I fucked the shit out of your mom


Hey dipshit! Yeah, of course I'm talking to you. Who the fuck else would I mean? Anyway, I have some news for you.
I fucked the shit out of your mom.
Yup, you read that right. I had sex with your mom. Real deal. I took her to bone town. I looked her right in the eyes and I filled her with cock. Come on dude, you know what I mean. My dick, pumping in and out of that vag.
Your mom's vag, I mean.
Nah dude, this isn't an apology. I'm not sorry I banged your morn. She is hot as shit. I would bang her again in a heart beat. I don't know about you, but I like getting laid.
And when a fine piece of ass comes around like your hot mom, I'm going to plow it, no regrets.
So where to start? I keep going to the part where I stuck it in, but I can go back a little farther. I saw your mom jogging in that little black track suit and I said, "OH SHIT!" I had to pull over the car just to keep my jaw from hitting the damn break pedal.
Now I see pussy like some men see wine. And your mom is the expensive shit. Aged, ripe, and with a full body flavor.
You could tell from her tight stomach how much she worked for herself. I like that in a woman. Someone who can eat right and exercise to keep herself in physical perfection. Your mom clearly cared about her body: you don't get an ass like that without daily squats. And those full, perky breasts meant she wasn't eating any McDonald's. Fresh, pure foods nurture a body like that.
Your mom ate salads for lunch and did crunches before bed all to keep that tan toned body ready for cock.
You know anything about fine wine? It gets bought by some rich man and sits in an cabinet for years when it should be out getting drunk. Same thing with your mom.
Sure she opened her legs to shoot out a couple of kids, but that ain't right. Every moment she spent wiping boogers off your nose or making a family dinner was a moment she wasn't ramming cocks inside her. And with a perfectly cared for body like that it was a goddamn waste.
She needed to fulfill her true purpose.
Don't you believe for a second that your mom was put on this Earth for you. Look at that body. She's here to luck.
I followed her back to your house where I saw the stupid large mansion you folks live in. Again, what a waste.
What's the use having a balcony overlooking the pool if you can't get fucked right over it?
Look, I may be just a young know-nothing hot-shot, but let me put it straight: your dad is a fucking clown. No doubt in my mind. I never even met the guy, but I can tell you with certainty that he wasn't even half the man necessary for a fine ass woman like your mother.
First, dick size. I seen what you're packing from the locker room, and it's nothing to brag about. Same goes for your daddy. A woman like your mom needs a cock that can break off in that pussy, not get swallowed up before it hits home. To put it bluntly: I got the inches that put both you and your dad in your place. Your mom could see it.
Second, attitude. A fine woman doesn't want to be pampered, she wants to be directed. Here is my cock, you suck it now. Your dad probably had to buy her some mega pricey diamonds if he even wanted her to look at his dick.
Next thing I know, I'm parked across the street with my cock out pumping it beneath my steering wheel. And holy shit did I want your mom to come over to lick every drop of cum out of my balls. So I jizzed onto your driveway and left, wondering how the hell I was going to get that pussy.
But it wasn't even that hard, dipshit. All thanks to you. It only took a little research to learn mystery MILF and you happened to live in the same house. And that she got jizzed in and popped you out of her coocher. No I swear, that's what it says in the county register, word for word.
Anyway, I've known you for how long, since we were kids.
If you had warned me earlier that your mom was so fine, I would have banged her years ago and we wouldn't have to be having this talk right now. It was honestly a little selfish of you not to offer her to me back then.
I know, you and I didn't always used to get along. Growing up, there was always some tension. But that was natural, dude, it wasn't personal. There are just three kinds of people: the alphas, the normals, and the betas. And for a beta like you, it's inescapable. Even the normals could see that you were weak and they were picking shit with you.
So of course an alpha like me could do it. Hell, I was beefier than you and more muscular than you and I even got better grades.
Like, remember the cafeteria? You used to carry three trays of lunch over to my table so that me and my buddies didn't have to wait in line. And then you'd get back in line and get your own. The girls fucking saw that dude, they knew what it meant. That's why when we were pounding them senseless, you were steal beating off to their yearbook photos.
Trust me when I say it's biological. We're animals just like chimps and rabbits. Remember biology class, when we learned about natural selection? That's how these genes pass along, dude: FUCKING. So while betas like you are left behind as prey for the wilderness, the alphas like me return home to the extra pussy you failed to come back to.
Physically fit women want to secure their reproductive line with strong offspring. It meant something to your mom that you were such a beta. It meant she needed to try again, to reroll the erotic dice and ensure her perfect genes survived. And what better reproductive partner than the alpha who reduced her son to an impotent mess?
Your dad and you didn't have the bio-genetic radar to notice the threat that was under your noses. I was getting ready to bang the shit out of your mom.
I started out by introducing myself. I made her laugh. I asked her out to dinner and showed her what it feels like to be out in public with a man who commands respect.
You saw me picking her up in my car and dropping her back home. You saw her glance at her phone and smile at my texts. How did you not realize that each instance was more grease on the well oiled path from my dick to her sweet pussy? After all the bitches at school who you watched me slather with lube and slip everything I had inside, how could you not see?
You told yourself whatever you had to. You said it was nice that she was making friends. That it was normal for a woman her age to wear lip gloss when meeting a "friend" of her son. You invented whatever excuse you had to avoid the fact that your mom was starting to crave my cock.
To be fair, it's not like she realized it all either. The key to being an alpha is to seem effortless and always be a step ahead. I was pulling lots of tricks to get her subconsciously focused on sex. When I was with her, I'd use hand gestures to draw her vision to my groin, where tight briefs showed off my girth. I drove past strip clubs that had flashing marquees of bare breasts. And of course, when she was in my car, we only listened to rap music that described in detail the kinds of fucking I soon would do to her.
A true piece of fuck meat like your mom repsonds to this kind of suggestion. Like I said, she started dressing up to meet me, wearing tight dresses and short skirts. She'd start these flirty little games with me, like one where I scored points by flicking popcorn into her cleavage. The best was when we'd do fitness and she'd offer to stretch my muscles, "accidentally" planting her tits in my face.
The last step was to show her why I was the alpha for her.
I did this by slowly introducing stories about my relationship with you. At first, I let her think that you were just my normal friend. But as she got to know me, I started to reveal more. I told her about how you tried to read the sexts I got from girls, and how worried you were when the health teacher showed a penis size distribution. Once she was comfortable here, I started telling her about the pranks. She laughed the most when I explained how you got a week's detention after we shoved you naked into the girls' locker room. Finally, we got to the point where she would laugh at stories that were just plain cruel. She thought it was hysterical that we peed in your water and voted you as the class "most likely to be cheated on."
This was the point of no return: where I knew I could finally bang your mom.
So yea, as I said, I banged your mom. It happened right in your house, in the middle of the morning, when you were asleep upstairs.
How detailed a story do you want here? Do you want to know about the look of hunger in her eyes when she finally saw my full hard shaft for the first time? What about the little bit of drool down her chin that let me know that she wanted to be fucked brainless? Or should we start with your mom's beautiful lips already coating my prick with saliva?
I expected as much from her. The slut had been stuck as a doting mother and wife for too long. For a woman with breasts as plump as hers, it's worse than prison to go so long without a rough hard fucking from a cock built to the proportions of fucking her senses out.
So I stripped her and she blew me, but I wasn't really looking to just poke around in your mom's throat all day. I had been smelling her ripe wet pussy for weeks and I was ready to mark that territory as my own.
Your mom's body was as tight as I knew it'd be. The woman was a fuck machine. Strong thighs, sturdy hips, a set of perfect toned abs. And a fat ass that not only stirred my cock to rise, but let me impale it in her deeper. Every curve of your mom's body informed the conclusion that she was built for cock.
And the big tits didn't hurt either. I love a fat pair to play around with as I pump away down below. Your mom has the perfect pair of big brown tits, with these truly sexy pink nipples. I swear, if she wasn't your mom, you'd understand what a killer rack she's got.
And I'm pumping away on the stairs of your house, just going to town on your mom's pussy, when I feel her body start to shake and her ass start to grind up close to me. I thought, "Is this bitch so seriously deprived of dick that I'm a couple thrusts in and she's already starting to cum?"
So it was. Your mom's thighs start jiggling and her head tilts back. I latch onto her hips so I can push her deeper into it, and it's working, alright. Those sultry eyes glaze over and those gorgeous lips part in please:
The back of your mom's neck is sweating against my face as she's screaming, but I just keep pumping, alternating between hoistering her by the hips and groping at her bouncing tits.
Phew, I love the feeling of a slut crumbling to pieces in my hand. In a certain way, I owned her from the moment I first spotted her out jogging. But there was still something special about when she is finally reduced from a thinking, functioning person to sex putty in my hands.
Now that I'd made her cum, your morn was well aware of what I could give her. That's what I meant by putty: once you teach a bitch how to cum, she doesn't think or decide what to do. She just wants that rushing feeling again.
Nothing can stand in her way. In other words, your mom was nothing but a hunk of meat now. A warm, sweaty fuckable hunk of meat.
While I had her on my lap, I didn't stop pounding her for a moment. So right as your mom rolled off her first climax, my pistoning dick sent her rocketing right into a second.
I got to be honest: your mom looked like a steaming load of laundry at this point. For all the exercise and fitness she did to keep her hot body ready, she was out of her league.
After getting fucked by me, your mom was deflated. She was a pile of sweat, cum, and drool, still with a killer rack though.
But since I hadn't cum, she still had a couple more rides on the rodeo. And she was still craving my dick, positioning herself in those high heels so that I could enter her from behind.
The thing I love about older women is the juices. When an older pussy meets a dick, she greets it with a huge splattering of liquid. Makes sliding in and out easy, and the smell is fucking delicious. If I could fill a bottle with it and label it "your mom", I fucking would.
To be honest, I was waiting the whole time for you to wake up and come down the stairs. I had even planned on it. I wanted you to hear her calling out my name and stumble out of your room to investigate. You'd start to worry that she was being hurt by someone. Nope. Just getting fucked within an inch of her life.
What a sight you would have seen though, huh? Two perfect sweaty bodies humping at the foot of your stairs.
Exactly the kind of sex that you'd been hoping you could have. But instead of your out of shape body, it was my muscular one. And instead of the girl of your dreams, it was your own beautiful mother taking every inch of that dick.
She stayed bent over like that for a good while before I spun her back down to ride my cock.
But the real reason I wished you had come down the stairs was to see what your mom had become. I had no doubts about where her loyalty was as she twerked her fat ass onto my cock. She would have left you to die in a burning building if it meant she could take just one more thrust on me.
I mean, it was all in the eyes. She could have given you one cold empty stare as I pounded her and you would have known that all the motherly affection had been drained. All that was left was a primal lust for dick, and that lust was always and would always be present underneath the surface.
And that's better than any biology lesson you could learn in school. The goal for a wide hip woman like your mom is always dick, more dick, and taking dick.
I lost track of how many times your brainless fucked out mother came, but I was still going strong. She seemed ready to pass out from pleasure, but I wouldn't let her. I lifted her up to ride my dick, pounding into her from below. Her eyes were lifeless and elsewhere, but her jugs were still jiggling and I gave one a full slurp with my tongue. Did I mention your mom had great fat tits? Still pounding her at full speed, I watched her neck roll back as she enjoyed another orgasm.
It was getting me kind of angry at how many times she came. Like the fucking slut teases me for those weeks, wearing those low cut blouses with her tits bursting from the neckline. Then when my cock is finally out and ready, she's taking the time to have orgasm after orgasm? Why wasn't she licking my balls and exhausting herself getting me to ejaculate?
So I'm pissed off now, and I probably hate-fuck better than anything. I dropped your mom's ass onto the stairs and plowed right into her pussy. I held her by her neck and choked her until her arms were squirming free. I spit on her brown tits and squeezed them roughly with my palms.
So imagine my surprise when your mom erupts in another wall shaking orgasm.
"FUCKF' she yells pointedly. I shoved four fingers down her gaping mouth and she sucked them like a simple dirty whore.
Your mom licked my fingers and then when I removed them, she started begging me. "Cum inside me, please," she pleaded, and I started laughing. Of course your mom wanted me to flood her cooch with sperm. But I had other plans.
I wanted to coat your oiled up mom in cum. Half on her toned body, and half for her to guzzle down like a protein shake.
So that's what I did. Your mom got nice and comfy on her knees and held my cock in her slender hand. Two yanks, and my balls were ready.
I roped one thick wad of cum directly past her tongue and down her esophagus. The real bullseye for the cow that is your mother. The rest I drained down her chin and onto her breasts, which she eagerly licked off and gobbled up.
So I hope, little man, that when you go home today and greet your mom, she gives you a tit-squeezing hug and a big fat kiss on the cheek. Maybe you'll still be able to smell my cum on her breath.
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