curly hair on his chest with my finger. I could smell a faint smell over his cologne that was new and I concluded that was a result of torrid sex he had last night with Mel.
I was now even more determined to seek every way that would make daddy look at me the way he looked at Mel and other women.
Some times solution just appears by serendipity. One evening when I came from school daddy was on phone and I could quickly catch he was talking with uncle Jake, his brother in law and close friend. Uncle Jake, Jacob Clive Gregson, had married daddy’s twin sister Tracy, Tracy Katherine Sinclair. Their daughter Chari, Charlotte Sinclair-Gregson, and I were very close. Chari had been my confidant and go to friend whenever I needed to unload.
Daddy put the phone down and told me the gist of the conversation. Uncle Jake and auntie Tracy were going to Kenya to settle uncle’s family’s business in which uncle had put in a huge stake. They were not keen to take Chari as political turmoil made them nervous and moreover Chari would miss the long holiday here. Naturally the arrangement was for Chari to live with us and she was coming on weekend. I felt elated and happy.
The rest of the week flew by fast. Daddy and I went to airport to pick up Chari. She was flying in family’s personal jet with a dedicated chaperone. Chari came out from VIP exit. Chari, fourteen years old was two years older, two inches taller and bigger than me. She had creamy light chocolate complexion, a delicious mix of uncle Jake’s dark chocolate African heritage mixed with auntie Tracy almost lucent creamy white Caucasian genes.
Her wide shoulders highlighted her full chunky frame. Her wavy long dark hair seemed to blow in invisible air. Her already large breasts were much bigger than any girl of her age and they filled her tee shirt attracting many looks. Her full rounded belly and waist undulated inside her snug tee shirt as she walked. Her jeans were filled most alluringly with her wide full hips and equally impressive meaty thighs. Her five feet five inches always seemed to be ready for some action. Chari had the best of her mother’s unbelievable beauty and her father’s out of this world handsome face.
Chari ran into arms of daddy and he picked her up like a child and kissed her with fierce love on her mouth, face and forehead. I waited for my sister to be released and soon I was hugging Chari and we both started to babble about zillion things we wanted to share. Daddy picked both of us in his arms like two small children and moved towards the waiting limo.
Chari has her own suite, as did uncle and auntie. We had our suites in uncle’s home. After late lunch and lazing around we all decided to go for a dip. Chari borrowed my two-piece suit and I too wore similar suit instead of one piece that I favored, as did my mother.
Chari voluptuous charms were bursting out of her swimsuit two sizes too small. Daddy was already by the pool waiting for us. I could not help notice that like me he stood still as we appeared and his eyes took in the sheer divine sight of Chari’s beauty. Daddy seemed to shake himself out of his deep thoughts as we ran screaming towards him trying to throw him in the pool. Daddy picked both of us in his arms and jumped in the pool with both us giggling. The usual frolics ensued. Chari and I teamed up but were still no match my father’s pace and strength. Chari and I combined forces and soon Chari was swimming away with daddy’s trunks.
Daddy wasted no time and I lost my two-piece tiny suit within no time. I swam under daddy to tickle his belly but landed up groping his dangling long penis. Daddy quickly cornered giggling Chari and soon she had to part with her swimsuit. Eventually we all swam few laps but our main objective was to dunk daddy as many times under the water as possible.
As the sum wet down we had to come out. I caught my breath as I definitely noticed subtle electricity between Chari and daddy. Chari looked beautiful beyond words as water dripped off her full chunky young early teenaged body. Her largish breasts were like half cut large cantaloupes that seem to stick out proud. Her soft wispy growth over her vagina was wet and made her look even more beautiful. Chari too soaked in daddy’s giant frame and his monstrously long, thick and heavy cock dangling between his tree trunk like thighs.
We all went inside to get dressed for dinner. I was in my customary tee shirt and panties. Chari too had chosen similar attire. Daddy was as always in his loose shorts and tee shirt.
We laughed and talked as Chari, daddy and I caught up will all kind of trivia about our families. Daddy allowed both of us few sips of vintage Barolo. Once dinner and dessert was cleared. Daddy gave us company with his tumbler of cognac as we girls wanted to watch the latest soppy chick-flick.
Daddy could not put up with the nonsense of corny movie and left after kissing us goodnight in the wake of our derisive teasing. Chari and I hugged each other goodnight after talking some more. I jumped into my bed thinking when would be the best time to share my torment with Chari. I rubbed my pussy as I had done every night for few years thinking of my father. Suddenly wanted to sleep with my sister as we had whenever we were together. I jumped out of my bed and went into Chari’s suite and was surprised to find the bed empty and neatly made. I looked in the bathroom and whispered Chari’s name.
I would never know what prompted me. I moved towards my father’s suite my heart beating like a drum inside my chest. I saw Chari turn into daddy’s suite as I turned into the same corridor. I waited for few moments before softly moving inside and from my now familiar vantage position I had crystal clear view of the room. What transpired there that night would live with me forever. There were moments of irrational jealousy but they were fleeting.
Chapter 4
Chari rushed inside daddy’s bedroom impatiently. Daddy was waiting for her standing close to the bed. Chari rushed into daddy’s arms and he lifted her up and soon his mouth was glued over Chari’s impatient mouth. Their tongues duelled with each other. They sought each other’s sweet saliva as their mouths were almost fused together. Chari created loud ‘UUUMMM’ing type sounds as her arms flew around my father’s neck and his fingers grabbed handful of his thick curly hair trying to glue her mouth even tighter on to my father’s. Daddy’s hands were clasped over Chari’s full plump ass as he pulled her tight against his body.
Daddy swung Chari around and put her on the bed. He impatiently pulled her tee shirt off. I gasped once again at the sight of my sister’s naked gloriously beautiful body. Daddy tore the waistband of Chari’s panties and flung them away. They were obviously close and intimate many times before. There was no hesitation or awkwardness. Daddy inhaled the fragrance wafting from the junction of Chari’s meaty thighs. Daddy it seemed growled and flung Chari back on her hand all the while holding on to her chunky thighs. Chari shrieked and she was almost upside down at an angle. Daddy pulled pelvis up to bring it to his mouth. Chari threw her arms behind her head to support herself. At fourteen years of age Chari still had all the charms of a young girl and child but had already added meaty promise of a voluptuous woman.
Chari moaned loudly as daddy hungrily attacked her soft fragrant pussy. Daddy separated the wispy soft curly growth with his tongue and soon found the heavenly entrance of her tender pink cunt. His tongue lapped the whole length of Chari’s cunt making her moan loudly. Daddy’s raspy tongue teased her thick long engorged clitoris making her moan even louder. Chari despite in an apparently uncomfortable situation of head down gyrated her hips involuntarily to grind her leaking cunt onto daddy’s mouth. Daddy took Chari’s whole cunt in his mouth and sucked hard making her scream as if she was in pain and precipitating her first orgasm of the evening, “UUNNCCC AAAHHH I I I AAMM CUUMMMEEENNG UUUNNNNNGGGH.”
Daddy ignored his niece’s lust filled agony and continued to torment her young cunt with his lips, tongue and teeth. Daddy nibbled her yet small but plump cunt lips. He sucked on her swollen clitoris making her moan and whimper. He pushed his rolled tongue inside the convulsing tunnel of her pussy stabbing it in and out like a small cock.
“Uncle I want to suck your cock. Please let me suck your cock,” Chari whimpered as her second orgasm homed in on her. Daddy effortlessly twisted Chari around so that she was now facing his groin. He lifted her with his hands under her full heavy thighs and soon she was literally hanging upside down. Her tiny hands tried to grab daddy’s massive waist. Daddy flung Chari’s thighs over his shoulders and soon her heavenly cunt and ass was wide open to him.
Chari once stable grabbed daddy’s monster with her both hands. Even put together her fingers were far apart around my father’s huge cock. Chari had to open her mouth painfully wide to take daddy’s cock head inside her drooling mouth. Chari had done it many times before and knew once she put up with the initial discomfort daddy’s cock inside her mouth will heighten her lust many times.
Daddy’s tongue moved between Chari’s junction between cunt and anus. The tender sensitive area made her squirm but her moans were muffled as her mouth was packed with daddy’s monster cock. Soon daddy was licking Chari’s tiny anal opening. Chari bucked as she felt my father’s warm tongue trace the ring of her anus.
Chari’s body shook as if she was having a fit in the throes of her second orgasm. Daddy started to lap the whole of his niece’s pudendum from her anus to the whole length of her cunt including her sensitive swollen tender clitoris.
“Chari, I want to fuck your mouth. Open it wide sweetheart,” daddy almost grunted his demand.
Chari moved her hands close to the root of daddy’s gargantuan cock and tried to open her mouth even wider as she hung upside down on my father’s shoulders appearing helpless and vulnerable. Daddy pushed his cock slowly hunching his massive muscle bound hips as inch after inch forced its way inside Chari’s mouth. My poor but lucky sister started to gag. Daddy ignored his niece’s gags and kept on pushing his monster cock as far as he could push inside Chari’s throat. Chari gagged violently as daddy held his cock buried deep inside her throat. Tears welled in her light brown eyes and sprays of saliva leaked out even though there was no visible space between her lips and daddy’s gargantuan cock.
Daddy nibbled hard on Chari’s cunt and clitoris and soon despite gagging like mad Chari came hard and shook all over with the strength of her climax that raced through her voluptuous young fourteen years body. Daddy started to fuck Chari’s mouth with firm in and out thrusts. Chari removed her hands from daddy’s cock and out her petite hands on his thighs to push herself away to allow daddy to fuck her throat more conveniently.
Daddy swung his hips in solid thrusts making Chari gag incessantly. Soon Chari’s eyes were streaming as the room was filled with loud gagging sounds. Someone ignorant might have misconstrued that a young girl was trying to be sick. Daddy’s mouth kept on licking and sucking on Chari’s spasming cunt and rimming her sweet tight anus.
Chari’s tears soon flooded her nose despite her sniffling to prevent that. Her upside position meant that her nose ran downwards covering her cheeks, filling her teary eyes, and running over her forehead. Her tears and snot ran into her lush wavy long hair.
Even though Chari had started to accommodate my father’s cock in her small mouth and her gagging became less loud but her tears and nose streamed like four rivulets. Daddy made Chari cum again as her expert mouth and tongue kept her cunt and ass stimulated continuously.
Daddy was hunching his cock even harder in and out of my sister’s mouth. Chari lost her muscle tone as her multiple orgasms left her a bit limp. Her lax throat allowed daddy to abuse it even more easily. After few more minutes daddy pulled his niece off his cock and easily swung her 180 degrees and held her up close to his face. He kissed the smiling but panting tear, saliva and snot covered face of my sister.
Chari giggled feebly, “Uncle, daddy’s and your monsters should be classified as dangerous weapons.” Daddy smiled and started to clean my sister’s soiled face. He licked her tears, saliva and snot lovingly until her face was coated with daddy’s saliva.
Daddy suddenly flung Chari on the bed and she flew in the air screaming and landed spread-eagled. Daddy stepped on the bed and flung himself over the chunky voluptuous petite body of his sister’s daughter and soon his cock was eager to invade winded fourteen years old Chari’s cunt.
Daddy pushed his enormously huge cock head inside moaning squirming Chari’s cunt and lay on top of her. Chari disappeared under my dad’s giant massive heavy body but for her meaty legs that were trying to go over the back of his tree trunk like thighs and full rounded arms that were wrapped around daddy’s neck.
Daddy slammed his hips down and Chari’s scream filled the room. They both had done this many times and daddy’s lunges were far more savage compared to what lucky Melissa had to endure. Daddy swung his hips four times in eye watering savage thrusts each one making Chari scream her lungs out. Daddy was buried to the root of his titanic cock deep inside his niece’s cunt and pulled his sex juices coated cock out to more than half its impossible length. Soon his hips came crashing down to bury his monster penis back inside my sister’s churning tight soft pussy.
Chari’s initial screams soon turned into loud moans interspersed with short high-pitched shrieks when daddy slammed his cock harder, “UNCLE I AM GOING TO CUM SOON. AAHH UUNNCC UUUMMMM CUUMMMEEENNNGGG FFUUCCKKK MMMEEEE.”
Daddy kept on fucking my sister with unabated savage thrusts right through her orgasm. Daddy was pounding Chari’s cunt with long hard and fast stroked that sent his thighs slamming against my sister’s pelvis with a loud slapping sound. Daddy would alternate between long solid lunges and short machine gun like staccato stabbing thrusts that shook Chari and made her moan louder. Whichever way daddy fucked my sister, she was cumming every few minutes.
Daddy’s cock was pistoning in and out of Chari’s pussy with ferocious speed. Chari shrieked once again and her whole body arched as if she was in agony. She let out a long high-pitched wail and remained contorted for many seconds before she slumped back on the bed. Her breathing was ragged and her chest heaving erratically.
Daddy ground his cock inside my sister’s cunt and waited for her to recover. Chari came around and smiled like an angel at daddy, “Uncle it is time for your cock to torture my poor little ass.”
“I have missed your tight cunt and ass so much Chari,” daddy pulled his cum coated inhumanly huge cock out of her niece’s cunt that was gaping wide open unlike before he entered her snug tight pussy. However, it started to shrink back again to its initial tight passage soon.
Daddy pushed Chari’s meaty thighs right back towards her chest until her chunky wide ass was off the bed. Daddy sat on his knees, his thighs supported Chari’s pushed-back thighs, and he placed his enormous cock head on the tiniest of anal opening. Chari was breathing with half open mouth. She never got used to the first entry of her uncle and father’s giant cock in her body, in fact no woman could ever get used to these humungous penises.
Daddy instead of using the steady pressure that he applied when he took Melissa’s ass used a sharp brutal short powerful jab to fore open Chari’s tiny anal ring. Chari screamed the roof off the house. Daddy instead of slowing used another sharp thrust inserting about three or four inches of his telephone like shaft inside his fourteen years old niece. Chari’s first scream merged with the second. Daddy used his powerful hips to good effect and his brutal short jabs made Chari scream about five times as he invaded my sister’s tight fragrant rectum few inches at a time. Chari’s eyes started to water once again.
Daddy extended his seven foot five inches long massive frame. His massive body was now ramrod straight on his toes and his hands that had grabbed Chari’s soft young breasts. Daddy pulled his cock out of clutching soft tender rectum of his niece until his apple sized cock head was the only part buried inside Chari’s tight anal ring now stretched like thin light brown rubber band which could snap any second. Daddy let his huge weight fall and his cock sped inside Chari’s rectum like a piston of a freight train. Chari’s fresh scream filled the room. Daddy mauled her young breasts as mercilessly as he fucked her ass with his massive tool.
Chari could hardly breathe as her breasts and chest were crushed under massive hands of my father that bore his weight partially. Her upturned ass was slapped loudly each time daddy’s thighs slammed against them. Chari shrieked and came with her eyes tight shut, her mouth open and trickle of saliva running from corners of her open mouth. Her nostrils flared with her labored breathing.
Daddy’s incongruously huge body and cock appeared brutally punishing as he fucked Chari’s ass, her petite frame almost pinned helplessly to the bed. Chari started to moan again as the storm of her fresh orgasm settled down that had choked her voice. Daddy continued to ravage Chari’s rectum with breath taking fast paced ass fucking. His massive cock shuttled in and out with phenomenal speed and power. Daddy’s huge hands had crushed Chari’s growing breasts into misshapen flesh that must have hurt Chari.
Chari’s moans increased and her body shook as if she was having a fit, “UNCCC UULL AAARRRGH UUUNNHH CUUMMEENG.” Chari’s long wail first high pitched slowly decrescendoed into a long sob and soon she slumped like before almost motionless. Daddy fucked her ass even faster and harder and soon, his low-pitched grunts filled the room as he put in extra effort in slamming his titanic cock in my sister’s rectum. Daddy growled and his face was bathed with pleasure as his cock throbbed and exploded deep inside dark soft warm depths of Chari’s well-fucked rectum.
Daddy let her thighs fall on the bed and he collected his niece in his arms and buried her with his massive heavy frame daddy buried his face in Chari’s fragrant wavy hair as his cock still spurted endless volleys of hot virile cum inside her ass. It took Chari a long time to recover and soon her arms were wound tight around daddy’s neck and she kissed his face madly all over. Chari held daddy’s large handsome face in her tiny hands and licked it with her tongue. She sucked on daddy’s handsome nose before tracing the contour of his nostrils with her tongue. Chari inserted the tip of her tongue inside daddy’s nostril in turn and bathed its inside with her saliva.
“Uncle, have you made love to Laura yet?” Chari dropped a bomb in the bedroom calmly.
Daddy kissed Chari’s nose and a sad shadow flicked across his handsome happy demeanour, “Chari, if Beth were here we would have been making love with Laura for years. I just did not know how to tell my little baby that her daddy loves her in more than one way. I think I might have missed the moment. Laura now is used to making her own choices.”
Chari bit hard on daddy’s nose, “Uncle, you men are so silly sometimes. Have you ever thought that like me Laura dreams of her father every night? With your permission may I take the matter in my hands?”
Daddy beamed and sucked hard on Chari’s nose making her giggle, “Chari sweetie, if my daughter is willing to allow me to love her as a man I will...,” daddy was lost for words.
“What will I get as a reward, uncle,” Chari cleverly tried to lighten the moment.
“I shall fuck your ass real hard every night, sweetheart,” daddy said with a deep laugh.
“And that will be for whose benefit?” Chari tried to imbue some biting sarcasm in her mock question but failed.
“Yours of course,” daddy insisted like an obstinate schoolboy, “and the booking deposit starts now.”
Daddy pulled his rock hard cock out of impossibly dilated Chari’s ass. It was covered with thick creamy brown coating of his cum and Chari’s rectal juices. Chari sat up and soon flopped down on her belly and stared to lick and clean daddy’s heavily soiled cock. Once it was saliva soaked clean Chari kissed the massive, apple sized, cock head with maternal affection.
Daddy lifted giggling Chari like a doll and put her on her knees. He pushed her head down until she had rested it on her crossed arms. Daddy stroked Chari’s broad full back and ass before reaching her chunky ass. He gripped her ass firmly in his massive hands and moved his hips to align his monster cock at the entrance of Chari’s cunt. Even with the advantage of her well developed chunky body, Chari still looked like precocious young girl.
Daddy pushed his cock head slowly until it was buried inside Chari’s cunt.
Daddy plunged his cock inside her cunt once happy with the position, in one savage thrust. His massive thighs slammed against Chari’s ass lifting her knees clean of the bed. Chari screamed as her tiny cunt was filled with little time to adjust to daddy’s gargantuan cock. Daddy fucked her with electric fast strokes and soon Chari was creating sound that could be best described as huffing. She sounded like a marathon runner close to the post. Daddy thighs slammed loudly and his cock create squelching sounds as it pistoned in and out of my sister’s cunt. Chari came within few minutes of Daddy’s furious fucking.
Daddy bent forward like veritable handsome giant above a tiny petite princess and grabbed her shaking breasts and he pulled her up and his hands squeezed and pulled on Chari’s breasts as if daddy wanted to pull those beautiful breasts off her chest. Chari shrieked as she now was sitting up on her knees and daddy slammed his cock almost from sitting position.
Chari’s was moaning with her eyes half closed as her orgasms tore through her young body relentlessly one after another. Daddy towered above Chari, shivering with each orgasm, over her standing up on his knees. Daddy held her up with her breasts almost squeezed into twisted flesh as he used that as fulcrum to pound her cunt from behind. Chari came for the fifth time and her head slumped forward.
Daddy pulled his cock out of Chari’s churning leaking cunt and sought her tiny anal opening. Impatiently daddy hissed, “Chari, please spread your ass cheeks for me.”
Chari sobbed still shaking in the after burn of her last orgasm and took her tiny hands behind her and dutifully spread her mouth-watering half moon shaped full wide ass cheeks to expose her tiny puffy anal ring. Daddy pushed once again in a brutal jab and his massive cock head forced open Chari’s anus. Chari was so far gone in the continuous high peak of her multiple orgasms that she only sobbed even though her eyes flew wide open with pain.
Daddy used his super strength of his hips and buried his monster inside Chari’s ass in four huge lunges that made her sob louder than before. Chari’s slumped head was resting on her chest. Her open mouth drooled a thin stream of saliva that streamed over daddy’s hands that had never released Chari’s breasts from their deathly tight squeeze.
Chari moved her hands and they involuntarily moved over daddy’s hands, covered with her saliva, mauling her breasts mercilessly. Daddy used his powerful back, hips and legs and would simply pull out with sinuous movement of his back and then use the same movement to bury his cock back in one fluid motion adding the sharp savage jab with the push of his knees and hips. He pulled Chari back on his cock adding the effect that she felt he was going even deeper than ever before inside her rectum.
Chari was cumming in one huge cluster of orgasms that kept her on the crest of heightened lusty orgasmic passion that shook her body as she shuddered with each new orgasm tearing through her. Daddy was using long thrusts to bury his cock inside Chari’s clasping convulsing rectum and would ground his fully buried cock before pulling out. The sight of well fucked divinely beautiful Chari barely hanging on to staying up and alive was breath taking.
Daddy grunted and growled, “Chari, I need to fuck your ass harder.” Chari was too far-gone into fugue of her orgasmic bliss to reply. Daddy stood up on his knees and after hours let Chari’s breasts breathe free. They were congested and red with sharp marks of daddy’s fingers visible. Daddy supported Chari’s weight on his hands placed under her flexed chunky thighs.
Daddy lifted Chari off his cum coated and soiled cock and he let Chari’s weight impale her back on his marauding monster. Chari whimpered loudly. Daddy used the same technique to fuck Chari’s well-fucked tortured rectum even deeper, harder and faster. He would simply lift her effortlessly on his powerful hands and then drop until her ass was once again impaled on his cock buried inside her to the last millimetre.
Chari was moaning continuously and her whimpers of repeated orgasms propelled and fuelled daddy’s lust. He fucked her ass with all his might. Chari started to fall forward and daddy knew she was losing her mind and body control with excess of cumming repeatedly. Daddy put her back on bed and drooped down flat on bed, Chari buried underneath his massive heavy body. Daddy supported himself on his toes and powerful bent arms and used his body strength to pull out and plunge his cock in Chari’s rectum.
If daddy were savage in plundering, Chari’s beautiful ass before then this would have been deemed sheer brutal. Daddy pounded whimpering moaning Chari’s rectum with powerful strokes that shook her prostrate body. Chari suddenly shrieked and shook even more as her orgasmic tornado suddenly was revived. Daddy fucked her even faster and harder.
Chari’s long wail continued as her shaking body was buffeted by savage thrusts from daddy’s monstrous cock. Equally suddenly, Chari went still and deathly quiet. She had passed out. Daddy plundered his fourteen years old beautiful niece’s ass with short brutal jabs until he grunted and collapsed on Chari’s limp body, his cock spurting huge amount of potent virile thick hot creamy cum deep inside Chari’s convulsing rectum.
Chari came to nearly half an hour later. Daddy rolled over onto his back with my sister lying on top of him his barely softened cock still buried inside her ass, “Uncle, I have to go to loo.”
“Sweetie, you promise to give your uncle your nectar?” daddy massaged her sore tender breasts making Chari moan.
“You have really tortured my tits tonight, uncle. How will I explain bruises to Lors if you pull off my swimsuit again,” Chari teased daddy.
Daddy laughed, “Sorry sweetheart. Your heavenly beauty just drives your men crazy.”
“I think it is time to take this, heavenly or otherwise beauty or not, to bathroom, uncle,” Chari giggled.
Daddy swung off the bed carrying Chari effortlessly, still impaled on his semi hard cock, in his arms to the bathroom. Daddy gently lifted Chari off his semi hard monster making her yelp and whimper with pain and recollection of the pleasure she had.
Daddy without any hesitation lay down on the marble floor. Chari squatted over daddy’s waiting mouth and spread her meaty ass cheeks. They both were so comfortable with this having savored each other’s body fluids many times.
Chari pushed and her rectum bursting with daddy’s cum started to leak out in a gooey stream. It was tinged heavily brown mixed with Chari’s rectal juices. Daddy swallowed many mouthfuls before Chari could not push any more.
Chari then moved up a bit and filled daddy’s mouth her warm golden fragrant urine preceded with daddy’s cum. Chari allowed daddy to swallow each mouthful before filling his mouth again. Daddy swallowed every drop of Chari’s sweet warm golden pee. Chari’s bladder was full and daddy must have had about thirty mouthfuls. The natural intimacy and spontaneity of their sharing was so full of unbridled love and tight bond.
Chari soon wanted daddy to reciprocate. She lovingly sucked and cleaned daddy’s cock covered with his cum and her own rectal juices. She giggled, “Looking at your cock, uncle, you are in for a big breakfast.”
Daddy laughed, “More the better sweetie.”
Once Chari was happy that daddy’s cock was squeaky clean, she placed the semi-erect heavy cock right over her open mouth and looked up at daddy expectantly. Daddy filled Chari’s mouth with warm acrid urine. He stopped his stream and let Chari swallow mouthful. He filled her mouth repeatedly until he could only spurt by clenching his belly muscles. That resulted in one spurt going haywire and filled Chari’s nose making her cough and sneeze.
Chari giggled despite her face flushed with sneezing and coughing. She started to suck on daddy’s hardening monster. Daddy was steel hard and raring to go within no time.
Daddy pushed his cock another inch inside his niece’s mouth making her gag, “Chari, since you have come I have been dreaming about your delicious sweet shit.”
Chari giggled as she pulled her tiring mouth off daddy’s monster, “Uncle my rectum is full. What about yours?”
“I kept it all in this morning anticipating my dear niece might like a late night snack,” daddy teasingly pushed his thick index finer inside Chari’s right nostril. Chari let daddy move his thick finger in and out of right nostril and then he pushed his middle finger in her left nostril. Daddy and Chari obviously loved this rough treatment of Chari’s beautiful nose, which was bulging unnaturally with two thick fingers fucking each nostril. Eventually my father’s hunger for Chari’s shit won over his fascination with her unbelievably beautiful nose.
Daddy pulled his fingers out of Chari’s beautiful nose. Chari who was breathing with open mouth took deep breaths through her nose that sucked in her one nostril or other as sometimes happens. She rubbed daddy’s hairy huge chest as he sucked each finger lovingly, “Uncle, if you make me gag I can give you a whole lot more than that.”
“After I have fed on your sweet shit I intend to do just that,” daddy whispered with deep intense desire and lay down on the bathroom’s marbled floor. Chari as they had done many times before squatted right over daddy’s waiting open mouth and pushed hard. Soon a thick firm warm fragrant column of shit emerged from her anus that kept on getting bigger as Chari pushed it out. Chari pinched her anus once it had grown to about four inches or so. It dropped inside daddy’s mouth. Daddy sucked on the firm thick log of my sister’s shit as if that was a bar of gourmet chocolate. Daddy started to chew it to hurry as he knew Chari was holding her full rectum closed wit difficulty. Bathroom air was filled with the fragrance of Chari’s shit that only enhanced the intimacy of the illicit incestuous liaison.
Chari dropped another beauty of a turd of her shit in his mouth and daddy savored it with same relish as he treated the first log of shit. Chari grunted and pushed hard and filled daddy’s mouth four times with thick, firm long columns of her delicious shit. Daddy sucked, rolled and then chewed each with unmasked pleasure before reluctantly swallowing it. Chari finished emptying her rectum with three small soft pellets of shit. Daddy swallowed then as they melted in his warm mouth. He licked Chari’s anus clean.
Soon they traded places. Daddy looked every bit of a proverbial giant as he squatted over his diminutive but chunky niece’s open waiting mouth. Daddy pushed out a long hard column of shit that opened his hairy anus wide open. It was so well formed and hard that the surface had cobbled appearance. Chari moaned and her hands gently stroked the log of shit emerging out of her uncle’s anus. Daddy inched it but not before it had become huge. Chari held over six inches of daddy’s hard shit in her dainty hands and sucked on it lovingly and greedily. She soon had the end smooth as chocolate soufflé. Chari after savoring the half by sucking chose to bite big chunks from the other half before chewing to thick paste and swallowing it. She greedily put the last big chunk in her mouth and chewed it quickly and swallowed it. Daddy was true to his word. He pushed out another comparable log of shit and Chari gorged on it as if that was the most delicious feast ever offered to her.
Daddy pushed out five big firm logs of shit and Chari sucked, chewed and swallowed each with increasing gusto and greed. Eventually daddy finished with three soft squidgy pieces of soft feces that Chari simply allowed to melt inside her mouth before gulping. Chari licked my father’s anus clean. Lay on top of Chari and both kissed each other with their shit-coated mouths. Daddy filled Chari’s mouth repeatedly with his saliva. Chari gargled her mouth to ensure she swallowed every bit of daddy’s delicious shit.
“I want my dessert now,” daddy sat up on his knees and pulled Chari up on hers grabbing her lush wavy hair roughly making her giggle and shriek at the same time. Daddy grabbed an open decoration dish and handed to Chari. Daddy grabbed two fistful of his beautiful niece’s wavy hair and shoved his monster cock in her wide-open mouth. Daddy controlled Chari’s face and he forced her mouth on his cock as he hunched his hips forward. Chari gagged and her eyes filled up with tears. Her saliva drooled each time daddy pulled out. The sight of voluptuous beautiful Chari gagging in a pathetic manner notched up daddy’s lust.
Soon Chari’s nose was running like to streams. Daddy would force his cock, as far it would go after fucking Chari’s face few times and then pull out. Chari would allow his tears, saliva and snot drip in the large dish before she was ready for daddy again. Daddy fucked Chari’s mouth mercilessly. The dish was filling rapidly with the heady mix of Chari’s saliva, snot and tears. Chari was gasping and panting gulped air each time daddy pulled out. Chari many times squeezed and blew her snot filled nose to help her breathe easier when daddy face fucked her. Chari’s eyes were red and congested with constant gagging. Her cunt was leaking continuously. After forty minutes of face fucking daddy let Chari drip all the sweet mixture of her fluids in the dish. Daddy squeezed her nose and licked her creamy snot greedily. Daddy licked Chari’s face including inside of her each nostril to get every bit of her sweet snot.
Daddy filled his mouth with the fluids collected in the dish and gargled his mouth to help him swallow all of Chari’s fragrant shit coating his mouth. Daddy hungrily drank the divine mix of Chari’s saliva, tears and snot from the dish and licked it dry. Chari was once again sucking my father’s cock again, which was looking even more intimidating.
To continue……
copyright 2012 Dirty Amber.

Desires For Daddy Part II
Dirty Amber

Copyright 2012 Dirty Amber.

Chapter 5
Chari lifted her painfully stretched open mouth off daddy’s throbbing monstrosity. A string of saliva ran from Chari’s mouth to saliva soaked daddy’s massive cock head. Daddy picked my sister up in his arms and soon she was moaning loudly as daddy’s huge cockhead sliced inside her soft pussy. Daddy let Chari drop on his cock. As daddy’s bottle thick shaft raced inside Chari’s cunt, she wailed and buried her open panting mouth in daddy’s chest.
Daddy swung Chari up and down first steadily as he walked towards the bed. By the time he reached inside the bedroom, Chari was already moaning and mewling in middle of her orgasm. Daddy Fucked Chari to two more orgasms standing up before he dropped her on the bed and pulled her close to the edge. He aligned his cum coated cock on the fluttering anus of Chari and swung hard. Chari screamed both with pain and delight that pain brought as daddy’s savage entry sent her own lust raging. Daddy fucked Chari alternating her holes all night. He mauled her breasts, used her mouth to fuck making her gag painfully. Chari was ecstatic whatever daddy chose to do. She came every few minutes that night. Chari in early hours of morning shrieked and passed out. Daddy had made my sister so happy all night as he exploded for the last time that nigh inside her what must be very sore rectum.
I had cum incalculable times myself. My pussy and clitoris were sore with my violent rubbing. I staggered to my bedroom and soon was lost to the world.
I woke up very late next morning. It was close to one in afternoon. I raced out of bed to find my father. Butler told me that he had gone to city for the afternoon. I raced back to my sister’s bedroom. Chari’s bed was empty. I went inside the vast en suite luxury bathroom we had in each suite. Chari had that lazy sexy look only some lucky girls have after a night of torrid mind blowing sex with the man they love. Her messy hair caked with cum, saliva and snot framed her sleepy puffy face that too was covered with cum, saliva and her mucus all dried up. Her breasts, waist and thighs had light bruises. She looked even more beautiful than ever.
Chari saw me and smiled languidly. Her open arms invited me and I rushed in her embrace. I knew that Chari was aware of my surprise. She pulled my tee shirt off and soon my panties that were soaked with my sex juices were on the floor.
“UUMMM! Lors, uncle really took me roughly last night,” Chari kissed me with open mouth and soon my tongue duelled with hers. We both savored the morning tastes in each other’s mouth greedily.
Chari’s hands roamed all over my body as did mine. I gently caressed her breasts so mercilessly mauled by my father last night. Chari moaned softly and kissed my mouth harder, “I need to pee Lors.”
I wild thought suddenly gripped my mind, “Chari, I want to taste your pee.”
Chari was so cool and collected. She kissed the tip of my nose as if she was my grandma not few years older sister, “Oh, I will love to Lors provided you let me taste yours.”
Chari sat down and clamped her open mouth over my pussy. I hesitated only for a second and soon filled my sister’s mouth with my morning urine. I held my stream allowing Chari to swallow. I had learnt form my last night spying. I had a full bladder to offer and Chari swallowed as hungrily as she did last night.
Once despite clenching my belly muscles I could not push out another drop, Chari licked my piss soaked pussy. Chari got up and soon I was kissing her open mouth tasting my own urine, “Lors, your morning piss is as sweet as mom’s.”
I kissed my sister back trying not to show any surprise as more revelations came tumbling out. I hurriedly sat on the floor. I inhaled that musky strong fragrance of sex that emanated from Chari’s pussy. I had inhaled the same type of strong aroma from Daddy’s bed after he had fucked his office helps all night.
I took a long deep breath and filled my nostrils with the mixed fragrance of Chari’s cunt filled her and daddy’s cum. I opened my mouth and with in no time it was filled with fragrant morning urine of my sister. I was trembling with excitement. The flavor and smell drove me wild. I rolled it in my mouth before swallowing it. It was not the just body fluid of a person. It was the gift of a person you love without qualifications and he or she loves you as much or more. Chari too had a full bladder despite my father had claimed her urine last night. I swallowed every drop.
Chari kissed me hard on my mouth and whispered, “I want to see you shit, Lors. Mom and I do that all the time. I like the sight and smell as mom’s shit emerges out of her. In fact if you will allow me I want to eat your shit, Lors.”
I was trembling anew and nodded weakly, “OK, Chari. Please, you go first. Will you allow me to eat your, Chari? PLEASE.” I pleaded.
Chari sucked on my nose lovingly, “I might not have enough. Lors. Uncle got my full rectum last night but I will definitely be able to give you a taster.”
Chari lay down exactly like last night and asked me to squat over her wide-open mouth. I was shaking as I spread my wide ass cheeks apart and strained to push my firm feces out of my rectum packed with shit.
I felt a thick firm column emerge out of my anus and I pushed trying to keep it intact but when I stopped to take a breath to push further I inadvertently pinched my anal ring and the big turd fell in my sister’s mouth. Chari like she did with my father’s feces sucked and chewed with great relish before swallowing it all. I filled Chari’s mouth five times and she savored every bite similarly. Chari allowed the last few softer smaller pieces to sit in her mouth and she used her lips to scrape my anus clean.
Chari bent over my mouth and squeezed my cheeks firmly. I involuntarily opened my mouth. Chari trickled my by then melted shit mixed her saliva in my mouth. My mouth was filled with my own fragrant shit and Chari’s sweet saliva. Both overwhelmed my senses. I swallowed the mixture feeling it slide smoothly down my throat. My taste buds were alert to all the subtly flavors.
Chari’s wide voluptuous mouth watering beautiful ass cheeks loomed over my face and her winking anal ring fluttered before opening and soon Chari dropped a modest but firm turd of her fragrant shit in my mouth. I rolled it all around in my mouth. It started to melt with the heat of my mouth and saliva. I bit into it and it broke into three pieces. I sucked on them and soon my mouth was dying to swallow the delicious thick paste of my sister’s shit. Once my mouth was empty Chari pushed a small coiled of soft smooth shit. That simply melted in my mouth as my tongue rolled it around. Chari grunted and managed to push out two more small pellets to make my yearning for her delicious shit at least partly satisfied.
Chari turned around and trickled mouthful of her saliva in my mouth. I gargled to ensure I swallowed ever last speck of my sister’s heavenly shit.
Chari kissed me with open mouth. Her hands gently massaged my back and ass cheeks. I ground my pelvis into hers, “Chari, when did you and daddy start having sex?”
Chari kissed the tip of my nose, “That is a rather longish story. I was planning to shower with my little sister and make her sweet pussy cum few times. We need to head back to bed if you want to know everything.”

Chari’s Account
You know, Lors, how much my dad and mom love me. I was always with them since young. As I grew and became aware of my body and sexual urges, mom and I had an open chat. Mom shared every details of her sexual growth. Mom and uncle were having sex since they were six and their parents were aware. Daddy and uncle were schoolmates and best friends. Uncle and mom included in their sexual escapades. Dad and uncle have been fucking mom since they were seven. It came as no surprise that mom and daddy married.
I asked mom if daddy would show me how to fuck. I was a big strong girl for my years. I was nine at that time. Mom suggested waiting a bit longer but I was so keen and dying to experience the happiness mom shared with daddy. I played the trump card that mom was three years younger than me when she had sex with her brother.
That night was my big night. Daddy looked even bigger when he held me close to him. Mom kissed me all over. Daddy and mom licked my pussy and made me feel all hot and sweaty. Ultimately mom whispered, “Chari, daddy’s big cock will hurt a lot. Be brave, sweetheart. Once fully in you will start enjoying it.”
Truer words were never spoken. Daddy’s cock hurt more than hell and it made me dizzy with pleasure once the pain subsided. Daddy is as big as uncle and his cock still hurts when he slams it in a rush. Daddy slid his huge cock inside mom’s cunt and it came out all creamy and sleek.
Daddy lay me down and placed his massive cock lubricated wit mom’s sex juices. Daddy’s dark skin contrasted with my light creamy chocolate skin. Daddy pushed his cock slowly until my tiny pussy started to open. I gasped with pain that my stretched small pussy generated. Daddy whispered ‘sorry sweetie’ and clamped his huge hand on my mouth. His hips swung down and I bucked like a fish speared on a harpoon as my pussy felt torn and ripped. My eyes streamed with tears of pain.
Mom stroked my face and hair plastered with my sweat and tears. My lovely daddy made sure his little girl what she desired. Daddy forced his cock few inches at a time in my writhing sobbing screaming body until he was fully in. My sobs and screams were muffled by daddy’s hand. When he pulled out my eyes grew as big as saucer. His cock was covered with bright red blood. My pussy felt shredded and ripped to bits. Daddy went back inside me in one long lunge that once again ripped my raw unripe pussy. I passed out with pain.
When I came around, daddy was moving his cock with slow but firm thrusts. His hand was covered with my snot as my tears made my nose run. Mom lovingly licked my snot off daddy’s hands and then she smiled at me. I could manage a feeble small smile as mom licked my snot-covered face.
Daddy’s cock hurt me for over an hour. He had started to move faster and he was now fucking me with fast thrusts. Suddenly my pussy started to feel warm and good. I had my first orgasm as daddy’s rigid monster pistoned in and out of my bleeding virgin pussy.
Daddy fucked me for almost four hours making me cum repeatedly. I passed out again as my father exploded inside my pussy. The sheer delight and strange pain of my orgasm and daddy’s explosion inside me was too much for my young body to handle.
Mom licked my sore pussy and swallowed all of daddy’s cum and my virginal blood. Daddy fucked all evening and night. My pussy though sore and raw welcomed daddy’s cock willingly and despite my loud screams of pain I came so many times that I passed out five times, mom told me later.
Since then mom, dad and I slept together. When your mom passed away uncle was so sad mom went to live with you guys so that she could console her brother. I was alone with daddy and he took my anal virginity with similar typical daddy style ‘sorry sweetie’ brute firmness. I was fucked in my raw ass repeatedly until I could take daddy’s cock and cum.
From then when uncle visited us we all four would have sex together. After watching uncle and daddy take mom together, I insisted for the same. I was fucked senseless by daddy and uncle that night. Grandpa whenever, he visits, we both have at least one night together on one to one basis. I like when grandpa takes me roughly. Sometimes he makes mom scream really loud when fucks her rough and spanks her. Lors, daddy, uncle and grandpa are monsters. Do you know their cocks are over foot and a half? Trust me I have measured them. They are as thick as a champagne bottle, mom and I have measured both.
Lors, uncle has always wanted you but unlike me, there was no buffer between you two so his desires remained unexpressed. When he was fucking those handsome big-breasted women, he was trying to replicate your mother. As his women became younger, they were your replacements, Lors. Your father was trying to fuck you through those proxy girls.

Chapter 6
Second Surprise
Chari and hugged each other and started to cry for no obvious reason. That was a typical feminine thing to do as my mind reeled with the background of my family. Soon Chari and I were groping each other and mauling each other’s breasts rather roughly. I sobbed and pushed Chari down on her back and threw my self over her in 69 position. We both attacked each other’s cunt with fingers, lips, tongue and teeth. We made each other cum repeatedly until we were exhausted.
We both showered and got dressed and went down to start the day. It was nearly six when daddy came. He beamed at us and apologized for leaving to city without waiting for us to wake up. I ‘ordered’ my father to go and shower before his drinks and dinner. I had my father’s scotch ready with one rock. He looked huge and handsome in loose shorts and white tee shirt.
Dinner was great. Chari was as talkative as ever. We retired to family entertainment room. Another evening and daddy had to put up with another chick-flick. Unbeknown to me Chari when he saddled on daddy’s lap whispered in his ear, “Uncle you are in for a surprise tonight.”
Daddy looked at his niece inquisitively making sure I was out of earshot, “I too have a thing to make you happier tonight. What is my surprise?” Chari stealthily nibbled daddy’s lip and whispered, “If I tell you it will not be a surprise, uncle. I am sure you will enjoy my surprise very much.”
I was unaware of all this. Poor daddy despite being gentlemanly and polite could not tolerate another minute of our cheesy movie. He kissed both of us, refreshed his tumbler with scotch, and left for his suite.
After five minutes Chari prodded me in my chest, “You dumb girl, what are you waiting for.”
I looked at her dumbly and she shook her head with theatrical exasperation, “Go to your father’s bedroom, silly. I promised him a surprise and you are that surprise.”
I beamed but still looking unsure. Chari pushed me to suggest I start moving, “Just enter his room and tell him you waited for years for him to come to you and cannot wait any longer. That will do.”
Chari pushed again and added, “Don’t come out of that room until your father has fucked you in your all three holes and filled them with his cum.”
I entered my father’s bedroom softly. Daddy’s was naked and his back was towards me. In his right hand was a massive black dildo and its wrapper was in his left.
I waited until daddy had placed it on the side table and thrown the wrapper in the bedroom-hidden bin. Suddenly my father’s back muscles twitch and he whispered, “Chari! I have got your surprise unwrapped.”
I could manage to stutter, “Daddy, its me. I am Chari’s surprise.”
Daddy turned in a flash and his face was lit up with a smile that melted my heart with love for my giant father.
My father gathered me in his arms and soon I was up in air, my face close to his, “Are you sure, baby? I have waited for this day for so long.”
I sobbed and held my father’s happy mind blowingly handsome face and whispered with conviction of each cell of my body, “Daddy, I am not only sure but dying to be loved by my father. I have been dreaming about this for years.”
I added light heartedly, “Also daddy, Chari has warned me not to come out of your room until all of my three holes have been filled with your cum.”
Daddy laughed, “Chari is very bossy. We better do what she has ordered.”
I giggled and sobbed as my father’s mouth closed upon my sobbing mouth. I flung my arms around daddy’s huge muscular neck. His hands tightened over my full ass cheeks. I felt my dizzy as daddy’s tongue touched mine and soon I was whimpering as I lost control and pushed my tongue in my father’s sweet mouth with aroma of scotch still lingering. Daddy kept me up, his hands gripping my ass cheeks almost painfully but I loved that tight grip of my father’s manly huge hands.
My eyes closed with lust racing though my young body. My pussy was wet and ripping into my panties. My growing breasts tingled and ached. I tasted my father’s sweet saliva filling my mouth, as he must have tasted mine. I suddenly moaned as if in pain went tense and my pussy convulsed as I climaxed simply being kissed by my father. I lost my bearings all together. My muscles became slack. I was unaware when my father tore my tee shirt off my body and had laid me down on the bed. When I opened my eyes my father stood over me like a mythical Greek Titan but more handsome than any god. I moaned as my father inhaled the fragrance of my wet panties and then he took it in mouth and sucked the crotch drenched with my sex juices.
Daddy placed my panties almost reverentially on the foot end of the bed and lay down on top of me, his massive heavy frame crushing my body with his weight. I loved the heavy weight of my father’s body pinning me into the bed. I loved the vulnerability and security that my father engendered at the same time.
Daddy held my face and started to kiss me everywhere. Daddy kissed every millimetre of my face. He sucked on my ear lobes. He kissed me on the bridge of my nose. His tongue traced the contours of my flaring nostrils. I was trying to rub my pussy on my father’s belly, which was leaking juices and fluttering as if ready to explode again. My aching breasts loved the crushing weight of my daddy’s chest.
I moaned loudly as my father’s tongue entered my right nostril. I felt tip of daddy’s tongue scrape the inside of my nostril making it wet with his saliva. I moaned with wild desire. I was shaken that my father could make me go wild even by licking my nose. Daddy’s tongue entered my left nostril and he licked the inside. I exploded with my second orgasm.
Daddy moved down on my neck. His kisses and licks of his tongue made my skin tingle. He took my arm and kissed the whole arms with fluttering kisses. He licked my every plump tiny finger until both hands were gleaming with his saliva.
His lips kissed my chest, armpits and soon my breasts were being tortured with my father’s tantalising kisses and sucking. Daddy massaged one breast as he sucked on other. My father rolled and gently twisted my one nipple while his mouth sucked hard on my other hard stiff nipple. I was moaning incessantly and my orgasm soon overwhelmed me. I was shaking as the torrents of orgasmic pleasure ran though my body like sharp needles of electric current.
Daddy’s mouth traced a saliva soaked trail over my clenching bulging belly. He licked my belly button. I giggled when he did that when I was younger but that night my father’s tongue in my belly button made me moan with womanly desires. I was shivering as my father’s face slowly reached the junction of my thighs.
I groaned with disappointment as my father skipped my dripping pussy and kissed my chunky thighs, legs, and calves. I looked at my father who took my petite foot in his giant hands and sucked on mu toes one by one. I felt as if about to explode as my toes became a source of lust I never knew existed.
Daddy moved back up and soon his mouth covered the place I want to offer to my father for many years –MY PUSSY. I moaned loudly no sooner my father kissed my sex juices soaked pussy and his tongue gently separated my slit. His tongue lapped my clasping entrance of my cunt and reached my aching engorged clitoris I shuddered uncontrollably and came again. Daddy continued to torture my cunt and clit with his tongue. His tongue felt almost painful, as soon after my orgasm my clitoris was very sensitive. However, daddy ignored that and continued to lap the whole length of my leaking soft pussy. His tongue started to include my twitching pink tiny anus making me jump off the bed.
Within few minutes I was moaning hunching my hips up to push my cunt into my father’s sweet mouth as I felt a wave of another orgasm gather inside me. I groaned as I felt daddy’s mouth leave my pudendum. I felt cheated, as I was so close to my orgasm. Before I could say anything daddy’s body came over mine crushing the wind out of my lungs and any words bubbling in my mouth whooshed out with it.
Daddy bent my thighs and spread them wide. My hips felt about to snap as they were pushed apart by daddy’s huge wide massive hips pushed my thighs wide open. Daddy placed his titanic steel hard pole on my clenching, snapping tiny virgin cunt. His engorged purple head appeared as big as an apple and I feared would not manage to go inside my pussy. Daddy managed to wedge the tip of his gargantuan glans inside the soft velvety dripping entrance of my virgin womanhood.
He pushed his arms under my back until his massive hands were clamped on top of my shoulders. His 7’5” long heavy massive body crushed my 5’3” petite chunky body. I expected my father to lunge in to me to bury his monster as he did with Chari and many girls and women before. However, my father was going to take his daughter as he had dreamt he would for some years.
My father pulled me down onto his cock as he held his hips still. My mouth fell open. The shear stretching pain, as his massive head of his gigantic cock started to spread my soft velvety entrance, was unbearable but still my body wanted to put up with it gladly.
I screamed as daddy’s impossibly huge sized purple head of his inhuman male tool forced it way inside my virgin tiny pussy and the groove below it snapped against my vaginal ring that was stretched so wide open that it felt like a thin rubber band stretched to snapping point. I screamed my tear filled eyes started to run.
Daddy hissed, “Lors, I will have to hurt you to enable us to fuck. I am going to fuck you regardless of how much pain I cause you. Sorry sweetie.”
I could not speak but I nodded my tear soaked face frantically to agree with my father. I wanted him to fuck me even if he killed me trying doing it. I wanted to convince him that was what I, too, wanted to happen.
I would never forget that night. Daddy pulled me down on to his colossus of a male member as he gently pushed his hips and my virgin pussy was forced to open wide and wider to accommodate my father’s shaft as the girth increased with each inch after the groove under his impossibly huge round head. I was sobbing uncontrollable. My voice was lost as pain overwhelmed me.
My eyes ran like two streams and soon tears overwhelmed my sniffling nose. My nose started to run as steadily as my eyes. Daddy’s huge powerful hands kept on impaling my shivering, shaking virgin onto his punishing giant of a fuck-pole. I have no idea how much my father’s monster kept would have hurt me if daddy were to have lunged it inside me but the pain I felt was making my mind go numb with its intensity.
I felt a sharp slicing pain as daddy’s incestuous tool tore my hymen asunder. I screamed and sobbed even louder. Daddy kept on pulling me down on to his rampant colossus as he literally skewered my chunky petite body on it.
My shuddering writhing body gasped, panted and wailed and my ripped yawning erstwhile a tiny slit continued to sheath my father’s marauding monster inch by agonising inch.
I shook my head as the pain became unbearable. My hair flew everywhere and was plastered over my tear and snot soaked face. My screams were deafening even to my ears. I felt time become an eternity of pain that only increased with each passing eon. Suddenly I felt another snap and my father’s coarse bushy curly pubic hair rubbing against my hairless groin. My father had ultimately managed to impale me on his mammoth. My virginity had been offered to and accepted by my procreator in an illicit incestuous union.
Daddy pulled his hips back and his humongous tree trunk of a penis started to emerge from my agonisingly stretched ripped and torn virgin passage. It was coated with gleaming fresh blood. I swooned with pain and unexplained lust as I watched my father’s enormous weapon emerge threateningly slowly out of my sobbing, shaking pain ridden body.
Daddy stooped once his indescribably massive head of his male hood was the only part buried of his fatherly sex-pole. Daddy put his hands behind my head and lifted my snot, saliva and ear soaked face. He lovingly pushed back my hair.
“Lors, I want us to see this to remember for rest of our lives. I love you so much, my sweet daughter,” my father did not say those words but somehow transported those in to my mind, psyche and memory bank. I was sobbing helplessly and my eyes and nose were running as if there was no tomorrow. I looked, with incredulity, at my father’s huge blood coated long behemoth and stared at it with saucer like eyes.
Daddy emitted a soft grunt and then his massive hips and back lunged and my scream filled the room as if my tender virgin channel was sliced wide open with a knife. My father hammered his telephone pole in one brutal pussy-ripping lunge. My long heart rending scream suddenly was cut short as I passed out with unbearable pain.
I came around groggily but was wide awake in a second as the weight of my father’s body and the unbearable stretching pain around his monster reconnected me back to the reality. I would have expected my father to be pounding my torn bleeding virgin pussy when I was unconscious to make me used to its mammoth size. However, my father had waited for me to wake up.
“Daddy fuck me now, please,” I managed to say that with shivering voice as my body trembled with anticipated pain.
Daddy was lying on top of my body pinning it down. His hips rose and pulling his bright red monster of a baby-maker to almost half of its unbelievable length and then his hips swooped down eliciting an expected scream from my hoarse throat until my father’s prickly thick bush rubbed my sore tender pussy torn entrance.
I flung my arms around my father’s massive arms and waited until I would be moaning as Chari and other girls did as my father’s titan ploughed their womanly passage.
I sobbed with each painful thrust that filled my incestuous deflowered tiny quim. My father held my face in his huge hands and his arched huge, powerful back and hips steadily moved up and down to fuck my ripped torn virgin pussy. Daddy licked my face with his tongue licking my tear, snot and saliva soiled face. His tongue snaked inside my nose to lick it clean. I heard myself moan. Suddenly my pussy, although still hurting like hell, missed my father’s cock, when he moved it out. I wished my father to fill my pussy again with his mega-supersized manhood.
My father straightened his massive legs and supported his weight on his forearms his hands still holding my face and his eyes registering every wince, sob, scream, cry and sniffle. Daddy’s muscular hips lifted and fell impaling me with his marauding monster.
I sobbed and moaned as warmth started to engulf me and my eyes burnt. Daddy’s incestuous gigantic procreating tool was now moving in and out of my growing unripe womanhood with more urgency. I grabbed my father’s massive arms with my tiny petite hands. My first orgasm took me by surprise.
“DADDEEEE I...UUNNNGH I AAAMM CUUUMMMEEENNNG. AAAHH OOOHHH UUMMMMNNNNGH,” I wailed loudly as waves of tormenting hot waves of lava lashed the inside of my body. I wished daddy would tear my aching breasts off my chest. The pain moved into my lower belly. Then the sheer intensity choked my voice before it exploded deep inside my freshly deflowered feminine passage.
Daddy’s cock was pistoning in and out faster than ever. I shook and shuddered as my first ever fuck-orgasm tore through my body. The very fact that my ‘daughter-pussy’ was clutching the incestuous monster shaft of my father made it even more memorable.
My father waited for my convulsing body to settle down before he pulled his entire unbelievably huge length of his daddy-cock until massive head was the only incestuous part of his member was buried inside his moaning, shaking daughter. My father took my nose in his mouth and sucked hard on it. His hips came crashing down slamming his enormity of a male too inside my still hurting virgin passage in one savage lunge.
“UUUNNNN OOOONNNNHHH UUUURRRNNNGGGHH,” I screamed nasally as my nose was being fucked by daddy’s tongue. The sheer pain of his gargantuan baby maker tearing my raw passage again was overwhelmingly severe. However, I still found my hips not trying to move away. However, pinned helplessly under my giant father’s powerful body nothing would have stopped him from devouring his daughter the manner he wished.
Daddy started to pound my tiny deflowered tight love tunnel with long scream inducing thrusts. His powerful heavy slammed against my soft groins with a loud slapping sound. I sobbed as my orgasms raced through me faster than my young inexperienced body could handle. I now knew why all the girls and my sister although screamed the house down but wanted more and even more of my father’s body ripping monstrosity of inhuman dimensions.
My panting sobbing mouth drooled and tried to gulp air to feed my body struggling with energy sapping orgasms. I was exhaling warm breaths inside my father’s mouth as my nose tried to help my lungs suck in air but only managed to fill with my father’s warm sweet saliva.
My father bit on my whole nose and slammed his man-tree-trunk soaked in my sex juices inside my convulsing clenching painfully raw immature baby passage with all his might precipitating another body wrenching orgasm.
“UUUNNNNGG UUUHHHNNNNN UUUHHNNNMMM,” I wailed as my body shook both with savage thrusts from my father and my own gut wrenching climax.
Daddy released my face and sat up on his knees. He let his mouth full of warm saliva stream into my open sobbing mouth. I hurriedly gulped it to avoid choking on it. I looked up at my father’s face bathed in love and lust for his daughter with unfocused hazy wide-open eyes. My father once again drooled over my face and his mouthful saliva drenched my nose and cheeks. Some ran into my eyes. Daddy rubbed his saliva all over my face.
He pulled my thighs over his angled massive thighs. He once again lay over my body with his hands over my growing breasts. My father’s huge hands managed to engulf most of my B cup sized tits and his slowly massaged them back on my chest, literally rolling them like soft jelly balloons on my ribcage.
Daddy started to hammer his titanic cock with fearsome force and speed. My screams merged with loud moans and moans would erupt into wails. He held me pinned down by grabbing my whole breasts in his massive hands otherwise his savage thrusts would have hammered me up the bed. His thighs slapped against my tender ass with a loud smack and the pain of that contact added with the tearing filling pain in my obscenely stretched open pussy created an mind-blowing cocktail of lust and pleasure making me dizzy.
I came repeatedly. Daddy’s pounding never slowed down. His hands were squeezing my breasts into shapeless flesh, hurting them nicely. My face was covered with sweat. My open mouth drooled uncontrollably and my eyes rolled up as my clenching pussy exploded into repeated orgasms that simply merged into each other. My loud moans and wails turned into hoarse sobs of helpless surrender to incestuous lust being doused by my father’s monster procreator. The illicit lust had been burning inside me for years and was stoked every time I looked at my father.
Suddenly my father yanked me with my breasts and I shrieked. My open mouth met with my father’s massive chest soaked in sweat. He grabbed my ass and soon I was hanging from his neck. Daddy now could hammer his cock with his powerful hips by holding my ass in his powerful hands. My sobs were tremulous as my whole body shook with daddy’s brutal lunges that smacked his huge muscled body against my petite soft chunky frame.
My wet sex juices pussy was making squelching sounds, as my father’s incestuous, monster ravaged his daughter’s soft raw tender passage. I came yet again and slumped on my father’s chest. My father roughly pulled me off his throbbing colossus soaked with my sex juices tinged bright red. My achingly empty tiny immature passage of my womanhood leaked reddish cum juices.
My father threw me on the bed face down. I was sobbing with uncontrollable desire. My hips moved in small up and down motion as if my father’s punishing, loving tool was still hammering in and out of my small body. My father impatiently held my ankles, spread them wide apart, and pulled me towards him. I felt daddy’s humungous head of his manhood against my pussy that was trying to shrink back to its tiny snug passage that it was before being ripped wide open by my daddy’s incestuous gigantic penis.
My father dropped his weight over mine crushing me and forcing all the air out of my lungs. His monstrosity raced back inside my seething, crying and welcoming hungry gash in one savage lunge. My scream would have filled the room if my face were not buried in the soft sheet.
Daddy without losing his rhythm fucked me from behind. My pussy felt even tighter around his gargantuan cock even more painfully than before. Daddy’s body rose and fell and his groins slapped my soft tender bottom each time he hilted inside me.
I shook and shuddered as my body was wrecked with one torrent of orgasm after another. I was in throes of repeated mind blowing orgasms as my father took me with bone jarring lunges that buried his telephone pole of a male member inside my tiny chunky body to the last millimetre of his incestuous foot and a half long champagne bottle girth.
I was moaning as in delirium. My body was now convulsing as if I had high fever. My moans were pathetically hoarse. My father started to grunt. His thrusts appeared even harder and faster.
“I am going to cum inside you, Lors,” my father hissed like a wild animal as his immensity exploded inside my tortured passage. I felt my father’s enormous hard huge shaft throb, twitch and then spurt repeatedly. Each spurt filled my bursting tiny pussy with huge amount of hot virile potent baby making cream. I must have felt more than twenty spurts each as huge as the preceding one before my own orgasm eventually overwhelmed me.
I tried to arch my body as the tension of my orgasm sent my body into muscular spasm but failed due to my father’s giant body crushing mine. However, I somehow managed to lift my face buried into the sheet and my mouth eventually managed to emit another high pitched wail,” ‘DAAAADDDEEEEEee.. eeeeeeee...,” before my eyes closed and warm comfort of dark blank space engulfed me. I passed out after a marathon incestuous deflowering of my raw tender pussy.

Chapter 7
Laura’s Conquest
I came around and found myself lying on top of my father’s body. His arms were wound around me. His mouth kissing my face all over with affection and passion mixed in a manner that only a father could manage.
“UUMMM, dad! Uummm,” I murmured my devotion as daddy nibbled on my lower lip. My father smiled and kissed me roughly on my lips making me shiver with unbridles lust.
I closed my eyes and rested my face on daddy’s chest. I felt my father’s finger run all over my face and soon he was running it along my flaring nostrils. I giggled as he pushed his thick heavy finger inside my right nostril making it bulge. He teased me by moving it back and forth.
“Daddy, your are too massive and my nose is too tiny for you to fuck my nose,” I giggled more.
“Sweetie, I have few more holes to open before I think about that, but I love my daughter’s beautiful nose,” daddy brought his finger out and sucked it lovingly making me giggle even more.
I felt a shiver run up and down my spine, “Where do you want to take me, daddy?”
“In your ass, sweetheart. You know Chari will take full report tomorrow. I have to fill all your three holes tonight,” daddy was really enjoying himself.
“It will hurt too much daddy!” I whimpered.
“That it will, Lors,” daddy said in a matter of fact manner, “but only to start with.”
Before I could add anything more, my father lifted me up, soon I was on my bent knees, and my head was resting on my crossed arms.
Daddy bent down and spread my soft ass cheeks and his mouth kissed my fluttering anal ring. I moaned as my father’s hot lips and tongue caressed my pink tiny anus making it twitch. Daddy started to lick my anus with strong lapping of his tongue. He even managed to push the tip of his tongue inside my now relaxed anal ring. I moaned over the next ten minutes as two mini orgasms ran through me. My father’s sweet warm mouth made love to my twitching fluttering aching gateway to my soft warm dark rectum.
Daddy rose behind me. I shook in anticipation of what was to follow. Daddy placed his apple sized massive head of his battering ram against my tiniest of anal opening. The sheer incongruity of the size and improbability of daddy’s monster managing to impale my rectum without tearing it asunder might have crossed my father’s mind. If it did, he never expressed it to me.
I felt a massive fist pressing against my tiny anal ring. I felt my father’s giant hands around my round soft bulging waist just above my hips pulling me onto his titanic invader of his daughter’s tiny nether hole. I sucked in deep breaths, knowing fully well only recently Chari and Mel have had their tiny anal rings stretched wide open by my father’s monster.
I screamed and bit hard on the soft sheet to muffle my scream. My anal ring started to open agonising both in pain and its slowness to yield.
Daddy, I though grunted and pushed forward at the same time pulling me back. I felt a sharp pain that soon became excruciating. I screamed at the top of my lungs as my anus was sliced in ribbons with a knife. Daddy’s monster head of his manhood slid inside in an agony filled flash. My anal ring, torn to bits I was convinced, was fluttering around the deep groove behind my father’s apple sized head. I felt tears well up in my eyes. I grabbed a fitful of sheet in my fists and clenched hard.
My father stood feeling the tightness of his virgin daughter’s anus. His grip around my waist went tighter. My scream was on decrescendo when my father pushed his cock steadily using his pulling me on to his monster penis technique. I wailed welcoming each inch of my daddy’s invader. My father’s gargantuan cock was sliding in stubbornly even though my ass felt on fire. I was sure it was bleeding. My sobs were heart breaking. I tried to muffle my screams so that my father would enjoy the invasion of his virgin daughter’s virgin ass as much as he would have liked to.
My tears ran and soon did my nose. I sobbed and my body shook with each sob. My father’s titanic male hood inched its way inside my tender unripe rectum inexorably. I felt my rectum so full that I thought I wanted to go to toilet. I cried as the pain was intense but so was the realisation that it was my adorable father ravaging my virgin asshole.
I felt I could not shed more tears but they streamed. My thighs felt a warm trickle of fluid running down collecting in the pit of my flexed knee. Daddy grunted and lunged into me burying the last few inches of his telephone pole that were the thickest. I screamed and wailed, my head hanging low.
My father stood still for many moments. He stroked my shaking shivering back. His hands came down and soon my heaving breasts were engulfed in daddy’s huge hands. He squeezed them as he pulled back. I felt my anal ring burn as much as daddy pulled out as it did when he invaded my virgin rectum.
Daddy stood still his huge head still buried inside my anal ring reminding me of my impending invasion. Daddy’s hands clenched my breasts brutally, his hips swung, and his monster member sped inside my agony filled rectum in one long lunge that broke my resolve and my scream was deafening. I sobbed and screamed. My father fucked my ass harder. My each scream seemed to encourage my father. I buried my face in a puddle of my saliva, tears and snot, as the agony of my rectal invasion was too much to bear.
My father started to use short jabs using just about half of his monstrosity. His brutal grip on my breasts was as painful as was his battering ram pistoning in and out of my torn anus. I was sobbing and wailing for what seemed like hours to me. My father never let up in his savagery of fucking my ass and mauling my breasts. I exploded in a kaleidoscope of an orgasm out of nowhere. My scream of the pain that orgasm wreaked on my body was as loud as when my father tore into my virgin anus.
“DAADDEEEEE AAAAHHHHH YYOOOO AAARRR UH UUURRTTEENNG MMMEEEEE. UUNNGGHHH FFFUUCCCKKKK MEE DDDAADDDEEE,” I had started to push my hips back onto my father’s invading tree trunk of a penis even though it hurt. However, the perverse pleasure the pain brought was a revelation and soon I was moaning with advent of another fresh orgasm.
My father’s cock was coated with my pulverized shit and was moving like greased lightening in and out of my deflowered virgin rectum. Daddy’s hands mauled my breasts even more savagely but that made me hotter as my ass started to generate sensations that I never knew it could. My cunt leaked sex juices continually.
I started to babble, “Daddy, please fuck my ass. I love you daddy. DADDEE PLEEESSSEE FFUUCCCCKKK MEEEEE.”
My father was already doing that. His monstrosity was now shuttling in and out of my tiny anus with amazing speed and force. When daddy hilted inside me, his groins slammed so hard against my hips, that my whole body was thrown forward. If not for the fact that he had brutal grip on my breasts to keep me where my daddy wanted, I would have flown across the bed as his flesh slapped mine with a loud pistol like noise.
I was moaning non-stop as my orgasms merged into one long agonising peak of lust filled pleasure that my growing body was not experienced enough to handle. My father fucked my rectum as the air in the bedroom was filled with the fragrance of my rectal aroma.
My father was now ravaging my virgin rectum with long solid thrusts that shook me both, with their ferocity and speed. His hands twisted my breasts every which way and my loud moans exhorted my father to fuck my ass even harder.
The loud slaps of his flesh smashing against mine filled the room. I came repeatedly. My father continued to fuck my rectum with unabated brutality that left me breathless and panting. I was in midst of my tenth orgasm when my knees gave way. I slumped flat on my face when my father hilted inside my rectum. My father’s body dropped on mine. He fucked me lying on top of my crushed body.
I shuddered in the wake of my body wrenching orgasm and my father fucked my shit-splattered ass harder and faster. I wailed, “DADDEE CCUUM EENSIIDE MEEE.’
My father crushed my breasts painfully in his hands and slammed his colossus with savage force in and out of my brutalized rectum. I was losing my bearings like before. I shook with yet another orgasm when daddy exploded inside my rectum. I felt his hot spurt inside me. It was too much for my young body to handle. I slipped into dark cocoon once again blissfully. I passed out my face buried in the pool of my own snot and saliva.
I woke up buried deep inside the giant body of my father. Daddy was once again licking my face clean off my snot, tears and saliva.
“Daddy, I think I need to clean your cock. My ass must have dirtied it.” I giggled as my father’s tongue licked deep inside my nose.
“Your ass has not dirtied my penis, Lors. Your rectum has left a fragrant gift that your father cherishes and will cherish every time you will let me have your ass,” daddy kissed my nose.
I pushed him on his back and scooted down his long huge body. My father’s monster cock was barely flaccid. I held my father’s heavily soiled monster covered with the thick layer of evidence that it had recently invaded his daughter’s virgin shit filled rectum.
I slowly opened my mouth as wide as I could and took the huge head inside my warm soft mouth. I found the mixed taste daddy’s cum mixed with my own shit very heady and welcoming.
I diligently licked and sucked the whole length of my father’s monster until it was saliva soaked clean. Daddy grabbed the back of my head with his huge hand and started to push my face down on his gargantuan semen spurter.
I gagged as two inched beyond my father’s monster head went inside my drooling mouth. My father kept my head in his iron tight grip and his hips started to hunch up. My father was fucking my mouth as savagely as he had fucked my virgin pussy and ass.
I gagged violently each time his monster cock head hit the back of my throat. My eyes ran and soon my nose ran as steadily. My drool ran along with my snot along the massive shaft of my father. Daddy fucked my mouth with unabated ferocity and my gagging sounds filled the room. I was feeling light headed as my father used my mouth to please himself. That was liberating and exhilarating as my father used me solely to pleasure himself.
I found my face pushed on to my father’s rampant monster as I gagged and cried my nose ran as wildly as my eyes. I felt my throat was sore and my eyes burnt. I felt my father trying to push another punishing monster inch of his gargantuan male hood inside his daughter’s mouth.
I was delirious with the sounds of soft moans emitting from my father’s throat. I tried to push my mouth as much as I physically could despite each attempt pushed another torturing inch inside my already stuffed gagging mouth.
I was dizzy and light headed when suddenly my father grunted almost an hour later. Daddy exploded deep in my throat. My gagging mouth failed to swallow quickly and my father’s potent virile cum refluxed out of my nose. I pulled my face back intuitively and managed to swallow the never-ending huge spurts of hot sweet cum of my father’s baby making semen greedily.
One day I hoped that cum would fertilize my eggs and fill my belly with babies. I felt more cum flow out of my nostrils as the amount of my father’s cum overwhelmed my mouth. I must have swallowed a huge amount of sweet daddy-cum before my father’s monster penis stopped throbbing, twitching and spurting in my mouth.
My father pulled me up and licked my face clean. I giggled as his nose snaked inside my nostrils to lick them clean of his cum and my snot.
“Daddy, I need to go to the loo,” I whispered pleadingly.
My father galvanized into action. I was soon in the bathroom, “ Sweetheart, I will like to taste your pee and nectar from your ass.”
I blushed as my father expressed his illicit taboo desires. Daddy lay down on the floor of the bathroom and I squatted over his open mouth. I pushed out my cum filled rectum. Daddy’s mouth was soon filled with his own cum mixed with my rectal juices. I saw the brown colored cum stream out into daddy’s mouth.
I tried to push hard to ensure that every bit of my father’s cum dropped into his mouth. I giggled when I inadvertently pushed something more substantial than daddy’s cum. My father, however, gulped everything that dropped from my rectum as greedily.
Soon I was hovering over daddy’s mouth and filled his mouth with my warm fragrant urine. I dropped a big glob of my father’s cum as well in his mouth. I stopped my stream once daddy’s mouth was filled up. I blushed with pride as daddy gulped my warm sweet piss. I was full, daddy was thirsty, and he gulped each mouthful with alacrity.
Once I was finished daddy pulled me onto his mouth and licked cum filled piss soaked hairless pussy.
“Daddy, it is my turn to taste my daddy’s sweet pee,” I was almost breathless with excitement of doing everything with my father. Our relationship had already breached all societal sanctions but would now go even further.
Daddy smiled as I bend forward. I hefted my father’s monster heavy semi hard cock and placed the huge head on my lower lip of my wide-open mouth. Daddy filled my mouth with his strong acrid golden urine. I closed my mouth and savored the sweet fragrant fatherly fluid before gulping it down. I had many mouthfuls before daddy’s stream slowed down. Daddy clenched his abdominal muscles to squeeze out the last of his fragrant urine. His clenching made his cock throb and his last two spurts of his warm piss splashed all over my face filling my nose. I coughed as we both laughed.
I held my father’s monster cock and sucked on the huge head. I pushed the tip of my tongue inside daddy’s big pee-hole and fucked it with my tongue. I felt over the moon as I heard my father emit a soft moan of pleasure. My slit was dripping sex juices, as my passage was once again flooded. My father’s cock was steel hard within no time, ready to ravage his daughter all over again.

I was filled with another illicit desire as I pulled my drooling painfully stretched mouth off my father’s rock hard one-eyed monster.
“Daddy, I need to poo,” my rectum was bursting since I had peed in my daddy’s mouth. I waited with bated breath. I wanted daddy and I to do everything he did with Chari and his sister, my auntie Tracy.
“Lors, would you be all right if I wanted to taste your delicious poo?” my heart was filled with joy and thumped louder inside my chest as I heard those magical words come out of my father’s mouth. Somehow, I managed to stutter, “Daddy, I too want to taste your sweet poo.”
Daddy smiled and nodded, “I shall go first sweetheart. I have dreamt of my beautiful daughter’s ass over my mouth about to open and offer me heavenly feast for so many years.”
I blushed as the depth of my father’s hidden love for me came forth. I squatted with trembling thighs over my father’s mouth, who had lay down on the bathroom floor. I did not have to push hard at all. My father’s savage fucking had precipitated my defecation. I felt my puffy anus open and a hard column of shit emerge. I had learnt trying with Chari and listening to the details of her shit eating experience to stop when the log of shit had reached a certain size.
I pinched my anus and broke a big thick column of shit that fell in my father’s mouth. Daddy closed his mouth and rolled it around savoring the taste of his loving daughter’s shit for the first time. I waited with barely contained excitement as my father sucked and then chewed on my shit with obvious pleasure. I was worried if my shit was not tasty enough for my father.
“Lors, give me more of your sweet delicious shit,” Daddy squeezed my ass cheeks. I pushed another three firm to hard good big pieced before I could only manage soft small loops. Daddy sucked and swallowed every bit of my shit with undiluted pleasure. He licked my ass clean.
I hurriedly lay down. Daddy’s huge ass looked so nice over my mouth. I saw my father’s hairy anal ring open wide and soon a hard log emerged with fragrance that sent my pussy into spasm. I waited for it to grow and took the free end in my open mouth. Daddy pinched it and my drooling mouth was soon filled with his thick log of delicious shit. I sucked on the firm pebbled column of feces to allow my mouth to fill with the fragrant flavors. I chewed the rest and soon swallowed it. Daddy filed my mouth with four more big pieces before his rectum was empty. I sucked, chewed and swallowed each log with greed that showed on my face that made my father smile indulgently.
I licked my father’s anus clean. My father filled my mouth with his saliva. I gargled and swallowed to remove most of daddy’s shit stuck on my teeth. I tasted my shit too. Daddy kissed me violently making me moan. We exchanged our shit and soon our shit tinged saliva moved forth and back. My father hissed like a wild animal, “Lors, I want to fuck your cunt and ass hard. I want to hear you scream as I fuck your pussy and ass with my cock. I want to fuck you until you cry for mercy and ask me to stop. I will then fuck you some more.
I whimpered limply as my pussy started to leak like a faulty faucet, “Yes, please daddy.”

Chapter 8
Laura Savors Her Success
My father kept his mouth glued over mine as his tongue ravaged my mouth making me pant. My legs were too short to go around my father’s massive waist but I still managed to dig my heels in his loins. My father lowered me until my leaking soft slit was right on top of daddy’s fist like cock head. My father moved me rubbing my slit over his cock head until it lodged right at the soft trembling entrance of my passage.
I was gasping as my trembling lips parted company from my father’s. My father dropped me and my scream filled the bathroom. Daddy’s monster tree trunk raced inside my raw recently torn soft feminine passage spreading it, stretching it, until my hairless slit was resting on my daddy’s forearm thick root. I was sobbing still when daddy lifted me up again and soon my scream accompanied my descent to unsheathe my father’s monster baby maker in my baby passage.
Daddy fucked my pussy with savage gravity helped impalements. I started to wail to herald an orgasm that rushed through my body. Daddy walked into the bedroom. He dropped on the bed with me buried under his body. He used his powerful legs planted on the carpet to hammer his cock with body wrenching thrusts. I screamed and shrieked as my father fucked me with fury that shook me literally to the core.
I clung to my daddy as orgasms buffeted my young body with metronomic regularity. My father fucked me with merciless lust filled love. His each thrust shook my body as his groin thudded against my groin loudly. I came non-stop. Daddy pushed me up the bed and rolled over. I was now impaled on his monster facing away from his. I planted my feet on either side of my father’s hips. I rose and fell to help daddy impale me with every inch of his titanic member.
Daddy every now and then would hold me steady and use his powerful hips to fuck my pussy with machine gun like strokes that sent me shrieking like a banshee.
I was going mad with lust that kept on raising its head inside my body despite my repeated orgasms. Daddy was tireless as he used his enormous strength to slam his cock right in any position. I must have cum ten times or more and I lost count after that. Daddy’s monster was relentless. Daddy pulled out of my soaking sore pussy and placed his monster head at my tiny anal ring. I adjusted my anal ring to make sure to be right at the top of daddy’s tip.
“Lors, just drop yourself on my cock,” my father grunted and his commanding voice made me tremble. I shivered and obeyed. Daddy helped my by lifting feet off the bed. My scream was deafening, as my tender raw anus was forced open brutally and my father’s champagne bottle thick cock raced inside my rectum like freight train.
Daddy lifted and dropped me until I stopped screaming and helped daddy ravage my ass. My orgasms soon reconvened and they wrecked my body with as much lust filled pain, as did my father’s gargantuan battering ram.
I was limp and my head lolled. I was so weakened by repeated orgasms that my muscles lost tone. I flopped back on my father’s belly. Daddy simply held my hips and he lifted them at a vantage level and used his strong hips to hammer my rectum with his cock at frightening speed. I moaned and shook. Daddy was now intent upon his pleasure and that made me cum even though my mind was numb with excess of pleasure.
I lost track of my orgasms and time. Daddy’s marauding male hood was the only link with the reality. My sore clutching rectum was the symbol of our love that would now grow and flower. I shrieked with another orgasm. I was losing control. My limp body shook and shuddered. My eyes were closed. My open mouth drooled uncontrollably.
I was about to pass out. Daddy rolled over burying me under his giant frame. He fucked my rectum with even stronger thrusts pounding his cock in my limp tired body exhausted with passion and lust much more than my young virgin body could handle. I screamed and blacked out as I felt my father’s one-eyed monster throb and spew out hot virile potent baby making cream that splashed against my soft brutalized rectal walls.
I came to and found myself sleeping in the warm cocoon of my father’s huge body. My daddy looked so handsome and peaceful as he slept. I kissed his mouth. I looked at the clock and realised that we had been fucking for almost six hours. I was not surprised to see my father’s monster still rock hard. I dozed off again. I woke up as daddy kissed me still sleepy but his desires were wide-awake.
We both mumbled and sleepily daddy rolled over me and soon his cock was racing inside my sore pussy. Daddy fucked me with fast short jabbed strokes and I was moaning and cumming in multiples as ever. Daddy exploded inside me after three quarters of an hour. We both fell asleep again.
It was late morning and I was the one looking to fill the empty but very sore passages. I climbed over my father and impaled my pussy on his rampant giant tool. Daddy opened his eyes sleepily and massaged my breasts as I moved up and down on my own pace. I was cumming by the time I dropped myself on my father’s for the tenth time. Daddy stroked my face lovingly as he let his sex crazed daughter fuck his daddy tool with her sore but greedy pussy. I slumped on my father’s chest after cumming five times. My father remained steel hard inside me as we both once again allowed ourselves to drop in arms of sleep fairy.
When I woke up it was close to four in afternoon. I was sore all over. I ached in places I did not know existed in my body. I was hungry as well. Daddy had left the bed. I made myself get out of bed. I was too groggy to even bother about putting on a tee shirt. I wanted my father and I wanted to cook breakfast for him even though it was nearly late afternoon.
I padded off to kitchen and started to make Spanish omelette the way daddy liked. I made six of those with light brown toasts, crispy bacon, hash browns, imported Cumberland sausages. I out the food in computerised dumb waiter to keep as hot as if fresh from pan.
I was so engrossed with my cooking that I did not see my sister enter the kitchen. We both hugged and jumped as girls do screaming and shrieking. Chari kissed my mouth sobbing and laughing at the same time.
Chari was in long tee shirt. She insisted she wanted to see my recently deflowered pussy and ass. I lay down on the table with my meaty thighs spread wide eagled. Chari spread my sore slim pink vaginal lips and looked and at my deflowered pussy and gasped, “Lors, your pussy is so beautiful. Uncle has really ripped into your pussy last night. It is all so red, and tender. So is your ass, Lors. The ring is so puffy and beautiful.”
Chari kissed my pussy and anus gently making me moan. We both failed to notice my father walk in naked and soaked in sweat. He was in gym. I saw him first as he came behind bent Chari his monstrous sweat soaked battering ram rock hard.
Daddy grabbed Chari’s wide ample as cheeks making her shriek with surprise and then she moaned as daddy rubbed his huge cock head against my sister’s pussy entrance.
“Daddy, Chari, please eat breakfast first. I have done all the cook......,” I moaned loudly as Chari bit on my clitoris to muffle her scream. My father had buried his monster manhood in his niece’s soft warm slit in one long steady thrust that shook Chari with mounting lust.
“I promise to make it quickie, Lors,” Daddy whispered as he pulled his titan out of Chari and soon he made her moan as loudly as I did by burying it once again to the last inch of his inhumanly thick pole.
The kitchen resonated with moans of two sisters and occasional grunt of my father as our lovemaking had its desired effect. I came as Chari’s desperate mouth and tongue tortured my sore pussy. Chari came along with me four more times over next three quarters of an hour, as daddy’s mega rod pounded her pussy from behind.
I exploded with my fifth orgasm as Chari chewed on my sore tender clitoris and her finger jabbed my painful anus. Daddy grunted and filled Chari’s pulsating pussy with his virile, potent baby making hot thick cream making her cum once again. Chari slumped over my listless body. My father even after cumming like a hose inside my sister’s cunt was still hard and moving languidly in her cum filled passage.
Eventually we all disentangled and breakfast was laid out.
Daddy smiled mischievously, “With my two beautiful daughter with me I a not going to have breakfast in a boring crockery.”
Chari grasped faster than I did. Chari lay down on the table. Daddy filled her pussy with cream. Chari suggested me to dip the fruits in the cream and feed daddy. I was giggling. I picked up a piece of strawberry and dipped it in cream filed Chari’s cunt. The cream was now mixed with my father’s cum too.
I offered the fruit to daddy who like a difficult boy insisted, “Lors, if you are going to feed daddy you have to give him food ready to swallow.”
I got on to the whole erotic idea. A sharp tingle of electricity ran up and down my spine. I put the fruit in my mouth and chewed it until it was in pulp and ready to gulp. I glued my mouth over daddy’s and drooled the fruit in his. Daddy gulped it with unmitigated pleasure. I was unstoppable after that. I fed my father fresh food. Daddy insisted on reciprocating and soon he was filling my mouth with well-chewed pieces of fruit for me to swallow. We did not forget Chari and both, daddy and I fed her.
Daddy cut pieces of omelette and stuffed them in Chari’s now empty pussy. He also pushed big chunks of sausage in her rectum.
Daddy and I would dig out food from Chari’s cunt or rectum chew it well and then feed each other and Chari. I was pleased daddy and Chari appreciated my cooking.
Soon it was my turn to be the ‘plate’. I lay down and first giggled and then moaned as daddy and Chari filled my sore pussy and painful rectum with sausages, omelette and salad. Daddy put the sauces on my belly as puddles to dip the food. The fun and togetherness of kinky feeding fed our incestuous lust as much as it gave us instantaneous pleasure.
The food started to vanish quickly. Chari took the whole sausage and inserted one in my pussy and another in my rectum. Chari moved both in and out of my two body cavities before inserting them deep inside. Daddy and Chari would bite a chunk as I pushed them out and then chew it before feeding each other and me.
Once food was finished. Daddy picked both of us like two fluffy toys and ran towards the pool. We both giggled and shrieked as my giant father threw us in deep end of the pool. Soon daddy joined us and we frolicked in pool like three kids deeply in love. Chari and I would dive and massage my father’s monster semi hard tool. We would take my father’s gigantic male member in out mouths and tickle his huge sac of heavy enormous balls.
Chari and I competed who could dive longer and keep daddy’s enormity in her mouth. Our score was tied. Daddy would do the same and dive underneath us and tickle our pussies and anus with his fingers and tongues.
The automatic lights came on in the pool and the out door area. We reluctantly came out. Daddy asked us to get ready, as he had booked Chari’s favorite restaurant.
We all had a wonderful twelve-course gourmet dinner in a very private exclusive table laid out for us. The conversation never wandered far from the raging incestuous desires amongst us.
“Daddy, when will my sore pussy and ass be ready to be fucked again?” I asked as Chari rubbed my father’s groin over his trousers.
“Lors, best way will be for uncle to take you regardless until you adapt to his size,” Chari was prompt and that is what I wanted to hear.
“Daddy will you er will you fu.. er I don’t want Chari to miss out.” I stuttered.
Daddy emitted a deep short laugh that never failed to fill me with warmth, “Lors, I agree with Chari. I aim to open your both passages again tonight and will continue to do so until you stop screaming the house down every time I fuck you.”
I blushed like newly wed virgin bride. Daddy added, “Do you mind if Chari joins us as well?”
I blushed again but giggled my agreement. Chari beamed as if she had won a coveted trophy. The flow of sexual innuendoes and hidden physical gestures went ‘bad to worse’. By the time the dinner was over, Chari and I were burning with illicit desire to be ravaged by my father. Daddy was unbelievably cool and in control and that fuelled our lust even more.
We could not wait to get home. We both fell into daddy’s arms as soon as the partition between chauffeur and us went up. Daddy kissed each one of us in turn until we both were gasping. His hands rubbed and massaged our braless breasts over our evening dress, making us moan with open panting mouth. By the time car turned into our a kilometre long driveway Chari and I were bursting with lust to strong that even if daddy were to rip our pussies and as to ribbons we would welcome him without any hesitation.

Chapter 9
Laura Shares Her Conquest
Daddy pulled Chari in his arms no sooner we were alone inside the house. He pushed her dress of er voluptuous body and the silk garment slithered down her chunky divinely beautiful body most sensuously.
Daddy then turned towards me and his large hands massaged my shoulders before he pushed the thin straps over my arms and soon my silk dress too was lying crumpled around my ankles. I kicked my roman sandals off and Chari did likewise. Daddy picked us girls clad in white panties in his arms and as we giggled and kissed him all over his face, he took us into his bedroom.
Daddy put us on the bed and rolled Chari’s panties down so lovingly and sensuously that even my breathing sounds started to turn into raspy and loud. Once Chari was fully naked, her beautiful slit glistening with her sex juices was so evident and her fragrance wafted towards daddy and I with similar effect. Daddy turned to me and soon my panties were lying on the floor.
Daddy kissed us in turn his hands moving all over our bodies. He stroked our back and luscious hips. He caressed our aching tense breasts and rubbed our long thick engorged nipples. Daddy gently lay me down in the middle of the bed and whispered something to Chari.
Chari lay on top of me with her face over my burning leaking pussy. Her equally clenching wet slit was over my face. I grabbed my sister’s wide ample ass cheeks and pulled her gash onto my open waiting greedy mouth. Chari moaned and her mouth dove onto my churning quim. I licked and sucked on my sister’s pussy lips and clitoris before shoving my stiffened tongue inside her warm wet soft passage of womanhood.
Chari moaned and tormented my pussy with even more vigour. She separated my pink lips to expose my soft sore entrance and lapped my pussy from bottom to the clitoris in long firm strokes. I bucked my hips onto her face as my own mouth sucked on her clitoris almost painfully.
We both were grinding our pelvis onto each other’s mouth and moaned louder by each passing minute. Suddenly, both of us stiffened and shrieked. Our orgasm was synchronous and we both felt it arriving even before the other started to moan. We both pushed our mouths even deeper into each other’s tiny pussies. I felt my father between Chari’s thighs. He gently tapped me on my forehead and soon his enormous tool of procreation was stationed at the fragrant entrance of my sister’s womanhood.
My eyes bugged out, as the view of my father’s titanic pole was so up close that it dwarfed the tiny pulsating entrance of Chari’s cunt. Daddy looked at me and I held his monster cock in my tiny petite hand. ‘Held’ is the wrong description. My hand could barely reach even half the girth. I simply supported the heavy silky smooth steel hard shaft as daddy pushed ahead. I saw with utter amazement as Chari’s tiny entrance started to stretch wide and even wider around my father’s humungous apple sized cock head.
Chari lifted her head to moan as her passage felt violated not for the first time by incongruously huge daddy’s man tool. I saw inch after inch of massive thickness disappear inside my sister’s apparently small tiny pussy. When about six inches or so were out daddy grunted and slammed the rest in one swift lunge making Chari shriek and bit on my soft tender cunt lips. I bit on my lip to hold back the bubbling scream of pain.
Daddy pulled out inch by inch. His shaft coated with Chari’s sex juices dripped the fragrant oily fluid on my face. I saw with unmasked amazement the firm swift journey of gargantuan shaft of my father’s baby making pole slide back inside the soft clutching passage of my sister’s womanhood.
Daddy started to fuck my sister with long solid thrusts that soon sent her into an orbit of ever increasing lust and passion. Chari moaned but kept her mouth on my hungry pussy. I was so close to the illicit incestuous union of my sister and my father that my own pussy started to cum. My mind was filled with the vision of Chari’s soft pussy entrance stretched obscenely around impossibly thick shaft of my father that I was worried the tight vaginal ring would snap if my father were to move any harder.
But women are made to stretch to accommodate their men whatever their size. I started to lick my sister’s clitoris as my father took her from behind with ever increasing strokes. My father’s monstrous shaft rubbed my nose as it pistoned in and out of my sister’s impossibly stretched pussy. Chari shuddered and shook as her orgasm ripped through her. Her moans and clamped teeth on my clitoris heightened my own lust and it tipped over amking me moan with own orgasm.
Daddy pulled his cock out once Chari had settled down and pointed the giant onto my panting open mouth. I licked the sweet thick coating of my sister’s sex juices.
My face was covered with Chari’s sex juices. Daddy bent Chari’s knees and put them on either side of my face. That brought her pussy right over mouth and my eyes had the unhindered mouth watering sight of my sister’s meaty ass spread wide apart by m father’s large powerful hands.
Daddy aligned his tree trunk of a penis against the tiny anal ring of his niece. I winced involuntarily as daddy pushed his head bigger than my fist against Chari’s clenching nervous anus. Daddy’s persistent pressure slowly forced the tight anal ring to yield and stretch. Chari pushed her mouth into my wet soaking pussy and panted breathing hot air into my passage.
I watched with my saucer wide eyes as my father’s mammoth forced the tiny anus of my sister wide open and suddenly his whole apple sized head vanished inside my sister’s anal ring. I though I heard a snap as the tight anal ring stretched and twanged against the deep groove below my father’s massive cock head.
Chari throat bubbled with a shriek that vibrated inside my pussy. I watched with fascination and some apprehension as daddy pushed one inch after another bottle thick inch inside my sister’s writhing rectum. I was in awe of the immensity of my procreator’s male member. The leviathan that jutted out of my father’s curly bush inexorably made its long, I knew painful for Chari, journey her rectum until fully embedded.
Chari moaned and sobbed, her mouth hungrily sucked on my pussy, and her hands grabbed my ass cheeks. Her fingers dug into my soft meaty ass as she felt the now very familiar invasion of her anus by my father’s monster.
I gently rubbed Chari’s engorged long thick clitoris with my finger as my father pulled his telephone pole out of my sister’s fluttering anus. I was hit with the heady fragrance of my sister’s rectum. Daddy held Chari’s hips in his huge hands and buried his monster back inside her in one long solid thrust.
Daddy’s colossus started to slide in and out of my sister’s rectum faster and harder. Chari started to moan and shake. Her mouth tormented my clitoris as her won rectum as ravaged by my father’s monster. I moaned and inserted my finger inside my sister’s clenching pussy and my thumb rubbed her hard clitoris. Chari moaned and her orgasm tripped over. Her mouth sucked hard on my pussy amking me squirm.
I could feel my father’s mammoth penis as it pistoned in and out of my sister’s rectum with my finger. I felt a thrill of sharing my sister’s violation with my father and that made my cunt go crazy. My father’s pole was ramming my sister’s ass with increasing speed and each time daddy hilted inside my sister’s ass her body shook with the violence of daddy’s lunge.
Chari wailed and her mouth sucked hard on my clitoris. Her two fingers sped inside my sore pussy. I screamed and came hard shaking violently. Chari followed suit as her rectum and anal ring trembled uncontrollably around daddy’s bottle thick shaft.
Daddy’s marauding battering ram was coated with Chari’s rectal juices and the aroma filled my nostrils. Daddy pummelled Chari’s ass until she stopped shaking from her second orgasm of ass fucking. Chari eventually slumped forward on her face. Daddy’s giant snapped out of her wide-open rectal opening with a loud plop.
Daddy pulled me up on hands and knees. I took his soiled massive penis and started to suck it clean. Once his giant tool was soaked with my saliva, my father turned me around. Daddy’s hands on either side of my meaty hips and his monstrosity knocking at the soft sore entrance of my feminity that was virgin and unviolated until a day before.
Daddy’s massive head spread open my soft tender entrance and accompanied with a loud gasp from my throat slid inside. Daddy held me tight and I bit my lip hard in anticipation of what was coming next. Despite that, my scream was loud and shook Chari out of her post orgasmic stupor. My father lunged hard inside me burying his monster almost to one third of his foot and a half length in one savage lusty thrust.
Chari held my sobbing face and started to kiss me all over. Daddy’s monster set up a furious pace right from start. My pussy felt ready to burst wide open as my father’s giant toll dilated it to a point of pain but that pain was so delicious that my body hungered for it. That pain validated the illegitimate incestuous union between a virile, handsome, hugely endowed father and his willing young, voluptuous, beautiful growing teenaged daughter.
My father took me harder than he fucked Chari and made me cum within few strokes with his giant procreator. The same tool that filled my mother’s womb with me.
I shook with my orgasm. Chari took my flaring nose in her mouth. Her tongue slid inside my right nostril. Daddy’s rampant mammoth pounded my pussy with long hard thrusts shaking my body helplessly every time he hilted inside me. I came again soon. My wail was nasal as my sister was making passionate love with my nose with her mouth and tongue.
Daddy pulled out of my pussy even before it had stopped convulsing as my orgasm raged through me. My father forced my anus open with his hard but smooth head and his giant mushroom invaded my anus welcomed by me with a deep-throated nasal shriek.
Daddy bulldozed his enormous inhuman length in two lunges burying his leviathan in his daughter’s recently deflowered rectum until last inch was buried inside me. I moaned as my rectum felt bursting full but missed my father’s torture tool as he pulled it out. I shrieked and moaned as he buried it back in my welcoming tight warm soft dark depths of rectum.
Daddy took my ass with his robust thrusts and his hands filled with my hanging swaying breasts squeezed them and pulled them back on my belly. His hips pistoned his massive cock in and out of my clenching rectum. I came with a loud wail. Chari had freed my nose and had stationed herself along side my father. She must have unhindered view of my anus stretched obscenely wide around my father’s pole. Chari tugged on daddy’s hips and soon I bemoaned as my father pulled his hard warm giant right out of my spasming rectum. Chari took daddy’s monster in her mouth and started to lick my rectal juices off it. Daddy placed his clean saliva soaked huge invader back at my shrinking anal ring and soon made me wail as he filled his daughter’s rectum once again.
Daddy fucked my ass with long hard thrusts. Chari played with my pussy and clitoris. I moaned and sobbed. My young inexperienced body shook with the raging lust that seemed to engulf my every sense. I came again. My loud wails declared my torrid climax that raced through my shivering body. Daddy’s hands tightened around my misshapen breasts flesh and he pulled them even harder on to my belly using them as fulcrum to ravage my as even harder.
My father’s thrusts became faster and harder. I had barely recovered from my fourth orgasm and the next one overwhelmed me. Daddy sped up his thrusts and soon I heard his grunt and my heart soared. I felt my orgasm become even more sharp and painful sensing my father’s imminent explosion inside my rectum.
Daddy exploded on a downward lunge and his thrust became a bit erratic. His each spurt filled my rectum and he kept on spurting huge volume of hot, potent and virile cum in my rectum. The torrent of my orgasm made me limp and my head lolled. Daddy slammed his erupting one-eyed monster inside my ass with all his might and knocked me flat on my face. My father followed me and he slammed inside my heaving rectum few times until his exploding giant started stopped spewing virile potent baby making scalding cream inside my rectum. I lay on bed, my face buried in the soft sheet, panting and gasping for air.
My father pulled out of my cum filled rectum and roughly pulled Chari, grabbing her hair, towards his throbbing manhood and soon she was trying to suck and lick my daddy’s heavily soiled monster fresh out of my rectum clean.
Daddy lay down on his back and whimpering Chari straddled daddy’s monster and impaled her pussy on it. My father pulled her down and hunched his hips up slamming his cock in two brutal lunges inside my sister’s clenching soft weeping passage. Chari’s loud moan became louder as she helped my father to ravage her as hard as he wanted to by lifted and drooping herself on his insatiable mammoth tool.
“UUNNCCCC...AAH UULLLE..UUNNNGGHH..FFUUCCCKKK,” Chari wailed as on the tenth downward ride her painfully stretched pussy exploded in a torrid orgasm. Daddy continued to slam his monster with ferocity tat shook my sister and her moans ‘shook’ as well. I slowly recovered and crawled close to the fascinating spell binding sight my sister’s tight tiny snug soft slit speeding up and down my father’s gargantuan pole.
The tight pink ring that was my sister’s entrance was so stretched thin around my father’s monstrosity that I was worried that Chari’s obscenely stretched entrance might just rip asunder. I kissed my sister’s ass. The fragrance of hot sex emanated from the union of her body and my father’s marauding leviathan. Chari was moaning and sobbing as her next few orgasms just rolled on into one huge ball of lust filled fire tat engulfed her body.
Her mouth opened in to scream but nothing came out. The only sound she could muster was a hoarse raspy wheeze. Her head lolled. My father pulled Chari’s still clenching orgasming pussy off his giant and literally flung her face down on the bed. Chari was whimpering still in throes of her multiple orgasms. Daddy spread her meaty ample ass cheeks wide apart and aligned his cum coated throbbing colossus whose girth appeared to defy even my father’s massive hand at the desired tiny entrance. Daddy forced his massive head inside Chari’s anal ring, who was still sobbing with excesses of illicit incestuous pleasure. Daddy draped himself over heaving body of my sister. His hips were in the air and the enormous length of my father’s bottle thick cock appeared impossibly huge.
Daddy’s hips slammed down and he grunted softly as his rampant battering pole overcame resistance of my sister’s tight anal ring and rectal passage and buried inside the soft warm depths of her bowel until his curly thick bush rubbed against Chari’s trembling ass flesh. Chari’s loud wail was muffled as her face was buried in the sheet. Daddy fucked Chari’s ass with unrestrained and furious strokes. His hips moved in a blur as Chari moaned and sobbed. She was cumming non-stop.
I stroked the sweaty back and hips of my father and felt his massive muscles bulge as he put in extra effort to ravage his niece’s tender ass. I felt my cunt juices run along my thighs. Daddy made Chari cum many incalculable times before he exploded deep inside the writhing sweet rectum of the daughter of his sister.
My father pulled his monster out of her wide-open anus. Chari’s body was heaving with her pants and gasps. However, she did not have the energy to roll over. My sister lay on her face in the puddle of her saliva and cum. I guessed Chari had passed out.
Daddy looked at me, and I submissively knelt and reverentially sucked and licked daddy’s cock fresh out of Chari’s rectum covered with his cum and my sister’s rectal juices. Daddy’s one-eyed monster was steel hard if it had lost any hardness at all.
“Lors, do you want me to take you from behind or in missionary?” daddy was impatient and insatiable that night. I was too much in awe of the occasion to even utter few simple words and meekly turned away from my father on my knees and hands. I rested my head on my crossed arms and my meaty ass was wide open and available for my father’s insatiable telephone pole like manhood.
Daddy impaled my pussy in three lunges making me scream but I felt so full and happy that I managed to push my hips back or so I thought. Daddy took me with sharp short machine gun like thrusts that soon brought me to the doorstep of my fresh of many orgasms. I felt my breasts being crushed in my father’s massive hands. I lost conventional awareness my surrounding. I heard my moans, sobs and shrieks as if they belonged to another girl. The pain from my passage in accommodating my father’s giant procreator only enhanced my disconnect from reality. My existence was now on my tight pussy being stretched and opened obscenely by furiously pistoning daddy’s monster.
I was cumming every minute or so. I had lost track of time. I barely remember when my father pulled himself out of my ravaged cunt and slammed his mammoth-punishing tool of pleasure inside my rectum. I was too far gone with the never-ending orgasms that had drained my strength to scream. Daddy’s savage thrust knocked me flat. His hands were still clutching my breasts and they strangled my breast flesh mercilessly as he pounded my ass lying on top of my body. I must have been crying or so I felt as the pain of my ass fucking merged with the pain of my body wrenching orgasms.
The boundary between pain and pleasure became blurred in my young mind. I felt they were same and my father controlled both. I hardly remember how long my father took me in my ass before I heard his growl drifting into my ears from far and felt his massive tool started to spew hot scalding cum deep inside my rectum. I must have screamed as hot spurt of my father’s virile potent semen splashed against my tender soft rectal walls. My ongoing orgasm peaked again. I felt a warm cocoon of dark comforting blanket engulf me and I ingloriously passed out.
I have no memory as to how long was I out. When I came to, I saw daddy was languidly sawing his mammoth cock still hard and hungry in and out of my sister’s pussy as she moaned. I smiled; this one was promising to be a long night for my sister and I. I would learn as days went by that most nights with my father would be long.
I crawled close to the union of my father’s mammoth cock and my sister’s obscenely stretched cunt as daddy’s monster lazily sped in and out of the pink tight ring.
Daddy managed made his niece cum three times. I hurriedly pulled my father’s monster cum soaked cock and put in my mouth. With my mouth stretched wide open, I sucked on daddy’s huge cock head. Daddy tried to push an inch or two inside my stuffed mouth making me gag.
I was rewarded with my father’s potent hot cum that filed my mouth. I swallowed as fast as I could. The hot creamy smooth thick cum kept on filling my mouth. I must have swallowed fifteen mouthfuls before my father’s massive cock stopped spewing his baby making cream.
Daddy smiled at me, his face bathed with pleasure that mad my pussy twitch. I wanted more of my father’s fluids, “Daddy, I want to drink your pee.”
The magic word broke the lethargy of sated Chari. We both hung on my father’s arms and went to en suite bathroom. Daddy filled Chari and mine mouths with his warm golden urine. We swilled it in our mouth before swallowing it. Daddy fairly divided his piss between his daughter and niece.
We were now ready to return the favor. Chari too did her to offer equal mouthfuls of her urine to daddy and me. I did the same.
Daddy whispered, “Is one of you or both have a snack for daddy?”
Chari squealed along with me. Soon Chari filled first daddy’s mouth and then mine with her firm logs of shit. We both chewed and sucked the delicious shit before it melted in our mouths before swallowing. Chari had another mouthful before her twitching anus could only push out a small soft pellet. Daddy sucked that into soft thick creamy paste and drooled it in my mouth, his sweet saliva enhancing the flavor of my sister’s delicious shit.
I was happy that my rectum had more to offer. I managed three good-sized firm pieces to my sister and father. Both savored each as if they had never tasted my delicious shit before. We kissed each other and trudged back to the bedroom. We all chose to sleep even though we were feeling a bit horny. My sister and I slept ensconced in the arms of my father. Our tiny hands were holding his mammoth cock and our eyes closed and we both fell in the lap of deep sleep.


Desires For Daddy Part III
Dirty Amber
Copyright Dirty amber2013.

Chapter 10
Daddy’s Surprise For Laura.
I woke up late and found daddy and Chari were out of bed. I rubbed my sleepy eyes and felt my dried cum all over my body. My pussy was delightfully sore as was my ass. I stumbled out of my bed and found my father and Chari in kitchen. The table was laden with a lavish brunch. I was not surprised to see Chari sitting astride my father’s thighs and riding his monster cock languidly. I kissed my father and Chari. Chari moaned her greetings as she was evidently close to her orgasm.
I kissed my sister’s beautiful flushed face. I kissed her flaring nose as daddy helped her ride his huge cock. Daddy rubbed my breasts as they hung in front of him. I moved my mouth onto my sister’s heaving breasts, took one in my hands, and clamped my mouth on the second. I sucked hard on Chari’s nipple and soon her moans became louder. Chari started to tremble slightly as her orgasm approached. She shook and slumped on to my father’s hairy massive chest.
Chari took some time to gather herself together. She smiled and slowly rose off my father’s monstrosity. Daddy’s mammoth male hood was gleaming with my sister’s sex juices. I looked at my father with hungry eyes who smiled his winsome irresistible smile and I felt goose bumps on my arms.
My father held me by my soft round full waist and soon I was in air. I hurriedly separated my meaty legs and found daddy aligning my pussy entrance over his gigantic cock head. I felt daddy’s huge cock head nudge open my soft pink slit and enter my feminine passage stretching it so wide open that I felt the walls would give way and tear. However, like many times before my young pussy stretched to an impossible size to accommodate my father’s colossus.
Daddy moved me up and down slowly almost lazily. He stroked the smooth skin of my back and kissed the top of my head many times affectionately. I kissed daddy’s hairy chest. I sucked gently on his nipples. I rubbed my soft small hands all over his huge body.
My pussy started to churn as daddy’s cock made my passage ooze sex juices like a leaking faucet. I felt my orgasm started to gain pace. I moaned, “DADDY, I AM GOING TO CUM.”
Daddy kissed my mussed unruly wavy tresses and helped me ride his monster towards my imminent climax. I was trembling helplessly within few minutes of slow and languid fucking. My fingers clawed my father’s muscular sides digging into his skin.
“Lors, I want to cum in your ass, sweetie,” I heard my father’s soft deep voice ring his desire. I managed to nod still in throes of my orgasm. Chari sensed daddy’s intentions. Daddy raised me up until his steel hard cock snapped out of my leaking convulsing young pussy.
Chari guided daddy’s monstrosity towards my tiny tight anal opening. Daddy placed my anus over his rampant gargantuan cock head and pushed me down helping the gravity of my weight to gain entrance inside my tight anus. My anal ring surrendered meekly and my muffled shriek declared entry of my daddy’s massive cock inside my seething warm soft rectum. I bit on my lip as my father’s telephone pole inched its way inside his daughter’s ass inexorably.
Soon daddy was moving me like a doll up and down literally using me like a toy to fuck my ass with his phenomenal giant of a man hood. My rectum soon ignored the pain and started to generate the delicious pleasure from being stretched obscenely wide open. My anal ring burnt with flame of passion as my father’s massive girth rubbed it with each movement in or out of my rectum.
Chari kneaded my breasts and pinched my nipples adding to my pleasure filled torture. I moaned louder with passing moment and each languid thrust from my father’s cock, the same cock that procreated me.
I was gasping and panting when my fresh orgasm tore through me. I knew my orgasms would come in thick and fast and they did. I was struggling with my fourth when daddy grunted and pulled me down hard onto his massive aching cock. He exploded inside my rectum. I felt each huge voluminous spurt deep inside. I lost count after fifteen spurts and many more filled my rectum. We both took a long time to unwind.
Chari, daddy and I kissed each other. We eventually sat down to eat the delicious brunch. We showered together. Daddy went to his office for couple of hours. Chari and I jumped in the pool. We swam and frolicked until daddy arrived. We whooped and encouraged him to get in without changing. Daddy shucked his formal clothes and soon was naked.
Once in he divested us off our meagre swimsuits. We fooled around until daddy’s monster was rampant and could not be denied. He took Chari and I in turn. Daddy fucked us first slowly followed with frantic pace that churned the pool water as two young girls moaned and shrieked as they came repeatedly.
We all retired inside and went out for dinner. The night was a replica of the earlier night. Daddy took Chari and I repeatedly tirelessly in our pussy, ass and mouth until we two slumped senseless very late in night.
The ensuing days were filled with free for all fucking that culminated in fierce threesome in bed that finished late night. Daddy was insatiable and soon Chari and I gave up on trying to satisfy him into exhaustion. We usually landed up being fucked senseless.
We were happy. I was over the moon as my father and I developed silent telepathic bond that conveyed each other’s desires without a word being spoken.
That Thursday daddy surprised us, “Lors, for the lovely surprise you gave me at behest of Chari I have one for you.”
Chari and I jumped like kids but daddy would not give any hint. We went out for dinner. Daddy was on his mobile phone more than he ever was, when with us. I was dying to know what the surprise was. Daddy was enigmatic and made us mad with curiosity.
On our way home daddy would not yield, “You two have to do as I say otherwise no way you would ever know.”
Inside the hall, Chari and I looked at the clues. Daddy ordered imperiously, “Take off your clothes Lors.”
Daddy was taking the dress off Chari who was naked within seconds. Daddy too threw his dining suit off. His massive cock was raging hard. Daddy lifted giggling Chari up in air and soon she was screaming as daddy impaled her snug pussy on to his mammoth member.
Daddy moved with Chari clinging to him like a baby monkey. We all reached the family area and I screamed with joy. In middle of the huge family room stood grandpa fully naked and a red ribbon tied as a gift-bow around his mammoth cock.
Chari started to giggle as the idea of surprise eventually gravitated, “Lors, grandpa is all yours. That is my surprise to thank you for yours.”
I ran and soon was in the arms of my giant grandfather. He was as tall as daddy but was a lot bigger in size due to generous padding of fat. His hairy body supported a monstrous baby maker as huge as daddy’s. I kissed grandpa on his mouth.
I heard daddy, “Dad, Lors, good night. I think I need to make my lovely niece happy.”
Daddy moved towards his bedroom Chari impaled on his mammoth cock.
As my body rubbed against grandpa’s body the fancy bow fell off his throbbing gigantic cock. I was laughing sobbing with happiness like a crazy mad little girl, “Grandpa, OH GRANDPA! I am so happy you came.”
Grandpa kissed me fiercely and nibbled on my lower lip, “I had to sweetie. I heard my little granddaughter was being naughty with her dad.”
I smiled and kissed grandpa, “Oh! Grandpa. Does that mean I am in trouble?”
Grandpa laughed and kissed me on the tip of my nose and then bit on it gently, “A big trouble sweetheart. Grandpa is going to find out what all my little granddaughter has been up to.”
“Please do grandpa,” I squealed with delight and kissed grandpa on his mouth repeatedly.

Chapter 11
Laura and Grandpa
Grandpa flung me on the bed, no sooner we were in his bedroom suite. I giggled but grandpa roughly pulled me to the edge of the bed. Soon he had me in knee elbow position. I was giggling and sobbing with anticipation when I heard grandpa’s deep baritone, “Lors, you have been naughty and naughty girls are punished.”
I giggled and said with ebullience, “Grandpa, I have been naughty. Please punish me.” I was getting into the game grandpa was playing. I was hoping grandpa meant putting his monster inside me would be the punishment.
I heard a loud noise of a slap and my soft bottom stung as set on fire. Grandpa’s strong arms had fallen from its full length and spanked hard on my ass. I screamed in genuine pain, “GRAANDPAA. NOOOO. EET HUUURTS.”
Grandpa’s arm rose and fell again with a loud sound that resonated inside the room, my scream filled the room soon after. The pain on my soft bottom was excruciating. I felt hot tears filling my eyes. I remembered Chari telling me that grandpa would make his daughter, aunt Tracy cry and sob many nights. I was learning why.
I was bucking but grandpa held me effortlessly. His huge palm landed on my ass repeatedly making me scream. My eyes ran, the pain was blinding and my screams were getting louder with each resounding smack.
I felt despite the pain a strange sensation as grandpa once again spanked my bottom with his full might, “Lors, would you hold still and take your punishment like a good girl?”
I was sobbing uncontrollably and was unable to talk. I nodded vigorously promising grandpa not to move. Grandpa freed his other hand and soon roughly pushed his thick finger inside my pussy, surprisingly filled with my sex juices. I screamed as grandpa resumed furious spanking he was giving me. His other finger with equal roughness invaded my dry anus further enhancing the pain. I even though was crying but strangely waited for the next smack.
Grandpa did not let me wait too long and soon his hand had covered each inch of my plump soft ass and moved over my lower back and back of thighs. My skin burnt. My tears had drenched my face. I was sniffling to hold back my tears from running into my nose.
Grandpa started to fuck my ass and pussy with his thick rough fingers. I screamed this time with a blinding orgasm that arrived from nowhere and left me gasping for air. Grandpa removed his fingers and pulled me so that my bent neck was close to my knees. I was now positioned like an inverted ‘V’. My ass was the pinnacle of the upside down ‘V’.
Still shaking trembling in middle of my orgasm, I felt grandpa align his monster cock against my pussy and he lunged hard. Grandpa’s massive cock sped inside stretching my young unripe pussy brutishly. I screamed even though intoxicating pleasure of my orgasm was still tearing through me. Grandpa unlike daddy did not give me any time to adjust and lunged repeatedly, with each lunge burying inches of his mammoth cock inside my tight pussy, that was struggling to open fast enough to welcome grandpa’s gigantic tool of torture. My shrieks were getting louder with each brutal lunge from grandpa’s loins.
Grandpa stood like a giant over my contorted body and his cock was buried fully inside my painfully dilated pussy. Grandpa ignored my screams, pulled his immense manhood out, and slammed it back inside my trembling young body to the hilt. Grandpa started to fuck me with savage pace that left me gagging for air. My screams could not come fast enough. Grandpa fucked with savagery I had not experienced so far.
Grandpa’s massive hands gripped my plump soft ass, pushed and pulled them to suit his brutal lunges to ravage my tiny immature snug feminity. I was sobbing with the indescribable pleasure filled pain that grandpa’s furious savage fucking generated and my breathing came in labored gasps.
I came suddenly and could not hold back a loud long wail of heady cocktail of pain and pleasure. My orgasm raced through my young body like a bolt of electricity. I shook and trembled. My wail eventually subsided into loud moan that continued unabated as grandpa kept up the furious pace of fucking my pussy with his giant male member.
I could hear a loud smacking sound as grandpa’s groins clashed with my soft ass each time he buried his mammoth cock to the last inch inside my pussy. I looked up with my unfocused eyes and barely managed to see a giant manly body slamming into me with blinding ferocity and pace. I felt my pussy burning both with the friction of grandpa’s massive girth and the lust his colossus generated in my pussy.
My second and third orgasms came close to each other. Grandpa kept the manic pace of his fucking until I came yet again. He pulled his monster out of my seething cunt and rolled me on my back quickly. I was panting and gasping as my young body failed miserably to match with the experienced lust of my grandfather.
Grandpa pushed my meaty thighs right back onto my chest holding the back of my knees. He spread my thighs wide apart. I was still moaning and sobbing with unusually ferocious fucking grandpa had put me to. My inexperience left me woefully short to handle grandpa’s raging lusty desires.
Grandpa placed his raging rock hard cock head sleek and coated with my sex juices at my fluttering tiny anus. I sucked in and held my breath in anticipation. Grandpa managed to align his cock head without holding it. He pushed carefully until my anus relented and his cock head vanished inside my anus making me moan loudly. The familiar sensation of my anal ring dilating and stretching filled my senses.
Grandpa bent closer to my face and crushed his mouth over my half open sobbing mouth. His giant powerful body lunged into me. I felt my anal ring burn as his massive girth sped inside my rectum. The enormously long bottle thick cock felt like huge tree trunk as it vanished like freight train engine inside my warm soft snug rectum.
I could hardly breathe so fast was the invasion of my young tender rectum. Grandpa was showing me yet another aspect of passionate loving. He pulled his cock out even though he knew his young unripe granddaughter was still struggling with his monster. He slammed the whole length in one savage thrust. My scream was a high as the impossible length of grandpa’s massively thick cock.
Grandpa draped my chunky thighs over his massive forearms. His huge hands grabbed my heaving budding breasts and once he had filled them with as much of my soft breast flesh they could hold his hands closed over my breasts slowly but with ever increasing tightness. Grandpa had settled himself to his satisfaction and he started to pound my ass with long savagely brutal lunges. My shrieks would never actually wane all that night. His powerful hands first kneaded my aching breasts and soon they were squeezing and crushing them viciously.
My mouth was slack and open as my chunky but petite body shook with each thrust from my grandpa as he slammed in and out of my rectum. His hands used my crushed breasts to hold my body still for his savage fucking but also pull it on to his marauding monster.
The heady mixture of painful pleasure that emanated from my rectum added the pain from my crushed breasts. I still wanted grandpa to fuck my ass and crush my breasts harder. He did.
I was screaming every now and then, especially when grandpa managed to crush my breasts hard as his cock was about to hilt inside my obscenely stretched rectum. I came within few minutes of mind blowing fucking from grandpa.
“AAAAHHH GRAAANNNDPAAAAA UUUNNNNGGGGHHH,” I babbled helplessly as my loving grandfather threw me in the cauldron of raging lust and passion my young unripe body struggled to handle.
Grandpa continued the same savage paced furious ravaging of my young preteen ass as my orgasms came thick and fast. I managed to produce gurgling sounds and incomprehensible babbling phrases, all designed to tell my grandpa that he was making me cum so hard that my orgasms hurt me as much deliciously as his fucking.
I had lost track of number of my orgasms and length of time grandpa had been ravaging my tender ass, when grandpa growled and appeared to plunder my delectable ass with even more savage force if that was possible. I moaned loudly as I felt grandpa’s monster cock start to throb even more and twitch. Grandpa grunted loudly, slammed his full monstrous cock in one savage lunge inside my seething rectum, and started to ejaculate hot scalding cum. Grandpa’s spurts kept on coming and I limp and listless crumpled back on the bed and grandpa collapsed on top of me knocking all the wind out of my lungs.
I flung my arms around my grandfather’s strong bull like neck and held him tight against my young unripe body as he panted with lust temporarily fulfilled. His cock was still spurting copious amount of virile spunk deep inside my rectum.
We both took many minutes to gather our breaths. I smiled as grandpa’s tongue and lips started to kiss and tease my earlobes and side of neck – my weak points along with many that daddy and I had discovered these last few days. I could never have realised how explosive rough sex could be.
“Lors, sweetheart! I was not too rough, was I?” grandpa mumbled as his lips sucked on my earlobes.
“Ummm no grandpa aaah not at all. I loved it,” I mumbled too as my tired body started to feel the rising heat of lust once again.
I started to clench my anus around partly soft monstrous girth of grandpa. I felt so wide open that I was surprised that grandpa had not torn my anus into shreds.
Grandpa started to nibble on my earlobes and soon his teeth pulled on them harshly making me moan both with pain and pleasure mixed in an odd manner that baffled my young immature body.
Grandpa found my right breast and he first kneaded the tender flesh gently but soon he squeezed it with his massive powerful fist and his thumb and finger pinched and twisted my already sore aching tender nipple, “AAH, Grandpa...uuummmm.”
Grandpa had started to ignite a new fire in my twelve years old unripe body. I moaned loudly as grandpa started to grind his rapidly hardening mammoth inside my rectum buried to its root. I stroked grandpa’s face with my tiny soft hand as he continued the sweet, painful torture of my budding body. I was bucking my hips as I felt his huge cock stretch my sore tender anal ring.
Grandpa suddenly let go off me and pulled his pleasure filled torture mammoth rod out of my sore rectum. I followed him. I was on my knees and hands as I reached him. Grand was on his bent knees and his throbbing monstrous tool, coated with his cum and my rectal juices, was inviting me tantalisingly.
I held the mammoth shaft with my both hands and hands were far apart despite my stretched fingers. I sucked on the huge mushroom of grandpa’s cock making him moan loudly. I felt corners of my mouth stretch painfully as I tried to push my wide-open mouth around the enormous cock head of my grandfather’s monster cock.
Grandpa moaned softly as my warm saliva filled mouth engulfed the entire massive cock head completely and the tip of my tongue slid inside his large piss-hole. Grandpa let me play with his massive cock head for few minutes when suddenly without any warning he grabbed my meaty thighs and turned me upside down.
He held my thighs in his large powerful hands and spread them wide apart and soon his mouth dove onto my leaking seething pussy. He raised himself on his knees straight up and hunched his hips to push more of his punishing throbbing silky smooth steel hard mammoth baby-maker inside my tiny struggling mouth.
My loud gag went unnoticed. I wanted to scream with intense pleasure as grandpa’s lips locked on my pink soft pussy slit. He parted my slit with his tongue and his raspy rough tongue lapped the entire patch from my clitoris to the twitching anus. Grandpa’s tongue probed licked and lapped my pussy with intensity that shook me with pleasure.
He started to use his powerful hips and fuck my mouth ruthlessly. I had placed my tiny hands on his massive hairy thighs for support and control his thrusts involuntarily but that was ineffective in controlling his lunges to push more of his gargantuan cock inside my straining mouth.
Room soon was filled with loud gagging sounds as grandpa mercilessly hunched into my mouth and managed to push another two inches that hit the back of my throat. My gagging was so intense that my face was soon congested, in addition to being hanging upside down, and my eyes watered.
“Lors, try to relax your throat, honey,” grandpa released his delicious feast that was my young juicy pussy and advised me.
I did my best and despite gagging, tried to relax my throat. Grandpa ignored my pitiful gagging and pushed his cock steadily. My throat was convulsing and my chest was heaving with unmitigated gags. Suddenly grandpa’s pushing appeared to coincide with the short respite before a fresh gag developed and his monster slid inside my throat somewhere by at least sex inches.
My fresh gagging must have stimulated grandpa’s monster as he moaned into my pussy and soon he took my tender undeveloped cunt lips, no more than pink folds, in his mouth and nibbled none too gently with his teeth. I would have screamed if not gagging madly.
Grandpa started to withdraw two or so inches of his leviathan and push it back in my throat savagely. His mouth tortured my pussy lips and soon moved on to my engorged sensitive clitoris. Grandpa after quick flicks with his tongue grabbed my tender clit between his lips and rocked it brutally.
I screamed at least in my own head as my eyes ran back into my hair, as did my drool. My nose started to run and again back into my hair. Grandpa kept on fucking my mouth and throat with increasing strokes as he managed to thrust another couple of inches deep in my throat.
I felt my food pipe full and bulging. My breathing was labored. I tried to breathe but only managed to increase the volume of snorting type sounds coming from my nose. I clung on to my grandpa’s thighs as he deep throated me forcefully and mercilessly.
His lips, tongue and teeth tortured my pussy, anus and clitoris. Soon I came so hard that my breathing stopped and I became limp. Grandpa’s monster cock kept on fucking my throat until I recovered slightly. Grandpa pulled me off his cock and turned me back effortlessly. My soiled gasping mouth was open as I panted in the throes of my orgasm.
Grandpa let me throw my plump soft arms around his neck before he grabbed a corner of the sheet and dabbed my overflowing pussy soaking most of the juices it was brimming with. I was barely aware of what my grandfather doing to me. Grandpa aligned my tiny pussy over his throbbing rock hard mammoth cock and dropped me on it.
My scream was long and loud. I felt a sharp knife was slicing through my pussy. The pain was as bad as when daddy took my virginity if not worse. I felt a thudding stop as my relatively dry pussy eventually was resting around the massive root of my grandfather’s colossus.
I buried my screaming mouth in the warm skin of grandpa’s armpit and sucked on his thick armpit hair. Grandpa commenced to fuck my pussy with savage long thrusts that hurt like hell until my pussy started to secrete fresh juices and soon his cock was ploughing my pussy with faster and harder lunges.
An expert, my grandpa, was initiating me to really rough sex. I was whimpering as my orgasms took over and entire being was reduced to my pussy being impaled by my grandfather’s monster.
Grandpa made me cum many times before he switched to my rectum. I was hanging like a ragdoll when he eventually exploded deep inside my rectum. His teeth pulled on my nipples savagely. I screamed with intense pain filled pleasure that soon became a warm fuzzy cloud and I passed out.

Chapter 12
The Morning After
I came to after an unknown time and found myself snoring softly in the warm cocoon of my grandpa’s body. His huge arms had engulfed my tiny chunky body. My face was buried in his armpit. I smelled the heady fragrance of grandpa’s manly body and my eyes fluttered. My hands of their own volition went searching slowly stroking the hairy chest of grandpa, his equally hairy bulging belly and soon reached the thick curly coarse bush of pubic hair. I gently pulled his huge heavy flaccid cock and soon it was lying between my thighs and grandpa’s belly. My one hand could just about cover less than half the circumference of grandpa’s massive cock even though it was flaccid.
I lowered my lips, kissed grandpa’s thick nipples, and sucked on one gently. I felt grandpa shuffle and heard his sonorous steady gentle snoring break into a soft snort. His hand lying under my body started to stroke my hair and his free hand resting on my meaty plump ass came alive.
“Mmmmm, Laura sweetie, what a nice way to wake grandpa up,” grandpa mumbled still in sleep.
“Ummmm grandpa. Your monster is also awake,” I spoke softly reluctant to leave grandpa’s nipple altogether.
Grandpa’s mammoth cock took only few seconds before it was steel hard threatening to tear any pussy or ass apart. Mine was the closest.
Grandpa rolled me over on my back and soon lay on top of me with his full weight on my body. I loved the crushing weight of my giant father and now, grandpa. He adroitly separated my thighs with his hugely muscular hairy thighs. His rampant cock found the opening of my sore pussy and grandpa pushed his monster inside my churning pussy steadily but much more gently than all night until he was buried deep inside my cunt.
He insinuated his hands between our bodies and grabbed my breasts and his hands closed around the tender flesh with firmness that made me moan loudly. His mouth soon was glued over my own partly open panting mouth. Grandpa fucked me first languidly and then with firmness that left me gasping. I was cumming within few minutes of his cock’s invasion of my tight young unripe pussy.
Grandpa made me cum few more times when he grunted and exploded deep inside my pulsating cunt. We both gently fell into deep sleep.
After few hours, I felt warm hands caressing me and woke up to find that grandpa had turned me on my left side facing away from him. My ass felt his rock hard monstrosity and a soft moan escaped from my lips as he lifted my right meaty thigh and his cock nudged against my tight anal ring.
I adjusted my ass so that my anal opening was aligned with grandpa’s cock. Grandpa’s left arm was under my body and his hand was planted over my pussy. He used it to push my ass back onto his cock. I felt his huge cock head push persistently against my tight anal ring. I pushed back trying to open and relax my anus as much as I could.
The fact was that grandpa and daddy were simply too big and their cock heads were enormous. I yelped as suddenly grandpa’s monster cock head forced my anus open and his cock sped inside my rectum accompanied with my welcoming loud moan. Grandpa fucked my ass with unhurried thrusts.
He mauled my pussy and clitoris making me almost continuously. I pushed myself against his hairy belly and allowed my rectum to be ravaged with my eyes closed with incessant onslaught of my orgasms. I was nearly slumped into sleep when grandpa grunted and exploded deep in my rectum. He pulled me tight against his body and fell asleep.
We both woke very late in the morning. Grandpa had slid out of my rectum sometime during the night. Grandpa and I kissed with passion that left me dazed. We both attacked each other’s morning mouths as if we had been separated for years.
Grandpa was ready for another ravishing of his young unripe granddaughter but I was bursting, “Onnnnh! Grandpa! NO! I am bursting. You filled my both holes with so much cum last night.”
Grandpa’s heavy rich roaring laughter filled me with love and sense of security all children seek from their ancestors, “OK! Once you are done then can I take you?” Grandpa was insatiable. I blushed all shades of red and nodded a big YES. Grandpa picked me up in his arms and rushed to the toilet. The bed was a mess.
I did not need to be told. I slowly opened my bladder into waiting open mouth of my grandfather. The first rush of golden nectar from my bladder pushed out deposited cum and filled grandpa’s mouth. I stopped the stream with great difficulty. Grandpa gulped the mouth full and soon I filled his mouth with my fragrant piss.
I saw my soiled state in the mirror. My face was covered and caked with my tears, saliva, and grandpa’s cum all mixed with my snot. My breasts, tummy and pubes were caked with cum and shit. My ass and thighs were splattered with creamy brown fluid mixture of grandpa’s cum and my shit.
Grandpa licked the golden piss from my pussy. He licked all the brown shit caking my cunt, thighs and ass. He separated my plump soft ass cheeks and licked my what must be sore, swollen tender anus.
“Grandpa, first I want your pee, please,” I knew grandpa was hankering for my delicious shit but I was dying to drink his sweet fragrant urine.
Grandpa’s cock was covered with my shit. I lovingly licked it as clean as I could before placing his huge cock head over my lower lip. Grandpa filled my mouth with his golden yellow urine. The fragrance was strong and filled my senses. I swilled it in my mouth before letting heavenly fluid slip down my throat.
Grandpa filled my mouth many times with his fragrant intoxicating warm urine. My hands were resting on the inside of his massive thighs slowly rubbing the sensitive insides of his thighs under his massive very low hanging scrotum. As I was swallowing, the last offering Grandpa clasped my hands between his thighs. I was even more confused when he grabbed my head in his hands, pushing it back and moved the tip of his cock up towards my nose.
Grandpa started to urinate straight up my nostrils making me splutter and cough uncontrollably. My nose burnt with sneezing but grandpa persisted. I felt helpless and felt as he was drowning me in his urine. I felt breathless. Grandpa opened my eyes with his thumbs and pissed in my eyes. The roughness and savagery of my grandfather made me yearn for him even more. My eyes smarted as his acrid piss splashed them. My nose was filled with grandpa’s urine and my coughing was simply mixed sounds of pathetic splattering.
Grandpa aimed his stream back in my panting gasping mouth catching me unawares and initiated another bout of coughing.
Once his urine stream petered out, and my nose was free to breathe unhindered, my coughing sneezing also abated. Grandpa lifted me up and kissed my flushed red face. I smiled feebly, “You are naughty grandpa.”
Grandpa laughed, “Do I get my granddaughter’s delicious shit in reward now?”
I was soon squatting over grandpa’s open mouth. He was lying on floor waiting impatiently for the heavenly feast from my rectum. I first pushed his cum mixed with pulverized shit. Grandpa gulped it all. I felt a long firm turd descending into my anal canal, which soon emerged out of my stretched anus.
Grandpa rolled the firm sweet log of his granddaughter’s shit before breaking it with his teeth. His pleasure in tasting my shit for the first time was so obvious and almost tangible.
I was pleased that my rectum was full. I managed to fill grandpa’s mouth seven times before my straining rectum, and clenching anus could not produce any thing more than few tiny pieces of soft shit.
Grandpa kissed me in silent thanks allowing me to taste my own delicious shit. It was my turn and my knees were shaking with the mere thought of tasting grandpa’s shit. I drooled over massive hairy ass spread wide over my face. Grandpa’s hairy anus opened and closed few times before it started to pout definitely and soon a hard pebbled log of shit emerged. Grandpa allowed it to grow and my mouth was salivating as it started to drop in my waiting mouth.
The log of shit was hard with pebbled texture. I sucked on it like thick chocolate log until it softened and started to melt in my mouth. Only then, I started to chew it before swallowing it. Grandpa pushed four more very impressive thick firm columns of shit. I savored each. The first time is always so special.
Grandpa and I brushed our teeth and showered together. I remembered grandpa wanted to fuck me before we got out of the bed. Grandpa had shampooed and soaped me lovingly. I too had returned the pleasure and was now stroking his soap sleek monster with my inadequate two hands. Grandpa lifted me up in his arms and soon my squeal declared the one stroke invasion of my pussy with his monster.
Grandpa fucked me by simply lifting me and then dropping me on to his mammoth steel hard cock. The soap slick monster sped in and out effortlessly. I moaned, shrieked, screamed to many orgasms before grandpa claimed my ass and soon had me moaning all over again. Grandpa spurted huge amount of potent virile cum deep inside my rectum as I clung to him all limp and sated.
Grandpa and I walked into Chari and dad with broad teasing grins in kitchen. I was not surprised to see that we all had no clothes, none were necessary.
“Dad, I have coffee brewing. I thought your granddaughter will not let you out of the bedroom today,” my father teased grandpa making me blush.
“Lors, uncle and I were worried that we will have to have breakfast without you and grandpa. I thought you were all bushed and comatose after full night with grandpa,” Chari teased me and my blush turned three shades deeper.
Grandpa laughed, his trademark deep soft but rumbling laugh, just like daddy, “Laura and I did just well, thank you both for your concern.” Grandpa lifted eager Chari in his arms and kissed her. He tweaked her nipples making her shriek. I rushed into daddy’s lap, flung my arms around his neck, and kissed his smiling mouth with deep passion that only comes from a woman in love with the man.
Dad somehow understood that. He kissed me back until I was gasping. He sucked on my nipples with affection and finished with a kiss on the tip of my nose and then forehead.
We had a hearty breakfast. After lazy chat, newspaper reading and some calls both men were all ready and free for us.
We four jumped into the pool and soon the swimming degenerated into regular sexual foreplay. We had swum for over an hour and finished with daddy taking in deep end of the pool. He had impaled me holding me up in his arms. We both were neck deep in water.
Grandpa had Chari bent over the edge of the pool towards the shallow end and was pounding her pussy with his trademark savage thrusts. Once our lust was temporarily sated, we played tennis until we sweating profusely.
Daddy made cold cocktails for us to cool down. We all snoozed until sundown before another dip in the pool. Daddy and Grandpa knew not to tax us girls too much otherwise our energies would be depleted for the night.
We all went out for dinner. On way home behind the privacy glass of our limo grandpa and dad had us both hot and bothered within few minutes. Grandpa had Chari’s luscious breasts out of her low-necked evening dress and was mauling one and sucking on the other. Chari had deftly unzipped grandpa’s tuxedo trousers and had his monster out, which was still only half hard but formidable than most cock fully erect.
Daddy had my evening gown around my neck and my panties were crumpled up safe in his jacket pocket. He pushed my mouth towards his monster cock that was stiffening up rapidly. His one hand was rubbing my stiff sensitive nipples and other was tormenting my pussy and sore clitoris. Daddy never asked about the bruises all over my breasts and ass.
I slobbered all my father’s mammoth cock. Chari moaned, “Grandpa, I want your cock in my pussy as soon as we get home, please.”
Daddy smiled at my sister’s impatience but I empathised with her. I felt the same way. By the time we reached home Chari and I were moaning uncontrollably and all ready to be plucked by two mammoth cocks of my father and grandfather.
Grandpa and daddy covered us in the shawls and covered their rampant monsters with us as they took us inside in their arms. They thanked the driver as always.
Once inside the house, our clothes came off as fast as we could shuck them off. Grandpa lay down on the massive divan and pulled Chari over his throbbing colossus. Chari obediently climbed atop grandpa’s monster and placed her flooded soft tight cunt over his monstrous cock head.
Grandpa impatiently pulled her down and his huge cock vanished inside my sister’s cunt in one long sweeping stroke. Chari first shrieked and then moaned. Grandpa pulled Chari down onto his hairy chest.
Daddy ignored me and moved behind my sister’s wide plump soft ass. He licked Chari’s anus depositing as much saliva as he could. Chari moaned even louder.
Daddy placed his monster, a replica of grandpa, against the tiniest of anal opening. Chari was shaking both with anticipation and possibly apprehension. Daddy pushed for few seconds. I rushed and sat close and watched it all google-eyed.
Daddy as soon as Chari’s anal ring started to dilate gave a sharp jab and his cock head vanished inside now obscenely stretched anus of my sister. Chari’s scream rang through the family room.
Daddy held my sister’s hips steady and grandpa had her pinned over his chest. Daddy used solid jabbing lunges and soon his leviathan was fully buried inside moaning Chari’s rectum.
I could not believe my eyes. My fourteen years old sister had two monster cocks of my father and grandpa buried simultaneously inside her. Her cunt and rectum must be bursting full.
Daddy started to move in and out of Chari’s tight rectum and his fucking automatically moved her cunt over grandpa’s cock. However, grandpa wanted more freedom. He lifted Chari’s ass to a vantage height. Daddy helped him maintain the position. Both started to fuck my moaning sister with long robust thrusts. Chari moaned loudly as first orgasm closed over her.
Grandpa and daddy fucked my sister with relentless ferocity that made her scream, moan and orgasm so many times that her body simply was exhausted. I could not take my eyes off the fascinating sight of my sister’s both passages stretched to near impossible limits as daddy and grandpa fucked her pussy and ass.
Chari must have had six or seven orgasms. Chari was tiring visibly.
Chari suddenly tensed as if having a fit. Her open mouth emitted no sound until a long wail rang in the room. Her last orgasm was a tornado. I knew how must she have felt. Chari’s wail finished with low whimpering sounds and she collapsed on top of grandpa, passed out with too much of sexual pleasure.
Grandpa and dad laid Chari as if she was a precious, fragile china doll. I was now face to face with two monsters that were waiting to quench my thirst. Daddy took me by my hand and I followed him. Daddy lay down on the other divan and soon I impaled my self on my father’s monster biting my lip to strangle a bubbling scream.
Grandpa none too gently forced open my anal ring and pushed his cock inch by inch until he too was fully buried inside my rectum. I felt so full in my two passages that I could hardly move. Two monsters of my father and grandfather had me pinned like a butterfly on the board.
I was slightly surprised at relatively gentle entry of my rectum by grandpa. Grandpa pulled back equally slowly until his massive cock head was only part of his cock inside my ass. Daddy lifted me up until his cock-shaft cleared out of my pussy leaving his equally enormous cock head inside my cunt.
I was already panting with lust so intense that it had left me breathless. The sheer notion of both, my father and grandfather, taking me together sent my head whizzing.
I was moaning waiting to be fucked when both daddy lunged up and grandpa lunged down inside me. I screamed with genuine pain as both bulldozed their massive cocks together inside my pussy and rectum. That would be first of many screams. Daddy and grandpa fucked me in my both hole at frantic pace. The pain soon turned into delicious pleasure and delicious pleasure again turned into intense pain.
Both pain and pleasure made me cum. I was virtually cumming continuously. I was whimpering as I left my body at the mercy of my father and grandfather who buffeted it with their monstrous baby makers relentlessly. I was fucked fast, hard and furiously. I felt I could not breathe such was the intensity as my daddy and grandpa ravaged me. My twelve years old body struggled to grapple with such high level of sexual energy.
I must have screamed loudly as my fresh peak of orgasm sliced through me like knife and I vaguely remember screaming, “I love you daddy, grandpa,” before drifting into soft clouds of coma. I barely remember the hot explosion of cum in my two passages as daddy and grandpa climaxed inside me.
I came around slowly. I kissed grandpa and Chari goodnight. Grandpa had tired looking Chari in his arms as they made way towards grandpa’s bedroom. I flung my arms around my father looking equally tired as he took me to his bedroom in his strong arms.
“Is my daughter too tired to make love with her father?” daddy kissed and chewed on the tip of my nose.
I was happily lethargic with double fucking that made me cum more times than I could count but no way I would let my daddy sleep unsatisfied, “Daddy, I will never let you sleep until you are happy and sated.”
Daddy kissed me again. Daddy was like a tiger with a cock of an elephant. He took me mercilessly until early hours of morning when I inelegantly passed out.

Chapter 13
Grandpa’s Friends
The week flew by fast. The pattern was same but everyday was exciting. Grandpa and daddy would fuck us alone or together any time of the day and in night, often after a short session of fucking all together, one would take either Chari or me to bed. We would all arrive very late in the morning.
Daddy received and SOS and had to go to Denver to bail out one of the CEO from a troubled deal. He would be gone for ten days.
I would miss daddy but I was concerned who would he have sex in Denver. Daddy insisted that I stay with Chari and grandpa.
I insisted that he should take Mellissa with him under pretext of work experience. First daddy laughed and said no, then he realised that I was dead serious. I could not bear the though that daddy went to bed alone. Daddy rang first Mel and then her father Bill and Mel was over the moon both that she would be alone with my dad also the experience of a troubled merger would stand her good stead.
Grandpa now had Chari and I all to himself and he like dad fucked us silly every day. He was insatiable and his penchant for rough sex had us nearly exhausted every night.
One-day grandpa was on his mobile when Chari took a call on landline on his behalf. She put him on speakerphone so that we both could talk.
The voice was a deep baritone of a black man. It was pleasing voice with rich tone, “Sweetheart, I am Hank, your grandfather’s friend. I have heard him rave about his two beautiful granddaughters. Good to hear your voices after all.”
We both giggled as that nice man praised us.
“I wanted to tell Ted that my granddaughter Sylvie is not going to make it tomorrow so card game will be just that- card game. I thought if he did not want to come that would help him make up his mind.”
Chari and I looked at each other with meaningful glances. Chari was quick on her feet, “Sir, can we be of some help. It seems that you all wait for this gathering and it would be shame to spoil it.”
Hank laughed, “First of all please call me grandpa Hank. Ted and I are like brothers. If Ted lets you come, it would be like an early Christmas for us all. Talk to Ted, I can assure you if you two come we might be old but we will entertain you both all day.”
Hank laughed again, that heart warming friendly deep rich laugh.
I piped in, “Grandpa Hank, We will definitely come. I see no reason why grandpa would refuse.”
When we accosted grandpa with details of the call he smiled, “Do you realise what you have agreed to?”
We both, Chari and I, looked confused.
“Well, Sylvie Hank’s granddaughter has been sleeping with him for years. This card party soon turned into a day of group sex with Sylvie. You have no idea how horny my five friends would be,” grandpa was smiling broadly as we squirmed with indecisively.
Chari nudged me, “If Sylvie can take them alone surely we two can too.”
By now, we had gathered courage and pestered grandpa until he relented.
He rang Hank and informed him that we both would like to join the card game.
Hank laughed merrily, “Laura, Chari, do we have be dressed? Normally for Sylvie we wait in our birthday suits.” He let out another of his warm laugh.
We both blushed as grandpa laughed and left us to respond.
Eventually Chari stuttered, “Gr.. er.. Grandpa H.. Hank that will be er.. fine with us.”
Promise was made and grandpa hugged us tight, “You two are more adventurous than I thought.”
We started to giggle, probably out of nervous energy of wading into unknown. Grandpa soon had us distracted. He rubbed our breasts and pussies until we were dying for his cock. He put both of us on our hands and knees side by side and fucked us in turn from behind.
Grandpa took us in our pussy and ass until we both collapsed with exhaustion of multiple orgasms and then he exploded all our gasping panting faces. He made sure that he filled our noses with his hot cum.
On way to the other end of the estate grandpa filled us in, “Hank is the eldest brother and is 75, Frank is next at 72 and youngest is Bill 69. These three brothers and I were called four musketeers when started acquiring companies.”
It appeared that Jose, 65, and Burt a burly Texan, 68, joined later on and these six friends always remained loyal as they amassed wealth.
The mansion that belonged to Hank was as opulent as ours.
Grandpa took us to the living room and suggested that we undress to impress his friends. We did. Grandpa, Chari and I walked into the family room to a rousing applause.
Chari and I were introduced to all. Hank was a tall, over six and half feet, well built man and looked marvellous at seventy-five years of age. He had a cock hanging to his mid thighs that was thick and heavy.
His younger brothers were quite like him both in height and immensity of their cocks. Frank had a bit more of paunch than Bill or Hank. Both were as jovial and good looking as their oldest brother.
Jose was just less than six feet and built like a tank. He was huge all over and his cock though not as long as three brothers was at least a foot long and very thick. Despite his huge size, his face was full of gentleness and his smile lit up his face.
Burt was a hairy tall heavyset Texan. His outdoor skin made him look handsome. He was very hairy. He had a big paunch but his huge frame made it look less prominent. He had scarily thick cock. He was probably the shortest of the cocks but his girth was stupendous.
Chari and I were kissed and stroked as grandpa’s friends made our acquaintance. In that room, the huge cocks made us feel weak in our knees. As we hugged and kissed the men, their cocks started to stiffen quickly. Soon Chari and I could assess the sizes of five huge cocks in that room. It ranged from just over ten inches of brutally thick cock of Burt, to Twelve inches of fearsomely thick cock of Jose. The three brothers all had similar fourteen inches of heavy thick shining black cocks. Chari and I were secretly pleased that grandpa was the youngest and had the biggest cock, in that room both in length and girth.
Drinks were served and soon gentle foreplay started. Hank pulled me in his lap and kissed me with his open mouth until I was swooning. The rest of the men soon joined the queue and Chari and I were kissed and stroked.
Our faces soon were flushed with rising lust. Grandpa was now the part of the group. Hank politely declared, “I think it is time that our granddaughters got acquainted with their five grandfathers’ cocks. I gather they know Ted’s quite well already.”
We both blushed as laughter rang through the room. Chari and I started from far ends. Chari went to Hank, took his huge steel hard cock, and started to suck his huge cock head.
I went down on Burt’s gargantuan cock. His thickness defied my two hands. Burt smiled encouragingly as I opened my mouth and soon Burt pushed his monstrosity inside my warm mouth stretching it wide open.
Burt started to fuck my mouth with forceful thrusts pushing inch after inch of his humongous thickness inside my mouth. I started to gag but still pushed my mouth over Burt’s rampaging cock. Chari too was being face fucked by Hank.
Loud gagging sounds filled the room. Burt’s cock struck the back of my throat and I remembered grandpa’s advise, and relaxed my throat. Suddenly Burt’s monster sped inside my gagging throat. I had nearly nine inches of his monster inside my throat. I pushed hard and soon my nose was buried in the thick curly snow-white bush of Burt. I pulled back slowly and looked up. The awe and pleasure on Burt’s face was simply heart warming.
I once again pushed my mouth down helped by Burt’s strong hand behind my head. I deep throated Burt for five minutes until my mouth was tired. My face was covered with my saliva and my breathing was ragged.
I looked and was impressed that Chari too most of Hank’s cock barring three inches in side her throat.
Chari moved to Jose and I moved on to Bill. Bill’s cock was as big as his brother’s. Buoyed by my success I was cock and soon was gagging as I tried to hurry taking Bill’s cock and slowed down. I eventually managed to suck most of his cock as Bill’s long cock slid down my gullet every time I deep throated him.
I could see the awe-struck looks as twelve and fourteen years old girls deep throated some of the biggest cocks.
Chari had Jose’s entire cock down her throat. Her eyes were running, her mouth was drooling and her nose was running. Jose held my sister’s face firmly and fucked her face with long savage thrusts burying his entire length each time.
Chari and I with soiled faces moved on. Chari got Frank and I had grandpa. I looked up at grandpa and urged him to use me.
Grandpa pushed his hips and pulled my mouth as he buried his cock inside my gagging throat. I pushed onto grandpa’s marauding monster as my watering eyes and running nose soiled my gagging face.
Grandpa managed to push few more inches and I was over the moon to hear his deep-throated moan as his ten or eleven inches went deep in my throat.
Chari was gagging but was deep throating Frank as he too moaned. We both were burning. Our pussies were running with juices and ran along our thighs.
Grandpa greedily pulled me up and rushed to nearest divan. He pulled my pussy down on to his monster and in one savage thrust buried it in my cunt. Burt followed us and he held my hips in his huge hands, aligned his huge cock against my anus, and pushed hard.
My loud scream did nothing to slow him down. Grandpa and Burt started to double fuck me with earnest energy. Bill stationed in front of my half open mouth and soon he was face fucking me with long strokes. Three men fucked my three holes as my twelve years old body grappled with rising lust both theirs and mine.
Chari too was in similar arrangement. Jose was buried in her cunt, Frank was in her ass and Hank was feeding his cock inch by inch in her mouth.
Chari and I gagged screamed and moaned as three cocks brought us to repeated orgasms. Soon as if in harmony with years of having, group sex men switched positions. I had cum three times. Grandpa let Burt fill my pussy as Bill took my ass. I was pleased to try taking more of grandpa’s monster in my throat.
Chari and I were fucked for over an hour as men moved around staying hard and ravenous. Chari and I were flagging when all men exploded within minutes of one another.
Grandpa filled my rectum soon after Bill filled my pussy and Burt exploded in my mouth. His cum regurgitated through my nose despite my valiant attempts to swallow as fast as I could but the amount overwhelmed me.
We all had a break. More drinks were served. We sucked and cleaned all the cocks as they gleamed with our pussy and rectal juices mixed with the men’s thick creamy cum.
The men were as insatiable as my dad and grandpa. Soon they were demanding more than our gentle stroking of their monsters.
This time Hank lay down and I climbed atop his huge steel hard cock. Jose filled my mouth. Grandpa was behind me and I bit on lips expecting an ass-ripping invasion within no time.
However, grandpa placed his cock alongside his friend’s. Hank pulled his cock out by few inches. Grandpa pushed his cock in my pussy, which was already stuffed with a monster.
My eyes filled with tears as grandpa jabbed his cock and my pussy felt about to rip apart. I would have screamed but for the huge cock of Jose, that was gagging me. My eyes ran with pain as grandpa pushed his cock along with his friend’s in my pussy. My young unripe pussy felt on fire.
I felt as if my cunt would be torn asunder. Chari’s scream told me that she too was being double fucked in her pussy or ass.
Grandpa managed to get in over a foot of his monster along with similar length of frank inside my tender young unripe pussy.
Jose fucked my face with loving vengeance. Grandpa and Hank fucked my pussy hard and as fast as my tight pussy would allow two monster cocks to move.
I started to cum to my surprise. The pain in my pussy was still excruciating but the pain merged with pleasure. I was cumming non-stop after that.
After an hour or so. Grandpa switched places with Jose, who took even less time than grandpa to bury his monstrous penis in my pussy along with Hank’s.
I was gagging on grandpa’s cock.
I was fucked for a long...long time as three men changed positions like musical chairs.
I eventually slumped with tiredness as my orgasms took their toll on my young body.
Grandpa thought of a new position, as I was unable to suck any cock in my limp state.
Jose and Hank lay down across and brought their thighs together until balls and cocks were together. Their huge cocks were making a huge V as they touched together at the tips.
Grandpa impaled my moaning body over the huge combined girth of his friends. I screamed my lungs out as two cocks at angles started to bury inside my pussy.
My pussy already tender and sore felt as if someone had sliced it with a sharp knife.
The combined girth of Jose and Hank was enough to tear my pussy apart. The angle that two massive cocks created as they got wedged in my pussy stopped the progress of my impalement.
Grandpa took reigns in his hands. He asked Hank to lift my feet as he pushed me down. I screamed loud enough to wake the dead as my free fall aided by grandpa’s pressure on my shoulders sent my pussy racing down. Jose and Hank were buried inside me barring the last few inches. I was sobbing and moaning both with pain and raging lust.
Grandpa pushed me down on Hank’s chest. I was trembling and moaning as my climax suddenly hit me. My pussy was flooded with my sex juices and cum.
Grandpa placed his mammoth cock at my anal ring and I trembled anew. Grandpa with little regard for my tiny pussy impaled on two monsters forced his cock in my rectum with savage lunges making me cry and shriek.
Three men soon established some kind of rhythm. I started to moan as my pain faded enough to allow pleasure to dominate. I started to cum in multi-orgasms that had become a norm when I had sex with dad or grandpa or both.
I was fucked savagely and I came repeatedly.
My pussy churned as two cocks started to slide in and out with increasing ease and grandpa’s monster ravaged my tender rectum with merciless lust.
I was cumming for tenth time when all three cocks exploded inside me. The amount of cum that two cocks filled my pussy with started to leak back. Grandpa’s copious cum as always filled my rectum to bursting capacity.
Slowly men disengaged from me. I shrieked as two cocks pulled out of my pussy.
I looked around and saw Chari in similar tangle before collapsing on the divan.
When Chari and I woke up six men had prepared a feast for lunch. Hank insisted that I had lunch impaled on his monster. He chose my rectum. Chari was sitting on the throne of Burt. He too was buried in Chari’s delectable rectum.
Lunch was long and full of laughter, anecdotes, harmless teasing and ribald jokes. Sexual innuendoes flew across. Drinks were flowing. Our young bodies were imbibing more alcohol than they could handle.
As Chari and I were fondled and stroked, we reciprocated by stroking the cocks close to us.
The lust soon raised its head in earnest in that family room.
This time men decided to tag-fuck us. We were placed on two divans and men took turns in single to take us in any hole they pleased.
This way, all men lasted much longer, as if they had that problem anyway. All sex men fucked Chari and me in each of our holes for hours. They came in each of our hole at least three times. Chari and I were flagging and eventually collapsed when they all pulled out and exploded all over us two. The six cocks covered our faces and breasts with hot creamy cum.
Like grandpa, they all made sure our beautiful noses, eyes were filled with their scalding cum. Chari, and I gradually slipped into sleep with exhaustion.
We woke up and found that our six lovers were focused on an exquisitely beautiful girl. It was Sylvie. Sylvie had creamy very light brown skin, almost a dark tan. She defined the word, curvaceous. Her 40DD breasts sat majestically on her 5’7” frame. Her round full 36” waist complimented her 48” wide, ample hips. She was divinely beautiful.
Despite being rich beyond imagination, she was training to be a neurosurgeon. Her love affair with her grandpa and his two brothers had spilled over into their friends’ circle.
Sylvie thanked us for covering her, “I could not have dreamt of missing these monsters.”
We looked at grandpa who understood what we were thinking and nodded. I said politely, “Daddy is away for ten days. If you all do not mind then we can every day until daddy returns to keep you company.”
They all whooped along with Sylvie. Burt was going to fly back and decided to cancel his flight, as did Jose.
Chari and I had unimaginable sex with six men during the day. Sylvie got five of them for herself during the night. Grandpa would not leave us alone during the night. However, one weekend we stayed back during the night. Sylvie, Chari and I were fucked into oblivion that weekend.

Chapter 14
Family Gets Together
As much as we liked the torrid group sex and gangbang Chari and I could not wait for daddy to come back. The day daddy arrived we all stayed home all day and night and had sex non-stop. I wondered if Mel could not satisfy my father.
A week later Uncle Jake rang with their itinerary. Their flight was coming weekend via Paris. They had chosen to fly first class rather than take their chartered jet.
Chari and I could not wait to share with aunt Tracy all that has happened to me. Aunt Tracy, daddy’s twin sister, was like my mother since my own had passed away.
We all waited eagerly for passengers to arrive. Uncle Jake stood a foot above the tallest passenger. Chari and I started to scream and wave our hands wildly. Soon Uncle Jake and aunt Tracy were there. Uncle Jake held his daughter in tight emotional embrace, as did aunt Tracy. Uncle Jake then held me in his arms and whispered, “Lors, I think we need to reintroduce ourselves.” I blushed and hid my face in the masculine warm skin of uncle Jake’s neck.
Grandpa held his daughter tight. Aunt whispered, “Daddy, I missed you.”
Daddy kissed his sister with passion that brought tears in both of their eyes.
Uncle Jake, daddy and grandpa hugged with affection that transcended all relations.
Uncle Jake and aunt Tracy were jet lagged. Chari and I insisted that we would give both of them a warm bath and massage before they rested. To humor two silly girls they relented.
We had filled the computer controlled vast Jacuzzi tub that maintained the temperature. We undressed both and let them sink in the bath. Chari massaged her mother’s shoulders as I massaged uncle Jake’s.
We dried both of them and once they were in bed, we asked them to roll on their belly and massaged their backs and legs. Even with our makeshift expertise of imitating to be masseur both relaxed visibly and soon fell asleep.
Daddy and grandpa rewarded us for our ‘hard work’ with two hours of solid savage fucking that relaxed both, Chari and I, and when they finished with us, we both were fast asleep.
Chari and I woke up a bit groggy from the effect of torrid fucking last night and this afternoon. We both stumbled into bathroom for quick shower. Chari chose daddy’s short half sleeve summer shirt with most top buttons open. I chose my mother’s round-necked light blue blouse, which finished just below the curve of my plump hips. I too left most buttons undone. Neither, Chari nor I bothered to wear panties.
We found our parents already in the family room. Aunt Tracy was sitting in grandpa’s lap. She was wearing uncle Jake’s white shirt, which was completely open and grandpa was massaging her huge soft mouth watering breast languidly. Aunt had a tall full flute of champagne in her hand. Grandpa was wearing shorts and nothing else, as did dad and uncle. They all smiled as we entered. Uncle Jake opened his arms and Chari melted in her father’s arms with heart-warming affection. Dad got up and filled two flutes of champagne for us. Soon I was ensconced in my dad’s lap sipping champagne as our family chatted about all matters light and serious.
Aunt Tracy teased me, “Lors, I heard my brother and father have eventually wore down your resistance.”
I blushed, “Auntie, There was no resistance.”
Everyone laughed. I felt my father’s hardening monster under my fidgeting ass. His hands crept inside my blouse and cupped my soft budding breast. I lifted a bit and expertly unzipped daddy’s shorts releasing his mammoth still semi hard cock out and adjusted it between my clamped thighs rubbing against my soaking bald young pussy.
Chari started to be as bubbly as she always is, “Mom, we visited grandpa’s friends and we learnt to deep throat.” She too had her father’s monster cock out in open and was slowly massing it as it gained steel threateningly quickly. “I bet we both can take as much cock in out throat as you can.”
Aunt Tracy bristled mockingly. Three men theatrically moaned at Chari so called stupid assertion.
“My little sweet daughter. I have been privileged to own these monsters for many, many, years. I still struggle and can take a bit more than half. You two cannot take even one third.”
She looked at her father to support her assertion. Grandpa to our delight remained neutral, “OK. Proof of pudding is in eating.”
Aunt Tracy threw the gauntlet, “Ready for a showdown my little girls.”
Aunt Tracy was always fun and she would light up any day however dull or boring it was. She was the soul and spirit of happiness since my mother passed away.
We all knew, it was a loose excuse that aunt Tracy caught on to start a sex session with the whole family and ease our hesitation if any. She kissed her father with an open mouth, “Dad, we cannot let them win. Please use my throat like my pussy and ram your cock as deep as you can.”
Grandpa laughed as he literally tore the shirt off his daughter’s curvaceous body.
Aunt Tracy was almost like my mother. She was broad shouldered. Her blond wavy hairs were long. Her beautiful face always seemed to smile. Her enormous breasts drooped over her chest making them even more beautiful. Her chest was 40DD. Auntie’s soft rounded belly had a sexy bulge. Her thirty-eight inch waist, too bulged sexily with a fold just above her mouth watering forty-seven inch hips. There were slight marks from her pregnancy that enhanced her feminine beauty even more.
“Listen you two little pretenders, it is not just taking it once in your throat. Jake and Tom should really fuck you with the length you have managed to take in your mouths,” auntie was having fun at our cost.
We both pretended to be hurt at her derision and accepted the challenge.
Chari threw back the gauntlet, “Mom, what if Laura and I win?”
Auntie laughed, said in a mocking patronising tone “My sweet little daughter! If you win, you can fist me as you have been threatening to do for some time. However, if you two lose I will push my whole forearm in your tiny pussies. Agreed?”
We both unwittingly agreed.
I kissed my father who soon took my blouse off, “Daddy, I can take a lot more of your cock now. Please we should win.”
Daddy smiled non-committally but I knew he would do his best to ram his colossus down my throat.
Chari and uncle were making similar promises.
Daddy and Uncle laid Chari and I down on the divan with our heads hanging off the edge. We noticed aunt Tracy too used the sale position. Soon three giant fathers were kneeling in front of their daughters’ upside faces feeding them their mammoth tool of procreation.
The room soon reverberated with loud gagging sounds of three girls trying to accommodate more of their father’s giant inhumanly thick cocks. My eyes were running and soon my nose too ran as my spasming-convulsing throat tried to relax around the monstrosity that springs from my father’s loins.
I could see I had more of my daddy’s monster in my throat than ever before. Daddy had grabbed my face, his long huge fingers almost covered my whole face, and pulled my put onto his leviathan as he hunched steadily into my throat. I suddenly relaxed after a violent gag and his cock shot inside almost blocking my breathing. I thought I would pass out with lack of air and excitement.
“Sweetie, my cock is now through your throat and in your gullet,” daddy stroked my snot, tear and saliva soiled face.
I looked at his handsome face with my tears filled but bright light brown eyes goading him to push even more.
The sounds of gagging were getting louder. My pussy was running incessantly and I desperately wanted my father to fuck me ruthlessly with his huge baby-maker. I was sure auntie and Chari too were leaking like me.
Daddy kept on pushing and soon he could not push in anymore. My read flushed face was painfully stretched around daddy’s champagne bottle thick cock. My throat bulged unnaturally as his huge girth filled my food pipe.
“Sweetheart, you must have taken at least ten inches,” daddy rubbed the tip of my soiled nose lovingly.
I was proud. Daddy slowly pulled out of my gagging throat but stopped before his cock would come out of my food pipe and then slowly pushed it back in. Soon daddy was fucking my throat steadily and my gagging was getting less loud and frequent.
Auntie, Chari and I were throat-fucked by our fathers lustily for over half an hour. They were probably enjoying our contest even more than us. My twelve years old body was getting used to sex rapidly and I thankful that daddy and I could add another bow to our quiver of sexual repertoire.
Eventually each father put his finger over the mark his cock had fucked his daughter’s throat.
To our mock dismay auntie had managed to take half an inch more than Chari and I. By then, we three starving girls, wanted savage fucking from our father’s titanic man tools. Our fathers threw us on the divan and soon three loud shrieks declared the invasion of tight cunts of three daughters with monster cocks of three fathers.
Daddy fucked me with long strong thrusts that shook me from head to toe. He had lifted my thighs high over his arms opening me so wide that my groins hurt. His huge hands mauled my budding breasts mercilessly.
I came almost within ten strokes of his monster cock. He kept on fucking me and my orgasms tore through me steadily.
Chari’s moans merged with mine and her mother’s as our fathers took their daughters with loving savagery to satisfy our and their burning incestuous lust.
I was almost numb with repeated orgasm when daddy exploded inside my pussy filling it to bursting capacity. He grunted like a wild animal and brutally lifted me to sitting position by pulling me up with my crushed breasts in his fists. I screamed both in mind numbing pain of my orgasm accentuated with the pain from my brutalised breasts. Daddy’s sweet mouth crushed on my panting mouth as his mammoth cock throbbed with each spurt inside my pussy bathing my young womb with his virile potent baby-making cream.
I heard similar grunts and shrieks as Chari and auntie too accepted their fathers’ fertile cream in their convulsing soft cunts.
Fathers pulled out of their gasping panting daughters who were trying to settle their breathings. Rich, thick cum of their father’s trickled out of our cunts despite trying to hold the precious gift deep inside our cunts.
Our fathers lovingly kissed our soiled face. I was pleased to hear auntie giggle like a little girl as Chari and I did when our dads licked our noses and put their tongues inside out nostrils to clean us up properly.
Men freshened up their scotch and we were offered fresh flutes of champagne. Our hands were never away from their barely softened cocks. I was now in uncle Jake’s lap. Auntie was in his brother’s lap and daddy was sucking on his sister’s magnificent breasts hungrily. I wished yet again one day my breasts would be as big, full and beautiful as my mother’s and auntie’s.
Chari was squirming in grandpa’s lap as his thick long finger was buried inside her young tight fourteen years old anus.
In no time, teasing, stroking foreplay led to raging desire among us. Three monster cocks were ready to ravage three willing girls.
Uncle Jake put me in knee elbow position but lowered my face on my crossed arms. His cock soon invaded my young pussy for the first time. I was pleased to hear him moan as my tight cunt clasped his monster cock. Uncle’s cock was so huge and thick any pussy would be tight around it.
I somehow knew uncle was not after my cum filled pussy. He pulled his mammoth cum soaked cock and soon forced my tight anal ring wide open.
His inhuman cock head sped inside my anal ring my loud scream welcomed his invading cock. Uncle squeezed my plump soft ass cheeks hard and slammed his cock burying five inches of his torture rod of a cock inside my immature young twelve years old rectum.
My eyes were filled with tears of pain but uncle disregarded my screams and kept on lunging and buried with each ass ripping thrust another few inches of his mammoth man meat.
I was oblivious of similar shrieks emanating from Chari and auntie’s throats as grandpa buried his cock as huge as other men’s inside my sister’s ass. Auntie, though well fucked and familiar with her brother’s titanic procreation tool was still struggling as daddy savagely buried his hugeness inside his sister’s tight clutching soft warm rectum.
Uncle Jake’s cock was buried to the last of his sixteen or seventeen inch inside my rectum. He started to fuck my ass first with long slow thrusts. His hands mauled my ass brutally. His fingers would leave red marks all over my lily-white ass. Then his hands shifted to my heaving young breasts. He grasped all of them in his huge hands and squeezed steadily until I felt my breasts would rip off my chest.
Uncle then fucked my ass with short fast jabs that shook me violently and my loud moans stuttered pathetically. I was jarred with
each thrust, the sheer brutality of uncle’s lunges brought my orgasm roaring like a tornado, and I shook as if in febrile convulsions.
Uncle fucked my ass with unabated savagery, as did grandpa and daddy to Chari and auntie. We three were cumming non-stop.
Somehow, Uncle, grandpa and daddy shared a silent communication and soon three men picked us, our rectums still impaled on their mammoth tools and placed side by side in a row.
As we were cumming yet again the men changed places. I was soon being invaded by grandpa’s monster as uncle filled his wife’s gaping ass and daddy slammed his colossus inside still open fluttering anal opening of his sweet young fourteen years old niece.
Three men had already climaxed recently and were in no hurry to cum. With their musical chair style, they could remain hard without cumming for hours. They did. We were fucked with different cock, with different strokes, pace, savagery for two hours. We three were cumming incessantly. Our bodied started to tire both with savage battering that our men gave them and multiple orgasms that were as violent as our fucking.
Daddy, uncle and grandpa were in their daughter’s rectums when they exploded within few strokes of one another. As their cock spurted huge amount of thick creamy hot potent cum inside our well-fucked and abused rectums we slumped on our faces on the divan.
Daddy rolled me over and offered his cock coated with his cum and mixed rectal juices of our three asses. I was still gasping but somehow licked and sucked daddy’s cock clean. Auntie and Chari were slurping the juices off their father’s cock as I was.
Auntie then insisted that she should as the winner get the whole sweet gift daddy and uncle had left inside Chari and my rectum. We sluggishly sat over auntie’s open mouth and pushed the heavy load of cum daddy and uncle had deposited, mixed with our rectal juices churned by savage ass-fucking, inside our rectums in aunty Tracy’s waiting mouth.
Then it was our turn to share aunty Tracy’s collected treasure from her puffed, bruised and red ass. Auntie dropped all in my mouth. I did not gulp a drop until Chari’s mouth was glued over mine. We pushed the delicious mixture into each other’s mouth few times before sharing it fairly and swallowed it greedily.
We slowly came around. Auntie and daddy started to prepare dinner. We three girls wanted to get to toilet to pee. Men wanted our sweet nectar to mix with their scotch. Auntie filled a jar with our warm urine and soon all three had fresh glasses of scotch mixed with our piss and rocks of ice. Auntie put the jar in fridge.
Dinner was delicious and naughty. We sat in our father’s laps and fed each other. Grandpa filled aunty Tracy’s mouth with the chewed food and she swallowed the masticated food hungrily. She reciprocated. Chari and I were already busy doing the same with our fathers.
After dinner daddy, uncle and grandpa wanted their desserts in a unique manner and we girls too wanted it the same way.
Auntie had made a delicious four layered rich trifle. To make wanted we all wanted auntie mixed it with more cream and whizzed it in processor.
Men laid us three down so that our asses were in air. With the help of a large basting pump grandpa, daddy and uncle filled their daughter’s rectum with the pureed but still thick dessert. We all shrieked as our rectums were filled to bursting levels and we were struggling to hold any more.
We all tightened our anal ring and our fathers shook our asses to mix the sweet dessert with our rectal juices. We giggled at their child-like notion.
Eventually our fathers were on the kitchen floor and we sat over their open mouth. I carefully opened my clenched sore anal ring and filled my daddy’s waiting mouth with the thick creamy dessert. Auntie and Chari too fed their fathers like wise until our rectums were empty.
Our father’s licked our anal openings to savor the last drop of the dessert sweeter from serving from our rectums.
Then it was our turn. We filled our father’s hairy ass with dessert until they all moaned that their asses were bursting.
I was thrilled and aroused as my daddy placed his huge hairy ass over my waiting mouth. He allowed his hairy ring to open and soon my mouth was filled with dessert mixed with fragrance of my father’s rectum.
Chari, aunt Tracy and I greedily swallowed the last drop of the dessert offered to us.
Our fathers freshened their scotch laced with our fragrant urine. Auntie, the victor, reminded us, the vanquished, of the lost bet. Chari and I shivered at the thought of being fisted by auntie but had no choice. We acted like graceful losers and soon were on out hands and knees side by side, as aunt Tracy wanted us. She prepared a mixture of cocoa butter and olive oil.
Aunt Tracy coated her hands liberally and soon her fingers were softly invading our young cunts. Chari and I moaned as aunt Tracy fucked her daughter and niece’s pussy with her soft singers. Soon her four fingers were inside our churning pussies.
Aunt Tracy rolled her thumb inside the curved four fingers and pushed firmly inside our cunts. Chari and I moaned loudly as her knuckles fought against the tight vaginal ring. Grandpa poured some more lubricating mixture over his daughter’s hands as she tried to fist fuck his granddaughters.
Chari and I screamed with genuine pain as aunt Tracy forced her knuckles inside our clenching pussy. From there on auntie managed to keep fucking a bit more of her hand inside our wide-open gaping cunts. Soon our painful grunts and tears gave way to loud lust filled moans as our pussy started to flood with sex juices.
Grandpa, daddy and uncle Jake had throbbing monstrous erections watching us being fisted by auntie. Slowly Chari and I felt aunt Tracy’s wrist inside our cunt. We both moaned loudly as aunt Tracy rolled her fingers into a fist stretching the soft insides of our young cunts so wide that it hurt.
We both felt auntie clenched fists against our unripe womb and she pushed it further up as aunt Tracy continued to force more of her round soft full wrist inside our cunts.
Grandpa lay down and pushed his body between the meaty full thighs of his squatting daughter until his face was right under the wonderful sight of his granddaughters’ tight young cunts stretched wide open obscenely around his daughter’s forearms.
Auntie allowed her father to impale her still sore bruised ass on his rampant mammoth cock.
Daddy could not hold himself back any more. He climbed astride my upturned ass and placed his massive cock head against my tiny anal ring.
Uncle Jake must have done the same. We both moaned pathetically. I mumbled, “Daddy, please don’t. Not now. Auntie’s hand and your cock will not fit. Please daddy.”
I heard Chari too protest feebly, “Daddy, you will hurt me. Mom’s and you will be too big for me.”
Both fathers chose to ignore weak protestations of two daughters.
I screamed in genuine pain as daddy forced my anal ring wide open with his gargantuan cock head. Chari’s scream was as piercing as mine. Daddy ignored my pain and pushed firmly and his monstrously thick cock started to stretch my anal ring and vanish inch after inch inside my tortured rectum.
My eyes watered and tears rolled over my cheeks. I bit hard on my lower lip to strangle my scream. Auntie held her forearms still as daddy and uncle forced their monsters deep inside their daughters’ rectums.
I was panting both with pleasure and pain as I felt daddy’s thick, coarse, curly bush rub against my soft ass cheeks. His heavy huge balls slapped my cunt filled with auntie’s forearm.
Daddy and aunt Tracy started to fuck my two holes first slowly. I had stopped screaming after five minutes or so as did Chari.
Grandpa too started to ravage aunt Tracy’s ass with more vigor making her shriek and moan.
Chari and I were fisted as our fathers fucked our tight warm rectum with their mammoth baby making man meats.
Chari, aunt Tracy and I came every few minutes as our rectums were fucked mercilessly with loving giant cocks of our fathers. In addition lust of Chari and I was further fomented with our cunt-fisting by aunt Tracy.
In next hour or more Chari and I must have cum more timers than we could keep tab off. Daddy and uncle upped the pace of our ass fucking noticing that we both were babbling incoherently and our bodies buffeted by them and aunt Tracy’s forearms were flagging. Our heads were lolling and our open mouths were drooling uncontrollable. In short, we both were a short time away from passing out.
Aunt Tracy upped our fisting. Now she was bringing her clenched fists almost out of our tight vaginal rings and slammed them back inside painfully but enhancing the pleasure.
I was first to scream with fresh painful lust filled orgasm and then Chari joined me. Daddy exploded deep inside my rectum and I wailed and soon passed out. I learnt later that daddy and uncle joined grandpa and three fucked aunt Tracy until she too was unconscious.
From that day, our family was together. The pleasure was endless. I knew that is how our family should have been. Not in separate units but together. I wish I could chronicle each pleasure filled moment.

When the life is full of happiness, time flies. Years melted away. We all lived together. Aunt Tracy after fourteen years of trying to get pregnant became pregnant soon after their arrival. No one was concerned who father of her child might have been. She gave birth to a beautiful big healthy boy. Joshua had three doting females and three strong father figures to love and look up to.
Our sexual life was brimming. We slept in all combinations. Aunt Tracy was pregnant again in two years time with twins. This time she was sure it was her father. She delivered a beautiful girl, Lizzy, named after my mother Elizabeth. The boy was huge and named Jackson. Aunt Tracy despite feeding three kids still had painfully engorged milk filled breasts and we fed on her breasts gleefully.
Soon Chari was pregnant and she knew it was her father. Chari was sixteen and glowing with pregnancy. Her son was big and healthy and was named Jake junior.
I was fifteen and trying to have daddy child and soon was rewarded. I gave birth to a big healthy boy, our son, Thomas junior on my sixteenth birthday. Breast milk was aplenty in our home.
Aunt Tracy, Chari and I discussed and we all decided to make sure that we all three had at least one if not two children from each man in our family.
Chari was pregnant again with a boy when her son Jackson was two and daddy was the father.
I made sure by my eighteenth birthday I was about to deliver twins a boy and girl with grandpa.
Aunt Tracy was forty-one and pregnant with daddy’s child a beautiful girl.
Chari was twenty-one and pregnant with grandpa’s child a strapping boy. Chari seems to have endless capacity to make male babies.
Next year Chari was pregnant with her father’s child and this time it was twins, a girl and boy.
I was nineteen and heavily pregnant. I was lazing around the pool and my nearly a year old baby son and daughter suckled on each of my now huge soft supple milk filled breasts. I saw Chari still glowing with her recent pregnancy suckling her twins like me and joined me in watching our children frolicking in pool. Three huge men were behaving as babies as well.
Aunt Tracy joined us waddling with her huge pregnant belly protruding over her tight panties. We wore hardly anything else in summer. Joshua ran out of pool as his mother settled in lounger. He was nearly six years old and a huge boy. He kissed his mother and soon clamped his mouth on his mother’s nipple of right breast bursting with milk.
Chari and I saw little Joshua’s cock throbbing. He was bigger than most men and was barely six. Chari and I sighed with male predominance in our family and all destined to be endowed with monstrous cocks we females will be made to scream with pain filled happiness from generation to generation.
End for now!
Copyright Dirty Amber 2013.

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